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#1 Feb 21 2005 at 3:49 PM Rating: Good
12,846 posts
I am sure there are people that are better at this then me but this is what I do
S sell in sandy
W sell in windy
B sell in bastok

N Norg
J Jueno

the reccomended levels are so that the kills are easier
when fighting elementals stoneskin or utsusemi up and just hit hit tp-hit save your mp for stoneskin

Tahrongi Canyon -
Cotton off the mandys(steal) W
Dhalmal Skins S
Excavate Bones W
It's easier to be in your 20s to farm here

Maze of Shakrami-
Excavate Bones
scorpians (everything they drop that isnt rare/ex is worth at least 1k each) W
Wind elementals SWBJ
Earth elementals S
Skelatons W
(kill gobs for gil and revenge)
It is easier to be in your 40s to farm the deeper parts in here

Meraphatad Mountains
Raptors S
Courl whiskers B meat SW hide S
Cocktrice SWBJ
Fire Elemental SWBJ

kill gobs & birdmen for gil and revenge
it is easier if you are in your 35s to farm here

Konschat Highlands
Sheep skin S teeth W
Lizards Skin Stail B
The Rams Skin S Horn W
Saplings (SEEDS!!! this is my favorite way to get gil) SWB
quadevs for gil and revenge
It is easier to be in your 20s to farm here

South Gustaberg
lvl 10 is fine here
Saplings (treant bulbs* & seeds) SWB
Lizards S

Battalia Downs
Tigers Skin S Teeth W
Saplings Seeds SWB treant Bulbs B

Jugnar Forest
Tigers Skin S Teeth W
Beetles SWB (alchemy, bone, wood etc)
Sheep Skin S
Saplings - Seeds - ALL
Orcs for gil
you will want to be in your 30s to farm here

Valkurn DUnes
Fire elemental SWB
earth elemental S
Lizards Skin S Tail B
sheep skin S
30 for sheeps & lizzies but 35 to have a chance vs elems

Qufim Island
light elemental SWBJ
thunder elemental SWB(desynthing)

Giants socks W northern fur N

La Thiene
you will be fine in your 20s but ty to be 30s for elementals
The ram SBW
sheep skin S
wind elementals *SW
water elementals WB
saplings SWB

Dhalmels Skin S Femur WS papaka grass B
Crawlers SWB
Lumberjack-out of 5 chops here i got 1 rosewood (5k) S Yagudo Cherries W
mandys B (treant bulbs Alchemy) (cotton Cloth) W

Crawlers Silk SWB Calculus W
Yaguda Synth beads into grass threads W or Ingots BS
low lvl area 10s is fine

Harvest here; stack of mugworts goes for 100k
Kill Yags
30s (my 35 blm still gets some aggro here)

You can come up here to low lvl and farm fire crystals
Lizards Skin S Tail B
depends - Ghelsba outpost 10 is fine, Yug Grotto 30s is good, Fort Ghelsba 20s
if you need bronze gear hunt in Outpost, for leather hunt in grotto.

**You can hunt NM'S for profit however I don't have the patience to sit around for hours in the hopes of getting a 500k or 13mil item consider the drops are even rarer now.

Sheep Skin S teeth W
bunnies Skin S meat W
10 is fine
Big stupid billy worm nm

Pashow Marshlands
-Goobues tree Cuttings SWBJ Dahlia B
Crawlers Silk ALL
Water Elementals WB
Thunder Elementals WB

-Goobues tree Cuttings SWBJ Dahlia B
Crawlers Silk ALL
QUadevs for gil, revenge and some armor (Blink Band).

If you need Lizard gear hunt the orcs on the first level.

where I farm
I like skinning so I go tahrongi & konschat where I feel I have better luck. Bone excavating I do in Tahrongi. I carry a stack of pickaxes and hatchets so I can get some wood and bones.
I try to wear only a green "farming" tunic and my weapon so i have plenty of space to farm with. I usually go as my highest lvl (whm59) and sub thf. If you have any bone excavating compitition you can tele-mea which puts you in the middle of 3 prime excavating areas and then FLee or choco (if its cheap)
**Skins sell FAST, within 15 minutes shotglass was emptied of his skins. The guild prices on items is usually far more expensive.
**I don't drop anything, gil is gil.
-Synth Glass Fibers out of Gobby Masks. Lightening + 1 mask = 3 threads (super synth = more) this is Alchemy about lvl 20ish
-Copper Ingots(might be bronze?) Yag Bead + Lightening (this is lvl 0 stuff)
-Sheep Wool 2 sheepskin + 1 wind (leathercraft 0) stack of wool =10k at least
-Desynth Elm Staffs, sell Lumber (you might need wood 40 for this)
-Grass threads. Yag Bead+ wind crystal = 3 threads (clothcraft 0)
-CHoco Fletchings *my friend swears by this* 2 choco feathers (8 gil each from stables) + wind crystal= i think 6 fletchings. 12 = stack and poof you have at least 1k gil. Sell them in Sandy where all the wood crafters are.(lvl 0 clothcraft)

higher lvl farming
Zi'tah Goodbues (lvl60) they drop tree seedlings if you are patient and lucky.

