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Economy Boom V.S. Gil-SellingFollow

#1 Nov 17 2004 at 12:53 AM Rating: Default
This is an economical perspective, put into the form of a storty about two Raganrokans, Pan and Han.

Pan is a high-level thief that is in a good HNMLS. When Pan finally gets the HNM drop that he wants, he is very happy. Now, Pan can sell it on the AH! But you see, when Pan realizes that the prices are going up, he thinks "Hey! I'll be that if I
raised the price by 20k, someone will buy it! After all, it's the only one on auction." And thus, Pan uses his designer-given right to sell an item on the AH for as much as he pleases. Then, another character chooses to buy it, ta-da! If the other character did not like the price, then to bad! The ability to get this item is an advantage that they do not have at this moment, all's fair!

But then Han comes and does the exact same thing, raising the price on that item again by 20k. But, Han sells the gil from this item to someone else for U.S. dollars...


Now, looking back on the story, what Pan did was fine, he had an advantage and utilized it: playing his strengths. Han did the same thing, but he sold his gil. Now, what Han did was wrong and so was the person whom bought the gil, but how does that affect the economy? If one blames the fact that the economy is nt working out for them on gil-sellers, one may as well blame it on those that give money to friends out of the goodness of their heart: they both affect the economy equally!

Learn to play well or don't play, instead of blaitently spamming the forums for us all. If you do not have anything productive to say about a topic (unless its goofy by nature ^.^)it'spam.

Another troop against gil-trade and its true nature,
#2 Nov 17 2004 at 9:06 AM Rating: Excellent
24 posts
Now, what Han did was wrong and so was the person whom bought the gil, but how does that affect the economy?

Let me tell you :D

First off, the free market economy is determined by supply and demand. If there is a large supply with little demand, prices drop. If there is small supply with large demand, prices skyrocket. Now, as more money becomes available, it impacts the economy negatively : more liquid assets = more buying power + no change in the supply = prices increase.

Now enter the gilsellers. Previously, the wealth required to purchase the "best" gear was restricted to higher level characters, those midlvs with patience to farm for weeks and months on end, those lucky enough to find a solid and capable BCNM group at level 40, or those with random luck to get valuable drops off the lowlv NMs (JEJ, HMT, LL, Mee Deggi, etc).

With the advent of gilselling, wealth no longer became dependant on skill or dedication. By putting extreme amounts of gil at the disposal of lower level characters, they were enabled to enter a market they otherwise would have not been in, thusly increasing demand, while the supply stayed the same.

Higher demand + stagnated supply = inflation.

As if this wasn't bad enough, the gilsellers are not content until they monopolize a particular drop. If they are on stropers 24-7, chances are they're getting the majority of the drops. Therefore they have limited control over the supply of materials. I say limited because a complete monopoly is virtually impossible in the game setup for one specific group. This limited control, however, enables them to raise prices easily, when they're turning in the largest number of drops each week. On top of this, those non-gilsellers who are able to get the drop see the rising price and follow suit, in an effort to increase their gil/hour farming rate. Thusly the unwitting alliance between the gilsellers and the other campers results in the dreaded total monopoly.

So now you have a group in moderate control of both the flow of gil to lower levels and also in majority control of the drops their potential clients want. They set prices higher and higher, they supply the gil to buy their own items, and presto, extreme economic inflation. The problem is that they're recycling their own gil:

GilbuyerSteve buys 1,200,000g for $100. He purchases 2 Archer Rings for 600k each, buying them both from the gilsellers working for the company he bought the gil from. In essence, the company makes $100 profit, w/o having their supply of gil depleted, thus allowing them to sell 1,200,000g to the next guy...and the cycle repeats. The falling prices of gil on the net are prime proof of this cycle. Their supply of gil is huge as they get drops and recycle their gil, so they're able to lower their USD prices to make their service more attractive, get more customers, and perpetuate the cycle of inflation.

