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GLLS:  A Stand Alone Complex...Follow

#27 Jul 04 2005 at 8:20 AM Rating: Good
135 posts
I feel pretty,
Oh, so pretty,
I feel pretty and witty and bright!
And I pity
Any girl who isn't me tonight.

I feel charming,
Oh, so charming
It's alarming how charming I feel!
And so pretty
That I hardly can believe I'm real.

See the pretty girl in that mirror there:
Who can that attractive girl be?
Such a pretty face,
Such a pretty dress,
Such a pretty smile,
Such a pretty me!

I feel stunning
And entrancing,
Feel like running and dancing for joy,
For I'm loved
By a pretty wonderful boy!

Have you met my good friend Maria,
The craziest girl on the block?
You'll know her the minute you see her,
She's the one who is in an advanced state of shock.

She thinks she's in love.
She thinks she's in Spain.
She isn't in love,
She's merely insane.

It must be the heat
Or some rare disease,
Or too much to eat
Or maybe it's fleas.

Keep away from her,
Send for Chino!
This is not the
Maria we know!

Modest and pure,
Polite and refined,
Well-bred and mature
And out of her mind!

I feel pretty,
Oh, so pretty
That the city should give me its key.
A committee
Should be organized to honor me.

La la la la . . .

I feel dizzy,
I feel sunny,
I feel fizzy and funny and fine,
And so pretty,
Miss America can just resign!

La la la la . . .

See the pretty girl in that mirror there:

What mirror where?

Who can that attractive girl be?

Which? What? Where? Whom?

Such a pretty face,
Such a pretty dress,
Such a pretty smile,
Such a pretty me!

Such a pretty me!

I feel stunning
And entrancing,
Feel like running and dancing for joy,
For I'm loved
By a pretty wonderful boy!
#28 Jul 04 2005 at 9:47 AM Rating: Decent
Shemeralt wrote:
What a sad little person you are...and how well you just defined your lack of maturity in one sentence!

This should be renamed the "Childrens'Temper Tantrum and Venting Thread." It is actually getting rather comical at this point.

One sentence hardly qualifies as "venting" or a "tantrum". I was merely stating a fact (you just don't like that fact). Also, your forum comments regarding my maturity level are getting quite old. Please learn other words, English can be quite a colorful language.
#29 Jul 04 2005 at 9:57 AM Rating: Excellent
Grow up?
#30 Jul 04 2005 at 10:01 AM Rating: Decent
39 posts
Also, your forum comments regarding my maturity level are getting quite old.

But its're just poor eph
#31 Jul 04 2005 at 10:17 AM Rating: Decent
xbobx and Gentaro, I don't know (or care about) either of you but feel free to continue to flame all you want. By all means, get the *remaining* GLLS members (the lame ones) to post on here too. All it does is provide me with something humorous to read and this thread won't change anything anyway. My friends are my friends. My enemies are my enemies. Those who don't care will continue not caring.
#32 Jul 04 2005 at 10:45 AM Rating: Excellent
Well eph, at least you got puberty to look forward too.
#33 Jul 04 2005 at 10:55 AM Rating: Decent
Weeee! Another 'ephewe is a kiddie' slam from xbox. You got me in tears right now. Whatever will I do? I know! I'll go over to your Dad's house before I reach this "puberty" you speak of, so he can molest me the way he did you (before you became so mature that is).
#34 Jul 04 2005 at 10:57 AM Rating: Excellent
^^ how did you know i never told anyone that.
#35 Jul 04 2005 at 2:03 PM Rating: Good
Majest wrote:
Nobody is forcing you to read these posts. This is a public forum for all the inhabitants of our fair server, and we can carry on however we please.

And for that reason we have every right to complain about it, too! So NYAH!
#36 Jul 05 2005 at 4:55 AM Rating: Good
Yeah Eikiki, and rate downs are totally the way to go to protest! NYAH!
#37 Jul 05 2005 at 8:21 AM Rating: Good
Majest wrote:
Yeah Eikiki, and rate downs are totally the way to go to protest! NYAH!