Castle Oztroja
- Upper Level yags Drop higher level BLM, BRD and NIN Spells. One of the spells was selling for 700k (Aero IV) You can also Steal Gold Coins.
They also drop Elemental Summons (rarely)

try to bring high 60's.

Horuto Ruins
Goblins - Onions W
Bat - Wings B
Skeletons Bone Chips W
Wight - gravity

Proms:{b] Farm memories on the lower level. BJ[/b]

[/White]Lufaise Meadows -[/White]
Fomars: Ingot Cloth
(you will want to reset your hate afterwards)

Bibiki Bay
Eft - Skin S

Carpenters Landing
Tigers Teeth W SKin S
Beetles Shells jaws W[/Green

[White]Beaudicine Glacier

Tigers Teeth W SKin S

Gardening:Even if you have to start small, take about 18k and buy yourself 2 brass pots and a pair of tree cuttings off the AH. Plant on the Waxing Crescent moon phase on Iceday and check at least once per day. I prefer to check it only on Iceday's. Now there are two feeding times... overlook both and just continue to check it at least once daily until about 2 weeks later it says it's ready to harvest, harvest them on Full Moon windsday and you'll get from 2~4 saplings guarenteed.

Edited, Fri Mar 3 13:56:15 2006 by niobia
#2 Feb 21 2005 at 5:34 PM Rating: Good
89 posts
I find this quite helpful. ^^ Getting a basic idea where to get what and sell where is cool.
#3 Feb 21 2005 at 5:48 PM Rating: Good
158 posts
i love to see one of my ideas turn helpful lol nice job ^^ you are missing a few lvls on your list. good luck mybe itll stickie
#4 Feb 21 2005 at 6:06 PM Rating: Good
195 posts
Nice idea, I like this but one suggestion if I may - Perhaps using S, B and W for the cities instead of *, @ and # might make it a little easier to read.

Other than that though great work, thanks.
#5 Feb 21 2005 at 6:43 PM Rating: Decent
12,846 posts
I think the one who suggested this deserves all the props..and I am editing it with your suggestions.
I hope this helps. If you hunt saplings there is little to no compitition. I tend to choose things to farm that I don't have to compete with people over - more for me - So Kon & Tahrongi are my fav places.
Oh if you are lvl 63 you can farm the Northlands. I know a 56 that farms tigers in Beudicine Glacier and Gigas. The Dragon in Vahzl always drops gil, I got 3k one time we killed it. For higher lvl farming I would have to ask around (other than Dynamis etc) I apologize but my highest is only 59
#6 Feb 22 2005 at 6:59 PM Rating: Decent
12,846 posts
in case anyone needs this
#7 Feb 22 2005 at 8:24 PM Rating: Good
356 posts
I like the gobs/orcs/quadavs for revenge part :P

If you are ever in King Ranperres tomb/Inner Horuto/Dangruf Wadi, the low level gobs also drop wild onions which are about 8 or 9k a stack, I had been hunting them all the way to level 45 or so >.> Good steady profit for me and they drop fast.
If you have CoP the tigers in Cartpenter's landing are waaaay undercamped, (why did I say this >.<) and it's almost always lightning, so clusters ahoy!

And I think that I have said too much *shuts her mouth*
#8 Feb 22 2005 at 8:53 PM Rating: Decent
12,846 posts
Aoni made all of his gil off Wild Onions...he had control of the market for awhile too.hunting the empties can be profitable..
I believe fleeting is the 15k for 1 and bitter is 5k (w/o being able to check I cant be too sure) I sometimes will farm prom-holla with my buddy nitro I go as war/nin and he goes as rng or war.

Hmm I will have to try the carpenters landing one...I just love skinning ...the drops especially off sheep come rather easily.
I wouldnt worry too much about compitition most people dont have the patience for farming. I have been told that fishing is profitable (by a lvl 53 fisher >.<)
#9 Feb 22 2005 at 10:09 PM Rating: Good
356 posts
Fomar are good with a friend btw. If you get their ingot and cloth drops, that is about 89-120k a piece. You will have to reset your hate before every run in the aqueducts though.
#10 Feb 23 2005 at 9:09 AM Rating: Good
Someone needed help with Giddeus Key last night so I thought I'd help him out, using the chance to try out harvesting over there as well. We got his key on the first Yag we killed, so I had plenty of time to run around afterwards ^^ Along with a bunch of other things I managed to get 3 pieces of mugwort in less than an hour. I ran back to Windy, checked the AH and went O_O!! No longer will I be farming crawlers to make dough, harvesting in Giddeus all the way! :D And who knows, maybe I can kill some NMs as I'm running around ^^;
#11 Feb 23 2005 at 10:11 AM Rating: Good
773 posts
Good Farming Info / Suggestions.

