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#27 Jun 29 2005 at 12:49 PM Rating: Decent
This makes me laugh. You want the "story" of what happened, and so I will give it to you. 2 cropped screenshots that Fuse (Twangz) posted really say alot, don't they? Next time, uhhh, use an entire picture instead of taking select pieces of something out to try and use against someone.

This is my first and last post on Alla, and here's the story from my point of view:

Early May '05 Thalion approached me upon a recommendation from Bennettz to try and recruit me for his new HNM LS that he was forming while in GLLS. Originally I had some interest in going with it, but upon talking about it with Sheeba, decided that it was a stupid thing to do, so I gave GLLS a "goal" (or "price" dependant on how you look at it) for what I wanted to get, which included 5 various items, and very literally a few hours later, GLLS got me the 1st of the 5 I made my choice to stay with GLLS, and later that night I sent my first PM to Fsst about it all, and I did not look back.

Over the course of many weeks, I had many of interesting conversations with Thalion about things (most of which I recorded in screenshots), and Thalion received multiple warnings about me and my loyalty (or disloyalty dependant on how you view it), and no, I'm not going to edit these, so you can see everything said:

Ixidorr not joining?
Thalion's first warning about me
Ixidorr/random pt. 1
Ixidorr/random pt. 2
After GLLS' first Kirin 1
After GLLS' first Kirin 2
After GLLS' first Kirin 3
After GLLS' first Kirin 4
(By the way, I have many more screenshots, but you get the idea of how things went between Thalion and me...and yes, Thalion HAD warning from Ensane of all people [since Ensane KNEW about this all] that I was not leaving.)

Some amusing Thalion quotes from those screens though:

"fu[/b]ckin Zerta is a waste of air"
"he's a piece of sh[b]
it" (he = Radell)
"i trust bomb but I don't tell him anything because well, he's a sack" (which is dually as funny since Bombadil gave Thalion a warning to kick me from TheCrew)
"I don't trust rags outright. have you ever seen some of his posts on alla? the guy is an arrogant di[/b]ck" (rags = Ragunax)

I love how Thalion and TheCrew speak about how honorable they are (about how they are not "fuc[b]
king anyone over, but getting what is rightfully theirs"), when their leader can't even control his mouth about some of GLLS' leaders...that says alot in my opinion. "Honorable"? Do not make me laugh. For those of you who do not know what that word means, then read:

adj 1: not disposed to cheat or defraud; not deceptive or fraudulent; "honest lawyers"; "honest reporting"; "an honest wage"; "honest weight" [syn: honest] [ant: dishonest] 2: showing or characterized by honor and integrity; "an honorable man"; "led an honorable life"; "honorable service to his country" [syn: honourable] [ant: dishonorable] 3: used as a title of respect; "my honorable colleague"; "our worthy commanding officer" [syn: honourable] 4: adhering to ethical and moral principles; "it seems ethical and right"; "followed the only honorable course of action"; "had the moral courage to stand alone" [syn: ethical, honourable, moral] 5: deserving of esteem and respect; "all respectable companies give guarantees"; "ruined the family's good name" [syn: estimable, good, respectable]

Read the first few words, not disposed to cheat or defaud; not deceptive or fraudulent. Hmmm, Thalion's talks about letting his members "float with GLLS" after TheCrew is formed until they've spent their points. Is that not deceptive and/or fraudulent? Sure, these people put in alot of time and effort to GLLS to earn these points, but I do not know if even ONE of them told Fsst that they were leaving with any notice and requested if they could spend their points, perhaps if that had been done, then they would have been able to get what was "rightfully theirs".

I could continue giving you all examples and quotes and defending my point; however, I believe you get my point to how TheCrew was being formed. Thalion and others claim they did nothing wrong and that they did not steal; however, they apparently encouraged their members leaving GLLS to steal. Some leader, eh? "Do as I say, not as I do" apparently is Thalion's #1 rule.

June 18th was Doomsday as far as this all was concerned, as it was the day that TheCrew was going official and also the day that GLLS was kicking TheCrew members.
GLLS Exit - part #1
GLLS Exit - part #2
GLLS Exit - part #3
GLLS Exit - part #4
A Staged Conversation between Fsst and myself

As far as TheCrew was concerned, I was 100% with them, especially after a GLLS member called a GM on me:
My trip to Mordial Gaol

So, my "loyalty" was never in question, but it was never made clear as to whom I was really loyal to...

