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GLLS:  A Stand Alone Complex...Follow

#1 Jul 02 2005 at 9:25 PM Rating: Good
A rather ridiculous occurrence happened within that LS recently. One with unnecessary accusations, schemes, and actions. The situation also brought light upon people’s true personalities. So rather than me explaining this long retarded story to people in game by /tell, I’ll just post it here to relieve myself of it. Here goes...

First off I’ll get to the background info that gave way for the situation to evolve into what it did. When Gwenn left the game, LS leadership changed to the hands of Fsst. At this time a guy named Bennettz, who helped the LS to become what it was, left GLLS to join a jpns LS, Evergreenavenue. He did this for reasons of his own, time zone, friends, whatever. He still remained active with GLLS on certain events here and there for awhile after he left. Before he did, he made his own private LS, Cocacola, consisting of people he liked. Most of which were select GLLS members and it basically turned into a set CoP LS. The main people in it, as far as CoP went, were myself, Bennettz, Thalion, Bibrian, Kluyasufoya, and Ensane. Those not in the CoP set included people from GLLS such as Ixidorr, Ikz, Ragunax, and maybe some others I can’t remember atm.

During my time spent doing CoP missions with these people, we discussed a bunch of misc. stuff. I came to find out that, Thalion was going to start his own LS sometime in the future. He apparently had some dislikes about GLLS, along with me and some others. It was common tho, GLLS had alot of things wrong with it. So he and a few other members, including Bibrian, Ensane, and Kluyasufoya were planning to leave and start a new LS in the future. I however had no intention of going with them. I saw GLLS had potential, and some good members, it just needed tweaking. The decisions made by the leadership were often horrible. So I decided to stay and fix/grow with it, rather than running away.

I also came to learn of an odd relationship between Kluyasufoya and Ensane. One which I’ll have to state for a better grasp of the scumbag Klu is later on. Klu and Ensane seemed really close on game but according to Klu, they never met each other in RL. They had met on another game, and somehow had ties to each other by other people they both knew in RL. Klu said it was an odd story. Ensane supposedly bought FFXI for Klu and paid his monthly fees for awhile. They shared each others accounts and would seem Ensane supported Klu financially in game. I inquired Ensane upon Klu telling me this and Ensane agreed. Their situation just struck me as odd for 2 people who never met in RL I guess. Anyway, Ensane has a friendly personality but Klu is like total opposite. It seems the only thing they were both loyal to in game was each other.

Time passed and Cocacola basically feel apart cuz Bennettz left the CoP set. Meanwhile Thal, Bib, Klu and some others were still planning to leave GLLS. Those 3 names are the only ones worth mentioning, seeing as how the other members leaving hadn’t been in LS much at all in the past 2 months. Now comes the part where GLLS gave Bib a Noble’s Tunic. It was a LS item, which was planned to be given to him. He had a decent amount of points and helped alot, so naturally he felt he earned it. However, he was still planning to leave and take it with him whether they gave it to him or not. This is where the story basically got it’s fuel from. I told Bib to just give it back, and apparently Thal had talks with him too about it. Bib wanted it tho and asked Fsst if he could trade all his points for it. This did nothing but arouse suspicion of him leaving, along with his lack of help lately. Of course they declined Bib’s request, but he held onto it nonetheless.

Friday, the day before all things went to hell. Note what I say here for these next few parts wasn’t known to me or many at the time, I’m just trying to fill it in like a timeline and complete the thoughts. This was the day I was told (Not positive) that Kluyasufoya ripped off Ensane. Klu accessed Ensane’s account, stole everything of value from him, then proceeded to delete his character. An action which I myself found hard to believe seeing as they seemed so close. In fact, I’m not sure if I do really want to take it as truth, seeing as how lies and backstabbing run rampant throughout this event. However, it will be seen as fact and the truth atm because it’s the only situation presenting itself. Now taking to heart that what Klu did is true blue fact, without another secret backstabbing yet unknown, is pretty much downright disgusting. Stealing items and deleting a character that was your friend is just something to be despised. Klu said his reasons for doing this were personal. He also said in another post on all, he had told Ensane to change his password so he wouldn’t have access. I just see these as more excuses from Klu. Klu has an unfriendly personality, so it’s hard to tell if he means something. As I said, Klu and Ensanes personalities were opposite. Upon speaking to Ensane about Klu calling it personal reasons as was the excuse so conveniently given to GLLS, so Klu could just brush off the subject without question to them, Ensane told me a different story. Ensane told me, there was nothing personal between them, Klu’s reason he gave Ensane was was becuz he was a sadistic f@@k and found it hilarious. So basically we have word against word, Ensane’s story vs. Klu’s story. Now which do you want to believe? The guy who was responsible and did all these dirty acts, or the guy who lost everything? I wouldn’t trust the story/excuses of a person who commits those actions no matter the reason. Also take note, Kluyasufoya and Sheeba had/has become close. It seems to be one of those weird online romances between the 2 (I wish I could say what I want to call it, lol.) So to me, Klu’s new found online girlfriend seems to have played a major part in his decision making.

