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#77 Jul 01 2005 at 9:50 AM Rating: Good
1,254 posts
Now, where did I ever mention The Calm? Have I degraded them? No. get over yourself, pompous foolish child. I've had about enough of your "gimmee gimmee" generation Y'ers. You want respect, You earn it. Don't like being a dirtbag? well dont work so hard to earn it.

No one mentioned The Calm- what are you even talking about? Just another example of you liking to hear yourself speak despite you not knowing what you're talking about. If you think Owen was in the calm, it just proves my point more.
#78 Jul 01 2005 at 10:24 AM Rating: Good
112 posts
Now, where did I ever mention The Calm? Have I degraded them? No. get over yourself, pompous foolish child. I've had about enough of your "gimmee gimmee" generation Y'ers. You want respect, You earn it. Don't like being a dirtbag? well dont work so hard to earn it.

What's with you calling everyone child in your arguements, it's getting kinda old. You are pretentious enough to consider that a putdown? There are a lot of teenagers that play this game, surprise it's a game. Some of them are tactical geniouses, and I should know, I'm a combat veteran, a 28 y/o one. I'd take some of these "kids" in a foxhole with me any day. I just think your whole attitude of every teenager out there is irresponsible and immature is complete BS. If you want to try to argue that you are simply using that phrase to lower those of us dealing with this issue to some "immature" status, then get over it.
The crap happened and we're trying to deal with it the best we can. Regardless of what you or anyone thinks of Kluy, you can just go on thinkin it, cuz the day he gets tossed to the wolves is the day I hang it up. It just isn't gonna happen, so keep on piping your uneducated responses and blowing off steam and hate me all you want, I'm NOT gonna turn my back on my guy. Were there mistakes made... yes. Are we trying to fix them... yes. Is kluy gonna be strung out for you because he made a mistake... no, not on my watch.
#79 Jul 01 2005 at 11:05 AM Rating: Decent
724 posts
well said booger:)..

and to Nobia, I earned what I have.... stuff I have I got it on my own (all my friend on here know that).. so dont gimme the ******** how i got share of this.. Klu dropped the SH+1 , if you think we are greedy, wouldnt we just keep it or sell it?.. You are not in the both ls. so shut the hell up already... what klu did to orenshi is wrong but we are fixing it..
#80 Jul 01 2005 at 11:47 AM Rating: Good
69 posts
Niobia :
I firmly stand in my opinion that Kluyasafoya is a dirtbag and all those united with him are equally untrustworthy and thus corrupt the general image of GLLS.

On the other topic

Khasim :

Try also Meep, Wraithblade and Zaltoa. Pieces of trash that join the gilsellers out of greed. These people disgust me more than the gilsellers themselves.

Niobia`s reply :


First off Meep & Wraith are in the military...they have limited time to level. Alot of times the only invites you might get when you are leveling odd jobs ARE from gil sellers. How do you know they are? you dont! I dont go checking people because ITS RUDE so I usually dont have a clue what Linkshell anyone is in. I didnt know Zalt even partied anymore hes a pretty high lvl Wood Crafter - he's pretty young too if I remember correctly.
So in regards to Meep & Wraith...YOU TRY LEVELING and GETTING stuff done that you need when you only got a few days to get ready (gear up and do a bunch of lame crap the military thinks is usefull) and head off into the Huge Litter BOx or wherever else they get a whim to deploy you too.


Edited, Fri Jul 1 12:53:36 2005 by OwenTheGreat
#81 Jul 01 2005 at 12:00 PM Rating: Default
Wow it suprises me that people are actually still responding to this post. Give it up everyone, the sitiuation will be dealt with one way or another. Nobody needs to argue online, its just not worth the time if you ask me, and yes i am a member of TheCrew and im saying right now you all should just give it up. I don't think posting will help the Orenshi sitiuation out at all. We're all grown here, lets handle this like adults please.
#82 Jul 01 2005 at 12:09 PM Rating: Excellent
450 posts
First, Niobia DOES know Ensane and Kluyasufoya because we were all in the same linkshell a while back before joining GLLS. Yes the Klu/Ensane situation is messed up, but none of our business. I am sure some REALLY shayd stuff like this goes on all the time.

