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#27 May 09 2005 at 2:42 PM Rating: Good
1,410 posts
A lot of good thoughts, most illustrations of The Golden Rule.

Long ago, when I was a Taru 12-13WHM tired of getting killed traversing La Theine to get to/from the Dunes, a friendly WHM in the high 40s came to my rescue and led me to the Crags to get my crystals. "They'll come in really handy!" He was so right.

But what stayed with me was his gentle advice after I had my 3d Crag crystal:

"Someday, 'pay it forward.' It's a great feeling."

This weekend became my "Pay It Forward" weekend. Now at 40WHM, I was able to lead a LS mate, 13BLM (no sub yet -- he's new), to get his second and third Crag crystals.

Sure, I could have been out exping, or in crafting. But ya know what?

Helping people, for no other reason THAN to help, feels pretty good.

Pay it forward.
#28 May 09 2005 at 3:08 PM Rating: Decent
1,058 posts
"pay it forward" has LONG been the basic premise of the DigitalBackSpin LS. It's the entire core concept I try to get people to adhere to in the LS.

Glad to see someone else gets the idea :)
#29 May 09 2005 at 4:05 PM Rating: Decent
Interesting thread let me, show you what I see:

Ok, Most people on this server know who I am, or has heard of me

Seems like everywhere I go now people wave and smile.

a majority of you I don't like anyway because most of you have your head stuck so far up your azz because your a higher level... (Interesting comment, do you remember writing the following?)

Me: Do you even know who I am...67drk so back off, and how does that consider me a noob.
(Cockiness /Arrogance/ Hypocritical)

Oh he did this oh he is an azzhat.
(Hypocritical- Didn’t you start this thread for this reason?)

Airamis (to the resuce)

I find it endlessly amusing, that a person creates a thread, to show how far this server (actually not just us, FFXI in general is a joke when it comes to the level of childish behavior compared to other MMOs) has fallen in terms of basic kindness and simple courtesy, and it's invaded by unfounded attacks, personal insults, and a general nastiness. Funny, but all you did was prove him right.

(prove him right? dare I say, he is right there in the mix and one of those people that he claims to detest)

Just my observations and my opinion-
#30 May 09 2005 at 7:09 PM Rating: Default
1,254 posts
From the T.whiteshell thread:
Thanks for my Upgrade 4 I need 10000 whiteshells or 100 Jadeshells or one 1 R. Stripshell.

I don't wanna do the third because it's 64 100byne bills...oh well. There goes my Kraken club.

This thread:
This topic is Kraken club is on loan until my friend comes back from IRAQ so I don't own one,

So, which is it? Unless you meant you were going to sell your friend's club that he loaned to you.

#31 May 09 2005 at 7:15 PM Rating: Decent
2,112 posts
He has spoken about not coming back to the game, when I got his e-mail the other day but I have heard of people coming back to the game and wanting their stuff he is a IRL friend so I don't wanna ***** him over....

Edited, Mon May 9 20:18:39 2005 by UNCTGTG
Relic Scythe Finished
Aegis Currency Finished
Drk Job Profile

#32 May 10 2005 at 1:44 AM Rating: Decent
12,846 posts
today must have been "be obnoxious to someone searching for their af day" :P lol
#33 May 10 2005 at 9:13 AM Rating: Good
1,701 posts
It's easy enough to give someone a hand. The other day I was hanging out in Selbina fishing while lfp. Someone came in and sent me a tell asking if I could help with their skull. Being the lazy person that I am I was just going to teleport dem us so I could get it. They didn't have the crystal. So on the way to gusgen, we stopped off so they could get it.

Later this week, I'm doing one of my monthly runs to the Rabao to get people just getting to 25-30 the gate crystal and maps so they have an easier time getting to alternative leveling areas. If you need to do this, please send me a tell so I can include you.

It takes just a little bit of time for this, but it really makes the game more enjoyable.

I've had many good friends quit this game because of the attitudes of some of the players. And while it does get fustrating, I refuse to let a handfull of idiots chase me away from something that I enjoy.

