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Lack of Decency.Follow

#1 Jul 07 2005 at 5:34 PM Rating: Decent
625 posts
Everyone in this game is a *******, I swear. I was at Temple of Uggla today, and waiting patiently for the Tonberries to move out of the way (and a Doll) so I could open a Granite Door to get the Ugglapeih Offering.

Only one door, really, because I had a pretty good idea where it was, since I thought I saw the ??? when a Tonberry opened the door, but I couldn't run through in time.

So I'm waiting, replacing my buffs and an RDM in AF named Sesshomaru comes in, I ask him if he's here for the offering and he says yes, and that he's been 'farming it for 3 days'. He runs upstairs, opens all the doors and gets the offering, in the door that I knew it was in.

Everything in this game does very little but pit player against player. Crafts aren't cooperative, they're just methods for powergamers to make more money by bleeding people dry.

NM camping is pure competition. Leveling is competition. Doing quests is competing to get rare drops just so you can hand them in before everyone else.

I'm really at the end of my rope here, I'm strongly considering just giving away all my equipment and being done, and no one will care because it's all about competition, and all this means is one less crafter and mage for everyone else to beat out for spawns and items.

In fact, I would bet 100 gil that the majority of replies to this message are 'If you don't like it, get out of the sandbox' to incite and facilitate my leaving.
#2 Jul 07 2005 at 6:06 PM Rating: Decent
724 posts
stop your whining-.- why dont you open the door and get it, if you know where it is.. you waited, thats your fault.. I'm not even complaining how many time i got screwed try to get the offering. open the door, beat up the tonberry. and someone else just grabbed the offering.. so stop your whining-.-.

And yes, this game is about competition and have fun while at it, if you dont like it, dont play... just because you are there 1st to camp some NM(like VE), so other people cant camp for it? **************

Edited, Thu Jul 7 19:11:17 2005 by narusegwa
#3 Jul 07 2005 at 7:20 PM Rating: Decent
I'm not sure if your the one I saw at the zone of Den of Rancor this evening or not (not sure, though the name is familiar), while checking if there were Tonberries Stabbers by there.

I understand how you feel, but not everyone in Ragnarok acts the same way. For example, a few weeks ago, I was helping a ls mate to get his Offering to get his Carbuncle Mitts (he's SMN). I went through all the rooms a few times. To make sure, even checked the rooms of the other maps (as I had seen a ???, but I discovered thta was for another item).

After a long time, checking and checking, we zoned to Den of Rancor. There, we found a BLM and he asked us if we were looking for the Uggalepih Offering. I told him that yes, that we needed it to get his Carbuncle Mitts. The BLM said that he wouldn't look for it just then, but later. So we were very thankful to him :)

(As a side note, next time we checked, the ??? had spawned so finally he got it ^^).

As you can see, not all guys & girls in Ragnarok act the same way. However, if he really was camping the ??? for 3 days, I understand him too... :S

Well, as a tip, if you really want them, first of all, look for the ???. I mean, playing with the cameras, you can target mobs and NPCsat the other side of the walls. That includes the ??? for the Offering. Once you target it, press * to center it, just to make sure where it is.

Then, go to a safe place and cast, if you can, blink and stoneskin, an re-invisible youtrself (or just anything you can cast to survive the aggro), if you don't have them up yet. (note: be careful with the Magic Aggro mobs).

Now, if you know there are people fighting Tonberries (for example) at the zone to Den of Rancor, make them know that you could aggro a Tonberry (or more than one, probably) and might need to zone (if there's no one, even better).

Now, just wait in front of the door you have to open till the Tonbies in the corridor don't look at you. When that happens, open the door, and quickly, target the ??? and go to it and check it. You'll recieve the Uggalepih Offering. You may have been aggroed when this happens, if not, even better. Quickly, open the door again and run till the zone. And done ^^. In the case you die before reaching the zone, at least think that you got what you wanted and you can get the experience back :)

Ah! And don't forget to don't cast invisible in the room or in the coridor without knowing that the dolls are far away... because if a Tonberry train can be bad... imagine Tonberry + Doll :S

Anyway, good luck with the Offering and don't give up in the game :) As there may be things you can be sad or angry about, there will be, for sure, people and things you'll enjoy a lot :D
#4 Jul 07 2005 at 10:18 PM Rating: Decent
625 posts
Kurohi, that was me that you passed earlier in the evening. Not being as high level as everyone else, I was rebuffing up and trying to get a feel for how far away one can be from the Dolls to recast. Even though I probably should've just opened the door and cut invis and sucked up the death, I didn't. I also could've asked an alliance of level 70+s to come with me and annihilate all the Tonberries in the area. I didn't, because I saw this as another trial SMNs should undergo.

