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have you heard about BLM 68 with out Sleepga II? >_>;;Follow

#1 Apr 03 2005 at 4:54 PM Rating: Default
hello enjoy with listening...
today Monday Date 4/4/2005
i was in Lower Jeuno seeking for xp party 3hrs ago and still no invite i just got /tell from my friend WHM 65 that he need help with ZM6 i told np i have nothing to do im just waitting for xp party i help u with ZM6 bcnm Anticans and the party was (2 RNG / 1 PLD / 1 WHM / 1 SAM / 1 BLM) and were off to do ZM6 we went to Quick Sand and that area with Circle to join bcnm 3 Anticans PLD / RNG / BLM we said lets kill the BLM antican first and told for the BLM to Sleepga II others and he did Sleepga I with out Elemental Seal and btw, all this he is lvl 68 his name Auronsan the BLM 1 killed me with Mana Font 2hrs (Flood / Torando) and i take 1000+ dmg of points and dead i and others dead too just RNG & WHM runaway out the bcnm after all this i ask the BLM... why u dont cast Sleepga II he said i dont have it -_- what a n00b BLM 68 with out Sleepga II u know that Sleepga II important to do bcnms.
and what the next things he did....!?
he cast Warp on him self and leave us here in this ***** place and he just harrassed everyone in /tell when we sent him a tell u know much n00bs in "Ragnarok" that they did mistakes and they harrassed us too
i just blacklisted him and btw all members was in party for bcnm did that too. so what do u think about all this happend to me and i help them free too with out reward i did this bcnm 7 times with random people and we won everytime -.- but this time i have nothing to said about that n00bie BLM <That's Too Bad"> thats all i can say now thx for listening...
and i'll be more carful with random people atm that was a mistake to join n00bs people like that BLM ; ; see you again.[Red][/Red]
#2 Apr 03 2005 at 9:26 PM Rating: Good
135 posts
well, the way he acted was very selfish. but you can't expect everyone to be good and have every single spell. the last i checked, sleepga II was over 500k and the quest for it requires an alliance of 70+ in boyahda.
#3 Apr 03 2005 at 9:38 PM Rating: Decent
455 posts
>.> I once did that KS30 BCNM scorpions... And we got this BLM Cerbus.. and we died... cause at lvl 75 he didn't have SLeepga II.. not only did he NOT have it, he had done the quest, and SOLD THE SCROLL >.>.
#4 Apr 04 2005 at 3:29 AM Rating: Good
151 posts

Sleepga II is a necessary spell.
* Without it nobody will want you in dynamis nor for BCs. Plus you will make links in XP parties that much harder. It is also necessary in a number of other cases.


Erase is a necessary spell.
* You will use it. A lot. It is necessary. Even in lower levels. "Blackmage gains the effect of Dia." Oh crap -_-! I know its expensive but please save for it the best you can. You will need it a lot.


Dispel is a necessary spell.
* Lots of mobs will use effects that reduce physical or magic damage. You must dispel all these amongst other things. Will it dispel blink/utsusemi? No, use a -ga spell for that (unless other mobs are around). But in many cases it is still very necessary. Less expensive of the 3 but still expensive enough that it stops some RDMs. GET IT or I will never invite you again if you don't have it. ^_~

Ok? Ok.

Hopefully this clears it all up. ^_~
#5 Apr 04 2005 at 4:50 AM Rating: Decent
48 posts
well, the way he acted was very selfish. but you can't expect everyone to be good and have every single spell. the last i checked, sleepga II was over 500k and the quest for it requires an alliance of 70+ in boyahda.

Actually, yes you can expect people to have spells like this. This is one of the few black magic scrolls no BLM should not have.

The NM does not require a full alliance of 70+. You were severely misinformed on that. When I went it took 4 people to kill the NM as well as dealing with the surrounding Steelshells.

*Edit I couldn't agree more with Chibihibi*

Edited, Mon Apr 4 05:53:34 2005 by CrimsonHunter
#6 Apr 04 2005 at 4:42 PM Rating: Good
128 posts
At risk of my rating I will weigh in on this...