It does get old everytime I sign on to get bombarded with tells asking me to do this or that and some of the requests are actually quite ridiculous. But the ones that aren't, I try to honor when I can. I will admit, I have my weeks when I say no to almost everyone, but that is only because there are times when I get burned out playing the game for everyone else. Some things don't require high level help either. It can be easily accomplished with a party of people of the same level. If they can't find a party to accomplish it, I'll help, but I do try to encourage people to do things on their own first. I've had a lot of fun and made some great friends while doing things like the kazham keys, and it's an opportunity I wish other newer players would embrace before turning to the higher level players for the easy way out.

I don't outright charge for my help either, but I will admit, there are many times when I will accept a donation if it is offered. Usually it's when I'm broke and have to spend money to help the person accomplish whatever it is I'm helping them with. Otherwise, I tend to turn it down. But if someone wants to cover the cost of my supplies, then great. The most I've ever outright asked for is for supplies to do something when I just couldn't afford them.

Maybe I'm a bit niave in the sense that I still believe most of the people on the server are nice and willing to help people. Maybe I've just been lucky by being exposed to a great group of people who are like that. But I don't dwell on the jerks I meet in real life, so I'm certainly not going to do it in my escape from real life.
#34 May 10 2005 at 9:22 AM Rating: Good
2,112 posts
Ok now that I have more time today I'll address some issues that Sithlordofsith posted about his opinions, with other posts.

Ok, Most people on this server know who I am, or has heard of me
(Arrogance)- No it's not arrogance, People have heard good and bad of me...but the bad are those of a certain LS that I did ask to join and then changed my post to "Nope" after Their leader said no. But a few members in this LS went a little further and tried to MPK me when they saw me, talk **** about me, hence some of the above posts, and a few other things. For that just about every single person in that LS has been Blisted. A select few that I am friends with and we chat as we go by each other..

Seems like everywhere I go now people wave and smile.
(Egocentric) -No this is the truth, I have helped so many people, They usually remember my unusal name /UNCTGTG, just like those people that say **** about me, the people that say the good, goes from one ear to the other. For example if you meet an azzhat, what is usually the first thing u do...tell your LS, or friend, what happened. Am I right, yes majority of the time. Then that person views you the same way as the other person.

I also try to give encouragement to fellow players because they are feeling down about a certain job because they have had someone Destroy their feelings towards their job...Example..."Hey your job sucks because you can't get invites, why not go level a job that everyone wants." Come on now, I'll defend that person any day of the week because of some azzhat. What does this person get out of it (person putting someone down)..A feeling of being superiour maybe but in the end all you have got is a person (person being put down) that is seriously feeling bad now because of what you said. Yea I have told people off because of this and if it gets me blisted I dont' less azzhat not to worry bout. Just remember behind the character that is moving there, someone is behind the screen/TV moving him and has feelings too.

a majority of you I don't like anyway because most of you have your head stuck so far up your azz because your a higher level... (Interesting comment, do you remember writing the following?) - Yes the majority of people that rate me down or post **** are those that I have blisted or don't like me. Do I care, NO

Me: Do you even know who I am...67drk so back off, and how does that consider me a noob.
(Cockiness /Arrogance/ Hypocritical) - Not after you called me a noob for no reason because I was leveling my thf. That was uncalled for and telling off one of my LS members...No that doesn't fly with me.

As my above posting, I wanted to leave out your name, but you failed to put the rest of the converstion in.

Azzhat to me

Azzhat: Damn Goblins are so annoying.
Me: Yea, what can we do though
Azzhat: STFU you low level noob
Me: ???
Azzhat: Get out of my way and don't check me you noob
Me: Do you even know who I am...67drk so back off, and how does that consider me a noob.

Oh he did this oh he is an azzhat.
(Hypocritical- Didn’t you start this thread for this reason?)-
Referring to people just going by hear-say

Airamis (to the resuce)

I find it endlessly amusing, that a person creates a thread, to show how far this server (actually not just us, FFXI in general is a joke when it comes to the level of childish behavior compared to other MMOs) has fallen in terms of basic kindness and simple courtesy, and it's invaded by unfounded attacks, personal insults, and a general nastiness. Funny, but all you did was prove him right.

(prove him right? dare I say, he is right there in the mix and one of those people that he claims to detest)- No Airamis is not coming to my rescue, He is his own person...He was just proving a point. Yes He is the leader of the LS that I am part of, and if he feels that I have done something wrong, or represented the LS in a bad manner, I am booted. Plan and simple...yes we are friends but like I said he has over a 230 member LS that he has to manage and treat everyone fairly...Why would I get special treatment... But back on topic here....People that I detest are those that treat someone differently, abuse them, etc. I can post, post after post about what I have seen, as I know other can as well. It's really sad that people have to lie, cheat, and steal their way to the top.

