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Dynamis lsFollow

#1 May 01 2005 at 8:51 AM Rating: Decent
Anyone interest to join a dynamis ls? and is lvl70+ and able to attend at EST saturday morning.

just tell kristin or dbeeo

if no reply usually means afk...
#2 May 04 2005 at 8:11 AM Rating: Decent

Who pays for it? Lotting rules? Current members?
You just don't say "Join my Dynamis ls" without explaining all of that there's too much money involved.
#3 May 04 2005 at 8:16 AM Rating: Decent
2,112 posts
I think it would go like other dynamis LS rules...everyone pays their cut unless someone sponsers it and then they get the money drops....and on AF-2 only loot on job that you have in there currently.
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#4 May 04 2005 at 9:25 AM Rating: Decent
oops, my mistake, forgot post about the rules stuff.

just go to for the rules

usually will either pay by distribute evenly, or pay by ls if drop 100 currency from previous dynamis
#5 May 04 2005 at 3:23 PM Rating: Default
Ahhh, you're that ls that uses algebraic equations for your rules that we all make fun of in our shell XD

#6 May 04 2005 at 5:41 PM Rating: Decent
724 posts
thats mean liq-.-...
#7 May 12 2005 at 9:27 AM Rating: Decent
151 posts
There are some good people in that LS, Liq. Show a little respect please. This was one of the pioneer dynamis LS'. DCA and WaW were the first that brought NAs to dynamis. This is WaW.

So please show some respect. Its a landmark LS for NAs.
#8 May 12 2005 at 3:08 PM Rating: Default
Respect? For what? They operate no different than a McDonalds. Anyone gets in people are kicked on a daily basis. One shouldn't really need a doctor's note to excuse missing playing a game.
#9 May 19 2005 at 8:07 PM Rating: Decent
12,846 posts
stuff like this makes me not want to lvl up past 60 ;-; Dynamis should be fun right? all i ever hear is how much drama there is in HNMLS and how mean so and so is :(
#10 May 20 2005 at 2:35 AM Rating: Good
1,137 posts
I agree with Niobia, I think I will stick to crafting and playing bst. I play FFxi to have fun and to reduce my stress level.
#11 May 20 2005 at 11:14 AM Rating: Decent
151 posts
I'll admit there is drama but also some great experiences.

Anyway. Liquinas. Here's the problem. This is a game with people. Sometimes if a certain number of a certain job misses an event... that event can't happen. And they don't have to say why when it ruined an event for 30+ others?

I'd say they should have to at least give an explanation. Because it is out of respect. If you got an excuse like RL in the way or something... no big deal. But if you decide you just want to go XP and ***** with everyone elses plans when they are expecting you to be there... well, that is disrespectful.

That's why these rules for these LS' have been put in place. Those that take advantage of it "being a game" and don't give a damn about what the rest wish in the LS wish to do. Lets just say... the sour and disrespectful few ruined it. Which is how it always goes in groups.
#12 May 20 2005 at 11:32 AM Rating: Decent
12,846 posts
I have actually started to lvl BST (I die alot ;;)
3 cheers for crafting LOL.
I have heard the Dynamis storyline is interesting - I also know some of the people in some of the HNMLS are quite unpleasant (Immaturity could be a huge factor) on the same token some of those people are Gems.
Everyone who plays ffxi has been ****** over it just seems more common in HNMLS - someone lots on something when it wasnt their turn, someone goes to lvl instead of doing an event, someone gets threatened with being kicked out if they dont go from 58-70 in 3 weeks, someone thinks that they are God and can be rude to people because they are in a HNMLS, so and so isnt a team player, so and so is bossy to the mages when she is in Dynamis and she has never played a mage job (ie: BLM nuke this blah blah forget recast timer)
IF all of this is so wonderous why do these people whine and complain so much...
I remember awhile back looking forward to applying to be in a HNMLS and quite honestly everything I have heard has scared me off. The best thing about this game is the friends you meet. With a HNMLS because you need a certain amount of specific jobs you have to let in ********* :(
*havent applied to any hnmls. I just wanna craft, farm, lvl, make friends, help people. yeah yeah I know af2 drops in Dyna - right now ID rather get my cool bonecraft shades and be able to make scorp harness for my friends*
#13 May 20 2005 at 11:41 AM Rating: Good
89 posts
Chibihibi wrote:
I'll admit there is drama but also some great experiences.

Anyway. Liquinas. Here's the problem. This is a game with people. Sometimes if a certain number of a certain job misses an event... that event can't happen. And they don't have to say why when it ruined an event for 30+ others?

I'd say they should have to at least give an explanation. Because it is out of respect. If you got an excuse like RL in the way or something... no big deal. But if you decide you just want to go XP and ***** with everyone elses plans when they are expecting you to be there... well, that is disrespectful.

That's why these rules for these LS' have been put in place. Those that take advantage of it "being a game" and don't give a damn about what the rest wish in the LS wish to do. Lets just say... the sour and disrespectful few ruined it. Which is how it always goes in groups.

Another /random Post made by me.