Real life shouldn't be brought in game, same way around.

This situation is over. No need to pine over it anymore. What is done is done. Move along people.

Everyone should just kiss and make up and hug and hold little teddy bears with bra's on. /dreams
#83 Jul 01 2005 at 12:40 PM Rating: Good
396 posts
Ragunax, drop the bra and I'll hug you. Maybe even sneak in a kiss or two.

Seriously though, this should have been kept between the two Linkshells involved. The only good thing I can see a public display like this leading to is that it might have made even the ones involved in this so tired of the matter that they can't even be bothered to hold grudges against eachother.
#84 Jul 01 2005 at 12:47 PM Rating: Default
177 posts
Ragunax, drop the bra and I'll hug you. Maybe even sneak in a kiss or two.

All I have to say is : Smiley: jawdrop

I learn something new everyday about my friends >.>

lol..Jk <3 Khasim^^
#85 Jul 01 2005 at 12:54 PM Rating: Good
381 posts
I feel that what needed to be sorted out has been sorted out. If the parties to the situation want to discuss it more, then maybe do it via PM's or instant messengers. This is just becoming a massive flame fest with "you're stupid" "no you're stupid" type retalliations.


*thinks he'll get some flak for it but he's getting kinda tired of people bringing part of the information from end game drama and it gets all out of control.*
#86 Jul 01 2005 at 1:03 PM Rating: Good
396 posts
Wiccatu wrote:
I learn something new everyday about my friends >.>

Yeah, know....hrrrmmm....I meant on the cheek!!! I promise :/
#87 Jul 01 2005 at 10:37 PM Rating: Decent
12,846 posts
OMG RAGS!!! I didn't even know you were still around??? Hows Ephewe? 1 thing I miss about Philly is the cheese steaks none of these folks out west have a clue how to make one >.<
Everyone should just kiss and make up and hug and hold little teddy bears with bra's on. /dreams
I...meh...what the*sputters* DUDE!

I am sure some REALLY shayd stuff like this goes on all the time.
dude, of all the times Zee & I argued..I never messed with any gear I had ever borrowed from her. Never sold it - hell I had her Holy Shield for the longest time and Sgts Frost Robe.

To Wicc, Boog (and a couple I forget, too damn tired from the Payday rush) Ok so you like Klu, I think he's a dirtbag you're cool with his stealing for the betterment of your linkshell.. right? Hey..I think thats underhanded and bad sportsmanship...I just think that says alot about the kind of people you are as well; not my cup of tea.

Ive known Meep & Wraith since our very first all Military Linkshell(the only branch I think we lacked was Coast Guard) - MerchantsofDoom. (I didn't pick the name) I don't think either one of them (like me) pays any attention to who is or isnt a gilseller..I don't /check people in game because I think that is rude. Ive partied with Nozokimi before and I seriously doubt she is a gilseller..she busted her butt selling teles to afford leveling her Ninja...she speaks perfect English and is very sweet. I swear this whole "gilseller thing" is becoming some sort of KKK type movement.

Unlike the civillian world, everything they do changes day to day. Youre civillians and I expect you to not's a completly different lifestyle then what you are accustomed to.

Has Meep or Wraithblade broken into someones account and stolen anything? nope. They live in the same barracks as several other high lvl FFXI folks so if they wanted to mess with their friends when they were mad at them (Meep loses his temper ALOT) they could just walk over to their rooms and just mess with their accounts...but they haven't.

Back to point A...Kluyasafoya is untrustworthy. GLLS can hide him all they want..I would seriously suggest for anyone looking into End choose a HNMLS that has much higher standards.(One that won't make you worry about when they are gonna ***** you over)
#88 Jul 01 2005 at 10:59 PM Rating: Default
177 posts
ok, since you fail to listen, I am only replying to this stupid thread this one last time... /sigh..

First off, Klu and ensane...Ensane was being a jerk to klu for over a month, Klu warned him to back off or change his password. Ensane didnt back off, so klu kept his promise. Ensane was warned numerous times to back off with the rl stuff.