About the poster Majestic- You were telling everyone how you had the stage 1 items for relic scythe all ready-(Really not hard to obtain the items, just needed my Relic scythe), and you then showed my friend in trade that you had a ridiculous amount of money (he said ~20 M).

Try 2 million and some change...Wouldn't u be pretty happy if you just got all your items for Relic scythe...Like here these items are not hard to obtain

Relic Scythe x1 - got it Saturday night 4/7/05 - Kittycat can verifiy this
Mammoth Tusk x1 - don't remember the cost but if I remember 10-20k
Manticore Leather x1 - same 10-20k might be 40k now
Rainbow Obi x1 - my friend made me this because my cloth craft isn't high enough
Fee: Lungo-Nango Jadeshell x5 or 500 Jadeshells, hard to obtain no...If you have been collecting them for 2-3 months, buying 2-3 sometimes 20 at a time. Most I ever bought was 104 at one time. Ask anyone on my LS, how long I have been having them look for it. Plus I have found a way to upgrade Relics for a fraction of the cost of the 200-300 million that everyone thinks..Do research

Stage two is 3 scythes and the upgraded one and currency...Yea I have the 3 scythes and now just waiting to get my currency for stage two. So obtaining the items needed isnt' really that hard for the first two upgrades. It's the currency and Stage 3 and 4 that you need a uber dynamis LS to help with, and I am part of an awesome well orgainzed LS. There are plenty

Funny thing is, I've NEVER seen you camp anything, sell anything, craft anything. Which makes me believe that you are a gil-buyer.

and another poster

Actually, when I was lvling in Crawler's Nest in that ballsack room a while ago, he was there farming that Guardian Crawler and all the Maze Lizards *shrugs* Anyone can make money if they know what they're doing.

Yes that is one of my ways to make my gil.

800 gil per Rolenberry
23k a stack of silk - unless they went up or down again.
3k for a stack of crawlers eggs
8-9k for a stack of lizard skins- I kill these when I get boried with the gaurdian crawler.

Now if you notice that the people that call me a gil-buyer are those that hunt endlessly for the big so called million dollar drops. Now look at it this way (since most people didn't bother reading the entire thread), These people hunt for the drop with a party of say 6 (for Math reasons) that is worth 1.2mil and they all agree to split it. Ok the pop is a normal 2 hrs. Now if everyone splits it that's 200k for everyone, but dont' forget the 2hrs to camp it, 1 hr to sell it, being generous here, and then 5 minutes to send those people the gil that helped hunt it. Also on the flip side you first have to get the claim, since others will more then likely be hunting as well then on top of it you must get the drop. Now a total of 3-4 hrs wasted if everything goes exactly like that. While you are hunting, I'll be farming my little heart away just as much (200k) if not more. Same way with crafting, even lower end NM hunting. Most people want the big drop not knowing that farming addes up over time...As I call it "GOT.-Gil over Time", will just about beat most NM drops..

The Kraken Club that people have been asking about...I stated in the above post...if my friend doesn't come back it's going up for sale. I'd rather have my relic scythe full upgraded then have a kraken club...I can always come back and camp with people and get another one.

Edited, Tue May 10 12:36:45 2005 by UNCTGTG
Relic Scythe Finished
Aegis Currency Finished
Drk Job Profile

#35 May 10 2005 at 12:17 PM Rating: Decent
69 posts

800 gil per Rolenberry
23k a stack of silk - unless they went up or down again.
3k for a stack of crawlers eggs
8-9k for a stack of lizard skins- I kill these when I get boried with the gaurdian crawler. "

Yeah right.. and u get 20M+ and Kraken klub out of this.

ps: Unc, Airamis.. had enough licking each other`s A.S.S ?
#36 May 10 2005 at 12:19 PM Rating: Default
69 posts
Friend`s kraken *Cough* BS *Cough*
#37 May 10 2005 at 12:29 PM Rating: Decent
2,112 posts
Obviously Owen you didn't read my entire post...Dumbazz....I said "ONE" of my ways to make gil...Was it just too long for you...Your just a dumbazz troll....