And while not everyone on Ragnarok has such an awful mentality, regarding selfishness,it's true, but if you look above at Tetsu's lovingly worded post, you can see that it's somewhat common --- no one is interested in camaraderie, it's all come to get as much money as possible, get as high as possible, get as many items as possible and it doesn't matter how many people or who are tromped over to get there.

If I wanted to compete, I'd rather go play on old MUDs where PK means something and you get all your defeated opponents equipment and money, and isn't just sitting and waiting for a 20 hour mob to spawn and being able to hit a Stun macro faster.

#5 Jul 08 2005 at 12:06 AM Rating: Decent
Wah wah wah wah wah.

Get over it. This is a competitive game, whether you like it or not.

Whine all you want. It won't change anything.

If you weren't willing to die for the thing, you must not have wanted it very bad. It's easy as hell to get if you use some prism powders, which you would have brought if you were prepared and really wanted it.

Edited, Fri Jul 8 01:10:58 2005 by Kerberoz
#6 Jul 08 2005 at 2:24 AM Rating: Decent
396 posts
This attitude that some people have adopted, that everyone in this game (but themselves) is a greedy ******* that will do whatever to get what they want is getting really annoying. Usually it seems to be a rant about not getting an item that they wanted for themselves too.....I don't like to be an *** but seriously, what Kerberoz and narusegwa said goes for me too.
#7 Jul 08 2005 at 5:23 AM Rating: Good
93 posts
Did you ask him for first chance at the offering?

You should have been in Oztroja looking for your AF pre-Oz nerf :) Ever since my experience there, nothing ever seems worse
#8 Jul 08 2005 at 8:13 AM Rating: Decent
773 posts
I can relate to how you Feel, as I have already done the Cancel Account / give my Items Away. 3 Months later, I'm back.

It sucks when someone else grabs something you have been waiting to score, but you can:

A. Try again later, ask some LS buddies / Friends to Join you, as you'll have better odds of Score.
B. Keep a Cool Head, and change gears for a few hours.

If you are walking down the street, and see a $20 Bill on the ground, that you did not see drop, if you leave it alone for a few minutes, someone else will pick it up.

It's the way of the World, just don't get bent, keep @ it, or Switch gears to something Else. This comming from a Dood who needs 3 more pieces of AF :p
#9 Jul 08 2005 at 9:04 AM Rating: Good
1,701 posts
I understand how you are feeling and I guess I am in the middle. I'm one of the ones that enjoy the competition. I don't care if I'm first or have the best, but there is something fun about competing for pops and stuff. You can compete without being rude.

It's hard to know the other guys situation. He could have been in that zone for hours before you got there and had to escape or warp cause of a link or something. I've had that happen to me before when hunting for something and when I get back someone else is waiting for what I was looking for. It may sound rude, but I'm not going to waste the 3 or 4 hours I put in pre warp plus travel time to just hand it over, especially if that person doesn't offer.

Things like carby mitts are luxury items. Yeah those mitts are awesome to have. But don't let trying to get it get you down. Take some friends with you for it and have some fun. You are going to need them for the fight anyway.

I am a fan of /random for situations like this though. If both of you are after something and have put in a lot of time, random is always a good way to decide who gets it.
#10 Jul 08 2005 at 11:07 AM Rating: Decent
773 posts
Also, if you want to experience a Real P.I.T.A Quest / Item Sequence, Complete the Purple and Brown Belt Quests :-p

Speaking of such, I never completed Brown Belt Quest, so I can get another one, since I sold my Last one before I left, lol. Brown Belt Rocks, but unless you are eating some good Sushi, you should Stick to Life Belt, Imo (for Xp).
#11 Jul 08 2005 at 11:32 PM Rating: Default
242 posts
Whenever I enter a high competition situation I go anon and shut up. I don't talk to anyone.

When I am in a non high competiton situation I turn off anon so I can get help or help others. Just the other day someone opened the door for me so I could get my G3 yagudo crest.

I have also had people open chests or coffers right under my nose. It really does not help to ask them not too. Competition is the rule in these situations.

It's really not that bad. Every exp Party is an exercise in cooperation. Ditto for a lot of quests. Some people will act like jerks all the time. But, most people really go out of their way to help others when the situation calls for it.

#12 Jul 08 2005 at 11:53 PM Rating: Decent
230 posts
If you quit, don't give away your items... You'll end up coming back... everyone does.

Also don't try to get banned, you'll stil come back.
#13 Jul 09 2005 at 5:50 PM Rating: Decent
625 posts
>> Every exp Party is an exercise in cooperation. Ditto for a lot of quests. Some people will act like jerks all the time. But, most people really go out of their way to help others when the situation calls for it.

I dunno, it seems to me that a lot of times you are competing with other members of your job to get a spot in an exp party, and once you get into an exp party you are competing with other parties for mobs and opportunity.

