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#1 Jun 10 2005 at 8:14 AM Rating: Default
Now, i dont have any pictures or proof, but I will tell you story anyways.

Gustav tunnel, obow nm pops. I run there with rdm to help ls member fight nm.

When we get there, someone else claimed, so we stand and watch incase they die. Like good ffxi players do.

Now there are three other players there, Thai, evilstar (pld) and evilcow (thf). They are standing watching too, but infact they are spaming provokes and such.

So the inevitable happens, the non claim glitch in the middle of fight. Since they spaming provoke and such, they get claim, kill the mob and leave. They say nothing and walk away.

To me, this is about as disgusting as they come, I plead to the ragnorok communtity to show that this behavior is not tolerated. These characters are only lvl70 so, I ask that noone ever parties with them, never helps them in any quest, any mission. Dont let them ever get a party or lvl again.

Not like this will happen, but i would like to see them have a harder time progressing in this game.

Note, all three were in same ls, cant remember name, but i guess their ls is famous for this crap.

I wish i was on blm so i could train every gob in gustav to mpk these bastards.

That is all.

Shuffles communtity service announcement over.
#2 Jun 10 2005 at 8:56 AM Rating: Decent

Edited, Fri Jun 10 09:57:05 2005 by liquinas
#3 Jun 10 2005 at 11:51 AM Rating: Good
1,410 posts
I have a rather n00by question, relative to how much I've played:

How do people MPK? At least the common ways.

I am GUESSING that some of the ways are:

1. Bind 'n zone
2. Bind 'n warp
3. Warp (with mobs on you already, but with Stoneskin or Manafont preventing Warp-interruption)
4. simply zone, if your intended victims are at the zone line
5. go stand in the midst of your victims, and die there

The only one I've ever fallen prey to was #5. Guy just comes and stands amidst us, not doing anything about the gob whacking away at him, and dies after 10 seconds or so.
#4 Jun 10 2005 at 12:29 PM Rating: Decent
135 posts
are you mad that you didn't get the claim? from what i read you were a bystander just as they were. unless the person who got the claim actually said something, then i don't think it is your duty to say anything.

I've heard that if you Cure IV on the tanks for Dragon fights and run behind and then invincible, then you can make them do Spike Flail or whatever to MPK.

Edited, Fri Jun 10 13:36:18 2005 by PhaseofRagnarok
#5 Jun 10 2005 at 12:35 PM Rating: Decent
2,112 posts
NO, from what I know of shuffles he was there cheering them on, and wishing them good luck. but the other three he mentioned stole the claim in mist fight, from the other party.

Edited, Fri Jun 10 13:35:45 2005 by UNCTGTG
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#6 Jun 10 2005 at 12:44 PM Rating: Decent
135 posts
When we get there, someone else claimed, so we stand and watch incase they die. Like good ffxi players do.

What if... they were dying, decided to bind the gob, and run to zone? And those three were trying to help instead of letting them die?
#7 Jun 10 2005 at 12:46 PM Rating: Decent
2,112 posts
IF they zone then the mob is open for grabs, but taking someone else's claim is *************** beat ya to it, so stand by and watch, if they die then go kill it.
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#8 Jun 10 2005 at 12:51 PM Rating: Decent
669 posts
I've been camping wyvernpoacher for 3 weeks now (Just got obow, 7th kill), and I saw the ugliest thigns happen there. I saw people steal Wyvernpoacher, MPK with the gobs and crabs, shout at people, barrage them with /checks to attempt to lag them out, and more.

I've seen parties (Including my own, to my anger) completely overrun XP parties, and, in my 7th kill, bring entire alliances down there.

Shortly after our simurgh kill, our LS went down to attempt to get me my bow, and there was an XP PT down there. We just decided to go to the other camp, and kill shepards as they popped, and stay out of the way of the PT. A friend/competitor was down there, with a friend of his, camping it. Suddenly, all the uglieness in the world came down. A whole alliance from the oposing LS came down, and our LS brought even more people down, and completely Xed the XP PT out. Over 30 people from 2 opposing LSs were down there, letting things aggro each other, spamming /targetnpc macros, and just waiting.

