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Bring Peace to our World??Follow

#1 May 02 2005 at 8:45 AM Rating: Good
2,112 posts
Ok, Most people on this server know who I am, or has heard of me. This topic may or may not have any bearing what so ever but if it changes one person's view then it did it's job. I really didn't want to post this at all, but after a weekend of really just pissy people it warrants a posting. If you want to rate me down so be it. Some of these topics have been covered before, etc. I will not give names as I dont' want to ruin anyone's rep.

Well this weekend was my weekend to be nice to stranger day. I mean I helped just about anyone that asked for it or I see someone screaming in Jueno for help...within my power I could do it.

Sunday, someone was shouting for help with Rank 5, just the Castle Oz part, and I was like ok, that's fine I'll help since I can do it with my eyes closed. now this mage had no map and I saw him shouting for a good 30 minutes. As most people know that there are some yagudo's that will hit a mage very hard while in the cut scenes next to the doors, so that means death...Well we get to the magicite and I noticed there was another higher level helping someone out as well. Well while the two younger level mages were in a cut scene I struck up a convo with the blm level ?? but had full AF so I know he was 60+, and could DII (warp II) because my mage that was with me forgot his instant warp Scroll. I was like ok whatever, so I was trying to help him out by finding him one. this is how our converstion went.

me-hey what's up
Blm-nothing much just doing rank 5 for him
Me-cool you on your last part
blm-nope gotta do davoi
me-cool at least your almost done
blm-yep then off to level again
me-hey can you do me a favor, can you DII this mage for 2k
blm-NO, So F%%k off you stupid azz noob

Now I know a lot of mages would love to give a DII for 2k. Now keep in mind I was paying, just to help out a lower level. Did the blm have to do it no, but did this warrant a lip lashing-Hell No..a simple no would have worked. Now when the mage I was helping asked, hey could you help me out of here since we can't find a DII, I was like sure. He did ask what the blm said. I lied and told him that he didn't speak any english. Now I shouldn't have lied about the blm but I want the rdm I was helping have faith that there are still good people out there. Maybe I caught this blm on a bad day but come on now.

Now what I want to say is BE nice god dang it. Stop acting like your an ******* with a stick so far up your azz that we can see it coming out your mouth. Use the Golden Rule, not the I'll use you rule.

Topic 2 that has been really really bothering me. This I have posted in other forums as well. Everyone knows the basic party set-up or one everyone wants.. Pld or nin, ranger, DD, whm, blm, rdm....Now this brings me to my topic. GUYS there are way to many other combos out there, that work just as good if not better so stop waiting on certain people to show up and complaining that you can't form parties. For example if you don't have a ranger take a thf, neither of those take another DD. No tanks take a war/nin. have the other DD voke off the war/nin to get his shadows up, etc. Yea we know that everyone wants the Distortion SC but there are others out there. So what you get 200xp per kill and only get a chain 3, and have to rest instead of getting chain 4 and having to rest after that.. Now is that better then not getting any xp at all, and just complaining.

TOPIC 3-If you haven't leveled a certian job to a certain level and know the struggles of this then don't say a word about it. I am sick and tired of hearing about people saying this and that about a job to come to find out that they haven't even leveled it or opened it. Stop saying a certian jobs sucks...SE made the game balanced that every job is needed and has it's strengths and weakness. Most of the time it's the player that makes or breaks the job. I have seen some really aweful players that make the job look bad and two days later that job is totally uber because that player knows what to do.

Topic 4-teach the newbies how to play. I wanted to test something out this weekend on my mule. I wanted to see if there were any good people out there, so I staged a set-up and I shouted why won't this person talk to me, talking to an NPC. I also shouted it took me over 30 minutes to learn to move. Upon instantly I had 4 people helping me, but two other people were just down right rude. Now I was at the Sandy AH and I know there are a lot of different level people out there.

Newbie-someone that doesn't know a lot but is willing to learn.
Noob-someone that thinks he knows everything but in reality doesn't know ****, and will not learn.

