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I still love this game :) - long post -Follow

#1 Apr 18 2005 at 4:10 AM Rating: Good
110 posts
Ello there :)

Well while our beloved Ragnarok is down again >< i thought i would do somthing that i have been wanting to for a while now.

This forum has gotten bogged down with to many flames and storys of scamming and other such stuff i was worried that me and few of my friends were the only people out there who still enjoyed and loved this game world we inhabit.

I been playing since a week after US release(had to wait a week to get it imported to the UK), and you know what...i STILL LOVE THIS GAME !

I have played a few other MMORPGs in my life but this one is still going strong in my book.
I was telling a friend in game the other day that I have too many things to do at the moment, and its true. From getting my crafting lvls up, lvling Rng and Sum. To getting some quests done in Bastok and getting the Proms finished so can explore the new lands that im missing out on.

And thats not even the half of only Rank 5 so i have not seen half the story and most of the world that is out there for me right now..and ive played for over a year.

Yes the server has had its problems due to inflation and what not..i wanted an Ebow till the price went through the roof so i gave up the idear because i know that i dont need it to be great. Im a great player anyway and a bow dont make my actions better; I DO :) so the econemy is screwd yes.
And yes there are some people out there that have even put me off of partys due to the mentality of a six month year old hamster, but i still log in everyday and have fun.

At the moment im raising my leather skill, raising summoner and trying to get the proms done. When and if im ever done with those ill be raising my Ranger and going after a better Rank. However im not looking to do all of this in a week, i made a promise to myself not to go for the big time in the shortest time period even though it can be done..rushing through games like this for me is not cool.
I have seen people burn out and have lost friends because of the way the game world can afect them. So i dont mind taking things nice and slowly.

Even when there are one hundred other things to do in game i make events for the guild i lead, setting up Quiz nights which have become a nice BloodGuard tradition.
Im lucky that i have had a great bunch of people in my guild, i dont know if i could have made it through some hard times without them. I always thought when i created the guild in another MMORPG that it should be like a family and in many ways it is..which is another reason why i love playing this game. For all the bad people out there ive met, there are more nicer people than the bad.
so dont give up on humanity when you have had a bad night.

This game is going to be around for a long time to come. Lets all enjoy it as the great game that it is. Wether your high or low lvl take a few moments to look around in some areas and see some of the little touches that have been put in. Leaves falling from trees, rainbows shining forth etc.
It does'nt just have to be about killing everything as fast as you can to get that "Greatness" you have been longing for....

So many things in this game are great and beautifull, try not to let the bad things get you down...because its just a game even though there are human elements and interaction with real people, if somthing gets you down treat it like real life. Ignore it, take a break and find something else for a while, wether its a day or a week. What you liked will always be there waiting. Dont let it get you down !

sorry for the long post ... Just somthing i had to get off of my chest. I have been playing for a long time now and will continue to play till the servers go down perma.

anyways....there proberly is no resounding point to this post but i hope some people understand the message.

have fun out there and if you see a Ranger or Summoner running by /wave ^^


#2 Apr 18 2005 at 9:18 AM Rating: Good
I have seen people burn out and have lost friends because of the way the game world can afect them.

So true.

But I suppose thats the games fault, it offers so much to the people at the top and so little to the people at the bottom, and those of us who are in the middle get a taste of both worlds. (Im lvl 60 and still feel low lvl)

some people go crazy lvling because they want to fight an HNM or be able to wear koenigs. others prefer to take their time and do proms or craft and farm. so if you get a friend who only lvls and a friend who only crafts, in some cases, it wont take long before they dont speak often.

so the econemy is screwd.

GIL is the creator of all evil on FF, ***** the shadowlord he's a choirboy compared to GIL.

I say this because GIL has messed almost everything up for us.

I despise GIL for one main reason, it brings everything I hate in life into the game. arguements, scams, jealousy, paranoia and hate. and wherever theres currency theres someone who will try to manipulate it.

and its turned a game, infact something thats more than a game into something im finding hard to do.

but puting all that aside this is were I come to chill out after a day of college or to speak to friends when I feel down.
its an everyday vacation and I love it.
so dont expect me to quit anytime soon unless I'm forced to. ;)

peace to the Bloodguard and long live Ragnarok.

