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Sorry who ever you wereFollow

#1 Jun 30 2005 at 11:49 PM Rating: Good
84 posts
I think Eekiki, you were one of them along with Rokk.

Here it is:

Earlier this evening I was in Rabao and needed to get myself to Bastok then Jeuno. I tried to get a tele as my HP was in Rabao. No success. So I commence to pay for the big yellow bird after switching myself to THF/RNG which is currently level 33. I have no sneak so I figure RNG job trait and flee would surely come in useful.

I set out to Korroloka tunnel and get off the bird. I ask a RDM(Ithink he was either that or a WHM but I think I saw a sword) for a Sneak if I pay him. I never got a response and no I hadn't made an offer yet because I do not know how much one would charge and did not wish to insult him.

I go through the first half narrowly avoiding the mobs in the area. As I venture through about a quarter into the map that leads you to Zeruhn I get attacked by what I now know was an ooze. Immediately I hit my Flee macro and take off. Now, you see I have not spent squat for time fighting these type of mobs so I thought that like most mobs I pull as SAM/THF, RNG/THF, and THF/RNG it might stop following me after a certain distance like clippers in the dunes.

As I near the zone I see some Taru standing there and /say I think I may have a link :(
I know, not sure why I chose such vague words but I was more concerned with zoning and when most people see the word link they run anyway.

After I zone into Zeruhn a Taru RNG at level 13 in their pt I believe motions at me angrily. I look at him confused and get a you ???? ???
or something to that extent I remeber the ???? ??? because I have chat filters on to prevent perverse language from showing up on my screen. I /tell him GM call do you need it^^
he says something else not sure what it was. Then he sends a tell with the little face flipping me off and saying go ahead. I do and I send him a tell back.It went: you are a very angry person and have my pity
(I know I should not have but, well I let my anger get the best of me unfortunately. I do not condone my actions just so you know)

He then tells me to pity myself. The GM was very helpful and said he would look into it. I cannot fathom what posseses a person to tell another such things for wanting to try and live. He wasn't even in the Korroloka tunnel I believe, I think he was coming from Bastok and was in the zeruhn mines because he was there it seemed coming down as I was going to bastok from Zeruhn after the Korroloka zone.

Oh well, I am sorry for this semi-rant/apology. I just wanted to let everyone know what happened was not an attempt to MPK anyone, I mean at my low levels and RANK 4 it would be a fatal mistake to offend people I may be called upon to party with. Also it is to let people know before I find myself being harrassed by others, and getting /slap from complete strangers.

I am glad to hear none of you were injured(or at least KO'd), but your RNG acted most inappropriately so a GM was called. Whether or not anything was done about it I do not know or truthfully care that much.

Please, if anyone has any info on how to better let others know when there is a link of death behind me please post it.
Thank you all for your time and patience in this.
#2 Jul 01 2005 at 12:59 AM Rating: Good
86 posts
It's nice to see that you are trying to apoligize for any thing that might have happened. I also have had to zone mobs due to aggro and find it hard to type and run at same time. One suggestion would be to just type /shout zoning and then type of mob i.e gob, ooze, etc.. This normally gives fair warning for others to zone or move far enough away.
#3 Jul 01 2005 at 3:12 AM Rating: Good one in my pt died as a result of your zoning of those jellies...and no one really made too big a deal about it. Yeah, we were a little annoyed (Jellies take forever to return home after you zone them), but no one really seemed too angry in PT chat to me...

Plus, you did give us a warning. Though it was vaguely worded, I understood what you were saying. We were all able to move to a safe place long before the Jellies came back down the tunnel.

I don't see what's on other people's screens, but I have to think the person who was sending angry /tells to you was not in my PT, because the attitudes of the people in my PT at the time just don't seem to match the person who was talking to you. Maybe I'm wrong, though. We had a Bogy trained on us not 10 minutes earlier (in what did seem suspiciously like an MPK attempt), and we were competing with gilsellers and solo RNGs for worms throughout the evening, so maybe our nerves were worn a bit thin.

Yes, in the future, try to /shout your warnings rather than just /saying them. Not only does your warning go out over a wider range, it's easier to notice it in the chat log.