Now comes saturday, D-Day, the day when @@@@ hit the fan. It was the day for GLLS’s usual morning/evening God run! Klu had been given/bribed with Toreador’s Cape from Fsst. Klu happy with his newfound item, decided to rat out Thal, Bib, and backstab a bunch of others with the shared planning of Fsst. During that day they set their plan into motion. They booted everyone they accused after Kirin or so I heard (I logged after Seiryu for work). Their plan/scheme was one so unnecessary and disgusting, it’s a wonder why they put so much effort into it. Only reason that shows for an excuse, is GLLS leaders like to get carried away and abuse power from a source of selectly picture taken, greedy backstabbing Klu without bothering to gather info from anybody but him. Take note, Bib showed his greed by begging for Kirins’s Pole when it dropped that day. It was funny cuz both he and GLLS leaders knew he was leaving. So I won’t, nor should his action be defended. Of course as you can imagine, this became one of GLLS leaders favorite talking points to exaggerate their story of Thal, Bib, and their new LS, “Thecrew” as traitorous thieves. Simple point being, only bib was really greedy, so the thief thing is kinda bogus to apply to everyone they accused. Point #2, Thal and them were called traitors/traitorous. They disliked GLLS leadership and how it was run for months, so may I ask....How is disliking with how your LS works and going off to make your own traitorous? I mean, your not joining another LS, your making your own, and if your dissatisfied, why the hell stay? They did more than their part to help GLLS, no need to make up wild accusations and slander their names. Take note, Klu and Fsst had this planned like a week or 2 before it happened. Two sackholders, Wiccatu and Booger, were planning to switch servers. When news came of something going down, they canceled their emigration. No one however said they canceled. Part of GLLS’s plan was to pretend Wicc and Boog were away to play a part of their scheme.

Most people were happy when they left but didn’t show it till they supposedly did. I’m not going to list the qualities that made them hated as uncappable leaders unless they decide to butt in. It was known that they were hated openly by some people, so when everyone found out they lied about leaving and this scheme occurred, GLLS basically provoked blind hatred/accusations from members and people onto them as part of a plan to stray attention away from what was really happening/happened. That being, Klu and GLLS ‘s scheme, Klu being the one responsible all along. Don’t get me wrong, Wicc and Boog still responsible participating in the making of the scheme. These 2 along with Fsst and Radell played the roles of the GLLS leaders involved. They are the main power there, secondary power sacks include/included Jaffar, Ikz, and Bombadil are a step below them. Even below those are Endx, Zerta, Necro who basically have none. Funny how Fsst, Wicc, Boog, Rad didn’t really tell the other sacks, I guess their input on LS affairs isn’t worth asking until Fsst and them already go ahead and do what they want. Neither is asking the LS members themselves worth anything in GLLS until it’s too late.

Ahem, sort of strayed away from what happened saturday. GLLS had kicked and labeled a handful of members as traitors/thfs/etc. after they had been used for gods. Some of these members were guilty, and some were innocent. GLLS labeled all of these people into what they called “TheConspiracy.” Along with member tied in anyway to Thal’s new LS “Thecrew”, they booted several members they just didn’t care for lately, Fusekazuki and Charlemagne are the ones that come to mind atm. They decided to just kick whoever all in one blow and not give reason, nor ask the members they kicked about anything. I can tell you one thing, the only members that should have been kicked were Thal, Bib, n whoever was leaving, just for the point they were leaving and it was found out. All the others they booted was done unjustly. I remember logging back on saturday night from a hard days work to hear I was labeled on the LS’s @@@@list. I asked why I was. I was told because I didn’t tell GLLS they were leaving. Well *cough* put yourself in my shoes, and anyone they kicked. Me, I knew they were leaving, they even tried to recruit me, I declined. I was loyal to LS, yet those people helped me and GLLS alot. Didn’t feel right to me to rat out and betray my friends to the thing they hated. Nor was I leaving them, I worked hard to do pretty much every event I could in GLLS and was loyal. Funny how I got falsely accused and backstabbed by the thing I was loyal to. It's not like I didn’t give them hints about recruiting certain jobs, etc. My standpoint between the 2 was neutral, seeing as how I liked both. Didn’t want to make enemies of one or the other, and wouldn’t have, had not Klu been the greedy backstabber he is. I pretty much defended myself and so did lots of other people defend me. I had nothing to hide, was guilty of nothing really. After a bit, GLLS basically had no choice but to invite me back, they did wrong after all. My stay back wasn’t long however, and I’ll get to that later.

Besides me, other innocent people were accused. The rdm Bennettz, and pld Ixidorr, were both innocent as well. Part of the scheme Klu and Fsst formed was to just make up things about people to pull it off. They labeled Bennettz as the “Mastermind/Instigator”, ya funny cuz only thing he cares about is his jpns LS now until they haphazardly used his name for their story of lies. Ixidorr, he was loyal to LS, he had complained about how he might leave had not GLLS rewarded him down the road. That pic Klu took saying it proved Ixi’s intentions to leave LS are the words of Thal, not his. I talked with Ixi, and he, like I had been invited to “Thecrew”, we both declined. We were both loyal to LS, he may have had some intention of leaving, oooh 3 months ago or so. Time passed, things changed, he decided to stay with GLLS. I asked both him and Thal about it. Thal said “yeah, I gave him a chance dozens of times to come with us. He never really accepted and it’s too late now, we have enough plds.” So here we have GLLS accusing Ixi for options he considered months ago and decided by now to stay with GLLS. Klu’s photo was that of Thal’s words on Ixi, and it’d best be cleared up knowing when that photo was taken, along with Thal and Ixi’s input. Anyway GLLS cooked up a story on Ixidorr from it, they called him “Themole”, his purpose was to spy for Thecrew /laugh. Dunno how that’s true considering he didn’t go with them nor did they want him after a certain point. The story they gave people about their made up “Conspiracy” was that a bunch of people planned to take items and gil from GLLS and leave. Which was not true, the only real active members like I said were Thal, Bib, and Klu. It was not their intention to get items/gil and run. Bib didn’t give back Noble’s, and begged for Kirin’s Pole. His individual greed allowed GLLS to run rampant with their wild accusations and generalize the lot of them. Also they may bring up Krazy, who wanted items/gil or something. Well this happened like a month or 2 ago that Krazy left GLLS. Under GLLS you can use points for things “supposedly” and Krazy felt he got screwed cuz they didn’t let him have anything. Maybe it was becuz he was a drg, who knows.

