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#27 Nov 25 2004 at 1:40 AM Rating: Decent
455 posts
I'm trying to get the guy to send me the dang URL. >< patience.
#28 Nov 25 2004 at 1:55 AM Rating: Decent
Man... u should just copy/paste the list into this thread... lol

Or at least hint the password or something. Don't make us brute force it :(
#29 Nov 25 2004 at 2:40 AM Rating: Decent
455 posts
That's just it, I'm waiting for the URL. He hasn't given it to me yet >< I haven't seen the list.
#30 Nov 25 2004 at 3:18 AM Rating: Good
574 posts
i would like to see a url to this list. while i believe that this exists, i have not been suspect to this.

I believe firmly in /blist-ing people who are asses in general, I even made a thread about creating a large NA /blist about 6 months ago. Sadly every one that responded to the thread stated, more or less, that they were to lazy to implement this.

I regret to say that I am not suprised nor outraged. It is a good way of weeding out those that are only self serving and selfish.

While i beleive in treating everyone as equal until i have partied with each and every person on the server, in this type of "heavily dependend community based game" I think they are just in having this type of community /blist in order to increase their community potential.

Edited, Thu Nov 25 03:19:09 2004 by Holytop
#31 Nov 25 2004 at 4:10 AM Rating: Decent
Im actually looking forward to reading this list...It seems kind of interesting that someone has such a large amount of hate for NA players that they would rally fellow JP players and make something such as this...

Meh, doesnt bother me. Chances are I wont be on there...

/em is a small fish.
#32 Nov 25 2004 at 4:52 AM Rating: Decent
Hey...CrazyAsian is my roommate. Thanks for posting a link to that picture of him. I give him crap about messing up that purchase everyday. He was trying to buy something else. I'm pondering whether to make that pic his wallpaper while he's away for Thanksgiving...hehe.
#33 Nov 28 2004 at 1:01 PM Rating: Decent
I hope that we'll see it soon >_>
#34 Dec 06 2004 at 2:12 PM Rating: Decent
35 posts
"Because they think you guys ruin the game. Like Phantasy Star online.. The minute it was released outside japan the game was hacked to death..

ROFL! Sure, it were the importers that raped PSO Ep1&2 within a week on the Gamecube or the DC version for that matter. Those Japanese got their heads in their !@#$% or something?!

Heared I was on this "black list", I am actually happy with that, I don't want to pt with people who don't have their facts straight (like the facts from PSO). Also a mate of mine who speaks Japanese is on this list, so you know we are on that list for the most dumb reasons possible.

/em must fight the urge to put in his future BRD comment: (English) only!

After all, there are some friendly jp's out there (thank god)
#35 Dec 06 2004 at 2:56 PM Rating: Decent
HAHAHA i see myself in that picture... the cool sexy elvaan legs... wow that picture is REALLY old
#36 Dec 08 2004 at 12:06 PM Rating: Decent
I hope that we'll see it soon >_>

I highly doubt Lenwei will be able to produce "the list" or any links/passwords to it. Prepare yourself for the lame excuse that is coming on how he couldn't get us a copy or access, but that he somehow managed to look at it himself...

I hope you prove me wrong, but I doubt it. Lenwei posted on November 22nd:

My friend who has the list says it is password protected.. HOWEVER, he is going to send me the link [with password].. Of which point I will POST the list HERE. I'm not going to give out the password ._. They'd find out and change the password We'd all be SOL.

It doesn't take 2+ weeks to get a URL or password from a friend. No list will be revealed in this thread.
#37 Dec 10 2004 at 4:03 AM Rating: Decent
This list may just as well be a LS list of people to not do business with. Some of the HNM LSs have really nice websites that just blow me away. The coordination it takes to get the amount of people required for HNMs pretty much mean LS websites that are as complex and as deep as this site's. The LSs that CrazyAsian is in are mixed language LSs, so I wouldn't go so far as to say that the Japanese players on Ragnarok, as a collective, have this huge list of NA players that are blacklisted. Merely, they're players that have long's what LSs are for, right? To have fun, but also to watch each other's backs?
#38 Dec 10 2004 at 4:24 AM Rating: Decent
455 posts
It doesn't take 2+ weeks to get a URL or password from a friend. No list will be revealed in this thread.