XP PTs kept coming down, being forced out because of us. I really, really felt bad down there, it was such an ugly scene. More than half the people down there could solo it, and we had 30 people down there vying for claim. I hadnt even seen such ugliness camping Simurgh, or even serket, where MPKing is possible.

NMs in this game bring out the worst in people, especially those with rare/ex drops. Just stick with it, and you'll succeed eventually.

PS: I've had wyvernpoacher stolen from me twice now, it really, really sucks, and I completely sympathize with you.
#9 Jun 10 2005 at 1:01 PM Rating: Decent
135 posts
IF they zone then the mob is open for grabs, but taking someone else's claim is bullsh*t...they beat ya to it, so stand by and watch, if they die then go kill it.

That's why i'm asking if he had the original claim. Because if he didn't, then he would not know the situation. And from what I've heard, that is what happened. The original pt bound it and ran to zone. And they were not spamming vokes or whatever. The NMs name was white for over 10 seconds where as the glitch, if it happened, would have been open for a slim window if they were full engaged.

Dont always assume that the OP is always right. There are always two sides to a story.
#10 Jun 10 2005 at 1:10 PM Rating: Decent
2,112 posts
The OP had nothing to do with this...He was a bistandard. He is only reporting what he saw.

"So the inevitable happens, the non claim glitch in the middle of fight. Since they spaming provoke and such, they get claim, kill the mob and leave. They say nothing and walk away."

They stole the claim in the middle of the fight, not after they binded and ran for zone.

I was saying if a party is fighting and they can't beat him, either they die or zone, a Mob is up for grabs after that. Not in the middle of a fight.
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#11 Jun 10 2005 at 1:30 PM Rating: Good
1,701 posts
I've camped him a few times for various friends, and it does get ugly down there.
#12 Jun 10 2005 at 1:40 PM Rating: Decent
135 posts
They stole the claim in the middle of the fight, not after they binded and ran for zone.

I was saying if a party is fighting and they can't beat him, either they die or zone, a Mob is up for grabs after that. Not in the middle of a fight.

They bound and ran. And took claim after they saw they were running. That's what happened. If that's not what happened, the original claimers should come out and say so and i'll recant my statement.

Spam voking is one thing. But they weren't spam voking or whatever. When something goes white for 10 seconds or more, there is something serious going on.

Second part: The fight was over when they ran bound and ran away, not when they die.

Here's a thought. If the original pt that claimed wyvernpoacher was still there, they would probably have made a scene and the OP would have noted how pissed they were. But they didn't. Instead a bystand party has to be pissed for them. (I'm sensing a little bitterness here since they didn't get the claim) There are way too many holes and unknowns to even consider the spam voke scenario.
#13 Jun 10 2005 at 1:49 PM Rating: Decent
2,112 posts
"They bound and ran."

Am I missing something here from the OP.
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#14 Jun 10 2005 at 1:52 PM Rating: Decent
135 posts
btw, That was Thai's side of the story.
MT about the bound part. it was slept and they ran away. >< sorry

Edited, Fri Jun 10 15:10:04 2005 by PhaseofRagnarok
#15 Jun 10 2005 at 2:13 PM Rating: Decent
Of course that was his side,

Number 1, they werent even near the zone.
Number 2 they were still fighting it. They bind, cure then attack.
Number 3 it was white for about 1 sec.
There was no zoneing, infact after they stole it, the nm kept attacking the rdm that was originally fighting it.
And yes, the people that were fighting it were pissed.

Thai is a fiing lier and he knows it.

If they ran to zone i would have followed them and took claim when they zoned.

Everyone was yelling at them, and they did not say a thing.

The pt fighting was not very strong so they were using different tactics to fighting it. Bind, rest heal, fight.

Again, if he is your friend, I feel sorry for you. I would guess you are in their ls, and by your responses would probably do exactly the same thing.

If i was on whm, I would have helped heal the people fighting it, but i was on ranger so all i could do is sit and take links if needed.

Sorry but Thai, evilstar and evilcow are scumbags. there were about 6 people that witnessed what happens.

the other people would speak up but they may not be forum members.
#16 Jun 10 2005 at 3:02 PM Rating: Decent
135 posts
If this were the case, then it is a misunderstanding. You dont need to go out and say "don't pt with them b/c they are all scumbags."

