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MPK'er VedriceFollow

#27 Jul 04 2005 at 11:36 PM Rating: Decent
127 posts
I'll be sure to remember that next time I see you fighting an NM and it goes unclaimed. When I take it and have to listen to your whinning about mob stealing, I'll send you a /tell with this threads URL in it. You can then scroll down and read your own words so I don't have to waste my time repeating them for you.

Was that aimed at me?
#28 Jul 05 2005 at 9:04 AM Rating: Decent
It's Just a Flesh Wound
22,702 posts
BigSturg wrote:
I'll be sure to remember that next time I see you fighting an NM and it goes unclaimed. When I take it and have to listen to your whinning about mob stealing, I'll send you a /tell with this threads URL in it. You can then scroll down and read your own words so I don't have to waste my time repeating them for you.

Was that aimed at me?

I don't think so but... mavtaru needs to read a bit better >.>;
Dear people I don't like: 凸(●´―`●)凸
#29 Jul 05 2005 at 10:12 AM Rating: Decent
356 posts
I don't think so but... mavtaru needs to read a bit better >.>;

Actually I was running on the hope that Sturg would realize I wasn't refering to him, which he sort of half did so, meh.

On that note, if I need to read a bit better, you need to go back to grammar school a bit longer.
#30 Jul 05 2005 at 11:41 AM Rating: Decent
It's Just a Flesh Wound
22,702 posts
Mavtaru wrote:
I don't think so but... mavtaru needs to read a bit better >.>;

Actually I was running on the hope that Sturg would realize I wasn't refering to him, which he sort of half did so, meh.

On that note, if I need to read a bit better, you need to go back to grammar school a bit longer.

guess I was wrong then, thought you were saying that to the OP, and please..if I was right and you were talking to the OP, then what would my grammer have to do with not reading what the OP said.

btw.. whats wrong with that Smiley: lol

it's the same as saying 'he needs to read better' just.. 'he needs to read a bit better'

Would you have liked it more if I said 'he needs to read a tiny bit better?'
Dear people I don't like: 凸(●´―`●)凸
#31 Jul 05 2005 at 11:57 AM Rating: Good
1,410 posts
Sounds like an honest disagreement over just what constitutes "stealing" in one very specific context. (As to MPKing, I can't tell.) I can't judge this one very well because my highest job is 50WHM, and I've never leveled BST, so I don't know what Vedrice's options are.

Maybe the OP and his crew would not have claimed the NM if they had thought, "Well, true, Vedrice got his *** kicked that time, but I'm going to give him a few more minutes to get raised and try again. Otherwise I'd feel like I was stealing." But maybe THAT is simply being TOO nice? Again, I just haven't the required experience to judge.

Plainly this was nowhere near the kind of blatant, mid-battle theft that I've seen screenshots of.

That said, Vedrice has been nothing but giving and supportive to me, and I miss him since his departure from the LS for reasons that remain a mysterious mess of personal disputes involving only one or two other people in it. (My LS remains wonderful, but it would be better with Vedrice, is all.)

So I cannot believe he would MPK someone without at least THINKING that someone deliberately stole from him.

Miss ya Veddy!

(Haven't rated anyone up or down, by the way.)
#32 Jul 05 2005 at 2:11 PM Rating: Good
1,410 posts
Vedrice did not leave your LS because of me, he left because of the fact you treat your LS members poorly. I keep hearing over and over from a few of your current LS members that you never give straight answers on things like...mob levels, drops and so on. This will cause a person to leave your so-called "elite" LS.
Axiom has been a wonderful LS to me. I've never seen Trich treat anyone poorly; indeed, 4 or 5 days ago, he issued a polite but clear warning to Be Nice, after an LS member briefly quit for being teased over a gimped subjob. Trich is also a fountain of information; if he doesn't know, he will know where to find it. (This isn't to say that he is always nice; just that I haven't seen him otherwise. See below.)

