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#1 Apr 26 2005 at 7:36 PM Rating: Default
Ok, some of you might know me and some of you might not, most of you have probably seen me shouting in jueno for the past month or so (Fusekazuki) and i am sick and tired of the "he's a gil seller" rumours, i have been playing this game longer than most of you peeps (ever since NA release). This was loong before the gil seller problem, i therefore miss the old times without IGE and their ******* posse. Therefore if you don't know me, don't accuse me of being a gil seller or spread rumours, it's rude, disrespectful and irresponsible.

The only reason i'm writing this today is because i was recently camping Aquarius for a client (didnt get it though, one of my mages decided to ditch me without giving prior notice -_-) and i ended up dying (didnt collect any payment since client didnt get his axe). Next thing i know i see Splinter running past me and he /tells this to me:

Splinter>> haha [Too Weak] [Warrior] Gil-seller, [Death] [You can have this] /laugh

This coming from him was the final straw, why? because just last week he was ******** at me for being a f*cking moron becausei /slapped one of the LS-gang several times in lower jueno and told me how immature i was. the next day we were in dynamis bastok together and for some reason he got a pearl into the dynamis LS i was in. Noghri sends him a tell and he goes berserk, shouting at noghri in /say for bothering him

"f*ck off u gil buyer, dont f*cking /tell me ever" (or something along the lines).

Please be more responsible with your rumour mongering (if such a term is... valid)
#2 Apr 27 2005 at 3:12 AM Rating: Good
135 posts
just blist and move on
i never thought you'd be a gil seller in the first place, i always thought of you as a spammer =P
#3 Apr 27 2005 at 3:54 AM Rating: Decent
Well Kudos to you.
Seems posting here is proof enough for me that you are not a gil seller.
Not that I ever think you were ^^.

However you do have an alternate way of making gil in this game wich may confuses people.
I myself have seen you shout alot in jeuno for you're Mercenary services and I must admit was tempted to ask you for you're help.
However I always seemed to managed myself at the last straw hehe.

Anyways as the previous poster said /add bl and move on.
Don't let it get to you.
This game is way to much fun to let people like that get to you.
I like to think as long as you cool with the people you care about in game , you set.

Now go play Rambo and earn yourself a couple of mil :P
#4 Apr 27 2005 at 8:44 AM Rating: Decent
Twangz wrote:

The only reason i'm writing this today is because i was recently camping Aquarius for a client (didnt get it though, one of my mages decided to ditch me without giving prior notice -_-) and i ended up dying (didnt collect any payment since client didnt get his axe). Next thing i know i see Splinter running past me and he /tells this to me:

Splinter>> haha [Too Weak] [Warrior] Gil-seller, [Death] [You can have this] /laugh

i knew Splinter. what i mean by that is, Splinter and i have known each other in game since day 1. We leveled together, we /befriend each other, did what any FFXI friend would do together. Then one day he said he was selling all of his gear and was quiting. he said he didnt know when...

so i see him in jueno one day, i wave to him and /check him.
i get spammed with /tell's.

Splinter>> F*** You! Dont F***ing Examine Me.
Splinter>> you f***ing n00b
etc etc etc

i was like, uh ok? whats up with you? and he told me it was his "friend" who has his account now.

what i am trying to say is, THATS NOT THE REAL (ORIGINAL) Splinter! Thats Someone Who Bought His Account!!!

The reason why i am /anon is because i just dont want to be known. i really just hate to see someone give the character "Spliter" a bad name. Also, it makes me mad that someone would buy an account. GO BUY A GAME AND LEVEL IT YOURSELFS. ITS PEOPLE LIKE YOU THAT GIVE THE GAME A BAD NAME.

thats all. (>.-)>

Edited, Wed Apr 27 09:45:10 2005 by AnonPost
#5 Apr 27 2005 at 10:38 AM Rating: Decent
724 posts
OMG!! someone accused fuse a gil-seller O.o ... Fuse is in my ls,. and i know he's not a gilseller, he helps out people to get stuffs done:) how could you consider one of the nice people on this server gil seller-.-.. just because they camp for NM doesnt mean they are ******* gil sellers. anyhoo fuse, Blist him or as your put it
/em put them on grill and light it ;) (O.o)