#3 Apr 18 2005 at 10:42 AM Rating: Excellent
356 posts
Bloodbathrich! /wave ^^
So many things in this game are great and beautifull, try not to let the bad things get you down...because its just a game even though there are human elements and interaction with real people, if somthing gets you down treat it like real life. Ignore it, take a break and find something else for a while, wether its a day or a week. What you liked will always be there waiting. Dont let it get you down !

I always thought when i created the guild in another MMORPG that it should be like a family and in many ways it is..which is another reason why i love playing this game. For all the bad people out there ive met, there are more nicer people than the bad.
so dont give up on humanity when you have had a bad night.

I really needed that today, the human interactions in this game are rough. Just like RL, lies, deciet, slander, I'm so glad the LS exists, cause they are just like you say, a close knit group of friends. Without them and their support, there wouldn't be a DVAS in the near future.

There's too much greatness about this game, and many of the people to just leave it, and I'm not out till I find the story out behind it, and get as many others to the truth as well. Rate up for /comfort!
#4 Apr 18 2005 at 12:11 PM Rating: Excellent
788 posts
Preach on, brother. This game still is great and I see myself playing for a long time. Even the obvious problems aren't enough to keep me away! and Quiz night kicks ***.

p.s. Sup Zar? How ya been?
#6 Apr 18 2005 at 6:38 PM Rating: Excellent
724 posts
thanks:) bloodbathrich.. I need that, i been feeling sick about this game lately..all the bad things happened:) i really need that:)

/cheer Bloodbathrich
#7 Apr 19 2005 at 1:01 PM Rating: Excellent
110 posts
hey guys,

Thanks for the nice replys im glad to see that they helped a lil if only in a small way.

I just wanted to let people know that its not all doom and gloom out there, there are some people like me and others that still have a fond passion for the game and all things in it.

So fear not, your not alone out there when there are problems with people and partys. The problems may not go away...but neither will we :)

enjoy and see you out there on the feilds

#8 Apr 19 2005 at 1:09 PM Rating: Good
well we did have a slight problem today ; ;

emergency maintenance for 4 hours. it was supposed to be 3 but something obviously came up.

just when I was getting thf to lvl 26 ><
#9 Apr 19 2005 at 11:41 PM Rating: Excellent
110 posts
Aye server down, with all the talk of attacks on the servers i dont mind about downtime just so long as our world is being made secure.

And they are updating it with some VERY cool things as well.
Xp rate, new JSE etc.

So even though i wont be able to play for a couple of days after work now(EU prime time><) i dont mind it being down because i think of the greater good it will acomplish.

So last night was cool with me.Caught up with some reading and homework and sorted out a few nagging computer problems hehe, all of these things normaly get pushed to the side when the pull of the game is on me ^^

#10 Apr 20 2005 at 12:05 AM Rating: Excellent
574 posts
I agree after taking a much needed break for a month or so i find this game to be the best on the market.

The quests actually have cut scense and story line witch for me is something that puts this game heads above the others. .

Sure the economy is a bit inflated but its really not that bad on our server. Think of the other servers where a haub costs 3+ mil. I don't even want to think of thier shihei prices. making money on this server is still relitivly easy because the price of goods you farm has increased with the inflation. I consider it kind of good in a way. I remember at NA release when goods were still deflated and seeing 10-100k was a big deal to us. Now it's kinda nice to relise you can make 100-400k in a day or so.

There is so much to do. CoP was a great expansion, with lots of new story line and content to be seen. the promyvion missions are great fun to do with friends or anyone, as they break the monotany from the daily grind and give you some challenge besides seeing how many beetles you can squish before your eyes bleed.

Over all there is so much to do including crafting, farming, quests, missions, and LS related activities I don't see how someone can get bored with it. It's something new every time you log in.
#11 Apr 20 2005 at 12:17 AM Rating: Excellent
412 posts
*raises a glass with Bloodbathrich*

You know, they say art imitates life. The challenges and struggles and gripes and problems we face in this game are the same as in real life. Inflation, money problems, dishonest people, managing relationships, managing our time. That's all there, but if you can overcome it and find a good group of friends, there are great rewards to be had.

Ultimately it's the people and community that make FFXI what it is. It's a team game. There's no real way to go through solo, all the way. Even BST. I guess that's why when people get upset about stuff, like the "Confirmed Scumbags" thread, well... we're just trying to look out for the integrity of our community I guess.

