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HNMLS Survey!Follow

#1 Jun 03 2005 at 1:45 PM Rating: Decent
Hello Everyone,

I am posting this topic across all Server boards in hopes of getting the widest sample possible. My goal is to work out a sort of "Grand theory of HNMLS and high level community evolution." For this I will need your help and sincere accounts. Nothing major just post an outline of the major HNMLS on the server, which have risen, which have fallen.

Any big scandals? Notoriously great LS? Notorious bad boys past and present? Deals between them, mergers and the like. If you only know a little or dont feel like explaining thats fine, just post a little outline to help me out. Thank you all very much for your help, I hope I will get some interesting data once I put it all together and analize it properly. /Bow

#2 Jun 03 2005 at 3:36 PM Rating: Good
151 posts
Largest HNM LS that has accomplished the most is TheCalm which had previously been known as AkuAdvanced. It reformed shortly after a wildly known event that occured with Kittycat where he left the LS with several items when he himself (according to others, not confirmed by myself) had stated that when you leave you should return the items. There were 2 sides to this: one side thought Kittycat earned those items no matter what was said in the past, the other side thought he should return them no matter what. I'm indifferent, no opinion on this one. But it reformed shortly after (some old members quit the game / left the game around then). Plus their leader was almost never around. I don't know if this is the drama that was the final catalyst for the reformation mind you.
But either way: AkuAdvanced / TheCalm had accomplished the most out of NA HNM LS. They were the first to kill any of the HNMs. And first to kill the Wyrms. Etc. Well, the first out of NAs.

Zenmetsu is known as the bad boys of the server. There are many reasons as to why - name one and it probably applies to it whether true or not. Some hate them so much that they'll make up stuff in order to hate them even more. Zenmetsu is the LS that all LS' love to hate. But at the same time they have accomplished a lot as well. Almost as much as AkuAdvanced / TheCalm.

Tshot some dislike for several reasons. However I am not going to list any here because they recently reformed and deserve a second chance because of certain reason - in my view anyway. The new LS is known as SpikeFlail though.

FATE and Kizunas are known as the misfits of the server. A FATE member has actually been quoted on an LJ stating that they should be allowed to steal any HNM they want if it goes yellow. Both have members that have shown very little respect toward other LS'. Whether this is condoned or followed through by the general populace of each LS I don't know. But I do know it has reflected onto the views of the majority of the people at endgame. Most think both are the misfits of the server.
Kizunas has another image though: the gilbuyers ls. But that is because of a few people that it has in it. Such as Hung and a couple others. However again there is no proof if this applies to the majority of the LS.

There are a couple LS' that are smaller that have been around for awhile now. Over a year:

Melon: Reformed to Lemonade. Was seen as the nice guys, then seen as the drama LS (plus the army LS that brought 50-billion people to things), now starting to be seen as the nice guys again.

Diula: Reformed to DiulaII then to Diulay. Same leaders. Seen as the friends ls and the european ls (lots of europeans in it). Other than that I don't know what else is said on diula as I am in it myself.

And a few of the newer ones:

GLLS: Was previously GwennsLovelyLS but then Gwenn quit the game. Now it is known as GLLS and ran by Fsst. I know of some of the background drama but not going to state it here. Its not well known and friends were involved in it. Anyway. GLLS has a couple different images. One: seen as the nice guys. Always helpful. Two: seen as the army LS that brought 50-billion people to things. Plus people teased them a lot for their old name. Other than that not really anything bad on GLLS. If theres anymore drama don't think anyone knows of it publicly. o_O

ObscureNox: Not much of an image. But people see it as the Cozma LS so usually stray away as she is in it. Though that image does not apply to the majority. The majority that I know in it are good people.

Theres a lot of other small ones but none really that I can outline like this. o_O If anyone has more to add go ahead :o

