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It exists o_o;;Follow

#52 Dec 14 2004 at 11:18 PM Rating: Decent
32 posts
wow those links that Buni put up took atleast an hour oor so to look through them both, wish i could read japanese. I have to admit there atleast 2 names there though that I would black list myself, only because I've had bad experinces with them also and i am a NA. Never the less this hating between NM and JP players is said to see.

I played Phatasy Star Online back for the Dreamcast and loved that game. I had a lvl 100 HuMar named Gren and i can still remember how angry i was when i lost everything i had due to trading with someone i didnt knw well. All my items were legit, I trades a sword i had for a rifle, can't remember the exact names or how to spell them. I get on 2 days later and the game claims there is something wrong with my data yadda yadda and wiped my character clean of itesms and meseta. I was so pissed when i found that person i cursed them out in front of dozens of players in a lobby for giveing me a hacked item that clearly was the reason my character had all their gear and money reset to 0. So I can understand that japanese player also that talks about how the game was hacked to death and ruined, it was. Who started it I don't care, i just know what it did to the game.
#53 Dec 17 2004 at 2:28 AM Rating: Decent
151 posts
I'd like to say that it's not just a North American problem, everywhere there's **********
#54 Dec 22 2004 at 12:21 AM Rating: Good
213 posts
from what i see, the JP are pissed at these players who arent really 100% na. the fact of the matter is that they do speak english thus damage the whole english speaking population (which is like 50% or more, the other half wud be them)

i hate to say it but this problem has affected more than it shud. english speaking players have a hard time communicating with the JP because the jp think or assume they are NA (from the language they speak). of course there are circumstances when this does not occur but the fact remains that our reputation (the english speakers) is getting whupped. this also leads to the growing problem of EN players hating the JP more. since the jp go JP only, the EN refuse to play and even despise the JP players (which again isnt good)

best thing we can do now (yes all of us) is to try and see both sides of the argument. it wont help if we continue this pointless problem :| it just ruins the game for everyone.

(i am not a US player, i am from asia but the thing is i cannot use my native language in the game unless the person i am talking to is a fellow countrymen. i am forced to use NA as my primary language inside FFXI and i have experienced being told JP ONLY i'm sorry. i just go thank you. take care ^^. doesnt hurt to be friendly)
#55 Dec 22 2004 at 2:59 AM Rating: Decent
This came from the 2nd link that Buni posted and proves even more that they were most likely talking about Gilsellers


Lszjyjack   H♀白50/戦5
Lsfallenangel E♂anon(暗49以上)
Lsmhbjaek   T♂anon(白50以上)
Lszyjjako   M anon(ナor暗50以上)
Lswillowisp  E♂anon(ナor暗47以上)

Elliw    H♀anon(50以上)
Ellynydd  H♀赤49/シ18
Elsianie  E♀anon(戦49以上)


Hpc WHM61/BLM23
Qinlong PLD60/WAR
Zhuque RDM61
Xuanwa MNK63
Smalltail THF61
Logitech DRG60

Ill try to get my brother to translate some of whats located on the links.
#56 Feb 24 2005 at 7:41 AM Rating: Decent
12,846 posts
its unfortunate. I have actually partied with a few "JP Party Only" JP and they were very very nice. Someone explained it to me once..about how we NA do disrespectful things like /laugh at dead people..and to them its a very big insult. I dont know if that is true becausemy knowledge of asian languages & cultures falls just shy of mongloid - meaning, Im dumb.
#57 Feb 26 2005 at 5:42 AM Rating: Decent
802 posts
Wheres the list >..>);
#58 Feb 26 2005 at 11:43 AM Rating: Decent
12,846 posts
Wheres the list >..>);

He or she ate it <.<
#59 Feb 27 2005 at 9:37 AM Rating: Decent
892 posts
its unfortunate. I have actually partied with a few "JP Party Only" JP and they were very very nice. Someone explained it to me once..about how we NA do disrespectful things like /laugh at dead people..and to them its a very big insult

I've pted with all Japanese parties before and random Japanese people in English speaking pts and have to say they have always been nice people as well.