Anyone notice that 90% of Owen's post's are against me and all his posts are degrading players...Hmmm to me that is a Troll...Busted Owen.

Edited, Tue May 10 13:35:03 2005 by UNCTGTG
Relic Scythe Finished
Aegis Currency Finished
Drk Job Profile

#38 May 10 2005 at 12:51 PM Rating: Decent
Wait, Didnt you have Peacock Charm too?
#39 May 10 2005 at 1:25 PM Rating: Decent
12,846 posts
So if someone has nice items they are a gilseller? You know its funny you think that. I have been playing for over a year *yes Im a huge loser* and I have emp pin, ll boots and 2 astrals. I use them for as many jobs as I can - I have ALOT of mules so I can save my gear and interchange it. For instance I have centurion gear instead of that german sounding stuff because I can use it for more than 2 jobs. I do have a full set of noct but Zeena made it for me. I save EVERYTHING if it can be used for more than 1 job. Farming really isnt that difficult. My friend just got 1mil off a NM that his group killed on the way to a ZM. (some bracelet)
it isnt unheard of for a couple of friends to pitch in and buy a nice piece of equipment like Kraken CLub or Vermi or a Scorp. yes there are gil buyers and gil sellers AND there are hardworking people who have been on this game FOREVER who aquired wonderful items that they still use.
So if you see a subless person running around with Astrals - they may just be a mule and not a gilbuyer. Sidenote: would you really want my Galka whm Memnon in your pt without my astrals?
#40 May 10 2005 at 1:48 PM Rating: Good
1,701 posts
I'm another with one a lot of decent equipment and while some of it came from friends (I'm holding a hairpin and leaping boots for someone who had to quit, so they still have them if they come back after their character gets blown out), I have never bought gil. Had a friend not quit and left me with a nice inheritance, I wouldn't have my Vermy, but a lot of my other nice equipment came from me being creative about the ways I make money. Instead of power leveling crafts, I farm for items and actually turn a profit on 95% of my synths. I garden, a lot. Again, I farm my own seeds and tree cuttings, so that 300-400k ore, pure profit. Nice huh. At one time I had my mh filled with pots and each of them had a tree in it. Considering each cutting can produce up to 2 saplings and each sapling can produce up to 2 ores, it's quite easy to make a buttload of money with minimal effort. Especially with a 90% success rate on ores.

To put someone down about buying gil when there is no proof that they did just doesn't sit right. Especially in a thread that has absolutely nothing to do with a subject that has been done to death. If you don't like someone, fine. But be an adult about it and stop taking every opportunity to twist it into something for you to make accusations that you can not back up. Circumstantial evidence doesn't fly in courts when it's as farfetched as what you are bringing to us. Why should it fly here?

Instead of focusing on the negative, why not actually try to see past the name of who posted the thread and take a look at some of the points being made. Instead of wasting your energy putting someone down and adding to the general negativity on both these forums and in game, use that time and go out and adopt a new player and show them the ropes or share some money making tips with them. Maybe by watching someone work their way from 0 gil to having a lot of nice equipment, you can learn that through friends, good linkshells and hard work, it is possible to aquire this stuff without spending real money.

#41 May 10 2005 at 2:02 PM Rating: Decent
724 posts
!! Tif is a gil buyer too!! I told ya!! How else could she got Astrals (you do have those dont ya :P ) , Cloak and Lushang!! come on:P lets accuse her too;).... She bought all her stuff from a *quited* friend that is a gilseller (we know who he is.. shouting selling Kraken Club at Jeuno for rl money;)) *how is our favor gilseller by the way:P *

Anyhoo Be real:) loves tif, Tif works hard for her gils , just because she got nice equip, doesnt mean she buy gils:) I know she doesnt:P O.o.. just because ppl got nice gears doesnt mean they buy gils.. They could have a mule somewhere fishing ;) or crafting, which you wont know :) you could be friend with their mule but you dont know it O.o...
#42 May 10 2005 at 2:25 PM Rating: Good
1,701 posts
Nope, no astrals. The ones I was using on my whm were Percie's. The Lu Shang's is now my Vermy Cloak. :D Who needs an astral anyway, I got an astral on crack (love my evoker's ring).