Hope this helps.
#3 Nov 17 2004 at 12:23 PM Rating: Decent
892 posts
Lalryn... I couldn't have said it better myself. And I couldn't agree more.
#4 Nov 17 2004 at 3:22 PM Rating: Decent
989 posts
Lalryn understands completely.
#5 Nov 17 2004 at 4:09 PM Rating: Decent
I agree. Finally someone understands how the economy works. But I dont blame Gil Sellers, I blame POL, SE, and high-end executive that knows about NM campers with auto-voke camping peacock charm. I feel this will be a NM no one unless they have a turbo controller will ever have the pleasure to fight and earn. Try training some linking gobs to their position and when they get mad at you, or voke on first sight, you'll know that this is a bot they are using.
#6 Nov 17 2004 at 4:58 PM Rating: Decent
1,058 posts
here's the meat of it....


Take one person you suspect of being a gil seller and PROVE IT.

Not a "he told me" because that becomes he said, she said and gets you no where. But proof. Show proff that this person has taken their item, sold it, and then sold the earned gil.

This is in effect what you are asking SE to do. And they may have tools built into the servive that will flag things that APPEAR to be bots, or APPEAR to be suspicios. But couldn't they just be someone using a turbo controller? Or someone using a PC with the keyboard repeat rate set to an insanely low value? yes... the COULD PROVE IT.

If SE or anyone else is going to have any luck in shutting it down, that's what they need to do. TO prove my point, look at SOE and Everquest....7 years later and people are still selling plat and items..and SOE is powerless to stop it. Why? Because they can't PROVE IT.

The simplest thing in the world would be to just take the EULA and go to court and throw it a IGE and say "Hey, you cant do that because the EULA says you can't!". Right? Except all IGE has to do is say "we don't play the we aren't bound by your EULA".. dismissed.
#7 Nov 17 2004 at 11:26 PM Rating: Decent
While most of what Lalryn said is true, (s)he overestimates the effect gil-sellers have on the economy.

Prices are skyrocketing on lots of big-ticket items, but everyone just blames those damned gil-sellers for ruining the economy. What you're actually seeing are the normal effects of supply and demand working without "government legislation" to keep prices in control.

On the supply side, it's far from stagnant. Archer's Rings are still being farmed up daily, and Gil is still coming from in-game sources, not just being magically printed up by IGE. So there is no forced inflation.

It's the demand side that's responsible for the runaway prices. As long as people are willing to have Sniper Rings at ANY price, they will become more expensive. And they will continue to increase in price until players decide that the item is no longer worth that price. This is the major point where a lot of people may disagree with me, but gil-sellers are not ruining the economy, they're simply taking advantage of it. It's impossible to jack up the price of any item unless someone is willing to pay that jacked up price. End of story.
#8 Nov 17 2004 at 11:33 PM Rating: Default
That's exactly what this is all about! IGE's money is not magically produced from nowhere, bu the game will have to do something about it, and I believe that they will.
#9 Nov 17 2004 at 11:35 PM Rating: Decent
892 posts
It may very well be possible that a lot of people are willing to pay the price cause they go on over to IGE and spend a few IRL dollars to get some in game currency.

Someone was shouting at someone to "Just buy gil, it's like $10 for 100k" or something like that the other day. So people may be willing to pay more cause they can take $10 and be able to.
#10 Nov 17 2004 at 11:35 PM Rating: Default
GilbuyerSteve buys 1,200,000g for $100. He purchases 2 Archer Rings for 600k each, buying them both from the gilsellers working for the company he bought the gil from. In essence, the company makes $100 profit, w/o having their supply of gil depleted, thus allowing them to sell 1,200,000g to the next guy...and the cycle repeats.

Rate up ^^; {hmmm.} Do I have to have scholar status to rate up?
#11 Nov 17 2004 at 11:54 PM Rating: Good
412 posts
You can't really tell people not to buy Sniper rings or Amemit mantles though. The problem is they've siezed on some key items in the economy. On our servers and on all the others. I guess it's wishful thinking that gil prices will ever drop so low as to be unprofitable. I don't really know what the solution is, until everyone has 2 snipers and an Ochiudo's kote who wants them.