Though one point I made with this too if anyone noticed: public views on LS' are not always true with the majority of each LS. So try not to hate all LS' as a whole cause of a few peoples mistakes. Sometimes common views on things are wrong. So lets not act like this is high school. :o
(There are also JP HNM LS' I never listed such as: MM, TE, PoS, etc. Did so on purpose and only talked about NA LS'. Cause I wanted to make a point: interls wars are dumb :o)
#3 Jun 04 2005 at 12:37 AM Rating: Default
20 posts
What Chibihibi said have alot of truths about other ls and kizu

expect few thigs about kizu not really true
im a kizu member and i can confirm we dont buy gil just cuz we have the richest people at the server some call us that and 1 guy or 2 doesnt mean the all the ls buy gil even if there is 1 or 2 it doesnt matter and many freakin people buy gil those days
if someone buy lot of gil it doesnt mean he is the bad gil-buyers and others who cant buy that much good gil-buyer so be honest prices become so up and stupid prices cuz many ppl buy gil and we all know this

if you love do gods only kizu the most hardcore ls at ragnarok for gods but we dont do hnms (ground hnms) we do ground hnms like 1% and 99% gods and if you want join the ls killing 4~5 kirins and 10~15 god in 1 day is norml to kizu cuz we do that almost all the time and we dont/never steal triggers/hnms or anything
and never heard someone sayng we stole something from them expect Glls ls they think when 2 ls camp depost and the other ls won the pull thats mean we steal orz we dont have gay points system and never ever tell you give what you toke from ls and we dont have ls bank we give the ls the gil we got after we sell all drops or so dont ever think you will find this at other ls cuz we all know how other ls works

melon is more like kizu they do gods only most of the time

and we got few members from TC too and we dont mind cuz we more like friends ls

and dunno why this topic turned about the poor kittycat XD if i ls break or reform 1 member cant ruin it unless there is other thing happen you and i we dont know so dont speak about something you dont know **** about

Edited, Sat Jun 4 02:01:01 2005 by darksephiro
#4 Jun 04 2005 at 1:04 AM Rating: Default
Ragnarok: Loser server.
Only one non-JP linkshell has full koenig or even a dalmatica. Rest are tu'lia and maybe dynamis linkshells.
#5 Jun 04 2005 at 10:17 AM Rating: Decent
381 posts
Well, I'm a little groggy so I may be off a bit but:

MasterMind - JP only (I believe) HNM LS that has been around a long time. No bad tactics that I know of or have heard of and have accomplished a great deal. Pretty sure they were the first people on the server to defeat Vtra or whatever. They tend to be rather quiet about their accomplishments, atleast to the english community, I don't speak japanese so I can't vouche for the japanese community.

The rest of the majority of HNM LS are pretty much mentioned. I dunno if I'd consider Zenmetsu the bad boys of the HNM scene but I don't have thorough knowledge of their adventures, only what I've heard and seen with my friend that is in Zen.
#6 Jun 04 2005 at 11:56 AM Rating: Default
20 posts
Thanks to the jp hajins at our server >.>
#7 Jun 04 2005 at 7:23 PM Rating: Default
107 posts
A FATE member has actually been quoted on an LJ stating that they should be allowed to steal any HNM they want if it goes yellow.

sorry, not to cause any drama or anything but I'd just like to know what that's about given that I'm in the ls and never heard about that posting. Also if you go far enough back into the history of any end game ls you'll always find one or two negative incidents, ours just seems to be fresh on the mind since we haven't been HNM as long as a few of the other mentioned ls. A positive tho, pretty much anyone to ever cause any problems with other ls has since been removed from the ls.

thinking back, this might be when we killed ulli after it had been up and walking around for around 15 minutes while an exp party complete with brd "rested mp"

Edited, Sat Jun 4 21:47:48 2005 by Henda
#8 Jun 05 2005 at 2:32 AM Rating: Good
151 posts
As I said: I was more stating what a few indviduals stated, etc. But for some reason people decide to make it represent the entire LS. Most LS' have a few bad individuals, and unfortunately these individuals do hurt those LS' public image. Whether warrented or not I cannot say as I am not in those LS' myself and do not see the inside happenings.
Kizunas, FATE, Zenmetsu all have negative public images. That's the blunt truth. But I also stated: it is because of some individuals and not necessarily warrented. People in general on this server love to apply individuals actions / words to an entire ls... even if it is just a normal member and not a sack. It is annoying sometimes but it is a fact of how things go on Ragnarok. I have friends personally in Zenmetsu that I know are great people so I know that the public image personally does not apply to the whole. In fact, probably not even toward the majority.
I've been in 2 HNM LS' (Melon + Diula) and have connections in a lot of the HNM LS'. It seems to be a common theme to hate a few specific LS'.
In a way I'm actually defending them a lil by saying: don't judge the whole by a few. Don't misunderstand me please. ^^ I'm just sick and tired of some of the grand assumptions people make and the silly inter-ls wars.

