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RDM gone BLM, and my quest requires aid... (Help Needed)Follow

#1 May 20 2005 at 12:16 AM Rating: Decent
36 posts
Hello. This is my first post on this board. I come here seeking aid that shouting in Jeuno just won't provide.
My name is Arcanum. I have met a few of this board's regulars (Zidana, UNCTGTG, some others), so I don't feel completely lost and isolated yet. >.>;

This post will be rather long. For those with short attention spans, impatience, or a straight-forward attitude, my request is in the next paragraph. For those with a love of poetic storytelling, the glorification of simple terms, and sympathy for those who pour their heart into their work, read even further.

I would like help claiming and killing Mysticmaker Profblix in an attempt to get my Moldavite Earring. My Black Mage is 46, and my Red Mage is 58. Please tell me if you are interested in helping me get it. A reward can be arranged if you desire it (as this won't be an easy task), but please, nothing too big. I need all of the money I can get, and I'm only sitting at 100k~ right now. Levelling Black Mage is an expensive process. However, I will not look down on you for wanting a reward. This is a difficult process, and this monster is camped frequently.


That is the gist of it. For those who care, some backstory as to why I require an earring that some BLM's at much higher levels still do not have...


Recently, I have fallen from the ways of RDM. I have lost interest in the job I have dragged to level 52, for it has been tarnished from the blood of the stupid.

Kicked in the shins by every DRK who shouts {Red Mage} {Dispel} NOW! <call> the moment he hits for less than 30, only to find that it was his fault and the mob hadn't even used a Buff (which is proven easily by "Arcanum's Dispel has no effect on <insert monster here>." ).

Stabbed through the foot of every WHM too lazy to "waste MP" on Enfeebling, even though with Blink Tanking, they're sitting at a constant 80-90% MP and their spell-spamming RDM is barely at 30% MP (even IF the WHM's Superior MND stat would probably land a Paralyze or two more than the RDM).

Crucified by every BRD who {/point}s and {/laugh}s at the Red Mage who needs to Convert to regain the precious MP that dictates the life of an RDM.

And lastly, ruined by every Red Mage who doesn't pay attention to mob buffs, who forgets they have a PLD who's out of MP, who has an underleveled sub, insists on meleeing even though they do not do it well- wasting their MP on Haste, En-spells, and other buffs when they cannot land a hit anyways. The Red Mages who have such a bad reputation, that it drags the rest of us down.

Those people have made RDM a chore, a suffering existance of stereotypes, expectations, and lies.

So I picked up Black Mage, dusted it off, (for it hadn't been used since Yhoat), and began the days of destruction once again. It felt good. I would look at the other Black Mages seeking party, and silently praise myself for going the extra mile for the Solid Wand, Morion Earrings, +1 Seer's Gear, Hume RSE Boots, and similar. I would laugh at the BLM's next to us using Tier II spells being resisted for less than the Tier I's I had been using more efficiently. Snickering every time a Tarutaru BLM would be threatened by me, overnuke, and suffer dearly for it in HP, and in a lot of cases, EXP. I was an awesome Black Mage, it seemed. I made a few friends, party leaders would cheer me on in {/tell}, people would {/hurray} when the Melee would put together a 3-part skillchain and I would perfectly nail both MB's. And that's when it happened.

While in a party in {Quicksand Caves} (I was level 46 at the time), the second BLM in the party dinged 47. A tarutaru, no less. He had been surpassing me in almost every way during battles, but I didn't mind. We had almost identical gear, so I respected him for his effort. During the next battle however, the gap increased again. His spells put mine to shame, his Magic Bursts made mine look like they were launched by a Red Mage. In just one level, he had changed something so drastic, that it furthered me from him even more. A simple /check revealed the answer...the earring.

That wonderful earring that no BLM should be without. That Earring that cannot have a price put upon it. That earring stolen from the Corpse of a Goblin in a Labyrinth of death.
Dearest Moldavite earring, how I desire thee...

