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Monster SignaFollow

#1 Dec 01 2004 at 12:45 AM Rating: Decent
35 posts
Ok, I give up. After a few months (really just a few weeks, but I've been reselling items off of my old jobs to make up the bulk of my wallet, I've had my eye on this for a few months) of farming the gil it would take to pump up my bard with a monster signa. Ready to go unload my hard earned money I find to my horror that, once again, the prices jumped...this time the price rose to an astronomical 450k today in Jueno. I was thinking 350k was a little crazy, a bit above my spending limit...but 450k?! Good God. It came down to me actually farming the stupid NM myself, to no sucess. So now I go off, mad as ever that people like to take advantage of the saps that pay too much for something of such luxury. I think I'll just forget about it, and hope that this new SE update will introduce something just like it, to spite the people farming this guy.

/sickened and frustrated

(by the way, if anyone would like to help me out...I would be forever grateful and thankful. I would serenade you to sleep and praise the ground you walk upon)

Edited, Wed Dec 1 21:45:45 2004 by Nekolas
#2 Dec 01 2004 at 1:33 AM Rating: Decent
Okay Nekolas... I'm not directing anything I'm about to say directly at you.

But people need to just camp NM's again. If the skyrocketing prices aren't enough motivation I don't know what is. If you spent months farming gil for Monster Signa you're doing something wrong. You could have camped 10 of them by now.

I'm sorry but this posting is perfect proof that people would rather complain about prices then make money and get items. This kind of stuff leads to lazyness...

Next thing you know, all of you are going to become addicted to powerleveling because you were raised by your high level friends and never actually leveled on your own... Oh wait... that's already happening too.

I pray SE never makes welfare for this game...

Okay... now for the help Nekolas section:
I think that by looking at your jobs your best bet is to get your WHM to 40 and go WHM/BLM to a BCNM40. You hopefully have been saving all those nice little Beastmen's Seals that everyone get while soloing low level jobs. If you get Erase... use it. If you get it again or get Utsusemi: Ni... sell it. Then go buy yourself a Signa. Now Hoo Mjuu may be a stingy SOB (not Star Onion Brigade) but he caughs it up. Once you get the Signa go BST for a while and get more seals for more BCNM's.

Best of luck to you...

Edited, Wed Dec 1 02:01:31 2004 by Heziki
#3 Dec 01 2004 at 1:54 AM Rating: Decent
892 posts
Yeah, it makes me sad as well. I was thinking about buying one cause whenever I camp him I come up with no claims or I don't even see him after being there a few hours.

Same thing with Mary's horn. I've yet to once see her... And the price has gone from 100k to 200+k. I shoulda bought one when they were at 90k instead of hoping the price would go down more...

Guess I'll just have to try to talk some friends into camping some NM's with me. Or hope that some new nifty schnifty items appear in this patch.
#4 Dec 01 2004 at 10:28 AM Rating: Good
440 posts
Signa = mostly useless, unless you're planning on lvlin up BST.

Use the gil ta buy a Horn & w/e other +1 instruments ya need. They'll help our your bardic performance much more. :)
#5 Dec 01 2004 at 10:49 AM Rating: Good
93 posts
In response to my Cydilleness... as a BST, I don't even need signa. I'd only suggest it if you're Galka/Mithra and having problems charming.

In response to Nekolas, I was going to say most high level bards would just say.. get +1 instruments. But my Cydilleness covered that.

#6 Dec 01 2004 at 11:07 AM Rating: Decent
1,254 posts
Yeah, I've never used signa in normal xp sessions on my BST, but do like the additional charm for BCNMs (i've only done the 20s so far as bst...).