And I have to say that language barrier alone could be the big reason they prefer not to pt with us. I'm sure that anyone who has ever been the only one not speaking Japanese in a pt will agree that sitting there having almost no clue as to what's going on and not being able to talk to any of the people in the pt gets to you after a while. However I'm not going to turn down an exp party just because of that.

EDIT::While going through one of those links I found a link back to this thread. Somewhere in the first link down near the bottomish part. Theres also a post talking about Kittycat in there.
The thing about laughing at dead people. Honestly I'm rather insulted by people do that as well. And people who will go and sit on random dead people or walk on them. Sure it's just a game but still, that's the me in game. And honestly if you saw someone do any of that to a real corpse wouldn't you be pissed?

And did anyone find a translator website that would translate those two links? I ran them through babelfish and it had errors translating them.

Edited, Sun Feb 27 10:15:49 2005 by WanderingBard
#60 Feb 27 2005 at 6:14 PM Rating: Decent
12,846 posts
The thing about laughing at dead people. Honestly I'm rather insulted by people do that as well. And people who will go and sit on random dead people or walk on them. Sure it's just a game but still, that's the me in game. And honestly if you saw someone do any of that to a real corpse wouldn't you be pissed?
I completly agree with you there.
as for kittycat maybe its cus he runs a hnm - compitition?
#61 Feb 27 2005 at 7:42 PM Rating: Decent
802 posts
Kitty mostly got hate by camping in Castle Oz like its a town. That probably got ppl thinking he's a botter or something.

Other then Kitty, I only know 2 other Thfs that like Castle Oz. but ever since astral ring is no longer there, I guess that place is quieter.....
#62 Feb 28 2005 at 11:25 PM Rating: Decent
356 posts
I tried encoding these to english and all I got was that stupid winding font >.<

Guess I can try pasting it to MS Word and see what it does.
#63 Mar 01 2005 at 2:50 AM Rating: Decent
417 posts
We'll im not japanese but i'm in a japanese linkshell because i tried talking to them. They found me very useful when trying to party with english-speaking people since i can speak bot language. What we just have to do is show them respect, but respect in japan is really different. You see them not stopping /bowing to each other when getting a favor from each other. Everything they try to acknowledge. I'm just generalizing but most of them are like that. Most are just shy to be laugh upon when they make mistakes speaking english.

I read the thread about the japanese conversations and here are some points:

"Note: ill just use foreigners instead of NA because they seldom refer to us NA they call us gaijin(foreiners)... this are my thoughts so dont flame me"

-"tried partying with foreigners, it was fun, but we didnt level up"

-one guy listed his "why he hates foreigners"
1. many foreigners dont know manners/courtesy (comment: yeah courtesy/manners is big thing here in japan)
2. most foreigners dont think about other players' feelings (comment: now with all the i won't sneak/invis you thing from WHM? i never get that with JP)
3. most foreigners think that JP are "supposed" to help them.
4. when they reply saying no to invites they are being questioned/harassed etc... (comment: some replied thats why they totally ignored invites from foreigners. some replied they are replying to "polite" foreigners)
- "But isnt it troublesome getting /tells like "Excuse me" "Hi" instead of just getting to the point. If you just donft pay attention to manners then it would be faster. Ifm amazed though how lately foreigners /shout with gExcuse meh in the beginning. (comment: he is right sometimes pleasatries are troublesome but not all japanese think like him)

- gI think that is not the problem. I think courtesy is not the reason why we hate foreigners. Its like the reason we hate some of our own LS members: always asking for help, doesnft help at allc. I think 80% percent of foreigners are also like that.h

-gAfter helping a foreigner he is asking me to /befriend him!!! Frightening!

I denied his request.h


-gForeigners compared to japanese players are low levels, beginners, donft have much knowledge so they donft have the chance to help.