If I had the list I would send it. Has he sent me the URL? No. Every time I ask he ignores me. Don't blame me, okay? Okay. I'm doing my best.
#39 Dec 10 2004 at 1:11 PM Rating: Good
Eh, what do you expect. Us NAs don't really make ourselves come across as friendly and nice people. There are plenty of NA players who give a bad name to us as a whole, players who make fun of the japanese language, players who check japanese at will, players who aren't careful of what they say around the japanese, so on, so on, but don't let that list deter you. I can vouch that that list doesn't apply to a large majority of the japanese. Though there is a all japan blacklist, it really isn't as effective as you think. I'm an NA player, I started with NA PC release, and about 1/4 of my 130 some registered FFXI friends are Japanese. Japanese people are all about respect, and their concept of casual respect is a lot different from ours. They are a very shy, very proud group of people. When we check them, it's embarrassing to them, because they feel like they're having their privacy invaded (I would know, my Japanese friends have told me that's how they feel). Also, they don't like to party with NAs usually because they're embarrassed about their inability to speak english well. They'd rather avoid partying all together because of embarrassment about poor english, than to give it a try.

That list, like any forums, is basically just a flames forum for all the people to ***** about someone else, in particular the non-japanese community. When you see JP Only, that really doesn't mean JP Only at all, many times, if you're polite, you will get a positive response from them. Just, be careful about them though, remember, many of them have very poor english, and if they see a spare JP and some words they don't understand, it's easy to assume that they're being categorized as just "JPs" and not as players themselves, which will lead to them feeling insulted. It's the same for us, if we see the phrase "NA" in a party of all foreigners, and then see a string of words before or after, many would be under the assumption it's something bad being said about them, and become very uncomfortable until someone explains to them what is going on. If anything, every JP I have been polite, courteous, and respectful to has shown me the same. Even if they decline a party invite, they at least put in the effort to be polite about it and give a reason. I hang out with and talk to a few very prominent japanese players, if the list were to BList japanese players that associate with NA players, then many of the very prominent japanese players should be on that list --> Masterasia, Badieh, Aeqking, Keitia, Caile so on and so on. If they were blacklisted because of association with NAs, then why are they doing so damn well in their HNM LSs that willingly give them many of the best items? It's because the list really doesn't apply to anyone but those who take a flame forum seriously. If anything, the people that listen to the list are the people you wouldn't want to party with anyways, they'd play their job by how they were told rather than trying to find out what works best most likely, since those listening to the list are like sheep.

As for BLing between HNM LSs, what do you expect, this is the most competitive part of the game, 5+ HNM LSs sitting around camping for the same mob, only one gets to walk away with it, of course there will be bitter feelings from the other LSs who did not get the pull.

Edited, Fri Dec 10 13:16:10 2004 by shortyellowbus
#40 Dec 12 2004 at 9:23 PM Rating: Excellent
213 posts
one big problem i see with this thread is that.. both sides of the world cant seem to get along. im not NA, neither am i JP. im asian and i can see the conflict (it also affects the players who arent from NA but HAVE to use english u know)

i wouldnt be surprised if the NA players had a similar lists for their JP counterparts.

i havnt had problems with any jp players. if they say JP PT ONLY i just reply to them saying ok {Take care} {Thank you} and look for a next person. but for the NA players, ive encountered a few arrogant jerks. not saying that NA players are arrogant jerks, but there are (and u know they ruin YOUR name)

maybe one way u can fix this problem is not by attacking the oppoisite side but befriending them or atleast try. maybe if we all stopped fighting about this and making it a bigger issue and actually be kinder to the JP then we wouldnt have this problem.

sorry for being the poor peaceful sap that i am, but i am not a fan of racial arguments. i cant see why people cant get along, ur still both people.

