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#52 Jun 29 2005 at 11:28 PM Rating: Good
It's Just a Flesh Wound
22,702 posts
meh.. Why couldn't you photoshop that picture tossing it and just give it to me :X

edit: Claimed Smiley: king

Edited, Sat Jul 2 00:52:50 2005 by Deadgye
Dear people I don't like: 凸(●´―`●)凸
#53 Jun 30 2005 at 12:35 AM Rating: Excellent
I never posted on Alla before, but someone asked me to share my story (Someone in glls btw, plus i got many wierd tells about it so i might as well answer you all at once) so i will.

My name is lazaras, i was in GLLS, i am no longer in glls and people have asked me why.

No one in glls except for maybe 4 people knew what kluyafosuya was planning to do. The day we all found out, most of us were surprised. We knew at first that Kluya had taken back the noble's tunic from bibrian, so many of us were going "yay." We found out later that he had also taken a SH, SH+1 and royal tunic that did NOT belong to glls. that started a little ls argument about what he did. I was on the side that argued that he should give all that other stuff back to thier rightful owners (even though the owners of the SH and royal cloak were members who had left glls for thecrew) along with a few others. some beleived we should give back the SH+1 only, others beleived that we should welcome him back for getting this stuff back, and what he did with the other stuff was up to him only (mostly the point of the ls leaders).

The argument lasted a while, I made a post about it on the forums, as did amny others, and there was a little tension about it for the rest of the morning.

After a while, i was sent a /tell by the ls leaders saying that they did not "appreciate my causing trouble" and they told me to drop my pearl. The exact words were "advises you to drop your pearl" but i hope we all know what that means. As far as I can tell, the only reason i was kicked was that I had spoken my mind about kluyafosuya and my veiwpoint did not agree with that of the ls leaders. If the real reason was something else, please let me know, I try not to be mean and am usually helpful, so I would like to apologize if i was at fault for another reason.

note - by ls leaders I do not mean all of them. i do not know if all of them knew about what was happening and i frankly doubt they did, because only like 12-15 people were on ls at the time.

So... I did not leave ls to join thecrew, although i may later because i have friends there, or any other HNMls. I was not booted because I was secretly plotting to take away gil/items and join thecrew. And I most assuredly was not booted because they found out I was a gilseller. (i dont even know how THAT one got started) I left because I was told to leave.

I left unwillingly because I had a lot of friends in Glls still. The reason i did not do a ls point - to - gil conversion before I left (some asked me about this) was because I did not know that option was available to me. I figured that was only available to people who were staying in the ls, and I had a hard enough time trying to get gil-from-points to raise goldsmithing when i WAS in the ls, so i figured they probably would not give me the option now that i was in bad favor. If the option was/is available, i would have/will take it, because we all spend a lot of time and gil camping triggers, going to HNM camps, etc. and I wish i could have something, anything, in return. Especially with the price of silent oils on this server >.>

I have heard rumors that others were kicked for similiar reasons, but they are just rumors, so i dont know. I would like to know, because I am curious to see what happened to my friends on glls, and I dont have acess to the glls forums anymore either.

As for the points thing, it's clear that high-end items like Kirin's osode and noble's tunic are worth waay more than the points that get subtracted for them. There just arent enough high end items dropped, or big HNM money drops, or even points to be earned before a new HNMls gets it's first osode or tunic. Possibly not ever. In a sense, they are purchased through a fairly heavy subsidy, because they are given out with the intent that the person who receives the item will stay and help get everyone else that item and other items. So yes, I do understand why Glls and other lses are mad when people leave. A lot of people in glls worked to get the person(s) who left high end items with out said person(s) helping to get more for everyone else. Sure they must have helped some, but they did not help enough to compensate for the alliances of others who helped. Either acknowledge this fact or fix the points system, but I think this problem is inevitable in any system.

Second of all, many people who left left because they were not recieving items/gil and/or felt that the items were being distributed unfairly. To me, that is a valid reason to leave, because many of those who left did so because they recieved nothing. So glls, hate on those who you really mean to, not just everyone who left. not all of them tried to take items, and it is natural to try to get something in return for their last so many months camping Hnm's / triggers/ etc before they leave the ls.

Anywho, thats my story/veiwpoint. Feel free to send me /tell. I dont blist anyone (or at least never have and dont want to) so if i dont respond its because i'm afk (i do that a lot).

