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An open letter to the DBS linkshellFollow

#1 Dec 22 2004 at 11:08 AM Rating: Good
458 posts
Airamis is a crybaby.

Edited, Sep 14th 2007 11:24am by queeniexb
#2 Dec 22 2004 at 12:11 PM Rating: Good
213 posts
tsk tsk to think i was in an ls with such people..
hmm queenie take a break. il give u one of those galka plush toys to toy around with :) say hi to dankie for me and send my best regards to neik (havnt seen him in a while hmm)

anyway airamis get on with ur life for crying out loud. go jump a cliff for all i care.. i cant believe ur so touchy about a game ~~ some people need to get out of the house more

btw queenie, my eyes are tired because of ur post lol :P
take care ^^
#3 Dec 22 2004 at 3:25 PM Rating: Decent
I was reading... and reading, and than I thought "I'll see how much is left," I got dishearted and stopped reading, but I got the jist of the story. Man, why is there so much drama on Ragnarok? Oh well, my LS is small and I know all the people quite well, so if anything like that ever happened to me, it would be a huge surprise.
#4 Dec 22 2004 at 6:26 PM Rating: Good
311 posts
I spent a good 30minutes reading this at work..

Though I think I may have seen a few of you around ingame, I knew none of you. Looking at the whole situation as an outsider perspective really lets me see what's going on with both sides..

I went over to the dbs forums and skimmed up all the posts a bit, there seemed to be nothing related to queenie, dankie, and the rest of the people. I couldn't figure who was the Admin until a bit of wandering around.

Needless to say, I do think that the person controlling the forum is narcisstic and somewhat self centered. I don't see the victims of the set party complaining, but only the one behind it all.

But still people have different attitudes and personalities. One guy may let you take a spin in his car, but another guy may not even let you touch the seat recliner. That's how different attitudes are between people, how they turned into that, it shouldn't really be of one's business. But you did catch on that people have different traits and it's wise not to immediately charge up on them for it, which you didn't do, very good mood you have to have to keep up intolerance. Like a boss at work (I probably coulnd't front him if he caught me reading this haha).

As for your post now, I can see it being from a massive buildup of frustration and venting to get it all out. Again, different people do different stuff, that's how your friend quit by deleting his own account and not even announcing anything.

People can't live without the accompanying of others. You could live a life of solitude, but it'd changed your personality a whole lot. What I think happened here is that someone took the companionship of everyone more as a thing of being taken for granted. From there drama and stuff like that happens.

Perhaps if one of you actually spoke to Aramis about the problem with him you guys were having, it may have helped a bit? Maybe not, but it's general fact that if a small obstruction is left alone, it could grow over time, and cause serious damage later. Just like cancer.

I get what's happening here big time, not only does it inform me about what happens between people ingame, it also shows me how disruptive things can get just by leaving them unattended.

In the end it would be sad to see how just one person managed to make four quit the game due to intolerability. I surely hope you four don't take it that this is how some people are alike, please take another chance.

Edited, Wed Dec 22 18:36:45 2004 by gaidensensei
#5 Dec 23 2004 at 2:35 PM Rating: Good
Sad. Its just a game . . . My suggestion: if one takes this game so personal then one probably needs to find another hobby.

Have fun. Laugh. Kill a few mobs.

(I joined DBS a few months ago and I am having a blast. I am one of the ones who did not know anything i guess. As far as I can tell the group in the LS are all great. I recommend the LS to anyone. Back to the fun now . . .)

Edited, Thu Dec 23 21:42:53 2004 by SythFFXI
#6 Dec 23 2004 at 2:37 PM Rating: Decent
89 posts
remember that little warning in the beginning of the game? you know, the one on the FFXI viewer. it went something like, dont forget your family, friends, work, school, etc etc etc. you know, that one!...
#7 Dec 23 2004 at 3:09 PM Rating: Good
1,254 posts
dont forget your family, friends, work, school, etc etc etc. you know, that one!...


<- X e n G e R ->
<-VanadielElite LS->
Everything Else 25+
Yes, I Got No Life (-.-)/

Sorry to go off topic... but couldn't help but laugh a little at that Xenger o.O
#8 Dec 23 2004 at 4:22 PM Rating: Excellent
Well guys dankie was taken as a user name. i guess i should have been a little earlier in becoming a member but i just liked to read all of your comments and stories.

