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This server is not as I recall....Follow

#1 Jan 21 2005 at 12:03 PM Rating: Good
I played on this server waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back when the PS2-US version was short until arrival. I kind of got bored and left, long story betwean and baam, I came back like 2 days ago.. Everything seems cool so far.. Prices can either be ridiculously higher than other Gilseller infested servers, and sometimes even cheaper for some dumb reason..

The biggest drastic change.. Is that the main speaking languages in the server is now not Japanese > English... But it's went to Spanish > all languages... What the **** is up with that? Is this officially the main language of this server? I speak Swedish but only with friends in Linkshells, parties, tells or a couple of /say's here and there.. But... Well just play the game for five minutes and you'll understand my point.. This is no rant, just wondering what's going on. :P

Anyways, good to be back Raggers.
#2 Jan 21 2005 at 12:17 PM Rating: Decent
136 posts
lol... I have no honest idea, but I have some advice- avoid Valkurm Dunes. Stay away from them... pure evil I say... pure evil >.>

Oh yeah, and it helps to take a spanish class, just so you have at least some idea of what's going on ;-)
#3 Jan 21 2005 at 12:20 PM Rating: Good
It seems that way. At the very least, the Spanish speaking people on Ragnarok are more vocal than any other language.

Either that, or many of them just haven't learned good manners as far as chatting in /say goes. If you and a couple friends want to chat for more than just a few seconds:

1.) At the very least, move away from the busiest part of town (the AH) to do it. There's enough spam there already.
2.) Form a party, or
3.) Buy a linkshell.

I said "at the very least" twice. Wow.

It also depends on what time of the day you log on, and you have to keep in mind that European people don't work the crazy hours that American and Japanese people do, so they possibly have more free time to play.

Plus, you're starting a new character. Most of the newbies on this server are European since the game was just released there a few months ago.

WoW has eaten into the English-speaking population of Ragnarok, too. >_<
#4 Jan 21 2005 at 12:21 PM Rating: Default
This is just plain wrong though.. I know some of them can't speak English but what the hell are they doing on a international game? I know you think by international, it means every race, culture, language, but to be frank, you don't play these games unless you can communicate with other people besides yourself, and your mog. However, it is perfectly fine if they don't spam the living **** out of every city in the game.. I was actually badly insulted by a guy named NeoLaguna last night. Too bad I understood most of what he said.. And the horrible "XD XD XD XD" that they kept spamming every nanosecond. To communicate in this game it requires either English or Japanese. And I seriously see more spanish people than I see anything else.. I bet even the npc's are wondering what the heck is going on...

Edited, Fri Jan 21 12:23:53 2005 by Sarrsari
#5 Jan 21 2005 at 12:41 PM Rating: Decent
136 posts
I do see a change in Corua (an NPC merchant in South Sandy, who I sell any random thing I get from farming my low level jobs besides crystals to) of late... not real sure though, but some of them might be learning Spanish o.o
#6 Jan 21 2005 at 1:20 PM Rating: Decent
1,254 posts
what the hell are they doing on a international game? I know you think by international, it means every race, culture, language, but to be frank, you don't play these games unless you can communicate with other people besides yourself, and your mog.

And I seriously see more spanish people than I see anything else.. I bet even the npc's are wondering what the heck is going on...

Obviously, there are enough for them to talk to more than just their moogles... you weren't here for the European release, but I'm sure the JP players felt similar when the US release came around.

I personally don't see too many Europeans in general when I play- which would be from 2am- 6 or 7 am in Spain- when I brought my warrior to the jungle last weekend, I went pretty early in the morning- my pt had 2 people from Italy, 2 from Spain, and 2 from USA... but it would have been mid afternoon their time, on a weekend, which I would think is a 'prime time.' I personally got a kick out of my party- my GF is from spain, and I like being able to practice my spanish a little bit

It seems you have a problem with this- which I think is unjustified- they have every right as you do to be playing this game- I don't see anything on the box that says you must be able to speak english or japanese to play.

Most of the /s or /sh banter in jeuno when I play is English- not japanese or spanish, perhaps the lower lvl zones/cities have a different demographic since, as others have mentioned, the game is fairly new to Europe, so its logical they would be in the lower level areas.

This is no rant, just wondering what's going on

You seem to know what's going on- more Europeans, and Spaniards in particular, are playing the game... you can always filter out the /s or /sh if its interferring with your own enjoyment.

#7 Jan 21 2005 at 2:35 PM Rating: Default
First of all. I've been here around since the US release. And I was around Cerberus the time EU arrived. I can understand people speak their own languages in say just to say hi, but not spend six hours shouting stuff in shout (sometimes promoting item trade, which they think the entire server will understand, which they don't. Because even they know it's full of Spanish people just doing as they please).