Real players are asking more for their items too, but you can't blame them. Farming is hell now. Gilsellers occupy many of the good spots, and the rest are crowded with the legitimate players trying to avoid them. The gilsellers create an artificial demand for economic resources that should not exist.

What can we do as players though? Sell our Ochiudo's kote for 400k? Then someone will just buy them and sell them again at the lucdicrous 900 they've been selling for. Apart from 1) everyone stops buying gil, or 2) SE intervenes, I don't know how to fix it. 1 & 2 are pretty far-fetched, by the way.
#12 Nov 18 2004 at 12:31 AM Rating: Decent
Well in due fact, there is a way to prove it. yes turbo controllers and auto-voking bots are ways that one could use to quickly snag a NM. Though, when you're a high level RDM/THF and train some gobs in the peacock charm room with 15+ players ready to voke the NM (with that lame *** spawn time) you know for damn sure no one is there in front of the keyboard. If this IS ok for people to do, then why are they putting a quick stop to fishing-bots or magic skillup-bots? I've known people who have gotten their account frozen for about a week for it. Hell, my fishing is at like, 1! My enhancing and summoning magic can be better too. People complain about higher prices in the AH. I see it only getting worse, so start saving up and buy what you need now! lol

I also thing they should make the inventory space larger! I'm running out of room from all of these ex/rare items!
Hmmm. This is what I dont get, you can have 55 slots open and carry only 55 ores. (dont see why you cant carry them in a sack) but you can also juggle 55 beds in your inventory! WTF is that? Reality not being tied in with this game or anything, but c'mon! hook us up with some more space! 55 slots/80 safe/80 storage isn't cutting out, even with 2 mules!
#13 Nov 18 2004 at 2:58 AM Rating: Decent
Take Argus (Acc10, RngAcc+10), SquareEnix can create a new necklace that gives say Acc12 RngAcc-10 or Acc-10 RngAcc+15. Make these items items Ra/ex. Maybe drops from BCNM, Tulia .. etc. Square can just target some items and do something abt it. I believe the items that have raised drastically across all servers are the same.
#14 Nov 18 2004 at 11:01 AM Rating: Decent
24 posts
While most of what Lalryn said is true, (s)he overestimates the effect gil-sellers have on the economy.

He. Furthermore, none of the arguments I made in any way overestimate anything. In fact, I was patently generous in my allowances.

Prices are skyrocketing on lots of big-ticket items, but everyone just blames those damned gil-sellers for ruining the economy. What you're actually seeing are the normal effects of supply and demand working without "government legislation" to keep prices in control.

No. Sniper Rings going from 300k to 800k in about 4 weeks is not "normal effects of supply and demand". A 266.6% rate of inflation is not normal. As a point of reference, in the United States, the current rate of inflation is a little over 3% as of October, with a YTD average of about 2.7%. Granted, the political and economic situation of the US is different; I'm quoting it simply to give an idea of what "normal" is in a somewhat healthy economy. How are newer players even ABLE to afford such horrible markups? I presented a few possibilities in my first post, but the one that's far easier, and becoming more and more preferred: BUY GIL!

On the supply side, it's far from stagnant. Archer's Rings are still being farmed up daily, and Gil is still coming from in-game sources, not just being magically printed up by IGE. So there is no forced inflation.

"Stagnation" implies that the supply is remaining the same over an extended period of time. This is simply the cold hard fact of the matter. The rings were camped almost 24-7 before the gilsellers, the rate of drop has not increased, therefore the approximate number of rings are dropping and being listed has not varied greatly. Since the price did not increase sharply like it has now, the only viable conclusion is that the supply has stagnated in that it has not gotten any larger while the demand has grown exponentially. Take now into account who is listing the rings? When did the sharp price increase begin? It's hardly coincidental that it began when the gilsellers started their perma-camp. Just look on the sell list: I checked it a few days ago, and various known gilsellers had 7/10 sales.