Remember all: GLLS is not only Kluyafosuya (if he's back... i dunno cuz i'm not in ls), GLLS is not only the LS leaders, Thecrew is not only the people who left GLLS or any other particular LS. So no one mpk anyone pls. There are a lot of nice people in GLLS who I am friends with and would like to stay friends with, just like i'm sure there are a lot of nice people in thecrew and every other ls, if you dont like any one person that doesnt mean you have to hate on everyone in his/her/it's ls. (Galka are an "it," i'm sorry :p )

Please dont be mean people, be good people, but if you're mean at least direct your meanness to the right target and in the right amount. I felt a lot of what happened was way overboard, plus an innoncent orenshi got an SH+1 taken in the process.

Finally, about that SH +1, it could have been given back instead of dropped... people call each other gilsellers like people used to call each other communists... it doesn't mean it's true. Rumors spread fast too. So it's not cool to drop it just cuz someone called that person a gilseller. NO ONE knows if anyone is a gil seller or buyer until they hear them say it, because many small emnities form in this game and people are quick to call each other gilsellers. This ls drama is proof of the rivalries, and go to lower jeuno from time to time if you wanna see people call each other gilsellers. Besides.... who drops an SH+1????? Under any circumstance??? Esp if it belongs to someone else entirely. >.>

Thats all I have to say I think. Thanks for listening.
#54 Jun 30 2005 at 12:40 AM Rating: Excellent
wow thats a longer post than i expected 0.0
#55 Jun 30 2005 at 2:49 AM Rating: Good
1,137 posts
That was interesting. . . I think I will return to the wilderness and continue to play bst at a nice leisurely pace.
#56 Jun 30 2005 at 4:00 AM Rating: Decent
227 posts
well i figured i might as well speak my part.

yes i was in the LS, most of you know me, some of you dislike me, but i have been in the ls probably the longest out of everyone who's posted so far, fsst and i were the only two left whom originated from the ls that created GLLS, until i left.

well i had my reasons for leaving and all of this nonsense has to do with it. sobeit i really didnt do much in the ls after gwenn left, but i did before, that and i have my excuse sense my twin played most of the time and we shared an acct at that time.

what i want to speak my part is about many things and ill start off with the stealing issue. GLLS had two items "stolen" from them, as they say, so this whole "recon" mission goes into process. fastforward to the end >> kluya gets the items back and ends up stealing thecrews SH+1, SH, and royal cloak.

the royal cloak and SH were stolen from those who "stole" from GLLS, so i wont have a say in that, although the SH+1 was orenshis and should HAVE NEVER ******* been touched for he had NOTHING to do witht the ******* GLLS conspiracy.

as for those that said ensanes and kluyas ******** is between them, then if orenshi "is" or "isnt" a gil seller is his personal business, shame on you for touching his ******* SH+1 in the first damn place.

NOW. on the issue of stealing, it's wrong. wrong wrong wrong. either way you look at it, it's wrong. "THEY STOLE FROM US ONOES I STEAL BACK!" were you not grown up to respect others even if they disrespect you? were you not ever toldthat two wrongs dont make a right? come on guys stop and think. thecrew was wrong for "stealing" those items, but you had the chance to be the right ones and give back theirs, instead you kept theirs stolen items and that makes you worse than them. this may be kluyas personal business but it became GLL;s when it was done in their plan.

you guys need to think things over, i am truly dissapointed and angered even.

new topic.

this bullcrap about ensane's acct being ripped off by kluya and then deleted is also wrong.

GLLS tried to say "whatever happened between them is personal business and we should not judge them nor should it affect wether or not he let back in ls"

well to that guys i ask you this: if a gil seller, whom was totally qualified for the best of ls's HNM/dynamis/gods on server, wanted to be in GLLS would you cast aside the fact that he is a gil seller, for it is his personal business afterall and it shouldnt affect wether or not hes in or out, and let him in?