Basically we are in a community here people. Stop trying to Lie, cheat, and steal your way to the top. You will fall. Help others out when you can and you will be greatly rewarded...Maybe not today but soon.

Edited, Mon May 2 09:54:36 2005 by UNCTGTG

Edited, Mon May 2 09:56:10 2005 by UNCTGTG
Relic Scythe Finished
Aegis Currency Finished
Drk Job Profile

#2 May 02 2005 at 9:21 AM Rating: Good
180 posts

Aye, what a punk blm. Rate up, as I see you helping others a lot, and you're one DRK I can be proud to call a friend.

I agree, though. People get so caught up in their high leveled activites, they forget how it was to start this game, if you didn't know anybody. I remember first going to valk, and being taught by Sarq and Idealodin how to be a good tank "Just spam provoke, we'll be happy with you." And they still help me out now as a lvl 61 DRG with stuff... that kind of thing seems to be getting hard to find.
#3 May 02 2005 at 9:45 AM Rating: Decent
177 posts
I agree with alot of what you have said here. Yes, sadly there are alot of cruel, selfish, think they know alot but know nothing people in the game. It is nice to know that there are some of us out there that are willing to help others with nothing to gain personally.
Rate up also =)
#4 May 02 2005 at 10:16 AM Rating: Good
110 posts


Yup, its the people that can make or break you in games like this matey.

I have helped people in the Castle part of R5 and suicided myself to keep agro off of the doors.
If i were higher lvl i would do more but at the moment there is not much a lvl 52 Rng can do, i do like running around Valk helping get Sub-job items if i got time, and camping certain lvling grounds for Gob trains etc.

Like life, there are good and bad people. Its just the bad ones we remember most of the time which is a real shame.

But dont worry mate, its the good ones that will keep our world ticking over.

The way you handled the helping situation is good, that one player will know that there are people out there who are nice.
Also, hopefully it will show him to treat others in the same way. Thats the way i play it, that one person you dont show respect and coutesy to may be the player who could save you or help you next week,next month or next year.

Yes there are some people who are just plain jerks and cant be helped from their own stupidity....that is why my /blist is getting bigger by the day, but if they call for help and im around...i wont even hear their screams as they go down.

/evil grin

dont let them bring ya down mate.
there are some in this world who are with you even if they havent met you.



#5 May 02 2005 at 11:08 AM Rating: Decent
151 posts
On the flipside... some people are very demanding of blms. When on my blm I get a tell sometimes every 15 mins in busy areas to break off and D2.... and they expect it now not at the end of the chain... if you say no they get offended and rude. Though every 15mins doesn't happen everywhere. Usually its every 30-45min XD Mind you that doesn't warrent his reaction. He should have at least shown some respect. Sometimes I say no cause I'm getting too many D2 requests. I'm not a D2 service. I'm there for XP. ^_^;

There are other stories I know of that other blms experienced... on particular blm was called to sky for an XP party. Then it ended up that the party only called her for D2s... she was pissed and just warped herself. >_>; Can't blame her really. ^^; BLMs go through a bit of crap like that unfortunately. So I can understand how some people get a little disgruntled... at the same time though yes should show more respect.

On the concern of party atructures though:

I agree. Some XP is better than none. I've accepted chain 2 parties just to get XP many times. XD lol I complain a lil but eh at least I'm getting some xp :p I hate others whom only ever accept chain 5+ parties... uhm, don't be too picky people. >_>; Relax, have fun. And invite a few friends along so you have people to ***** with. :D

Edited, Mon May 2 12:09:25 2005 by Chibihibi
#6 May 02 2005 at 12:29 PM Rating: Decent
47 posts
I'm not the highest blm on the server, but my rule of thumb is as follows.

If I'm in a pt, I'm busy, don't /t me for a D2. Now of course I'm much nicer then what that blm did. I just say "I can't, I'm currently partying." I feel bad if I leave a party just to D2 someone, even if I'm helping someone out with a quest or what not.