I spent a total of a week in TheCrew, and then finally my plan to get GLLS' Noble's Tunic back went into effect, and of course it was successful:
Thalion's final plea

Now, this issue of "theft" really amuses me. Thalion and Bibrian did not try to steal from GLLS? Bibrian upon receiving his LOANED Noble's Tunic stopped coming to LS events and instead spent the vast majority of his time leveling Summoner, and Thalion talks multiple times about trading all his points out in one fatal swoop so he can ditch GLLS. Very Noble of them, no, I felt 0 pity or remorse from what I took from them, and earlier that morning, Thalion explained to me how this SH+1 I would be receiving later that day belonged to, I feel no pity about what happened regarding that (which you will see shortly).

Before returning to GLLS, I got access on the forums to post my side of the story and offered both the Noble's Tunic and Kirin's Osode to Fsst regardless if the LS decided to take me back or not, and upon reading "the truth about what happened" they deicded to take me back, and Fsst told me that the Osode was mine (The Noble's Tunic went to a WHM in our LS who had recently hit 75 by the way, congratulations to him). Of course, word got out about what I had done and about how horrible of a person I am, about how I am a thief for what I did, and I received my share of hate tells and flames over this all...but tell me? What did I really get from all of this? I will admit that I took 3 other items that day; however, the Royal's Cloak was given to a GLLS member for use, the Scorpion Harness was sold to purchase another item a fellow GLLS member needed, and the fate of the Scorpion Harness +1 can be seen here and here.

I tossed the Scorpion Harness +1 for 2 reasons:
a) Thalion claimed it belonged to Gilsellers
b) So no one could say I did this all out of greed

Tell me what I really got out of my "theft" from TheCrew? A bunch of hate tells and flames, GM calls, a damaged reputation, and a bunch of people who hate me. Awesome rewards for all of my work getting GLLS' property back.

Now, onto the Ensane matter:

This was all over a very personal matter that has been going on for some time. No items that I have did I "steal" from Ensane, but he traded them to me by his own will. Multiple times I warned Ensane that he needs to shut up and change his POL password, a fact that I am VERY sure he neglected to mention admist this all. I warned him multiple times over a month's period to remove my access from his account, but did he? No. When I had finally taken all I could, I got angry, and I deleted everything (and believe it or not, I did not send everything to myself to sell. Millions of G in equipment went to waste, and I only kept what he himself gave to me. I feel 0 need to defend my position on this matter, as what right do you all have to know about my personal life? You have 0, and you will get 0 details of the event.

Also, on another note:

"Niobia" wrote:
Ensane went out of his way to help Klu, theres very little klu has achieved without Ens help.

That is perhaps the most one-sided statement I have ever heard, and infact its far from true. Ensane helped me with gil and low level equipment when I started, yes, that I admit. Come early on, we went through a period where we did "split" and "did our own thing", of which time I spent leveling. Later on (when I had a "high" level job PLD50+ [which I solo'd the quest for]), Ensane and I started to play together again...but what did/could he help me with? He camped me a pair of Leaping boots (which I more than paid him back for, i.e. "Klu, give me a million G so I can buy these dusk trousers before they get more expensive" as well as a generous gift of 700k in 2x Merman Ring's to congratulate him for finally getting level 70). As for quests and such, he and I did G2 together, I guided him through G3 eventhough I wasn't even TO that part of the game yet. Artifacts are aslo another point to mention. How many people knew that he and I duo'd 3/5 of his AF pieces since no one from Intrinsic (including you, Niobia) would help him admist his multiple requests. As for my artifact, he helped me with 1/5 pieces.

I could keep going on and on with countless examples, but I will not. Ensane and I were friends at one time, and even towards the end we were...but there are lines when crossed that cannot be redrawn.

That is all I have to say about both of these issues.

#28 Jun 29 2005 at 1:04 PM Rating: Good
Unctgtg pass me some popcorn please.
#29 Jun 29 2005 at 1:09 PM Rating: Decent
2,112 posts
/em passes Shuffles 1/4 the Jumbo back....