Space the Areas out a little More by Level, and it will be much easier to read and Resource. Good Stuff, Rated up :)
#12 Feb 23 2005 at 11:54 AM Rating: Excellent
194 posts
I would like to emphasize the portion of the post titled "Crafters way to earn gil"

I find that you can maximize your farming profits, space, and kill a bunch of birds with one stone if you simply plan ahead and think things through. You don't necessarily even need to BE a crafter. There are things out there you can craft in the field which will raise your crafting skill - and also will create more room for you right there, whereever you're farming. The following example DOES involve the fact that I have my cloth skill up, BUT the first portion of this (making sheep wool) can prove to be profitable as well and does NOT require any previous crafting skills (**as previously indicated by Niobia above**)


I clothcraft (only at 40)

When i started crafting, I found I was losing money fast, and wanted to offset some costs. My leathercrafting was at zero and thought it might be fun to skill it up a bit, but did't really want to go out of my way to skill it up.

Here's what i did. (this is simply elaborating a little bit on what has already been written by Niobia)

**I went out at Clothcraft level 32**

I grabbed 2 or 3 stacks each of the following crystals: Wind, Lightning, Earth

I teleported myself to DEM (Konschtat Highlands), went to the approx area of where Stray Mary spawns and I did the following:

Trained all the sheep i could find and mass-murdered them for their sheepskins (which don't stack)

Once I had collected a few sheepskins, i would synth them using

Wind Crystal + 2 X Sheepskin = 1 Sheep Wool

This is a leathercrafting recipe - and it caps at 4. So my leathercrafting skill started rising right away.

Once I would get together a few Sheep Wools, i would synth:

Lighting Crystal + 2 X Sheep Wool = Wool Thread (Caps at 35-cloth)

Continuing this process, i would continue to farm and once I had at least 3 Wool Threads i would synth:

Earth Crystal + 3 Wool Thread = Wool Cloth (caps at 37-cloth)

Through all of this - i got skill up's on EVERY step. My leather got to the cap of 4. My cloth went up on both the wool threads and the wool cloth recipes.

I sold the Wool Cloth for 55,000 per stack.

So, in conclusion. This is merely an example of how, if you plan ahead you can - make money, level crafting, and also more importantly, utilize all the space in your inventory - as wool cloth, thread and sheep wool all stack. So, synthing the sheepskins took care of the problem of them taking up all that space. Maximizing my time in the field and giving me longer before I had to come back and dump my schtuff.

This not trying or meant to be a guide, simply something to hopefully help some people THINK about what might be the best idea for THEM to achieve multiple things at the same time. Find what works best for you and try to think outside the box.

Edited, Wed Feb 23 17:54:05 2005 by SniperSixtySix
#13 Feb 23 2005 at 1:19 PM Rating: Excellent
944 posts
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#14 Feb 23 2005 at 5:43 PM Rating: Excellent
396 posts
Good job, both niobia and SniperSixtySix ^^

Oh and:

niobia wrote:
For higher lvl farming I would have to ask around (other than Dynamis etc) I apologize but my highest is only 59

Haha, no need to apologize, I'm level 72 and I'm still completely clueless so level does not necessarily indicate knowledge :P
#15 Feb 23 2005 at 9:58 PM Rating: Decent
12,846 posts
No longer will I be farming crawlers to make dough, harvesting in Giddeus all the way! :D

Yeah mugworts are insanely good gil. I love farming, it's fun.

Listen to Sniper Crafting can be VERY good gil and clothcraft levels fast

Hmm, I'll see if I can get a good farming guide up on my linkshell site so everyone can get at it.
#16 Feb 25 2005 at 11:49 PM Rating: Excellent
*please keep in mind this part of the post is meant for at least Lv.50+ characters*

How much can you really make off a couple of wild onions? lol
I'd suggest that once you get a bit of capital you start mining. Use your beginners profits and already mined ores to skill up smithing to 20~, goldsmithing 25~, alchemy 30~, clothcraft 10~

Now, at level 60+ I can take a 2hr mining trip and turn all materials into AH fodder and make at least 250k average. Make 4 trips a week, only 8-9 hours of work and your profit adds up fast.