Me and my Swedish friends in particular spoke Swedish. But we never made a party where everyone was Swedish (THAT CAN SPEAK ENGLISH), and one English dude, not knowing what the **** was going on.We certainly didn't spam the **** out of zones and insulted people in our language. I wouldn't have said much if they could shut their hole or be more discrete, and if it wasn't just SPANISH people doing this.. But that's not the fact. Anyone in their right mind can see there's something more than ordinary going on. You don't see any Italians or other people doing this. Of course not all Spanish people are like this. But last night they really pissed me off. And there were more then 20 of them that day, diffrent zones, relations and whatever.. Still all spanish, all the same ways and words.

Filtering won't do any good. I wouldn't want to be the only one not seeing what 50% of the servers population says in the future.. And it's hard to realise where you stand exactly, since you first prompt I overexaggurate, which I don't, because any blind man can see that it's really kind of freaky out there.. But then you suggest I filter so I won't have to be bothered. Fact is most of them probably don't know they're causing comotion if they act like this. But there's no way in hell me, nor anyone else english speaking can relate, or cooperate with them if they never speak english or even try to stop the spanish for just a sec.

Btw: Last night I asked a Spanish person if he even spoke English (we had been debating for some time and he called me a noob because I was level 7, probably thought I knew nothing in spanish), and he insulted me like hell. Said he knew, english, spanish and japanese. Which is ******** probably since he didn't speak English that well. After he left, and his insults along with him a friend of his sent me a tell saying he was sorry for his friend's behavior, and that the spanish people aren't bad people. Which is true, but some are out of controll.
#8 Jan 21 2005 at 2:36 PM Rating: Default
double post

Edited, Fri Jan 21 14:38:53 2005 by Sarrsari
#9 Jan 21 2005 at 3:08 PM Rating: Decent
1,254 posts
Like I said,
I personally don't see too many Europeans in general when I play- which would be from 2am- 6 or 7 am in Spain

So, again, perhaps its the times that I play causing me not to see this 'rampant problem'... but its not a problem for me. I suggested YOU filter since its a problem for you. You come back and say that you don't want to miss what 50% of what the population is saying- implying that you do want to miss the other 50%.

I just don't like the way you stereotype the Spanish population on Ragnarok based on the interactions you've had with a limited number of people:
But last night they really pissed me off. And there were more then 20 of them that day, diffrent zones, relations and whatever.. Still all spanish, all the same ways and words.

I'm trying to figure out where you stand- from what I've read, you had a bad night with a couple of groups of Spanish people, and as a result, don't think Spaniards in general should play?

This is just plain wrong though.. I know some of them can't speak English but what the hell are they doing on a international game?

#10 Jan 21 2005 at 3:25 PM Rating: Decent
87 posts
I can see the point the OP is trying to make but at the same time I see how terribly wrong it is. I've recently gone back to Valkurm Dunes, which, most racistly, my LS has renamed 'New Spain'. Now, let me assure you, it is not exaggerated when people say you will be spammed with Spanish talk in /s or /sh. You WILL constantly see "Jejejeje" and "Jajajaja" every 5 seconds.

But that's just something we have to learn with. They are new, well, some of them are. Let them get use to the game and the environment before we begin to say is a Spanish thing. I can clearly remember, when I started playing I put a /sh command in my Macro for using Ranged Attack cause I didn't know the /sh communicates through the entire area. I thought that it simply meant I was shouting at the enemy. I learned, I took it out. Give the Europeans a chance to learn and grow.

Most of the people that have complained about the Spanish and other European cultures ruining the fun of the game are the SAME people who complain that the JP discriminate against us cause we're NA. See a trend here people?

Don't treat the Europeans the same way the "stereotypical" JP treats us. And yes, I say Stereotypical cause I've met more AWESOME JP players then I have A$$hole JP players.

Break the cycle, learn to help and aid our new players. We were all new once and needed a guiding hand.

I know if it wasn't for Lidien (Retired) and Flanrius, I'd still be a noob. So instead of complaining about them, step up and help them out.
#11 Jan 21 2005 at 4:48 PM Rating: Decent
892 posts
I'll only say one thing about this. Oftentimes when I see people having an extended convo in /s it is in spanish. Now their just standing around, so why not form a pt to talk in? But not just that, but some of the time their in the same LS.... Why not just talk in the LS <_< >_> That's when it really bugs me. If you want to have a convo with a bunch of people just standing around, cool. I'll try and strike up a convo with random AH people sometimes myself. But when you do it with people in your LS...