- dont bother answer, see thats a rhetorical question, and the answer is no, so you all are kind of contradicting yourselves into your favor huh?

sly but stupid~

nother topic

while im at it i might as well mention that none of those whom got kicked by GLLS were able to use or get their points worth for their participation, and if you plan on leaving the ls i advise shutting up and getting your points because they wont give m to you if they found out ;)

heres another scenario:
i get a job right, $8 an hour - good im satisfied, but after working 40 hours my first week im really displeased by the job and decide this isnt for me. so i tell a co worker i plan to quit after getting my weeks pay and looking for a better job!. this co worker happens to mention it to my boss and when i ask to get paid for my 40hours of work my boss says "nah, since you're quitting the job you dont get your money"

uhhh excuuuuuse me? doesnt this seem just a bit WRONG? to anyone else but me? doesnt this seem like a type of blackmail into keeping them in the ls? or employee in the job?
because thats what's happening / happened to them.

you decide mr boss man

on a last note i'd like to say i agree with laz on what he said and spoke his mind.

and really...if you guys dropped that SH+1...i don't even know what you're thinking, you guys are completely out of your minds and out of control...really dissapointed here.
#57 Jun 30 2005 at 8:40 AM Rating: Good
Matsume wrote:
- dont bother answer, see thats a rhetorical question, and the answer is no, so you all are kind of contradicting yourselves into your favor huh?

sly but stupid~

I furl my brow in confusion at you... ?_?
#58 Jun 30 2005 at 10:29 AM Rating: Good
112 posts
Krazy wrote:
"Well just so happens abjuration for neptunal feet drop. (Mind yourself read above, i was going to stay in GLLS and sit and chill) And im like wow, i wonder if i can lot on this. So me thinking with like 25+ points and about 6 months with LS GLLS would let me lot. I mean why not, i never asked the LS for anything until the day i asked Fsst could i trade points in for gil. So i ask in /link who was next up for the abjuration and could i lot. I get no answer, and just seconds later they say, o DRK should get."

Just so you know I hold no ill feelings towards you, I always thought you were a nice player, and despite what happened I still do, I was genuinely upset when you had decided to quit, but this is probably the reason you weren't allowed to lot...

The join date Krazy, Fssr already knew we had lost you. Got the same basic join date screenie for several people, was one of the clues as to what was about to go down, and once you smell something bad happening, the digging begins.
#59 Jun 30 2005 at 11:20 AM Rating: Good
Yup thats the join date, the same day i went to my cousins as i put in my post. Around the same few weeks i was deciding whether i would leave or not. I even had a chat with a few of my friends in GLLS about leaving game to not have to deal with all this.

As for saying TC stole items from GLLS that is a false statement Matsume, i know u really didn't mean TC. More than likely you believe 2 of the members stole items. Please do not include the other guys in business that they have nothing to do with, even i don't have anything to do with it. I just wanted to state my reason as to why i left LS. What happens between all these guys happens, i just hope its a good thing so we all can get this problem resolved. And if you must know yes i felt as if those 2 members were in the right for taking the items because i believed they earned them. And yes if someone/anyone had a plan to get the items back as to stealing them then so be it, i figured it was bound to happen anyway. As for the rest of the stolen items i felt as if that was totally disrespectful, i mean if you got the items u needed why take 3 other items, And 1 of which is someone who has nothing to do with anyones problems?

As for stealing i'll tell the honest truth i am totally against it, and as for other people who continue to post without knowing whats going on i just say don't judge a book by its cover. As i typed before i have np with anyone in GLLS they still cool to me. But i just have different beliefs as the others i guess. I just feel as if this whole sitiuation should have never arised. But it did and you know **** happens.

I just ask of one thing please do not mention TC as a whole in this whole sitiuation because only a few members actually know, and are in this whole little conflict. And this should be the same for GLLS, only a few members actually know, and are in this whole little conflict. Lets keep it that way until this whole thing is resolved and we all can have fun again.
#60 Jun 30 2005 at 11:36 AM Rating: Decent
403 posts
#61 Jun 30 2005 at 12:18 PM Rating: Excellent
788 posts
No one f-ing believed me when I said Klu was a total f-ing tool. He is, and no matter what anyone says, he is shady: plain and simple.
#62 Jun 30 2005 at 12:54 PM Rating: Good
Any chance this topic will be closed before i think ragnorok is full of preteens fighting over a playground spot.
#63 Jun 30 2005 at 12:57 PM Rating: Good
Oh, and btw, my dad can beat up your dad.
#64 Jun 30 2005 at 1:05 PM Rating: Default
724 posts
sound like a challenge,.. lets have a dad vs dad fight!!
#65 Jun 30 2005 at 2:34 PM Rating: Decent
227 posts
my pardons krazy, but you understood, i did not mean TC as a whole, i was really only reffering to the 2..and maybe the few others involved in this redicuous predicament slandered as a "conspiracy"~ but as you may notice i said that they "Stole" and by "stole", i dont mean that they actually stole. have fun with that one~
#66 Jun 30 2005 at 10:48 PM Rating: Decent
12,846 posts
Bob hun, why do I get the impression that the only reason you responded this way was because you weren't the object of attention >.> (This might be a positive thing) - incidentally a large amount of the people in GLLS are 16-23.(God I feel old >.<)