And concerning KC: I don't hate him. Only mentioned a lil scandal as requested. Its pretty widly known about that info. Personally for my side of what I think? From what I heard: I think KC earned his items. But thats just my opinion.
#9 Jun 05 2005 at 6:01 PM Rating: Decent
107 posts
I understand exactly what you're saying Chibihibi^^ and it's sad that people do judge the whole based on an individual.

As for kitty's statement, apparently he feels a ls is only HNM if they claim the 3 HQ NMs almost 100% of the time I guess lol
#10 Jun 05 2005 at 6:12 PM Rating: Default
669 posts
It appears you left out doctorLS

The gilselling linkshell, they know most of the ToDs of most the HNMs, win the claim often, and have large numbers. 12 at every HNM (Just small stuff right now, Serket, Roc, Simurgh, Cassie, etc), they sell the drops and make alot of money. I estimate the LS is bringing in close to 10 million a day.

#11 Jun 05 2005 at 8:32 PM Rating: Decent
529 posts
It appears you left out doctorLS

The gilselling linkshell, they know most of the ToDs of most the HNMs, win the claim often, and have large numbers. 12 at every HNM (Just small stuff right now, Serket, Roc, Simurgh, Cassie, etc), they sell the drops and make alot of money. I estimate the LS is bringing in close to 10 million a day.

Yeah, that's because their life IS FFXI. No, really, they make THEIR living off this game. Thus, they are on 24/7. Seriously, 24/7. Accomplished by having different people using the same account at different hours.

My LS takes advantage though by camping their Amemet's while their busy at other HNMs. ;) They now think we, too, are a gilseller LS. :D
#12 Jun 05 2005 at 10:20 PM Rating: Decent
Linkshells are drama...

Where can I read the outcome of your studies?

Edited, Mon Jun 6 00:14:37 2005 by Heziki
#13 Jun 05 2005 at 10:51 PM Rating: Decent
151 posts
Huh got rated down for attacking interls wars / drama for a whole 1.00 lol amusing isn't it? o_o
Helps prove my point that some on the server just jump to conclusions and don't look into the matter fully. I actually wrote my post purposefully that way as my way to poke fun a lil at those that do jump to conclusions and make wild accusasions on an LS as a whole lol Read a lil bit of my post and you think its flaming all the LS', read it all and you realize its supporting / complimenting them ^^ Helps support my whole point. o_o
Jumping to conclusions in this game is silly and only causes unnecessary drama. That's my point.
At least some here understood what I was doing. ^^
#14 Jun 05 2005 at 11:15 PM Rating: Decent
I told you they were drama :(
#15 Jun 06 2005 at 10:58 AM Rating: Good
1,254 posts
and never heard someone sayng we stole something from them expect Glls ls they think when 2 ls camp depost and the other ls won the pull thats mean

No, but when we had been there killing placeholders for an hour+ and your LS shows up & camps rangers at the holes we've cleared- and doesn't kill a single placeholder, that's unethical- but not stealing. There would have been no problem if you guys cleared your own dolls & Despot popped from where you cleared & you pulled him.
#16 Jun 06 2005 at 11:54 AM Rating: Good
1,701 posts
Very informative post Chi. Being sort of new to the whole thing myself, it's nice to see a little history on it. And I agree that the whole ls shouldn't be judged on the actions of a few.
#17 Jun 06 2005 at 1:29 PM Rating: Excellent
151 posts
Tiffie wrote:
Very informative post Chi. Being sort of new to the whole thing myself, it's nice to see a little history on it. And I agree that the whole ls shouldn't be judged on the actions of a few.

Thanks ^_^ Though you probably see some of the silly ls wars already. I know all of the LS' do it and none of them are innocent. :/ Though not all the people in the LS' do it. I know a lot in each LS that hate it too. @_@
I'd /love/ to see each of our LS' work together on some things too ;_;
And most of that history there is publicly known. There's some private stuff I know of but of course its, well, private. >_> I'm not gonna say stuff told to me in confidence on the LS'. ^^;

But there is some interesting things in the HNM history for NAs. Did you know that Melon existed before Zenmetsu? There was a time when AkuAdvanced was the only HNM LS. Melon came in as a group of 60s hunting things such as Serket. Eventually Zenmetsu formed -- they were all higher level so capable of doing a little more, and melon ended up doing gods afterward.
Melon and Diula were the 3rd/4th HNM LS' to do gods / kirin... pretty much did it around the same time. This is just NA LS' mind you of course. XD Tshot came in shortly afterward as the 5th one. And now we have like 10-15 LS' killing Kirin/Gods in NA. XD
I'm sure some of the smaller ones will combine over time though. And eventually will probably be down to 5-6 LS' competing. But that'll take time. I know Lemonade recently took in another tiula LS (been told they treated them quite well too). ^^

