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Someone Robbed me 500,000 Please B.e.w.a.r.e.Follow

#1 Jul 31 2005 at 6:38 PM Rating: Default
Hi ..
First of all i met A guy name Karlitos in the last event i helped him ..
He Checked me and saw my comment and
he said: " i've friend who can help you in Fenrir Fight , But you have to pay 500k" ..
I said: "ok in couple of days i'll earn enough money..but i'll have 500k =/ i can't pay all of them to him"..
he said: "Ok i'll pay 100k for you"..
I said: "thanks very much" ..
he said: ok when he login i'll /tell you..

after couple of days Karl login and His friend loggin too

Karl told me "Ok the one who is going to help you is in now /tell him his name is Beatriz"
I said to myself:" oh yea ! my dream come true"

Then Beatriz /tell Me
He said: "that he is ready and his friends the lv.75 smns is ready but they need the gils first"..
I said: "Ok i'll send 200k now"..
He said: "what about the rest?"
I said: "you know that your Karlitos will pay 100k for you?"
He said: "oh ok then that's 300k .. the other 200k?"
I said: "my friend owe me 300k i'll go get it from him.."
He said: "OK"
*I Sent the first 200k*

Then went to my friend in valkrum dunes "Wich he can't come to me and give me the 300k because he was in good party"
*took 300k from my friend*
*warped back*
*sent the 2nd 200k*

I said: to Beatriz "Ok the other 200k is sent"
He said: "ok.."
He said: "I didn't receive anything..?"
I said: "huh? you sure ?"
He said: "Yes nothing in my box."
I said: "but i'm sure i wrote your name right!"
He said: "go cancel it and send it again."
I said: "ok"

..*went to my send box (subash) checking.. *

huh?? There is no 200k to cancel .. must be someone accepted
If i sent it to wrong person it's impossible that someone accept it so fast like this.

I said: "Hey you accepted it right!!?"
He said:" No i didn't get anything"
I said: "Omg then who accepted it .. Please no more jokes are you scamming 200k?"
He said: "Hey i don't have time for you do you really have 200k or i go? i've things to do.."
I said : "omg!!? how you leave and i just sent you 400k !!?"
He said: "You didn't send me only 200k i'll send it back if you didn't send another 200k.."
I said: "ok i'll send another 100k to you !! "

*indeed i want to make sure he don't lie*
*send another 100k*

The jerk Accepted it and Logg Off


i was so sad hurted
i was so ruined
*Menu > Friend List > look for karlitos.. He is offline*

I said oh yea omg now 100% they robbed me .. they tricked me both from the begining

After That I Called a GM told him the whole story ..

GM said: "i'll investigate and look up for the matter.."
I said: "Ok thanks..".

After Awhile Same GM /tell me
GM said: "I'm sorry GMs cannot do anything about this ,But a Senior Game Master will contact you and Deal with you."
I said: "Ok thanks"

At this time i check for Karlitos again and he was on this time.
I said: "to him Do you know what your friend did to me?"
He said: "?"
I said: "He robbed 500k from me."
He said:" Huh? really?"
I said: "Yea and he didn't help me."
He said: "You sure ?"
I said : "Yes i'm all i've is 64k now."
He said: "Omg though i told him you're my best Friend how he robb you?"
He said: "Don't worry i'll tell him to get your gil back and if he didn't i'll give you from my Gil Don't worry.."
I said "Ok thanks."

1 day passed

I was in valkrum dunes PLing my friend and i got /tell from Senior Game Master

SGM said: "Hello this is Senior Game Master and i read about your issu and we are investigating but i don't guarantee that we will get your item back."
I said: "ok Thank you."

After that i /tell Karlitos

I said: "Karlitos i can't wait more than this ! i want my money back."
He said: "i can't do anything he is not on now."
I said: "i don't care you got me on this problem you get me out of it."
He said: "I called a GM and they cannot they anything about it.
I said: ok so?"
He said: "i don't have the Gil to give you all i've is 100k..
i said: /sigh.."
Then i went AFK

Same time i was afk
Beatriz (the one who robbed me) /tell me !