On saturday, god day, GLLS along with Klu set up to fake kick Klu along with Thal and them. His job was to gain their trust and steal back Noble’s Tunic. All of this unnecessary scheming just for that goal. Making up stories about people, hyping up hate on them, slandering of names, and sacrificing loyal LS members to get back Noble’s Tunic was what it boiled down to. Klu played his part well, he gained their trust. I must say Thal was stupid for trusting him and doing what they did. Klu’s plan he suggested to Thal and Bib was to give him items to put in his bazaar so he could take a pic of some of the good items “Thecrew” had thus far and show it to GLLS. Well, Thal and Bib handed over the items and Klu stole them. He fled back to GLLS and was labeled a hero. The Nobles Tunic was the only thing that belonged to GLLS. He stole SH, SH+1, and Royal’s Cloak as well tho, not to mention items he stole from Ensane, like Peacock Charm, etc. GLLS welcomes back Klu with open arms knowing he’s a backstabbing thief, F.Y.I. GLLS, he’s greedy and just using you for items /laugh. Fsst’s response to Klu stealing the other things besides Noble’s was that, GLLS takes no responsibility for his actions stealing the other items. It’s weird cuz, GLLS used to stand for something, their goal was to be a good guy LS /laugh. Turns out the GLLS’s leaders go against their own policy and harbor Klu, a known backstabbing thief as a hero. Actions which I wouldn’t have thought to expect from that LS.

Now for some rather funny factual posts I found amusing. I’ll put my thoughts and how it should be interpreted in (...).

A post on GLLS forums from Fsst concerning the bannings and bootings of members.

“These kickings were -not- based on rumor or lies, they were based on factual info (Klu’s select pic’s of conversations) and testimony (Klu’s testimony). However mistakes happen and if someone was booted without just cause, we will do our best to make it right. (Well you did boot people without just cause, and you just said you had proof against everyone.) (Funny how you said you can make mistakes when you believed so much in your proof.)

From Klu’s post on GLLS forums,

“The entire incident involving thecrew and events that followed, the kicking of certain members, was a plan masterminded by myself and Fsst.”

Klu said in it, “In-order to cover his exit and remove suspicion, they needed a scapegoat. So they used Ixidorr, who was invited to the crew, but had temporary membership so he could get items from GLLS before leaving (Lies). Also to pin Bennettz to further remove the blame from him.”

GLLS leadership has always been bad at making decisions and know little about the game. If you try to speak up or voice your opinion on their actions, they can’t stand it and will hate you for your input. One of the reasons given to myself by Fsst is I was negative toward their actions alot. Now to see just a sample of proof to show it’s true.

Lazaras, a thf in GLLS for a long time who had nothing to do with anything made a reply in response to Klu’s actions on their forums. He was loyal and voiced his opinion on how Klu stealing the other things besides Noble’s was wrong. The other items being SH, SH+, Royal Cloak, whatever. (I thought he was he was trying to say GLLS would be no better than what they hyped up thecrew to be as thieves, now that GLLS has in turn been reduced to committing thievery, the same act thecrew was labeled, which would make GLLS no better than them.) So let’s see how Fsst responds to old loyal Lazaras.

Fsst writes in reply, “Laz I think your showing your true colors here. Obviously your trying to stir up trouble for a loyal member of the LS. Do the honorable thing and drop the pearl yourself. If I have to do it for you, your intentions will be made public. (What does this mean???? We’ll see in Fsst’s I wasn’t being mean to you reply when Laz posts he’s leaving.)

Laz posts he’s leaving, Fsst replies, “I didn’t ask you to step down cuz of what u said on forums. (Really!?!?) I asked you to step down so I wouldn’t have to provide proof of your intention to get gil and leave LS without warning. (Oooh, you mean make up a story about the guy, and falsely accuse him of something, then try to slander his name on the server, go Fsst.)

