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Kindred Seal BCNM30 Help please!Follow

#1 Feb 15 2005 at 9:21 AM Rating: Default
Hi.. this is Aliza again.
I don't know how or why I did it, but somehow I've "fallen in love" with the Scorpion Harness. I know that the Haubergeon or even Byrnie is ideal for Warriors, but the first thing about the Scorpion Harness that I liked was how much better it seemed to blend with the WAR Artifact than the actual Fighter's Lorica.

The only stat I was really interested in at first was the Accuracy+, seeing as how I already do enough damage to get hate and almost kill myself... lol.

I tanked for the first time (as WAR/NIN) two days ago, and everyone said I did a really good job at it too lol. So the Evasion+ would also be a very welcome stat.

This and the Tungi (Rare/Ex Axe) are the only two items I would like by level 60, and I'm not levelling past 60 until I get them both.. (uh oh, lol)

I don't know which BCNM it is, or what kind of monsters there are, but I would really appreciate it if I could get 5 level 70+ people to come and help me try to get the Venomous Claw (or is it Poisonous Claw?) to craft the Scorpion Harness? ^^;

Thank you :)

Edit: I know it isn't much, but the only item here I am interested in is the Venomous Claw for the Scorpion Harness, and I would be glad to give up all the other items to whoever helps me ^^;

Edited, Tue Feb 15 09:29:25 2005 by AlizaSeraphim
#2 Feb 15 2005 at 8:35 PM Rating: Decent
356 posts
That's a tall order O_O
We still havent gotten you a pearl yet, but when we do, there may be a few who can help you.
Too bad you weren't on last month when they did that bcnm ;>_>
#3 Feb 15 2005 at 9:40 PM Rating: Decent
144 posts
The thing with this BC.. and I hate to say this, but for KS bcnm's.. every member has to be a contributing factor to that pt.
Any job pre-70, no matter what job you are, is a hindrance. And Venomous Claw isnt even a guaranteed drop.
But, if you find people that will let you leech this BC for a multimillion gil drop, then more power to you and i wish you the best of luck!
#4 Feb 16 2005 at 9:18 AM Rating: Default
I have five BLM75 coming with me, so I won't need anymore help, thanks everyone :P
#5 Feb 16 2005 at 2:09 PM Rating: Decent
1,630 posts
yea you are next to useless as a pre 60 war. This BC isnt that easy actually. Takes some skill and quick dmg.

But bringing 5 75 blms with you can make short work of this fight. All cast their hardest hitting 'ga spell then ES+SleepgaII and repeat. By the second cast the BC should be done.

That said Ive done a run at this and talked to others and between us 15 sucessful runs and no claw dropped. Nice drops overall, probably avg around 600k per run but thats without a single claw drop from anyone I know.
#6 Feb 17 2005 at 4:56 AM Rating: Good

I have five BLM75 coming with me, so I won't need anymore help, thanks everyone :P

How nice of those blm's to let you completely leech of them and prove yourself as worthless and wasted space.

Me calling you a leech is somewhat redundant since you already proved you're highly naive. You prove to be unknowledgable in this BCNM but ask for help. The stupidity and worthless of some players on this server amazes me.

Edited, Thu Feb 17 05:04:31 2005 by FaceInTheCrowd
#7 Feb 17 2005 at 9:15 AM Rating: Decent
Yeah... why are you still here, Face? Worthless people such as yourself need to have their accounts banned. Does anyone know you? I don't think so. Go back to your hole.
#8 Feb 17 2005 at 2:21 PM Rating: Decent
892 posts
Face, I have to wonder why you care so much about this.

It's obvious that the Blms don't mind someone else bringing orbs which means more gil for them. So if anything it's a smart move for them as their going to make more gil than not bringing someone else along.

Now I want to level Blm to 75 to get a bunch of people together and do this with other peoples orbs...

I hope you get your claw Aliza ^.^ I wanna see you in the War AF gear with the harness if you do ^.^

Edited, Thu Feb 17 14:25:53 2005 by WanderingBard
#9 Feb 17 2005 at 9:07 PM Rating: Good
Yeah... why are you still here, Face? Worthless people such as yourself need to have their accounts banned. Does anyone know you? I don't think so. Go back to your hole.