/em thinks you should get the next bag
Relic Scythe Finished
Aegis Currency Finished
Drk Job Profile

#30 Jun 29 2005 at 2:21 PM Rating: Excellent
87 posts
Now, I'm no official insighter to the matters between the founders of TheCrew or GLLS, so I can only speak on the parts pertaining to TheCrew, since I'm part of that HMNls. I will, however, say anything on any parts that I know nothing about or unsure of.

I, coming into TheCrew, did not know of the plot being taken place against GLLS or against TheCrew. I had applied to many HNMls's, including GLLS, only to be turned down. TheCrew was the only HNMls that accepted my application. (With the exception of LiberiFatali, which fell apart a day before I would recieve my pearl.)

Now, despite the fact I may receive negative feedback because of this, I'm going to say it anyways. Yes, I know what I'm about to say is extremely hypocritical, but that's just human nature for you.

If put in Kluys position, I would have done the same thing, minus the SH+1. At the same time, I don't think it's fair to the other members of the LS that had to suffer from these actions. The members of the LS that had nothing to do with GLLS or any betrayal of that matter. I, personally, shelled out close to 8mil to replace the SH+1 stolen from Orenshi cause there was real life consequences she would suffer if it was not returned. Yes, real life. I cannot go into details about it, I'm under a promise not to speak about the circumstances.

Stealing, regardless of reasons, is wrong. Yes, here I go again with my hypocracies. Stealing from a thief still makes you a thief, even if justified.

Now, this matter goes on to even more than just stolen goods and good old vengence. We've also lost members because of this. People forced to leave because members of GLLS threatening them, breaking friendships, rumor spreading or family members inside GLLS saying they cannot be in TheCrew or they will be cut off completely from the game. Yes, the rumors are coming from both sides. TheCrew and GLLS are both guilty of spreading rumors about the other. Honestly, it needs to stop. Yes, drama will always exsist because there is massive tension between HNMls's, especially GLLS and TheCrew. Do I think we're Saints in any way? Nope.

Honestly, there are enough problems running around this game that we don't need to create, fuel or otherwise provide another. GLLS has gotten their revenge on Thalion and Bibrian, even a few that have not crossed them. Can we please call it quits now?

I have friends in GLLS that I really don't want to see break their frienship with me because of loyalty to their HNMls.

Please, no more self-righteousness, no more rumors, no more stealing, no more plots, no more deceit. Let's move on with our lives, our game playing and get back to reality, please.
#31 Jun 29 2005 at 2:30 PM Rating: Decent
112 posts
Lovegoddess you bring up an interesting point to me, I don't hold anything against the general membership of Thecrew, and honestly would like us all to avoid this kind generalization. I did not realize you had ever applied to GLLS, honestly, you would have been considered. As far as Orenshi goes, I swear we gonna make it right. I dun care if I gotta pocket out the gil.
#32 Jun 29 2005 at 2:35 PM Rating: Good
I don't want to be apart of this BS anymore

Edited, Thu Jun 30 12:15:34 2005 by Mithrrra
#33 Jun 29 2005 at 2:57 PM Rating: Decent
Edit: I put up a long hate post about GLLS, but, right now both LS are being stupid. Im in TC and im disgusted the way both are handling this.

Edited, Wed Jun 29 16:21:24 2005 by Wantcheezonthat
#34 Jun 29 2005 at 3:24 PM Rating: Good
69 posts
Okay im in thecrew, i've known thal for about 9 months. This crap about him plotting to steal, bullsh*t. Kluy wanted to get in someones pants and i guess he thought stealing would do it. All this crap about TC being thieves, more bullsh*t. We don't steal, we don't cheat, so stfu. It's amazing how the day after kluy steals all those goods, "TC are thieves they steal items and HNM." We got wronged, and we are the bad guys? I don't get it. And kluy i still don't think your gonna get any, your a loser =P

Do u actually read klu`s post including all the screenshots?
I am not gonna give comments abt Thalion,the crew or glls, the screenshot says it all
#35 Jun 29 2005 at 3:57 PM Rating: Excellent
87 posts
Booger, thank you. It does speak highly of your character to say that.

Also, I don't think you have to worry about Orenshi since she had to quit for awhile because of this. All I would like is for it all to stop. That's it.

I'm tired of people giving me /tells with "OMG you're in TheCrew? Does that mean your helping Steal HNM's." and "Oh great, another good person made into a Thief."

