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Does no one help people unconditonally anymore?Follow

#1 Aug 05 2005 at 2:38 PM Rating: Decent
1,978 posts
It seems like nobody is willing to help the random person anymore, without throwing out some gil reward or some nonsense. If I'm not busy, sitting in Jeuno, and I see a shout, I usually respond. I mean, hey, I know you don't -have- to help, your prerogative.. do what you want, but damn, I've been shouting for Kasha NM help for a week now. Not one response

In a desperation attempt, I headed over to Kuftal, sat ontop of the '???' and gave a shout. Almost immediatley after that, I see a group of 75's run up, examine the ??? and proceed to kill the NM.. The hell is up with that? I'm right there.. you only need to fight it once.. why not invite me.. if you can kill it with 4, you sure as hell can kill it with 5.

Meh, This is just extremely frustrating..
#2 Aug 05 2005 at 2:54 PM Rating: Good
1,153 posts
I love to help people. There's just not alot you can really do when your highest level job is a 36 paladin. About the only thing my character is good for to most people in need of things that they would want help with is crafting consumables.
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#3 Aug 05 2005 at 3:51 PM Rating: Decent
26 posts
I sure don't. I'm not ashamed to admit it either because I have a logical reason not to. I used to be a nice guy, I enjoyed helping people back in the day. But over time as I met an innumerable amount of idiots, hypocritts, liers, and several other negatively characteristic people, that changed. I don't consider myself 'nice' at all. Infact, if someone were to ask me about myself, I'd just say I'm evil.

Theres four types of people in this game who will ask for help:

1. The Spoiled Brat
I got tired of helping people once or twice then having them come back later 'expecting' me to 'want' help them again. I hate it when someone sends me a tell like this, "Do you want to help me with..." as if its my personal hobby to serve them. My suggestion to people like that is do it your damn self or go ask someone else for once.

2. The Two-faced Hypocritt
I would help someone with something, then should the tables turn later and I ask them for a favor: A. They pretend they're busy or make up an excuse not to, or procrastonate and say they'll do it later. B. Act like they don't even know me, hear me, or remember any sort of past encounter with me, thus treat me like a total stranger. C. Ignore me when they're around other people then all of a sudden I'm they're best friend when no one else is there.

3. The Idiots who can't be helped.
I'm sure everyone has at one time, helped someone so careless, dumb or inconsiderate that they regret even loging on that day. You guys know the type I'm talking about, the one who always spawns the NM before you're ready, the one who wont cure you when you're about to die, the one who gets aggroed every 5 steps and slows down the whole process, and of course the one who gets you killed and doesn't give a **** because it wasn't him that died.

4. The Ones worth helping.
These are the few people you can trust who won't fall under either of the above catagories. They're your friends, family, linkmates, set parties, etc. Unfortunately I haven't known many of them. Even in my linkshells, there was always someone not to be trusted.

So from my personal experiances, I don't trust anyone anymore. I don't help people unconditionally unless I really want to or they just happen to be lucky enough to be in the same place and time as me. They either have to be a friend of mine, I'd have to owe them a favor, or I simply charge them gil. Thats all that matters to me, I don't care about what people think.

To summerize my long winded post, " Does no one help people unconditonally anymore?"
Not likely.

Edited, Fri Aug 5 17:04:49 2005 by Fujitaru

Edited, Fri Aug 5 16:56:57 2005 by Fujitaru
#4 Aug 05 2005 at 6:07 PM Rating: Decent
did they ever?
#5 Aug 05 2005 at 6:56 PM Rating: Decent
yes, they did, i remember all the times when ppl used to help, just for something to do even, and it was fun.
#6 Aug 05 2005 at 7:53 PM Rating: Decent
186 posts
you can find my post on the second page i think no one really responded but i offered my help anyone needing questing, missions, genkai, AF, etc etc howeveer i could help. im willing to do what i can.
#7 Aug 05 2005 at 8:51 PM Rating: Decent
i know there is a lot of times when i just look for a random shout in jeuno and grab it and go help, i don't do it as much as i used to, being more busy than i used to be, but i do notice that when i do it, there aren't as many others doing it as well and it can be quite difficult at times to get enough people for the task at hand. :/
#8 Aug 05 2005 at 9:46 PM Rating: Decent
403 posts
So many posts, and yet, nobody actually responds to the OP's plea for assistance. /sigh

I'd love to help you out. I'm not as... capable as I used to be, but I'll see what I can do. Drop me a /tell in-game if you still need someone to help out with this.
#9 Aug 05 2005 at 10:07 PM Rating: Good
1,978 posts
Well, It was more of a vent, than a plea for help. But I'd appreciate any help I could get.
#10 Aug 06 2005 at 4:04 AM Rating: Decent
69 posts
Rate up fujitaru, agreed on what everything he said.
#11 Aug 06 2005 at 4:57 AM Rating: Decent
I used to help anyone I seen shouting in Jeuno. That all changed. when it became increasingly more common for people to not know what the hell they're meant to be doing with their Quest or Mission, and expecting me to tell them.