Now if I'm not anon and I'm not in a party, then I'm usually willing to D2 someone, getting gil in return is just a plus :)

Topic 2: I love being in parties that don't follow the rule. Cause usually those are the parties I end up with the least amount of down-time. People do need to explore more options more.

Topic 3: I'm guilty. I've done this before, but mostly in jest. I enjoy telling RDM's that they're jobs aren't are good as mine. But I enjoy conversation and that starts a good discussion :X

Topic 4: I don't know about eveyrone else. But if someone in a main town is shouting for some help and I'm there I usually give them a /t if I know the answer. But I don't find myself in the main towns much anymore. Only to craft it seems.

I always try and help someone out if I can. I'm just happy that I'm starting to get to that level where I can help people out. (finally)

And that's my 2 gil.
#7 May 02 2005 at 2:55 PM Rating: Decent
265 posts

finally someone speaks up about the lack of nice people on this server.

With the warp thing, the best feeling to me being a mnk, is when after 5hours of seeking for a party i finaly get a pitty invite from high lvl that usually feels our pain in the 50s, is when i shout or ask for a warp, or something like that, i get a np free tell when i trade. To some of us that really means alot. However, being an *** bout helping really is not cool. always remember what goes around comes around.
now im usually a nice guy, i will typically make a dunes PL run for the 12-15 pts a couple nights a week. I think if people are nice about things on this game it would be funner in the long run, instead of being exclusive and trying to prevent people from getting better. A simple tell from a 60+ when a newbie is asking for help goes a long way for them. I remember when i use to ask questions all the time, and getting tell answers from high levels it use to make me feel so tough afterwards because they usually said some nice things to me about what i was trying to do, or my job (mnk)
#8 May 02 2005 at 5:51 PM Rating: Decent
115 posts
hear hear!

topic 1: Just plain wrong.. I even change my job to whm when I see people shouting in Jeuno for teleports, or when I'm walking around, I'd be more than happy to give a teleport-Altep since it's the closest/savest to a town you can get. I can understand that when a blm is in party, they'd like to finish chains or don't want to give you at D2 at all, since it can be annoying, but don't be an *** about it.

topic 2: Had the best of fun last time in Yhoator Jungle while leveling nin. Setup was weird. nin, nin, bst, smn, rdm, brd.
As the night was progressing, we ended up with nin, nin, bst, rdm, rdm, rdm. I had a great time ^^ capped throwing aswell.

topic 3: I'm a mnk. I heard a lot of Monk = Too Weak / No Thanks! so, I'm not treating other jobs like that. Drg is too underappreciated imo anyways.

topic 4: I won't PL when I'm walking around as whm, I won't respond to tells for PL. but, whenever I see people shouting for raise / questions in town / an occasional cure, sure, I'd pass them out, send tells.

I strongly object against PowerLeveling since the place where it happens most is the place where most people learn to party..
Valkurm Dunes....

The effect about this is that when a player arrives in Qufim Island (or Yuhtunga Jungle for that matters), and are without a Pleveler for the first time, they don't know jack about their abilities, hate control or stuff like that.

and as a High Level cook, I'd be more than happy to help anyone out with some dishes. Just send me the Items, and I'll send you the dish (breaks are on you, HQs are yours aswell).

Take Care ^^
#9 May 03 2005 at 8:08 AM Rating: Decent
2,112 posts
Last night I was leveling my thf in Gustav tunnel level 39-41 were the party set-up. We had one person that was ******** bout xp and mobs we were fighting... Sorry if I sounded like an *** last night Muhawa. yes I do agree that I was an *** but you said that I bought my account...That pisses me off.

But anyway we get a pld, another blm, and a for 2 1/2hrs straight this party was way uber...I'd take 150-200xp and have fun leveling over 200-240xp and be pissed off and not having fun. I even made 4 new friends last night.

Bout people putting down jobs...Yea some jobs don't get a good rep...Like Dragoons, Monks, Sam, Darks. But once a certian job reaches a certian level oh well now we want you to party with...Like me being a higher level's like oh now that I hit 66 now everyone wants me.

