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Your opinion on WAR???Follow

#1 May 10 2005 at 12:54 AM Rating: Decent
127 posts
Well the subject explains it all. What are your opinions on te WAR job?

The reason I ask this is because I play WAR. Currently lvl 61. I can spend hours on end seeking a Party with a search comment and all and never see a single /tell.

I mean WTF?? Is there a hate twords WAR out there? I beleive I have made a good reputation for myself on our server. I have the best gear I can get at my lvl, I use the best food depending on the situtation, and I have never refused to tank when asked (I know that's looked down apon). So is there something that is wrong with WAR? Is there something I am missing?

It seems like the only time I see WARs getting invites is when there are nothing else out there. So if anyone can tell me why this is happening please clue me in. I am tired of seeking a party for a week or so straight to only gain 1 lvl.

The same happens to others too, DRGs more than most. Are ppl so set on the "We need job XXX, XXX, XXX, XXX, XXX, and XXX and nothing more will work!"? It seems like if you want to be part of anything in this game you ether need to lvl WHM, BLM, RDM, RNG, or PLD. or you can go lvl BST and do everything solo.

I'm expecting a big rate down for this but oh well. This needed to be said. Ppl need to start useing more options. I have seen parties wait for 1 certin job when there was 3-5 ppl seeking that could have filled the spot and done just as well. Everyone need to keep more options open. Who cares if it's teh "best set-up"? Well, apperantly most do.
#2 May 10 2005 at 1:36 AM Rating: Good
311 posts
There is absolutely no offense directed to you in the following message.

Choosing a party is very similar to like choosing a team to play major league sports.

You will never see team managers settle for less - they want the best possible setup that will guarantee whatever goal they have.

The same scheme of thinking works for a lot of other things.. You should open up your views a bit and look at the world out there, for example, do you see professional managerial positions settling for less on the applicants for a certain job? No, they will always choose the one that looks the best.

There are a few exceptions out there, but it's small.

I'm sorry for your loss of self, but there is not much honestly that can be done about it.

You'll just have to live with it, and keep it up. WAR 60-75 is a pretty long road, a bigger stretch from 1-60 combined IMO.
#3 May 10 2005 at 1:51 AM Rating: Decent
572 posts
It seems like if you want to be part of anything in this game you ether need to lvl WHM, BLM, RDM, RNG, or PLD

+ Nin & BRD plz. ^^

Oh yeah I know what you mean man... Although as rdm & bst I really dont have prob lfp, I often seen lders wait 30min~1hr just for the "right" job to pop.

I had great experince with drgs & mnks. Fact is many of them keep themself at nearly uber state just so they'll get pt. A drg friend spent sick amount of time farming for gear since that's like the only way for him to get invite.

Can they do good? Hell yeah. Ever take a serious look at mnk's dmg output? They can do good & they WILL do good.

This game's designed to be balanced. Some jobs are "hated" just b/c most ppl follow the "correct & only leveling route", which in some stages these jobs must fight mobs that they aren't good at. Result of this is "cookie cutter" setup which req less thinking & would just pwn anything.

Hell, I've seen pts that r planning to fight bones still refuse to invite mnks. Hello? @@

Sick & tired of "fixed routes", I have chosen the path of bst after 65 lvs of rdm. More difficult I admit, but damn I enjoy al these options I have.
#4 May 10 2005 at 12:13 PM Rating: Good
gaidensensei wrote:
You will never see team managers settle for less - they want the best possible setup that will guarantee whatever goal they have.

But if a manager is presented with two pitchers, one right-handed and one left-handed, he won't say "All left-handed pitchers suck" simply because some other manager (or "strategy" website) told him so.

Every job is useful in its own way. There are no exceptions. People just need to do a little ouside-the-box thinking. That doesn't mean it's easier to use certain jobs, it just means that different jobs call for different strategies.

Things have a way of balancing out, too. While my THF doesn't get as many invites as a BLM does, the percentage of good parties I'm in seems to be a lot higher.

Edited, Tue May 10 13:14:47 2005 by Eekiki
#5 May 10 2005 at 12:57 PM Rating: Good
128 posts
not really qualified to comment on any melee (18 highest of any) class but what I have seen is each job has "runs" and they become "desired."

side note: I am set with RDM and PLD. Both of which are Japanese and we exp during their prime time.

what I have seen:

Around 40ish Thfs be come desired and again around 65+ish (dancing edge area)

Mnks- not sure, but when undead come around people look for them.


Dragoons- honestly dont know enuf about the job, but they do good damage when I party with them.

as for War- I dont see very many past 60. Of the few I had partied with they did okay. But i'm sure everyone can remember looking for a tank pre 30.

It seems that War was one of those jobs that people used to get their advanced "tank job" (nin & pld)

As for thinking out of the box. Some people can not exaple last night we had a smnr, rng, mnk. Rnger changed SC to distortion i believe and Mnk started missing (we had done a couple of chains with light already and were doing fine) when mnk consistently missed instead of going back to light Rng said "too weak mnk" and warped out.