You want to know the main reason why I left? I felt like I was ignored by most of the LS members
I'm sorry to hear it. You must have departed right around the time I was getting my pearl, late '04 or beginning of '05? Anyway. This (on a side note) is why I don't want a huge LS: so much LS-chat can drown out cries for help sometimes. I'm sorry I didn't get to know you.

and did not like the way 2 people in particular acted when we PT'ed with them. They both tried to "take over" our set PT...sorry fellas, ain't happening. I don't care who you are, you don't have the right to treat people like they do not matter
You're right, they don't. Too bad they didn't find their own semi-set, if they didn't like the way yours was operating.

Anyway, I hope you will not trash Axiom publicly over what appears to be a personal dispute between a few members of it. (Don't misunderstand, I'm not disputing your right to reSPOND publicly to a public statement that you found objectionable. I'd do the same ... )
#33 Jul 05 2005 at 8:03 PM Rating: Decent
180 posts
Concerning the Aquarius trouble... I was in a 6 DRG pt that day, and we accidently linked Aquarius. I asked Vedrice to try and help us fight him, so he and his duo partner came to help us. He was in the middle of switching pets when your RDM pulled it with Dia and ran off, so don't come with all of that bull**** talking about how he was trying to steal it from yall. To be frank, I'm glad that smn died, talking crap to us since "we let Aquarius get stolen from you guys." *******.

And as for the Axiom trouble... people were alienated by the way some of the members were treating newer people in the LS, which is why some of them left. Vedrice left over some of the alienation, as did other members, so you can't try to flip on him by saying he was being nasty towards some of the axiom members, when in fact, some of them had it coming, from the way they were treating people at that time. Now, at least a month has passed since all that happened, and I think people have gotten over whatever it was then, so I see no problem with Axiom now, and I enjoy their company when I am on.

But for you camping linkshells who see a bst running to and fro pulling pets to kill a NM, which he ISN'T dying to, you guys are a bunch of tools for taking it from him, and I find it funny that you complain that you all died. You stole his NM. I would've done the same if you had stolen it from under my nose too.
#34 Jul 07 2005 at 3:00 PM Rating: Default
58 posts
Before I even start... no. I do not have a life, don’t bother telling me to get one.

I have many reasons I left axiom, but before I tear into that, I will say I do appreciate the things I achieved there. Thank you to all who helped. Myself? I can’t say I was exactly mistreated... more like ignored. Like I wasn’t there at all. And when I was given a moment, I was criticized harshly, and in so many words, I was called a n00b, a dumb ***, a worthless player. It felt like that every time I was on, even if I was *trying* to help.

I joined that LS to help me feel a bit less lonely in the huge server, but to no avail. I tried getting a few of my other friends in, only to be told no. then I sit and watch everyone else get someone in. It sickened me. All I wanted was to have *one* of my dear friends in... I get denied, then 5 other people get in... yeah. Despite the fact I had been in that LS for a considerable amount of time, it was like I was being told “Oh, you are worthless, and the people you know are too.”

I won’t say that LS outwardly acts “Elitist”, but its damn close.

As far as the people complaining about MPK... so what? Oh, I know, I know, you lost some precious EXP. OMFG oh nooooooeeees! **** son, I could lose *all* of my levels, *all* of my EXP, and I would laugh. Why? Even if I only played 1 hour a week, I would get that back. I honestly think MPK is just glorified ************ anyway. Sure, they can kill you. Damn. Nuts. I will only get it back. I have been MPK’d so many times, I lost count, and its funny *every time*. So please, ***** away. While you’re at it, ***** about gilsellers and unsubbed dunes n00bs. Please. We don’t have enough of that **** in here. Did Vedrice MPK you? I f!cking hope so. I wish I could have been there to see all of you whine.

*waaaah* “GM! GM! The BST is pickin' on me!” god that’s funny.
#35 Jul 07 2005 at 3:27 PM Rating: Good
1,410 posts
I miss you, Wrench ;; "You never forget your first {Raise}," now, do ya?