My 2gil:

My LS has strict rules and we all seem to get along quite well. Without rules, there would be chaos. We have to set strict rules in order to progress. I know its just a game, but its a game where you are working with alot of people in order to make one thing happen.

When you are in an important event, you need people who are willing to listen and do their job when told. When one person doesnt listen and starts to spam in the LS, that's when the problems start. I usually give them a warning first, then they are on strict LS probation. If they do it again, I tell them to leave that certain LS event until further notice. If they do not do as told, then its just /breaklinkshell. Plain and Simple.

I dont do this because I'm trying to be mean. I do this because I dont let one person ruin it for everyone else who's trying to get the LS Event done.

I think of it this way, even if I kick one person out of the linkshell because of his behavior, there will always be another person who is willing to listen and make it happen with the LS.

Here's a spam of some LS Rules we follow:

1: If you cant take orders from one person, then this isnt for you.
2: When the leader says die, then die. (Rather have one person die, then let him round around and mobs kill everyone else there too) (You WILL take a R1 if told to, otherwise, have fun Home Pointing)
3: If you cant make it to a LS Event, usually /tell the leader or second person in charge a day or two ahead of time. Unless its a real emergency, which we understand.
4: If you are ONLINE, you MUST be there for the LS Event. No Exceptions. There is no reason why you joined the LS to do LS Events if you are going to be ONLINE and NOT THERE.
5: If you are caught ONLINE and NOT at a LS Event, you are given One warning. Second Warning means LS Probation. Third Warning is a /breaklinkshell until further review from all LS members. (Never got to step 3 yet...)
6: When you join a LS to do LS Events, its kind of like real life (kind of...). You are given a job, be there on time, do your job right, a mistake may mean a verbal warning/write up... Do a few more mistakes, and you may be FIRED.

Thats just a few of our LS's Rules. And it seems to be working since day one. Great players, smooth work flow... (knocks on wood)

So my 2gil: I'd rather have a LS with strict rules and have everyone obey them, then to let a few rude people who cant seem to understand or follow one persons rules ruin the fun stuff for everyone else. d(^.^)b

Edited, Fri May 20 12:45:23 2005 by Xenger
#14 May 21 2005 at 1:33 AM Rating: Decent
well, xenger and chibi did help me point out(i'm the type that lazy reply.....)

fyi, if does not have these rules... you will see a sandoria dynamis with 0 blms attend. A new comer blm come in then lot away blm af then disappear forever, and **** those other blm who come for 100 times but still couldnt get a single af.

#15 May 21 2005 at 2:37 AM Rating: Decent
151 posts
Yeah its really a few that ruined it for the rest with dynamis and other ls' ;_;

But tbh, in reply to Xenger I should say: sometimes people need a break from events. We all do sometimes. It should be ok and accepted. Its not a job after all and is a game. But of course... should not just take a break without mentioning anything asap.

Should prolly at least warn your LS if you can't make it. Why? Cause people expect you to be there. And you may be a needed job, or in low quanitity, etc... Don't want to ruin everything for others because people weren't notified, right? >_> Gotta be fair on both sides really, imo.
#16 May 22 2005 at 8:08 PM Rating: Decent
12,846 posts
4: If you are ONLINE, you MUST be there for the LS Event. No Exceptions. There is no reason why you joined the LS to do LS Events if you are going to be ONLINE and NOT THERE.
5: If you are caught ONLINE and NOT at a LS Event, you are given One warning. Second Warning means LS Probation. Third Warning is a /breaklinkshell until further review from all LS members. (Never got to step 3 yet...)

My question is what if that persons mule is online setup as bazaar but they arn't "there", does that count?
#17 May 22 2005 at 9:08 PM Rating: Decent
well, this is depends. if that person did manage to inform to the linkshell sack or pearl holder by some sort of way he cant able to attend due to some(acceptable) reason, this is not a big deal if mule is there but real person is not right there, which wont be given any warning(to me).

i put my mule 24hr 7 days a week online =.=;

#18 May 23 2005 at 9:56 AM Rating: Decent
2,112 posts
Just like that happened to me this Saturday, My family came into town and I let my Stackholder know via, POL, Message and also let second in command know Thursday, Friday and a reminder on Saturday, that way teams could be formed without me.

But from Xender post, yes strict rules are very much needed in an area like dynamis. Seems to be working rather well. Granted I die sometimes but of the 6 runs I have been on we have beated them all but 1, and that 1 was someone that didn't listen and got us all killed not once but twice.
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#19 May 23 2005 at 4:55 PM Rating: Decent
724 posts
OMG-.- when did people make play games as a job-.-.. this is a game. not job!! since its a game, so i can play the way i want.. i dont need someone tell me what to do-.-..

I do go to ls events, but i have missed ls events too, why.. cuz im busy with other stuff i want do when im on.. some time i want go lvl my other jobs, or do some crafting, so i miss the ls telling me I cant do that.. ********** this is not a JOB!! and Telling your LS leader day or two ahead? what if i over slept, you telling me you gonan gimme a warning. I got a great ls. we do Dynamis every wednseday and sunday.. Guess what i usually dont make on sunday-.- cuz its weekend.. and i dont go sleep til 6or 7 in the monring and i dont feel like get up in 3 hours doing dynamis.. Its my life.. I dont need you to tell me I need get up in 3 hrs to do this cuz you expect me there.. its weekend. i want relax!!