Edited, Sun Dec 12 21:27:52 2004 by Alsarius
#41 Dec 13 2004 at 2:02 AM Rating: Decent
never have i seen jps reply with "jp pt only"... they straight out ignore u.
#42 Dec 13 2004 at 8:59 AM Rating: Default
440 posts
shortyellowbus - Be that as it may, none of what you said excuses the actions of the small but vocal minority of racist JP's on the server who foster this list (if it exists.) Unfortunately, as NA's, EU's and other non-JP's, the only thing we can do about it is to try to be better people and not give into racism and stereotypes ourselves.
#43 Dec 13 2004 at 9:14 AM Rating: Default
803 posts
*rated up Syb for the good post he made.

#44 Dec 13 2004 at 10:12 AM Rating: Good
1,701 posts
I had a good friend leave this game because of the no NA attitude. I personally won't let that drive me away. If someone wants to hate me because I'm NA or they don't want to party with me because of that, oh well. I was hated in high school because I grew up in Baltimore and that didn't kill me.

I don't let small minded people make my decisions for me. And I will not allow those people to effect how I view another culture. I'll play with anyone. I don't care if I can speak their language or not. And I found a lot of times, the motions in the game can help make up for the lack of availability in terms in the auto translate function.

A good expample, the other day I was leveling my bonecrafting. Until some of my stuff sells, I have NO inventory space for left over materials. There was one other person in the guild crafting, who happened to be a J player who couldn't speak english. It took me about 2 minutes to get him to understand I wanted him to accept the trade because I wanted to give him something. He finally did, and I gave him my left over bone chips, which was actually almost a complete stack. I was quick to get across that it was a gift and we spent the next two minutes smiling at each other. Saw him a few days later in Windy and he waved to me.

The point of that is that we just have to try to make an effort. I'm not saying give out free stuff. ;) But take any opportunity you have to try and make friends with people you run into in game, without worrying about where they are from or if you can speak the same language. It's amazing how easy it is to get past the barrier at times. Even if you don't understand their culture and don't know what is proper protocal (I know I'm not always good at that), I found as long as you are genuinely trying to be friendly and polite, the mistakes aren't held against you.
#45 Dec 13 2004 at 11:31 AM Rating: Decent
wondering if anyone can translate these
#46 Dec 13 2004 at 2:50 PM Rating: Decent
89 posts
The first link appears to be about HNM LS's..
The second link appears to be about gilsellers..

I can't read or speak japanese (without taking tons of time painstakingly translating with a book or something), but just from the names and such listed, that's what I understand them to be about.
#47 Dec 13 2004 at 6:33 PM Rating: Default
Ummm... right click... translate to English.
#48 Dec 13 2004 at 7:23 PM Rating: Decent
I read the first link, alot of ragnarok names, (well this IS ragnarok forums) and i see my name there, one of them thinks im a gil seller.... ********, good thing someone said otherwise
#49 Dec 14 2004 at 12:43 PM Rating: Decent
/wave Lenwei (your in my LS =P)

I think that it doesnt nescessarily (sp?) mean that we are bad people. Its just the fact that some americans are just plain !@#$%^ holes. There i said it Some americans are just plain !@#$%^ holes. In no way does this mean that every american is this way or even most of us. Yes I am American as well.

Some japenese people dont like to pt with Americans. Get over it. Japenese are people just as Americans are and if you dont understand what JP ONLY means then you should not be playing this game.
#50 Dec 14 2004 at 3:08 PM Rating: Decent
It's Just a Flesh Wound
22,702 posts
ColdHarted wrote:
/wave Lenwei (your in my LS =P)

I think that it doesnt nescessarily (sp?) mean that we are bad people. Its just the fact that some americans are just plain !@#$%^ holes. There i said it Some americans are just plain !@#$%^ holes. In no way does this mean that every american is this way or even most of us. Yes I am American as well.

Some japenese people dont like to pt with Americans. Get over it. Japenese are people just as Americans are and if you dont understand what JP ONLY means then you should not be playing this game.

what if there are people from a different language that dun understand english, are you saying they shouldn't play the game too!?!? HUH?!?! Smiley: wink2 j/k
Dear people I don't like: 凸(●´―`●)凸
#51 Dec 14 2004 at 3:51 PM Rating: Decent
48 posts
Also, they don't like to party with NAs usually because they're embarrassed about their inability to speak english well. They'd rather avoid partying all together because of embarrassment about poor english, than to give it a try.

I could see this as being highly valid as to why JPs prefer an all JP party.
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