#6 Apr 27 2005 at 6:05 PM Rating: Decent
As far as I'm concerned, a /anon post is just a bump.
#7 Apr 28 2005 at 10:05 AM Rating: Decent
112 posts
Splinter's accouunt is not bought. His brother is in our LS, so that character gets umm "whored" out on occasion <.<
#8 Apr 28 2005 at 3:45 PM Rating: Decent
724 posts
yeah O.o couldnt we BBQ fuse anyhoo, I mean he always grill our tarus, its time us Tarutaru to BBQ himxD
#9 Apr 28 2005 at 5:14 PM Rating: Decent
20 posts
fuse dont worry what crapy ppl think about you we know you good player makin money through helpin ppl this isnt wrong or bad ^^
and about splinter this guy is *** blist is not even enough for ppl like him just if he bother you blist him with slap

i told him stfu+blist once before i was goin to ballista then i signed with the wrong team so i canecled my sign and tryed to sign again but didnt work so i warped [and still 15m for match to start+already enough ppl start ballista]
he sent me tell good job ******* match canceled cuz of you

what you expect from **** like him lol....
AND match didnt canceled and wasnt goin to be
oh and before i blist him he sent sorry im hum/rdm/female and thats not my charcter so looks like this charcter is whored like what someone said

Edited, Thu Apr 28 18:16:12 2005 by darksephiro
#10 Apr 30 2005 at 4:17 AM Rating: Decent
Fuse a gil sellar? O_o?


Ah dun worry about it Fuse, I've never heard of anything like that abotu you. You'll come out just fine.
#11 Apr 30 2005 at 5:22 AM Rating: Decent
Dont know about u selling gils (y u care about it?) but i heard u are one of the top SG gil-buyer from my friends -_-;;.

(a long time friend)

Edited, Sat Apr 30 06:28:05 2005 by SGbeastman
#12 Apr 30 2005 at 9:23 AM Rating: Default
ur long time friend big dai ji ar? mai kow peh ok, buy gil ur lam par ji, i dunno u, u dunno me, ur friend dunno me, u got balls tell me who ur friend is, next time i go back singapore gum his lan with crowbar
#13 Apr 30 2005 at 11:02 AM Rating: Decent
802 posts
BoogerTaru wrote:
Splinter's accouunt is not bought. His brother is in our LS, so that character gets umm "whored" out on occasion <.<

LOL, that is so true..... kinda miss him (--;

O ya and about Fuse cooking Tarus, Its my fault. \(>...>
#14 May 05 2005 at 2:37 AM Rating: Default
First of all i didn't call you a gil seller, i said i prefer to see gil seller get aqua over you, why? because your an asshat you were rude as **** when i met you on my main char and were rude to a few friends of mine, your a greedy *** who only cares about getting what he wants and what he needs, as for the dynamis issue thats none of your business, he sent me a very rude message and i responded if you dont like the way i responded black list me and move on with your life.

As for the xenger aka mr.anon you talk alot of trash for a guy who hasn't worked on his char once, maybe if you didn't have your brothers level your jobs you would have peoples respect, you would be amazed at how many people think your an idiot, 2nd of all that was on my other char and i didn't want you checking me and i told you, of course you exagerate the truth i sent you 1 simple tell saying {/check} {no thanks} and you did not wave to me you saw me run by and you checked me, and i chose to tell you that because i made a choice not to associate myself with asshats who think they are the best and boast about things they didn't work for, and as for your little comment of "you saw me in jeuno one day selling all my gear" that was on yraec when i had all my gear bazzared because i couldn't stay ingame any longer and i was quitting for a while, that was months ago, and splinter pretty much ruined his rep when he ****** HNM ls over and stole thousands of gil from people which i talked to each and everyone of them and told them if i had the gil from items he sold they would get paid back.

