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Valkurm and Qufim are truly hellFollow

#1 Jan 24 2005 at 12:20 PM Rating: Default
Before I start, let me apologize for this thread... I just need to rant somewhere badly..

It's been a total nightmare trying to party and level up my whm in these two zones. I've died so many times due to incompetence by a party member(s) that's it's well beyond just making me annoyed. It's like this latest wave of players are totally clueless on how to play their job and the bulk of them seem to be Warriors. In Valkurm I remeber partying with a war around lvl 15 who still had armor and weapons from around lvl 7. I asked him what he was thinking and he replied with xD. And then just the other day I'm in a party in Qufim with 3 warriors. Not a single one of them knew how to use to provoke properly. Whenever the monster came after me they would voke it, instead all 3 would run over and continue fighting it where I was. I had to scream at them to voke it away from me, and that's when they finally did. But of course I died after a while and just decided to leave the party, sick of them. The leader then has the nerve to start shouting that I'm a noob and I don't know how to play a whm x.O I swear if I could see these people in RL I'd punch them in the face. And then there are also the exp moochers who decide to go idle at random times while we're all still fighting. No one can seem to pull without linking a hundred different mobs. It's just chaos out there..

But anyways.. I'm almost done with Qufim. I'm at lvl 23 with only a little to go to 24. I'm hoping that the jungle will be better... I'm so sick of getting killed in these noob parties. I'm not saying I'm a great player, my highest job is only a lvl 30 thief, but I know how to play the damn jobs correctly. I'm sick and tired of this new wave of players who think they're awesome but yet don't know what the hell they're doing. Arrrrrggghhhhhh!!

I feel a bit better now.... sorry again for ranting.
#2 Jan 24 2005 at 12:33 PM Rating: Decent
Everyone learns sometime and each lvling zone can be hell or heaven depending on ur parties, ive flown through valk with good parties and been there for what seemed like years with bad ones. Just depends on your pt build i think.
#3 Jan 24 2005 at 12:46 PM Rating: Default
Aye, true enough. But all these parties were ones that should've worked. I had one of my best parties in Qufim yesterday with a rather odd build actually ^^ It was 4 war/mnks, a whm/blm, and a blm/whm. Worked rather well, to be honest, lol
#4 Jan 24 2005 at 1:29 PM Rating: Decent
43 posts
haha yes yes valkurm is the n00b training grounds. i enjoy qufim island i have never had a problem there with newb partys or members. you will quickly find out that the jungle will suck for you. its not gonna be as bad as the dunes but can very either extremely easy for you with a good party or a total disaster. well have fun. ill be out there again soon with my thf.

#5 Jan 24 2005 at 1:41 PM Rating: Decent
89 posts
Hahahaha! By playing WHM and BLM this past few weeks in the Dunes and Qufim have learned so much how I can play my melee jobs a lot better.

On to my story, when I first hit the Dunes with my WHM I brought my VIT+ items just for kicks. Turned out I needed it because the tanks didn't know how to voke despite constant reminders.

A few days ago in Qufim, I partied with this n00b PLD. He wasn't voking and wasn't using his mana at all. I tried my best to manage my Cures so as not to draw hate too much. After a few battles with his life in the low yellows after each kill he *SCREAMED* (CAPS) at me in partychat for not Regening him. What I typically do is Regen puller, cast a debuff on mob (waiting for Regen to be available again), then cast Regen on tank. Problem with this guy, he was still wearing Lizard gear at lv23 and he wasn't voking or curing himself so I didn't have enough time to cast Regen. With very little damage dealt he was not holding hate at all. Our THF puller ended up tanking. Anyways, when he *SCREAMED* at me in partychat, I told him I took 4 Screwdrivers for the team for the duration of the party already... was I the one not doing my job properly??? The other party members sent me /tells and /comfort regarding this. Our leader told me he got a NIN to replace the PLD (our leader was advising the PLD constantly to Cure himself from time to time and to voke regularly to hold hate but the PLD wasn't listening).