There are just so many ways to get nice equipment in this game that won't make people resort to buying gil, especially if they know a lot of nice people who help them out along the way. I know I've camped a NM or two so a friend could get a piece of equipment they always wanted and wouldn't have to buy it. I've done too many bcnm runs to count so people could afford their nice stuff or in hopes that it would drop for them. I've soloed more bcnms then I can count so I could get my stuff. And if someone wants to pay for my supplies and front the orb, I'll gladly go solo it for them while they wait at the enterance. I've done that before as well. All it takes is the right people and the time to make good money. And I've always had people willing to help me farm stuff I need, so I'll more then willing help them farm what they need in return.
#43 May 10 2005 at 6:12 PM Rating: Decent
Unctgtg - Drop the act. You claim to have bought up to 104 whiteshells at a time. This comes out to ~1 M right there. You have 1 mil just lying around that you can blow on whiteshells? Give me a break. Obtaining the 4 L. Jadeshells and 16 M. Silverpieces for the first commission alone comes out to 16-22 M, depending on prices that you got. And there is no way to "trick" the system into paying less than 200 M or w/e for a fully upgraded scythe. The other items you have obtained are in no way rare or hard to get, and most would cost under 50k. Do some research in some of the other FFXI sites out there, notably the one showing a JP getting the Apocolypse (the name escapes me at the moment).

Also, you seem to mention crafting a lot in your posts. What are your craft skills? I'd like to see you make anything of any value personally.

As per your comments about my linkshell:

1. You made a post in our personal forums about wanting to join our linkshell. When the members of GLLS learned that you had a bad reputation and weren't the kind of person we were looking for, you were denied. You then made a very profane post in our personal forums, which was locked and deleted. I wish I had taken a screenshot.

2. You claim members of our LS have tried to MPK you. This is absolutely false. MPKing is not tolerated in any way by members of GLLS and I believe you are lying to try to raise sympathy. Don't bash our linkshell with these made up events, you are just embarassing yourself.

3. These stories you have of people freaking out on you and calling you "noob" etc. is probably made up. I believe you are simply trying to make yourself look like the "good guy", and it disgusts me that you'd try to boost your reputation on these forums.

4. The person in my linkshell who personally saw you put 20 M+ in your trade window after making comments in a PT about how you had obtained certain relic items is not lying. He is an extremely trustworthy and honest person who I'd feel comfortable lending any of my items or my gil to. He has no reason to make up stories about you and is a very happy-go-lucky guy.

Please, Un, just give it up.

Edited, Tue May 10 19:16:21 2005 by Majest
#44 May 10 2005 at 8:19 PM Rating: Decent
69 posts
"Anyone notice that 90% of Owen's post's are against me and all his posts are degrading players"

U mean 99% ? Notice about ur own posts? OMG i did this DMG, OMG i did that, OMG I buy gil to upgrade my relic, OMG i helped this, OMG OMG, OMG he is asshat,OMG im famous, OMG someone said NOOB at me. It all about your self and your ubber gil.. i mean gears eh?
#45 May 10 2005 at 11:35 PM Rating: Good
44 posts
Gil is not hard to come by in this game, beleive it or not. Heck, you have a list of prices for items sitting right there in front of you! You don't even have to hire a consultant on your business plan! All it takes is patience. Making money takes a lot of time, especially if you're not what's considered a good farming job .

Give gardening a try. Seriously, you wouldn't beleive how many people I've talked to who wouldn't even give a chance. If you follow the recipes right, you can make profit margins the likes of which only the cocaine industry will ever see in real life. It also doesn't take any time at all (15 min a day to check plants, 30 min or so a cycle to predict moon phases), so don't give me that crap about not having enough time for it. I've had a lot of people say that they don't have time for it, and I doubt that they realize how little it takes. If you're going to be gone, have a friend check your plants for you. And if you don't think you have anyone you find trustworthy, I pity you.

Also, if you should be helming, go for the low profile, medium prices items, especially stackable items. VE or LL may make you a lot of money, but there is much more competition. Also, if you think the inflation has gotten out of hand, there's a very simple solution that works only if applied on a large scale, simply buy items only at a price lower than the current average.

Merchantry is also a highly profitable means; however, it has declined in profitability since the implementation of the AH taxes in Jeuno (I also think it's less honorable yet more clever than HELM). Keep a calculator and notebook near your computer or ps2 to keep track of prices, keep track of trends, and to calculate expenses and profit. If you look hard enough, you'll find people selling a significant discounts. For every 100k I HELM (way boring but very possible), I change that into 160k-180k via cuttings -> saplings. I then put that money right back into cuttings and repeat. It adds up fast. I've made almost all my luxury money through gardening.

