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Someone Robbed me 500,000 Please B.e.w.a.r.e.Follow

#27 Aug 02 2005 at 5:46 PM Rating: Excellent
399 posts

By: epsilonn
2 posts
Score: Decent

This isnt eps from AnO is it?
#28 Aug 03 2005 at 2:02 AM Rating: Decent
If you had read the posts properly ppl were pointing out what he was like and what he had done because is he as trustable as what you might seem and is he just trying to put down someone reputaion in spite. Read the posts next time.
#29 Aug 03 2005 at 3:01 AM Rating: Decent
26 posts
Yeah Sirem, it's me. ^ ^

And yeah, I suppose if anyone has more buds to back them up then the other person, the person with more "buds" really wins, even if this person isn't at fault. Scamming is wrong no matter who it happens to is all I was saying. I don't know Nicolas, so I can't judge him the way you all do.

Edited, Wed Aug 3 04:11:40 2005 by epsilonn
#30 Aug 03 2005 at 6:00 AM Rating: Good
50 posts
please keep ur personal problems in game and not on our forums D;
as another thing only thing i see here is that someone scammed him for 500k. no need to jump on him, if u guys hate the taru then so be it, dont try and make him look like an @$$, let him be and let him do w/e he wants.. his choice of how to play the game not u guys.

Do you even read the posts before replying?

I said:

I don't care about you or how many people hate/love you now. I care that you, of all people, are posting a player warning when (from my experience) you're more likely to want to ruin someone's reputation then to 'warn' the rest of Ragnarok; someone has to speak up for Beatriz in case you're trying to pull another one of your tricks, after all.


I'm disinclined to believe you but if this is true, I feel bad even for you


let him be and let him do w/e he wants.. his choice of how to play the game not u guys.

The same could be said about the alledged scammer - let's let him do whatever he wants, its his choice of how to play the game, after all. [/sarcasm]

Edited, Wed Aug 3 07:09:05 2005 by Sweetzombiejeebus
#31 Aug 04 2005 at 12:56 AM Rating: Default
My exp with Nicolas wasnt great either.

I step outside my mog and asked for a tele. Nicolas gave me an invite. I didnt responded on a tell or anything. Usually before doing a shout ill just do a say outside the mog.

So he gives me an invite and then a tell saying i want 1k or more as a reward because this guy stole 500k from me.

I just disbanded because ive read this post before.

Why do i have to pay for someone elses stupidity.

Btw after that a nice Whm gave me a tele for free ^^

Lol ..
Maybe you have to learn how to read english well
First My Tell is For every single person i teleport
my tell is :
"I Wish the reward Could be 1k or over"
"Someone Named Beatriz Robbed 500k From me"
PPl pay 1k and Some pay 2k
And some pay 500 and doesn't care about what i said and i accept with pleasure.

So Don't Add some ******** for just to ruin my rep.

I met 3 ppl and when they read my tell they said oh thats you i read in allakhazam. i said yes this is me ^^ But don't care about the other ppl what say about me he said i really didn't care about them.

I said thats good coz When someone come and treat me nicely i never treat him badly.

Edited, Thu Aug 4 02:04:44 2005 by promisedland
#32 Aug 04 2005 at 1:04 AM Rating: Default
I only ran into Nicolas once, but he definetely didn't seem to be the prick alot of you say he is. It's never right to scam someone, even if the person that was scammed is someone you hate. We're all people here playing and would all want the same support in such similar situations.

You're Right I never treast Someone nice .. Bad

And yeah, I suppose if anyone has more buds to back them up then the other person, the person with more "buds" really wins, even if this person isn't at fault. Scamming is wrong no matter who it happens to is all I was saying. I don't know Nicolas, so I can't judge him the way you all do.

/em hugs epsilonn
#33 Aug 04 2005 at 2:00 AM Rating: Decent
epsilonn wrote:
I don't know Nicolas, so I can't judge him the way you all do.