To Wicc, Boog (and a couple I forget, too damn tired from the Payday rush) Ok so you like Klu, I think he's a dirtbag you're cool with his stealing for the betterment of your linkshell.. right? Hey..I think thats underhanded and bad sportsmanship...I just think that says alot about the kind of people you are as well; not my cup of tea.

The only thing the LS got out of all of this was what was the LS's to begin with. The SH+1 deal has been resolved and Fsst will be personally compensating the ppl involved.

Back to point A...Kluyasafoya is untrustworthy. GLLS can hide him all they want..I would seriously suggest for anyone looking into End choose a HNMLS that has much higher standards.(One that won't make you worry about when they are gonna ***** you over)

Soooo, we are a bad ls for looking out for our own and making sure that the ppl in were NOT screwed over? rrrriiiiggghhhttt...umm, ok, w/e. Guess you will judge rag as a bad person then even tho he is your friend, cause he is still with us >.> Klu made a mistake, he admitted that, he appoligized for that, the ppl involved have moved on, why cant you? Think Jaffar is right, you apparently just like to hear yourself talk, yet you dont listen or read what anyone else says.

Im done with this thread now. Nothing more to say. Im moving on and so are the others involved. Just because you hate Klu, you want others to also. Well, sorry to tell you, but it is not going to happen. Get over it and go have fun for once and try not to bother with worrying over something that had nothing to do with you. This is a game, so do what your suppose to do with a game, go have fun..If you dont want to like someone, fine, so be it. I dont like some of the ppl you like, but yet I dont come on here to flame them just so eveyone else hates them.

#89 Jul 01 2005 at 11:20 PM Rating: Decent
12,846 posts
Ensane was being a jerk to klu for over a month

So what? that somehow makes what Klu did to Ens ok?
He did screwed up crap to alot more then the folks ya'll claim stole from your linkshell. Klu has made a serious of excuses that you obviously miscontrue (to what you HOPE is your benefit) as apologies.

Guess you will judge rag as a bad person then even tho he is your friend, cause he is still with us

I don't think Rags would rob friends (pissed off italian guys....I'm thinking more along the lines of black eyes and cement shoes)
We are the GLLS you will be assimilated?
I dont like some of the ppl you like
I have no doubt in my mind that they have earned that. If they ever were to pull something as Rotton as what your beloved Klu did...I'd be equally as pissed (probably more so)

you hate Klu, you want others to also

No. had I been that callous I would have broken his pearl back when we were on the same linkshell. I accept there are people that I will not along with for various reasons - I don't go out of my way to be cruel to them and I still help them out(whilst gritting my teeth). What Klu did goes beyond that. Had he just been his usual "obnoxious" self, I wouldn't be posting. What he did was beyond just being a **** - some of ya'll just untrustworthy folks I guess.

#90 Jul 02 2005 at 2:20 AM Rating: Good
87 posts
An update for everyone else that is carrying on this mindless arguement, Fsst IS personally seeing to it that people are reimbursed for the SH+1. GLLS IS attempting to right the theft of the items from TheCrew, with the exception of the items that rightful belonged to GLLS.

The problem is being resolved, so no more salt in the wounds. Damage is done and more people are beginning to suffer from the continuing war between the LS's. Both leaders from TheCrew and GLLS have agreed to end this. Now it's up to the members to follow suit.

No more. People involved on both sides are working towards a mutual resolution.

Edited, Sat Jul 2 03:45:08 2005 by Lovegoddess
#91 Jul 02 2005 at 7:39 AM Rating: Decent
This is the first time I post on this site. I promised myself I wouldn't add more flames to this fire, but there are certain things I have to get off my chest.

Before I start I would like to state that I am not a member of neither GLLS, nor TC. Thus, it is not my intentions to offend either LS. If either LS happens to get offended by my words, well that's too bad; and honestly, I don't give a f***.

As I read through this thread I was speechless. I see people arguing over fking items inside a video game, arguing about fking currency that is worthless to us in real life. Yet, you fail to see the real injustice of what has occurred. Someone had his fking account deleted! You don't seem to grasp the concept that a fking Kirin's Osode, or a SH+1 can be replaced, but YOU CANNOT GIVE SOMEONE 100+ DAYS OF HIS FKING LIFE BACK!