As far as IGE "magically" printing up money: they're doing all but. If you paid attention to and understood my GilbuyerSteve illustration, you would understand how the gil recycle works, which is at its core economically devestating. Their money comes back to them easy as pie when they are able to control the drops that folks buy with the gil they bought. That means their supply is doing nothing but going up, allowing them to reduce their prices to make gilbuying all the more attractive.

You give large amounts of money to folks who wouldn't normally have it, extreme inflation is going to result, and the economy will fail. Look at Russia after the Soviet collapse. The problem: The people are poor! The solution: get more money out! So they printed a ton of money, distributed it, and what happened? The monetary unit collapsed, and it took buckets of money to buy things like bread! Now let's apply it to us: Gilfarmers get the drops that folks want. Gilselling companies give large amounts of gil to folks who wouldn't otherwise have it, exponentially increasing demand. Gilsellers increase the cost of the drops because they know damn well demand is going up. Gilbuyers buy the drops the gilfarmers get, and the gil from the purchase goes directly back into the company's pockets. They lower gil prices, and more folks buy gil. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. End result: EXTREME INFLATION.

I'm terribly sorry that you don't see the plain, simple, and blatantly logical nature of this exercise, but the logic and facts remain sound. I also apologize if I missed the original intent of this thread, which I see now was a "Gilsellers aren't really so bad after all" emotional plea. Sorry to rain on your parade, but I'm not about to let the Bleeding Hearts of Ragnarok Association (that's the BHRA, for those keeping track *wink*) downplay a serious problem that has catastrophic implications for the future of the server economy. If it's like this now, what will it be like in 6 months? A year?

That said, Lenelle, you did stumble onto the solution to the problem. The only, and I mean ONLY way that this will be fixed is if:

1) Folks stop buying gil (It's lame, so quit it. Play the game like the rest of us)
2) Folks stop accepting the gilsellers insane prices and refuse to buy their merchandise (Fat chance, I know)
3) SE gets off their lazy, rich, bloated butts and actually UPHOLDS their end of the EULA and ToS, and starts hiring GMs with backbones who will stand up and not be content to simply regurgitate answers handed to them by the Corporate Office.

Sorry for the long posts, wish I could explain it in a diagram or somethin >< (if any of you are artistically inclined and want to try to diagram it in a witty and humorous way, I'd love to see it! :D) Hope this helps clear up any remaining shadows of doubt.
#15 Nov 19 2004 at 1:32 AM Rating: Default
I never once justified what the gilsellers are doing. The difference between you and I is that I have the ability to take a step back and look at the situation in a totally economical perspective. Please stop saying bad things about me out side of this thread and instead try to check your heated emotions at the door, as I have done. I personally have nothing against you but I know for a fact that you've said bad things about me. Either have the maturity to grow past your petty rants or have the respect and dignity to silence yourself. It is one thing to disagree with respect and integrity, yet quite another to babble on about me personally. I respect your opinion as well as your right to express it as you chose but I will not sit back knowing that foul words have been said about me. So have not the smallest sense of hope that all of your flaming and swearing will sway my opinions or augment my view of your own.

Without spite,
#16 Nov 19 2004 at 3:03 AM Rating: Default
133 posts
I never once justified what the gilsellers are doing. The difference between you and I is that I have the ability to take a step back and look at the situation in a totally economical perspective. Please stop saying bad things about me out side of this thread and instead try to check your heated emotions at the door, as I have done. I personally have nothing against you but I know for a fact that you've said bad things about me. Either have the maturity to grow past your petty rants or have the respect and dignity to silence yourself. It is one thing to disagree with respect and integrity, yet quite another to babble on about me personally. I respect your opinion as well as your right to express it as you chose but I will not sit back knowing that foul words have been said about me. So have not the smallest sense of hope that all of your flaming and swearing will sway my opinions or augment my view of your own.