Prime example:

Last night, TheCrew went to camp Serket. We got the claim and had it down to half life when Kourtney and some other people stole the claim from us. Obviously enraged by this, we started yelling and cussing in /say. Let's face it, sometimes our emotions get the better of us at the worst of times. Enter in a player named Wraithblade. He's seen and heard the rumors spread by someone (Don't know who, don't even know which LS either) that we're HNM stealers. He proceeds to shout "Great, another HNM stolen by TheCrew." Even after multiple other people tell him that is not the case, even people in rival HNMls's tell him that, he still proceeds to shout in Jeuno that he personally saw us steal Serket when in fact he was stolen from us.

Honestly, this is the type of actions that cause the NA HNMls's to be laughing stocks to the JP HNMls's. We are always bickering at each other, finding another log to place on the proverbial fire.

I, for one, will not stand for it. If I have to stand alone, then I will. I will not partake in any MPKing of another HNMls, I will not bad mouth, spread rumors, lie, steal, cheat or disrep another HNMls. I will not allow another to MPK another LS while fighting a HNM. If I have to, I will personally die to assure that the HNMls that RIGHTFULLY claimed a HNM is link free during their fight.

This has got to stop, everyone. If this is something I have to do on my own, then I will.

Instead of hostility, we should be cheering on the claiming LS. Not hovering around them like vultures, hoping the HNM goes yellow for a brief second. Offer assistance when you can. Most people I've befriended throughout the course of the game are not in TheCrew. Only 1 of my long time friends came to TheCrew with me. Most are in either Zenmetsu, GLLS or TheCalm. I know any action I take against those beforenamed Linkshells, will effect my friends. We all have friends in different Linkshells. People who have helped us, gone out of their way to attain our AF for us or made us laugh on days we felt like crap. (Stupid Valkurm Dunes Days.)

We have Gil Sellers with Sky access, already killing gods. How much longer til they start camping Triggers 24/7? How much longer til a Linkshell has to shell out Millions to BUY the items from Gil Sellers to fight Gods? And what are we doing about it??? Fighting with each other. >.<;;

The actions are done, it's over. Talking about it isn't going to make it right. Kluys is not going to give the items back, give up any gil or anything. TheCrew isn't going to back down from attempting to be the best HNMls that it can. These are facts that we're all going to have to live with and learn from. I do feel somewhat betrayed by Kluy's actions, but I'm not going to go out of my way to bad mouth him or attempt to seek revenge. If I see him in trouble (Yeah right, him in trouble?) I will help as much as I can. The same goes for any members of GLLS.

So in essence, what I'm trying to say; in such a long winded post, is I'm drawing the line right here and now. I will not cause any malicious actions nor assist in any towards any members of any LS nor attempt to thwart their everyday activities. Let's try to be civil to each other and take our frustration out on the HNM's we are trying to get.

Thank you and God Bless.
#36 Jun 29 2005 at 4:04 PM Rating: Default
724 posts
O.O ... quesition why do you guys have gil seller in your ls (the crew) then O.o.

Thalion and Bibs tried to ***** GLLS-.- Klu got the stuff that suppose belong to the LS back. i dont see anything wrong with that.. for one, i'm glad he's back:)..

Edited, Wed Jun 29 17:07:44 2005 by narusegwa
#37 Jun 29 2005 at 4:09 PM Rating: Excellent
87 posts
TheCrew does not have Gil Sellers in the Linkshell. What I meant by "We have Gil Sellers killing gods already" The "WE" in there is Ragnarok, not TheCrew.
#38 Jun 29 2005 at 4:14 PM Rating: Decent
69 posts
Yeah i noticed on this link below, well known gill sellers (Pasco and Nozikimi) on the bottom right corner (Alliance)


Edited, Wed Jun 29 17:23:24 2005 by OwenTheGreat
#39 Jun 29 2005 at 4:18 PM Rating: Default
724 posts
I tossed the Scorpion Harness +1 for 2 reasons:
a) Thalion claimed it belonged to Gilsellers
b) So no one could say I did this all out of greed

umm.. Thalion claimed it belonged to a gilsellers O.o and since the SH+1 is from Orenshi (in TC LS) and your leader claimed to belong to gilseller O.o.. sooo... that doesnt make any sense..

and oh yeah RL consequence O.o.. this is a game O.o what kinda RL consequence ?

and 2nd pics klu post, pasco, nozokimi and shoki are gilseller (i know they are ,cuz they actually told me in chinese:))..

oppss.. didnt see owen post that already:P

Edited, Wed Jun 29 17:26:31 2005 by narusegwa
#40 Jun 29 2005 at 4:26 PM Rating: Excellent
87 posts

That picture with the Notorious Gil Sellers was taken before TheCrew was up and running. I will NOT say that picture was taken within GLLS or any other LS, cause I do not know when or with what LS that was taken. But the picture with Pasco in it is NOT a picture of TheCrew.