BTW Bedrock- if you ever want to try a duo or more- I've done up to 4 bst pt- shoot me a /t.
#7 Dec 01 2004 at 11:51 AM Rating: Good
1,701 posts
Even though I don't have voke, if I'm not doing anything, I'll go camp a nm with someone. All I ask is if you ask me to come, you are doing it to keep the drop for use, not selling it, since I will be asking nothing for going and spending my time.
#8 Dec 01 2004 at 12:18 PM Rating: Good
773 posts
I Feel your Pain on the Spikes in Prices, and rough times on NM Camping and Drops. I Personally scored a Signa w/ the Help of my GF on Thanksgiving. I have Bst to 20, but do not plan to Level it for quite some time (and my GF needed Blm Spell Gil), so we Sold it.

I Put it up for 321k, and the next Day, it Sold for 350k. The Price spikes are also in the Hands of the Buyers. As mentioned, Mary's Horn has Skyrocketed 70k in the last 3 sales, and the last 120k Sale was to Purleen from my Ls :p

I Have ~ 260k Atm, but I'm sure as Sin not Blowing it on an Overpriced Horn, I'd rather Farm and try my luck then feed the Greed machine when not Nessicary :P

Good Luck on the Signa Hunt, but as mentioned, Forward your Gil to the +1 Instr first, you'll get much more from it ;) Safe some Gil, and ask a Crafter to Help out. The only Hurdle I hear is crafting a Rose Harp +1 (from LS 60+ Woodworker), so If you Can, Just spend the 40k :)
#9 Dec 01 2004 at 12:39 PM Rating: Decent
As a level 70BRD I can tell you that yes, the +1 instruments are great. But in my opinion the Monster Signa is a requirement. Not only should you have all the +CHR items you can get, but it also really matches the AF well... You don't wanna be a non color-coordinated BRD do you?

And as a 30 BST I think it's fun to watch the other BST's without Signa lose their charms. They deny that it happens but it does. Way more than it ever happens to me. And I have all the possible +CHR items for BST as well. I also recommend that with BST you carry two sets of equip, one for charming and one for melee.

Edited, Wed Dec 1 13:12:06 2004 by Heziki
#10 Dec 01 2004 at 12:59 PM Rating: Decent
388 posts
Nekolas, get your account working and we'll do BCNM40 together. And also, I'd be glad to help you camp Hoo Mjuu s ometime after 9 December, when SE nerfs Gilsellers just in the nick of time ;). However, until then I just won't waste my time on NMs....

*EDIT*: By the way, as a 40 Beastmaster, I can say that I have never needed a Monster Signa. I thought that I did, this one time, and was about to go farming to do it. Then I decided to just buy a Flower Necklace (500g, +3 CHR) to replace my Beast Whistle (+2 CHR) and get Hope Rings (14k, +2 CHR, level 14). I rarely mischarm. I don't know about BRD, but to me, Signa would only be useful as an investment since prices keep skyrocketing ^^.

Edited, Wed Dec 1 13:01:15 2004 by Eleas
#11 Dec 01 2004 at 1:13 PM Rating: Good
440 posts
Heziki: Wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong. Elemental staves > signa.

And "all the +CHR items you can get" isn't "a requirement" by any means, even for the endgame. Why spend millions of gil on luxury gear just so you can upgrade your Elegy landing chance on gods from "once in a blue moon" to "twice in a blue moon"? :P
#12 Dec 01 2004 at 2:25 PM Rating: Good
I camp Signa regularly for money, sorry. Seeing that the prices have gone up recently, I'll probably head over there tonight.

However, I do not cheat or bot like a few players on our fair server. I use my wits, reflexes, and radar to get pops. 3 players named Agitow, Rokomo, and Lego have all botted in the past, and continue to do so. I've witnessed all 3 of them, with /away set on, look around the room (with the tab function) and then instantly voke/stun Hoo, and only Hoo, when he pops. These are Japanese players, and since they usually all log on at the same time and never move more than one character at a time (when they are actually at the computer), I believe it is probably 1 person with 3 computers.