Let's analyze this for a second. You say they were doing the Bind/Cure technique. Thai said he saw them bind and run away. So if you take a really close look at it. One side thinks the other stole it on purpose. The other side thought they were just running away. It was just a BIG misunderstanding! Get over it. You need to get off your "1337" mode and get both sides of the story before you spam the boards with all these accusations to ruin other people's reputation with just half the story.

I learned my lessson, now learn yours.

Edited, Fri Jun 10 16:03:34 2005 by PhaseofRagnarok
#17 Jun 10 2005 at 3:17 PM Rating: Decent
Both sides of the story, i was right there, ya they bound and moves a few feet away

The rdm bound it so it wouldnt attack him and only the melee.

And what is with commenting on elistist attitude. Someone steals an nm, someone is a scumbag like this they should be outed. People like this dont deserve any help in the game, and dont deserve a space in a party.

So, stop defending them to death, they knew they were not running, cause they were only about 10 feet away from mob when they bound it.

Have you never seen a mage bind a mob that starts to go after him so the melee can get hate back.

I will say last time, there is only one side to this story, and I stated it, there was no misunderstanding because it would be impossible for there to be any misunderstanding.

And all you have to do is look at Thai's comment that it was unclaimed for 10 secs. Obviously he was lieing, Dont you think if it was sitting there for 10 secs I would have claimed it or someone else.

He shot himself in the foot there.
#18 Jun 10 2005 at 3:19 PM Rating: Default
Sorry double post.

Also if it was this so called misunderstanding, when the original party that was fighting it started yelling at them for stealing, dont you think they woule have responded or apologized. Or at least allianced with them or anything.

theres the analyzing for you.

Edited, Fri Jun 10 16:40:32 2005 by xbobx
#19 Jun 10 2005 at 4:23 PM Rating: Decent
135 posts
Dude, why don't you just stand back and think about it? If you look through their eyes instead of just sitting there and thinking about what YOU would have done. You see a mage getting hit, melee can't grab hate, bind, and you see them running away. That's a sign of trouble to me.

And all you have to do is look at Thai's comment that it was unclaimed for 10 secs. Obviously he was lieing, Dont you think if it was sitting there for 10 secs I would have claimed it or someone else.

He shot himself in the foot there.

Now that is shooting yourself in the foot. You knew they were doing that bind/heal technique, and saying that you would take it if that happened. TSK TSK. You knew that. That's why you didn't take it. They didn't know it was heal/bind fighting. Their mistake but you can't blame them for not knowing. Like i said, it was just a misunderstanding.

And the entire bit about the alliance thing. Why would i stay behind to risk my life against a MOB of people yelling and screaming and thinking about MPKing.

there is only one side to this story

That's pretty ignorant.

Edited, Fri Jun 10 17:26:14 2005 by PhaseofRagnarok
#20 Jun 10 2005 at 9:07 PM Rating: Decent
Congrats phase, you may well be one of the dumbest players on ragnorok.

I was standing right beside thai, we have the exact same viewpoint, he knew he stole it, it turned unclaimed for 1 sec and he provoked it. He did not apologize, he did nothing. But its no point in fighting with you cause you are just so damn dumb.

Congrats again on your new found fame.

YOu are def friends with him. Again it dont matter everyone else that has read this post knows the truth.

Sorry your so dumb, i would blame your parents for the crack use when your mom was pregnant.

Edited, Fri Jun 10 22:08:08 2005 by xbobx
#21 Jun 10 2005 at 9:29 PM Rating: Decent
50 posts
I think if Thai/Evilstar/Evilcow want to defend themselves they should speak up *for* themselves, if the so-called victims want to speak up against them, they should do so themselves too.

All I'm hearing is Shuffles' side of the story and s/he seems too emotional to consider things logically, speaking more with passion and less with reason:

They are standing watching too, but infact they are spaming provokes and such.

Do you know this as a fact, other than seeing them voke the NM off? This is an opinion based on what you saw, that's it.

Thai is a fiing lier and he knows it.

Again, if he is your friend, I feel sorry for you. I would guess you are in their ls, and by your responses would probably do exactly the same thing.

I don't support NM stealing but this is stupid. Again, what you have is your side of the story, and it seems you're making emotional assumptions about this; you don't even have the proof that was offered in the Cremontes episode. Phase might not be Thai's friend, but might have asked him to clarify the situation; even if he is Thai's friend, does that make him a bad guy? Could he possibly be trying to confirm if Thai did such a thing so that if he wanted to drop Thai from his flist, it would be justified?