Beatriz Said "Hey i didn't stole 500k from you i got 300k and my PC freezed i couldn't login again.! So don't say i robbed you n00b. You just gave me 300k and i'm sending it back ! And /welcome To my Black List"

I got back i read everything i was /shocked

*warp back to his moogle house*

*checks his Delivery Box..*

But theres Nothing .. he tricked me again...
I kinda gave up about the 500k...
but i posted this msg so everyone aware from him and i wish no one get into this

And if there any advice you can post i would be happy to hear it.

Thanks For reading my story .. Goodbye

notice: Yea! i Edited the whooooooole post now it look better huh?

Edited, Mon Aug 1 01:07:46 2005 by promisedland

Edited, Mon Aug 1 02:04:36 2005 by promisedland

Edited, Mon Aug 1 02:09:49 2005 by promisedland

Edited, Mon Aug 1 03:09:49 2005 by promisedland
#2 Jul 31 2005 at 7:03 PM Rating: Decent
It's Just a Flesh Wound
22,702 posts
anybody else have any idea what he's saying? >.>;
Dear people I don't like: 凸(●´―`●)凸
#3 Jul 31 2005 at 7:08 PM Rating: Excellent
86 posts
He is saying that he tried to hire some help to get fenrir and when he sent the gil by delivory instead of trading to each smn. But after the person receiving the gill took it they kept saying they did not get all of the 500k. Once he got the gil he logged and took of with it. It's sad to hear and hopfully the GM will do something about it..
#4 Jul 31 2005 at 7:20 PM Rating: Good
50 posts
TaruTaru - Nicolas ~
Ragnarok - Windurst ~
Rank : 5
WHM 40 | BLM 25 | NIN 23 | War 10 |THF 8 | SMN 1

Nicolas of Ragnarok?

This guy once got into one of my LSs: he's a terrible, disrespectful player whom we booted out within a day (we assumed his attitude and playing ability was a result of him being new, you know, having not learnt the ropes or the proper ettiquette? It wasn't). He got where he was based on extensive power-leveling by a long-suffering friend who also gave him equipment, spells, advice and who even went so far as to defend him against the justified criticisms of the rest of us who could see he was bad news.

He got booted from numerous LSs for just being a jerk until he learnt to soften his baser impulses long enough for his latest LS to help him get Rank 5. After which, he promptly fell into old habits and decided to cuss them out and try to ruin their reputation.

I'm surprised you're still around Nicolas/Nathan, I thought you exhausted your welcome on this server long ago.

I'm disinclined to believe you but if this is true, I feel bad even for you. Nonetheless while I don't know Beatriz, I do know you: this is more likely another underhanded attempt to ruin someone's reputation just out of spite.

Thus, I urge everyone to take the OP's post with a grain of salt.

#5 Jul 31 2005 at 7:35 PM Rating: Good
146 posts
The One and Only Deadgye wrote:
anybody else have any idea what he's saying? >.>;

#6 Jul 31 2005 at 8:11 PM Rating: Decent
70 posts
then the guy Beatriz who robbed me said i didn't steal from u 500k u stupid noob i only got 300k and i'll sent it back.. and welcome to my black list

Somehow I feel that Beatriz sums the phenomenon Nicolas up quite nicely.. "And welcome to my blacklist" - that cracked me up good. I don't know who to feel more sorry for. Beatriz for having to deal with you - or you for being such a complete... I don't know how to put it, but I'm glad I'm already born and don't have to fear I one day might inherit your brains and social skills.

Oh, and btw: I'll take the sheer liberty of quoting myself in a thread that belongs to the LS that helped you from rank 2 to 5 in two days : "I wonder what he'd say if he one day.. actually FOUND this thread - a whole forum thread where everyone is telling eachother about the bad experiences they've had with him.. omfg that's just absurd, if I had found something like that about myself I don't know what the hell I would've done 'cept freak out and cry lol."

Maybe Beatriz would deserve such a thread, I'm not the one to judge wether he/she's a good person or not. What I do know, though, is that this quote was from the "Nicolas" thread in the CoV forums, which is about to hit its third page due to frequent posting.