If you want to talk about harrasment why dont you tell everyone how you saw me zerta and kluyasofuya in boyahda tree skilling up, and you began to insult us and talk trash, of course i'm sure one of your many ******* demonspawnmaat told you about the tell i sent him earlier that day, i'm sure what he didn't tell you is that he deserved getting blacklisted for leaving our pt when we reached ro'maeve because he wanted to go do a CoP mission.
You talk way to much trash, i think you need to shut your mouth and not give your opinion, you lost that right a long time ago by making the choices you have.

As for the rest of the people who will read this, everyone that knew splinter knows that i have told them i am not the real splinter i am a friend of his i have no need or reason to live under false pretences, and i had a nice chat with splinter the other day when he was at his parents house and used his bros char, and if you are not aware of the issue and whats going on you also have no right to voice your opinion, get the facts from both sides and then say something.

Edited, Thu May 5 03:42:09 2005 by soniquefan
#15 May 05 2005 at 4:36 AM Rating: Decent
69 posts
Yraec? lol.. just lol, everyone know he is a D . I . C . K. nobody likes him anyway no wonder why he uses splinter


Edited, Thu May 5 05:50:24 2005 by OwenTheGreat
#16 May 05 2005 at 8:44 AM Rating: Decent
89 posts
soniquefan wrote:
First of all i didn't call you a gil seller, i said i prefer to see gil seller get aqua over you, why? because your an asshat you were rude as **** when i met you on my main char and were rude to a few friends of mine, your a greedy *** who only cares about getting what he wants and what he needs, as for the dynamis issue thats none of your business, he sent me a very rude message and i responded if you dont like the way i responded black list me and move on with your life.

As for the xenger aka mr.anon you talk alot of trash for a guy who hasn't worked on his char once, maybe if you didn't have your brothers level your jobs you would have peoples respect, you would be amazed at how many people think your an idiot, 2nd of all that was on my other char and i didn't want you checking me and i told you, of course you exagerate the truth i sent you 1 simple tell saying {/check} {no thanks} and you did not wave to me you saw me run by and you checked me, and i chose to tell you that because i made a choice not to associate myself with asshats who think they are the best and boast about things they didn't work for, and as for your little comment of "you saw me in jeuno one day selling all my gear" that was on yraec when i had all my gear bazzared because i couldn't stay ingame any longer and i was quitting for a while, that was months ago, and splinter pretty much ruined his rep when he ****** HNM ls over and stole thousands of gil from people which i talked to each and everyone of them and told them if i had the gil from items he sold they would get paid back.

If you want to talk about harrasment why dont you tell everyone how you saw me zerta and kluyasofuya in boyahda tree skilling up, and you began to insult us and talk trash, of course i'm sure one of your many ******* demonspawnmaat told you about the tell i sent him earlier that day, i'm sure what he didn't tell you is that he deserved getting blacklisted for leaving our pt when we reached ro'maeve because he wanted to go do a CoP mission.
You talk way to much trash, i think you need to shut your mouth and not give your opinion, you lost that right a long time ago by making the choices you have.

As for the rest of the people who will read this, everyone that knew splinter knows that i have told them i am not the real splinter i am a friend of his i have no need or reason to live under false pretences, and i had a nice chat with splinter the other day when he was at his parents house and used his bros char, and if you are not aware of the issue and whats going on you also have no right to voice your opinion, get the facts from both sides and then say something.

Edited, Thu May 5 03:42:09 2005 by soniquefan

first off, dont point fingers. that isnt me. second, i thought to myself that this is a forums and i shouldnt care much about it. but damn! Yraec, as for you, you always been... whats that word i am looking for... D|CK? you want to talk about being rude? look at yourself in the mirror first before you start talking? what's wrong with having my brothers play the same game/char as me? (Note: its only a game, dont be all *butt* hurt about it? Coming from the person who use to have his cousin play Yraec also? and now you say me? but wait Splinter, errr i mean Yraec.... isnt that a dumb comment? D:)

Advice: SE did give you the option to turn chat filters on/off. yes? did you give up your right to use that?