I heard that in other overseas online games rich players give weapons/armors to beginners. g

I'll continue reading thread and post it here later...just looked at it... its quite long

Edited, Tue Mar 1 03:28:42 2005 by SquallJapan
#64 Mar 01 2005 at 8:28 AM Rating: Default
Japanese players should think to much of NA politness.It's Japanese culture that dictates their own politness in society,however Americans run by different standards.Who are they to judge us saying we are inpolite? One phrase to an American may be polite or casual but may be extremely offensive to a Japanese player,they should realize this,that we have different cultures. They get mad when we laugh at dead people,while an American player may just laugh too,it's a joke. After all it's just a game,we should all have fun and not worry about being polite and formal.
The Japanaese view of courtesy is WAY different than American courtesy,it doesn't mean they have it and we don't they just express it in a different way than us,we are in fact two wildly different cultures. They think our actions are barabaric and inpolite,while at the same time we think we are being polite and nice,and it's THEIR reaction to our politness that's cruel and rude.

Is it safe to say Japanese players are Xenophobic a tad?
#65 Mar 01 2005 at 11:29 AM Rating: Decent
356 posts
Ok, I can't figure it out. Maybe if my sister were here I could hound her to read it for me, but can someone check the list for Mav and Ekin? Mav being me and Ekin being a JP BST that Gonnagal and I trioed with a while ago.
#66 Mar 02 2005 at 3:16 AM Rating: Decent
417 posts
Xenophobic? Hmmm kinda. You can say that. But more on afraid they will look stupid trying to talk to foreigners. See they've been learning english in since grade school until college but most of them can't speak the language. Most who have been to school can read and form sentences but they are having problems expressing their thoughts orally. At present they are trying their best to practice foreign languages thus the boom of english schools in Japan. Well most of them are trying to communicate... Ive been to mixed parties lately and each one is trying their best(using translations etc...) so its not as worse as it used to be. There are just some jerks anywhere in Japan or in NA orother countries that is giving each one a bad name.

Not all Japanese think foreigners are impolite nor all foreigners are polite. Its a "social" game and most of the time you can't please everyone because of your differences. We even argues with our own brothers and sisters because of differences. What do you expect from a large collection of people with totally different beliefs, tradition? Communication is the answer or just show them not everyone is a jerk. Yesterday my LS asked me to translate for them talking to this guy from the US because he was really cool my Japanese friends loved him.
#67 Mar 02 2005 at 11:15 PM Rating: Decent
I have met many nice Japanese players,even a fellow DRG who shared my strife as we desperatly begged people to help with our AF3. She was so kind and was able to communicate perfectly fine using autotranslation and some engrish lol. There's a thread on killingifrit that has a bucnh of helpful japanese phrases for playing FFXI translated in romanji so anyone can use.I recomend them. I learend alot from japanese players,like before a few weeks ago I had no idea it was feasible to level at the entrance of sea serpent grotto. No more goblins! ^_^
#68 Mar 10 2005 at 5:06 PM Rating: Decent
I used the Google Japanese to english webpage translator located as an advanced feature on the web page. below is what it translated this page as:

Return to the bulletin board all the indication up-to-date 100 new arrival indication-related page reference mail reception retention

< Wanna PT? > Lag mackerel American circumstance 2 < JPN ONRY >
1 name: Name of the lag mackerel it is not contribution day: 2004/05/31 (month) 11:22 [ cs0O51g6 ]
&#12459;&#12461;&#12467; of front &#12473;&#12524;
" Above expecting the Japanese-American mixed party to be many reputation to be good is delightful very ",

As usual, it is the development staff who is mounded in tremendous speech, but
It sets aside that, W
This damage human &#12510;&#12472; and &#12409; &#12359;! It is dense PT skill high and so on does even with the foreigner, information,
In addition talks the trend and the like of the recent foreigner and the like selfishly the &#12473;&#12524; WWW
which With dissatisfaction throwing out and with foreigner protection, favorite W

As for &#12486;&#12531;&#12503;&#12524; and the like
The around

2 names: Name of the lag mackerel it is not contribution day: 2004/05/31 (month) 11:25 [ cs0O51g6 ]
Front &#12473;&#12524;
< Foreigner? > Lag mackerel American circumstance < Damage person? >
Http: ********************************************************

3 names: Name of the lag mackerel it is not contribution day: 2004/05/31 (month) 11:37 [ NoI2kjSc ]
3 lowering

4 names: Name of the lag mackerel it is not contribution day: 2004/05/31 (Monday) 11:42 [ 4nL7yLbQ ]
Front &#12473;&#12524; 994
> Sort in scribbling the toilet of clinging &#12510;&#12472;&#12524;&#12473;&#12454;&#12470;&#12452;.
> Even through as for the &#12460;&#12461; which it is not possible the anonymous bulletin board you use.