*This section could be completed by anyone over Lv.10*

Even if you have to start small, take about 18k and buy yourself 2 brass pots and a pair of tree cuttings off the AH. Plant on the Waxing Crescent moon phase on Iceday and check at least once per day. I prefer to check it only on Iceday's. Now there are two feeding times... overlook both and just continue to check it at least once daily until about 2 weeks later it says it's ready to harvest, harvest them on Full Moon windsday and you'll get from 2~4 saplings guarenteed. There you go, just made some money! Continue to buy more cheap brass pots and plant more and more cuttings every 2 weeks. (Best to do this on a mule, since travel at low level is the *****) Say you buy 2 more new pots every two week cycle, you could ultimately earn up to 300K by the time you start growing from 10 pots. And make an average of 100K/10 pots every 2 weeks from nothing but examining plants once per day ^-^ pretty good change for someone who has probably only just gained Lv.30 by the time this operation is on it's feet.

Edited, Fri Feb 25 23:55:52 2005 by RagMystikal
#17 Feb 26 2005 at 1:26 AM Rating: Decent
12,846 posts
Myst - I emember you were a farming god with ores and such, could you possible make a Gardening/Farming compendium add-on type thing? I'm a random gardener, I just plant whatever whenever. If you get the time please please and also tell Kaylie her big sis misses her.
#18 Feb 26 2005 at 2:42 AM Rating: Excellent
Alright, I'll see what I can do. Usually working or playing video games. Just a big geek, not into typing much. I'll just see if I can pull up a bunch of good links that I used for my own research ^-^
#19 Feb 26 2005 at 3:42 AM Rating: Decent
12,846 posts
/dance please please please please
#20 May 22 2005 at 8:17 PM Rating: Decent
12,846 posts
/bump to help the future farmers
#21 Oct 03 2005 at 1:00 AM Rating: Decent
12,846 posts
for those who need help with farming.
***Harvesting is a decent way to make gil with little compitition.(everyones more itnerested in the NMs)

Edited, Mon Oct 3 02:13:46 2005 by niobia
#22 Oct 03 2005 at 9:57 AM Rating: Excellent
im glad i saw this thread it is really useful. i have no idea why trolls would rate down this thread. i think you should post in the admin forum like that ace guy did and get the troll banned. im new and i really found this to be helpful.
if i want to do smithing, what level do i need to be to do mining because that ghelsba mining area kills me and i cant afford the powders and oils.

Edited, Mon Oct 3 11:21:17 2005 by hurtswenip
#23 Oct 03 2005 at 11:53 AM Rating: Excellent
1,701 posts
You can mine in Zeruhn at a pretty low level. Not sure of what you would dig up there. Palborough would work afterwards followed by gusgen.

Another option would be farming a high priced selling ingredient for another craft and selling that to fund ingredients for your own. Silk is always a good source. Be warned, smithing is one of the more expensive crafts to take up and there can be awhile before you start earning a profit. Learning what beastman items can be desynthed for your craft helps. Also, some of the items that you catch when fishing can help as well. I got a few of the lower levels on gold and blacksmithing by desynthing copper rings and cleaning up rusty gear.

Nio, everytime I go to harvest for cloth ingredients I always run into people beating me to the points. :D I have the worst luck. But yeah, I usually do turn a nice profit when I do that.

Chocobo digging has also brought me in some gil, though I don't do it nearly enough to be able to give advice on it. It's more of a toy for me right now.
#24 Oct 04 2005 at 10:09 AM Rating: Decent
12,846 posts
I remember nitrogelatin saying something about chocobo digging being really profitable.
I also would level all my jobs to 12, you get stacks of beechips and what have you. it is a little harder when you are lower level but not impossible, Fire Crystals drop easily in Ghelsba a couple stacks of those along with whatever else you get is enough to support you until lvl 20. (unless you are just dying for a pair of LL Boots.)
Ive found the best time to hunt LL is when its the first few days of an event because everyone is doing the event.
#25 Oct 04 2005 at 1:52 PM Rating: Excellent
1,701 posts
Not to mention once you can travel a little more freely, buying things at npcs that are only available in one place and selling them at an ah in another city. People are often willing to pay a little more at the ah then from the npc to save the time of having to travel.
#26 Oct 05 2005 at 12:00 AM Rating: Good
12,846 posts
**on a side note I did just report the karma camper since it appears they again went through trying to - off all of my posts including ones that help newer players.

a friend who was new made her gil of making Chocobo fletchings in San'D'Oria. they sell very well due to the woodworking guild. Mining/Smithing is fun but while you are a lower level it might be best to level a craft that wont cause you to delvl and sells quite easily. Try making Chocobo fletchings & Sheeps wool. Both will make you enough gil to survive.

Edited, Wed Oct 5 01:17:18 2005 by niobia
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