I run there with rdm to help ls member fight nm.

When we get there, someone else claimed, so we stand and watch incase they die. Like good ffxi players do.

If i was on whm, I would have helped heal the people fighting it, but i was on ranger so all i could do is sit and take links if needed.

So which is it? Were you guys waiting for the party to drop or were you planning to get your rdm to heal them so they could finish the NM off?

So, stop defending them to death, they knew they were not running, cause they were only about 10 feet away from mob when they bound it.

How would you know what they knew? Being 10 feet away from the mob indicates the original party was moving away from the NM, correct? That the rdm cast Bind makes it appear like that were indeed running away... I know I would Bind a mob and run if I was having trouble.

I will say last time, there is only one side to this story, and I stated it, there was no misunderstanding because it would be impossible for there to be any misunderstanding.

Of course, because you're infallible.

I remember a thread where Owen and UNCTGTG battled it out over allegations of UNCTGTG being a gilbuyer. I do not know UNCTGTG, but that's why I can't simply assume he's a gilbuyer; maybe he does make his loads of money through means that Owen can't see. Would that make him a gilbuyer if Owen insists he didn't not misunderstand? I don't think so.

Also if it was this so called misunderstanding, when the original party that was fighting it started yelling at them for stealing, dont you think they woule have responded or apologized. Or at least allianced with them or anything.

Again, you seem to be basing your conclusion on what you saw without consideration for the alternatives: what if they apologised or explained themselves in /tell? What if they agreed to help the other party camp the NM again next time, or to pay them if they got the drop?

You seem to have a pretty clear idea of what went on and who was involved so why not post the names of the victims? I'd like to hear what they have to say, or better yet, I'd like to ask them about it myself, in-game.

Edited, Fri Jun 10 22:30:55 2005 by Sweetzombiejeebus
#22 Jun 10 2005 at 9:40 PM Rating: Decent
135 posts
Congrats phase, you may well be one of the dumbest players on ragnorok.

I was standing right beside thai, we have the exact same viewpoint, he knew he stole it, it turned unclaimed for 1 sec and he provoked it. He did not apologize, he did nothing. But its no point in fighting with you cause you are just so damn dumb.

Congrats again on your new found fame.

YOu are def friends with him. Again it dont matter everyone else that has read this post knows the truth.

Sorry your so dumb, i would blame your parents for the crack use when your mom was pregnant.

Now you resort to name calling and momma jokes? Leave that garbage out of here. So what if i'm his friend? does that do anything? i wasn't even there and i'm giving a secondhand account of what happened. If you are going to label me as "bad" for being his friend, so be it. People will know it is childish. I can definitely say your last post was "noob."
#23 Jun 10 2005 at 9:53 PM Rating: Decent
Unless the whole party got killed and NM turned yellow for claim. To me it's not stealing.

If they were still fighting eg. /heal, gravity, bind, sleep or etc and the "turn yellow" glitch happens, other people that voke it to claim NM consider stealing to me.
#24 Jun 10 2005 at 9:53 PM Rating: Decent
The rdm was casting bind because the nm was going after him. The melee was running around in the area, not running to the zone, they werent even close to going to the zone.

Now, if you did actually think they were running to the zone and you took, and the people that you took it off started yelling at your for stealing it, wouldnt you say something to them, like sorry. I thought you were going to zone it. Wouldnt that be the right thing to do.

The nm went unclaimed for 1 sec if that, not the 10 secs that thai said. Now think about it, if i was standing in front of a nm for 10 secs, it was unclaimed, and i saw the people running to the zone, dont you think i would have taken it.

The rdm didnt heal because he didnt heal, hes not me, i would have healed and helped.

I know you werent there, but for the 6 people that were, it was very apparent what happened. Now sure maybe they werent constantly provoking, but he took the claim very fast when it went yellow so he was ready.

Silence of the nm thfs is very damning evidence they did something wrong, again not defending themselves here but they should have replied to the multiple tells they were getting, along with the shouts. Reasonable to respond, why yes.

Remember 10 feet away is still in spell and ranged distance. That is not running away.

