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P.O.S. player warningFollow

#1 Jul 24 2005 at 10:59 PM Rating: Good
23 posts
Elfgod, before you read my rant, here is the bottom line... AVOID inviteing this player at all costs.

As a static, we only have 4 members until 58, so we invite "scabs" anyways, we invited a scab DRK and PLD, which the DRK was very cool, and the PLD wouldnt talk to us at first..

Upon inviteing, he DEMANDED I as pt leader, invite a BLM, I explained there were none /sea all 53-56 BLM, not in a pt..

We get to camp in boyhada (sp?), anyways, we start pulling crabs...
This is when the P.O.S. PLD refuses to rest, we politely ask him to, he instead says... and I quote..

"RDM + ELF/PLD = NO RESTING!" which.. after refresh wore, he would be at 100, and use pretty much all of it before fight was over...
About that time, he starts saying to me in /t again.. "this pt sucks cus you didnt invite blm" when none were available AT ALL earlier!

So we were chaining slow, cause most of the time he used stupid spells, Banish I saw that, I saw flash (regularily good..), and cure II (again not bad), but in the end we were chaining slow cause he refused to rest so he could retain his TP :/

So a BLM comes strolling over, he says "I'M leaving!" as soon as we pull, he engages, doesnt voke.. lets RNG get hate, and then disbands quickly getting a D2 and in /s, "lol!"

Bottom line, this guy is a P.O.S. PLD/human being

This is the end of my rant, let the flames come if yall are bored, but I had to let everyone know about this one

Elfgod = beware, POS PLD


Edited, Sun Jul 24 23:59:53 2005 by Orabu
#2 Jul 24 2005 at 11:48 PM Rating: Good
86 posts
Let me be the first as a PLD to say sorry on behalf of PLD's. Said to say there are some ppl that do not know how to play the job. Myself when in a exp pty and low on mp after a kill will switch to my darkstaff and rest to rebuild mp as fast as poss for less down time (even with a rdm and refresh).
#3 Jul 25 2005 at 12:04 AM Rating: Good
158 posts
I always rest after a fight with or without refresh. I also usually make it understood that i solo my weaponskills just so there isn't any misunderstanding. Thanks for warning.
#4 Jul 25 2005 at 7:19 AM Rating: Default
2,112 posts
My pld in my static never has to rest because he is just that damn good..If a party is done correctly a pld really shouldn't have to rest.

but in the end we were chaining slow cause he refused to rest so he could retain his TP :/

Some xp is better then no XP. If you were that upset about the pld, then you should have replaced him.
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#5 Jul 25 2005 at 8:36 AM Rating: Decent
64 posts
I'll agree with Unc, if the party is really really good the Pld normally won't have to rest, except maybe 20 seconds after Chain 5 or something just for the extra MP. Not all parties are perfect killing machines though, so its much better to rest after every fight than save up for those 39 Damage Swift Blades :D

But yeah as a Pld I hate to hear about Plds like this. It makes us all look bad, and I hear enough Nin>Pld anyways, things like this just make it worse
#6 Jul 25 2005 at 9:56 AM Rating: Excellent
115 posts
Unctgtg, I am not usually someone to say things against someone , but please, don't add comments like my static pld doesn't have to rest, cause in this case it doesn't add anything of use.

To get back at the original message, as you can see he used all his MP during fights.
I don't know about an Elvaan's mana pool, but it's lousy.
He would be at 100 mp at every fight, right?
That means they are resting for (refresh makes 3 MP per tick? )
So 33 ticks = 99 seconds they are resting.
If he would've had a dark staff with him, how much would that shorten the downtime? And they might have not been in the position to replace him by another tank?

We know you have a good static pty, we know you are filthy rich, we know that some XP is better than no XP.
But in stead of bragging and attention whoring (cause that's what you do (Like the I'm quitting post)) in multiple posts, please be quiet and leave your commentary for yourself.

Edited, Mon Jul 25 11:13:15 2005 by Gwedolyne
#7 Jul 25 2005 at 10:18 AM Rating: Good
278 posts

I'm the Ranger Orabu mentioned in the static. And I'd just like to backup what he says as factual.