I did exaggerate by using 'everyone', but it seems like an overwhelming majority have the mentality I mentioned.

I appreciate the comments that are constructive and supportive, and laugh at the people who just want another player out of the game.
#14 Jul 11 2005 at 12:30 PM Rating: Default
1,058 posts
I dunno, it seems to me that a lot of times you are competing with other members of your job to get a spot in an exp party, and once you get into an exp party you are competing with other parties for mobs and opportunity.

Welcome to the world. Real and virtual.

When you sit at your graduation,and look at all your friends with the same major, don't ever think for a moment one of them is going to tell an interviewer "oh my friend applied? Give them the job, not me". Or that they'll do anything buy laugh at you for telling them "I've been trying to get a job for a month so this one is mine ok? You get the next one".

Same with the game, every person with the same job as you wants the same things as you. if they see it, they'll do what they need to do to take it. It's competition, and it sucks, but you dont get a choice whether to play it that way or not. Real word or virtual.
#15 Jul 11 2005 at 11:44 PM Rating: Decent
625 posts
Competing in the real world is fine. I never said I had a problem with that. I choose not to learn my life lessons from an online game.

It's when I want to escape that I don't want to constantly be at odds with my fellow players. It makes me want to go play Resident Evil Online. Rarely is there competition there unless it's requested. When it's unrequested competition, it's a rarity and not a constant.

Some people enjoy the thrill of competition and beating out other players in an MMO. I don't, when it's nearly every aspect of this game. I admittedly would almost prefer the old MUDs I used to play where cooperation was more prevalent.

That's why I posted this thread, because it was the final straw of exasperation when everything on everything is just watching players claw at other players and the sense of cooperation is reduced to a few instances.

Let the 'So shut up and quit playing' replies commence.

And I do get a choice. If nothing else, I always have a choice.
#16 Jul 12 2005 at 9:45 AM Rating: Decent
1,058 posts
Unfortunately the very nature of an MMORPG is a competitive one. We compete for resources, party slots, drops, gil, everything. MMOs are a kind of 'escape into a different kind of life' but it's still functioning under the basic rules of 'life'.

I guess if lizzy were a 100% claim 100% drop, it wouldn't be anywhere near as fun to get the boots. Look at a job's AF. Even with those quests/fights you often find yourself competing against others to get a key or pop a coffer.

Getting into a party is competition. That party getting a spot to fight and claims once they get there are all competitive things.

MMOs so closely resemble life that psychologists and economists study them as fishbowl examples of how people interact and compete within social and economic circles.

I have long thought that people who take up FFXI after many many years of enjoying the franchise miss a simple fact (not saying you but that I see it in many cases in people who play this game). FF I thought X-2 (and the upcoming FFXII) all have a simple thing in common. YOU are the one true hero. You can tell your partymates what to do, how, and when, YOU get the uber cool drop of coolness +1 EVERY time because you are supposed to. In the MMO version of FFXI all that goes away. Your party members will kick you in the teeth if you boss them around, you are one of thousands trying for the uber gear. The whole thing changes. But people go "Oh FF! THis will be just like the others".

Dunno. Just me and what I see a lot of.

And I do get a choice. If nothing else, I always have a choice.

Yep, and at least you now have info (from playing anyway) to help you make that choice.

personally, I don't play FFXI when I want to escape and get away (too many people in this game for that). I play a game like Gran Turismo, or maybe Ikaruga. Where the only thing I compete against is my last lap time or high score. Even when I miss it, I know it was ME that set that last 'best'. :)
#17 Jul 12 2005 at 10:55 AM Rating: Decent
724 posts

If you dont care about it, then why did you come here and whining, crying and ******** about some RDM took your Offering??...
#18 Jul 12 2005 at 12:12 PM Rating: Decent
58 posts
Considering the reason you were going to be kicked out of the first LS I was a part of had you not left, I find this thread very ironic. It's called Karma.

A fun playing environment is the result of all players doing their part. Start by being nice, considerate, helpful, and unselfish yourself, then watch the ripple in the pond.

Edited, Tue Jul 12 13:15:05 2005 by psythe
#19 Jul 12 2005 at 12:50 PM Rating: Good
625 posts
A lot for me to answer to.

I exaggerated when I say everything is competitive, Airimis. Some things are not in this game. Missions, for instance, prime avatar battles, or fighting Maat are not (though debatably the last one, I guess -- getting testimonies must be pretty tiring and possibly competitive; I don't know, I'm not up there). But they are the exception to the norm in this game, and that is what I find most trying, I think.

Tetsu, yes, I was aggravated at the particular Offering incident, but the post was not so much about not getting the offering that day, but more so how everyone is so set straight on competing, and how the game mechanics promote such things.

Why, for instance, does AF gear have to be on a coffer system? Why not instance it for each player? Why force players to fight each other for the artifact instead of making say, a BCNM to fight where you have to defeat a boss to get a coffer?