I find it hard to believe that someone who buys gil would take time off from the great race to 75 to be uber in order to help people the the extent that Unctgtg has helped me alone. I don't know why a fewpeople are seemingly bent on convincing others that he's a gil-buyer and a complete ********, but I can tell you that my experiences with Unctgtg have been nothing but positive. I have not seen evidence presented that suggests he's a gil-buyer or anything of a negative nature.

To Owen: It does strongly seem like you have a vendetta towards Unctgtg from the manner that you present your agruments against him. It might be more convincing if you stop dodging his reactions to your criticisms anyways. The only thing that has me even close to thinking about Unctgtg's actions is that fact that you seem to have taken umbrage to such an extreme extent.

If there is one thing I've learned about/from FFXI, it's that teamwork and consideration make the player. Not the gear, not luck, not gil, not power, not even being super skilled about all the games jobs. If you're truly out there to be part of a team, all of this follows. You'll care about being a good player, not to get kudos, but to benefit those who in turn benefit you. "The whole is greater than the sum of it's parts."
Parties, Linkshells, and every group on FFXI are all Gestalts. Unctgtg is one of the people that has allowed me to realize this.
I don't take complementing someone this way lightly. Without him and many others ( I couldn't find my list of people I owe a debt to), I might be just another ******** trying to level to 75 as fast as possible while not truly enjoying the game. Now I realize, that different people have different reasons for playing, but for me, the game is not a quest for power, it's simply another world, a great equalizer allowing people to complete cooperative tasks together.

More important than PS! I'm tired of people using the whole gil-seller issue as a witch hunt! If you're going to scapegoat someone, at the very least be creative about it. My hometown won't accept the normal "mierda del toro". You have put a whole lot more effort than this for it.

PS, if you should happen to resent the fact that I've given away "uber gil secrets", please send me a PM if you dislike it, I'll take the info down and replace it with less specific info if there is enough adverse reaction to people's "secret discoveries" being published in this forum.

PPS please forgive all clichés and sappy wasted sentiments I have used while writing this

PPPS if my English teacher sees this she'll kill me, in drilling us for the ap test, she gaves us big goose eggs on our papers for even thinking about using 2nd person, very presumptuous

edited for formatting and legibility
sorry to lecture, family habit

Edited, Wed May 11 01:46:52 2005 by peachytaru
#46 May 11 2005 at 1:12 AM Rating: Decent
2,112 posts
Majestic, Since you posted first... Me, do Research, haha. I have beyond your dreams...

Go sponsor some runs and you'll see what I mean....

I have sponsored the last two runs for my Dynamis LS and low and behold....307 byne bills and 215 bronzepieces, oh wait according to you I must have bought them...for a total of say the going price is 15k as you so call it...7,830,000 gil...Yea I'm not do that...hmmm

2 mil vs 7,830,000gil which would I choice...

So let's look at this way my way versus your way.

Relic Scythe pieces to fully upgrade
going by the 1 bills

Total-18300 pieces

so Saying 300 pieces on average drops so 60-70 runs are needed to sponsor... so 60-70mil will be needed to sponsor runs to obtain the full currency.

Now let's look at your way.

18,300pieces x 15k per piece = 274,500,000 total cost (plain stupid) - thats' if not increasing inflation by players just wanting to get rid of a few.

Again people go by hear-say...Now how is that beating the system... Just by playing smarter...Ya my way may take me longer because some other players may want to sponsor runs but far more smarter then your way.

Now let's address some more of your problems with me...

You made a post in our personal forums about wanting to join our linkshell. When the members of GLLS learned that you had a bad reputation and weren't the kind of person we were looking for, you were denied. You then made a very profane post in our personal forums, which was locked and deleted. I wish I had taken a screenshot.

I won't denie that I wanted to join your lS and posted that I wanted to join when the requirements were 65mage 70melee, so that is why I was denied...but after what not 1 not 2 but 7 or 8 members of your LS did and said to me, and one proceded to try to MPK me, I changed my post to NOPE the next day...Wiattha (spelling)then posted something and I answered back saying what had happened. Yea I got banned from your forums so what...