Sorry things did not work out for you in Axiom. I truly am. You obviously are not a n00b (who else has like 11 jobs leveled to 30 or more?? hardly "noob") or worthless.

I got Samurai unlocked meself and am glad you are enjoying it!

Look up old Grommet someday.
#36 Jul 08 2005 at 11:04 AM Rating: Default
25 posts
Vedrice? MPKer? No way.
Let me tell you my story here...

You all know about G1, hm? Exoray mold, rings a bell? Yes, hours of fun killing shroomies in GC's lower level. I was being helped by a DRG and DRK friend, and Vedrice was there helping one of his own friends, with these scary scorpions as a pet. So yeah, we were kinda competing.

He passes us by with his pet.. and stays there, right beside.

Then.. I see him go poof. I was like OMG NOES!! HE ATL TABBED TO MPK US AAHH!!
However.. it was one of these times where the server kkicks a buncha people.. because yes, the High-level DRG.. had gone poof as well.

So uhm.. hello scorpion? Bam, whack, one dead WHM, and one dead DRK.. who was AFK I think? Apparently the thing wasn't gonna move away from me. I was glad I had reraise on.. it just had to MOVE!

The story's not over.. Eventually Vedrice logs back on and sees our two dead bodies. He re-charms the thing, appologizes like all heck to us.. and....

He helped us find the mold.

Vedrice? MPKer? No. At first I thought so, but he's actually a great guy..
...and when he took off whatever hat he had? He's my twin ^_^

Saw him run by in Jeuno yesterday with that cool JSE stuff... aaahh makes me kinda want it too ;.;
Anyway.. Vedrice? Two thumbs up for you b^_^d

Ragnarok, R5 (ack 5-1 when'll I see a shout)
WHM61/BLM37/others jobs=low/irrelevant x.x;
#37 Jul 09 2005 at 1:27 AM Rating: Decent
58 posts
That would have been my G1 when i was leveling Samurai, if Wrench rings any bells anyway. He felt really bad about that, even i panicked a bit myself (i even ate crawlers nest floor once or twice during that whole episode), but he insisted on helping you all because of it.
#38 Jul 09 2005 at 9:44 AM Rating: Decent
452 posts
I got through a little more than half of this before my breakfast started coming up.

I can see both sides of this, and here's what I see:

1. Party. You guys don't seem to understand how bst works when fighting a NM. A nm fight for bst is total chaos, and could easily take 30 minutes. You gotta be a little more respectful to the bst. If he's dead, go claim the nm, enjoy. But if he's got 1hp and a pet, he's still fighting.

2. Sometimes bst loses focus, plain and simple. It sounds like Ved was more focused on saving his *** than considering the fate of another party. My personal style in this goofy game is to make sure another pt is safe...then worry about myself. It would have been nice if Veddicakes drew the aggro crab off a bit, then release the crawler and charm off the crab. Yes you would have taken maybe 2 shots (um, blink was up, right?^^)

You need to realize releasing aggro mobs near pt's is what starts this whole stupid MPK fight...and gives all us fuzzy bsts a bad name. This leads to pt's taking our nm's....which leads to useless threads like this one.

Bottom line. Parties: Be respectful to bst's, because they ARE a party. Don't take their nm's until the bst is eating dirt, show respect. BST: Be respectul to parties...I know its not easy, but you have to take your job with a lot of responsibility. If you act correctly, a smart party will recognize this, and treat you the same.

OK, enough high and mighty posting for me...let's see if POL will friggin let me back in the game >.<
#39 Jul 09 2005 at 11:00 PM Rating: Decent
25 posts
Wrench? I do remember now :D

Ah G1..... Exoray Mold was annoying, I thought.. Well the paper was even more.. and G3 was so suicidal ^^;

Good luck with further levelling, Wrnch.. and Vedrice? good luck with NMs ^^
#40 Jul 10 2005 at 5:04 PM Rating: Decent
Ty ^^ ;p
#41 Jul 11 2005 at 3:29 AM Rating: Decent
Vedrice !!!
he's would never MPK anyone.
he's a really nice person!