My suggestion to some people is take what is available and have fun. Don't always spend hours looking for the uber set-up and be nice when your partying.

Relic Scythe Finished
Aegis Currency Finished
Drk Job Profile

#10 May 03 2005 at 8:23 AM Rating: Good
1,701 posts
Some of the most fun I've had experiencing has been with untraditional setups. I was in a party in the bay awhile back that was 2 smns, a whm, 2 rngs and a thf I believe. No voke. Most people would have turned down doing that, but I'm glad I did. I made some good friends that night and also got to party with some other friends I normally wouldn't get the chance to. And I might mention, it was some of the best experience in the bay I've had.

I've also recently had a part that was rdm, blm, blm, smn, smn and nin doing weapons. It was a little tough on the ninja but there was absolutely no melee willing to party that night. So we made due with what was there and suprisingly, it worked rather well. Over time as people left, we started to form to a more traditional party and experience picked up when we replaced one of the blms with a thf. But getting that group out there, at least for the few hours that nothing was looking, we all got some experience.

As far as your blm experience, I don't expect people to say yes all of the time (though in that situation, it really made no sense), but at least be nice about it. The other night I switched to whm to teleport a friend to dem. As soon as I got there I warped back. In that time I got about 3 raise requests for the dunes and 2 party invites. Only one person from each group was nice about me saying no. It was late, I was tired, and was just doing a friend a favor before heading to bed. Had it been earlier in the day, I would have been more then happy to head back out to the dunes to raise everyone. I know the fustration of not being able to get a raise when someone doesn't have their home point set close by. But I have never taken it out on someone who was too busy to do me a favor, and as someone who spends quite a bit of time farming sheep in the dunes for the sole purpose of being close to help people out when they need a raise or a link killed, it bothered me to get that kind of reaction. I wish I remember the name of who was nice about it because I would like to thank them for being understanding.
#11 May 03 2005 at 2:21 PM Rating: Good
I heard you asking about the delivery service guy not talking to you in Sandoria. I figured you were just somebody's mule tryin' to mess with people. ^_^

Pace wrote:

finally someone speaks up about the lack of nice people on this server.

There is not a lack of nice people on this server, one look at the size of the "Ragnarok's Finest" thread will confirm that. I think there are more nice people on this server than most others.

Edited, Tue May 3 15:29:39 2005 by Eekiki
#12 May 04 2005 at 7:41 AM Rating: Decent
2,112 posts
Yes I do agree there are so many nice people on this server. Seems like everywhere I go now people wave and smile.

Last night I was leveling my thf 40-42 in East Altep. FYI very nice xp fighting goblins near the oasis, If you get sick of CN.

But anyway I go out to pull and I see a carby fighting a goblin I was like ok, thinking nothing of it and I see some smn over on the side resting so I checked him to see if he needed our help...

Azzhat to me

Azzhat: Damn Goblins are so annoying.
Me: Yea, what can we do though
Azzhat: STFU you low level noob
Me: ???
Azzhat: Get out of my way and don't check me you noob
Me: Do you even know who I am...67drk so back off, and how does that consider me a noob.

At that point it was just a simple

/blist add "name"

Yea ok he might have been having a bad day but oh well he got Blisted. Now to me this smn was no higher then 55 I am guessing because he had no gear 56+ and only had a couple AF gear and was a rank 4. He will learn coming up in later someone posted above, what goes around comes around.

Also last night was probably my second or third really good Party set up in the last two weeks that involved NA, European, and Japanese players. Every single one of them knew what to do and we had a very unortidoxed party set up.

Last nights party.

Sam/Ran-NA plus this combo was doing uber...could spam WS's from Great Kantana and still spam Ranged WS.

In the end for the last hour we got a rdm/whm. Now usually everyone wants a rdm from the start but for 2 1/2 hrs we had no downtime whats so ever. Only downtime we had was when we ran out of mobs to pull. Our whm only dropped below 400MP twice just because of the bombs..