When the NIN replaced the PLD, we were doing EXP Chain #5 extremely easily. ^^
#6 Jan 24 2005 at 3:15 PM Rating: Decent
43 posts
haha got to love n00b PLD, give me a break its like cmon, you have been tho atleast 30 lvls with your warrior job or something...shouldnt you have picked up the basics of being in a party yet? bah i dont get it =rant!=

as i was going through early lvls with my dark knight i would have to voke to keep of mages because n00by warriors and such didnt know or wouldnt voke at all. learn wtf is up.

best thing to do in valkurm is to setup your own partys and look for guys/girls that have a sub job if possible and at least rank2 although i dont really think there rank 2 status makes them worth a crap or not. oh well

#7 Jan 24 2005 at 3:57 PM Rating: Decent
1,410 posts

My only suggestion is to try to take a "time out" with, uh, not-yet-competent??, players to /tell them why they aren't playing properly, and how more-experienced players are gonna EXPECT them to play.

We were all n00bs once. I learned a lot "ahead of time" by reading what I could on sites like Alla here ... but there is no substitute for experience ^^ and a nice explanation from a wise elder player.
#8 Jan 24 2005 at 4:27 PM Rating: Decent
89 posts

haha got to love n00b PLD, give me a break its like cmon, you have been tho atleast 30 lvls with your warrior job or something...shouldnt you have picked up the basics of being in a party yet? bah i dont get it =rant!=

That's exactly what several of us in the party expected! But unfortunately, we didn't get what we expected. It was quite funny in party chat when this PLD would say in CAPS: "REGEN!" or "CURE!" only to be replied to with "VOKE!" lol

I did notice a huge increase in Power Leveling in the Dunes and Qufim amongst new players tho while leveling my THF, WHM, and BLM. Could be the "problem"...

Anyways, despite the crazy experiences we get in the Dunes and Qufim (and the jungles) [collectively refered to as HELL most of the times], you gotta admit it's quite entertaining sometimes.
#9 Jan 24 2005 at 6:40 PM Rating: Default
Hehe, yeah, I've had some fun moments as well ^^ While fighting in Qufim the other day after several moments of going idle the party leader finally kicked an exp moocher from our party. He was still standing there idle for a good 20 minutes while we battling when a Giant literally spawns right behind him and facing his direction. We all took a quick break to see what would happen and sure enough the Giant aggroed him but instead of helping him we just sat back and watched him get his butt kicked. We all got a good laugh when he died, rightfully in our opinion for all the exp he mooched while being idle earlier.
#10 Jan 25 2005 at 10:25 AM Rating: Decent
Well, I think the problem is this.. at least, part of it.

Alot of people left FFXI to play WoW. At the same time we got a large influx of new players. Alot of LS are trying to recruit to build their numbers back up from lost players, and a good way to do this is to befriend them and help them with PLing. I mean, if you got a PL through dunes and/or qufim, you are definitly gonna look more favorably at joining that LS.

Hey there Nowd :) Not sure if I was that NIN or not, since I know I PTed with you in the dunes and I think Qufim in the past week or two :).
#11 Jan 25 2005 at 10:56 AM Rating: Decent
158 posts
Im glad yall said a week or 2 ago. I just got out of the dune myself. Im a galka Pld and a few whm seemed to want me to "cure"
myself i think i might of had 24 mp (kinda stupid to try to cure myself all the time when i have 3 cures and im out) i could use them but i have to have someone cure me to keep from dieing. Im in quifim right now. The parties ive had so far have been decent.
When i lvling at quifim with my war i was there like 4 hours and off to kazam.
#12 Jan 26 2005 at 8:51 PM Rating: Decent
58 posts
i agree grom, no matter how bad a PT is...(my horror stories would fill all the content on this site)...i stick with it and try to give even advice (just because i'm lvl 30 rank 3... i do have 4 other jobs near that level). i find that using a small amount of patience, and a little bit of "motherly nagging" usually works.

if that doesn't work, i hand out orders, even if i'm not in lead.
#13 Jan 27 2005 at 1:37 AM Rating: Decent
43 posts
I honest to god had the best valkurm party ever put together this evening awesome awesome party

HIGHLY RECOMMEND ------> Nowd <------ invite this guy always
SAVED US and let us fight more ------> Amado <------- awesome!

and we ACTUALLY had an a pretty experienced Warrior/Thf that voked immediately on the pull, which definitely a plus considering it was the dunes.