#42 Jul 11 2005 at 4:04 AM Rating: Default
227 posts
hmm, i don't like to meddle in other peoples busness...but since vedrice is an old and very good friend of mine i might as well back him up.

first of all, any friend of ved would know he's a good person :o he wouldnt mpk anyone for sheer fun. if you steal a bst's mob...cmon expect death, after all they can and will get away with it guys.

"*This is just a GAME anyways. you think i care?*"
I find your quote quite contradictory. If you didn't care, why bother releasing the crawler? Because you DID care, regardless of what other thoughts took place. Posting on here clearly showed you -cared- and wanted to express your views on what happened.

i think you misunderstood what he was saying. so before trying to make him look like a contradictorial ***, think before opening your mouth :o. i think what he was saying is he doesnt care if you think or not that he is an mpk'er. not that he doesnt care about getting NMs stolen...i mean it's pretty self explanatory that he does, and whom wouldnt?

oh yeah this made me chuckle:

"There is no good, there is no bad. Just perspective and opinion." -Squall

lol...think about it
#43 Jul 14 2005 at 2:34 PM Rating: Default
144 posts
this is the funniest sheetz ever. do not under estimate a bst for one. as far as mpking in the tree story, LOL. i would release my pet and charm the aggrod mob any day. people always stealing mobs from bst, when sheetz goes unclaimed during a pet swap, no one cares. y because we are bst. sadly to say we are the most underated job other then drg ^^
#44 Jul 16 2005 at 11:37 AM Rating: Good
Was not very well this few weeks. On and off-line.

First there is something i wanted to say and i found a word for it. Wanted to post this sometime ago but {too weak}

Of course i rate Trichocyst's post up. We are, i admit, seriously ungentlemanly in pulling the gob from Vedrice. And to this i apologise for our actions, Vedrice. But i didnt pull it lol. Xiaozhao the greedy =p

However Vedrice i was expecting a sorry or somekind from you, as you DID the MPK-ing (>_<) And of course you are right that you arent dying, but you are unable to defeat it in the end. After you MPK-ed us and claim the mob, you ended up with death (with a little lol, dont deny it, and you hp-ed). And sad to say you dont feel remorseful even after Neogohan talked to you. I feel sad that you lost your clean soul.

xbobx, yes thai and co are all from SGFRIENDS and same as me. We are just a singaporean ls, playing the game, no gilselling nothing. We are all real decent players. Of course sometimes as humans we can be blinded by greed and act in folly but integrity speaks for itself. However, with some good integrity (sorry to trumpet myself here lol) and lessons taught from being greedy (death always accompanies, dont ask me why), i play friendly, and is friendly and righteous. Please xbobx. Dont defame us cos its not a right thing to do. Flame the gilsellers, buyers and AH jackers who are jacking the market =p

Also i would like to say that i post this to warn of mpk-ing. It can come from Vedrice or any other player, today i almost got mpked by **** when i help camp for novv for koppen. And that feeling sux. At the sametime i also dont wish to be embroiled into other ppl's LS matters.

All i wish to say is please "come back to the shore" for MPK-ers. Dont do to others what you dont want others to do to you. And others beware.

#45 Jul 16 2005 at 11:38 AM Rating: Good
And rate up for Kagapi too ^^
#46 Jul 16 2005 at 12:00 PM Rating: Decent
236 posts
Jatao here.

I stand by Vedrice... as Grommet pointed out, he was nothing short of helpful and nice during his time at Axiom. I don't believe he would intentionally MPK anyone.


There's no need to bash Axiom. Maybe it wasn't the right LS for you, but don't publicly display so many harsh and untrue comments. I don't know what to say, there are so many false things about Axiom on this thread. For one thing, we are definitly not "elitest" lol. I never really knew why you guys left the LS until now, and I'm a little shocked.