That's exactly what they are saying. They DO know him, and what he's like, so they are just making sure everyone is clear.

Think about it, if this post was from a different angle, from the illeged scammers point of view. And he had posted 'I got 500k from some guy who is always causing people grief'.

Odds are, his posts wouldn't be rated in the 4.00's, but they might float about the 3.00 mark.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not condoning it, but I'm just saying, some people DO get what they deserve. If you go around annoying people, and making a general nuisance out of yourself, things have a way of coming back to bite you on the... butt.

I saw this post when it was first made, I couldn't help but laugh, I honestly thought it was a joke.

So, I'm not trying to join the 'gang up on Nicholas' group, but if you ask me, more than one person (and even more than the two who are "backing eachother up.") has said this Nicholas character is shady.

And personally... don't take this the wrong way... I don't mean to sound mean, but... why the hell would you give 500k away to a total stranger?

Hey, Nicholas, for only 400k this time! I can get you all the summons "especially Fenrir." Just send the money to Kiger and wait 6-10 weeks. But, I'll be working really hard, and tells with distract me, so, please, don't worry about anything. ^^

Sorry, I just... why work so hard for money? And than trust someone? If I was going to sell something for 500k, and they wanted to pay half, get half, I would be fine with that! Infact, I would be more confused if they didn't want to do that.

I just thought I would make a comment on all this, this very silly mess.
#34 Aug 04 2005 at 6:14 AM Rating: Decent
50 posts

That's exactly what they are saying. They DO know him, and what he's like, so they are just making sure everyone is clear.

If I'd wanted to make Nathan out to be so bad, I'd have posted one of those 'player warnings' a long time ago; as Kiger has pointed out so nicely, I'm just saying to make sure you have both sides of this Beatriz story. No matter how much I type, its still going to be you readers who make up your own minds. :)

Rated you up for summarising what's happening nicely!

#35 Aug 04 2005 at 8:17 AM Rating: Default
Lol funny ... bringing one LS members to gang up on me and bully me ...
I respected all of you and said sorry,
But what i still get is ***********
So Please didn't you had enough of it?
Lol everyone got the picture that i'm ******* thief robber ********** (That what you saying)
#36 Aug 04 2005 at 8:06 PM Rating: Good
70 posts
I wanted to stop posting on this forum. I'm very wary of repeating myself. And I hate flame-wars, unless they're so funny it starts to become a must-read among a large mass of forum readers. What continues to **** me off though, is that you really seem to think you're a nice guy who never behaves irrational or slightly creepy.. You're a pretty bipolar person, sometimes very eager, happy and full of joy.

Some people say that I should stop ruining your reputation. I wasn't really going for that in the beginning. I think I wanted to back up Sweetzombiejeebus' warning a bit, with a more personal version of what he was saying. I don't see what's really wrong with that. One person mentioned drama. There's already alot of drama on this server, I'm not into very much of that since I'm a really naive person and don't bother with "thinking" about people's real motives or making scenes. But reading these forums give me the impression that I still are far behind the worst drama queens. I won't mention any names. If you use "our forums" you've probably noticed anyway. Point is, I can't see what's wrong with this drama, compared to some of those attention-spammers that pretends to be quitting and making scenes over nothing.

I want attention. But not towards myself. I wish I could be anonymous and still be taken seriously. Now we all know I wouldn't have much credibility then, thus I'll rather use my ingame character name. No, I want to direct the attention towards Nicolas.

I didn't really get my finger out of my ******** when it came to /blist-ing you and ignoring you in-game before the same incident that made me buy FRAPS. My only regret about buying FRAPS is that I bought it one week too late - so I couldn't screenshot our nice little conversation about a friend of mine - who refused to "mule" for you. You suddenly popped up in tell mentioning this ????ing ?????, this stupid ????? and this ????tard of a ???? and even then I tried to calm you down and you didn't want to listen. (I have sencored it FFXI-style because I don't see any point in going all out with the bad words here.) I got pretty upset because of this totally senseless foul-mouthedness. At the same time I got pretty worried about your mental health. And I also got so shocked that I wasn't really sure wether I should laugh or throw my laptop on the floor out of disappointment of 1) what this gaming experience had turned into and 2) the sake of humanity.