Putting my Black Mage on hold, I strongly debated my actions. Researching the monster known as Mysticmaker Profblix, I found few answers. It seemed I had to pick up Red Mage once more, in an effort to make my Black Mage even more powerful. I took Red Mage to 58 in a rapid manner- partying as soon as I logged on, disbanding right before I logged off. Spells went unbought, equipment passed over, Artifact Armor quests forgotten in the fury of my race. By the time I stopped, I sat at level 58, defeated. I cannot contribute well to parties as is- lacking the Artifact Gear that makes Red Mage so much more efficient. Without a ton of friends with high level jobs, I am unable to make trips to get my AF without shouting in Jeuno for days, hiring someone, or requesting favors from my only level 70+ friend. I intended to take Red Mage to 62~, level NIN, quest for {Utsusemi}, and solo Profblix. But the first time a party kicked me for not even having my AF Legs, I saw this as an obstacle. So I turned to my LS.

After a couple bouts of bad luck (Including my recruited LS friends logging out three seconds before Mysticmaker spawned, then deciding not to claim him; as I didn't want to die), I have come here. I stand before you, a man defeated on two fronts. Any aid that could be provided to me would be greatly appreciated, and possibly rewarded with what little I have to spare.
Please help this Hume BLM compete with the perfection of a Tarutaru.
#2 May 20 2005 at 1:14 AM Rating: Good
213 posts
hmm im game to help you out. no reward needed really but the only jobs i can offer to help you out with is a bst 56 and a drg 60 (almost 61). sadly i cannot do this alone for you but if ever you need help, give me a /tell :) lets work something out from there.
#3 May 20 2005 at 7:46 AM Rating: Good
1,701 posts
I can't claim for squat, but I'm pretty good at killing the guy. All I ask is that you have ToD before we head out so we aren't sitting there all day with our fingers up our rears doing nothing. Just hit Tif up with a tell and if I'm free, I'm there.
#4 May 20 2005 at 8:08 AM Rating: Decent
2,112 posts
Wow very well said...for that of you asking for help, I'll gladly give it to you, FOR FREE. Keep your gil for those staves you will need.

Also send me a P/M as I will tell you some little secrets on hunting this guy, as I have hunted him 17 times now, and only twice have I been outvoked, out pulled.

Ok seeing some of your posts about blm's, rdm's, being booted from a party, and on drks, and the brds. Now what I am bout to say is not offensive by any means to the jobs I am focusing in on.

Ok bought what you said about brds...Don't worry have a brd solo a HMN like rdm/nin can. Show me where he can.

Bout being booted from a party, that is just plain wrong. I know a couple rdm's in my LS that didnt' stop for AF's unless. they got help...they still partied on.

Drks aways saying Dispel...if your referring to me I use it in a macro, if I see that the mob has his ability up, now me leveling thf atm I tend to use my acid bolts a ton to weaken the defense of the mob so others look godly in their damage.

Refresh should have an order, like this, yourself, whm-smn, blm, pld (if he is your tank)--if and only then drk's or other jobs that have MP should be refreshed if you have time. If a drk runs out of MP that's his fault...he shouldn't be using Element magic or enfedding magic. Should use Drain, Aspir, Stun, and Asb spells...

Yes a blm with that earring seems to do 100+ damage more then one without...I have seen this first hand, the Blm's in my LS did a test out in the Dunes. All of them ranging from 48-67 at the time of the test...only one had it level 56. All casted the same spell and the level 56 one outdamaged the level 67 mage. If you don't believe me ask Lovegoddess as she was this 56 blm at the time.
Relic Scythe Finished
Aegis Currency Finished
Drk Job Profile

#5 May 20 2005 at 5:31 PM Rating: Decent
36 posts
Wow. Thank you all for your responses. I will reply to each of you individually.

While your response was rapid and your intentions are just, I am going to pass on your offer. Considering the danger of this hunt, I do not plan on bringing anyone with me who has as much a chance of dying as I do. The surrounding enemies are Decent Challenge-Easy Prey to me at 58, which means at 60, it isn't going to be much better. Sure, they can be solo'd, but there are multiple enemies that spawn here, and one bad link could end up with both of us losing a lot of time and Experience. However, thank you. It's nice to see people willing to help, and for that you are a venerable figure.