This really does boil down to the fundamentals that we all should have learned in early nice with on to others as you want them to do to you and so on and so forth. Point being, should GLLS be judged by KLU...I say yes and there are plenty of people I adore that are in GLLS.

IF your friend, your good buddy confirmed to you that he/she robbed your neighbors house(a neighbor you think is pretty cool)...would you say "Well it wasn't my house so it isn't my business" and just wait, hoping yours wouldnt be next or would you cut all ties to that "friend". Its a question of Morals.

Friends fight, that is the way with friendships however you do not ***** over your friend(what the hell kind of sick thinking could rationalize that?). Those who watched it happen, those that knew..sorry boog :( but you are just as responsible, in my eyes.

I have friends that I have come to odds with in this game, it is a natural course of things - I have not cheated them nor stolen from them.

If Ens did not give you (Kluyasafoya) those items directly..regardless of what you allege him to have is theft.

GLLS is turning into Greedy Losers Leeching Stuff. You want to be seen as Lovely HNM Linkshell that you USED to be then start behaving like it. Or keep allowing your members to be unscrupulous and see how long your shell lasts.

End Game isn't worth ******** over other people, nothing is. If you can't function in an acceptable manner in a social environment then a Multiplayer Online Game is not the game for you.

#67 Jun 30 2005 at 11:02 PM Rating: Decent
724 posts
nobia, dont talk about GLLS, you are not even in the ls... 2nd.. dont talk about us. saying stuff thats we are Greedy Losers Leeching Stuff, You have no clue what happened... how are we greedy loser leching? when did we act greedy or leeching stuff?? we beat Kirin got the SHining Cloth and made the LS Noble ,, Bibrian trying to take it with him when he left LS and joined thecrew.. whats wrong of us get the LS noble back?? so before you say anything get your fact straight 1st..
#68 Jul 01 2005 at 1:37 AM Rating: Decent
12,846 posts
TO knowingly accept someone back into your shell...that has stolen alot more than what you claimed you earned...You knew of his crimes against Ens & Orenshi that makes YOU just as guilty.
You were Gwenns Lovely Linkshell but I think in light of recent....evidence, you have lost the lovelyness. I remember Gwenn, he never seemed the sort to deal lightly with the sort of rubbish you children seem to think is acceptable behavior.
nobia, dont talk about GLLS, you are not even in the ls

You know, I don't know John Wayne Gacy either but I still think he was one screwed up man.
Klu stole alot more then just a "Nobles Tunic", you're all aware because your Forum is flooded with it. YOu Choose to associate with someone like him...he's a dirtbag..."Birds of a Feather flock together".

So..yeah Naru, Ninjas always have issues with gil..I'm sure conclusions could be drawn as to why Klus thievary doesn't bother you in the least;How heavy are your pockets?
#69 Jul 01 2005 at 7:31 AM Rating: Decent
177 posts
I DO know what is going on, and I DO know the whole story unlike alot on here. Klu didn't post every single little detail in his post on here. If he had of, trust me, you would still be reading it right now.
I am friends with the ppl involved with the SH+1 problem. The person that actually borrowed the SH+1 for Orenshi is her brother, who of which is a really good friend of mine. What alot of you dont know is that Klu was going to give the SH back until he found out that "The LS" (thecrew) had gotten her a new one. Being flamed by alot ppl without them even asking him the details or what he was going to do, and also having others telling him what he should and shouldnt do made him react the way he did of dropping the SH.
Now there are more ppl involved that we are trying to make this right with. And as we, I mean the sacks AND Klu. Klu now knows that Thalion lied to him about the original owner of the SH and about Oren's brother. The sacks and the leaders will get this straight and trust me, Klu did not "steal" the SH+1 for greed. If he had, do you really think he would have dropped it?
We will get things straight with Lovegoddess and with Oren's brother. Orenishi is no longer really in the picture anymore over the fact that she was just using the SH that her brother borrowed for her.
Btw, Her brother is in our LS and has said that what Klu did was very noble, and that he only wished that his sister had not gotten caught up in the cross fires and had not been hanging out with thalion.
This thing is now crossing over into RL problems for my friend since Thalion lives in the same area as him and we the sacks and Klu are trying to get all the details and get this straight for all involved.
So please, do not call us Greedy just because we let Klu back in. There is alot more going on than all of you know and you were only givin the Cliff Notes version of all of this.
#70 Jul 01 2005 at 7:44 AM Rating: Good
1,254 posts
I really think you just like seeing your name on these boards as much as possible Niobia. These issues have nothing to do with you, you weren't involved, nor do you know all the details, yet you preach like you do.