You still don't even argue as to your uselessness in this BCNM or having gained any knowledge of it. Asking others for help while knowning absolutely nothing makes you worthless. Not earning a venomous claw, leeching off 5 75blm's and hoping for a drop makes you worthless. I'm sure you fail to realize that a venmous claw isn't a 100% drop nor are you guaranteed drops of high value either. You need to actually earn your stuff and quit leeching and asking people to help you. It's rather pathetic.

Also, does anyone know you? If people "knew" you, you wouldn't have had to publically ask for help so you can leech.
#10 Feb 17 2005 at 11:51 PM Rating: Default
I think that just the fact that I've invited five BLM75's to help demonstrates that I indeed know some things about this BCNM, I've looked into it, and I know normally every job is essential to the BCNM, but with five Thundaga III, the fight will be over before it even started.

I also have been in more BCNM than I can count and I know drops aren't guarenteed.

I know where I'm needed and where I'm not. The way you make it sound, everyone "leeches" at one point or another, anytime someone shouts for AF help or help for a quest, I suppose that's leeching. What business is it of yours to call it leeching if someone else decides to help someone who asks because they want to be nice?

Ohhh I understand it now, you're probably one of those newbie players who couldn't find help for G1 then had a temper tantrum and quit. I see now, that's alright, I suppose there are people like that out there.

You're lucky no one knows who you are, because, the way you're talking now, you'd be dead on the streets if anyone found out.

I happen to have friends, unlike you, so why don't you just crawl back into your mommy's basement and shut up like a good little nerd?

Ok, thank you, good bye.

~You have just been served by Aliza.
#11 Feb 18 2005 at 2:49 AM Rating: Excellent
I think that just the fact that I've invited five BLM75's to help demonstrates that I indeed know some things about this BCNM, I've looked into it, and I know normally every job is essential to the BCNM, but with five Thundaga III, the fight will be over before it even started.

I also have been in more BCNM than I can count and I know drops aren't guarenteed.

I know where I'm needed and where I'm not. The way you make it sound, everyone "leeches" at one point or another, anytime someone shouts for AF help or help for a quest, I suppose that's leeching. What business is it of yours to call it leeching if someone else decides to help someone who asks because they want to be nice?

Ohhh I understand it now, you're probably one of those newbie players who couldn't find help for G1 then had a temper tantrum and quit. I see now, that's alright, I suppose there are people like that out there.

You're lucky no one knows who you are, because, the way you're talking now, you'd be dead on the streets if anyone found out.

I happen to have friends, unlike you, so why don't you just crawl back into your mommy's basement and shut up like a good little nerd?

Ok, thank you, good bye.

~You have just been served by Aliza.

1: The fight is only over before it started with 6 x 75 BLM not 5 x BLM and one worthless arrogant WAR.

2: You first originally stated: "I don't know which BCNM it is, or what kind of monsters there are, but I would really appreciate it if I could get 5 level 70+ people to come and help me try to get the Venomous Claw (or is it Poisonous Claw?) to craft the Scorpion Harness? ^^; " therefore making you NOT know about this BCNM. One of the main things I cannot stand is getting asked for help when the reciever of help doesn't know WTF they are doing. Alas your stupidity however holds no bounds.

3. Asking for help for AF isn't leeching. Nor any Genkei's. You not doing anything remotely beneficial in a BCNM that's uncapped asking for a 5+ million gil drop is leeching plain and simple. You however are too stupid to think so.

4. If you knew 75 BLMs to help what was the purpose of posting and asking for help other than to show your worthless leeching selfish question? Or did you orginally post to make yourself seem stupid for being so unknowledgeable in this BCNM? "Hi I'm Aliza I need a poison claw for a scorpion harness hehehe"

5. "You're lucky no one knows who you are, because, the way you're talking now, you'd be dead on the streets if anyone found out. " Oh yes this makes you oh so intimadating and also makes you an even more respectable player on this server. At this point you seem pretty upset, perhaps is it due to the fact you know everything I said was completely true about you? Funny your last post said my account should be banned for calling you worthless, when your juvenile, stupid, arrogant mentality should be banned and institutionalized or you should return to high school where you can act completely uncivilized.

6. Oh yes I never completed G1 but yet know about this BCNM, it's overall drop ratio, value of venomous claw, the other items you listed on another thread and also know your overall worthless-ness on this server and constantly begging for handouts. At least with genkei's or AF shouts people make an ATTEMPT to help versus you asking people to do all the damn work for you since you aren't able to cure, nuke, sleep, enfeeble, melee, you are utterly wasted space in this BCNM this making you a leech like I said. You should think before you speak/type it may actually benefit you someday.