You through it is not done it is, with here saying, it cannot go, the sound argument which is said?

5 names: Name of the lag mackerel it is not contribution day: 2004/05/31 (Monday) 11:52 [ EDAzBaC$i ]
Well, well it is you want.
As " the &#12450;&#12507; the person who is said with the same logic something the &#12450; &#12507; ", in this case, the person such as the &#12458;&#12510;&#12456;&#12514;&#12490;&#12540; is correct.

6 names: Name of the lag mackerel it is not contribution day: 2004/05/31 (month) 17:46 [ Yj5mcXta. ]
Front &#12473;&#12524; >>993
&#12414; &#12353; that it is. Mercy does not become, is for the person.
The PT member searching, when you already 1 human candidacy is at the time of the &#12427;
" The person shelf where the front of the this is noisy. Does it is dense stopping, this way invite? "
With it becomes.
You are chased with solo &#12426; rescue producing to the &#12468;&#12502;, happening to see &#12427;,
It is bypassed.

7 names: Name of the lag mackerel it is not contribution day: 2004/05/31 (month) 17:55 [ cs0O51g6 ]
In the intermediate level foreigner who meets to the JP golden time, as for the damage person the air which decreases does.
But to the last bodily sensation
As for &#12513;&#12522;&#12465;&#12531; beginner group, the droppings the person is many as usual.
And the &#12387; &#12401; limited &#12463;&#12456; exceeding, when it is the person about of the &#12427;, cooperation consultation you offer positively,
In conversation of Japanese with your own job name with &#12427; and English
" Being by chance, whether there is a &#12510;&#12474;&#12452; place in play inside the &#12419;? " (Cat filter)
The reverse side tell it does it does.
Don't you think? 60 generations you speak this.

The limit 1 per it does not exceed, the droppings it is many.
But the nest and the fortress of the JP golden time normally separately what
Daytime the &#12414; &#12386; is dangerous. The company you went to bed, (the sabotage &#12387; it is) it went at the time, but it is
The &#12370; which it does - that.
Main job it was not, it is with, greatly it had being able to amuse.

8 names: Name of the lag mackerel it is not contribution day: 2004/06/01 (fire) 01:09 [ ayqc9cw7. ]
Cat filter just a little I I distantly it is W

9 names: Name of the lag mackerel it is not contribution day: 2004/06/01 (fire) 03:32 [ p4vC97xs ]
The &#12460;&#12523;&#12501;&#12451;&#12523;&#12479;&#12540;, it is useless? (; ' &#1044; `) no

10 names: Name of the lag mackerel it is not contribution day: 2004/06/01 (fire) 14:58 [ 9qstQ/iE ]
" Being by chance, the gal which is the &#12510;&#12474;&#12452; place in play of the &#12527;&#12471;? "

11 names: Name of the lag mackerel it is not contribution day: 2004/06/01 (fire) 20:52 [ EB27hjkU ]
The &#12387; which is not the &#12460;&#12523;&#12501;&#12451;&#12523;&#12479;&#12540; and the like!

12 names: Name of the lag mackerel it is not contribution day: 2004/06/01 (fire) 21:28 [ EB27hjkU ]
The &#12461;&#12481; cat collecting the member of the LS for the reverse side world, don't you think? the &#12427;.
But the foreigner ONLY we would like to see
The &#12414; &#12353;, directly, however you think it cannot capture.
We collects conceivably, the Japanese compared to very much so shelf W
Whether the unique person and others where that principle insistence is extreme is collected, how it is sight-seeing.
(Perhaps, now the HNMLS entering, however you think the &#12427; person keeps being center)

Temporarily, we would like to observe to " the money trouble " of first channel.