I agree, but I wasn't the one who handed out the rate-downs...I only rate down messages like this.
#38 Jul 05 2005 at 8:43 PM Rating: Decent
227 posts
Looks like I quit just in time. Its bad enough this game is designed to waste as much of your time and money as possible, but to add in so much soap opera BS to the mix is just dissapointing. Not much else I can say...
#39 Jul 06 2005 at 8:58 AM Rating: Decent
Well, as a member of GLLS still today. I can agree with Dregan on some points. But first of all, this is all my personnal side, but it's related to what Dregan said of course.

Points to agree with :

1. The LS Points system is seriously ****** up. ( I'm not complaining, because this can be fixed. )

2. Same goes for the first point, i'm told it's -5 points to get neptunal abjuration: Body from Kirin. So of course i lot it, 5 points to use a WS Armor can be good. ( Let's not say i used 1200k to get the cursed ). Then i check the website, updated point section and what can i see... From 50+ points i'm down to 38 ( i think i had 58 at that tim ). So yeah, i'm checking rules, gladly they changed it and Hecatomb became -20 points.

2 more extend points to this :

1. Ok rules changed, i'm not complaining.
2. But 2, sucking up -20 ( AFTER THE RULES CHANGED ) is a bs.

I mean if you guys changed it earlier ( before me and tamika lotted it ), that wouldn't be a problem, but -20 instead of -5 is a big diff. Because i'm sure i wouldn't have lotted on it if it was -20. Specially for an armor that you're only using for weapon skill. ( Tamika has nothing to do with this btw, i'm the only ****** one complaining of being deleted -20 instead of -5 ).

( Back to main topic ).

3. I have to agree with Dregan about Klu, he's a douche bag. There's no words to describe this guy. I'm told to try to get to know him more, ok, fine. But when such a moron steal a SH+1 from one of your best friend ( among others items too ), and is allowed in a good LS, how am i supposed to even try to look at him? He's happy with all his uber gear? Yeah, it's not even his own. He might be pimped, but because of what ? Because he's the real thief in this story. When i do a mistake ( everyone does mistakes, that's obvious. ) i'm told that i'm warned. But when a loser steal items worth million, delete a friend's character and come back like that and he's welcomed with open arms, it's disgusting. People are kicked for no reasons ( cf. Majestic & some others ). And they aren't warned of anything. Some of the people kicked were good peeps and nice people and i'm sad to see that. Why the heck good people are kicked off and a guy like kluya who steal items behind your back is welcome with open arms ? Is all of this was reveange ( Some people leaving because they are tired of the LS ), this isn't good. I, myself didn't put my pearl on for 2 weeks, even though i'm still good friend with Dre, Krazy and some others, this is the main reason i'm not on.

1. LS falling apart.

2. I don't like being in a LS with a guy that steal items from my friends and do a freaking plan with leaders.

I've got respect towards wicc, fsst, zerta & lot of others leaders, because they helped me out in the past. But all of this is getting out of hand. How do you want to enjoy the game with such drama ? No i can't let it go, it's in my mind and i can't fake being happy in a LS if i'm not. I was enjoying LS events when Gwenn was there, we were all laughing together, joking etc, even when we were dying, we were all still happy, we tried and we knew that'd still continue.

Look now, this not a LS or a game anymore, it's just a big ****** drama. A guy that has done nothing wrong is kicked, but a guy that still 40m+ or items or w/e isn't kicked ? As i said above, i'm warned that i might have to leave the LS if i keep harassing people ( which i never did ). And even if i did, who cares and what has this to do with the LS ? Nothing. Kluya deleted a friend's char and stole all his items/gil and he's not kicked and he's a hero ? This has nothing to do with the LS like me but he's not warned.... Favoritism ? I guess so.

