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/goodbye Acemonkey :(Follow

#1 May 20 2005 at 11:56 AM Rating: Decent
356 posts
So I logged in this morning to find a message from an old friend of mine, Acemonkey saying that his account was stolen and because of that he will be quitting and moving on.

He was a very important person in the world of Ragnarok to me and without him, I wouldn't even be on this server. He was also the one who taught me how to play on my first day and helped me to choose the right job for my style. We may have grown distant over our time here but I'm very thankful for your help and guidance.

Whoever did that to him, I hope you feel good about yourself from ruining a few years of this guy's life in an instant. It's also a reminder that your time in this game can mean absolutly nothing in an instant.

Farewell Acemonkey and good luck! :(

Acemonkey II
#2 May 20 2005 at 2:50 PM Rating: Good
1,701 posts
Wow, that sucks that that happened. I'm pretty sure I'd quit before starting over again as well. It's a shame there isn't much SE can do about it.
#3 May 20 2005 at 9:29 PM Rating: Decent
73 posts
I haven't been in-game for a long time now and this is terrible news to hear. I've known Ace since before FFXI, in PSO. I remember my first days playing, there was an LS for he and I's buddies from PSO and he was 43DRK at the time. He and I raced to 75, but being RDM I got there first, heh. We kind of distanced ourselves too, but stayed in touch for the most part. My condolences for this awful course of events. I don't know how it happened, but still, damn. I'm going to miss you Taru, I remember you striving to get the best of the best armor (Armada, Thick +1, etc.) /sigh Good luck in your future endeavors though and sorry again that this happened.

Edited, Fri May 20 22:31:17 2005 by UltimaxofRagnarok
#4 May 21 2005 at 2:40 AM Rating: Decent
151 posts
Jeez, who the hell would do this to someone?
#5 May 21 2005 at 7:14 AM Rating: Decent
OMG~! he once helped our party cause his friend was a member... it wasn't that long ago, he said that he made it to 75 though a long time;; cause no one wanted a TaruTaru DRK....

this is sad =(
#6 May 21 2005 at 9:35 AM Rating: Decent
Don't be sad. I'm just too tired to start this again. I'm giving my account to an old friend, so you will still see Acemonkey online. I may rarely log on to say hi, but for the most part I've moved on. I'll use the name Acemonkey on any online games I play in the future, and already use it on Halo 2. (*'-')
#7 May 21 2005 at 2:16 PM Rating: Decent
that sucks. i would quit too if someone steal all my gil. Remember to don't give out password and change password every month.
#8 May 22 2005 at 6:56 AM Rating: Decent
omg~! /wave

Acemonkey you have got your account back ^^?

oh if you are leaving the game by yourself .. I wish you luck in your future games + life XD!!

keep kicking a$$, like you always do
#9 May 23 2005 at 1:19 AM Rating: Decent
So you all know:

Acemonkey logged on Edgecrusher's account while he was without internet. He stole items and sold them. Theuniballer also did this, taking anything of value from Edge's account.

Edgecrusher came back after getting dial-up, only to find his account was gutted.

Both of these people, Theuniballer and Acemonkey, KNOW EDGECRUSHER IN REAL LIFE. THEY ()@*$ed HIM OVER WITHOUT HESITATION.

Edge knew their account information because they were all friends, or used to be. He took back what was his (the items he had were sold, so he took corresponding valued items).

Don't believe me? Look at the sales history for Haubergeon, Theuniballer undercut by 400k just to sell Edge's hard earned armor quickly.

They took advantage of him and he got his revenge. Don't feel sorry for them.
#10 May 23 2005 at 2:36 PM Rating: Decent
I didn't take anything from Edgecrusher. Ask him for yourself. Theuniballer cleaned both of our accounts. Please don't say things like this about me without having proof, Majestic.
#11 May 23 2005 at 10:41 PM Rating: Decent
Acemonkey is a nice person. Can't imagine him stealing from anyone...
#12 May 24 2005 at 1:54 AM Rating: Decent
I'm done debating anything on these boards.

Edited, Tue May 24 03:00:12 2005 by Majest
#13 May 25 2005 at 10:01 AM Rating: Decent
108 posts
I heard this situation from Enna. All i can say is:

It really sux *** !!

A typical example of a good guy who's robbed by a bad guy ><

Also really crappy that SE can't do anything about it... you should think they can look up to who everything is sent right ?
Anyway, didnt pty with you a lot Ace, but your a fun guy. Take care !
#14 May 25 2005 at 11:13 AM Rating: Decent
1,058 posts
This is sad on so many levels.

First from the simple point of theft. How low must you be to take the time and effort to steal an imaginary item from a game player?

Second, the whole "teaching a lesson" crap is so thin it's childish at best, moronic at worst. Who assigned you to play police man?

And the defense that he didn't do anything but move things through his mail box. Well in the real world that's two crimes you've commited. Accepting Stolen Merchandise, and distributing stolen merchandise. legalities don't apply obviously, but I suppose anyone with any clue as to right and wrong would know that it was no less 'wrong' for being pretend items in a game than if it had been the big screen TV from your neighbor's house.