There weren't any other available tanks at the time. Unfortunately.

The total amount of mobs we fought were 20. At the 20th mob he straight up ditches the party at about 10 seconds in. I'm happy we made it out with our lives.

Thank you all for listening and be wary of Elfgod.

#8UNCTGTG, Posted: Jul 25 2005 at 10:21 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Gwedolyne, it is really kinda sad that people have to come here to post about players does this and that. Player A sucks because he can't do this...
#9 Jul 25 2005 at 10:34 AM Rating: Good
399 posts
WHY NOT HELP that person

Some people dont want to be helped... OP mentioned they asked nicely a couple of times to rest, and what does the PLD do? Moans about not having a BLM.

UNC, let it go! We all dont have OMFGUB3R statics!

Thank you for warning us OP. Anyone who would bail out in the middle of a fight deserves to not get invites.
#10 Jul 25 2005 at 10:36 AM Rating: Default
2,112 posts
Fine I'll let it go...

Here is a warning about a player then..

Sultan--Leeched BLM AF-3, didn't even thank anyone, was very rude, didn't want to listen when we offered to help.

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#11 Jul 25 2005 at 11:13 AM Rating: Good
75 posts
I agree with unctgtg, I've ran into theses types of pld's but on rare occassions. O and btw Easykiller->P.O.S. thf /cry
#12 Jul 25 2005 at 11:50 AM Rating: Decent
Might wanna be careful using the term "P.O.S." on Ragnarok. POS= PrinceOnStar >.>
#13 Jul 25 2005 at 11:53 AM Rating: Good
89 posts
You missed the point of her reply, Unct...

Gwedolyne wrote:
Unctgtg, I am not usually someone to say things against someone , but please, don't add comments like my static pld doesn't have to rest, cause in this case it doesn't add anything of use.

Let me translate.. "The subject matter of this post is no way relates to the skill or ability of the PLD *you* play with. Frankly, we don't give a crap. Stick to the subject or don't bother posting."

That was the point of her reply. *shrug*
#14 Jul 25 2005 at 12:26 PM Rating: Good
69 posts
Unctcgct wrote:

My pld in my static never has to rest because he is just that damn good..

Here we go.. Untctct bragging as usual. Correct me if im wrong, since english is not my first language...doesnt the thread is warning about a player not How good ur set pt is?

Unctgtg What are u trying to achieve? Fame? yes u already known as one of the richest gil buyer and the most idiotic player at the same time.

So please do your self a favour, quit posting.. u make ur self more and more idiot.

/em waiting to see Airamis come to rescuse unctgtg` ***
#15 Jul 25 2005 at 12:33 PM Rating: Decent
23 posts
Sorry about using the P.O.S. I honestly didnt know about the LS, and I apologize if there were any mis-understandings

Generally I keep my complaints to myself, but I wanted to make this player known.

Our pt setup was fine, while no BLM, we had...
SAM/war RNG/nin DRK/war PLD/war WHM/blm RDM/smn

We could renkei twice a fight, (Me SAM + Miasma RNG), and we pulled ok dmg...

We did allthough have to rest our mage's mp, cause like another poster said and we ALL know, Elvaan's don't get much in the MP department.

I agree a well functioning pt can allow the PLD not to rest, BUT, he wasnt a good PLD, and we were unfortanate enough to be stuck with him as there were no tanks whatsoever 53-56 that werent pt'd, or they had been sleeping lol.

Sorry for bringing it back up, just hammering out some loose ends *^^*
#16UNCTGTG, Posted: Jul 25 2005 at 12:35 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I am stating the fact, it could not have been the pld himself, it could have been the whm, rdm, and many other issues in that party...
#17 Jul 25 2005 at 12:43 PM Rating: Decent
23 posts
That's just it UNC, he wasnt a good PLD, I've said it twice now in two different posts...

My static is only 4 members, WHM RDM SAM RNG.

We all do our job well, it was the PLD. Agree or disagree, but I was there first hand.

Congrats on your perfect pt, mine did all it could for 20 fights before this person ditched us after his poor performance.