At the same time I actually asked my friend if she had done something stupid like insult you - just because I wanted to hear both sides of the story. From both of you I got to hear, pretty much, the same version of her "crime". She had refused to run through Bastok, hold some stuff for you, and then have her send that to one of your mules just a few minutes later. She told me she didn't have time to do this, you told me that she plain refused to.

When people ask me to do stuff like that, I usually say yes. But truth be told, I find it really annoying because I feel it's something that can be done easily by oneself. If I were to ask someone about a favor like this, I think I'd start out a little humble and if I still got turned down - well, I wouldn't worry too much about it.

Four pages of log later - and damn me for not being able to hit ctrl+printscreen button or whatever it is one take screenshots with - I finally hit enter while /blist add Nicolas was entered. Four damn pages of cursing and calling her a "psychopathic ???? and whatnot...
My point is, that while you may be very nice while you get it exactly the way you want - and maybe you've learned patience, who knows - I can just close my eyes and transcend into that feeling of disappointment which I felt that day.

I tried to smoothe things out for you a lot of times. I did a lot of things to make Vana'diel a better place for you. Considering how hard it can be to start out in this game - especially as a taru WHM without subjob or gil. Considering that you didn't seem to fit into the mainstream that has some experience with social ettiquette on the internet. Also considering you're - while half-decent - not exactly a master of the english language.

You tell us that you get sick of seeing my name here in this thread. Well, I actually hope - for your own sake - that it's not me or my actions that makes you sick, I rather hope and want to believe that what you call sickness is a bad conscience materializing in your guts.

I know that you're not the devil in disguise or anything. But you're very hard to understand. And considering I spent so much time trying to help you out - I think I spent four months altogether - I do feel.. decieved, disappointed, hurt.

I think I could've put up with your constant whining. Asking from teleport from Sandy when I was in konschtat highlands and had to choco to San d'Oria to teleport your butt to Teleport-Mea. The endless disapproval for every way I suggested you could make money, when you asked me for help.

I think I could have, at least for a couple more months. If it weren't for that day you were calling Miai all those things. Over a minor.. disagreement? misunderstanding? I think she actually fought the dragon with you. For your rank 3 final mission. I think that was the time where I showed up as BLM/NIN and wrote my macros while riding on a choco on the way to Ghelshba. I accidentally cast Elemental Seal => Bio on the dragon instead of sealing the Sleep (that's stackdump in action - always ******** up SOMEthing ^^). Our PLD (Lumis - your friendly neighborhood paladin as he calls himself lol) voked the eye, tanked it while the WHM (that was you I believe) had a heart attack or three while curing me. Manafont killed spell interruption rate on my Utsu: Ichi and I didn't die before I had killed over 90% of the dragon. The eye died, the PLD voked the dragon in vain - he couldn't possibly get hate back and the WHM was out of MP. My last spell was Stone due to low MP - after Manafont wore off. I evaded the dragon (due to taru AGI and +14 EVA on my hybrid class gear lol) and landed the spell. Food: Melon Pie - I should've had tavnazian tacos lol.

That's my best experience ever in Final Fantasy. Tanking as a taru BLM (second lowest VIT/HP in the game?) with E-rating in evasion.

Anyway. We won. Beat the record on that battlefield too ^^

Yeah, I wanted to comment on:

"Bringing one LS members to gang up on me and bully me ... I respected all of you and said sorry, But what I still get is bullsh*ts.. So Please didn't you had enough of it?
Lol everyone got the picture that i'm ******* thief robber bullsh*ter (That what you saying)"

I don't think LS members are ganging up on you to bully you. Sweetzombiejeebus noticed this post and mentioned it to me. I got curious, since I despice you. He's said some things that actually didn't favor me in this thread. And I'm glad he isn't. That wouldn't be honorable. You didn't respect all of us, Nicolas. You didn't respect me, I don't think you respected yourself, you certainly didn't respect Miai.