Wo, wo, wo... get over yourself. You happen to have an opinion and you think that people are bad mouthing you outside of this thread because of it. I have not been a part of TSHot for long and I have never once heard Lalryn using any "foul" words about anyone, or even totally disrespecting someone.

Don't try to defend your POV by trying to make someone else look bad. Thank you, and take care.
#17 Nov 19 2004 at 10:03 AM Rating: Good
24 posts
The difference between you and I is that I have the ability to take a step back and look at the situation in a totally economical perspective.

Did you even read my posts? They contained nothing but purely logical economics, and my apology for missing the intended "gilsellers aren't so bad, stop spamming about them" theme. If you read sarcasm into that, that's your hangup - I truly meant the apology if I'd missed the point of the thread, and screwed it up by responding with the economics of the situation.

Please stop saying bad things about me out side of this thread and instead try to check your heated emotions at the door, as I have done. I personally have nothing against you but I know for a fact that you've said bad things about me. Either have the maturity to grow past your petty rants or have the respect and dignity to silence yourself. It is one thing to disagree with respect and integrity, yet quite another to babble on about me personally. I respect your opinion as well as your right to express it as you chose but I will not sit back knowing that foul words have been said about me.

Why would I say bad things about you? I don't even know you! As Derival said, get over yourself. I think someone you talked to is trying to stir up drama between us (Drama?? On Ragnarok?!? Say it isn't so!). I distinctly remember the LS talking about it - someone asked why the prices were up; I forwarded them to this thread, and we talked about it for about 90 seconds, most of it being "yeah, that makes sense". I asked if there were any new responses, nobody responded, and the conversation died as we started fighting Faust, and my subsequent POL crash (sorry gang, but you all did awesome even w/o the crashing Bard! ><). No cursing, no ill feelings. Sorry, but you were misled.

That said, simply for the sake of not wasting my time in a flamewar, I'll apologize for whatever perceived wrongs I've done you. It doesn't matter that in truth I'm innocent; in your mind I'm guilty. If you want to believe hearsay as truth, so be it. Never once did you try to talk to me about it, but ran right out to the boards and proceeded to flame me.

But yeah, to spare me and everyone else an extreme waste of time: I'm sorry for whatever pain and trouble I've caused you.

(Warning: small rant following, a slightly different topic)

Oh, and to whomever caused this little tiff by misleading Ayashi, I hope your gossipy little head gets lopped off your shoulders. Absolutely cannot stand you people. Grow up and learn to mind your own damn business instead of stirring up crap between people.

(End Rant)
#18 Nov 19 2004 at 5:26 PM Rating: Default
I made an entirely sincere request of you. Things like, "get over yourself" are intended as insults that I will not stand for. You have twisted this thread from an ecnomical statement to plain ranting. Where I come from, we call that spam.

Please stop saying bad things about me out side of this thread

Wo, wo, wo... get over yourself.

It seems that it is more your company than yourself that are provoking the situation. I'll send you a tell this evening, Lalryn. I happen to know some members of your company rather well and know for certain that they are not in any intention to create tension between us.

You'll hear from me soon,
#19 Nov 19 2004 at 7:10 PM Rating: Good
25 posts
TheMiracle: You accuse Lalryn of immaturity, but out of the blue start pointing fingers in a purely informal thread. Quoted from the original post:

Learn to play well or don't play, instead of blaitently spamming the forums for us all. If you do not have anything productive to say about a topic (unless its goofy by nature ^.^)it'spam.

So live by your own words, and keep the personal drama where it belongs: Private messages.
#20 Nov 20 2004 at 11:54 AM Rating: Default
440 posts
Ayashi, your "entirely sincere request" was mostly just drama and blind accusations.

Please stop saying bad things about me out side of this thread...

I respect your opinion as well as your right to express it as you chose but I will not sit back knowing that foul words have been said about me.