Edited, Thu Jan 27 01:37:44 2005 by ZidanaoftheRoc
#14 Jan 27 2005 at 9:53 AM Rating: Decent
89 posts
Another job graduates from the Hell called Valkurm Dunes into the HELL called Qufim. LOL Finally got my BRD to 20 last night and it felt like eternity! Had the whole afternoon off so I spent a looo~ong time in the Dunes yesterday (proof, I ended up having 2 stacks of Fire Crystals and 5 stacks of Water Crystals).

I wonder why am I cursed to be invited into leader-level-up parties all the time. These are those parties whose leaders start the group just so he/she can gain the level they need (usually less than 1K) and leave without informing the rest of the group beforehand. T.T I went through 3 of these yesterday.

Also saw *very* interesting job combos: WHM/WAR, WAR/BLM... sometimes I wonder what these guys are thinking. But then again, it IS Valkurn Dunes... I guess it's like Hollywood Blvd during Halloween... you just GOTTA come out there to shock people. LOL

Banish-happy Elv WHMs... melee RDM who don't want to nuke and heal... chain-nuking BLMs who blame a Rank10 voker for not voking every second... and our all-time favorite non-voking vokers. ^^ {fun} + {excitement}

Now off to Qufim Hell! wheeee....

OT: Thanks for the endorsement, Zidana! I do try my best all the time. That was an AWESOME party! ^^ And your THF/DRK kicked ***! :P
#15 Jan 27 2005 at 10:05 AM Rating: Decent
159 posts
Dragoonqueen you are rigth about giving advice, but there are some people that don't want to listen to it, thats one of the biggest problem in Valkurm Dunes and Qufim (more in Valk).
I been PLed true the dunes for my subjob because i am sick of such people ;_;(i wan't my old Valk back it was sooo nice in hot period)
#16 Jan 27 2005 at 1:10 PM Rating: Decent
892 posts
I was leveling my Kitty in the dunes the other day. And it may just seem worse cause I'm used to working with people around level 50 in a pt. But I swear I almost could have soloed exp faster than I was getting it out there... Seriously...

But I'm going to guess it's less that it's worse than it's always been but that I'm used to doing better, lol. I think for many of us that's the case. But when people don't voke and stuff like that, well then I guess it's just bad, usually they get that down by level 12 or so...

Well good luck to us all who are in those zones ^.^
#17 Jan 28 2005 at 1:12 AM Rating: Decent
58 posts
well, now that i have 2 jobs (25RDM/whm, and 25DRG/thf)i'm trying to level in kazham...i almost miss the dunes...*sigh* heck, i even run out there with my drg/whm to solo the gobs (it's trickle exp at best, but its fun to show off to the prospective drg out there)

well, if any of you happen to spot Wrench out there, sitting pateintly by the Kazham gates for a party, feel free to invite. i promise i will always do my best^^
#18 Jan 28 2005 at 1:43 AM Rating: Decent
158 posts
/cheer /hurray ect. i just spend 3 days getting out of quifim so on to the jungle and sleep attack >.<
#19 Jan 28 2005 at 8:55 AM Rating: Default
/comfort Umojan

Good luck in the jungle, hopefully I can get myself there tonight. I don't get much time to lvl up in parties during the week anymore so I'm still stuck at 24 in Qufim. But I can stay up late tonight, no work tomorrow ^_^
#20 Jan 28 2005 at 11:54 AM Rating: Good
1,153 posts
But I swear I almost could have soloed exp faster than I was getting it out there... Seriously...
Had the same thing happen to me. Only I know for a fact I can solo the xp faster. I'm sticking in the parties though as much as possible so I can learn how to play the job better.