My only beef about the topic is the LS thing. Though I honestly do see more Spanish people having convos in /say than anyone else it seems. I honestly can't remember a lot of my spanish so I don't know if their just trying to be friendly and strike up convos with random people or whatever.
#12 Jan 21 2005 at 5:11 PM Rating: Decent
177 posts
ok, I have been on this server for about a year now, and I never had a problem with other ppl speaking their own language. I even once in awhile speak in /s or /sh. I have never had anyone tell me that this was an all english or japenese speaking server, so why should they stop? If someone is getting on my nerves /s or /sh too much, I just filter them out for a bit until later on.
I think it is pretty cool that we can play with ppl from other nations and Im not about to tell them that they cant speak their own language just because they are on my server. Most are nice enough to try to speak english when in a party with me, or in the LS. Maybe some ppl should understand, this is only a game, if it gets on your nerves or bothers you too much, then /logout. You dont HAVE to play, and if you want, go to another server. Im sure all the english /s and /sh in Jeuno probably get on the japenese players nerves,and other ppls too, but hey, as far as I know, they havent complained one bit.
I think ppl should think before speaking or complaining sometimes, especially on forums...but it is a free world the last time I looked, so like it is ok for you to post on this forum how you feel, I think it is ok for Spanish ppl or any other ppl from other nations to /s or /sh if they want.
Like I said before, if you do not like it, then please do one of the following:
1. filter
2. leave the area
3. Logout
Please dont make this game unenjoyable to the rest of us just because you dont like ppl talking in their own language =(
#13 Jan 21 2005 at 5:12 PM Rating: Default
I'm not a stereotype for gods sakes.. I love the Spanish language, and there's a good reason why I take Spanish courses aswell.. I'm not a stereotype just for saying what's completely true.. Obviously I'm far from the only one thinking it's annoying when you for the first time feel like the language you speak (english) doesn't belong in the game. It's hard playing and interacting with people if you can't understand them. Of course not all of them are like this, I already stated that.

You come back and say that you don't want to miss what 50% of what the population is saying- implying that you do want to miss the other 50%.

You seriously misread that. And what makes you think I want to miss the other 50%? I just said I WISH I KNEW what one half was saying, and not just the other half.. However. That was a overexagguration, saying the spanish guys take up 50% of the population, which the don't, and I'm sorry for stating it that way.

We're all paying for the game. But it's not fun to play a game where some people refuse to speak english even though they can, and just single out anyone not spanish. AND YET AGAIN, I DON'T MEAN ALL OF THEM, FOR GODS SAKES. And please don't pull out the BLIST/FILTER card up your sleeves. I'm obviously not alone feeling this way.
#14 Jan 21 2005 at 10:53 PM Rating: Decent
381 posts
I've taken like a whole 3 years of spanish in high school and more than often I can understand some of the words that are used by spanish players, along with a similar portion to french and other romance languages. If I have trouble, there's usually someone in the party that speaks more of that langauage and english that can help me understand...that or I use my laptop nearby to look it up on the always "reliable" babelfish.

Personally I don't care who plays the game and the langauge they use....if only the auto translator was more complete and worked for various langauages >_>
#15 Jan 22 2005 at 6:24 PM Rating: Default
Fkin Socialist SP players need to get real jobs and stop leeching off foreign aid and then spamming FFXI, GDM 30-35 hr work week can kiss my *** sitting around and using /s and /sh even in when they all have the same damn linkshell, kiss my big fat american *** then get a job so u dont spam so damn much lazy *******
Had to work out the anger sorry
this is great catharsis
#16 Jan 23 2005 at 10:01 AM Rating: Decent
Rofl i remember you Sarrsari..I let u borrow 1500 gil once when we were noobs trying to get our chocobo license..Last i ever saw off those money! Oh well guess i learned a valuable lesson..
#17 Jan 24 2005 at 1:59 AM Rating: Decent
381 posts
Seriously fling poo...was that really needed? Btw, not all spanish speaking players are from spain nor from mexico. A portion of them can be from about any where, even in the US. And if you took the time to actually notice, most latinos will work twice as hard for less pay than about any other US born white person. Trust me, I've seen it before and so have half my family.

You can't relate laziness with unemployment either. Last I knew canada had a pretty good % for unemployment but I don't see you calling them lazy either. I just don't know what to say to this post just blew my mind and I hope you were using sarcasm.

Also, if you wanted to vent...I would suggest venting on a livejournal or something where people with your views would read it...I personally don't like your view...I'm not gonna rate down but's just not cool
#18 Jan 24 2005 at 2:17 PM Rating: Default
Ah yes. I haven't forgotten. But seriously, you want your gil back? Yeah, I'll give you your gil back.. Infact I'll give you 5 times the amount I owe you, fair enough? Give me your character name so I can send you the gil which I shamelessly got when we were still.. 'noobs'.
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