Unfortunately, I cannot comment on the SH+1 being from a Gil Seller. Again, that is something that directly effects Orenshi and I will not betray her trust. I will, however, say that Orenshi has no ties, affiliations or dealings with any Gil Sellers or GS Helpers.
#41 Jun 29 2005 at 4:30 PM Rating: Default
724 posts
cannot comment eh?

heh.. soooo if orenshi is not gilseller, then thalion (leader of TC) is lying.. O.o..

and if Orenshi is Gilseller then TC got a gilseller ..

Which one is the truth ? seriously... either way, it doesnt sound like a trusting ls to me;).

w00t!! and read all the pics klu post.. thats what kinda leader you guys have:P

Edited, Wed Jun 29 17:43:45 2005 by narusegwa
#42 Jun 29 2005 at 4:31 PM Rating: Default
69 posts
Thalion mentioned abt gil sellers and the screenshot shows Pasco and Nozikimi on the same alliance with him.. at least that give some clues
#43 Jun 29 2005 at 4:44 PM Rating: Good
umm... why are you people jumping to conclusion oren's a gilseller? you barely have any clues what's going on
#44 Jun 29 2005 at 4:46 PM Rating: Excellent
87 posts
See, this is exactly what I'm talking about. People take something and just run with it without taking a step back and looking at the picture.

Let me take it step by step for you.

Orenshi borrows the Scorpion Harness +1 from someone she knows, who will remain nameless. The person who lent it to Orenshi borrowed the SH+1 from an accussed Gil Seller.

Now, about the picture. That picture, again, was taken before TheCrew was created. If you read what was being said in /tell, TheCrew was still in the planning phase. Neither of the Gil Sellers are in TheCrew nor have any affiliation with anyone in it. That picture as taken during an event PRIOR (note the word "Prior" which is a synonym for "Before" and/or "Pre-") to the creation of TheCrew.

Does it make a little more sense now?
#45 Jun 29 2005 at 5:11 PM Rating: Good
195 posts
Wow, what an inspiration this is to those of us who are lower level and have all this to look forward to. Not.

Unctgtg's right - take this to Ballista, settle it there and be done with it. This doesn't belong on this forum.
#46 Jun 29 2005 at 8:40 PM Rating: Decent
12,846 posts
regardless of how angry you got with Ensane Klu..******** over his stuff on his account..there is no justification. I have never liked you, I think we are both clear on this. ENs has always been a good guy in my eyes...and it was he who always argued in intrinsic to bring you along to events and other things...while I ALWAYS..and still firmly think you're a jerk(I faught tooth and nail to NOT have you along cus you're "obnoxious" and "annoying"). If there was ever bad blood between you two, Ens never spoke badly of you...he always defended you.

Ya'll can say this is between Klu and Ens - One bad apple spoils the bunch; I'm sure you have heard it. You will be judged, rightfully so, by the company you keep.

HNMLS splitting, reforming etc....that is the way with linkshells..being robbed was crappy, unethical and a downright total dirtbag manuever...Did robbing other people make you feel ANY better about the split?

Wow taking a stoneage III for the team...whoopadee DO! How many other melees and tanks have applied to your elitest clique, who would've gladly taken a million deaths for you, did you turn down?

Again, we can all say this is just a game but if ya'll are playing monopoly and I pick up the board and smack you upside the head with it , are you still gonna have a warm fuzzy feeling about playing monopoly? THERE ARE REAL PEOPLE IF YOU
#47 Jun 29 2005 at 8:54 PM Rating: Good
Hmmm this is an interesting topic.