Relic Scythe Finished
Aegis Currency Finished
Drk Job Profile

#13 May 04 2005 at 12:31 PM Rating: Good
128 posts
To the OP on the BLM

EVERY blm has one of those days, that they will not D2 anyone. Don't take it personal, its just one of those things. 2k for a D2. When I am standing around? Sure why not. But for everyone that offers to pay, there are dozens that do not and expect you to do it.

Common rules that BLMs use regarding D2:

1) Warping you at the expense of my party. Never. You wait or walk, it's not fair to my party to blow a chain and waste MP on you.

2) Warping you, when I am farming. Asking for free-you may get it. Make an offer, it's appreciated. After all I am out here trying to make money too. (most just do it for free btw)

3) If I am on anon, that means I want to be left alone. Don't check me. Then send me a tell beggin for D2. And if I say no, don't get mad.

4) You come to me (unless you can't safely). Nothing annoys a blm more than having to run a zone over to D2 someone... for free at that.

Like I said every Blm 40+ will go through one of those days. Depending on how the feel they may fire off may not. I imagine Whms have it worse.

Respect goes both ways.

Just because I have a service spell, does not make me a servant.

Edited, Wed May 4 16:11:13 2005 by OmegaManOne

Edited, Wed May 4 16:11:45 2005 by OmegaManOne
#14 May 05 2005 at 8:26 AM Rating: Good
1,701 posts
You can have one of those days and turn down doing it, but there is no reason in the world to lash out at someone when turning it down without being provoked. I can see if the person just keeps bugging or even lashes out first. But it doesn't hurt to be polite when saying no. After all, you never no when you are going to need that person's help.
#15 May 06 2005 at 4:29 PM Rating: Decent
479 posts
Rate up, just read OP...
#16 May 06 2005 at 6:29 PM Rating: Decent
724 posts
Im not even gonna say anything about topic 1~3, otheres pretty much covered, but topic 4.. UNC man!! thats just Mean and funny!! wish i was there next to ya and laughing my *** off..... man if you ever do that again!! tell me!!

Anyhoo , bring peaces ppfftttt.... if theres peace.. how can my Tetsu's Wacking/Smacking Company gonna keep alive and feed our childrens:P... Oh yeah we are hiring by the way^_^...

Wacking list
#1 BigBolo
#2 Kawabara
#3 Hotdaddy (so I can kidnaps hotmama)

Edited, Fri May 6 19:35:23 2005 by narusegwa
#17 May 08 2005 at 4:59 AM Rating: Decent
Lmao Un, I guess you think you're really "the ****" these days.

"Most people on the server know who I am."

Wow. Just wow. Someone in my LS told me a story about how he partied with you. You were telling everyone how you had the stage 1 items for relic scythe all ready, and you then showed my friend in trade that you had a ridiculous amount of money (he said ~20 M).

Funny thing is, I've NEVER seen you camp anything, sell anything, craft anything. Which makes me believe that you are a gil-buyer.

Making all these threads about how terrible everyone else is and how we should "have peace" is laughable. There are asshats in the game, and you're one of them because you support the gilsellers that monopolize many of the money making opportunities in this game. Why don't you tell everyone how you made a profane thread on my LS's forums when you heard that some of us didn't like you? Or did you forget that in your 600+ posts?

Rate me down all you like, it's just a number. I'm letting the truth out.
#18 May 08 2005 at 8:27 AM Rating: Good
Actually, when I was lvling in Crawler's Nest in that ballsack room a while ago, he was there farming that Guardian Crawler and all the Maze Lizards *shrugs* Anyone can make money if they know what they're doing.
#19 May 08 2005 at 8:29 AM Rating: Default
69 posts
"Ok, Most people on this server know who I am, or has heard of me."

Yeah..A gil buyer who love helping out everyone ?
#20 May 08 2005 at 10:03 AM Rating: Decent
42 posts
lol doesnt he have a kraken club too? no amount of helping people will make up for the fact that you buy gil....and a sh*tload of it.
#21 May 08 2005 at 10:14 AM Rating: Good
2,112 posts
Lol you guys are so funny...I have never in my life bought gil, I have a car payment, House payment, and other bills to spend my IRL money on...Seems to me the very same people that think I am a gil buyer are the very same LS that I pissed off. Oh he did this oh he is an azzhat.