13 names: Name of the lag mackerel it is not contribution day: 2004/06/02 (water) 01:45 [ OXM5kBMo ]
Lot trouble -

14 names: Name of the lag mackerel it is not contribution day: 2004/06/02 (water) 04:08 [ Rq/SmxVc ]
Only the stripe, the HNMLS or the reverse side in we which does not have relationship,
The topic where here is new being may be born, you try expecting, ww

15 names: Name of the lag mackerel it is not contribution day: 2004/06/02 (water) 22:12 [ C$wzD8rfM ]

16 names: Name of the lag mackerel it is not contribution day: 2004/06/03 (Thursday) 00:30 [ bHbvvh/o ]
The front &#12473;&#12524; read

17 names: Name of the lag mackerel it is not contribution day: 2004/06/03 (Thursday) 11:42 [ kLZbzmwQ ]
Yesterday, in daytime circumstances you saw to the nest and went back and forth

The &#12393; just it will be it is enormous, while the float float to do, when it dives to the nest
Near the entrance, the R potato and the S potato and the W potato all the way was the &#12454;&#12472;&#12515;&#12454;&#12472;&#12515;, * & * W
Because the halfway animal barrel had died, after R and S leaving sufficiently, raising
Somehow, when you do not become aware in large link, forcing

What - And the &#12387; &#12401; it is enormous, don't you think? is, W
If the &#12390;, large the extent which is made to link die being that place depending, feeling

18 names: Name of the lag mackerel it is not contribution day: 2004/06/04 (Friday) 19:44 [ UVo8usS2 ]
The person &#36706; being by the car, it became panic, and others, generally the human escapes temporarily.
It is such.

19 names: Name of the lag mackerel it is not contribution day: 2004/06/05 (Saturday) 04:20 [ EiOueNzA ]
The Hung as for the older brother who is said no person * *
High class equipment in a row including the &#12473;&#12467;&#12495;&#12493;. As for main hunter?
The regular silver bullet it seems. In &#12469;&#12481;&#12467;&#12513; self good player. If the sled &#12419; regular silver bullet how you do,
The PT men it is highest, but * *. Now pattern of the monk. Level as for the speed which rises waste level.
Temporarily the RMT? It is enormous.

20 names: Name of the lag mackerel it is not contribution day: 2004/06/05 (Saturday) 04:57 [ Udwydskc ]
As for many of damage player PC edition. The fellow and others, such densely skill high person
Because and others it is many, you sleep and fish and the tool development, arrive individually and it is &#12427; &#12387; &#12390; story.

21 name: Name of the lag mackerel it is not contribution day: 2004/06/06 (day) 12:37 [ yxLHjycZi ]
Playing with the warehouse &#12511;&#12473;&#12521;, in the cod Tenchigama &#12387; &#12390; l foreigner
Are you A girl OR guy? The &#12387; &#12390; it was said.
NEKAMA! Go home! The &#12387; &#12390; apply doing, the BL it does, it is

22 names: Name of the lag mackerel it is not contribution day: 2004/06/06 (day) 19:35 [ TN8eKJVs ]
Already, pay attention to the damage, which is in the level band of 70, Cyberfox.
Roller Ro mosquito and MPK chronic offender at fortress and the like.

23 names: Name of the lag mackerel it is not contribution day: 2004/06/06 (Sunday) 23:31 [ H/Le43jQ ]
Accompanying hanging, the Cozma and the chord it is with the &#12427; person the &#12387; &#12369; which is not.
AA post the kana which is not?

24 names: Name of the lag mackerel it is not contribution day: 2004/06/07 (Monday) 00:09 [ 3l6C$kd4q ]
It was when, when the slime large train (10 or more it was) doing with the roller Ro mosquito,
The Cyberfox it stayed, it is is, don't you think?.
Searching to other things, the possibility where it can pull this much number as for being, just the &#12467;&#12452;&#12484;.
If (it is proper level, before finishing to escape, it probably will die and)
The earthworm you do that time, about the 3PT it is to be destroyed.