Your offer is quite generous. I'm planning on setting aside a day to camp him, and your help would be appreciated. I would probably start by skilling up on the Gobs so the other campers don't have to worry about it. Then after he is killed, I can mark the time, warp out, and make plans from there. But since you have trouble with claiming, and I am an Aggro-magnet, I think I'll use your aid as backup. I still appreciate the thought, and thank you for your time.

Thank you. In fact, all of you have offered to help for free, which is very nice. The only help I could gather from Jeuno wanted a fee for just going, more if they claim, and even more if they get the drop. So your generosity is a very nice change of pace.
As for the P/M, sure thing. It is awesome that you have such a nice record on him, and it is great that you are good at claiming. It will help me a lot.

The BRD thing was mainly about regulating downtime. It seems I'm always next to a party who has a BRD over a RDM, and they can hit a higher chain than us a little easier, because they can Finale without need for MP, and their Regen-ga and Refresh-ga is more efficient than what I can put out. In a Solo Environment however, I am aware of how well RDM's put them to shame. I've heard of BRD's taking days to get to 10, whereas my RDM made it to Dunes in one afternoon.

The party was made of up "expert players" who all had level 75 Jobs, chatted about Dynamis and Gods, make jokes about MPKing in Sky and such. I suppose I just wasn't up to their level of experience. And with how much RDM's are in demand, I do suppose it is common to forget about such things as gear and spells when you get invites moments after logging in. Zidana gave me a shell for DigitalBackSpin, so I may drop in and check it out.

Having never partied with you, I'm not referring to you directly. It's just that a lot of DRKs I have partied with are competing with the RNG in the party, so they want their damage to be optimal. So even if it means wasting their RDM's already scarce MP on false Dispels, it's ok as long as they keep rolling out that high damage. Nice of you to use Acid bolts. A lot of times I see someone use one after a defense Buff, and it says that it lowered their defense. Saves me work and makes you look like a hero, which is always nice.

I've long since established a Refresh order, and have gotten good at it. But at the beginning of every party, people still like to drill it into my brain because of the sucky RDM's they may have partied with.

And yes, the sheer power of this earring makes it a godsend. I know better than to question its power. It's why I want it so bad, and it is awesome that you're willing to help me get it. The weekend is here, so I'm planning on spending a lot of time on the game over the course of the next few days. If we do get the earring soon, a lot of that time can be spent levelling the job that brings so much joy to me, and you would be to thank. Again, it is awesome that there are such nice players out there in the game.
#6 May 20 2005 at 10:02 PM Rating: Good
213 posts
well then good luck to you :) hopefully you get your earing in a short span of time :)
#7 May 21 2005 at 10:33 PM Rating: Decent
144 posts
If you see me online, and if i'm not in a xp pt, feel free to look me up, i could probably bring some high lvl friends to help out also. I'm 75sam and/or 72 rng. Name is Phrost.
#8 May 21 2005 at 11:30 PM Rating: Decent
2,112 posts
I got tied up tonight, but if you grab a ranger high level, have him sidewinder or slugslot, eagleeyeshot, barrage, then Slugshot again and it is dead...20 second fight.
Relic Scythe Finished
Aegis Currency Finished
Drk Job Profile

#9 May 22 2005 at 5:43 AM Rating: Decent
36 posts
Thank you Phrost. I definately appreciate your help.

UNCTGTG, understood. No problem. But the trouble usually lies in them being willing to help. It's obvious they can slaughter the NM, it is a matter of whether or not they want to go all of the way to Onzozo to help a stranger fight over a Notorious Monster.