Its been stated that the LS is working to get Orenshi's SH+1 back, as she was not involved in any of this. It will be taken care of.

As far as Bib & Thalion- I have no pitty for them. They plotted for over a month to recruit members away & leech (since you like tossing that term around) as much gil & items as they could from the our LS in the process. Instead, their plan backfired & they lost items to someone they were trying to use as a pawn. If they had split with even a sliver of integrity, instead of forming a new LS from deceitful acts, NONE of this would have happened. I hope you can at least understand that.

Again, the issue between Klu & Ensane is a personal matter. They've been friends since before FFXI- and unfortunately, issues between them carried over to the game. Neither side is willing to share any details surrounding this, so I don't see how it is possible to pass judgement. In case you are wondering, I actually am friends with Ensane & used to be my hunting buddy before he stopped equipping his pearl. This needs to be worked out between them.
#71 Jul 01 2005 at 8:49 AM Rating: Decent
12,846 posts
Again, the issue between Klu & Ensane is a personal matter
Some RL "buddy" you are condoning what klu did to ens. What Klu did to Ens was unforgiveable...You being accepting of it makes you..again as I said Just as guilty.
Apparently Ens is/was getting messages out to a few of his old Ls friends. I'll drop Sarah a line tomorrow and see if shes heard anything more then the initial rant.

Its been stated that the LS is working to get Orenshi's SH+1 back, as she was not involved in any of this. It will be taken care of
"Working" on fixing what happened to Orenshi? Shouldnt have happened in the first place.
As far as Bib & Thalion

Did I mention Bibrian?NO! Thats just your lame excuse to justify why it's cool to you to be a Buddy F***er.
"but but but Bibwian took our toys *sniff sniff*" Yeah, that REALLY makes Klu a GREAT guy for what he did to Oren & Ensane. I felt sorry for ya'll when that crap went down right up until I found out ya'll were totally cool with Klu robbing alot more then what was took. Hell, if you couldve,ya'll mightve thrown a damn ticker tape parade ya'll were so proud of his "covert" mission.
So yeah I understand VERY clearly the kind of people some of you earned it, you deal with it.

#72 Jul 01 2005 at 9:04 AM Rating: Good
69 posts
This getting boring

As Lovegoddes said :

Please, no more self-righteousness, no more rumors, no more stealing, no more plots, no more deceit. Let's move on with our lives, our game playing and get back to reality, please.

Now noobia, plz do us all favour.. STFU, u fking piece of *********** U not even on both ls
#73 Jul 01 2005 at 9:14 AM Rating: Good
1,254 posts
Some RL "buddy" you are condoning what klu did to ens. What Klu did to Ens was unforgiveable...You being accepting of it makes you..again as I said Just as guilty.

First off, I don't know either IRL, sane is an in-game friend. Nor did I ever say I condoned his actions, I said since I don't know all the details (which you don't either), I am not in a position to pass judgement- since their friendship has roots longer than FFXI & something happened to change that, it is up to them to work out their issues.

incidentally a large amount of the people in GLLS are 16-23.(God I feel old >.<)

I guess you're old enough to have such a mature response:
Did I mention Bibrian?NO! Thats just your lame excuse to justify why it's cool to you to be a Buddy F***er.
but but but Bibwian took our toys *sniff sniff*" Yeah, that REALLY makes Klu a GREAT guy for what he did to Oren & Ensane. I felt sorry for ya'll when that crap went down right up until I found out ya'll were totally cool with Klu robbing alot more then what was took.