This is my first and most likely last post on alakhazam.

I cant go on in vanadeil without my wonderful wife. I have enjoyed meeting you all very much, and i would like to finally post my ragnaroks finest here. Before i do best of luck to all of you, and i hope you all get the drops you are looking for.

Ellisd: Thankyou for teaching me how to play the game. you got me through the hardest levels with tips and hints on how to do it better. We had a falling out and i dont think ill talk to you ever again but again, but thank you for everything

Krazy: we fought and died on the beaches of valkurm dunes, We laughed at how silly everyone was. Finally we made a shell that will be great someday. You look great in your purple dragoon AF and i will miss you greatly.

Kamzu: I dont remember where we met, but we actually got a chance to meet in real life (strange for this game i think) You loaned me morions at one point and helped me slay countless mobs good luck with summoner and whm.

Cira (the original) God we fought together with Krazy in valkurm we fought together in quifim and kazham thankyou for being the hottie from the great white north. Im sorry i didnt get to say goodbye when you quit.

Niekon: you were a great whitemage and im so glad you and i could talk about the game in real life you are a great neighbor, and by the way can you watch the cat for a few days?^^

Tamandra: You named me in ragnaroks finest! It made me cry i was so happy someone had taken the time. To see that i helped you out made me so happy. We never got to party much but we always had time to chat and that is what makes you and the others on this list so great. Ill see you in my sites in counterstrike source ^^

Beir: God how i have missed you. We were in your first party in valkurm dunes and you were soon teaching me how to play the "market". We had so much in common and I am still so jealous of your car. Im so sorry i didnt get to say goodbye in game. Good luck in WoW (somehow i know youll be rich in no time). Im also going to be in dallas texas from xmas till the 31st. I hope we can meet up.

Nerdcrewlee: you made me laugh so hard with your raps and rendition of straight outta bastok! You are a great bard ranger and we had fun trying to kill the dragon at lvl 15^^ (god we were noobs)

Ninten and Candyrose: I hope that your baby is healthy and wise, keep him ooff the videogames they rot your brain. Teaching candy how to MB was so easy and ninten those astral rings drop your HP way to much LOL. Regardless good luck to both of you in WoW.

Hikiri USE the dark staff and all the stuff i gave you wisely you will be a powerful whm/blm before you know it. Ill miss you lots thanks for getting pennypincher to Jeuno for me.

Ladyultima: your reputaiotion precedes you! When i first heard about you you were the person who killed the VE most (at least that is what the rumor was) good luck out there

Lovegoddess: I hope i can be your tripod forever. Good luck with ranger and with your globetrotting job!

Patswin: You saved my *** so many times i cant count you were a great and protective paladin.

finally Airamis and Dagaz:
Im sorry it ended so badly. I had a good time, i hope someday we can get past all this and forget about how a game turned us against each other.

I'm forgetting so many people but the tears are flowing and i really need to get myself packed for my trip. If I forgot you here im sorry. Like i said previously, GOOD LUCK and may the mobs drop exactly what you need!

OH MY GOD I forgot my refresh ***** Cachecrash thanks for keeping my batteries charged. and lets go get some SAKI SAKI SAKI!!!

Pwincess & Kidlife: You two will go far in this game remember that as a team you make up the backbone of the party and thanks for all the Mikes Pwin. You two should get married someday you were great together.

Edited, Thu Dec 23 16:27:29 2004 by dankietank

Edited, Thu Dec 23 16:26:58 2004 by dankietank
#9 Dec 23 2004 at 9:45 PM Rating: Excellent
321 posts
Adios Dankie y Queeniexb....

You both taught me so much and I cannot thank you enough for that...

And as for YOU Airamis....
I know you're going to see and read this thread so I have a few things to say to you. Now I know what has been going on, and I made sure to verify with a few people from DBS before I said anything, and one is not pleased.

When I.... No... When WE joined DBS, I remember it as an open, caring group. Who knew it could go from paradise to hell in such a short period of time... You blew it there with you arrogant, self-centered, overly-important, know-it-all, pompous attitude towards those people who would have followed you to the end of the world at one point. You used to go out of your way to help others. Now, your bloody ego slows down our server.