I don't like being invited to a G1 party, then someone says "So, where do I activate the quest?" "I don't know where Eldieme is."

If I'm going to spend a good 3-4 hours of my time (and that is a lot of time when you look at what else you could do away from the PC in 3 or 4 hours), I expect the person I'm helping to be ready to go, not be faffing about at the AH, and to know where the hell to go and what they have to do!

Alas, people are just too lazy to find out. They expect you to do it for them. So in answer to your question, OP, No.

edit- typo, punctuation.

Edited, Sat Aug 6 06:08:31 2005 by xConnox
#12 Aug 06 2005 at 8:14 AM Rating: Decent
381 posts
I can help out too...I'm only 68 but I have friends in the ls that would probably like to fight the NM just for the hell of it. I'm gonna need it eventually but I've been working since summer break and working a shift then coming home to level isn't my idea of relaxing...which may be why I farm like 10x more than I exp.

Sunday evening give me a /t in game and I'll see who I can get around to help out. I'd like to fight it to see exactly how easy this beetle is said to be.

*edit* I tend to help out people needing the samurai job quest or parts of g1 when I'm on. God only knows how many times I've fought that stupid treant lol.

Edited, Sat Aug 6 09:24:57 2005 by AcidReign
#13 Aug 06 2005 at 5:19 PM Rating: Decent
I've never asked a stranger for help. I expect them to return the favor.
#14 Aug 06 2005 at 11:17 PM Rating: Good
151 posts
A couple days ago I soloed one of the 2 NMs for someones PLD AF3. Never met the person before. I did it due to boredom lol.

There are people out there that do help unconditionally. But usually its due to boredom, and remember often the 70+ level range is pretty busy.
#15 Aug 07 2005 at 4:39 AM Rating: Decent
479 posts
Often times I'll ask if I can help, but at level 52 theres not much I can do ;;
#16 Aug 07 2005 at 5:09 AM Rating: Decent
It's Just a Flesh Wound
22,702 posts
Meh.. i'ved helped with my share of G1 items from the people who I barely know, it gets tireing after a while.
Dear people I don't like: 凸(●´―`●)凸
#17 Aug 07 2005 at 9:44 AM Rating: Good
151 posts
In reality, everything usually has it's price. Sad, but true. Every now and then I'll be happy to help out a complete stranger, but often times I have things to do by my own LS. I am always willing to help out, but you'd be surprised how more often than not someone sends me a tell to borrow cash. It also varies by what people need help with. I've done my share of G1's, Kazham keys, job flag quests, for total strangers. But I just don't usually have time to go fight a lengthy NM that people in my LS probably need. But, for example, we're going to do Agas soon and I believe some strangers are teaming up with the LS for that.
#18 Aug 07 2005 at 9:35 PM Rating: Decent
403 posts
Wow, looks like other than the OP, everyone else got rated down.

Wells, rate back up for everyone.
#19 Aug 08 2005 at 12:19 AM Rating: Decent
151 posts
I've been getting that a lot lately buddy. People dislike me. ^^b
#20 Aug 08 2005 at 2:25 AM Rating: Good
Hi my name is Mephis, I will be glad to help out if I am around! just send me a /tell and I will see what I can do for you ^^

others jobs are too weak :P
#21 Aug 08 2005 at 9:34 AM Rating: Good
Never ever help anyone in this game, if you do they will expect you to be at their beckon call, then when you want to do something else that you want to do they will be pissed at you.

Many people in this game are not worth the time or effort to give a **** about.

People will think you are their slave.

Adn last note.

Hnmls's are the downfall of this game. They take all fun and control out of a players hands.
#22 Aug 08 2005 at 12:13 PM Rating: Good
151 posts
HNM LS' are not that bad but some of the people in them are. Some will only attend events if it helps themselves and thats it. Some will only attend events cause it'll further themselves.

But there are many that attend it to also do something fun with friends and to help their friends. These are the great people and what make it so HNM LS' are, well, not so bad XD

What I did while leveling my first job though: I kept poking my friends for help when it was necessary to do so. Though for things I could do on my own I did it on my own.