I felt like I was ignored by most of the LS members and did not like the way 2 people in particular acted when we PT'ed with them. They both tried to "take over" our set PT...sorry fellas, ain't happening.

Are you refering to Grommet and I? I recall partying with Vedrice, Wrench, and yourself several times in the early-mid 30s. In Altepa. I don't remember what happened exactly, but I recall that you three leveled ahead of us, and I asked if I could have back in the set at 40. Well, Vedrice and I had a discussion, and it turned out you guys were going a little to fast pased for my liking. I resigned from the set, simple and clean.

HOWEVER, I don't recall trying to "take over" the set. I remember having a fun time partying with you, resigning from the set, and going on my way. I'm now VERY happy in a semi-set with Grommet and Kirah.

Wrench, Vedrice... miss you guys to death, send me a /tell whenever!

Edited, Sat Jul 16 13:00:24 2005 by SpecOpsMonkey

Edited, Sat Jul 16 13:02:17 2005 by SpecOpsMonkey
#47 Jul 16 2005 at 6:07 PM Rating: Decent
227 posts
i almost got mpked by **** when i help camp for novv for koppen

please with the racial language yueji xD

uh i'd like to taqke this time to say..AS FOR KOPPEN i dont give a **** what you know about him cus his name enstils anger in me whenever i see it. heres the story:

this little rat ******* im at the AH one day, in the clothcraft section and i want to buy a stack of res grass threads for thing you know "you bought the red grass cloth for 100k" >>
"Koppen >> Matsume 100,000G"
so i politely ask this guy koppen if i can have my 70k back, for he is exping somewhere, and i explain to him the deal and what happened...low and behold (|I'm Sorry|) (|English|) (|I Don't Understand|) (|Japanese|) (|Please|)...

so i think...okay he's jp, since i took 2 years of japanese im like "sure i can explain in japanese :DD" and so i start talkin to him in japaense...strange thing is for a jp his japanese takes way too long to respond and is gramatically incorrect in many ways...

...then he attempts to autotranslate some ******** story about him (|Accident|) (|Cornette|) (|Buy?|) 100k...and now im thinking..does this guy think because some **** didnt give him his money back that he should do the same? last time i checked two wrongs dont make a right...(ill kill the person who says three lefts makes a right)

so after a great deal of frustration im starting to think he istn jp, and i eve ngo as far as tof ind his pt leader, and ask him if he's jp...low and behold "nah he's english, why?"...oh i didnt get my money back either.

now like i said i dont know what you think of him, and maybe im going a bit far for 70k...but it's the moral of the damnstory and do you guys wanan know why JPs dont like NA? and why NA think JPs are ********? well look at koppen my fine friends, hes an NA who's pretending to be an ******* JP for 70 ******* thousand be the judge.

sorry for the anger, had to vent T_T
#48 Jul 17 2005 at 2:35 PM Rating: Default
Damn this post still going up?

Here's my last post....
Don't mess with me or my friends! I warn you. You can think whatever you want about me I don't care. Not like this is real life.

[point] [laugh]
#49 Jul 17 2005 at 5:46 PM Rating: Default
356 posts
That evil person Vedrice, he tried to steal Helltail Harry from me and the rest of my BC40 crew :P
#50 Jul 17 2005 at 7:04 PM Rating: Decent

If a BST is camping a NM- or wants to claim a NM- or is past lvl 40 in general...

They should ALWAYS have extra jugs or items to Call pets >< You should not have to run around looking for a new pet- simply call one, and if that one's not strong enough- don't let the NM go unclaimed, kite it with that pet, and find a new one to tame ><

God.. I'm a 16BST and I have a better idea of how to kill a NM than higher lvl BSTs... XD
#51 Jul 18 2005 at 2:08 AM Rating: Decent
1,137 posts
lol, you can try that and see if that works.

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