NAs also got KB a couple times. The last time that I know of was kinda drama filled. Was taken by AkuAdvanced... loooong time ago. Then JPs stole it. Then AkuAdvanced got it. Then JPs again. Then... yeah. Eventually the JPs just took it and called for help on it. >_>;;;

There's a few interesting stuff like that. o_o
#18 Jun 06 2005 at 4:19 PM Rating: Decent
20 posts
No, but when we had been there killing placeholders for an hour+ and your LS shows up & camps rangers at the holes we've cleared- and doesn't kill a single placeholder, that's unethical- but not stealing. There would have been no problem if you guys cleared your own dolls & Despot popped from where you cleared & you pulled him.


you make me /laugh >.>
we was killing place holders too in the other side for like a 40m and we got pwned by 1 meltdown and we all died then your ls /laugh at us XD and yes you know we was campin it too so duh
i wont lie and say we was campin it first your ls was first but we was campin it too and thats not steal nor unethical or whatever =p oh ya and lets not to mention i got pictures when your ls /laugh about us when we got pwned by 1 meltdown before depost pop like 30m~ unless you want me to post them here and prove what you saying is lies so up to you orz i would like to keep the topic clean though
#19 Jun 06 2005 at 5:50 PM Rating: Decent
(from what i've heard...)

kizunas & zenmetsu are the same **** (lotsa babies and gilbuyers)

I think they should merge, would be a nice bunch of **** in a same place. lel

*sephiro dumbass stop rating me down :x*
*Chibihibi FOR PRESIDENT!!!!11*

Edited, Mon Jun 6 18:57:00 2005 by pokepoke

Edited, Mon Jun 6 18:59:48 2005 by pokepoke
#20 Jun 06 2005 at 6:18 PM Rating: Good
151 posts
@_@;;; err, thanks? lol

Anyway, a couple still miss my point ;_; I've seen some individuals push for some really horrible things to be done (and sometimes win) but was not condoned by the LS itself as a whole. Please don't think zenmetsu or whatever is bad as a whole ;_;
I'm not in it but I do have some friends in there that are wonderful people. Ditto for most LS'. >_> All I said: they are seen as the bad boys by the majority. But not all are bad. :/

Lets try to work together? ^^; Its just a game, not high school. ;_; Why do we have to label cliques and make things so... political? >_>
#21 Jun 06 2005 at 7:10 PM Rating: Decent
297 posts
I would say kizunas and FATE are seen as the "bad boys" - everyone that I've met in-game who isn't already in an HNM LS says Zen and TC are probably the two biggest primarily-NA ones.

TSHoT, Lemonade, DiuLay I would say are a little below Zen and TC, with GLLS, AzureDragons and Solstice a little further below that.
#22 Jun 07 2005 at 4:39 PM Rating: Good
151 posts
huh some people are rating down everyone that even comments here o_O
Guess heziki is right. LS = drama :X
#23 Jun 08 2005 at 3:19 AM Rating: Good
46 posts
A BST from DoctorLS called me gilseller once... :x I wonder if they really are gilsellers or millionaire outcasts?
#24 Jun 08 2005 at 3:25 AM Rating: Decent
479 posts
Haha what a surprise it would be if doctorLS wasn't really gilsellers =X
#25 Jun 10 2005 at 3:15 PM Rating: Decent
44 posts
Hmm, a real interesting read so far. I'll keep my opinions to myself I guess. Oh yeah, I'm from Kizunas, about that image thingy... hmmm, guess it can't be helped, thats all I will say, hehe.

Nice history chibihibi, I never really knew where all those ls came from, thanks for sharing :)
#26 Jun 10 2005 at 5:27 PM Rating: Good
151 posts
I don't know the history of how AkuAdvanced came to be too well admitidly. I know it was originaly formed by importers and a lot of them came from another LS. Thats the most I know. I wasn't around when it formed. >_>; Think it was another LS beforehand? I forget. o_x; Definitely our landmark LS though. Our first to do a lot of things.

Thanks for the compliments though. ^^

Edited, Fri Jun 10 18:30:40 2005 by Chibihibi
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