This will probably be my only post, but all i have to say is i'm not leaving the LS ( not yet that is ), but i don't plan to come back to play beside a n00b, a loser or whatever this guy is. So to people who see him around: " Careful, beside his ridiculous sarcasm and fake kindness, don't be blind and get f???ed up by trustin him, you'll seriously regret it ".

To Sheeba : " Thought you were a nice girl, but obviously you're as blind as others and btw, how do you feel in your stolen royal cloak ? Comfortable ? " I'd feel bad equipping a stolen item if i was you, but if you're in the part of the plan, no doubt then.

Well, this is my 2 cents, peace out peeps,


PS : " Krazy, Ephe, Maj, Laz and the few others i haven't mentioned, i hope to see you all around and make peace. Atleast, beside a LS, you can have good friends and that's the main important thing in this game beside gil/items/reputation ".

Edited, Wed Jul 6 10:08:28 2005 by corbenik
#40 Jul 06 2005 at 10:14 AM Rating: Decent
2,112 posts
Wow Really not my place to post but seems to me that as Cubia pointed out "this isn't a LS anymore", it's who can kiss the others *** the most... Ya I don't like what GLLS did to me back in December but that's another story, but there are actually a lot of people in GLLS/The Crew that are decent players and I'd help them out if they needed...

I honestly don't care bout what went on, who stole who's items, because I don't know the entire truth, and probably never will. I know this is a public Forum but this board used to be good, until everyone wants to Drama'tiz everything.

Edited, Wed Jul 6 11:16:29 2005 by UNCTGTG
Relic Scythe Finished
Aegis Currency Finished
Drk Job Profile

#41 Jul 06 2005 at 11:27 AM Rating: Default
724 posts
sorry to see you go dre-.- you are one of my friend,, helped me get my G3 done:) I'll see you in games, wack you later:P..

as for GLLS matters..

Point System always exist (for us and for other ls), its not perfect but its k for now.:)
I'm sad to see couple of the members got kicked out the ls (ixi and fuse *note: when dre was 1st kicked i was suprised*).. but im not gonna quesition about the decision ls made.. cuz i believes in fsst, wicca and other sacs.. for all, they are trying to pervent ppl ***** the ls over and doing whats good for the ls.. i will be loyal to GLLS and to the ppl in the ls no matter what happens..
And GLLS is not just about klu-.-.. theres other great players in it.. just because klu messed up.. doesnt mean entire GLLS is messed up!! 1person doesnt make the ls.. bunch people/friends get together makes the ls.. single person screwed up and you called out entire ls is wrong.. and alot people replied to this and other thread.. you are not in GLLS or Thecrew, you dont know what real happened, so butt off!!! GLLS is trying to make up for the SH+1, SH and royal cloak. so stop saying ****..

Im not gonna comment on klu and ensane stuff.. cuz ensane and klu need figure this out themselve..
#42 Jul 06 2005 at 11:34 AM Rating: Decent
60 posts
wow at least one sensible person in the bunch o.o; /clap tetsu

Edited, Wed Jul 6 12:33:44 2005 by Hoofy
#43 Jul 06 2005 at 11:38 AM Rating: Decent
2,112 posts
Tetsu hehe,

That's why I said

"but there are actually a lot of people in GLLS/The Crew that are decent players and I'd help them out if they needed..."

"I honestly don't care bout what went on, who stole who's items, because I don't know the entire truth, and probably never will."
Relic Scythe Finished
Aegis Currency Finished
Drk Job Profile

#44 Jul 06 2005 at 11:53 AM Rating: Default
724 posts
lol@unc:P i was laughing at your popcorn thing..

if you are out popcorn you can send /tell Kmartaru (located at Bastok Market) for more popcorns and drinks:) its cheap too!!!..
we also sell yo mama jokes on all the mobs.