Now when I found out that Klu was the rat. I left GLLS in disgust with what they pulled, did, and acted towards loyal members. A few others left in disgust as well. Sad how the LS toys with it’s members. I mean, I went out of my way to make it to every event I could in like 3-4 weeks. We run on a point system and me along with others would keep getting screwed on points. Even though I got shafted, I was next in line for osode n junk supposedly. Before I knew Klu and Fsst planned this scheme, I decided to come back to GLLS. I felt I had earned some things and still wanted to do stuff with some members. I’d just not speak but roll with things in that LS, becoming mindless like most others. It’d be too disturbing to think how they backstabbed me and talk to them alot. So I came back, to find out what had really happened and saw my points /laugh. Like I said, I had gotten screwed along with others on points multiple times. I got 5 for 3 weeks worth of multiple events, they upped it to 7 after I complained, still wasn’t right tho but o well, I could handle that. I couldn’t handle however seeing how another mnk, who just came back for a week got 8 points for 2-3 events he did maybe during that week. To me, that was a kick in the teeth. I’m falsely accused by GLLS and backstabbed, they invite me back, I’m feeling awkward coming back for what they did. Since they admitted they were wrong about me, I kinda let it slide. I come back and see my effort put into LS overshadowed by someone who just got back. Seems I was falsely accused and they didn’t trust me on return, sort of a probation for me with them playing favoritism with the other mnk. Getting screwed twice, and finding out what klu and GLLS schemed, along with the thinking and decisions of GLLS sickened me. I along with others falsely accused part of a plan to get noble’s tunic, hahaha, come on. Abuse of power for a Noble’s > LS members...orz. At that moment I learned what happened, I decided to leave GLLS, I figured I’d rather be ls’less with no equip than associate with people like that. Every LS hates one another or has a bad rep of some kind, whether it be botting, stealing NMs, mpk’ing, gilbuying, whatever, it all takes a back seat to sacrificing your own members for a Nobles and blind rage. The info they got from this situation pretty much all came from Klu and how he presented it to them. Radell found their site and they ran wild with ideas. They failing to inquire multiple sources, acted in haste and screwed over a bunch of people, even damaged their own LS.

That is the situation that happened with GLLS, despite any lies they or others may say. To the GLLS members who read it, I hope you find it enlightening as to what they are. To the GLLS leaders, Fsst, Wicc, Boog, whoever, if you plan to reply and speak your mind, I hope you think carefully of what your going to say, haha. Especially you Wicc, I was asked to bash you in this, I really didn’t. I just presented all info on the situation pretty much. So I’d think twice unless you want me to speak of your true personality, how you act on GLLS leader forums, catch my drift? (Also applies to your husband Booger, and mother Shemi). Oh, and Klu, got any of those nifty pics with my conversations? I’d love to see them. Seeing as how it’s obvious I dislike GLLS, they have no effect on me now. Also I knew someone was a rat/insider so I told everyone I talked to a different story about what I planned to do to GLLS. Someone was a rat, and I had to catch them, sadly too late tho. Last resort you could possibly have are snapping my thoughts/anger after Benn left CoP set. Too late for that also, he knows I have certain dislikes about him. Your stealing, backstabbing, deleting a friend, and messing with people’s games to the point of ruin, should not be forgiven. Doesn’t even matter now if you say your plan was to cause chaos and leave FFXI as an excuse. Point is, you are scum and should be gone/hated from server no matter what. Fsst and GLLS, you came off high and mighty as hero’s in your own mind and propaganda. I posted this also cuz your actions didn’t sit well with me and you got off scott free. This was so the situation could be judged by certain people and I can finally let it go. I will now return to my usual routine of farming/seeking and hanging around Port Jeuno AH. I’ll try to find another HNMLS to work my way up in, doesn’t look promising tho, and if worst comes to worst, I’ll go solo as bst.

#2 Jul 02 2005 at 10:23 PM Rating: Default
Simply amazing /hurray the galka has spoke. That sounds like almost everything that happened, even though i have no clue what happened with Klu and Ensane. But thats one hell of a speech and sounds just about right. As far as what i heard about what happened on the GLLS forum lets just keep that between me and you.....
#3 Jul 02 2005 at 11:32 PM Rating: Decent
132 posts
Dre, I respect your desire to get your side of the story out. It truly is interesting to see how things look from another's perspective.

Perhaps you can see it from mine:

1) Some LS members want to ***** LS.
2) LS leaders find out.
3) LS members no longer LS members.

I think it's very simple, and multiple posts and quotations and pictures aren't really necessary to get this point across.

In any case, thank you for sharing your time with GLLS Dre, I will remember the hours we spent together with fondness and not bitterness.

Fsst - GLLS
#4REDACTED, Posted: Jul 03 2005 at 2:44 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Nice..the same BS drama that we all care.. NOT.
#5REDACTED, Posted: Jul 03 2005 at 2:45 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) That's one hell of a LS O_O
#6 Jul 03 2005 at 7:20 AM Rating: Excellent
Ugh...too many words. All I read was the subject line.

OwenTheGreat wrote:
Nice..the same BS drama that we all care.. NOT.

True...other than those involved, hardly anyone cares about you kids and your squabbles. I certainly don't. There's no reason why this can't stay within GLLS and any other LS full of high schoolers that spawns from this.

I knew long ago that Kluya was a jerk just from one Promyvion run I did with him. I'm sure others are capable of figuring this out on their own without you boring us to death with details, and we won't be stupid enough to share our account info with him.

And Kluya, the guy's name was FuSoYa, not SuFoYa. If you're gonna have an unoriginal name, at least spell it right.
#7 Jul 03 2005 at 11:29 AM Rating: Decent
180 posts
"That's a HUUUUUUUGE tool!"