As for boyahda tree, I began insulting you? I wasnt even playing at that time. But I was there watching my little brother play. For all I know someone examined you, then you turned into some psycho maniac spamming slurs at everyone. (I think a nice, could you please not examine me? would of been good... Or maybe read the FFXI Help Guide and learn to turn Examine Filters OFF?) If you need help finding it, i'll be glad to help you.^^ if you still cant find it, please try first. :D

anyways, i'm tired of insults online, tired of people in FFXI like you. tired of it all. and if you didnt know, i quit FFXI a long time ago. yes my little brother plays my character now. its no one but him. i quit playing since like maybe 07/2004? so why dont you do us all a favor, if you dont like whats happening to FFXI or the people there, [Please Check It] Maybe they will care?

Oh yes, also you said i dont play my own character? I let others play for me? Please dont talk about what you dont know. Tell you what, i'll log on today for fun. Why dont you do a /sea all Funkenstein. that would be ME. My own character i played with before i quit. (MIEN MINE MINE!)

Yraec, i dont see why you should be calling anyone rude and a$$hats. please really look in the mirror first. you are what you say... YOU are very rude. YOU yell at everyone that comes in front of you, unless its someone who kisses your behind. i dont say that just for me, i say it for everyone else that has come face to face with you.

There's people that think i'm a idiot? well good for the 3 stooges that run around with you. (Note again: it only a game) yes i understand that there will be players that will hate some things about you. but there are many others that will respect the things you do and say. So basically Yraec, THEM > YOU. You can think what you want of me, or say what you want of me. I'm not going to waste my time on something as childish and foolish as some little guy 2000 miles away from me talking about me over a game like FFXI. do as you wish, but no more replies from me.

for everyone else that knows me well in FFXI knows that i barely play anymore. <- the real Xenger that started the character and owns the game.

best wishes to you Yraec. ^^ /rant off

Edited, Thu May 5 09:46:29 2005 by Xenger
#17 May 05 2005 at 9:10 AM Rating: Good
2,112 posts
Only reason I shout that I offer help for free over Fusekazuki (when I see him shouting) is I don't agree with the way you make your gil...never have I thought of you as a gil seller just someone that likes to offer your services for a amount, instead of being nice to help out. I bet you people didn't charge you coming up threw your lower levels for help.
Relic Scythe Finished
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#18 May 05 2005 at 11:48 AM Rating: Default
69 posts
Well Unctgtg... at least he doesnt buy gill
#19 May 05 2005 at 11:57 AM Rating: Decent
2,112 posts
Dude, Owen get off the ******* subject...I have never and will never in my life buy gil...I actually believe you do...your just trying to point the finger at other people.

Edited, Thu May 5 12:57:47 2005 by UNCTGTG
Relic Scythe Finished
Aegis Currency Finished
Drk Job Profile

#20 May 06 2005 at 2:23 AM Rating: Decent
I dont think Fuse is a gil seller , he talk too much like a singaporean to be one >_< . For your info most of the gil sellers are based in china.

#21 May 07 2005 at 11:32 AM Rating: Good
34 posts
You know if we continue to call people names and blame people for such things no ones ever going to get anywhere. I thought players wanted Ragnarok to be a better place to play?

Yes everyone is entitled to there opinion and methods of gaining gil. If someone buys gil thats there personal business, to some people time is more valuble than money so they buy gil. Thats there issue and theres no way we can stop all the gil buyers so stop wasting your time acusing people. As for Fuse he chooses to offer his help for gil, many people even on these forums complain that theres never any help out there, well here he is, stop *********

Personally I beleive help should come at one price..../befriendship..but as I stated before everyone is entitled to there own opinion.

Edited, Sat May 7 12:34:40 2005 by Kusan
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