We felt bad for the mnk who took it in stride (even tho we disbanded casue snmr left next).

guess the moral is:
try new things you may like it. If it doesn't work out then at least you tried. Imagine how many people thought the guy was crazy that said.

"Hey lets get 6 blms and just nuke stuff." I'm sure there was someone that said "you'll all die without a tank.
#6 May 11 2005 at 2:40 AM Rating: Decent
29 posts
My opinions on WAR:

Warrior is probably the first melee that would ever get an invite from me (not including RNG >.>). Their damage can be insane, and they can take the hits if they get hate (which a good Rampage or Raging Rush will). Sure I may be partial because I have partied with an awesome WAR for like 9 levels, but I have also partied with all other DDs and WAR is by far my favorite to have. I mean if somehow your tank goes down (which I hope is rare with me around), WAR pops on their AF (GO SPORTS BRA!) and you got a psuedo tank.

All the melee are great, some however, get a bad reputation...however my opinion, as a whm, a Warrior (especially with /nin) in the place of a DRK or THF usually saves me 100 mp a fight. I am not bashing other jobs, just giving my opinion on the one you asked for.

As for invites, once you get Mistral Axe, expect people to beg you to come open light for them. Stick with it, hopefully it'll get better.
#7 May 11 2005 at 6:59 AM Rating: Decent
2,112 posts
I agree with Mikie,

Just like with most melee jobs, once you obtain a certain level, it's like now I want you to party.

A 66 war and me being a 67 drk were doing Coffer mobs and and were pretty much doing light for faster kills and he would hit for 600-900 and me about the same without any buffs. It was nice to see that kind of damage.

For warriors...Just wait until u get steel Cyclone.. I have seen 1700 done on a Steelshell in Boyanda.
Relic Scythe Finished
Aegis Currency Finished
Drk Job Profile

#8 May 11 2005 at 11:32 AM Rating: Decent
I know exactly what you mean, my main is a sam and i have been lvl 55 for 2 weeks now, and im only about 5k tnl. Sam is a great job which i believe is essential for multiple WS. But there really isnt anything i can do about, i just gotta start my own pts i suppose.
#9 May 11 2005 at 11:40 AM Rating: Decent
2,112 posts
Detect just wait until you get to 60+, your invites will sky rocket..the 50's are the worst IMO in the game.
Relic Scythe Finished
Aegis Currency Finished
Drk Job Profile

#10 May 11 2005 at 1:13 PM Rating: Good
1,410 posts
Hiya Sturg, Grommet here ^^

My sense is that you're the victim of two things. Fortunately, the second one probably will go away once you get cyclone.

1. Increasing Specialization At Higher Job-Levels. At the lowest levels, the jobs have the most "overlap." As we get higher and higher, the expectation of most people seems to be greater and greater specialization. WAR is more "generalized" a DD than are most of the other DD roles, so perhaps people forget that Plain Vanilla can still be a damned fine ice cream cone.

2. Some jobs go through patches (level-ranges) at which demand for them in PTs dips. [I have already started to experience this as 41WHM: see, RDMs (at 41) have just gotten Refresh, so, although PTs still preFER a WHM as main healer, they can "get by" OK with a RDM/WHM and one other backup healer -- and won't wait around to find a WHM.] Perhaps WAR at 61 is in an anlogous situation: did 1 or 2 other DD jobs, at 60/61, just get some kickass new skill or trait?
#11 May 11 2005 at 7:41 PM Rating: Decent
I don't think much of them right now, I look forward to being able to SC with them soon, though. For now I'm aimed towards DRG, SAM, RNG and uh.... BRDs^_^

Good luck seeking though!
#12 May 12 2005 at 12:01 AM Rating: Good
180 posts
Sturg, you have just expressed teh same thing I've been speaking about for nearly 2 months, i suppose it was going in one ear and out the other until you hit 61 as well, so hah.

Anyhow, I agree. WAR and DRG may not be chocolate chip cookie dough or some other extremely good flavor of ice cream, but hey. Chocolate and vanilla still rock, when given the chance.

Besides, I swear if i walk onto 1 more airship and catch more than 8 people wearing the SAME gear, i may have to go stab a bunny.

I have seen just how extreme the looking and waiting for that ideal job has gotten, as I had a whm (won't mention names) pass me up at lvl 57 for a 57drk/20nin... come on. Are you so hungry for a big ole scythe that you'll accept him as gimp, even though all my gear was up to date, had AF waiting to be equipped, etc.? Would it hurt to break out of the mold for once, and give some of the more obscure jobs a chance to prove to you that we enjoy parties as much as any ranger, nin, pld, rdm?

I usually try not to get all bothered by things in this game, but the things that go on in Ragnarok stike a stragely familiar spot as did a certain other topic in america at least, being well, the 60's. Cookie cutters, all doing the same thing thinking it's teh only way it'll work, and the hippies (drg, mnk, war) fighting against the current, trying to open the way for a more open society.