This is my point of view. Thanks ^^
#7 Jul 31 2005 at 8:45 PM Rating: Default
aww .. we met here ..
stackdumb and the other
i don't know what to say .. but i'll try my best lol
first about 2-5 rank you didn't actually help me with rank 5 only half part 1
Second "AnYonE" can help anyone else for this rank so don't think you did something great that you keep mention it to everyone
and i really don't care about the few pathetic Guys or LS' who hates me theres over 1 mil player in the game
As much there some ppl hates me .. theres ppl who loves me
btw did "Sweetzombiejeebus" remind you if this forum ? or you subscribed to post this msg ?
"The One and Only Deadgye"
i'm so sorry for my bad english .. i'm not english man >.< .. sorry again..
#8 Jul 31 2005 at 9:01 PM Rating: Good
50 posts

Surely you understand my point: it wasn't anything great, their helping with your Rank, since like you said anyone can help with these things. It was great that they tried to help you despite your being a jerk to them, which is why it was worth mentioning: you were being a jerk to people who had taken time out to help you. You refused to listen to the instructions of the people in the group, dragging out what should have taken a couple of hours for the whole rank 5 mission into a four hour wait just for you to get to Davoi. But even that is in the past, I only highlighted that to let everyone get an idea of the kind of person you are.

I don't care about you or how many people hate/love you now. I care that you, of all people, are posting a player warning when (from my experience) you're more likely to want to ruin someone's reputation then to 'warn' the rest of Ragnarok; someone has to speak up for Beatriz in case you're trying to pull another one of your tricks, after all.

#9 Jul 31 2005 at 9:17 PM Rating: Default
first stop calling me "jerk" this isn't suited for a "scholar" like you ok?
be more respective and about the rank help i dc'ed and came back so i was shocked i saw everyone left me i said why and stuff didn't say something wrong then pop someone kicked me..
anyways this is like from year ago
',about the "one of your tricks to ruin someone's reputation"
yes i do i want to ruin his reputation i don't want anyone to trust him..

Edited, Sun Jul 31 22:17:51 2005 by promisedland
#10 Jul 31 2005 at 9:36 PM Rating: Decent
70 posts
Mentioning the Rank 2 to 5 run is just a good example, because people usually takes some time getting 3 ranks up. It was to prove a point. Taking out hours of PL, running to buy spells for you, teleport your lazy butt around on request and such are just as, or more, exhausting, but it's harder to use as a good example to point out how time-demanding and annoying it is to know you. I don't really mind any of those things and neither does Sweetzombiejeebus. The problem is when the game suddenly gives you the same feeling a stressful day at work would.

I'm fairly certain you'll get your 300.000 gil back. Maybe Beatriz (and you did some pretty nice work with the fonts there ^^) will send the money as soon as he get back from killing avatars. Summoners seldom sub black mage so they can warp right back to Jeuno, you know. Yes there are warp scrolls. But if you paid up 500K gil I guess he figured you had a fair amount of gil. Meaning you won't have to get them back right away. People who just pay up 500K to strangers either can afford to lose it, are plain stupid or put a lot of trust into others.

People who spent a few days in a row slaving around for you probably had all of the above. Alot of time on their hands to help others. They were pretty stupid for not turning you down. And put quite a lot of trust in you, hoping you would improve as a player/person.

It was their fault for being hurt/pissed off by you not acting decent during those days while they patiently waited for you to improve. But they took the risk, as you just did trading several hundred thousand gil to some stranger in Austere robe.

English is my second language as well. I hope you won't mistake it for Idiot though. Sorry for turning this into a flame war.

Edited, Sun Jul 31 22:49:24 2005 by Stackdump
#11 Jul 31 2005 at 9:48 PM Rating: Default
stackdumb this won't change anything and would you please stop ? coz everytime i see ur name i get sick ...
because i REally Really Don't c.a.r.e.
i don't care about You or few idiots of you
and if you want to show to ppl how or who i'm .. they got the picture lol
.. anyways me working on my gil now got 200k from teleporting
.. see ya bye bye !!!!
#12 Jul 31 2005 at 10:03 PM Rating: Default
About ruining someone's reputation
like you two here not ruining me
but NORMally when someone become "jerk" ... this "jerk" thing didn't came from nothing ! there must be a reason for that you know what i'm talking about stackdumb.....
So if someone nicely came and say hi to me i treat him jerkly?
ofcourse not ! i treat him more nicely
you two here just to annoy me
#13 Jul 31 2005 at 10:12 PM Rating: Decent
70 posts
because i REally Really Don't c.a.r.e.
i don't care about You or few idiots of you

but NORMally when someone become "jerk" ... this "jerk" thing didn't came from nothing ! there must be a reason for that you know what i'm talking about stackdumb.....