"Again, you seem to be basing your conclusion on what you saw without consideration for the alternatives: what if they apologised or explained themselves in /tell? What if they agreed to help the other party camp the NM again next time, or to pay them if they got the drop?

"You seem to have a pretty clear idea of what went on and who was involved so why not post the names of the victims? I'd like to hear what they have to say, or better yet, I'd like to ask them about it myself, in-game. "

I wish they did say something in tell, but they didnt, and i wish i knew the names of the people, the rdm had a funny name, another language type name so even if i wanted to type it I would have no clue. Cant remember the melee name or the other thf that was watching.
Trying to find out.

Now heres the kicker, i do a search for thai, hes in Ru. gardens in pt, i do a search for phase, hes in Ru. gardens and leader of pt, they both rangers one lvl 40 other lvl 41. So i go up there, they are sitting beside each other, in same ls, and i cant prove it but probably same set and were in pt with each other. So phase def has a bias view.

So, thats the story, if you were there, you all would have come to the same conclusion, because it was really obvious. You dont have to believe me, but the people on this server know i dont make **** up, and i actually do know whats going on.

But i say again, if it was actually an accident, they should have apologized or said something, they didnt, so even if they arent nm thfs, which i know is they are, then they still not worth being around if they cant say sorry.

#25 Jun 10 2005 at 10:28 PM Rating: Decent
50 posts
While I don't appreciate the name-calling (of Phase), I do thank you for the well-thought out reply. There were many good points there. I do not know you, so I must admit I took you for being all too emotional in your previous posts - if I've offended, I apologise.

I still think that it *might* have been a misunderstanding, i.e. that the Thai group might have thought the other pt was running away; I've tried lvling bst on some occasions and many times while I was running from an xp mob, on the way to my next pet, someone would 'help' me by provoking or dia-ing it away from me. Just like how a long-distance pull might end up with you losing claim on the mob.

That said, I also think that the Thai group should apologise or make it up in some other way. At the very least, an explanation would be nice. By not doing so, it does make it more suspect why they took the NM; to save the other party and claim it vs. just to claim it (to be fair, they might already have made compensation privately).

As for Phase and Thai being friends, I'll have to trust that he's being fair here because he's brought up legitimate concerns (i.e. that there could be a misunderstanding, that there's more than one side of the story, etc) and hasn't defended them to the extreme. Without any explanation from Thai or the others, I'm on the fence: its a fact that their party took the NM, its just not clear *why* and I think the answer to that 'why' will make all the difference. Admittedly, the longer it takes to break the silence, the less likely I'll lean towards them saving the other party as the foundation of their actions...

#26 Jun 11 2005 at 12:46 AM Rating: Decent
135 posts
We were doing ENM dem and mea O_O big shock. trying to get a vision so we can strike it rich. you saw his rng at 40. he's not even high enough to use it. It's only @ 40 so he can do BCNM and such. getting an obow for him would be utterly pointless. i doubt the other members evilstar/evilcow even have a rng lvled up so there's no use for them too. so there is no motive there.

The nm went unclaimed for 1 sec if that, not the 10 secs that thai said. Now think about it, if i was standing in front of a nm for 10 secs, it was unclaimed, and i saw the people running to the zone, dont you think i would have taken it.

Albeit, 10 sec does seem a bit exaggerated but he said it was a noticeable extended period of time. 4-5 seconds is still a viable window of time for this to take place. You just described their scenario and what they saw. I dont know how you can call someone wrong, and then explain to others that you would have done the same thing in the same situation as them.

so is the point of the bind/running away scenario too far off? is it too unlikely or something? or too hard to grasp as a legitimate reason?

Remember 10 feet away is still in spell and ranged distance. That is not running away.

Not sure how you can compare feet in this game but oh well. If the rdm is running towards you, then you will see it differently than a person running away from you. It's all about perspective. Different perspective = different story. If you dont believe his story, then you believe he's guilty until proven guilty.

Secondly, he sent me a pic of you guys trying to MPK them. I shouldn't call you scumbags for doing that would i? Let's see. Hostile shouts, threats of MPK, attempted MPK. I wouldn't apologize either if you did that to me.

Edited, Sat Jun 11 01:48:13 2005 by PhaseofRagnarok
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