#8 Jul 03 2005 at 2:15 PM Rating: Good
60 posts
1)As a very wise player Chibihibi once told me, every LS has favoritism no matter you think it or not so deal with it.
2)What happened between klu and ensane is a personal and REAL LIFE conflict and you have no right to use that incident as a scapegoat.
3)I was informed of TheCrew's formation by the other sacks so nice try there.
4)What are you trying to prove? Just another version of the story that should really only stay inside the LS and no one cares about anyway. I don't see other people posting so called "drama" from other HNM LSes.
5)I don't know why you can't see how obvious it was for several ex members trying to take anything they could before they jumped ship, constantly begging to use any amount of points to get money from the LS bank.
6)As to what I was told a time ago, you knew about this whole exhile and told no one about it, so unless this information isn't true, then I feel no pity.
7)Who made up the ********* about bribing?

That about sums it up
k, good luck in all your future endevors.
#9 Jul 03 2005 at 3:05 PM Rating: Default
wow great post Dregan
#10 Jul 03 2005 at 3:42 PM Rating: Good
Lol, Zerta, defensive I see

That post was for certain people so I'd quit being bugged in game as to what happened. Yes it's long and that's why I hate explaining to everyone that asks. Fuse posted and some others on here, you guys pretty much flamed them. They were made out to be worse than they were and you being allowed to go to that extent for a scenario you guys didn't quite understand wasn't right.

Oh and Zerta, I've talked n spent hours with all the major players involved and how things happened during that CoP set. Info presented to you guys all came from Klu which you ran wild with. I know all that was happening, and anything Klu could possibly have told you. He's a smart guy tho, and you guys fell for it. So none of you can't say I don't know what I'm talking about, lol.

I spoke to Ensane, and Klu before and after this happened. I told you how they explained their relationship. It's not personal at all, just an excuse from him to shrug it off. No one should ever be allowed to delete another person's character. How'd you feel if days of your life got thrown away like that? I don't see how you guys can defend him.

You were informed...ok, you didn't do anything tho. I know Ikz, Jaff, and Bomb weren't informed till it was too late. I saw that pt in sky with you, klu, fsst, wicc, boog, and whoever. I found it strange how you guys all had your pearls unequipped while the rest of the LS was off doing an event. Formed your scheme there eh? A sending away pt for wicc and boog, when they never left.

It shoulda been kept inside, but you brainwashed everyone that you did right and Klu was a hero. People who had no reason to be accused of anything, me, benn, ixi, fuse, charl were. How do you explain that? I'll agree with Fsst and how he wanted to protect the LS, but once again they never gathered info from other sources. I'm sure if you guys did instead of acting in haste, you woulda found out somethings you didn't know. It's not another version of the story, it is the story. Truth hurts you don't it, lol.

That wasn't their plan to steal gil/items and leave. I spent months with them, it was never brought up or slipped up. I explained how bib was the greedy one. Care to tell me of other members planning to rob you? You made up that stealing story on your own from info you didn't understand. You thought of Bib and went wild with accusations on everyone else. Don't generalize all those people and accuse them of your own ability to not know what was going on.

I explained my reason for not picking either side. I don't believe you read any of it. Want me to refresh you of a scenario about staying neutral? Remember when Wicc kicked Maj and Eph and no one knew who it was? She posted on your secret leader forums she was the one who did it. You replied comforting her. Then you come on the LS later that day when people were enraged about what happened. You said you had no idea who it was. Nice way to play both sides.

As for the bribe part, Klu told me, and I read it from his post. Fsst gave him that cape. He /tell'd me in game after we had all been kicked. He goes yeah, Fsst tried to bribe me with 2mil or something from LS bank for a certain item. Klu however wasn't known to me or anyone at the time as the rat. It's true Fsst did get him that cape. Was it a bribe like he said, I'll use his words against him there. If it's not true, blame him.

Also, about what I typed. Seems alla didn't agree with what I pasted it from or keyboard or something. So it's a little bit garbled where there were " ' or : ,lol, even in the title but o well.
#11 Jul 03 2005 at 4:15 PM Rating: Good
Man since when matlock play's FFxi /clap
#12 Jul 03 2005 at 4:24 PM Rating: Default
So i get the feeling i was considered a thf too? If so then i just want you guys to know you are terribly mistaken.
#13 Jul 03 2005 at 4:31 PM Rating: Good
177 posts
Remember when Wicc kicked Maj and Eph and no one knew who it was? She posted on your secret leader forums she was the one who did it. You replied comforting her. Then you come on the LS later that day when people were enraged about what happened. You said you had no idea who it was. Nice way to play both sides.

I told the ls and Majestic I kicked him. Was voted on and majority of sacks said to. I was the only one who had the balls to do it apparently since I guess everyone else doesnt want ppl to hate them. Ephewe was kicked by Fsst, not me. He was also voted on by the sacks as a majority and so was to be kicked.

This is all I will post on this thread. Im done with everything else concerning everyone else. Its over. Think what you will of me, I never had any hard feelings towards you and when I was told to put your name on the list to be kicked, I was surprised and disappointed. You can ask Kay about how I wish that the info on you was wrong and that things would be ok concerning you. Oh well, you will think of me whatever you will, and that is fine. Not one person from any of this has talked to me to ask me questions. The only ppl that I have /blist from the list is Fuse (from how he reacted), Thalion, and Bibrian. So, if you want to talk to me, fine, I will talk. Your choice if you want to listen from my side of the story. Anyway, I do wish you well with the game and with life. I hold no grudge towards you at all. I always thought you were funny and a great player. Take care~Wicc
#14 Jul 03 2005 at 5:05 PM Rating: Good
151 posts
Well what I meant more was: leaving an ls over items / drama won't necessarily solve much. XD Theres problems in every ls, and also some good points too.