But in the end my friends helped me with a few of my BRD coffer keys and my AF2, while my set party helped me with my AF3 (we did PLD + BRD together in one go). There's certainly some great people out there. This game - to be honest - is all about your connections and the people you meet. If you become good friends with good people... well, you'll go far and get the most fun out of the game.
#23 Aug 08 2005 at 7:25 PM Rating: Decent
89 posts
Fujitaru wrote:
I sure don't. I'm not ashamed to admit it either because I have a logical reason not to. I used to be a nice guy, I enjoyed helping people back in the day. But over time as I met an innumerable amount of idiots, hypocritts, liers, and several other negatively characteristic people, that changed. I don't consider myself 'nice' at all. Infact, if someone were to ask me about myself, I'd just say I'm evil.

Theres four types of people in this game who will ask for help:

1. The Spoiled Brat
I got tired of helping people once or twice then having them come back later 'expecting' me to 'want' help them again. I hate it when someone sends me a tell like this, "Do you want to help me with..." as if its my personal hobby to serve them. My suggestion to people like that is do it your damn self or go ask someone else for once.

2. The Two-faced Hypocritt
I would help someone with something, then should the tables turn later and I ask them for a favor: A. They pretend they're busy or make up an excuse not to, or procrastonate and say they'll do it later. B. Act like they don't even know me, hear me, or remember any sort of past encounter with me, thus treat me like a total stranger. C. Ignore me when they're around other people then all of a sudden I'm they're best friend when no one else is there.

3. The Idiots who can't be helped.
I'm sure everyone has at one time, helped someone so careless, dumb or inconsiderate that they regret even loging on that day. You guys know the type I'm talking about, the one who always spawns the NM before you're ready, the one who wont cure you when you're about to die, the one who gets aggroed every 5 steps and slows down the whole process, and of course the one who gets you killed and doesn't give a **** because it wasn't him that died.

4. The Ones worth helping.
These are the few people you can trust who won't fall under either of the above catagories. They're your friends, family, linkmates, set parties, etc. Unfortunately I haven't known many of them. Even in my linkshells, there was always someone not to be trusted.

So from my personal experiances, I don't trust anyone anymore. I don't help people unconditionally unless I really want to or they just happen to be lucky enough to be in the same place and time as me. They either have to be a friend of mine, I'd have to owe them a favor, or I simply charge them gil. Thats all that matters to me, I don't care about what people think.

To summerize my long winded post, " Does no one help people unconditonally anymore?"
Not likely.

Edited, Fri Aug 5 17:04:49 2005 by Fujitaru

Edited, Fri Aug 5 16:56:57 2005 by Fujitaru

2nd that! and you guys called me mean and selfish! :P
(btw, i got rated down for this damn comment. probably by someone who begged me for help one day and caught me on one of my bad days) ..!.. to you too. :3

Edited, Mon Aug 8 20:25:59 2005 by Xenger
#24 Aug 08 2005 at 8:04 PM Rating: Good
3,564 posts
I used to have no problem helping people out. It was fun and my payment was that they'd help someone else whenever they were able. These days people don't even want to seem to take the time out and do prior research and prep work for whatever it is they're asking for help on. Instead they sit there and expect their "help" to do every single piece of work and I find that uncalled for. Help me to help you by helping yourself with a little bit of work... please.
FFXI (Retired)
Naiya | Mithra | Windurst | Rank 10 | 1st Lieutenant | Ragnarok
WAR: 75 MNK: 75 SAM: 66
RotZ: O | CoP: O | ToAU: O | Apoch Nigh: O

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#25 Aug 09 2005 at 12:38 AM Rating: Good
1,137 posts
Perhaps my misconceptions are wrong . . . but I think many people play this game and form friendships inside and outside their linkshell (since alot of people seem to be members in multiple linkshells these days).

Alot of times in ffxi if you want to get something accomplished you need to help out other people so they can return the help or assistance in the future (or if you are bored).

For example if you want help for your AF3 battle, you might need to help someone else in their AF battle. Be prepared to help others so they can help you. If all you are doing is begging for help without being willing to help others, you will have a tough road ahead of you.

Be flexible and creative. For example ~ the whm af3 battle can get scary with dimension death and linkage with respawning shades, but if you are having problems gathering enough help, you can always try to form an alliance with people doing rdm af3 (Miser Murphy is in same area). They help out in your battle and you help out in theirs and in the end everyone goes home happy.

#26 Aug 09 2005 at 12:58 AM Rating: Decent
135 posts
Just the other day I swore I would never help a stranger again. Then 2 level 70+s joined a mission 5-2 party I was in and now I am rank 6. I guess I need to keep the karma going now.
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