Some progress-
Today, Tif came with me to get him. After a while of standing there (he decided to wait for the full 2 1/2 hours, as I saw him die personally earlier), he popped. Tif outclaimed a high level NIN/WAR and a BRD/WHM. Right behind her casting was mine, and then the BRD's. After a slew of links, buffs, cures, and slaughterings later, we walked away with 3k gil, a Goblin Helm, Goblin Armor, and a Scroll of Thunder III. But at least we got the claim. She handeled the fight really well, and I'm glad and honored she came. But, she was going to go to sleep before the Mob would have popped again. It is situations like these that it helps having multiple offers. I'm hoping that the next time I camp him, I have another person on call to give it another go two hours later. n__n With continued help such as this, I will finally be able to put BLM back into gear.

Although, funny story. While camping, I kept getting party invites because I didn't feel like going Anon. I mean, I was already IN a party technicly, and my search comment said something along the lines of "Please do not bother with party invites unless you plan on helping me claim and kill Mysticmaker Profblix.". Just thought I'd add that...
#10 May 23 2005 at 8:57 AM Rating: Good
1,701 posts
This week is going to be somewhat hectic for me, but if you still need help just keep me up to date on ToD and we'll see what we can do. Hopefully I can make it out for at least one pop.

At least you got a spell you can use at a later level so it wasn't a complete loss. :) And it was nice to finally win a claim with dia. Lucky for us he popped right on top of me.

Sorry about missing the first pop that night. Saturday was insane. Between sam flag quest, the sanctuary zm5 fight, helping a friend get to rabao for the first time and helping with rank 5 for someone, I think I was all over the place in a few hours and beyond exhausted by the night's end.
#11 May 23 2005 at 9:00 AM Rating: Decent
2,112 posts
Hehe, glad you got the claim, to bad not the drop...Keep at will love the earring. I have a set tonight, wednesday, thursday, Dragoon AF-helmet and Rdm AF-hat on Thursday, Dynamis Tuesday night so I am tied up just a little but if we can get to it earlier we should be fine. The fight is really easy...just need alittle help with stuns.

Relic Scythe Finished
Aegis Currency Finished
Drk Job Profile

#12 May 23 2005 at 5:29 PM Rating: Decent
36 posts
Meh, I don't mind. I've been dealing with this for a while, I'm used to it. Twenty minutes before pop window and I scramble to /sea a million times. Luckily I can convince a friend to go once and a while. Still only one claim though. I'm thinking that to get him more easily, I need to find a time when very few people are camping him. Sadly, I've little clue when that would be.

Oh, and my thanks extend to Sorcier, Trihouse, and Xplicitone - all three of which have also camped him with me, although with Trihouse and Xplicitone they were camping it with eachother, and whenever I don't have help I just try helping them get claim. But Trihouse has promised to help me get an earring after they get theirs, which is really nice of them.

And even if you two (UNCTGTG and Tif) have not been there to help every time, the fact that I am getting help is much further than I would be without you.

EDIT - Removing outdated Signature. >__>;

Edited, Mon May 23 18:30:25 2005 by Arz
#13 Jun 04 2005 at 6:07 AM Rating: Decent
36 posts
Just a progress update...

I levelled my RDM up to 61 and headed out to Onzozo tonight with the intention of skilling up and cheering on whoever got claim. So I arrive, and as normal, there are monsters everywhere, and each camper is too paranoid to clear out links that could end in defeat. So I begin killing off everything I see. When it gets to the point where I ran out of MP, I walked to a safe spot, place my finger on my CTRL key, and got ready to convert. Before that happened, Mysticmaker popped right in front of me. Without even thinking, I quickly hit my Dia macro, claimed him, and engaged (remembering that I was almost out of MP, just a moment too late). Stoneskin and Phalanx already up, I went to convert. However, he cast Aspir before I could use the rest of my MP to convert, and eventually killed me as three White Mages got ready to reclaim him.

BUT! Even without any buffs up and no MP, I managed to get him down to 50% HP. I am now convinced that I am at a point in the game where I can solo him, provided I clear out links. I am declaring this thread almost pointless, as this confidence will spawn an entire day of my camping of him. If I find that I cannot indeed kill him on my own, I shall seek the assistance of those who have offered.

My Record:
6/28 on Claim.
5/6 on Kill.
0/5 on Drop.
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