At end, I would like just SAY , THIS IS a ******* GAME!! NOT A JOB!!! get over it.. if you take the game that seriously.. Go out get a ******* life-.-.. you play this game for fun.. and try to relax ..
#20 May 24 2005 at 8:58 AM Rating: Good
89 posts
narusegwa wrote:
OMG-.- when did people make play games as a job-.-.. this is a game. not job!! since its a game, so i can play the way i want.. i dont need someone tell me what to do-.-..

I do go to ls events, but i have missed ls events too, why.. cuz im busy with other stuff i want do when im on.. some time i want go lvl my other jobs, or do some crafting, so i miss the ls telling me I cant do that.. ********** this is not a JOB!! and Telling your LS leader day or two ahead? what if i over slept, you telling me you gonan gimme a warning. I got a great ls. we do Dynamis every wednseday and sunday.. Guess what i usually dont make on sunday-.- cuz its weekend.. and i dont go sleep til 6or 7 in the monring and i dont feel like get up in 3 hours doing dynamis.. Its my life.. I dont need you to tell me I need get up in 3 hrs to do this cuz you expect me there.. its weekend. i want relax!!

At end, I would like just SAY , THIS IS a ******* GAME!! NOT A JOB!!! get over it.. if you take the game that seriously.. Go out get a ******* life-.-.. you play this game for fun.. and try to relax ..

First reply goes to Chihibihi (is that how you spell it?), I understand that people need breaks from LS Events. We only do 2 LS Events A Week. That's 2/7 Days of the week. Majority of the times, it doesnt take more then 3 Hours, if that.

Second, this reply goes to Narusegwa:

I understand that its a game and you can do whatever you want whenever you want. I was just pointing out my 2gil. I understand that sometimes people cant make a LS Event because of Real Life situations.

But to join a LS that was only formed to do LS Events and not be there? I only set strict rules so everything flows in a orderly manner. Have you ever been in a LS Event where there are no rules? How'd it turn out?

My personal opinion, I'd take a strict rules LS over a LS who had no rules anyday. You can still have fun while obeying to the rules. LS Rules are just set up so everything goes according to plan.

Narusegwa Quoted:
At end, I would like just SAY , THIS IS a @#%^ING GAME!! NOT A JOB!!! get over it.. if you take the game that seriously.. Go out get a @#%^ing life-.-.. you play this game for fun.. and try to relax ..

YES, it IS a game. But what do you do in the game? You pick a job, and stick to it. You have your own characteristics and personality, which applies to your job. You dont do it correctly, something may go wrong. If someone fails at doing their job correctly, then the LS Event may fail, thus you have just spent countless hours doing NOTHING.

BTW, Who's flipping over a /random forums post? D:

(FYI, I have nothing to do with this "Dynamis" LS Posting. I was just giving my 2gil)
#21 May 24 2005 at 9:24 AM Rating: Good
1,701 posts
Rules are great. Lotting rules even better since it keeps things fair. No disrespect meant though, but needing a math degree to figure out when you can lot just seems to make things more complicated then they need to be. Obviously it works for a lot of people though, otherwise many of these linkshells wouldn't use this method. It's just not my thing.

No matter what rules you set in place, it's going to seem unfair to someone and they aren't going to like it. Go with what works for you.

Nio, it's not all bad past 60. There are now plenty of linkshells doing these sort of things and while for some it may take hopping a few times, it is possible to find one that fits your personality.
#22 May 24 2005 at 9:57 AM Rating: Decent
1,254 posts
/em starts keeping tabs on tetsu....

-.- stop lvling rng let me catch up :D
#23 May 24 2005 at 10:36 AM Rating: Decent
724 posts
lmao:P sorry Jaffar, just trying to get to 75 asap;) and mwaahaaa, almost got all AF done, duod everything with casafrass (*hugs*) so far xD
#24 May 24 2005 at 2:47 PM Rating: Decent
Xenger > is Chibihibi XD

Tiffie >
just for me, number can shows great and easy understable result to members. engineering student like numbers, a answer with number is easier to solve than bunch of unknows and had to intergrate them XD

one of main problem for dynamis ls is that some member keep yelling coz some people will either only attend the area that they need for their af, then never come help on other area to let people who need it pass dynamis. Or some people just come once in a while within the minimum requirement attendance. while other people are showing up almost most of time. (well this fxxx me up too.... sometimes might cant enter dynamis due to super low attendance... wtf only 20ppl show up like this =.=)

in conclusion...if you dont like my rule, just dont join it
#25 May 24 2005 at 3:31 PM Rating: Good
1,701 posts
Your conclusion was sort of why I made the comment to Nio. Some are under the impression that those are the only rules that exist and will either avoid doing the events or end up causing problems in the long run by non stop complaining because they don't like it. It's great that you are posting here and giving many the opportunity to try it out though.
#26 May 24 2005 at 9:20 PM Rating: Decent
my bad habbit... always like to use "skip+fast reader" way to read post. didnt read clearer the another half of the postXD
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