But I will say this to the rest: bringing drama to the public forums will not solve much either. All it does is help grow the interls hate and bitterness that is going around. Personally I hate it and would like the interls hate to stop.

Theres good and bad in every ls. But can't we focus more on the good? You were not happy in GLLS, ok, you moved on. But why express bitterness like this? All it does is make things worse.

Fsst is not a bad person. Hes an old friend of mine and despite not being in the same ls anymore (we were in early levels for a bit, knew each other pre-G1 ^^)... Fsst would still get my support. Hes a good cat. ^^
If you're upset about an ls the most imo you can do is either: 1) Deal with it. 2) Talk with the sacks (prefered), or 3) Leave.

Causing drama like this in public places only makes matters worse. For you and for others.
#15REDACTED, Posted: Jul 03 2005 at 5:08 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) "So IÂ’d think twice unless you want me to speak of your true personality, how you act on GLLS leader forums, catch my drift? (Also applies to your husband Booger, and mother Shemi)."
#16 Jul 03 2005 at 5:28 PM Rating: Decent
Just to give you guys an idea of what GLLS is REALLY about (in case you might be interested in joining):

The past couple of months had been rough for me. I was taking 3 condensed college courses (16 week courses converted into 6 week courses), working full time, playing a bit of FFXI (mostly crafting as it is something I can do when I don't have a ton of time), and trying to maintain a social life if I could.

I let the leadership know that I wasn't going to be available for a while in helping with god runs/HNMs or whatever. I hoped that the "leadership", or olagarchy, would understand my position and merely let me stay in the LS for the social aspect until my term was done and I would be able to be more active. I had 2 days left of school and had just warped to Jeuno, getting ready to log, when I receive a message:

"You have been kicked out of your linkshell group."

No /tell. No warning. No explaination of what I did wrong, absolutely nothing. I then logged onto the GLLS forums, assuming I was kicked (which I was, of course, it was no mistake), and wrote a farewell thread. Almost immediately a couple people responded with sympathy and some anger, as nobody was informed of the decision to kick myself (and I find out later, Ephewe).

I find out through the grape vine that the reason I was kicked was due to lack of participation. I can understand this, even though I thought I had informed the leadership of my situation. Later that night I log onto the GLLS forums to check if I any well-wishers had contributed to my thread. Unfortunately for me, my IP and username was banned, and my farewell post was deleted within 6 hours of my booting.

Seems kind of harsh for "lack of participation", eh? The real truth is that I was outspoken in the LS and the "leadership" (I use this term lightly) viewed me as a threat. I recognized the blatant favoritism that a few members were receiving while the majority worked towards goals they would never reach.

If someone would have just sent me a /tell and let me know their reasons for letting me go, it wouldn't have been a problem. I wasn't a pearlsacker, and I can understand where they are coming from. I'm just trying to demonstrate the kind of system GLLS uses here: identify threat, exterminate. Otherwise, people like me might actually raise their voice when Radell gets crimson hands abjuration in front of 3 or 4 other rangers present, when he already has kote. Silly me, he wants them for fashion! Nothing wrong with that, right?

Edit: I also wanted to add that I was *never* allowed to use the points that I had accumulated in the months I was a member of GLLS. I was also the creator of the Noble's Tunic that has been so hotly debated (I believe it still holds my signature as well).

Edited, Sun Jul 3 18:38:42 2005 by Majest
#17 Jul 03 2005 at 5:39 PM Rating: Decent
Ok, time to deal with these replies...

Wicc, that thing you just posted on about Maj n Eph, I wasn't in anyway bringing up that topic of whether you were guilty of kicking or not. I brought up that topic in a way to show Zerta he too played neutral to both sides. To accuse me that I was bad becuz I did so, is something he does too, everyone does, and was retarded to point out.

As for labeling me as a person who's causing trouble in a public place blah blah blah. It's the Rag server forums. Klu committed acts that the server should be aware of. To act cautious around this player so they don't fall victim to something as well. As for bringing up what happened with GLLS and all that jazz, like I said in my post, they hyped up hate and slandered peoples names to an extent they should not have. Sucks to have your name spread around as a bad player of some type and not be able to defend yourself. People hear of things in game, and what they'll think of a person will be based on these rumours. So to clear the air of confusion about people, I also posted so that wouldn't happen to any of those players involved. People have asked me what happened and I posted it publicly. They came off as the winning side who did right. So I posted the situation so they could be judged by a few people for their actions

Fsst is ok, I used to think he was really cool. As of late tho he seemed to have changed, and handled things in a way he should not have. Victim of Klu's presentation to them on the situation, maybe. In the end tho they had the option to investigate things and handle it different. They didn't and defended their stand.

To shemi, I was able to read the leader forums because some moderators gave me their password to view certain topics and things of interest. Also things that were taken down from general forum. So I knew their stand on things and how they thought, and I tried to keep that LS together behind it's back. Why what I say is not lies or hearsay, lol.
#18 Jul 03 2005 at 5:45 PM Rating: Default
69 posts
Chibibi summed it all..
We all already tired of this and we dont care about ls drama, history or whatever.. now stop posting the same **** again and again.