I've said it before elsewhere, in a similar situation.

Scamming a scammer makes YOU a scammer.
Stealing from a thief makes YOU a thief.
Killing a murderer makes YOU a murderer.

You aren't a hero, Robin Hood, or some vigilate protector of righteousness.
#15 May 25 2005 at 11:28 AM Rating: Good
some words of advice, never trust anyone with only 1 nut.

Im sorry to hear about your account getting violated. it seems to be happening to a lot of ppl recently and its complete BS.

I dont think the ppl who do it really know how lame it is. I have more of a dislike for account hackers than any NM camping gil seller, but you never know they might be the same peeps.

anyway goodluck with whatever you decide to do but dont forget your friends, if anything just log on to POL so you can talk throught messages.

peace Z

p.s. i'll kick this uniballer fellow in his nut when i see him. and btw you look damn cool in hauby and AF.
#16 May 25 2005 at 12:24 PM Rating: Good
194 posts
If it's a matter of 'Teaching Someone A Lesson' - (which in this case is absolute and complete BS, as Airamis eloquently and validly points out in his post above) -

anyhow, if it's a matter of Teaching Someone A Lesson , the only valid lesson to be learned here is:


not to your best friend

not to your mom

not to your teacher

not to your girlfriend

not to your wife

not to your neighbour down the street

not to your first love from elementary school

not to your mistress

not to your favorite sports star (yes, not even Michael Jordan)

not to your boss

not to your co-worker

not to your mailman

not to your local starbucks counterperson

not to your favorite movie star (admittedly i would probably actually break this one myself, because if Al Pachino asked me for my password, i'd give it to him - if only to watch him play and get all Carlito's Way and Tony Montana on that shizznit. I can see it now... "You think you're big-time? You're gonna fu*kin' die.....BIG TIME" and the ever famous "Say hello to my little friend!!")

not to your grandma or grandpa

not to your brother

not to your sister

not to your niece, nephew or cousin

not to your travel agent

not to intergalactic space travellers who decend on your house and take you up in their ship for 'tests'

UMMMM…....i think you get the point, and

YES, that’s right......


In Conclusion:

The common denominator of the majority of these stories 9 times out of 10 is not key-logger/hacker oriented stuff, but rather, it's ALMOST ALWAYS a 'friend' or 'acquaintance' who had the person's password. Learn THAT Lesson.

Edited, Wed May 25 13:28:30 2005 by SniperSixtySix
#17 May 25 2005 at 2:02 PM Rating: Decent
It's Just a Flesh Wound
22,702 posts
Killing a murderer makes YOU a murderer.

what if it's in self defense? >.>
Dear people I don't like: 凸(●´―`●)凸
#18 May 25 2005 at 2:48 PM Rating: Decent
Listen, you people don't even know what really happened. You're going on hearsay and from what "the ever kind and loving Ace" told you.

I am NOT lying. Acemonkey and Theuniballer raped Edgecrusher (a VERY nice guy, like a brother to me) of all of his items and sold them. If I'd have had the foresight, I would have taken screenshots of the items ACEMONKEY took from Edgecrusher and sold off. All 3 of these people WERE friends in real life, this issue goes beyond the game.

Have any of you actually partied with Acemonkey, or heaven forbid, debate something with him? I've heard from a LOT of people I don't even know that he is an asshat, and this is true from all the conversations I've had with him. He's self-righteous and thought that his DRK was the absolutely best one out there. He took great delight in showing off his full thick +1 armor to me and bragging about it in parties.

Sad thing is, this will all fall on deaf ears. You are all convinced that this is a case of "good guy vs. bad guy". Maybe if you actually took the time to examine the factors you'd realize this isn't as black-and-white as you'd think. All I expect to come from this post are more flames and rate downs, unjustified in my opinion.

And to those who are calling ME a thief, I had absolutely no part in this whole deal. I am merely defending my VERY good friend Edgecrusher who has never done a bad thing to me, or anyone else I know. He was ROBBED, and he happened to have the account information of the people who took his things and reclaimed them. Edgecrusher has my account information and I have his, but it doesn't mean that either one of this will take advantage of this. I'd trust him with my life.

Edited, Wed May 25 15:50:05 2005 by Majest
#19 May 26 2005 at 11:32 AM Rating: Decent
All I will say is that I did nothing. You put blame on me for doing nothing, Majestic. Good bye. I lost all of my work on FFXI, so I'm quitting. If you still think I'm a thief even when I have nothing, there's nothing I can say to change your mind. /farewell
#20 May 26 2005 at 12:39 PM Rating: Decent
1,058 posts
Killing a murderer makes YOU a murderer.

what if it's in self defense? >.>

I was wondering when someone would go there. Obviously if you kill someone who is in the process of killing you this is self defense. You are still a killer (let's be blunt), but you get to sleep easy at night because you killed them before they killed you. There is always the argument that you COULD have rendered the person unconscious or unable to extend the fight, thus sparing their life (not always possible in all cases, true). In fact, in most cases, once you have the person on the ground and disarmed they no longer pose a threat to you and if you proceed to kill them, it's murder and you will be treated as such.