Ensane was one of my best friends in FFXI; he was the reason I did not quit the game. ANYBODY who ever crossed path with Ensane would agree he was an honest person and simply a stand-up guy. I'm proud to have had him as a friend.

I was shocked the day Ensane logged on under another name informing me of these events. Blood boiled through my veins, I wanted to break my fking computer. I knew Ensane and Kluya were very good friends. I asked Ensane why Kluya would do something like that to him, if he had done something to Kluya for him to retaliate the way that he did. His answer: "I did nothing, He's just being sadistic" (Unfortunately I did not record our conversation, you can take this as you want, but this is the truth). The fact is, however, I don't know all the facts.

Nevertheless, the actions commited by Kluya against Ensane were in fact sadistic. Suppose Ensane did "bother" Kluya for a month. WHAT ON FKING EARTH can a person possibly do to deserve what Ensane got. Why not just ignore a person. Hmmm.. Let's see. You can block persons on AIM, YAHOO, E-Mail, /BLIST, you can block him out of your world. No wait, LETS GO FKING DELETE SOMEONES ACCOUNT. Yes Ensane gave Kluya his POL password, and Yes I belive that was stupid of him. But it goes to show you how much Ensane trusted Kluya as a friend. Then Kluya explains how he asked Ensane to change his password out of fear of what he could do. Why not just pretend you don't have it? I know it sounds stupid but... The point is that Kluya had a choice, and the choice he carried out was fullfilled with the worst intent. By the way, when I asked Ensane if he knew Kluya in real life, he responded "no, we are just online friends." Great friend he turned out to be...

The bottom line is that you people should stop arguing about fking items in this unrealistic world we play on. Take the fking greed out of your hearts and threat others as you would like to be threated yourself. You are not playing against the computer, you are playing against fking human beings. Your actions affect other people. Someone in the game told me I shouldn't judge people by their mistakes. I fail to see this point of view. Thus,


call a GM on me now B*TCH...

I would like to close by re-estating that it is not my intentions to offend anyone other than the person mentioned. Whatever problems there are between LS's, is not mines. I understand people will flame me for my words, but please read the following: I DON'T GIVE A FLYING F***. The fact is My friend was fked. This is my opinion and everyone is entitled to one. You don't have to like it.

Ensane if you are out there, don't quit man. Start off new and we'll world shift and leave all these bullsh*t behind.

I'm out, God bless.

Edited, Sat Jul 2 09:08:12 2005 by Pulsedriver
#92 Jul 02 2005 at 9:16 AM Rating: Decent
86 posts
Reading Ragnadrama is almost as good as watching TV. >.>;
#93 Jul 02 2005 at 6:18 PM Rating: Decent
hmmmm what to say well nothing other than to stop this crazy *** ****, right now i want to say so much stuff about kluya but I am a better person than that. well peace ***** i'm out.

p.s. damn some of u are crack heads lol but i wish u all luck on the game
#94 Jul 03 2005 at 6:21 PM Rating: Decent
Niobia, plz have my Elvaan babies.
#95 Jul 03 2005 at 9:44 PM Rating: Decent
669 posts
Why would anyone hurt orenshi ; ;

She's so cute and huggly. Whoever screws with orenshi deserves to die.
#96 Jul 04 2005 at 10:00 AM Rating: Decent
hmm... what to say... I won't go all out in an elaborate rant about how much of an @ss hat i think kluya is...That is not to say I won't flame him anyway. this is all aside from stealing items.

I've known ensane since about the time he's started this game.
I told him that I wanted him to join me in my HNM ls but he was in glls at the time and wanted to be faithful. I might be known to a lot of you or not. that does not matter. anyway,kluya you are trash and are worse than any gillseller/mpk'r I have ever run across. a previous post mentioned alternative methods to handle the situation. yet you chose the extreme. you knew there would be consequences, there is not much in retribution that can be done in game. MPKing is too good for you.... deleting YOUR character is too good for you.

btw good job GLLS for taking care of your members.

/em grabs some popcorn.
#97 Jul 04 2005 at 2:09 PM Rating: Good
ephewe wrote:
Niobia, plz have my Elvaan babies.

No! Become my Tarutaru life partner! We'll adopt a Galka together! We'll name him Barbecued Pork. He'll have a tail!
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