Thank you

#19 Jul 03 2005 at 5:51 PM Rating: Good
In case you're wondering about the accuracy of the long post listed above, here is the original post cut and pasted directly from GLLS private forum (along with a treat from Kluy's online girlfriend Sheeba). The reasons I am posting this are numerous, but mainly it is because I find the betrayal perpetrated by Kluyasufoya to be absolutely repulsive (particularly against his friend Ensane). Once I heard about this (thinking Kluya and I were friends) I sent him a message in game (he wasn't logged on at the time) basically asking wtf he was thinking ******** over Ensane the way he did. I never received a reply and have not seem him online since. I can only assume he /blisted me.


Kluyasufoya's post:

My forum access has been returned to me,
And I was unbanned because it is now time.

This is confusing to all of you no doubt, but I ask that you read this post and try to understand that this is a complicated situation, and I myself did what I personally thought and felt was right.

This entire incident involving TheCrew and the events that followed (the kicking of certain members) was a plan masterminded by myself and Fsst.

Between 5-7 weeks ago, upon Bennettz' recommendation, Thalion approached me about breaking from GLLS and starting his own "no ************** HNM LS. I agreed to join and went along for a short while with it all. Upon talking to Sheeba about it, I decided that I would give GLLS a week to "help" me obtain something I wanted/needed. Later that same day, Fsst purchased and held a Toreador's Cape for me until I could get the G to buy it from him (which I did about 3 hours later). A few days later, I let the cat out of the bag.

Over the next several weeks, I sent Fsst PM's containing the screenshot of conversations between Thalion and myself, as well as forum posts from TheCrew's website, and anything of interest I could find. We talked about plans to kick everyone involved before they had a chance to pull out in one fatal swoop, however, there were complications.

Primarily, the Noble's Tunic in Bibrian's possession. I myself devised a plan where I could get ahold of said item and return it to GLLS, but my plan involved pretending loyalty to Thalion and covering my exit from GLLS so that I could get myself into the position where I could get ahold of the tunic by gaining the trust of TheCrew members. To cover my exit and remove suspicion from me as 'the one who talked', we needed a scapegoat. Of everyone that was leaving or getting kicked, there was one perfect member to use: Ixidorr. Ixidorr was invited to TheCrew, but had temporarily declined membership so that he could acquire certain items he had wanted from GLLS before he left. In addition to Ixidorr, it was planned to pin Bennettz with part of the blame in order to further remove suspicion from me.

Then things started to get complicated. Wiccatu and Booger announced that they were migrating, and Fsst used what he knew about what was going on to try to convince them to stay. Obviously, they did. Since they had told the linkshell that they were migrating however, we could not have them seen - so they disappeared only to return at the time they were instructed. Of all the details I could not control, it was how exactly we were going to rationalize Fsst's decision and the kicking of 10 or more members; however, things went so horribly during our Kirin fight, I just began to speak and stir up trouble to a large extent, which provided an excellent reason for ultimately breaking my pearl and triggering the chain reaction that followed.

As if nothing had happened, TheCrew had its first meeting later that day and things went perfectly. Even though too many people knew what was up, I had managed to avoid suspicion. Over the following period of my absence from the linkshell, there were a few interesting incidents that occurred, even some that could have jeopardized everything I've worked for. However the day finally came for my plan to go into effect, and at last I had my hands on the item I set out to get and announced the truth to those present at the time.

And that also brings me to one other point I must make regarding Wiccatu. She was just a pawn in this all, and while things got a little out of hand (but how can I control people's reactions to things that happen?), they were never out of control. I must thank her for performing so well and taking so much verbal abuse that rightfully belonged to me. From this point on, there is not a damned thing that anyone can say to Wiccatu for what "she did", as she did nothing that I didn’t ask/require her to do. If you really feel the need to "blame" someone about all that happened, then I invite you to attempt to blame me. However, as I did everything for the good of this linkshell and have all of the major events and multiple conversations on the subjects in screenshots I’m hopeful everyone will understand why things were done now that I can share everything that happened. There is not much that you could say or accuse me of that I cannot show you the reasons behind.

And there you have it. I notified Fsst, my forum account was unbanned and I have returned to post this explanation. I am sorry to those who were left out of this, but it was mandatory that this was done in secret, and the less that people knew about it, the better. When something like this is known, the possibility for failure is increased with each person who knows the truth. It is hard to contain it to a small group, but we managed to. Only a few sacks actually had any warning of what went down, but regardless, it went down nearly flawlessly.

That brings me to the issue at hand: Do you want me back in GLLS?

I am in possession of 2 items of value that "belong" to GLLS, and regardless of what you all decide, I will return them both to Fsst to let him do what he sees fit with them when I next see him ingame.

"Do you want me back in GLLS?" is the question, and you all are going to vote on it "Survivor - GLLS style". If you want me back, I will accept a new pearl from Fsst, but if you cannot understand or accept what I did as a whole (majority wins), then I will not accept a new pearl (and no, sacks votes don't pull more weight in the LS than a normal members vote for this), and I am not going to return to a linkshell that does not want me in it.

Based on everything you have read, post your thoughts/feelings and vote (or you can keep your anonymity and just vote), but please take this seriously. Regardless of whatever happens, GLLS will receive what belongs to it and I will not have any hard feelings towards you all.

That's all I've got to say for now.