Edited, Fri Jan 28 11:54:55 2005 by darnimsexy
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#21 Jan 28 2005 at 12:08 PM Rating: Decent
87 posts
I've been lvling in the Dunes as well for the past 2 weeks. I've been lvling Summoner, Black Mage and White at the same time. It is such a drain mentally.

I will say this, however, for every a$$hole PT or noobish PT, there are atleast 2 awesome PT's later on. Either that or you get a few new people that are willing to learn.

I know it's a cheap tactic, but when I PT in the dunes, I put up my Mentor status. A lot of the new people to the dunes tend to listen to what I have to say considering my Rank and Mentor status. Some are just too stubborn to listen to anything.

On a very good note, only 3 people were added to my Blist while 7 people were added to my friends list. All in all, it's been a good experience in the dunes. It's just, unfortunately, it's in our nature to be pessimistic and to remember the negative sides of an event. Like the saying goes, "It takes only one 'Oops' to erase a thousand 'Hurrays'."

#22 Jan 28 2005 at 12:10 PM Rating: Decent
773 posts
I Know how the pain of Bad Vokes can drive you Insane, and I still am cursed by it when Leveling in the 40's :x

If there is one thing I wish everyone would keep in mind, it's "Keep the Mobs away from Mages. Provoke away from Mages, not after you run over to the Mob @ Mages."

I just got back from a Business trip last night, and hope to Level my War Sub in Qufim this weekend, hopefully w/ a little mental pain as possible :)
#23 Jan 30 2005 at 12:22 PM Rating: Decent
55 posts
Last night I was in Qufim for the first time,

Party w/ 2 WARs (one being me) a PLD, a WHM, a MNK, and a BRD

I had a blast and got two levels, we got to like chain 5 even though the paladin couldn't speak english.

I've had some pain in Valk x.x hate it.
#24 Jan 30 2005 at 6:58 PM Rating: Decent
803 posts
I don't mind a PL myself, but only if the pt knows what to do if there wasn't a PL to save our tails.

Some people go to fast through the early stages of the game without actually learning anything about their job (not that I'm perfect ^^) making pt's later on struggle to stay alive.

And yes, if stuff goes wrong, slow down and teach even if they just yell "pull! pull!" ;P

And I don't really mind odd subs in Dunes...when I first got there I didn't even had a sub..(aslong as they get a proper sub when crashing into Qufim ;P)
#25 Jan 31 2005 at 3:12 AM Rating: Decent
89 posts
I don't mind a PL myself, but only if the pt knows what to do if there wasn't a PL to save our tails.

I totally agree with this. During my second, third, fourth, and fifth times thru the Dunes and Qufim the past month I've been thru parties that deserved having a PL. The PL just sped up the process but without the PL, the party would've still functioned very well.

There was just this one experience I had in Qufim tho. A Rank 1 WAR party leader who couldn't seem to function without a PL. And it was quite amazing how he could talk high level players to PL for him. The party makeup was quite decent. I couldn't remember the job makeup exactly but I knew I was playing my THF, there was a WHM, and a BLM, the rest were melees. When I joined the party we were chaining like crazy because of the PL. When the PL had to go, everything went to a screeching halt. The leader (the Rank1 WAR) "needed" to look for another PL. He got another one and we were doing our thing again. It was quite crazy: mages meleeing, I was pretty much tanking, no vokes, no positions for SA, nothing. But because of the PL, the party was raking in the XP. When the second PL had to leave, he was able to get another PL. When that PL had to leave and our leader couldn't seem to find another PL, he decides to disband. A part of me is guilty for having let that happen... that a n00b WAR slipped thru the challenge of Qufim to mess up higher levels. But then again, as a THF at that level, I really didn't have much of a choice. It was either that or I wait a few more hours for another invite. Oh well. :P
#26 Jan 31 2005 at 9:31 AM Rating: Decent
158 posts
Well i recently partied with lovegoddess. Does a great job even as a blm healer lol ^_^. at 26 i did have abit of problems but since the rest of the pt was a higher lvl i think i did ok. until the gobs came out.

And a rant while im thinking of gobs....

Is it natural to zone gobs non stop there was about 20 people whiped out in the 2 jungle last night >_<
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