So, which is it - do you care or do you not?

Anyway. I'll stop now. I just wanted to congratulate you on this fine, sub-default thread of yours. I've never seen anyone get their thread below 2.00 before. I'm impressed. Was it the bad spelling? The irrational use of fonts? The sudden change of topic? Your irritating way with words? Who knows, but a good job after all!
#14 Jul 31 2005 at 10:25 PM Rating: Decent
50 posts
first stop calling me "jerk" this isn't suited for a "scholar" like you ok?

Ah fair enough, if I've offended you, I apologise.

What I was trying to do was summarise what I've experienced about your past behaviour without spamming this board with needless information that's only indirectly related (IMHO) to the thread.

about the rank help i dc'ed and came back so i was shocked i saw everyone left me i said why and stuff didn't say something wrong then pop someone kicked me..

That's not the whole story is it? At that point, the party was dead tired of waiting after your teleport to the wrong location, refusing to get another port, etc. In the time they were waiting for you, they could have finished the entire rank mission. Your not following instructions was a point of contention also. Still, like you said, its in the past, I brought it up because your personality and actions are essential in judging your motive for posting this thread. (e.g. spite or justice)

I don't really mind any of those things and neither does Sweetzombiejeebus

To be fair Nicolas, I didn't help you much because I felt from the start that while you were new, you needed to learn how hard it could be to get through this game without kind people or good friends to help you out. I thought it would help you respect them better. Stackdump on the other hand, went out of his way to help you and defended you even after everyone else told him it wasn't worth it: it was much more than what I'd expected of anyone, so I would take anything he says about this issue as very telling.

Anyway, like I said, this isn't anything against you. You're saying Beatriz is bad, I'm just saying everyone shouldn't jump to conclusions based on a single post because my experiences with you leave me thinking that there's more than just this involved. I jump in on threads like this all the time (see my posts on the thread Shuffles posted warning of NM robbers).

That said, can we get back to the main topic?

I find a few holes in the your story that I'd like to question:

a) You said that the original agreement was to pay him 500k, and that a few days had passed before you got a /tell about the job. How come you didn't get the total gil ready beforehand instead of having to rush to the Dunes to get the remainder?

b) Also if you're doing the avatar, any avatar, wouldn't you be going with the party of SMNs that he promised? Wouldn't it have been easier to /trade the gil to him in person?

I can understand Beatriz's drive to get the gil first; not all high level SMNs might want to sit around and waste their play time waiting for the gil to come in, so he probably needed something to get them to stay. Also, 500k is a pretty low price for Fenrir, I understand 1 million gil to be the standard (but you're guaranteed of getting it).

If this is legit, you stand a pretty good chance of getting your gil back, especially after the changes in the TOS.


You guys posted a bit while I was writing this.

I still take back calling you a jerk, because I only meant it as a summary of your actions but I didn't come here to annoy you: reputation in this game is important, I'm here to make sure you don't pull a fast one on Beatriz is all.

As for what's between you and Stackdump, it would probably be better settled in PMs, IMHO. You're both getting a little too hot under the collar... :) <-- Edit: added this non-confrontational smiley

Edited, Sun Jul 31 23:32:27 2005 by Sweetzombiejeebus
#15 Jul 31 2005 at 10:27 PM Rating: Default
after what you and your friend said you think i'll be rated to excellent ?
#16 Jul 31 2005 at 10:35 PM Rating: Default
finally someone is talking nice to me now...

about your 1st question my friend was selling the item for me
i check the ah if someone bought it from him
after 1 or 2 days the item sold and he was in valkurm dunes in good party and he refused to come he said you come i can't i'm in good party

=/ so i went to him and get it

2nd question .. yes i realized that after i sent him and lost the 500k .. because i waited so long for fenrir i couldn't believe that a Lv.75 smn Messeged me about helping me in fenrir

i didn't think 1% that he is scammer..

so i was like "omg i must hurry or the help will leave"

thats all ..
Please if you have any more question i'm pleased to answer them.
#17 Aug 01 2005 at 2:06 AM Rating: Default
The post is Edited by me
Now it look more better and more understandable.
#18 Aug 01 2005 at 7:12 AM Rating: Decent
2,112 posts
First off, one thing you dont' do in this game is higher mercenaries. If you can't get a group of friends to get something, then you don't need it.