25 names: Name of the lag mackerel it is not contribution day: 2004/06/07 (month) 00:54 [ PJVwEncOe ]
Because it does not link the slime, if that truth it probably is the MPK intentionally.

26 names: Name of the lag mackerel it is not contribution day: 2004/06/07 (month) 00:56 [ j5pBmcUju ]
If you mention the RMT room, the Ganryu not forgetting

27 names: Name of the lag mackerel it is not contribution day: 2004/06/07 (month) 01:03 [ 3l6C$kd4q ]
The &#12381; &#12387; or the slime &#12387; &#12390; not linking -.
Not to be wrong the MPK shelf.
It was the large train of the extent which very that the slime in the roller Ro mosquito you gather and can think high.
It fired even with the &#12487;&#12451;&#12450;&#12460; combining?
- Whether or not with thing, the criminal it is delicate, but only the Cyberfox, as for the person who can do that it was not.

28 names: Name of the lag mackerel it is not contribution day: 2004/06/07 (month) 06:28 [ 85v7sDv6 ]
The foreigner black barrel of 50, Nemar the MPK doing with the &#12463;&#12501;&#12451;&#12512;, it increased. Once report.

29 names: Name of the lag mackerel it is not contribution day: 2004/06/07 (month) 10:55 [ 7DOMF8L6 ]
Selfishly list compilation

< Palace entering >
* Arvy *
* Doomsday *

< MPK doubt >
0 Cyberfox
0 Nemar

30 names: Name of the lag mackerel it is not contribution day: 2004/06/07 (month) 11:09 [ jriTkzL. ]
> > 28
Details you write,!

31 names: Name of the lag mackerel it is not contribution day: 2004/06/07 (month) 12:44 [ m158dacDy ]
Also the Cyberfox the Kittycat similarly, the &#12429; which is the one person of detonation velocity damage human group?
The sled &#12419; well, the trap which is not the normal prayer.

32 names: Name of the lag mackerel it is not contribution day: 2004/06/07 (month) 17:10 [ nk5chc6ga ]
At the May last third the animal doing before the &#12463;&#12501;&#12451;&#12512; tower, cod accompanying Tsuga
To be close bringing the crab * rammer, binding,
The &#12429; or the &#12450;&#12501;&#12457; which it cannot attack with English and is the thing say doing,
Avoiding on side, deer To doing, does even in the cod other PT * & *
Doing still, the &#12427; -

33 names: Name of the lag mackerel it is not contribution day: 2004/06/08 (fire) 00:03 [ 651gf.46 ]
Different from the Japanese prayer, bleaching here, the control effect for this person or,
(Well, the genuine droppings however there is no control effect even with the Japanese, W)
The to list it converts the doubtful prayer, here and whether also it is good to solve, don't you think?.......

34 names: Name of the lag mackerel it is not contribution day: 2004/06/09 (water) 00:58 [ 27/0Ne2g ]
The turtle strongest!

35 names: Name of the lag mackerel it is not contribution day: 2004/06/09 (water) 03:30 [ KFhOUECc ]
30 it just became the &#12472;&#12521;&#12472;&#12519;&#12502; you probably will take, the damage person who depends on others taking, thinking it is proper, &#12427; person
Most as for the stomach standing the snow you saw with the summons &#12463;&#12456; to be, for the sake of
With the sand catching the white of 25 with shouting as a &#12452;&#12531;&#12473;&#12491; slave, the pass it has been about to exceed game &#12469;&#12509; patience of 34
rank If the encounter person and white be entwined person death guard request it refused at we locale of red 61, filth Telecom flew
When you insert in the BL, even existence forgetting, Lee Venn G it is it to be possible in chance being, you are inserting name complying with the &#12496;&#12470;&#12467;&#12513;

This is as far as it translated... NOt sure if this helped or if I will get rated down for putting a long string of crap in here but hey, Someone asked , I answered what I could...
#69 Mar 10 2005 at 5:54 PM Rating: Decent
26 posts
Those of you whom want to Translate try from this page theres a little more info Available and theres plenty to view even if ya dont understand~
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