We can only do so much to change, but YOU, as the individual playing your job, has to make the decision that "hey, I'm not going to invite the same rng who pulls too much hate, the same rdm who despises casting refresh because it is a hassle, the same nin/war who don't use his tools to keep hate, but relies on his weapons and voke alone. I'm going to invite that WAR who's got newly shined axes that haven't tasted blood in a month. I'm going to invite that DRG whose lance is yet to taste a Torama, even though his gear is beyond par, damn near eagle. I'm going to invite that mnk, looks like he's been gaining weight since he hasn't had the chance to punch a mob in such a long time."

You've heard all the pleading, and complaining that some of the jobs have done, but we can't change the situation by ourselves... so help us.
#13 May 12 2005 at 12:08 PM Rating: Decent
356 posts
I have partied with a warrior and monk exclusivly for the longest time now. We always just grab a tank or tanking partner for the warrior, 2 mages, and we are set to go out and hurt things.

Personally as a ranger, I hate other rangers. It's nice to not have to listen to thier huge egos explode when they miss a sidewinder, listen to them give out equipment advice, like I actually need it or even care, or endure another boring reverberation skillchain...but Monks and Warriors have done some amazing things from what I've seen, plus it was a ton of fun.

Like last night we really hurt those toromas with skillchains we were just calling out and preforming. With this jobs we could make any skillchain on the chart, which made exping really exciting. I believe one was Sidewinder > Howling Fist(Imapaction) > Spinning Axe(Liquifaction) > Rampage(Scission) and the Toroma was pretty much dead after the last magic burst.

You guys do alot of good work when you party and personally I would choose one of you or a monk over a ranger, but since I'm sticking with my 2 friends till 75. I recommend warriors and the other underappreciated jobs anyday. There's alot your missing out on outside of the world of sidewinders and barrages.
But again..that's just my opinion.
#14 May 12 2005 at 1:55 PM Rating: Good
311 posts
The thing is, even as much as we can rant about this on forums and create huge debates - I'm sure less than 5-10% of the total server population even bothers reading a forum on a daily basis.

That being, the message which many of us know here, which is to liberate all the other 'possible job combinations' for a party needs to be unbiased and no more stereotypes.

If you can get a majority of the server population to listen up, then you will definately see change.

However through something like this - not much may happen, although it is possible for it to occur slowly within time.

Just about every other forum's job section I've known of always has complaints about this job and that.. Everyone who participates on a daily basis of some sort should know already what is going on.

A simple metaphor I can think of, is like a member in part of a protest that is complaining to the whole group on a protest day..
You really need to get the message into the server.
#15 May 13 2005 at 5:07 PM Rating: Decent
158 posts
First i gotta say i like this monk love. ^^ I set with a war and a nin. And thank god because i need someone else to grab hate. I've heard all this about 50 + sucky dmg and a ton of misses. As far as I'm concerned my monk and my war buddy are shining like gold. I sorta got that "rng ego" about missing ws i cry like a baby. every miss. Ack anyway to get back on topic after lvling war and drg I say any of those jobs all have that shine with the right equip I would take any of those over a drk or a rng if they are good pt members. (No offence to any rng or drk)
#16 May 16 2005 at 10:56 PM Rating: Decent
WAR CAN VOKE!!!!! << my first reaction upon seeing the title =]

But after reading ur thread, i kinda feel ashame my self.....'cause it happened to me once too.

There was a time i was the leader at lv59, the plds and nins were all out dating, while my party needed a tank REALLY bad.

And here comes the lv58 WAR/NIN looking for PT (and it's on bilingual searching), I actually did thought of inviting him, but the second thought comes to my mind... "the rest of the PT will be mad" without even ask for their opinion... maybe it's 'cause i see no one ever mentioned that there's a WAR/NIN seeking when all of us are doing a /search.

To me, I hardly ever had a WAR tank after lv30, and maybe it builds in me that WAR is just not a tank. But come to think of it......WHY ONLY WARRIORS HAVE PROVOKE!?!?!?!?!? I know it's not the only way to pull hate....but it's more obvious way to pull hate than other spells or job abilities.

Btw my PT was ranged from lv59-60 also..

#17 May 17 2005 at 5:42 AM Rating: Decent
86 posts
Sturg, it happens, you can go weeks without invites and then one day you get invites when your not looking to party. But, theres definetly nothing anyone has against War. Most people I party with have the "good we got a war.^^" type of attitude. You just have to hope for an invite really, or if you can, try to get a pt started, unlike Drg noone will leave because of your job (personal experience). >.>;
#18 May 18 2005 at 6:10 PM Rating: Good
180 posts
Yup, I've had that happen. "full pt? yeah? oh, you're a drg? oh, uh... I've gotta... go... farm honey for uh... my... grandmother..." :-\
#19 May 18 2005 at 6:33 PM Rating: Good
724 posts
O.o war make excellent tanks, and do Nice DMG O.o... beside Voke,War Cry nice way to get hate:P I use Warcry when my voke is not ready as nin to get hate back:) ..

Probably just one of those days...:)

P.S. Abandon and Batosai are 2 kickass Drgs and Strugs:) what can I say pted with him before he do nice DMG and can keep hate very well:) ... Its hard to imagin no one would invite them ..

Edited, Wed May 18 19:36:03 2005 by narusegwa
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