#18 Jul 25 2005 at 4:30 PM Rating: Good
It seems to me that the biggest problem is the reaction of the PLD when he left the party. Not everyone is the best player, but everyone can be nice. I would guess the PLD should have thanked you for the invite and just left if he didn't like the party. Not all parties are perfect. I've been in both and I know I have messed up in some parties. Of course I don't know both sides of this story either.

As to Unctgtg's party, I am personally familiar with his party as my IRL wife is the RDM in that party and I play her character for her when she is not able to. Part of the reason the party works is the dynamics. If a party stays together a long time they usually figure out how each other plays. They also work out personality differences. It can be difficult when you have to "pick up" party members and find out too late that personalities don't fit.

I don't post here often, but I do read here for laughs. Owen, why are you so fascinated with Unctgtg? Most of the posts I read from you are inserted to say something negative about Unctgtg. It would be nice if you could lighten up. I bet you are a fairly good player and could provide some nice information about the game.

As to the claim that Unctgtg is a gil buyer, seller, or something, who cares? The only people who could even know if anything was happening is Square Enix. So either they don't care or it just isn't true. From what I've read on here most people don't seem to think Square Enix really cares anyway. Your claims are getting kind of old.

Now you may claim that I would defend Unctgtg because he is in DBS. I am not saying Unctgtg is or is not a "whatever you say". I just frankly think it doesn't matter.

Orabu, I hope things go better for you. I have partied with you using both my character and my wife's character. I know you are a good player and you guys will make up XP for that difficult night. Hang in there.
#19 Jul 25 2005 at 8:10 PM Rating: Decent
23 posts
You pt'd with me before? :) that's awesome, what's your IG name? Maybe we can pt again sometime?

Yes it wasnt the fact that he was all that great of a PLD, the point of this thread was honestly to point out he just left us to die, laughing..

Just was giving a heads up, but I think I've made that clear XD

Anyways, see yall in the game!
#20 Jul 26 2005 at 9:30 AM Rating: Default
287 posts
umm.... i know elfgod personally, and he wouldn't of left the PT w/o good reason. i asked him about it, and he said that he left due to PT setup and bad EXP and bad players. mainly the RDM wasnt refreshing properly and the RNG wouldnt stand behind PLD for cover. (this is what i learned from him)

but besides that, you guys where in boyahada at what level? im assuming 54-55? without a BLM, against crabs, your XP is going to suck. I learned that the hard way when i tried boyahada @ 52... (bad decision) we killed the mob with 3 2hrs and got 211xp for a 15minute fight... so we went to kuftal like i had suggested to PT leader XD...

anyway back on topic...

Elfgod is not a crappy PLD, banish / flash + cure 2 is the way a PLD has to keep hate if the RDM isnt refreshing.

zOMG he didnt rest cuz of TP?
hmm... normally my PLDs in my parties dont rest because the RDM and WHM are doing their jobs correctly.
#21 Jul 26 2005 at 12:04 PM Rating: Good
278 posts
umm.... i know elfgod personally, and he wouldn't of left the PT w/o good reason. i asked him about it, and he said that he left due to PT setup and bad EXP and bad players. mainly the RDM wasnt refreshing properly and the RNG wouldnt stand behind PLD for cover. (this is what i learned from him)

Then can you ask what made him up and leave the pt in the middle of fighting a Robber Crab?

PT Setup = WHM/PLD/RDM/RNG/SAM/DRK What about that pt setup was bad? All the players were doing their job effectively. With the exception of Elfgod.

Everytime I looked at his MP he had refresh on himself.

I'm the RNG. I can't stand behind the PLD every waking moment because NOW I need to be further away. But trust me, after any action that I took that gave me the hate from the PLD I went behind him, cover or not.

but besides that, you guys where in boyahada at what level? im assuming 54-55? without a BLM, against crabs, your XP is going to suck. I learned that the hard way when i tried boyahada @ 52... (bad decision) we killed the mob with 3 2hrs and got 211xp for a 15minute fight... so we went to kuftal like i had suggested to PT leader XD...

anyway back on topic...