But... gil and items aren't everything. High levels aren't everything. Who you play with is everything, unless you're a BST. But you know, solo BST gets pretty lonely too. At least find a good duo partner -_^

btw /wave Grizz!
#12 Apr 20 2005 at 4:04 AM Rating: Excellent
Now look what you made me do Rich.
I had to create an account on Alla to reply to you're thread.

Yes Bloodster , alot of what you say is true.
This is not a race to 75.
There is so much to do in this game,that sometimes I don't even know were to start.
I agree there are alot of scumbags out there,but there are ALOT more awesome people on Ragnarok,more than we will ever get to know.

Let me say this:
Whitin the Bloodguard we know perfectly who you are.
You as a leader are what binds us and holds us together.
When you are offline due to you're work or any other reason,you are o so quickly missed.

As for all of you Ragnarokian Alla posters:
If you happen to see Bloodbathrich running around somewere,please do give him /wave or a /cheer for he certainly diserves it.

As for myself:
/em raises his glass of Glenn to Bloodbathrich and his Bloodguard.
May all of us find what we are looking for in Vana Diel and have a blast doing it.

/cheers and GL to all of you
#13 Apr 20 2005 at 2:08 PM Rating: Good
Aye, I also took a break for about a month due to school, and actually thought I was done for good. But the community in this game is far and away the best of any MMORPG on the market today, so I had to come back.

The people in my LS, and many others I've met on Ragnarok, are among the most wonderful people I've ever met, online or offline. Yes, there are jerks. But jerks are unavoidable no matter what you do. I have a fantastic group of friends on Ragnarok, and they always overshadow any bad stuff the jerks do.

The only real frustration I have is not being a high enough level to really help others, but I'm working on that. ^_^
#14 Apr 20 2005 at 3:11 PM Rating: Excellent
110 posts
Aye, i have had to take a few breaks from the game, i took off a couple of months in the summer last year due to burn out.

I kinda went overdrive(you wouldnt know that from my lvl though lol) and had a few problems in the guild that made me think twice about my leadership.
That was the only thing that was game related that took me away...but at the same time it was one of the things that brought me back.
It may sound over dramitic but the family i left behind was more important than the people that drove me out.

These days when i cant log in its either my health or work, but my first rule is and will always be REAL LIFE FIRST.

The quests are great, the rewards could be much better but its Final Fantasy, every NPC has a story and i just love finding out any information that i can on the various bits and bobs that have gone on in our world(overly english statement lol).

The quest cut scenes are amazing, when doing my Magacite mission i found my breath nearly taken away as the story unfolded. Dont want to spoil it for anyone who hasnt done the quest but those three scenes were pretty intense....and i was told that it just gets better with the Zilert missions.

As for the Promithia....WoW. i have only seen the main ones at the moment aka chaptor 1 and finaly finished Prom-holla a couple of nights ago...simple put;amazing!.

...ok..the urge to play rising, but as we are down again im gonna read some Tad Williams with a bottle of red wine.

its nice to read the words of other Ragnarokians here and know that there are more people who apreciate the game still :)

peace out guys :)

#15 Apr 22 2005 at 7:25 PM Rating: Decent
321 posts
Beldin slaps Bloodbathrich silly

I kinda went overdrive(you wouldnt know that from my lvl though lol) and had a few problems in the guild that made me think twice about my leadership.

Blood, you have got to be the best leader on this game. I would follow you into the pit of hell and beyond. theBloodguard is loyal to you and would throw thier lives away (in-game) if you asked them to.

Never underestimate your leadership skills. Never second guess yourself.

What makes a good leader is the ability to act quickly under pressure and follow a plan through, even if its wrong, because its what YOU believe in!

I know the entire guild would back me up, so I feel comfortable speaking for EVERYONE when I say this.

Now, go grab a bottle of whiskey, the leash, and talk your dog for a walk and find yourself a cute girl!

(Captain Beldin to the rest of ye scallywags!)
#16 Apr 24 2005 at 9:13 AM Rating: Good
110 posts
hehe thanks Beldy,

It is damn good to have the one and only Pirate back in town...though Rum deposits have since been depleted :(

just hope you get to prove yourself in the next Bloodguard Quiz night ^^ hehe

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