Bilkios, Miai's husband respected you, even after your outrageous behavior. He told me he probably could work it out with you. I'm not sure if I'm to judge if I respected you, it feels like I did up to that certain turnpoint.

I'm sorry that "what you still get is bullsh*ts.." but something tells me you kinda had it coming your way.

After this post I think I've finally had enough of it. I'm not going to directly hurt your reputation any longer. I can see why that's a nuisance to you.

About the picture you say everyone gets of you. I'd rather say it like this: I'm the one that has a picture of you that I wanna show to the world. To paint that picture, I had to have an image of you. You're taking a path through life, and also through Vana'diel. On this journey you've given me tons of shadow-images of yourself, which I've put together in my own head and they've all melted into one image of higher quality than the shadow-images.. From this I used my words to refine it into a "picture". It's the artist's skills and passion that decides wether "Everyone" are touched by it or not. "Everyone" can just choose to watch it or not. You're right about the motive though. I tried to paint a ******* thief robber bullsh*ter. And I hope I succeeded.
#37 Aug 04 2005 at 10:51 PM Rating: Excellent
1,629 posts
I don't really feel like reading everyone's posts, but why would you pay 500k to get help with a fenrir fight when you could probably get the same results doing shouts in jeuno and offering a smaller but more reasonable reward =\
#38 Aug 05 2005 at 12:54 AM Rating: Default
I don't really feel like reading everyone's posts, but why would you pay 500k to get help with a fenrir fight when you could probably get the same results doing shouts in jeuno and offering a smaller but more reasonable reward =\

lol ^^ you don't have to read the posts they're useless and stupid

and oh Yea but i've been shouting for fenrir but no one wanna help =/

#39 Aug 05 2005 at 11:25 AM Rating: Excellent
Why hasn't this thread died yet?

(as I respond to it. I am in essance keeping it alive. Damn but somone needs to say something and hopefully it dies)

A) NO ONE CARES. You got "ripped off" hello not anyones fault but yours. Get over it and move on.

B) Are you an ***? Yes you are, why see A.

oh Yea but i've been shouting for fenrir but no one wanna help =/

I can't imagine why... Lets take a closer look shall we?

Rank : 5
WHM 42 | BLM 25 | NIN 23 | War 10 |THF 8 | SMN 1

So let me get this right you want people to help u get Fen. Do you even understand what that entails? 7 Prime fights that take a party of at least 65 to handel.

Now sure you can hire a MERCs to get you there. BUT what have you earned? Hell you haven't even done G1. Sorry buddy you have to earn your stripes in this game as well as your respect.

And you sir have neither.

Some advice for you, you are ruining your own reputation. High end people have more respect for people that earn their stripes. Your char are still young enough to salavage. THINK before you reply (I suggest you don't)

In parting. There are 2 ways to play this game. Both get you to the end. BUT only one gets you respect.
#40REDACTED, Posted: Aug 05 2005 at 8:25 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Hey smartass
#41REDACTED, Posted: Aug 05 2005 at 8:28 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Yea and btw EVERYTHING has a limit ok!?
#42 Aug 05 2005 at 10:07 PM Rating: Excellent
This is getting silly.

Promisedland, he was making an attempt to close the thread, but if you're going to further prove the afore mentioned points, and act childish and fight to have the last word, go for it.

I don't know any of you, really, but from this ONE thread, I can tell you, I'd prefer to have nothing to do with you.

And calling someone a "pathetic Quoter," what is that!?
That's the stupidest insult I've heard you come up with yet...

Personally, this thread can keep going, I'm sure there's plenty more people could point out about how great of a player you are.