Edited, Wed Jul 6 12:56:57 2005 by narusegwa
#45 Jul 06 2005 at 11:58 AM Rating: Decent
2,112 posts
oh Sweet I need a another couple bags...Can he send them to my in-box. I don't wanna run all the way to Bastok, I'm in Xcarbard picking up my relic. :) goblin is finally done with it...go me.

/em hands out free popcorn
Relic Scythe Finished
Aegis Currency Finished
Drk Job Profile

#46 Jul 06 2005 at 6:09 PM Rating: Decent
I don't know to who you were talking Tetsu ( points name that's better next time ). But if you were talking about me, huh yes i'm in glls, just didnt put my pearl on, but trust me, i'm friend with enough guys in it to know what's happening ( even fsst with who i'm in the ls for almost a year now ).

In my post, i didn't say the ls was messed up, i was just talking about kluya's actions and my personnal side of the story ( Points messed thingy ) etc.

1. LS falling apart, i need to details more, i was meaning, lots of drama happened lately, that's why i said ( falling apart ). Wasn't saying this isn't a LS anymore btw Unctgtg. I just said : " Look now, this not a LS or a game anymore, it's just a big sh*tty drama. " And you can only admit this is a stupid drama. I talked to Fsst today and found some things i won't point there, he explained things and i said my point of view ( both of us weren't seeing it that way though ). He think klu is a good guy ( a hero as someone said, don't remember who ) because he got nobles back, ok, getting LS stuff back was a good action, but at what cost ? To a point of stealing some innocent people stuff... This isn't acceptable.

To understand this easily, just be the person concerned, or feel like it, you don't have done anything wrong, someone you trust ask you an item 2 sec to take a screenshot ( i trust a lot of people in game btw ) and then the person you were trusting run out/logs off with it ( plus apparently threw it away ).

1. You lost being confident
2. You lost trusting people.

This might not affect you or you don't care because this isn't related to you at all, but for us some of the LS members posting here, it's. I don't care if people don't like this thread, they aren't forced to read it, if they want to read something else, they can click on another interesting thread about craft/gil seller, whatever they are pleased.

And we're not posting to annoy people, but this is an easy way to solve/details the drama btw us ( so we dont have to send 50 millions tell in the game ).

We could PT in the game to talk about this, but i doubt some people here would like to even PT with a thief. Personnaly, not i.

I trust fsst, i know he's trying his best for the ls, among others sacks with who i'm friend since a certain time, but accepting such a person in the ls is a mistake, they might not think of it, but that's what i think. Of course people don't care, but i'm poiting my opinion, they aren't forced to agree.

I dont have much to add to this, i already explained everything, now i'm out, but will keep an eye on this thread if sack holders or friends or strangers post, any comments ( bad or good ) are always useful. Except **** like " I don't care, go post somewhere else ). Atleast if u wanna write something, write something intelligent instead of putting up some words to get a message added to your count of posts. No offense to anyone.

Well, i'm gonna make peace with some ppl ( except some now ). Peace out and take care everyone,see ya in game!

/Tells if you wanna PT with a ninjazors!


#47 Jul 06 2005 at 6:26 PM Rating: Default
724 posts
Cub:) wassup.. I didnt mean you, :) cuz i know you are in the ls.. just people from other thread and this thread .. so blah ... anyhoo .. I do aggree with you at some point:).. what klu did. bring the noble back to ls (which is good) but stealing, erase char are not.. so he ****** up... niobia, and couple others basically said GLLS ****** up... to those people dont judge a ls cuz 1 person ****** up-.-.. I'm not on ls most time (spending time hangout with gf cassie *casafrass* , so we rather spend time just two of us without ls whatsoever).. so i dont know the entire detail.. but whatever Fsst or other sac decide i'll accept it, cuz i trust them and will backup their actions:)..
#48 Jul 07 2005 at 12:28 AM Rating: Decent
194 posts
Correct me if I'm wrong....but doesn't GLLS stand for "Gwen's Lovely Link Shell"?