<,< (checks rating)

Looking at sigs we have a PLD, WHM/BRD, DRG, Morn has a 75 BLM and RDM. Being this is my main I will speak to the matter but not defend him.

ES-less Sleepga? WTF? ok thats just dumb.

@68 not having Sleepga2...well first off how did he get to ZM6 without it? ZM4 should have required that? What rank was he? Who set the party up that didn't check to make sure you had everything.

I personally did not have ga2 till I did Rank 7 and probally 63ish. Some BLMs can't farm worth a damn (I include myself in that)and when we hit 50 alot of stuff comes into play, Staffs (150k+ NQ..HQ u can imagine), Gear, Spells(non refundable), Elem. Torques (900k+), Pen. Rope (1 milish), Druid Slops (600k+)... so on so forth. Point is all Jobs have expenses some cut to get the essentials and avoid the "luxury gear." Does that make them a noob? or is it the player that makes up the difference.

Now this guys behavior- Noobish yes, very. Maybe an account buyer.

I personally know of a Ranger @ 70, that I believe is. I will not however disclose his name. Till that time I just wont party with him. But to throw out names cause a guy pisses you off seems a bit wrong to me just my opinion.

As for everything else some spells are required Dispel, Erase, ect. Some are not (spikes, most AM, poisonga). And some are circumstantial. For BCNM, Rank7+, ZM Sleepga2 is needed.

Lastly, In some areas sleepga2 or 1 on links (Bibiki Bay, Rabbits anyone)is not only a bad idea but you usually end up dead.

Edited, Mon Apr 4 18:18:49 2005 by OmegaManOne

Edited, Mon Apr 4 18:25:15 2005 by OmegaManOne
#7 Apr 04 2005 at 9:49 PM Rating: Decent
403 posts
Well, at least the BLM in the OP didn't have someone else log into his account in order to get the quest done for him.


On the other hand, if a specific item/spell is needed of someone, I'd ensure that someone has the item/spell before proceeding to do anything. Can't assume that everyone has all their gear/items/spells.

I wouldn't defend the BLM in the OP, but I'd say that an assumption was made, and that in itself is a mistake.

Edited, Mon Apr 4 22:53:47 2005 by ChemoshPrime
#8 Apr 05 2005 at 9:20 AM Rating: Decent
151 posts
Well for erase i can't always expect a WHM to have it unfortunately. Cause the vast majority do not have it until the high 60s in levels. But by the time you reach dynamis + HNMs/tiula it is a requirement. Sorry, but it is. Some WHMs do not understand how useful this spell really is so believe that 500k is not worth it. To be honest... I used to share this view when I was newer to the game and had not seen everything that I had. Wish I could expect it... but initially I was also at fault. But mid-50s I got it finally (while I was leveling brd got it through BC40 o_o).

But for dispel and sleepga II? I used those right away at the level. But true, I had more gil at the time >_>; I'll agree though that in many leveling situations sleepga ii is not necessary. However in some it helps at the odd time. And in BCs + Dynamis... it helps a ton. And is a necessity. It'll save your party. Sleepga II is a necessity for kindred seal BCs at 75 too. You can make a HELL of a lot more than 500k.
So if your worry is gil... think of it as an investment for the future. ^_~
#9 Apr 05 2005 at 10:00 AM Rating: Decent
177 posts
First off, he was probably embarrased that he didnt have the spell, and yes, it does take an alliance of 70+ to get the quest done, and also, if ppl would quit being greedy and stop selling certain things for a really high price, maybe some of the blms out there would have sleepaga 2 or some of the whms would have r3 and erase. I did the BC for erase, and Im about to do it again to help some friends of mine get erase. But seriously, over 500k for one scroll??? wtf?! You expect them to have it yet some of you are the reason they dont.
I do not know what went on between you and the blm in /tell so I cant really comment on that. I just wanted to atleast defend some of the mages out there that have a hard time getting spells cause ppl are greedy and sell them for 500k+
#10 Apr 05 2005 at 2:15 PM Rating: Decent
wow, just wow, quit lying.
I am the RNG75 who was helping in that mission, yes Auronsan didnt have Sleepga II but everything else you said is complete ********* And i can get the other people who were with us in the PT to post here if anybody wants a proof.