MMOs do not strictly have to be about competing with your fellow players. It depends on the game, and many come to mind where there is competition, but it is not the primary theme of the game, whereas in FFXI, I believe it is.

To Ruhne, you don't know me or my linkshell anymore, but I would suspect they would vouch that I am not selfish, mean, inconsiderate, and unhelpful. This game is a vast ocean, however, and individual ripples seem insignificant based on the majority opinion of the playerbase. Meanwhile, for the benefit of everyone else, why not tell the rest of the forum why exactly you find it ironic? It could be a good example of what I refer to above. I'm glad you're happy, though.

#20 Jul 12 2005 at 1:29 PM Rating: Default
1,058 posts
more so how everyone is so set straight on competing, and how the game mechanics promote such things.

you pretty much have your answer in your own comment. The game mechanics promote such things. The game is based heavily on competition. Even the entire concept of Missions, to obtain Rank sure, but more to help further your country in CONQUEST over the other countries. While the 3 countries are working to fight off the beatmen horde, each have their own agenda, and thus competition results. It is engrained into every player from the outset.

I notice you have a lot of information about your character in your sig. Why? It can easily been seen as either bragging or a challenge. Indeed one is more or less the other in the majority of cases. I'm not pointing a finger, just something I noticed.

MMOs do not strictly have to be about competing with your fellow players. It depends on the game, and many come to mind where there is competition, but it is not the primary theme of the game, whereas in FFXI, I believe it is.

I agree, but you seem, in the root of your argument, to be asking "why must this be so". The simple answer is again lies in your own comments. The game was made that way. The developers intended it that way and that is the way it is becuase of that.

I am at risk of becoming the first person to have to pay up the 100 gil on the "if you don't like it" bet. But honestly, I'm starting to suspect that it is the only answer you really want to hear. In fact, most of your arguments seem to be driving towards getting someone to say as much.

Maybe a game organized as this one is is not for everyone. This is why there are so many MMOs, each with some unique gameplay mechanics. Some more, some less competitive. Like shoes, it's a matter of trying on the one that fits best.

You mention resident evil online as something more suited to your thinking. Yet you still come to FFXI, after realizing everything you've mentioned? Why is that? I would hazaard the guess that it is because you are just as human as any of us. Thus you are just as hardwired to feed on competition and adversity as we all are. It's noble to attempt to rise above the most base and animalistic instincts of our race, it is arrogant to think you are immune to them entirely.

Edited, Tue Jul 12 14:36:22 2005 by airamis

Edited, Tue Jul 12 14:33:02 2005 by airamis
#21 Jul 13 2005 at 9:26 AM Rating: Good
35 posts
hi Priphea ^^
#22 Jul 13 2005 at 11:10 AM Rating: Decent
625 posts
Hi Rhydia. ^^ I haven't seen you in, like, forever. I wish I could go off and have exciting adventures with you and Juki ;_;

Airimis, I appreciate your comments, but I wasn't really so much looking for an answer or argument as a place to vent. I keep coming back because of certain friends -- if some of them retire, I will certainly.

Competition is nice, just not so prevalently.

#23 Jul 13 2005 at 11:17 AM Rating: Good
35 posts
"exciting adventures" is't the phrase juki would use when i cause death and mayhem on our outtings :p i'm trouble wrapped in elvaan lol
#24 Jul 13 2005 at 2:32 PM Rating: Good
47 posts
Hey there, Priphea. Sorry you're feeling a bit frustrated. It's not all bad, though.
Priphea wrote:
Everything in this game does very little but pit player against player.

I'd argue this point, more on a philosophical basis than anything. A lot of the responses have been correct in saying that the competition in the game recreates some of the dog-eat-dog situations presented in the real world. But, the answer isn't quite that simple. In the real world, you're presented with situations where there can only be one victor. Now, there are people that will be all cutthroat about it, trying to move ahead on their own no matter what the cost to those around them. And then there are those that can set aside their own goals temporarily in order to help someone else achieve theirs. The game, just like the world, is filled with both. The trick is remember who falls on which side of the coin. And, just like in real life, find yourself a good group of people that follow the latter, rather than the former.

Some will say that those people never get ahead, that it's the cutthroat folks that succeed. But then, I guess it's a matter of perspective. I'm one of the latter, both in the game and in the real world. And personally, I measure my success by the number of people close to me. Same thing with the game. I may level slowly, but I've got people that keep me logging in day-in and day-out. Eventually, I'll get the "stuff" that I need, because those people are there to help me do it. Likewise, I'm there for them. I may not get it as fast as the cutthroat folks, but I can guarrantee I have a lot more fun getting there. Remember that this is a massively multiplayer online game. If you try to play it as a single-player experience, your missing out on the best part.
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