You've made many an enemy here today, Airamis. And never think we'll forget. Cause I know [b][/b]I'll[u][/u] never forget the way you mistreated my friends and lied to my face.
#10 Dec 27 2004 at 12:50 PM Rating: Decent
I dont know airamis and I dont know DBS but i heard from a few people that it was a good ls, so i was pretty suprised when i saw this thread.

why the hell didnt you start your own LS? your name is on every page of minona's "ragnaroks finest" thread so im sure you wouldnt have had trouble finding members.

As for airamis if you want to keep any respect on ragnarok you should apologise to everyone for making two or maybe more good players leave.

also you can send them some dollars for wasting their playing time on you.

Edited, Mon Dec 27 13:08:16 2004 by Zaryun
#11 Dec 28 2004 at 3:16 PM Rating: Decent
35 posts
Yamo here thanks for telling us the story Queenie i was definetly the first tier people i had no idea what happened. Dankie thanks for all your help in the game you watched over me quite a few times in my few months playing, and when we pted as sams it was the funnest pt i was ever in. Queenie u help whenever i needed it when i needed 10K b/c my stuff hadn't sold in AH for sneak/invis powders you said come on out and grab it. (That won me the 10K in the hide and seek too). I was always trying to catch the great sam in our LS sad it will never happen. I almost forgot niekon, Niekon you gave me my pearl my first day playing when i couldn't figure out where to go for bastok rank 2. You were lvling up some other job and you stoped and became ur whm and escorted me all the way there, you helped with warps and everything else the LS asked from you. Beir man i was sad to see you go you were my Galkan brother we started the same time at first were both pld's then i became a sam so i could one day be in your pt. I'm sad to see all you leave and i hope you guys have a great life. I'll still be on DBS because i still have fun on the LS and theres a lot of good people on it. I'm sad that your exp with the game ended this way.

p.s. The holiday party was the funest time i've had on the game thanks Queenie and I AM THE TRUE IRONMAN i was soloing almost the whole time while they were in a pt and they were resting i wasn't =).
#12 Dec 30 2004 at 9:25 AM Rating: Good
773 posts
Good Luck hopefully Playing in a Less BS Drama Scene. Typically, (@ least Now), my Ls is Simple, and most members are people I have met on Several Occasions, and we typically help each other whenever able :)

Alot of our Members have Moved onto other MMO's, and others are just getting over the Holiday Rush :P @ Least I Know My GF, the Pearlholder, and I still play ;)

I was in Another Shell where some Prick Member, asked for Handouts, and them spit in your face shortly after. My Best decision there was to leave the Shell, and Drop Greets to those Non-Asshats. Made for much more enjoyable Gameplay ^.^
#13 Dec 30 2004 at 1:28 PM Rating: Good
381 posts
I feel bad for you :(. Having to put up with all that crap with no real benefit.

Hopefully you find yourself in a much better situation either in another game or if you continue on in FFXI.

I won't comment on DBS or Airimis or whatever since I have 0 knowledge of either beyond what I've read or passing by a member when I am actually in game.

*edit* well I was curious to what the DBS forums would say in regards to the post and stuff and found:

In one of the replies he states that he won't reply here and that all posts and information related to this topic will be gone as of Jan 1 of 2005 in an attempt to put it in the past. Don't know whether it matters or not but I figure instead of waiting for his response and it to never come, I would post the link so you can see his response....kill me if you like...I feel like i'm being a bit too nosey but I'm bored.

Edited, Thu Dec 30 21:09:48 2004 by AcidReign
#14 Jan 03 2005 at 12:04 PM Rating: Good
458 posts

Edited, Sep 14th 2007 11:22am by queeniexb
#15 Jan 03 2005 at 2:27 PM Rating: Good
1,701 posts
Queenie, I'll miss seeing you around here. And if you do decide that you want to give the game another try, get with me. Maybe I can provide you a cool off area.