I'm sorry to hear that you've had such rotten luck getting a signa. Even though I camp it occasionally, if you see me on and I'm not busy (I'm Majestic ingame), I'd be happy to give you some pointers on camping Hoo. Good luck!
#13 Dec 01 2004 at 3:05 PM Rating: Default
It's Just a Flesh Wound
22,702 posts
just so ya know, the true avg price on signa is 400k :p

its been 400k or a little more way more then its been under 400k.
Dear people I don't like: 凸(●´―`●)凸
#14 Dec 01 2004 at 3:19 PM Rating: Good
381 posts
I love seeing when people will claim up one wall and down another that an item is an absolute must have for a job. Monster signa is basically a luxury item you can use to lvl if you want that extra amount of chr. Personally I know like 2 or 3 brds that are 70+ and yet I see them use more +1 instruments and I don't think I've ever seen them use a monster signa...and guess what they do their job perfectly. Guess it's just luck or something.

Honestly just boycott the item until the 9th and see if s-e added a similar item. I boycotted sniper's rings as a samurai because the prices just got into rediculous prices. Now that everyone is scared to hell about losing items miraculously sniper's dropped from 800+k each to like 400k last night. Nice to see that prices have almost returned to what they were before summer break when everyone and their mother was lvling fast and just buying the gear without looking at the prices skyrocket. Maybe you'll get lucky and there will be a quest for a rare/ex signa that gives you teh same stats that you can do with some help of ls members. I'd hope the same is true for some of the items I want but don't feel like spending 700k on (like ochiudo's kote).

Many "required" items only get that saying because people pound it into other's heads that you either have it or you are gimp and can't do your job. I'd rather focus on str now than dex/acc just because it's more beneficial for me. Acc gear just isn't giving me that much of a boost as it use to and adding more provides no difference. You can check if the same is true with your chr when you get a monster signa finally and see if all the fuss was even really worth it.
#15 Dec 01 2004 at 4:48 PM Rating: Decent
892 posts
I have almost every +1 instrument for my level... Only missing a Gemshorn +1 and a Horn +1. Gemshorn cause well I don't use mambo that much and Horn, cause by the time I see them at the AH the price is jacked up cause it's down to the last like 2 in stock.

Signa was just going to be my nifty looking beating stick to have for anything not covered by a light or earth staff once I hit 51. Do I need it? No, but I would like it... And I figure it can't hurt for Bst once I start leveling that.

I'll proally look you up to see if yer not busy tometime Tif ^_^
#16 Dec 01 2004 at 5:17 PM Rating: Good
381 posts
I admit it's nice to have a luxury item (have my haubergeon as my luxury item) but it's more important to get other things updated for your job sometimes. But since you said you have most of the +1 horns that you can readily get, then I guess you just have to hope that someone decides to sell theirs fast and that it drops or you might have to do what I did and farm an extra month or something to make sure you can get it.
#17 Dec 01 2004 at 5:24 PM Rating: Decent
Cydille you are funny. People like you make me laugh. And I do have all +1 instruments. But I'm pretty sure +CHR is what makes a song stick. From what I undersstand the staves just increase potency. If I am wrong then sue me.

And again... I didn't spend millions because I camped my Signa. +CHR items are not that much. But they do help a lot.

Edited, Wed Dec 1 17:29:45 2004 by Heziki
#18 Dec 01 2004 at 6:37 PM Rating: Good
892 posts
Hez... for Bard songs the elemental staffs make them stick more often... They don't do damage as per blm spells... Think of them like Rdm debuffs and how staffs work with those...
#19 Dec 01 2004 at 6:49 PM Rating: Decent
Whatever... too many contradictions in this post now. I hate arguing. I'm out...
#20 Dec 01 2004 at 7:08 PM Rating: Decent
440 posts
Cydille you are funny. People like you make me laugh. And I do have all +1 instruments. But I'm pretty sure +CHR is what makes a song stick. From what I undersstand the staves just increase potency. If I am wrong then sue me.

You're wrong. Expect a call from my lawyer tomorrow.