7. "~You have just been served by Aliza." Ya, I can't be served by someone worthlesss like you. You're uncapable of earning the synthesis materials, uncapable or participating of usefulness to obtain it, I couldn't have been served by someone so pathetic as you. 62PLD 58WAR lol please. The only thing you served me with is humor from criticizing your worthless, leeching, arrogant, selfish, ego-centric self.

8. "I happen to have friends, unlike you, so why don't you just crawl back into your mommy's basement and shut up like a good little nerd?" Just go back to cybering with Tetsume you little nerds.

9. You got served. Have a nice day continuing on with your worthless self. Perhaps reconsider quitting again? Also would you like the defination of worthless and leeching?

10. Congratulations on recieving the ***-Hat of the Month award!

Edited, Fri Feb 18 04:29:06 2005 by FaceInTheCrowd
#12 Feb 18 2005 at 9:29 AM Rating: Default
Face ppl like you annoy the hell out of me... its a game, this isnt real life and its not like shes just stolen your job.
shes gained 30 kindred seals and used them, good for her.

Looking at your replies i'd say you know aliza in-game and that this thread is just an exscuse for flaming. maybe you are jealous of her cybering with tetsume eh?

you need to get a life outside the game then you might look at your posts and see how "worthless" and sad they are.
what so important about flaming someones thread?
you're acting like this issue is more important than poverty and famine..... its a game.

games are meant to be fun to play and if you're not having fun why are you playing?
#13 Feb 18 2005 at 9:35 AM Rating: Default
Hehe.. well that's it I guess.

You wanted help with something and you couldn't get it. So you're bitter. That's alright, you don't need to say anything else, I completely understand your childish mindset. Want a bottle?

Why don't you leave your ingame name?

Unless you know me ingame, you have no right to say any of these things about me. I've worked for everything I have until this point and I always help others where I can.

I'll make this nice and clear for you, maybe it'll get through your thick "greater than thou" skull.... just **** off.
#14 Feb 18 2005 at 6:42 PM Rating: Excellent
Zaryun: Face ppl like you annoy the hell out of me... its a game, this isnt real life and its not like shes just stolen your job.
shes gained 30 kindred seals and used them, good for her.

Looking at your replies i'd say you know aliza in-game and that this thread is just an exscuse for flaming. maybe you are jealous of her cybering with tetsume eh?

you need to get a life outside the game then you might look at your posts and see how "worthless" and sad they are.
what so important about flaming someones thread?
you're acting like this issue is more important than poverty and famine..... its a game.

games are meant to be fun to play and if you're not having fun why are you playing?

I'm slightly confused. There was no mention of Aliza using their Kindred's Seals on her run. That wasn't stated. Are you assuming they're using their own or expecting the BLMs to use theirs? Or is it safe to assume you know Aliza and are making an attempt to "stand-up" for them?

There wasn't any flaming. Even if you interpret it as being so you fail to realize this is a public thread, thus making it open for anyone to comment as they see fit. However, apparently you lack reading comprehension to differentiate a thorough rebuttal versus a "flaming" as you put it.

In referrence to the cybering comment, it was once again a rebuttal to Aliza's nerd comment. Nerds cyber. As far as jealously lol please cyber versus real life, not a hard choice. Seriously I hope you didn't spend time thinking that one up.

Judging by your statement of "this game is suppose to be fun", yes it is intended to be fun but items like this are earned not leeched. More on this later.

AlizaSeraphim: Hehe.. well that's it I guess.

You wanted help with something and you couldn't get it. So you're bitter. That's alright, you don't need to say anything else, I completely understand your childish mindset. Want a bottle?

Why don't you leave your ingame name?

Unless you know me ingame, you have no right to say any of these things about me. I've worked for everything I have until this point and I always help others where I can.

I'll make this nice and clear for you, maybe it'll get through your thick "greater than thou" skull.... just **** off.

Like I stated in my last post Aliza, think before you speak/type, however, I do believe composed thought proccesses elude you. The more you post the more you show your over-all juvenile state of mindset.

As far as my in game name what would you need it for? So I can be "dead on the streets" as you put it?

You stating you worked for everything you have is bullsh.t plain and simple. Your original posting shows you don't work for everything you have/had/need/expect. Like I stated your reputation on this server is asking for hand-outs, begging for stuff, or having other people do work that you're fully incapable of doing yourself.