1st of all, your WHM friend didnt have all the fragments and couldnt get in the BC, and i guess thats like, 5x times dumber than not having Sleepga II.

2ndly, he did use ES befor casting Sleepga, if you are blind / duff why play the game?

3rd thing, you died from flood only, quit trying to look hard.

4th of everything you didnt have Echo drops, you knew that the BC did Silence-ga spell and still you didnt bring any, and the BLM casted warp on himself so he go and get the other mages Echo drops so we give the BC another shot.
Plus, he didnt harras me or harrased anybody else in the PT exept you, cos you, mr "hay guyz look at me i take tornado + flood at the same time lolz!1" kept calling him names for 5 hours straight.

Quit lying please, I dunno the BLM and I don't give a rats *** about what you think becouse all you do is lie.

Edited, Tue Apr 5 15:17:57 2005 by WithinTemptation

Edited, Tue Apr 5 15:19:01 2005 by WithinTemptation
#11 Apr 05 2005 at 2:38 PM Rating: Good
1,701 posts
I'd much rather be in a party with a blm without any ancient magic then Sleepga II. It is a spell that is needed. I know it's expensive. Every job has an expensive hard to get item. It's part of the game. If you don't have it, don't continue leveling, go farm or do some bcnm runs to get the gil to buy it. It's not that hard.

I have a friend who is starting rdm and I started leveling with her when she caught up to my blm. We hit 32 the other weekend and I told her before we level next time I expected her to have dispel. I offered to help her farm for it and I explained why she needed it. Well low and behold, that night before she went to bed, she got it. Took every cent she had, but she understood she needed it to be of use to a party.

As a mage, you don't skimp on spells that are needed to save a party. There is no excuse for it. Take pride in your character and do what's best for the party.

Either way, sounds like the whole situation was one giant cluster. Just be prepared before you go into these things, it'll make everyone's life easier. And psst, mages, keep echo drops on you at all times. You just never know. ;)

Edited, Tue Apr 5 15:43:08 2005 by Tiffie
#12 Apr 05 2005 at 3:44 PM Rating: Decent
151 posts
Wiccatu: being in GLLS you probably know as well as I do how necessary those spells are especially at endgame.

Also every job has something expensive to save up for. Do you know how many melee will role their eyes of they hear a mage say "I didn't get dispel... 100k is too much." Heck even with erase or sleepga ii... same thing.

Want to knoe a usual melees costs?
2x Sniper Ring = 1 million (500k each, sometimes more)
Haubergon = 1.7mil

Thats just 3 pieces of gear. Theres lots more gear where that came from. And these pieces of gear are considered necessities by many melee. The majority of them will work hard and farm for them the moment they hit 59/60.
So mages are expected to just ride and not earn the gil for their expensive spells?

I know its not easy and it is a pain. Melees and everyone can respect the hard work and effort put into it. However... for the sake of ones own party it is expected to work hard for a few necessities.

How much is a whms necessities btw?

Light staff = 150k
Dark staff = 100k
Erase = 500k
(Even cheaper for blms and rdms)

750k for mages vs 2.7mil.

Most melees get their necessities. Why don't mages? That is something I do not understand despite that I myself am a mage. I'll maybe let it slide not getting it right away (unless it is dispel)... but you should get it soon.

Tiffie: agreed ^_^ Plus ancient magic isn't that useful anyway :P They're just for fun. Casting individual spells is better. BLM57, I never casted an ancient spell unless just for fun. XD But they don't compare to casting a couple normals. And sides, ancient = waaay more mp and waaay more hate.