Thalion & Bib's actions is what brought all of this about- its the only reason Orenshi got wrapped up in this. The only thing you're right about is the fact that it shouldn't have happened to Orenshi. However, since it did happen, that can't be changed, but it can be rectified.

Until you have all the details as to what happened and why- especially pertaining to the klu & ensane incodent- I think you'd be better served by keeping quiet on matters you know nothing of.
#74 Jul 01 2005 at 9:15 AM Rating: Decent
177 posts
Just so you all know...I have figured out what to do to fix things involving the Sh+1. NO, it should not have happened that it was taken, but IF Thalion had not lied about who was the original owner more than likely it would not have been taken. ALSO I stated that he was going to give back the SH+1 until he heard that she received a new one and he was willing to pay for half of it or atleast part of it.

And like I said before, if they were stupid enough to trade to him their items for 1gil, then they are to blame.

As for Ensane and Klu, if you do not know them personally face to face, then back off. Neither are willing to tell ppl the whole story therefore you are only seeing one side. It is none of our business.

So, things will get fixed soon, everyone will be ok, and if we choose to have Klu in our ls, then that is our problem, not yours. Let us involved deal with this, and you go and do whatever you do in the game and have fun.
#75 Jul 01 2005 at 9:16 AM Rating: Decent
12,846 posts
Now noobia, plz do us all favour.. STFU, u fking piece of *********** U not even on both ls

I'm calling a horse a horse. I don't need to be on either LS to say what one LS allowed to happen to 2 innocent bystanders for greed was innapropriate.
You can't handle that, not my problem. I firmly stand in my opinion that Kluyasafoya is a dirtbag and all those united with him are equally untrustworthy and thus corrupt the general image of GLLS.
Now, where did I ever mention The Calm? Have I degraded them? No. get over yourself, pompous foolish child. I've had about enough of your "gimmee gimmee" generation Y'ers. You want respect, You earn it. Don't like being a dirtbag? well dont work so hard to earn it.

-Wic I think you were posting same time I was so I will quickly address this before heading off to work.
if they were stupid enough to trade to him their items for 1gil, then they are to blame.
if they were stupid enough to trade to him their items for 1gil, then they are to blame.
It's called Trust and thats a **** poor excuse if I ever heard one (You're my age arn't you, I thought?) I trust my friends enough to lend them gear I farmed by butt off for, without trust there is no friendship. They trusted him....should they be punished for that? hell NO! What ya'll are punishing them for is leaving the LS in a very underhanded way...totally different ISSUE.
Yeah it is your LS issue is Klu is a dirtbag - ya'll ok with it...well then generally I think people that condone underhanded backstabbing sort of gamers..are the same. Just my opinion and I will surely express it as CLEARLY as I can.
Klu owes Ens back a ton of guess is a few of you folks profited off his robbery and THATS why you want to be "nuetral" -

he was willing to pay for half of it or atleast part of it. **** How about ALL?

Edited, Fri Jul 1 10:25:38 2005 by niobia
he was willing to pay for half of it or atleast part of it.
he was willing to pay for half of it or atleast part of it

Edited, Fri Jul 1 10:25:03 2005 by niobia
#76 Jul 01 2005 at 9:26 AM Rating: Good
177 posts
I'm calling a horse a horse. I don't need to be on either LS to say what one LS allowed to happen to 2 innocent bystanders for greed was innapropriate.
You can't handle that, not my problem. I firmly stand in my opinion that Kluyasafoya is a dirtbag and all those united with him are equally untrustworthy and thus corrupt the general image of GLLS.

You still fail to listen. Do you KNOW Klu and Ensane personally? Do you KNOW the whole story? No, you do not.

Btw, Her brother is in our LS and has said that what Klu did was very noble, and that he only wished that his sister had not gotten caught up in the cross fires and had not been hanging out with thalion.

So, is Orenshi's brother untrustworthy and a dirtbag too since he is the one who is effected the most here? Her brother is one of the most honorable, kind, caring, and trustworthy ppl on the server. Same with Fsst, Jaffar, Boog, and yes, to disappoint you, so is Klu.
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