Sorry you had to lose 500k.
Relic Scythe Finished
Aegis Currency Finished
Drk Job Profile

#19 Aug 01 2005 at 8:16 AM Rating: Decent
It's Just a Flesh Wound
22,702 posts
PldByHeart wrote:
He is saying that he tried to hire some help to get fenrir and when he sent the gil by delivory instead of trading to each smn. But after the person receiving the gill took it they kept saying they did not get all of the 500k. Once he got the gil he logged and took of with it. It's sad to hear and hopfully the GM will do something about it..

ahh.. thanks a lot xD
Dear people I don't like: 凸(●´―`●)凸
#20 Aug 01 2005 at 10:55 AM Rating: Good
i'd be surpirsded if Nicholas has any friends to help him the way he treats ppl and it's not just 2 ppl that dislike you it's alot of ppl. i've had players come and tell me how much they dislike you without me even telling them my comments on you. And he should be more "Respective" as you put it, wow dude listen to the way you talk to ppl and then read what you said. You put a post up like this and you got reply of how ppl wouldn't trust you and how they dislike you, maybe it's time you need to look at how you treat ppl when this happens eh?
And as the others said i wouldn't put it past you to have said it to ruin other players reps either.
#21 Aug 01 2005 at 4:40 PM Rating: Good
265 posts
its sad to think there are really people with no class, or a sense of character... I blaim.. i blaim.. i blaim hmmm...i guess theres nobody to blaim.. anyways sorry for loosing your gil.. i had a similar situation exept it was my friend that F#4Ked me over..

-you would think that smn's would help eachother out for free you know.. You know LVL 75 smn helping out the new lvl 20 smn.. but what do i know im a mnk.. sorry for this to happen to ya.. in the end its just gil lol. just a game ^^
#22 Aug 01 2005 at 7:20 PM Rating: Default
Thanks very much ^^
No worries guys i'm much better now !
#23 Aug 01 2005 at 7:54 PM Rating: Default
And btw what you guys talking about is past
i changed alot of my personality
I admit i acted Rude Childish and wrong
I'm really sorry for what happend
Accepting my apologize is all up to you

Edited, Mon Aug 1 20:57:34 2005 by promisedland
#24 Aug 02 2005 at 10:09 AM Rating: Decent
ffxi drama [You can have this.]
please keep ur personal problems in game and not on our forums D;
as another thing only thing i see here is that someone scammed him for 500k. no need to jump on him, if u guys hate the taru then so be it, dont try and make him look like an @$$, let him be and let him do w/e he wants.. his choice of how to play the game not u guys.
sorry to hear about beatriz or w/e his name is did to u.. thnx for telling me, i know i wont ask him to help me get fenrir then..
thnx and good luck getting ur gil back :D
#25 Aug 02 2005 at 3:15 PM Rating: Good
517 posts
My exp with Nicolas wasnt great either.

I step outside my mog and asked for a tele. Nicolas gave me an invite. I didnt responded on a tell or anything. Usually before doing a shout ill just do a say outside the mog.

So he gives me an invite and then a tell saying i want 1k or more as a reward because this guy stole 500k from me.

I just disbanded because ive read this post before.

Why do i have to pay for someone elses stupidity.

Btw after that a nice Whm gave me a tele for free ^^
#26 Aug 02 2005 at 4:23 PM Rating: Decent
26 posts
I only ran into Nicolas once, but he definetely didn't seem to be the prick alot of you say he is. It's never right to scam someone, even if the person that was scammed is someone you hate. We're all people here playing and would all want the same support in such similar situations.
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