Edited, Tue Apr 5 16:45:24 2005 by Chibihibi
#13 Apr 05 2005 at 4:04 PM Rating: Decent
177 posts
oh, dont get me wrong, I completely understand the ppl should have their spells, and I agree with what tiff said about farming. I did the same to get dispel, phalanx, and I did the BC for erase. Just what makes me mad is the fact that ppl know that fellow players need these spells and they put them up on the AH for a really high price that makes it hard for us to get. I understand they are trying to make gilz, hell, Im still trying to do the sleepaga 2 quest so I can, but I do not plan on putting on the AH for an unreasonable amount. Im sure others will get mad at me when I do this, but I do understand how important it is to get these spells.I dont want to be in a party with some blm who doesnt have sleepaga 2 cause he couldnt afford it or couldnt do the quest o.o If I can help in any way, trust me I will.My husband got sleepaga 2 for about 200k and now I hear it it over 500k??!!! See, that is just wrong. But I cant do anything really about it, but I will sell mine for about the same amount as what My husband got it for^.~
#14 Apr 05 2005 at 4:56 PM Rating: Good
128 posts
Light staff = 150k
Dark staff = 100k
Erase = 500k
(Even cheaper for blms and rdms)

Ok first off a BLM is expected to have ALL the staffs with maybe the exception of light. (if light back to 150k then I might get it. But for awhile there was closer to 300k)

At 60
7 staffs around 780 avg.
M.Talthum of your choice 100+k
P. Rope 900k
V. Cloak 1.2 Mil (most go with AF)
Genius rings (if memory serves) 500k for both may be more now

Spells (can never sell back)
Warp2 (try not having that at 40) 90-100k

750k for mages vs 2.7mil.

Think your numbers maybe off. More like 3.5 vs. 2.7
we can compare till the end of time, but please don't minimize expenses. Give equal consideration to each job.

btw; Dispell 80-100k from NPC depending on fame.

Most melees get their necessities. Why don't mages?

Do all Melees have Scop Harness+1 or Hauby when they can? No everyone has for farm for it or worse they buy gil. I would rather they farm for it than the latter. But I will always side on its the player not the gear that makes you good.

And psst, mages, keep echo drops on you at all times. You just never know. ;)

Yes and Melees pls have sneak oils and Powders too :P

Sounds to me liuke this thread has been resolved the OP was mad shot a response here.

so my final thoughts in this thread.. FARM for what you need, Get it when you can AND never buy gil!!

#15 Apr 05 2005 at 7:45 PM Rating: Decent
201 posts
Essential BLM Items:
All NQ staves(save light): >1000k
Elemental Torque:800k
Penitent's Rope:900k
Diamond Ringsx2: 460k
Sleepga II:400k
All spells(non AM): Not sure.
Igqira weskit: 1200k
Morion Tathlum
Total:5260k(More than this due to cost of spells)

Essential SAM equipment:
Haubergeon: 1600k
Sniper's x2: 1000k
Ochuido's Kote: 1300k
Forager's Mantle: 1300k
Total: 5200k
#16 Apr 06 2005 at 8:00 AM Rating: Good
1,701 posts
Wic, I just think it's a viscious cycle with the prices. Every job has something overpriced that they need to pay for, so they are going to try to make the money as quick as possible. If a melee who needs their rings or whatever gets a hold of erase or sleepga II, they are going to sell it at current selling price instead of cheaper because they need that money to get their stuff. And just because they are nice and don't gouge doesn't mean they won't be gouged. It sucks. And it'd be nice if we could stop hiking up the prices all the way around.

I think the other thing that needs to happen is people need to reevaluate needed items and luxury items, especially when they don't have the money to pay for everything. Elemental torque is a relatively new item. Many blms hit 75 without it on the very same mobs we are now fighting. Sure, it's great to have and it will help you perform better, but it's not 100% needed. You can do your job without it. You can't always do your job if you are missing a spell.

Vermy, imo, another luxury item. I can't wait until I get mine and I know it will benefit my parties in some cases. But it's not like they are hurting because I don't have it.

Same with staves. They are great to have, but there was a time not too long ago when most people didn't get a complete set til they had at least one job at end game. Dark is definately a must to keep downtime to a minimal. And the others provide wonderful benefits. But if I have a blm in my party, I want them to have the essential spells over the staves. What's the point of having the added effectiveness from the staves if you don't have the spells to have the added effectiveness with?