A short explanation on what makes Bard debuffs stick... there are four factors: CHR, instrument, skill, and element. + to song instruments and elemental staves (which fall under the "element" category) both do more to help your debuff land than any excess amount of +CHR after the dropoff point (which is +30 or so.)

To elaborate on the staves... they have a hidden bonus which gives a +10% chance for debuffs to land. They don't "increase potency," but they do have a much greater effect than Signa or any other +CHR item in the weapon/shield slot ever could in helping debuffs land.

Talk to any other 70+ bard worth her Corsette +1 and they'll back me up.
#21 Dec 01 2004 at 7:15 PM Rating: Decent
133 posts
Signa for a Bard is worthless, use the gil you saved up for something useful... like a Elemental Staff.
#22 Dec 01 2004 at 7:31 PM Rating: Good
35 posts
Thanks everyone for the encouragement. I think I'm going to take the advice and just go for all the +1's at my level, which I already have. As soon as I raise enough money for the mary horn, thats the end to my luxury buys, I already have 120k so far, just 80k to go. I understand now that the avg price of signa has been 400k, maybe I was lucky everytime I checked it in jueno, it was around 300-350k everytime I looked.

By the way, the spike didn't last very long. It went up to 450k but went back down to 390k. Interestingly I saw that Abbas sold it for 450k and bought it again for 395k. When I get enough money I'll play the market someday.

Also, I tried camping Mary with a friend last night, total waste of 2hours, she never popped. Guess if I do try that stupid sheep again I'll raise my leather up a bit so I won't clog up my inventory with so many skins.

I'll be getting into the party feeling again soon, so look me up if you are leveling 32-36.
#23 Dec 01 2004 at 9:26 PM Rating: Default
Well... after I said I'd stop posting I really thought I was going to. I even considered getting a staff just to see how it would work out. When I got to the auction house I was looking at them and I asked myself, "Self... Why do these all look so incredibly useless?" (Sometimes I talk to myself because I like to have an intelligent conversation). So then I asked my linkshell and they all agreed that a staff is useless for BRD. So then I told myself, "Self, what if they don't know... you should ask more people." So I decided to figure out how to do the vote thing and try it in /party chat before I bothered anyone. Well, maybe I'm not so intelligent and I screwed up and did it for everyone to hear. Surprisingly... only one vote for Elemental Stave. Do with that what you will.

Don't worry... I won't ask my friends to come and post how wrong you are. Because if I am not right I would not want to drag others into this.

Edited, Wed Dec 1 21:40:24 2004 by Heziki
#24 Dec 01 2004 at 9:44 PM Rating: Good
35 posts
Its alright, many people talk to themselves, I do it when I'm writing papers, my friends think its kind of funny. Anyways, I agree, this staff really isn't worth the money the NM hunters want. Most likely, the price of this staff is gauged by how much the NM hunter valued their time and effort, I would probably do the same. At the moment I think I have a good weapon to fill in for the signa, Whale staff.

Though having +7 chr is substantial, I think with the right gear, there are ways to make up for this advantage. Also, since I'm an elvaan already, I have a good amount of chr. What I saw problematic in the signa was that it had -5 vit. This may not be a good thing to solo with and definately won't help you if would, unfortunately, to become the unpopular party member the mob would want to hit. I've read where bards using this sampled with getting vit rings to make up for this loss. In my opinion, I'll stick with the 10k staffs that are at my level and eagerly await the elemental staffs.
#25 Dec 02 2004 at 12:43 AM Rating: Decent
892 posts
I think you've joined most Bards in saying that if I can't camp it in free time it costs too much to bother getting.

That's my theory on it at least. I think I may sub War and go out there at strange times when hopefully nobody will be camping him and see what I can do. Not like I want to try and get a pt during a 2 or 3 hour break in classes.
#26 Dec 02 2004 at 8:16 AM Rating: Default
It's Just a Flesh Wound
22,702 posts
stop telling all these bards signa is worthless, ohw do you expect me to get gilz XD
Dear people I don't like: 凸(●´―`●)凸
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