To play devil's advocate (maybe a bit more than I have already), I think you should consider toughening up your eyes a bit. I generally will take the time to think of a better word instead of swearing, unless I'm "Yosemite Sam" angry, but someone sending you a few dirty words in a /tell isn't what I'd consider worthy of a GM report, especially when you indeed just did a thing that someone else would be justifiably peeved at you for. 99% of the time the GM-perscribed solution to such a complaint is to simply recommend that you blacklist the offending person and move on. The game is rated T after all. I've heard the F-word spoken in many a PG-13 movie (there were even nice extended views of Kate Winslet's and Amanda Peet's boobs in "Titanic" and "The Whole Nine Yards" respectively, both PG-13 films).

Whatever the deal was, it's unfortunate you got the treatment you got. Motioning angrily at you is one thing, but I don't think the situation warranted an argument in /tells. It really wasn't a big deal. We continued to level up there for the next several hours, and I'd actually forgotten all about it 'til I saw this posting. :D
#4 Jul 01 2005 at 5:01 AM Rating: Good
It's Just a Flesh Wound
22,702 posts
Just so you know.. seeing those ??????'s doesn't always mean something bad has been said..

The filter will filter out anything even if it's

Tomarrow i'ma train a bomb on Erslie.

you will get

Tomarrow i'ma train a bom? ?? ??slie.

this is because the word ***** was spelt >.>;
Dear people I don't like: 凸(●´―`●)凸
#5 Jul 01 2005 at 4:42 PM Rating: Good
84 posts
Hmmm...maybe it was a competeing RNG taru but it was only level 13 =/

Thank you for all for the replies, takiing in this information I believe I will simply make a macro in /shout that will read:

<me> is being chased by mobs @ <pos> headed to zone!

Then I will shout the mob type or name. More than likely it will be the type as I am not a fluent typist as most people I've partied with and I think anyone who has talked to me in LS chat can attest to.

I hope I will never have to use it, thank you for your suggestions PldByHeart, and Eekiki and your understanding. And about the Whole nine Yards, I had no idea that part was coming up until there she was, and there I am in the living room with the whole family at home and a topless chick on the screen lol.

I wondered why the heck that weird crap happened in my LS chat. Thanks for the info Deadgye, now things make so much more sense.

Like Eekiki said I may just "toughen up my eyes" and leave the filter off unless I am in an area/pt with a bunch of folks that lack the vocabulary to use different words. ^-^
#6 Jul 02 2005 at 12:20 PM Rating: Excellent
39 posts
Yea I'm pretty sure it wasn't anyone in our party. There was only myself and one other Ranger. I've never heard him swear before either. We didn't really care about the training, but like Eek said they take forever to go home ^^

Edit: It appears it was the other Ranger. I'll /slap him for you a couple times. Sorry about what he did, we're really good Taru. Just ask Eekiki ^^

Edited, Sat Jul 2 13:29:52 2005 by Reomm
#7 Jul 02 2005 at 2:58 PM Rating: Excellent
76 posts

I am the RNG..., I suppose i was a bit harsh, and it is i who should apologize, it's just, as Eek said, a Bogy had been trained on us not long before, and there was a lot of competition, long story short, i was just annoyed, and let my anger out on you, i am very truly sorry :(
#8 Jul 02 2005 at 4:07 PM Rating: Excellent
356 posts
Heh, on the note of oozes returning home, just politely ask a BST to come put it back where it belongs (^_^)
#9 Jul 02 2005 at 7:20 PM Rating: Decent
84 posts

Thank you Minswune, apology accepted. I am glad that we can act as adults about this. More people need to settle things in such a noble manner. I too am sorry. I caught the attention of those mobs that take long to leave, thus halting the party's exp consumption until the blaggards went home. I cannot stand when such things happen to me so, sorry about the train.

Rate ups all around!

Are oozes really so incredibely slow when returning home? Like, in comparison with Goblin Smithys that get zoned to Kazam. They take five minutes to get back to the skinny area where a pull must come through. How long till oozes get back down to the lower area where the spiders are?

I'm thinking I want some retribution on oozes, so, when I get SAM to 40 I may try my hand at a certain BCNM 40 >:)
( Just wanted to say that. xD )

Thank you all. Also, on a ending note, I am greatly impressed by your courage to admit a wrong Minswune instead of trying to defend a mistake. /bow

I hope this post is coherent, I haven't been awake very long.
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