It actually wasn't too bad. RDM to dispel and we were doing just fine. With respectable 120-180 EXP a kill. The downtime came in between the fights. Waiting on MP. WHM was low as was RDM and PLD due to what I had seen as excessive curing.

Elfgod is not a crappy PLD, banish / flash + cure 2 is the way a PLD has to keep hate if the RDM isnt refreshing.

I can understand that. In this instance the RDM was refreshing. And I didn't see that PLD once equip a dark staff to heal or an earth staff to tank. Which at this level are very nice tools to have. You can't deny it.

zOMG he didnt rest cuz of TP?
hmm... normally my PLDs in my parties dont rest because the RDM and WHM are doing their jobs correctly.

Ignoring your clever l337 attempt at mockery, yes he felt like he needed to save his tp. It'd crest 280%+ before he wanted to use it. This is not a PLD's job in an EXP party. TP isn't a PLD's most coveted resource. It's a little thing called MP.

The fact remains he didn't make any extended effort to better the party. And ended up leaving mid fight. That to me constitutes a bad player. You just don't do that. End of story.

Edited, Tue Jul 26 14:39:20 2005 by SirMiasma
#22 Jul 26 2005 at 12:27 PM Rating: Good
23 posts
Fact of the matter is, you can ask Elfgod all you want, we have screen shots of him doing this if you don't believe us.

No the exp wasnt bad, like Miasma said, it was mostly slow cause of the downtime.

RNG can't stick right behind PLD 24/7 anymore, if you havnt realized SE tweaked how they play, and yes, Miasma would run behind PLD EVERYTIME he got hate, to insure if he had Cover then he could use it effectivly.

I love how negative your post was, another fact was, we were there you were not. He wasnt a good PLD, bottom line.

It's not even that he wasnt a perfect PLD, it was the fact that he left mid fight laughing.

btw thanks for tha karma nuke, just because he was your friend, I understand why you would do it, but sometimes the truth hurts, he isnt a good player.
#23 Jul 26 2005 at 1:22 PM Rating: Decent
724 posts
but besides that, you guys where in boyahada at what level? im assuming 54-55? without a BLM, against crabs, your XP is going to suck. I learned that the hard way when i tried boyahada @ 52... (bad decision) we killed the mob with 3 2hrs and got 211xp for a 15minute fight... so we went to kuftal like i had suggested to PT leader XD...

LMAO!! this makes me laugh!! who said you need a ******* BLM in the Pt to do decent dmg on Crabs??!! I went through there as my RNG without a BLM (took only 2 pts).. BLM is not a must in the PT to fight Crabs..
2nd.. a great PLD know when to rest=, when to not.. oh yeah Banish is not a good way to hold hate, flash however it is, i dont know why not alot pld uses it... just because ZOMG I got an ub3r l337 pt, our PLD doesnt even need rest, doesnt he doesnt rest when pt with other pts.. you have to adjust your play style some what to fit the pt.. if the pt requires you to rest, you probably should.. so Elfgod maybe a good pld at some pt,, but he aint that good at this pt, and THe disband thing JUST TOTALLY WRONG!! and uncallful..
#24UNCTGTG, Posted: Jul 26 2005 at 2:03 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Hey tetsu when we going to finish up ZM missions, as I see your on ZM-14. :)
#25 Jul 26 2005 at 2:30 PM Rating: Decent
Sometimes people have an off day, everyone in your party already hates him so why try to get the whole server to do the same? I'm sure you've already set this as your linkshell message and whatnot but maybe you should think if you have ever been a sh*tty party member yourself. I'm saying this may be a bit much, you had one bad experience partying with this person; so you were so mad that you wrote about him in a forum? Ha.
#26 Jul 26 2005 at 2:39 PM Rating: Good
278 posts
Exactly. Everyone can have an off day. I won't dispute that.

But I'll never leave a party mid fight while laughing at them because they'll most likely die. No matter what that isn't called for.

And yes we will speak out about it because it simply shouldn't happen. It doesn't call for it. If there's a problem, please speak up and let the party resolve it or disband. But not duing a fight. It doesn't do anyone any good.
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