Reason I have 500 whiteshells and a few is I have been collecting them since I was like level 55+ because I knew I was going to upgrade relic scythe.

It is so funny how people will call you a gil-buyer because you know how to farm, craft, NM hunt and spend your time doing other things, unlike most of the people I know. While some people are spending days on end camping HMN's and fighting over a stupid god..I am busy making my gil other ways...instead of waiting on a god drop.

This topic is Kraken club is on loan until my friend comes back from IRAQ so I don't own one, and a majority of you I don't like anyway because most of you have your head stuck so far up your azz because your a higher level...

Just remember who got you there. Higher levels before you....

Edited, Sun May 8 11:21:05 2005 by UNCTGTG
Relic Scythe Finished
Aegis Currency Finished
Drk Job Profile

#22 May 08 2005 at 11:47 AM Rating: Decent
69 posts
"Just remember who got you there. Higher levels before you...

Your point?
#23 May 09 2005 at 12:04 PM Rating: Decent
1,058 posts
'The point' is really pretty obvious.

Everyone was level 1 at some point. Everyone was a total newbie at some point. Everyone was totally clueless at some point. And at somepoint, someone, higher level, stepped up. 'The Point' is the fact that this game is 100% designed to require players to help each other. High and low. You are where you are because someone helped you.

Too often, too many high levels forget the person that helped them get their skull in the dunes. Or the people that helped them get their Kaz keys, or their AF. Too often you see them runing around, acting like they own the place. You got to the level cap the same way everyone else did, and eveyone yet to do so will. On the shoulders and backs of those who helped you. So many forget that small fact.

I can't count the number of times I hear "I can't wait until I'm high level so I can help out more!" only to hear the same person tell someone to bugger off when they are asked for help as a high level. That's assuming they even reply at all.

I was going to say something about UNC not being a gil buyer, then it dawned on me that I really don't know. he says no. So I believe him. Why wouldn't I? I can't prove he isn't, I can't prove he is. So all I can go on is his word, and so far he's always kept it to me, so why should I doubt this.

If someone could provide me with a copy of his PayPal transactions or Credit card reciepts proving he is, then by all means do so. Post them up. But if you can't, they you can't say he is a buyer with any more certainty than I can say he isn't. Simply put, You have no proof and are simply throwin out accusations. Why? jealousy maybe? Only reason I have ever seen for false accusations.

I find it endlessly amusing, that a person creates a thread, to show how far this server (actually not just us, FFXI in general is a joke when it comes to the level of childish behavior compared to other MMOs) has fallen in terms of basic kindness and simple courtesy, and it's invaded by unfounded attacks, personal insults, and a general nastiness. Funny, but all you did was prove him right.

#24 May 09 2005 at 1:39 PM Rating: Good
142 posts
Ummm I gotta say this cayuse I got quite angered...

Fuzekazuki ~ Unctgctg .... Notice a pattern?

Both are highly proficient players, both help out with lots of things (Fuze is a merc, and Unc just offers lol), and guess what?! Both have been accused of gil-buying!!!

To be perfectly honest... what is up with you guys? Do you accuse people of being gil-buyers cause they are better than you? Because they like helping? Because they are better people than you?

You can neither prove/disprove an accusation, all thats left is bad blood. Honestly, I think its unfair that n00bs accuse proficient players with gil-buying when the actual fact is that they do it themselves. Unc offered to help me with my G1, he didnt say "give me 30dollars on paypal and i'll help you" or "give me 100k and i'll help you", he just offered help if he had the time when i asked. WHOA!!!! CALM DOWN UNC!!!! STOP BEING SUCH A NCIE GUY!!!!!!

Seriously though n00bs and n00bettes, (even if you are higher than me doesnt mean you cant be a n00b,) level a bit more, find out by personal experience more about the game not what your b1tches tell you.