Nothing worse then butting heads with a friend. I hope everything will resolve itself.
#16 Jan 04 2005 at 1:59 AM Rating: Decent
Queenie!! Omg I wondered what happened to yall I miss all of u, u and dankie probably helped me more than anyone else, u taught me how to fish and beir taught me toocook! also u and dankie helped me get my first adv job as ninja. Yall just disapeared one day and I could not find out why, well I wish yall the best of luck and if yall decide to pick back up the game then /tell me ill give u a earth movers ls, its how I stay sane! Please tell dankie thanks for all his help and evryone else who is goners <u didn't delete ur characters right?>.
BTW for yall non DBS people out there these are not problems that we all have, our shell is very very large with many tiers and 99% of us have no problems at all so please don't be intimidated into not wanting to join, I always think it is best to have more than 1 LS anyways and remember the disclaimer!
Well queenie and dankie please come back and just play on other LSs Earth movers is always accepting apps.
Hit me up on my sidekick AIM=spiritofseth same on yahoo I'm, I am always on b/c of sidekick!
#17 Jan 04 2005 at 10:56 PM Rating: Decent
Yeah I didnt know what happened either lol. I came back after 2 months of not playing and I asked wheres queen and dank and ryath said yall quite I was like :( could 've gave me your stuff. I remeber when and of us did that sam quest and died fighting those gobs sharkbite and the background music in Zi'tah was tight though I miss that.
#18 Jan 05 2005 at 2:36 AM Rating: Default
381 posts
If you come back give me a /t, I know the linkshell I am in would love to have you be apart of it. The leader already said to give you a pearl on site if you were in game and wanted it. Same went for your friends and hubbie. Good luck in the future on any other online games you are apart of if you don't come back though. I didn't know you in depth but I could tell you did your job to the best of your ability.
#19 Jan 05 2005 at 4:19 AM Rating: Decent
It's Just a Flesh Wound
22,702 posts
i got about 1/2-2/3 through.. then my head exploded.
Dear people I don't like: 凸(●´―`●)凸
#20 Jan 05 2005 at 8:42 AM Rating: Decent
1,510 posts
I read the original post the entire way through. I know none of you at all.

I think it's a commendable effort to write so much to clear the air properly, after such a complex and convoluted situation. I've had a similar experience in the past I won't go into, but it involved one person in charge of their own forum that a group of us frequented. It's amazing how it all builds up, and all the different/isolated sides to it.

I don't really have anything to say specifically. It was an intriging read, and I'm sorry several ppl have quit the game over it. It's a shame that ppl like Airamis exist. ;x If anything, perhaps your post will help ppl to recogise, identify and ultimately AVOID that type of person.

Best wishes. :)
#21 Jan 05 2005 at 12:04 PM Rating: Decent
2,112 posts
I am UNCTGTG and part of this LS....I have elected not to read any of these posts except what people had to comment on... One it is to damn long and 2nd I have good views on all these people. I am not taking sides..But I have been in this LS for 3 months now and have had nothing but a good xperince..

Yes I am sorry to see people go but she could have just dropped the pearl and joined the another LS...if she was that popular some LS would have loved to have her.

I for one am staying on this LS and it's been a blast...I now have NM camping buddies...Set party...a mentor in Ryath for drk even though I am only 3 levels behind him...

Like someone said way way up...THIS IS JUST A GAME!!!
Relic Scythe Finished
Aegis Currency Finished
Drk Job Profile

#22 Jan 06 2005 at 12:24 PM Rating: Default
773 posts
Good call on just being a Game, but I Don't care how Popular someone is, as long as your Not an Asshat, and give back from the Fridge you eat from, you are welcome in the LS.

If anyone is hunting for a Lax LS, where people Help when they Can, Bs about whatever, and Avoid Drama @ all Costs, Drop me a /tell.

My Gf and I just got done unpacking most of our gear from moving, so we should be on more frequently.

Hope you're still about queenie, I enjoyed your Postings, and seasonal Encounters ingame :-)
#23 Jan 06 2005 at 5:01 PM Rating: Decent
148 posts
Queenie, Dankie =/ I went on vacation back in socal so I've been mostly internetless as well as ffxi-less, so I didn't recieve any messages about what was going on. /hugs I'll miss you both and I'm getting really upset that so many people are leaving, but it seems that you're really determined to go. I feel guilty about not knowing what's been going on, even though you have given me a few clues as to your unhappiness and dissatisfaction with the game; kinda makes me feel like I've failed as a friend ><.