I guess what I'm saying is there are some items that it sucks to level without and there are some that if you level without you can really hurt your party. Everyone understands that every job has to spend way too much to level. Just try to prioritize the spending in what is most useful. And for mages, that's spells. We are invited because we have cool equipment, we are invited because we can cast.
#17 Apr 06 2005 at 12:26 PM Rating: Decent
802 posts
Tiffie wrote:
Wic, I just think it's a viscious cycle with the prices. Every job has something overpriced that they need to pay for, so they are going to try to make the money as quick as possible. If a melee who needs their rings or whatever gets a hold of erase or sleepga II, they are going to sell it at current selling price instead of cheaper because they need that money to get their stuff. And just because they are nice and don't gouge doesn't mean they won't be gouged. It sucks. And it'd be nice if we could stop hiking up the prices all the way around.

I think the other thing that needs to happen is people need to reevaluate needed items and luxury items, especially when they don't have the money to pay for everything. Elemental torque is a relatively new item. Many blms hit 75 without it on the very same mobs we are now fighting. Sure, it's great to have and it will help you perform better, but it's not 100% needed. You can do your job without it. You can't always do your job if you are missing a spell.

Vermy, imo, another luxury item. I can't wait until I get mine and I know it will benefit my parties in some cases. But it's not like they are hurting because I don't have it.

Same with staves. They are great to have, but there was a time not too long ago when most people didn't get a complete set til they had at least one job at end game. Dark is definately a must to keep downtime to a minimal. And the others provide wonderful benefits. But if I have a blm in my party, I want them to have the essential spells over the staves. What's the point of having the added effectiveness from the staves if you don't have the spells to have the added effectiveness with?

I guess what I'm saying is there are some items that it sucks to level without and there are some that if you level without you can really hurt your party. Everyone understands that every job has to spend way too much to level. Just try to prioritize the spending in what is most useful. And for mages, that's spells. We are invited because we have cool equipment, we are invited because we can cast.

Sad to say most ppl thing that its cool or great or must have, to own items that gives them an edge.

Have anyone here Lv mages to Lv70, before elemental staves are introducted? Elemental staves are introducted roughly the same time as Lv71-75 aka Maat fight is introducted. So how did the old timer ages did it without those staves?
#18 Apr 06 2005 at 12:34 PM Rating: Good
2,071 posts
Humster wrote:

Sad to say most ppl thing that its cool or great or must have, to own items that gives them an edge.

Have anyone here Lv mages to Lv70, before elemental staves are introducted? Elemental staves are introducted roughly the same time as Lv71-75 aka Maat fight is introducted. So how did the old timer ages did it without those staves?

It's the sad mentality of most MMORPG gamers nowadays.

In general, people won't accept anything but very good equipment as the standard by which they judge everyone else.
#19 Apr 07 2005 at 11:12 AM Rating: Decent
151 posts
I would disagree that some of the gear is a requirement for BLM. I would not expect all BLMs to have all 8 elemental staffs. All I expect a BLM to have: ice staff, dark staff. That's it for staffs. The rest are just luxuries in my view. I do have all 8 but in no way do I expect another to have them. They will not be vital to the survival or good xp of a party.

All I put on the list is:
stuff that is needed for good xp.

Haubergon is needed for most melee for good xp. Same for snipers. Theres a lot of other gear that helps melee though that can add prices to a heck of a lot more. I know of one war that has both a byrnie and a haubergon. Why? Cause some parties you won't need lots of acc. May want lots of attack instead. (Mainly because WAR is the most accurate melee job) How much would this cost? Over 5mil for sure. Prolly closer to 6mil. But if you want the best for a melee job it could easily cost 15-20mil. Possibly more.

A lot of the expensive gear for mages is not needed. However it does help. There are a few people that expect mages to have all this expensive gear. I, however, do not expect all but do expect one or two pieces here and there. Not everyone has the luxury of time, so for many it would take up 95% of their time to keep getting the needed items.
This game should be fun. Not a job. ^^;

The main mages I am not a big fan of are: the ones that do not get the necessities. There are some in the cheapest gear they can get (not necessarily useful) + not having any semi-pricy spells that will be needed.
#20 Apr 07 2005 at 11:34 AM Rating: Good
1,701 posts
Unfortunately, people use that having fun over it feeling like a job excuse to not have even the most basic things. I remember my last trip to the dunes, I ran into someone in starter RSE and had starter weapon. His excuse was he didn't have time to farm for equipment and he just wanted to level, but yet he couldn't figure out why he was getting booted from every party he joined.