So have not the smallest sense of hope that all of your flaming and swearing will sway my opinions or augment my view of your own.

Unless you have proof of these things (screenies, chatlogs, etc.), then all of these things are essentially libel against Lalryn, and I and his other friends in-game won't stand for that. Now, either make with the proof quickly, or hush up.

Edited, Sat Nov 20 11:59:22 2004 by Cydille
#21 Nov 20 2004 at 12:53 PM Rating: Good
2,071 posts
TheMiracle wrote:
I made an entirely sincere request of you. Things like, "get over yourself" are intended as insults that I will not stand for. You have twisted this thread from an ecnomical statement to plain ranting. Where I come from, we call that spam.

If there was any twisting that happened in this thread, you brought it all yourself.

Read over Lalryn's post. Not once did he flame you. Quoting him, get over yourself already.
#22 Nov 21 2004 at 4:14 PM Rating: Decent
lalryn, I just want to say that is the most informative perspective I have seen regarding the Gilseller Crisis. I wish more people understood this fundamental problem as deeply as you do.

I do have 1 question though...
As prices go up on items [ Example of snipers now almost 900k a pop when they should be closer to 400k ] Gil sellers have control of more gil that they sell to IGE. As a result of IGE having tons of gil, prices to buy gil decreases. So with that said, are gilsellers ultimately doomed to there own demise because gil selling wont be profitable anymore because IGE can sell it so cheaply? Chances are I am missing something but if that is the case, then we just have to wait for gil sellers to lose interest because they arent making enough money anymore.

Thanks again lalryn
#23 Nov 21 2004 at 7:26 PM Rating: Decent
I see this as just a game so just deal with it? The people that play the game everyday all day are the main ones that buy gil and sell items 100k+ the regular price. I think after awhile the items will drop because it'll be too much gil in the server soon kinda like the real economy, Great Depression lol.

So just let it take place and don't buy the items but save gil and invest in crafting or leveling low jobs for CP points and the AH should go back to the way it use it and maybe lower.
SE still puts things into the game so there will be more items, better items soon I think to compete with the other games coming out.
#24 Nov 21 2004 at 10:26 PM Rating: Good
24 posts
So with that said, are gilsellers ultimately doomed to there own demise because gil selling wont be profitable anymore because IGE can sell it so cheaply?

That's the uncertainty. If IGE continues to suck gil out of the market and place it into players' hands at lower and lower prices, yes there will come a time when the wages they pay their workers is less than the value of the time spent collecting.

Another issue is that IGE is just one of the gilselling companies. The problem is that IGE also owns a few of the others, in an attempt to pretend like there's "competition" between gil suppliers. In truth, there's only 1 or 2, maybe 3 companies out there, operating under different names (this allows them to dominate the search results on the various engines, blocking any smalltime operations from getting into the action [which incidentally is illegal, but good luck proving it!] but at the same time makes it look like there's healthy competition in the marketplace). What this does is gives the few companies out there a monopoly of the market. They're not going to give up any more real money than they have to. They lower prices just enough to undercut their competition, but once their profit margins start getting cut into, they'll freeze their prices. With only 1-3 companies out there, it's very easy to work together to insure that everyone makes money.

Think about it. They're a virtual business. Almost zero overhead. They don't rent a building; hell the most they pay is the monthy fee for accounts to deliver gil on all servers, and then a pittance to their suppliers. They've got folks who pay for XI giving them gil for 1/4 of what they sell it for. They make 200-400% profit on each sale, for sitting on their butts.

So short answer to your question: They -could- run themselves out of business, but only if they're stupid. They control the market, therefore they set prices, so they control their profit.

Hope this helps, any further questions feel free :)
#25 Nov 21 2004 at 11:07 PM Rating: Decent
well, thanks again for clarifying lalryn but I wish you had something more positive to say ><
#26 Nov 21 2004 at 11:16 PM Rating: Decent
93 posts
This just in, Sadly.. nothing about gilsellers is positive. Even when they're dying.
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