He wasn't trying to say you were looking for a "free" ride, per se. But, you were looking for someone else to do the work that you, eventually, could do yourself.

People are more willing to help those who help themselves.

Stop shouting in Jeuno for Fenrir, and find a party. When you're a high enough level, and you show you're compedent enough, someone will help you out.

Otherwise, I'm sure people will line up to take your money again.
#43 Aug 05 2005 at 11:29 PM Rating: Excellent
1,137 posts
My suggestion to the OP is to take whm or some other job to a high level and join a party and feel the thrill of the avatar battles. You may live or you may die, but at least you get the adrenaline flowing.

In my opinion, it is better to participate in the battle rather than pull out a lawnchair and watch the rest of your party battle. If it isn't thrilling and enjoyable, why play the game?

What is the point of being stressed out in real life and then going to play a game that stresses you out even more?

#44REDACTED, Posted: Aug 06 2005 at 2:35 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) kiger don't take this is seriously man play it the way you like the way you find it's fun and you happy with it
#45 Aug 06 2005 at 6:50 AM Rating: Excellent
It's hard to understand what you're saying. ^^

You confuse me. You really do.

You seem to like... jump onto the the other side of the argument.

I didn't make a thread about losing 500k, I don't take the game ultra-serious.

Hence my playing for two years (Not straight, of course) and only have a MNK in the 20's.

Dude, there's nothing to "win" here.

You were ripped off, you have my condolences.
I'm sorry it happened.

But, let this be a lesson not to trust people you don't know.
And if you do trust them, make sure you keep an eye out for a scam.

Anyways, I guess that's all I have to say for now.
Next time I check this thread, you'll probably be telling people not to whine on forums. >.>
#46 Aug 06 2005 at 7:55 AM Rating: Excellent
26 posts
I know Nicolas, he was pretty nice when he entered our LS until he started asking for help. I am willing to help any LS member if I am available, sometimes I even go out of my way just to help someone get rank up or something else that I feel is important. So heres what happened:
I was exping in Bibiki Bay, then he started asking help for Avatar fights, I was willing to help but the only thing I got unlocked was Leviathan, and I told him that, soon after I told him that, he started ******** around saying that I didnt want to help him, even my other LSmates were telling him to stfu up and leave me alone... well to make a long irritating story short, he left the LS and never returned, THANK GOD!!!!!
#47 Aug 06 2005 at 11:36 AM Rating: Excellent
70 posts
promisedland wrote:

you pathetic Quoter

Kigershinobi wrote:

And calling someone a "pathetic Quoter," what is that!?
That's the stupidest insult I've heard you come up with yet...

(I laughed so damn hard I'm going to cough blood tomorrow.)

-------- But, I wanted to show you guys something else that amuses me.

promisedland wrote:

first stop calling me "jerk" this isn't suited for a "scholar" like you ok?

be more respective

So i respected all of you

promisedland ALSO wrote:

I don't care about You or few idiots of you

lol ^^ you don't have to read the posts they're useless and stupid

Hey smartass

So Shut the hell up


promisedland wrote:

I'm so sorry for my bad english .. i'm not english man >.< .. sorry again..

promisedland ALSO wrote:

Maybe you have to learn how to read english well

I just wanted to let you know why I have called promisedland inconsistent, bipolar and irrational. Among other negative words ^^

And about the quoter maybe i made that up coz he so like to quote on things that you don't imagine someone to quote it
And that has nothing to do with my play in game !

Reasons people quote others can be, but aren't limited to - they

a) didn't feel that the point(s) quoted were made clear enough
b) want to ask what the author meant if two sentences are inconsistent.
c) want to make it clear that they are showing the readers the original poster's exact words.