In regards to your "****-off" statement looks like you're upset because everything I said is true.

Greater-than-thou skull. No where in this entire thread did I say I was this or that. You on your postings on this server forum always "brag" about how good you are. If you'd like to believe I am greater-than-thou for pointing out your obvious flaws then yes I am and judging by your other post on this thread other people agree with me on your leeching.

Now since Zaryun and Aliza only have jobs at 60 it's really safe to say they are unaware of the original ways to obtain a venomous claw before it became a drop in the BCNMs. Before this you needed to be in a HNM LS and have a sky pass and kill the Gods for it, Genbu and Suzaku. Since it's also a safe logical guess that neither of you have a sky pass. You don't just walk up to Genbu's or Suzaku's platform and poke at it and kill it. You have to spend hours farming for the key items to pop each god. The two other ways of getting it are from Serket (soloable by certain jobs assuming you can win claim) or Amikiri.

Now with the last paragraph in mind on the basis that his BCNM didn't drop venomous claws, what were you planning on doing asking people in HNMs to spend hour upon hours camping either HNM or gathering key items to pop the Gods and ask for a drop? Your over-all disillusioned logic is sad. Before venomous claws were in a sense nerfed you HAD to work for it. Not taking the easy leech way you have chosen.

Aliza you have once again and always will be served by me.
#15 Feb 18 2005 at 7:08 PM Rating: Excellent
89 posts
AlizaSeraphim wrote:
Yeah... why are you still here, Face? Worthless people such as yourself need to have their accounts banned. Does anyone know you? I don't think so. Go back to your hole.

Just to point this out... Does anyone know *me*? I'd be suprised if the general consensus was yes. Most people have no clue who I am, and most never will -- yet I have over 100 days on my playtime (and only about 5 hours of that has been from bazaaring).

I invite you to go back and read over your own posts, Aliza. You are insulting not simply just one person, but a huge huge group of people who will most likely never give you the time of day after reading these posts. And yes -- I have seen you in Jeuno many times -- have you seen me? So I guess I couldn't possibly know anything about the game. I guess I should go /cry in my corner then..

I say all this because your postings make you sound like a complete egotist. I don't really care either way, but again I invite you to read over your own posts.

*edit - I changed the first sentance a bit 'cause it didn't read right.. I added emphasis on the "me" bit 'cause I know she was talking to Face .. not me.. But the message of her post originally was that "not known people are worthless" so I thought I'd simply point out that I am also not well known but might possibly know what I'm doing in game. >.> hehe

Edited, Fri Feb 18 19:18:46 2005 by Joishi
#16 Feb 18 2005 at 7:49 PM Rating: Good
87 posts
tis a rare treat to see people get flamed [and yes it was flaming.. some of it] as thoroughly as people in this thread have been. this is some gewd shiat ( '-')b

/psych Faceinthecrowd
#17 Feb 19 2005 at 12:01 PM Rating: Default
Would you all just let this thread die?

It seems to be giving FaceInTheCrowd a diaper rash.
#18 Feb 19 2005 at 4:38 PM Rating: Decent
Rate^ for Joishi. Face honestly and truthly your first post made me think you were just some guy looking for a thread that you could flame hence the "get a life" and stop being sad comments. Your second and third threads made me think you just had it in for Aliza and wanted to start a arguement which would make her look stupid in which you succeeded. But your fourth thread made me actually think you hated the fact she was getting off light with a pricey drop.

Now in no way do I agree with leeching for a drop like this but look at the facts, she gets no drop and the blms walk away with money well earnt, she gets the drop and the blms lot for it anyway, no discussion. nobody is going to flame the blms because they did the obvious, you dont get help from 5 lvl 75 blms who need money that easily, come on. For all I know you could be one of the blms helping her, now theres a thought.

Personally im sorry to say it Aliza but I hope you dont get the drop. too many ppl work day and night farming for gil and do that for weeks and weeks to end up with less than 1 million gil. You're making over 4 million gil in two hours which is a kick in the teeth to the rest of us.

Face sorry but you got to get your point across on the first post. otherwise you'll just look like you came here to flame.
and dont underestimate lvl 60's! we know more than you think we know.
#19 Feb 19 2005 at 10:33 PM Rating: Decent

Great posts. I love how she calls you a nerd and you say....
Just go back to cybering with Tetsume you little nerds.

That almost made me fall out of my chair.

(I love aliza's 2.00 Carma. How some people get scholar status...psssh}
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