First things first, i'll set the record straight. I was a member of GLLS, and yes i did go to TheCrew. No, i wasn't going to join TC, i was going to sit in GLLS and mind my business. Flame all you want, cause i really could care less but i'm going to tell you my story.

So i'm short on gil like always, (always), and i ask my LS leader Fsst (no i have no grudges against anyone in GLLS its just a game, lets leave it at that), can i trade my points in for gil. So i leave home and go to my cousins house cause by then im bored with the game. I'm at my cousin house and my new LS leader of TC gives my cousin a /t and i start talking to him cause my cousins in a party. He tells me about TC sometime at the end of May while im still in GLLS. I know i know, y'all probably thinking and u said nothing to anyone in GLLS about it. Nope i didn't, which yes i understand if u say im not loyal go ahead, but let me finish telling the rest. So now i have a decesion to make between 2 LS GLLS or TC. So i told my cousin like F it, i don't need anyone to be pissed at me so im just gonna quit the game and go on with my life i guess. So i leave GLLS a post of forums saying i was going to leave the game, in which indeed i was, because this bs was starting to get boring. So a week passes by, and im with GLLS doing gods. Well just so happens abjuration for neptunal feet drop. (Mind yourself read above, i was going to stay in GLLS and sit and chill) And im like wow, i wonder if i can lot on this. So me thinking with like 25+ points and about 6 months with LS GLLS would let me lot. I mean why not, i never asked the LS for anything until the day i asked Fsst could i trade points in for gil. So i ask in /link who was next up for the abjuration and could i lot. I get no answer, and just seconds later they say, o DRK should get. So im like o well maybe next time. But then a drk with less than 20 points and hasn't been in LS for 2 months get the abjuration over me. So now im thinking like wtf. But no, i didn't say anything cause in my head this made me want to quit even more. All that time i put in to get something only to see it slip away. So i give it another week knowing what was going to happen. I ask Fsst one more time could i exchange my points for gil, and Fsst says i'll talk it over with the sacks. I say ok, and mind my own. It seems kind of strange but on the history of the LS fund, mostly all sacks exchange points for gil, maybe a few members. So im like ok, if this is how things are going go im just going to leave LS. I left LS freely, took nothing from LS and didn't really care to take anything, i'll leave empty handed i'm a drg my life is already miserable. So i join TC, not to upset GLLS but to see what they're reaction would be when i joined. And it was what i thought, nothing at all, it was nothing because i guess quite frankly they didn't care about me as much as the others, even though i did a few good deeds. As for the other sitiuation, i'll let the others handle that, i have nothing to do with the stealing of properties i try not to involve myself in such matters. But like i tell every member in GLLS that i still /t from time to time. I have no hard feeling against GLLS or anyone in it, i just felt as if i was treated like i was nothing, and the leadership wasn't as good as it was when Gwenn was leader when i joined. As for TC having gilsellers in LS, that is a false statement, no we don't have any gilsellers in LS if that is what people would like to know. As for anything else involving all these twisted and wild plots i really don't know what to say, because i really don't have anything to do with them. So thats my story of how i ended up in TC, if you want to flame me go ahead, it would just be wasting your time, its just a game lets just all have fun. And just incase no one knows who i am, my in game character name is Krazy. I like the people of Ragnarok and all i can say is i hope they like me back. But i felt as if i had to get this all off my chest before i get caught in everyones crossfire.

#48 Jun 29 2005 at 9:17 PM Rating: Excellent
148 posts
/waves and /grins @ Krazy. ya ho. hmmm TEIN huh? ;)
#49 Jun 29 2005 at 10:14 PM Rating: Good's like an episode of Dawson's Creek or something.
#50 Jun 29 2005 at 10:42 PM Rating: Decent
12,846 posts
I never watched that :/ Do mean like Monster Garage that didn't finish their project on time?
#51 Jun 29 2005 at 11:07 PM Rating: Excellent
944 posts
And if that don't cure you of ever wanting to join a HNMLS, nothing will...

Seriously though, apart from providing queasy ***** and giggles for us rubbernecking peons, its a hell of an example you high-level players are setting for the rest of the server.

This kind of behaviour can serve only as confirmation that the main skills you need come end-game are being able to lie, cheat and steal like some dime-store Tom Clancy character.

Is this bullsh1t really what we're all striving towards?


Respect to you though LoveG for being a voice of reason in this chaos.


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