Also you say you've never 'seen' Unc camp/farm... You have a camera on all NM pop's do you? You have a bot following Unc?

That's a breach of the ToS isnt it?.... anywho...

How can you say that you've never seen him? Well duh? Who follows people on here? (cept the people who follow the game char models that hey have fetishes over @.@) and if you do, you're onhe sad, sad, little person.

"Most people on this server know who I am, or has heard of me"
That isnt arrogance, that's a fact. Those who check the forums know Unc, those who have been helped by Unc know him (lots of peeps no doubt), those who have heard of Unc by malicious rumours have heard of him. And going back to the gil-buying/gil-seller, how does helping lots of people out make him one?

Seriously go back to kindergarden, elementary school, and then grow up again. You need to get your logic and people skills upgraded, not to mention your overall common sense.... asshats....

Oh and just so you know I'm Sifuspike [52WAR/26NIN HAVE IT!!!!!!!] in the game so feel free to flame me if you're that immature...

#25 May 09 2005 at 1:58 PM Rating: Decent
1,058 posts
Ya know, just on a whim I went cruising through all the other MMO forums here at Allakhazam. Care to hear what I discovered?

I saw, with some exceptions inthe EQ2 forums about the announcement of the Station Exchange system, virtually NO ONE complaining about companies like IGE. Odd, since Eq, EqII and EQOA are ALL games that IGE supplies gil for. As well as SWG, WoW and the list goes on and on and on. Yet, virtually NO POSTS about them.

More, I didn't see a SINGLE "So and So is a <insert currency name here> BUYER/SELLER!" rant thread.

Also, I can't think of a single post that personally attacked another player at all on any other forum.

But, come to FFXI forums, and it's like fifth grade all over again. No wonder people have such a low opinion of people who play FFXI.

I can log on to FFXI, as a mule and go level and it amazes me the abuse I take. I can log on again later as my main and 66 RNG and the same people ask me to party, ask for help, etc. But as my level 7 WHM..I couldn't BUY help if I wanted to.

But I log in to SWG and my little, unimportant, unfactioned, Level 3 Scout can simply walk PAST a level 80 marksman and they'll ask if they can help me. They'll invite me to group and then proceed to teach me an endless number of things ( In SWG players teaching other players in game skills is a huge way to save money). This person didn't know me, recieved NO benefit from it, and had no real reason to help out other than he saw a new player and thought a couple of skills would help me out. he even refused when I tried to /tip him. I went from being lost ( there are several languages spoken in SWG which you can't understand unless someone teaches them to you)to beign able to understand every language in the game, gaining 3 weapon skills and two new weapon abilities. All in short order becuase someone was just being nice. In fact, he was in the starting town BECAUSE he wanted to spend some time helping out the new people.

Here, I can think of exactly ONCE in the last three months a higher level bothered to stop and throw a little help my way when I was leveling a low job or a mule.

What's with the people that play FFXI?
#26 May 09 2005 at 2:34 PM Rating: Good
Yes this game has some mentally challanged people. People like to steal, cheat and lie to get what they want. And they are usually the first people you see shouting for help.

I always like the posts from people that need help for things and need an ls cause they got kicked out of a few. They try to get pity, but they got kicked out of a few for a reason.

I use to help alot of people. I lvled my whm to 61 and spent months and months helping people after that and all the times before. But I remember when i needed help to get my af, people seem to just disappear. So after having my whm at 61 for about 6 months i picked up ranger and took it oto 75 by myself, no set and did all my af with a 75 blm. I decided that I would only help a selected few and everyoen else can just bite me.

Is that wrong, well maybe, but there is nothing i hate more then spending my time helping someone to only have them turn their backs when i need help. this happens too frequently in the game and in real life. Is it so hard to return favours.

Its is so hard to believe that their are good people in their world, people that dont have hidden agendas but just want to help people. And the only thing they ask for is one day you may be the one needing help.

Life and communtity games like this (art immitates life) has caused me to lose all respect for people and lose all hope in society.

I am going to hate to see what we have to look forward to in 20 years.
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