The game isn't fun if you skimp on the things that help your party the most. Dying over and over because you couldn't sleep a link or hit a mob sucks. Not getting party invites because you don't level your sub or you don't upgrade your gear, sucks. It's not fun.

So while I'm all for the fun first thing, remember, you actually have to work a little to have some fun. And with all of the ways to make money in this game, there has to be one that you find fun.
#21 Apr 07 2005 at 11:38 AM Rating: Good
89 posts
Just concerning mage spell cost.. I'm planning on making an Excell Spreadsheet that lists all the of the spells in my alt-m list (not all the spells possible -- just the ones in *my* list) with the current prices on the AH for them and then totalling it up.. If you all are interested in it, I'll post the results here. (I have .. I think going on ~170 entries in the list now.. Maybe a little less than that.)
#22 Apr 07 2005 at 12:44 PM Rating: Decent
724 posts
Seriously, Who cares if the BLM doesnt have Sleepga2 @lvl68.. i know its a must spell, but you can beat ZM6 without it-.- if you say you cant, you are a n00b, having Sleepga 2 does helps alo though..

2nd, Stop tlaking about what job cost more-.-.. go lvl RNG or NIN.. Then talk about it.. you guys dont spend nearly half the money RNG and NIN spends on tools, bolts and arrows -.-

3rd, You said you are there to help.. so even if you die, you dont need to complain.. its a price to pay sometime helping out friends.. if you dont like it, dont help!!..

-.- This is why I want quit this damn game, bunch ******* whining people.. think they are god just because they got a ******* high lvl and ranking, and you had to do it their ways, and think htey gonna get stuffs before you..(I'm not even gonna name the ******* 3 Ninja suppose to help to get O-hat, just because your friend lost at random 4 times, and doesnt mean you have to ******* leave the pt just before the fight -.-, and yes im 0/3 on it now(1.5mil lost>.<))
#23 Apr 07 2005 at 12:55 PM Rating: Good
1,701 posts
Off topic, but when you go for attempt number 4, you know where to find me. I'll go if I'm not otherwise engaged.
#24 Apr 08 2005 at 9:18 AM Rating: Good
2,071 posts
Chibihibi wrote:
Haubergon is needed for most melee for good xp. Same for snipers.

See, that's the thing. Not really, it's not.

It is if you choose to fight exactly the same mobs and hope to get 4k+/hour as people who do have that equipment.

Problem is, people don't want to differ at all from the norm. It's entirely and completely possible to chain VT/lower IT even as low as level 55-60. Hell, we all do it once we reach 72+ anyways. You don't need expensive equipment like Haubergeon or Sniper's Rings to perform well, get in a decent xp/hour, etc.
#25 Apr 08 2005 at 9:53 AM Rating: Decent
356 posts
As a testiment to that, I am doing just fine with my Royal Knights, and I'm a Taru BST. At this stage I'm beginning to see why a properly controlled Taru PLD can kick *** because no matter how little damage I do before releasing my pet in a duo or more BST pt, I always have hate ^_^
#26 Apr 08 2005 at 11:01 AM Rating: Decent
151 posts
Generally if a melee does not have any expensive gear then he is not contributing much to a party by level 60+. I've experienced drks with and without a haubergon. WARs have been able to live without it in some cases (depending on gear -- they are a lil more flexible due to higher acc) but most melee (DRKs, SAMs, etc) cannot. The difference is just far too significant. Maybe if you have a brd it might not be so bad... but without? BRDs are quite rare as I see while leveling other jobs.

There are expensive necessities for every job. But not as much as what some expect of course. ^^ Like I won't expect a melee to have multi-million gil weapons when theres alternatives lol thats the prob with haubergon. No real cheap alternative. Snipers are starting to get some cheap alternatives at least though.
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