Have fun IRL and I hope you find something better to spark your interests. =/ Is there any way I can contact you out-of-game? >< Cerritos isn't really that far from Anehiem you know! >< Take care Queenie, Dankie, and Niekon ;;. Will miss you.
#24 Jan 07 2005 at 5:33 PM Rating: Default
you can contact us at
#25 Jan 08 2005 at 3:05 AM Rating: Decent
I apologize profusly for not having posted anything sooner regarding Queenie's lengthly post. I did reply on DSB, but as this post continues I feel I have to speak out. I AM SO SORRY IT'S so LATE in coming and as Airamis is continuing to be harassed in ways that no one should it's long over due. I'm sure that probably makes Queenie very happy.

MUCH MUCH of what Queenie says in the above are BOLD FACED LIES.
I cannot address everyone as it would take far too long. I could easily cover each statement point by point but as 99.9% of them are lies why bother. I frankly can't believe that so many people would take the time to read the above and that so many people would believe it all without questioning anything. Remember the "Judge not lest ye be Judged".

I know that this can now become a she said/she said/he said situtation, well I won't be posting on this topic again.

If anyone mentioned in the above was so unhappy with their relationship with Airamis why not just leave the ls. To blame Airamis for quitting the game is ridiculous. How can you leave over 1 person. Please, that is stupid. Queenie had been threatening to leave for a long time, many people in the game know that. Why they don't come forward and say so I have no idea, maybe they're afraid of being treated the way Airamis has been.

1. Yes when the text from Queenie's post was taken and printed out at my home it WAS 17 pages.

2. Queenie WAS the first person to mention calling it a night the night of the last party. NOT Airamis. Also Airamis DID say he was leaving, he didn't just up and disband, unlike others have done in the past.

3. Airamis has never forced me to do anything.

4. Airamis never harassed Niekon. NEVER. He never ordered Niekon to do anything with his Website or linkshell, other than remove the reference to DBS from his forum rules, which he had every right legally to do so and which Niekon did do. The forums were publicly advertised in Dankie's bazarr along with a web address, which is how we heard of it. In addition to all of this and I feel as a result of it now Airamis is being a accused of firing Niekon from a Paid Position at DBS. Niekon has never been a PAID employee and was strictly a volunteer and Niekon removed he own account from DBS. And, for the record Airamis never dragged Niekon into the situation, it was someone elso who did that, Niekon knew about the "party Incident" before the next time Airamis spoke to him.

After the website hack Niekon first approached Airamis, and after that there were only 2 more times that they communicated. I have seen the logged instant messenger chats too, along with others.

Another thing, believe me there could be many more, is when we partied there were many nights I thought we just had fun. We leveled with no problems and it seemed to me that everyone was happy. If Queenie was so unhappy then why didn't she leave the party. There were numerous reasons that she could have found to leave. She certainly never had a problem letting us know when she didn't feel like parting or would be off fishing.

The party did not always end when Airamis said it would. Half of the party lived on the East Coast and Queenie lived on the West Coast and when it bacame 1 am it was time to log off. There were never any complaints about this, I thought it was friends being understanding of the situation.

Yes there were occasional disagreements about where to level and what skill chains to use, but from my experience in the game and in reading the forums here this is NOT unusual. It is constantly talked about.

As I said, I could go on and on but there are too many lies to address and frankly this has gone on far longer than it ever should have.

If I was so upset with One person, as Queenie claims to be, I would never leave the game over it, not if I truly enjoyed it. Why give another person that much power.

As Queenie said above "Adios to Allakhazam" I'm sure she won't be posting on this topic again. I won't either.

Again I apologize to Airamis and the ls for not posting sooner and refuting at least part of the above. I just didn't believe so many people could be taken in by such untruths.
#26 Jan 10 2005 at 12:45 AM Rating: Default
381 posts
As I've said before, I don't know airimis so I have no grudge but the reason we can be taken in by such "untruths" (I dunno if you tell the truth or she tells the truth or what) is because airimis refused to post here himself and would rather post it only in the forums. Basically it's a he said / she said event that can't really be resolved. I knew queeniexb a tad online so I can't exactly judge whether she is telling the truth or making reasons for it.

As for reading the chat logs, you do know those can be edited to say whatever they want right? Heck, I can edit my grades so they look better than what they are so my family thinks I'm doing better in school, editing a text file isn't much more difficult. Once again, not saying that's what happened. I have nothing further to say on the topic and figure to just let it die. Just wanted to play devil's advocate or something since I'm bored.
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