Yeah....lovely....REAL fu*kin' LOVELY.


Edited, Thu Jul 7 01:28:01 2005 by SniperSixtySix
#49 Jul 07 2005 at 1:45 AM Rating: Good
This is better than TV.. Please, go on!
#50 Jul 07 2005 at 7:47 AM Rating: Good
450 posts
Yawn. So yea move along.
#51 Aug 09 2005 at 2:50 AM Rating: Decent
I’ve been in GLLS for several months now and I only recently dropped my pearl because I felt enough was enough (more on this later). I rarely had the pearl on because I preferred to be in my chat ls and really don’t play that often enough. Besides, I got most of what I’ve needed from a previous HNM ls and so only really went on GLLS events just to help out. Anyway, I do know most of the key players in this whole melodrama and have only had time today with the servers being down to read through all this amusing crap.

Before I state what ultimately made me totally disgusted with GLLS, I wanted to clarify and reiterate a few points. Oh and if you want to rate me down for this post, feel free – if you want to flame me for this post feel free – you’re the one reading it, so don’t complain. Anyhoo – GLLS – where to begin. I’ve known many of the people involved in this whole thing for quite some time. As far as Thalion is concerned – yea I knew he was unhappy – but that he stole? Hmmm. I don’t know that he stole a single thing. If you consider attempting to redeem points for items as stealing, then yea I suppose you could call him a thief. But then again, it would seem only those in favor of the leadership were really allowed to freely redeem points, so then I suppose by that reasoning they are thieves as well. Whatever. The GLLS point system gets manipulated so often to favor the sacks that it is disgusting. Like I said, I already have what I need, so it didn’t really matter to me, but if I remember correctly – Thalion and Bibrian each had plenty of points when the whole thing went down. To me, I just feel like an LS that places conditions on whether or not you can spend points that have been clearly earned based solely on whether or not they like you, or perceive you to be “loyal” or not is ludicrous. Regardless of whether or not you like someone, they did in fact earn the points. You’ve gotten tens of hours of help from that person, then you turn around and tell them they can’t redeem them? When it states in your own forums that you can? WTF. Then you have people like Sheeba saying that Thalion and Thecrew tried to leech and suck GLLS dry. LMAO this from a person of questionable integrity who is in possession of stolen property. We can’t all stand by the lightpost in Lower Jeuno and have guys throw gils and items at us.

That certain GLLS leaders would call Thalion or anyone else a thief is laughable. These are the same people that condoned and praised Kluyasufoya. For a few days, many of us thought that Thalion and the rest of those that were booted really were traitors and thieves. I am guilty of thinking the same, although I wasn’t one of the sheep that blindly accepted Kluya’s so called “righteous” reasons for doing what he did such as Tetsu and Gentaro. Nor did I bother to listen to Wiccatu or Booger’s praise of Kluyasufoya either – seeing at I’ve never trusted either of them. Those two love to create drama – “we’re leaving – no we’re back – we’re leaving – no we were on a secret mission”. These guys are grown-up with kids? Orz for the kids if their parents behave this way. But anyway, the more I thought about it, and the more people would talk about it, it seemed to me that the only thing they were guilty of was being unhappy with GLLS and being silent about wanting to leave. I mean I can see why them and so many people were unhappy – sackholders literally ignore members asking for help unless it’s for a sack, then people are commanded to help, people like Radell SHOUTING IN ALL CAPS DURING TRIGGERS BECAUSE HE NEEDS TO COMPENSATE FOR HIS SMALL WEE-WEE, Wiccatu doing her typical backhanded ******** time and time again, Zerta saying things on the LS that rarely isn’t offensive, people constantly arguing, sacks changing lotting rules on the fly just to make sure favored people get items over those with more points – it’s a mess. On the other hand, I have seen how GLLS brands people that leave or are considered “unloyal” and I doubt they would have compensated any of those people for all their unspent points so I can understand why they never said anything. I am betting that none of this would have happened if Gwenn was still at the helm, but then Fsst is certainly no Gwenn. Gwenn actually was honest and honorable. Doing /em joy to people and putting on a “nice guy” show does not hide true motives to those intelligent enough to recognize it. Again, this doesn’t apply to those that blindly follow the GLLS leadership such as Tetsu and Gentaro. Speaking of points, I always found it interesting how sackholder points would magically go up or only sackholders would be allowed to redeem points for gil or items, yet everyone else making such a request needed a “sack vote”. Again, whatever.