On a completely separate note:

A lot of you have probably heard what I did to Ensane, and regardless of what you want to hear or want me to say, I know what I did. I have known Ensane for a long time...and our friendship had started before FFXI, and we spent a lot of time playing together/helping each other. What happened was something very personal between him and me and whoever else might have been involved. I denied him the dignity of an all too obvious answer, and I will deny you of any answer at all. What happened between Ensane and me happened between Ensane and me and it will remain personal; however, the fact remains I am loyal to GLLS, but will not return if you cannot or will not welcome me.


Sheeba's post:

I asked Kluyasufoya to let me know when he had been granted his forum access again so that I could be one of the first people to respond to his post. Kind if in an effort to…sway the mood of the rest of you, so to speak.

As he has already explained, there were reasons for why he did what he did. The PRIMARY motivator for his actions however was his loyalty to GLLS and his desire to see that people didn’t disrespect our community or our leaders. Luckily for me RL has kept me off the ls and the game while Kluyasufoya was universally hated because contrary to the one post I made about his “betrayal” I’ve been aware of what was really going on for weeks.

I’d like to add that while I understand that some people may be…surprised, annoyed and upset by the secret keeping and lying, I would ask all of you to really think about your response to his “vote”. Because he’s serious about not-returning if the community decides against it and it would be a shame to lose someone so obviously loyal and committed to this community, even though some of you may disagree with his methods.

Also, just as a side not (since he brought it up). I would also ask that you please not allow his interactions with Ensane to sway your decision over-much. It was a crappy thing to do to a friend, I agree, but the reasons behind it are complicated and were building up for a long time.

In either case, I’m personally very happy to have him returned to us, having successfully gotten back LS property. I seriously hope everyone else is as well. Also, since the “cat is out of the bag” so to speak, if anyone has any questions for ME, I’ll be back in game this evening and will happily answer any and all with as much detail as possible.

In either case, I'm sure you all know what my vote will be
#20 Jul 03 2005 at 6:10 PM Rating: Decent
I forgot to point out in my previous post that the refusal to return the items GLLS stole from TheCrew members is the epitome of hypocritical moves since they did nothing but cry about how Konig stole their Enhancing Sword, then resort to stealing themselves. Incidently, Lazaras suggested (on the private GLLS forums) that they (GLLS) return the stolen items (not the Noble's Tunic, but the Royal Cloak and Scorpion Harness that were NEVER GLLS Property). Lazaras' post was followed by Fsst accusing him of not being loyal to the LS (since he doesn't support stealing from other players like Fsst does). I can not confirm it at this time, but I believe Lazaras was kicked from GLLS following that post.
#21 Jul 03 2005 at 6:39 PM Rating: Decent
Oh, and Wiccatu & Booger:

I dream nightly that you are both killed by a drunk driver.
#22 Jul 03 2005 at 8:06 PM Rating: Decent

Nobody is forcing you to read these posts. This is a public forum for all the inhabitants of our fair server, and we can carry on however we please.

We are trying to show people who may be interested and/or effected by this what is really going on. Just don't click on the thread, it's that easy!
#23 Jul 04 2005 at 3:36 AM Rating: Default
wow, well i heard that GLLS let kluya back in their LS lol wow what are u thinking i mean who cares if he did it for the ls i mean think to your self wow a person like that hmmmmm IMO once a killer (thf) always a killer. Are people brain washed or on crack when they voted lol say what u want about my post cause i dont give a ****. I mean grow some balls who ***** there friend in the *** like that lol, I mean what can a so called friend say to u to **** them like that lol, "man ur a ***" "wow u have an online girl friend u loser" or something like that. i know this post will have people pissed at me but i mean if u cant see past the lies or little jokes then ur on some damn crack. ok well i'm sorry for this post but it is just bs what took place over one item a 12mil item ok big deal go cry damn, **** that makes it right to take about 40mil hmmmm wow ok i'm done i just am a pissed person and i feel this needs to stop i mean i im a good person i try to do what i can on game to show it but this is bs and i think everyone gets it now and its time to drop it. say what u want to me about this post thats great come see me in RL then we can really talk. iight PaYcE out ******
#24 Jul 04 2005 at 3:45 AM Rating: Excellent
396 posts
ephewe wrote:
I dream nightly that you are both killed by a drunk driver.

This may be some inside joke that I don't get but it looks pretty bad. Regardless of what has happened this is a pretty ****** up thing to say. That people get pissed off at eachother is one thing, namecalling is fun and all but really now, this is pretty far beyond the point of what's acceptable.
#25REDACTED, Posted: Jul 04 2005 at 3:49 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) "Oh, and Wiccatu & Booger:
#26 Jul 04 2005 at 4:27 AM Rating: Decent
403 posts
Hmm, this has happened before, actually.

Back in December, before GwennsLovelyLinkshell was renamed GLLS and turned into the purple pearl it is today, a bunch of friends and I were invited to the LS. A few weeks later we were apparently slandered while offline, the contents of which we never bothered to ask.

We were told to summarily drop our pearls. For no reason whatsoever.

For the respect due to Gwenn and his original dream for his LS, we left quietly, not wanting to cause any trouble or commotion. After all, no use staying if we weren't wanted.


The point of this post is simply: If you're ousted from an LS, for whatever reason, not much point making such an issue about it, whether you deserved the boot or not. Just pack it up and leave. ******** about it or airing an LS's dirty laundry doesn't fix anything. Or you could go solo as BST or play random jobs like me. :)

<-- 2 gil.

Edited, Mon Jul 4 05:32:47 2005 by ChemoshPrime
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