However in context of 'teaching someone a lesson', tracking down and murdering the person who murdered your wife, friend, lover, pet hamster, is simple pre-meditated murder. No self-defense here - you weren't in immediate and reasonable fear of your life. Same applies here, 'teaching a lesson' to someone who has wronged (after the fact) is stooping to their level and makes you no better than they are. How do you know they weren't trying to teah YOU 'a lesson'?
#21 May 26 2005 at 1:03 PM Rating: Good
1,701 posts
This shouldn't even be an issue. People should just grow up. You were taught right from wrong at an early age hopefully, why not just use it. Just because it's a virtual world doesn't make ******** someone over any less wrong.

The I did it to teach them a lesson thing just goes to prove the immaturity that plagues much of the FFXI playing community. If someone has done something to you, why not handle it like an adult?

Most of us play this game to take a brief escape from the real world. It's a shame that it still has some of the same human factor that makes us need to escape from the real world. Call me crazy, but I would expect that people who at least share one thing in common can show at least a little respect to each other.

Next time you think you want to teach someone a lesson, stop and think how preschoolish that sounds. And think about all of the people who you enjoyed playing with that left this game for others. And in most cases I think you will find it was the preschool type attitude such as that that chased away a lot of our good players.

And this rant wasn't made to anyone in particular. I'm just getting sick of seeing that we were trying to teach so and so a lesson excuse whenever a situation like this comes up. Further down on this forum you see that same excuse being used in regards to someone else's acct that was screwed with. Well, not only did that person get screwed, but a lot of his friends did as well. Just another thing to stop and think about before you decide you want to ***** with someone in game. It's not only that person you are effecting. Most of the time the others it effects had nothing to do with the situation you were trying to teach a lesson over. So what's the excuse for ******** them?
#22 May 26 2005 at 1:56 PM Rating: Decent
2,112 posts
Back on subject...sorry to see you go Acemonkey
Relic Scythe Finished
Aegis Currency Finished
Drk Job Profile

#23 May 26 2005 at 3:47 PM Rating: Decent
I have found out what happened, vaguely. Just before Edgecrusher's account was robbed by Theuniballer, me and Edgecrusher were both leveling black mage. We both had two eremite's rings+1. When Theuniballer Robbed Edgecrusher's account, Edgecrusher found out and tried to find out who did it. He saw his haubergeon gone, and saw theuniballer's name for sale history, with a 400k undercut. He saw the history for eremite's rings+1, and saw me selling my own since I had hit 40BLM recently and finished the job. He assumed I had stolen his items too. From this point, I know either Theuniballer cleared me out, or Edgecrusher, thinking I had taken his stuff. Either way, Majestic got some of my equipment for sure, and now he's saying things like I'm a thief on message boards. I'm not angry, I hope you enjoy the armor, just don't say lies about me. This is why I'm leaving the game, noone can deal with a problem correctly. Gah. The only reason I'm even taking the time to type this out is to clear my name, because I never did anything wrong and I don't want this to haunt me. Anyone who actually took the time to listen to what I had to say on FFXI knows I didn't do it. Edgecrusher and Majestic blacklisted me when I tried to say anything, so this misunderstanding came from it. Oh well.

Edited, Thu May 26 16:51:23 2005 by Acemonkey
#24 May 26 2005 at 7:16 PM Rating: Decent
201 posts
Edge said he didn't take your ****. Anyway, later, I'll see you again on PSU ,I suppose.
#25 May 26 2005 at 8:01 PM Rating: Good
135 posts
Nice friends you got there. As they say, you can always count on your friends to stab you in the back.

btw, later dude. never knew you but oh well. seems like everybody is leaving nowadays.

Edited, Thu May 26 21:02:18 2005 by PhaseofRagnarok
#26 May 27 2005 at 6:11 AM Rating: Good
213 posts
about the dont trust your family members, ehh il have to say i trust my bro with my account (even though he doesnt play anymore). probably he is the only one id trust it with. (about the movie star.. ehh i dont know :p) but moving on.

on tif's post, il just agree. this whole "revenge because he did this, revenge because he did that" issue is really childish. regardless of who the real bad guy is, its still childish (and to a point, annoying). i play this game to stop worrying about my daily life for a bit and im sure others do too, but when i see things like these occur, it just saddens me to think its happening in VR. you just HAVE to steal someone elses stuff that aint real >.> it always happens in every mmorpg / game / aspect of human history where someone can take advantage of something. i dont know if the word complete and trust ever go together anymore ; ;

you know, for most cases, what you do in things like these often reflect the type of person you are in RL. if you cant be trusted in a game, how more in life :o

"my grade 3 teacher told me not to use violence again violence. I then hit my classmate for pissing me off with a ruler and i get sent to detention and cry my *** off." nobody wins u know. >.>

oh and p.s. this aint aimed at anyone in this thread. its aimed at the excuse of an eye for an eye.
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