The person in my linkshell who personally saw you put 20 M+ in your trade window after making comments in a PT about how you had obtained certain relic items is not lying. He is an extremely trustworthy and honest person who I'd feel comfortable lending any of my items or my gil to. He has no reason to make up stories about you and is a very happy-go-lucky guy.

I don't care what he says is because, he has to get his eyes checked, I know what I have, Had in the past, and currently have.

Owen your not even worth my breath because I won't drop to your level.

People will continue to put me down, because I speak the truth about many players on this server...and as you can see that will degrade me, accuse me, and do other things just to sway the views of others towards me. Seems that people will continue to call me a Gil-buyer/seller and plenty of other things...5, 10, 50, 100 people can believe what they show me prove....Can you prove that I do...NO....So I am done trying to prove myself to a select few that are jealous and are azzhats about the false assumptions..

Edited, Wed May 11 02:27:36 2005 by UNCTGTG

Edited, Wed May 11 02:33:09 2005 by UNCTGTG
Relic Scythe Finished
Aegis Currency Finished
Drk Job Profile

#47 May 11 2005 at 2:23 AM Rating: Default
29 posts
I don't post often, and never in these type of threads, but enough is enough. I have seen so much of this flaming lately, ITS A GAME, sure its more than a game to some, but for crying out loud, enough attacking each other. If you guys have problems with one another take it to PMs, /tells in game, or just /blist and move on.

I don't know many of you well, you probably don't know me. I don't care if Unctgtg (or anyone else) buys gil or not, if he does, its his problem and take solace in the fact that you earned your gil legitimatly. Anyone who buys gil isn't concerned with a sense of accomplishment, nothing we can do about it, these people will always exist.

All that I ask is stop the FLAMING! I usually wouldn't speak up about this, but I am fed up with it. I play the game to have fun, and when I see all this fighting and personal attacks, it makes me wonder where the fun is. Remember have fun...thats what this game is for. Anyways, everyone else go HAVE FUN!!!!!!
#48 May 11 2005 at 2:34 AM Rating: Default
69 posts
now show me prove....Can you prove that I do..

Nothing to be proved, it is blatantly obvious. and

Peachy or anyone who received help from him, UNCTCTG : I WONT respond to your post or even read it for a simple reason,"omg he helped me so i have to stick with him no matter what, even if i have to S U C K his Annal of truth "
so dont even bother to post what you think abt me because i do care..... NOT

Owen your not even worth my breath because I won't drop to your level.

why? because you already down below my level? how many times u said this? I D I O T

#49 May 11 2005 at 11:41 AM Rating: Decent
Unc I have to point this out though....

At least Majastic spoke to you about those points in a mature civilized way. *stares at Owen*

And he didnt leave vague comments anywhere, nor did he noot explain things and just opsted with the intention of flaming/causing more arguemnts *stares at Owen*

And his 200M calculation isnt that far off... you proved it yourself...

BUT Owen how come backing someone up is licking a$$? Through every post I see Airamis (sp?) comment/post in he almost ALSWAYS makes valid points. Yes, he is a friend on Unc, but he is not making vague comments, lacking explanation of his points made, posting fo rthe intention of causing an arguement...

However, I look at every time I see you post... You fail to contribute to ANYTHING. You throw accusations around at various people, add snide comments to boost your post-count. I have never once seen you add, positively, to a post. you just lower the tone and degrade it.

Oh but wait am I licking a$$? OMG!! I SUPPORTED PEOPLE!!! ¬_¬

It's ironic that the blm in the OP is extremely similiar to you in his last few comments... So before you flame me/other posters/Unc, think about this... Do you HONESTLY think people will look at you with respect IG? Do you honestly think people will care about your opinions IG? Do you, honestly think that they will invite you, after readin your posts IG?

Action = Reaction...

And yes, I do think you're an a$$hat and a n00b (meaning you cant be helped and are full of your own feaces)

Sorry this didnt contribute to the topic Unc, others. But I felt some things neede dto be said with th b1tching.
#50 May 11 2005 at 12:16 PM Rating: Good
396 posts
Why is it that you people don't know how to spell "***"? It's not that hard...... a + s + s = ***. *** *** *** *** donkey.
#51 May 11 2005 at 12:58 PM Rating: Decent
177 posts
roflmfao..omg.. <3 khasim^^
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