So ok, this whole thing happens. Thalion, Bibrian, Kluyasufoya, Fusekazuki, and a bunch of others get kicked. Then we are told by Fsst they were planning to steal and such. By this time I unequipped the pearl because it was getting stupid. A week passes and thecrew, Thalion, and Kluyasufoya are the scorn of the server. Then a week later Kluya shows up again in GLLS. He’s praised by Fsst, Booger, and Wiccatu. Booger and Wiccatu never migrated, apparently to the dismay of many. Oddly enough we weren’t told of any so called stolen items (the SH+1, SH, and Royal Cloak) – only of the Noble’s Tunic. So naturally everyone was happy. In my opinion by the way, Bibrian should have just been given the tunic and had his points deducted for it. God knows he earned it. Sure he had been missing in action towards the end, but why should that take away from his huge contribution from the start? Oh well, more GLLS unfairness I suppose. But anyway – then we find out that Kluysufoya in fact did take more than just the Noble Tunic he was supposed to “recover”. More than that, and this seems to have been lost on most people – what Kluya did was sanctioned by and known ahead of time by Fsst – our “honorable” nice-guy leader – the same leader who told us he knew not of any stolen items. Whatever. Then a few days later it seems there is this long thread here on Alla about this. Kluyasufoya openly admits he took back the Noble on top of stealing an SH+1, SH, and Royal Cloak – and this was a plan “masterminded” by Fsst and himself. He must have really long arms to be able to pat himself on the back like that. So ok, he admits to it – and on top of that, reveals that Fsst lied to the linkshell about the stolen items. I remember hearing about a few members that were asked to leave because they said the items should be given back. Then you have idiots like Sheeba, Wiccatu, Tetsu and countless others who’s wits couldn’t light a refrigerator chime in with their praise of Kluya’s actions. He admitted to deleting his friend Ensane’s account for no other reason than some argument. But no – Kluya is not a thief – he’s the righteous one. So righteous I remember hearing him brag about his Peacock Charm (which he stole from Ensane’s account). Fsst and his “honor” speech – “it’s a personal matter between them”. Oh really? Well after all of this went down, I stopped equipping the GLLS pearl because as word got out that thecrew were not in fact the thieves, but WE were – my Japanese friends from other HNM ls’s began to send me nasty tells about GLLS. So great - I try to join an LS that better suited my schedule (even though I admittedly didn’t spend much time on it simply because most of the drama made me sick) – is now considered the scourge ls of Ragnarok by the JPs. Great! Having been away for a couple of weeks, I come back to the game only to hear from my JP friends that a couple of GLLS members have stolen items from a JP player – something about an E-bow and SH+1 – whatever. Unbelievable. I log into GLLS just to poke my head in to see what’s going on and nothing is going on – absolutely nothing. I asked when the next triggers or gods would be and all I got was an “I dunno”. Only a handful of people were on at the time - and it wasn’t even that late! LOL. Pathetic.

