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Background stories!Follow

#1 Jan 16 2005 at 4:36 PM Rating: Decent
Hey yall I was really bored at work and I write this little insult to english literature for my character spiritofseths background story!

Seth was born to underpant gnomes in the magical kingdom of Dryer-Machi-naria. Even though he was a Taru-Taru living in the lands of gnomes he had a happy childhood and was never poor. However that all changed abruptly. At the outbreak of the Great War most underpants gnomes thought that their neutral land of underpants was safe from the hordes of primitives and demons that spread across vanadiel like a plague, and for a time they were, until a certain event came to pass.
One day while scouting for underpants in at an enormous and dangerous looking castle in promivion young Seth came across underpants like he had never seen, white like the purest pearls ,enormous and beautiful, the crystal encrusted underpants drew him like a moth to a flame, "I must posses these underpants,,, my Precious" he thought to himself. So without hesitation he grabbed the underpants and shot through the dryer vent
back to his home land.
Meanwhile the shadow lord returned to his castle to take a well deserved rest from the slaughter in vanadiel. All he could think of was taking a warm bath and putting on his underpants of power and reading a good book, perhaps Fahrenheit 9-11 or some other deliciously evil work. after taking his hot bath the shadow lord retired to his room, he decided that b4 he dressed perhaps he should turn on some music, so he proceeded to his Stereo and dialed up some good Beethoven and frolicked nude in his castle. after some time he grew tired and wished only to relax so he went into his room and looked for his underpants of power. WTF he thought to himself,,, where r they,, he searched franticly,,,
my underpants they were here when I left, they were right next to my subligar of
Oppression I must find them! How could this be!! Furious with anger the Shadow lord decided that he must find the one who stole the source of his power and take merciless revenge on them. To accomplish this the shadow lord traveled to the Oracle of suffering who lived in the castle next door for information

It had been over 3 weeks since Seth had made his best find ever, his new underpants had granted him enormous magical powers and he seemed invincible, however there were drawbacks, when he first wore the magical underpants he felt a burning itching sensation and lethargy after only several hours, at first he was scared but when he removed the underpants and rested he was restored, he had tried to get keep them off but they were begging ,, no constantly calling to him to wear, and so the addiction began. Soon he had to have his underpants fix they were, his precious.

It was a peaceful night. Cicadas were singing their rhythmic song and a gentle breeze was flowing through the round window in Seth’s bedroom the moon was full and the air crisp, however Seth could not Rest. Overwhelming feelings of doom and despair had been plaguing him for days now, worse off he could no longer remove his magical underpants. He decided to go get a phial of Galka-Vodka from the kitchen and smoke his Green Herb pipe to help calm him. After several gulps of his drink he thought he heard some sounds in the distance, like the thumping of hooves "old man hookala-phalla must be riding his horses late at night again" he thought as he took another swig of his drink and let the warmth spread through his chest like fingers of fire. he closed his eyes and puffed his pipe, the pungent smoke filled the room and he was beginning to feel peaceful,
then something new, a throbbing sensation was assailing his lower regions he thought it was the drink at first but slowly and dreadfully the throbbing tuned into a rhythmic squeezing and he could feel his magical underpants squeezing the blood from his legs he quickly removed his pants to reveal that his magical underpants had changed from white to blood Red, the crystals glowed with a Scarlet color and bolts of pain shot through his spine darkness crept into his vision and he was unable to see, he called for his beloved wife to help him but words would not form, as his consciousness began to fade he felt something, the feeling of being picked up then the heard the clapping of hoofs and then

When consciousness began to return to Seth he was not unable to see clearly, nor could he move his arms or legs he was bound and he was cold. His vision had not been returned but he was now able to hear, what he heard was disconcerting slow ominous chanting in an unfamiliar and dark language his heart sunk in with apprehension then fear twisted his stomach. “where am I, what is this” the words moved his lips but no sound came from them, he tried to wiggle his way free from his bonds but could not then he realized he was prostrate nude on a platform or was it an altar of some kind. This realization sent his heart racing he tried to shake his bonds but they only grew tighter, tighter until they became painful he struggled until his small body was exhausted and he
could not move anymore. Slowly his vision was returning he could now see two points of light past his legs, the room was large and dark he could smell the dankness of mildew growing on the stone walls and also something more dreadful, the smell of blood.

Seth’s vision had returned to him and he could now make out the two points of
light beyond his legs as bright candles emitting blood red light, next to the candles were shadowy figures the same figures from which the chanting was originating, they were hooded and dark, Seth recognized them as the forsaken, children born in the darkness of the promivion and damned to serve the shadow lord for all eternity, they were effectively his dark priest, powerful in the dark arts. The chamber he was confined in was dark but he could sense that it was large and on the roof above him the inverted circle of magic smoldered as if it was burned into the ceiling by some malevolent evil of the dark era whose power had not waned. Seth was unable to speak at all it seemed that a spell of
Silence and binding had been placed on and held strong through the power of the
Forsaken. Several times he had attempted to cast the spell of light diaga to but every attempt had ended with his magic burst fizzling back into the ether around him. All seemed hopeless all he could do was wait.

Now something began to happen in the area above his head he heard the scrape of large doors as the opened then the patter of feet as the entered the room. The sound became louder as they came near, soon the creatures from which the sound came were in focus a group of yagudo lined up behind the dark ones and began to chant a louder and more dangerous song, the dark ones raised there voices and then removed their hoods, what was revealed was shocking, even though the dark ones had been granted immortality there bodies were mortal and had obviously died long ago, their flesh was rotting and putrid some were missing noses and eyes. The yagudos completed their chant and began to march around the the altar in a counterclockwise fashion their chant was now a moan. Now there came to be a great feeling of oppression as loud heavy footsteps entered the room. A loud voice boomed over the chanting as it spoke the flames of the
candles grew larger “you are the one who stole my underpants” Seth’s body quivered with pain, “you are now subject to my damnation. I will make you suffer for I am the great shadow lord, none shall steal from me! You will feel pain like none has ever felt in this realm!” at those words a dark ness grew over head of Seth as teleportation ether gathered near the ceiling inside the magic circle. Then with a loud pop a new figure appeared it was his wife! She was bound to a stake that was hanging from the center of the pentagram she was silenced as he was but was attempting to squirm free of her bindings but could not, she then saw Seth lying naked below her and fear blazed from her
eyes the loud voice returned “I herby consign this sacrifice to Promathia god of darkness my master” with that the chanting of the yagudos came to a halt and then words he could understand, the spell of fira. They chanted the spell and then to small flames spawned beneath his wife’s feet they danced in the air for several moments then gathered into a larger flame, Seth’s wife’s mouth opened in a scream that was silenced as her body began to burn starting with her legs and working their way up it was obvious that she was not allowed to die as her body was consumed. Nor did her ashes fall to the ground they were suspended in the ether aura that had formed around the magic circle. When the flame subsided his wife’s ashes floated up into the magic circle, when they did the magic
Circles inverted star leapt into life first its light was green then back to blood red. “The sacrifice is complete!” the voice said “I hereby condemn your soul to wander vanadiel for all eternity by the power of promathia I bind thee, you shall never rest” with that flames circled around Seth and slowly agonizingly consumed cooked his flesh, however he did not die. After some time the flames were extinguished and the ravenous birds consumed his flesh, every tear and bite was felt by the now cursed Seth, when his body was gone his spirit hovered above his remnants bound within the dark ether. “You shall never know peace; I damn you to this earth this is your punishment for your insolence”

And this is how Seth became Spiritofseth and why he can never rest, not until the power of the shadow lord can be eternally silenced.

Hit me up on my side kick
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