Another thing: My character is named after an infamous windows error. Often ended up in bluescreens in Win95 and Win98. How ridiculous that may seem to people, that was part of the plan. However, I don't see how you believe you are insulting me by spelling my name Stackdumb instead of Stackdump. Seeing as Stackdump is an annoying error, and stackdumb isn't anything particular. You may continue to call me that, by all means. But I think you'll actually find that Stackdump is more of an insult than stackdumb.
#48REDACTED, Posted: Aug 06 2005 at 6:43 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Hey stackdumb i prefer that you also mention the time i said those "Beofre" and "After"
#49 Aug 06 2005 at 7:37 PM Rating: Excellent
Sorry to say, but with the way you put words together, maybe he had no idea you were talking to him? Or what you were talking about?

Or he was idle, and having spam fill his chat log, and he didn't see what you said, but happened to be back in time to catch what someone else said.

'No answer' and 'No' are two totally different things.

As far as trying to "rape your rep," I'm not doing anything like that.
I'm merely making observations.

I've never partied with you, talked to you (outside of this forum), or even MET you.

I can't say for sure if all of these things or true, but, you're very inconsistant, and you admit to a lot of the things.

I can't tell you to stop posting, but I CAN recommend it.

If you stop posting, there will be a few more posts, but after that, this thread will die.

I'd just let it go, really, you won't gain anything by posting more, I personally was waiting to see if you were going to say anything more before I commented again.

If you want this all to stop, and everyone to move on, stop giving us ammo!

We've got guns, we're all frustrated and ready to diss some poor non-Native English speaking guy. =P
#50 Aug 06 2005 at 8:19 PM Rating: Excellent
1,261 posts
When I first read this post, I had mixed feelings. There is a fine line between helping people out, and leeches. On one hand, the guy got ripped off. On the other hand...42WHM in fenrir fight...I wonder how many times he would die just getting to Full Moon fountain.

The the post was editted and embellished quite a bit, which made me wonder how much of this was the truth, and how much has been exagerated. But, I was willing to give the OP the benefit of the doubt that is was simply clarifying.

I feel the pain of getting ripped off 500k, but I have no sympathy for you. If you truely truely want Fenrir, level your WHM to 60ish to at least contribute to the fight. If you are not capable of doing that, it shows me that you don't want to work for your dream, you want it handed to you. Yes, I know 500k is a lot of gil. BUT, its a hell of a lot easier to earn 500k than level from 42-68.

I actually enjoy giving help when needed, BUT there is a middle ground that the OP obviously doesn't get. I think this should be known as the "power leveling syndrome". Someone who has been hand held through the entire gaming experience. So much so, that he is Rank 5, with all avatars and a moon bauble, and a job not over 40. That is not helping, that is leeching. Let this be a lesson to all the helpers out there - helping is good, everyone needs it, but make sure the helpee can actually contribute.

This entire thread is the result of leaching gone astray. Now the leech is throwing a tantrum because, for the first time in his gaming experience, he is not getting what he wanted. I firmly believe you can achieve everything in this game that you want to, but you have to EARN it, and not by buying it either. Sometimes you have to earn it by helping others, sometimes you have to earn it by being a contributing member of a linkshell, sometimes you have to earn it by being a good person.

To me, your true colors showed when you said you tossed a linkshell because a high level NIN would not drop everything he was doing at that moment to help you. "So I decided theres no use using this linkshell". What the hell kind of attitude is that? When you get into a linkshell, does everyone automatically become beholden to you to do your bidding immediately because you have graced them with your presence?

I held silent for a very long time, and refused to post in hopes that this thread would just die the horrible death it should have died 3 days after it posted. Trust me, Nicholas, with every post that you make, your reputation is further shredded. Just stop it and end this pathetic thing, before the entire server has blisted you. To the rest of the ppl that want the last word as well, please please stop. Enough already. Nicholas has proven he is selfish, immature, and a leech. Any further postings are beating a horse that has been dead so long its starting to smell.
#51REDACTED, Posted: Aug 06 2005 at 8:38 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Ok thanks kamkam i admit i went a lil bit furthur but i promise i'll settle this down
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