Fusekazuki – you’re a funny guy and a great warrior, and I feel bad you were an innocent bystander. Dregan and Ixidorr – I feel bad for you guys – more innocent bystanders. Thalion – I’ve known you for a long time, and I know you’re one of the good guys, despite what some of the GLLS sackholders would have us believe – sorry you lost your SH (I remember you spending hours and hours crafting just to get it – orz) but I am glad to hear that thecrew is doing so well. Bibrian – you’re an idiot sometimes – but I’ve always known you to be a nice guy – not sure if your intentions were to “steal” the noble, but I also understand why you thought you were entitled to it. Nonetheless, I am one of the handful that didn’t think you should have had your Royal Cloak stolen and not returned since that was yours and had nothing to do with GLLS. Bennettz – you and I go way back from our JP HNM ls days and I can’t believe that Fsst would use you as some kind of scapegoat (ok, not that surprised) – but from my conversations with all of my JP friends in other HNM ls’s – they know you had nothing to do with this either. Ensane – what can I say? It was totally f’cked up what Kluya did to you – and I will always remember our days in Valkurm together – I hope you can get your character back and return to FFXI sometime despite what has happened to you. As for the rest of the GLLS sacks – get a clue – you guys should get some facts before preaching or spreading lies about other players. Wiccatu – I never liked you, but I suppose I have company in that area. That you would imply there could be some trouble because Orenshi and Thalion live in the same city is despicable. That you would say Vanity was enticed to join thecrew so that Thalion could steal from him is despicable. Yes, I’ve spoken to Vanity and even he says you’re lying. You know, you’re a miserable person, and yes Dregan – I too have screenshots of Wiccatu shooting off her mouth in the sackholder forums about other members and how she twists rules and points to her or someone else’s advantage (like the way she gave Booger her points during one of the times she “left” and then said that others who left shouldn’t be allowed to give away their points). You hypocrite. LMAO.

All right – so enough of the random rambling about this whole thing – and on to the thing that ultimately made me drop my pearl – because I assure you that some of you will find this interesting. Naturally there were several reasons – taking Kluyasufoya back (whom from I hear is either rarely on now or never helps), after he stole items from people that were guilty of nothing more than wanting to leave and to redeem their points for giving GLLS hours and hours of their time in exchange, and the refusal of GLLS leaders to return or reimburse those that lost the stolen items (although I understand that GLLS has compensated those in thecrew that help to replace the stolen SH+1) - most of the people that I actually liked in GLLS have left because of this nonsense – I am sick of getting tells from friends in JP HNM linkshells talking crap to me as if I had something to do with GLLS’s horrible reputation – but finally – and this is what disgusted me the most:

Kluyasufoya posted a screenshot of him dropping the SH+1 – such an honorable and righteous guy. Of course, as he says, we can not possibly say he stole it “out of greed”. And after all, GLLS did reimburse those people that replaced the stolen SH+1 right? (Even though as far as I know they have no intention of replacing the stolen SH and Royal – so much for honor and righteousness.) Well here’s an interesting tidbit that I am not sure if Fsst, and the “honorable” and “righteous” leadership of GLLS know about – I’ve known Kluya and Ensane for a long time – since our days in Valkurm Dunes. Yes, they were kind of an “odd” pair – but in the end they always seemed to be nothing more than great friends. I had them both on my friendlist. Well last week I noticed an interesting thing…


Did any of you know that Areith is Kluyasufoya’s mule? LMAO! Unless he stole another SH+1 from someone else – I think you guys got pwnd! So what did all of this ******** get you? You ruined the reputation of GLLS, you in effect stole from others (and I think the whole server knows it by now – because from what I am told by other JP HNM linkshells – they certainly know you did), you made up lies about other people, accused them of stealing, pat yourselves on the back, welcomed a thief back with open arms, AND you even paid for one of the items he stole while he made off with 15 million! LMAO! GLLS=Gwenn’s Lovely Little SUCKERS? LMAO! LMAO! LMAO! I’m embarrassed to have ever having a pearl. The sad thing? You did this to yourselves. Anyway, I bid you all farewell and assuming the rumors lately turn out to be true - gratz to you Fsst and Kluyasufoya - you guys made out like bandits!

Edited, Tue Aug 9 03:50:00 2005 by MonkeyRulesYou
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