I remember one of the first events I did (3x in a row, thank you :P) Was a GARRISON.. :3
I would VERY much like a Garrison LS that would do a Garrison once a week or so :/
A set Alliance for a Garrison would be the BEST option :P
IF it works, I think the entire Server might decide to try to get in on it :P
The items ALONE are worth the time, take that spare job you really don't want to lvl That much :/ get it to 20 and do a Garrison match! >< These are amazing when pulled of correctly.
I did the one just outside Sandoria :3 It was one of the most memorable experiences ever :P
here are a few "reasons" to attempt this.
1) FUN.
2) Lower level people Could join in and be of use!
3) The items you bid on at the end are worth Alot of money, and the peices of the mannequin are used in a very fun quest that alot of ppl haven't even done ; ;
4) The Garrison equipment Rules.
5) If you're lucky, you get that little ticket you can use on any job, giving it a nice boost of oh, 1000exp. That sounds fun! Even for the higher lvl ppl..!
If we got a LS, this might actually BE a fast EXP getter, and a LOAD of fun.
IF there is a LS, and I am totally off my rocker.. and alot of ppl already do this... please, by all means- Point me in the direction of Signing up. :3 I could be a SMN ^^ or a WHM :P