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#27 Jan 15 2005 at 11:56 PM Rating: Decent
265 posts

The thing that bugs me the most is that Gilsellers, or people that camp NM's or monopolize some aspect of the game, do not care that they are ruining the game for others. They have no remorse for what they are doing. They have no shame in what they are doing. It is a shame that a RL person, has so little of a life that they have the time to do this. Even if they are getting paid to doit..ummm come on, think about it how much money can you actually make sure flipping burgers at McDonlalds will pay you more ^^.. Another thing it really sux having to pay crazily inflated prices for thing that have no reason being that high...I will most definetly send an e-mail, everyday until this problem is fixed ^^, it will be my pleasure!
#28 Jan 16 2005 at 12:04 AM Rating: Decent
recently tried to find myself a morion worm in korro[tab] tunnel being that i didn't see a point in paying that if i could camp it... Boy was i wrong, seems as if chinesgirl is there non stop and seems to be working with other players that are always there... Then she has the nerve to msg me saying Morion 80k oK? just adds salt to the cut of frustration haha...
this post is probably more of a rant but frustrating ^_^.
#29 Jan 16 2005 at 12:48 AM Rating: Decent
192 posts
I was actually going to post a reply here, but I had quite a bit to say so I'm going to make another thread :)
#30 Jan 16 2005 at 12:48 AM Rating: Decent
192 posts
**double post, apologies**

Edited, Tue Jan 18 10:56:52 2005 by FunksterJar
#31 Jan 17 2005 at 4:34 AM Rating: Decent
17 posts
Yesterday I found a guy in Jugner forest turning on himself ...

I ask him why he did that but he was like AFW.

A few hours later I came back to the cavern and this player was here turning on himself and taking every Tiger spawing around.

No doubt, that s a script, I contacted a GM, and he told me he will investigate at this player.

If you find players turning somewhere for a very long time and camping a good spot, just contact a GM, that s a bot !
#32 Jan 17 2005 at 9:43 AM Rating: Decent
Its not always a bot, though it might be.

I know when during the few rare times I have tried to camp LL I got on one of the boulders, and just kept turning.. and turning.. and turning.. with my fingers on the voke macro.
#33 Jan 22 2005 at 7:49 PM Rating: Decent
88 posts
I think two things that could be done would be to increase the drop rate, so that there are more items out there. And to add a timer limit to each NM. Sort of like a 2-hour ability. After you, your group, or your alliance fights a particular NM, you have to wait a certain amount of time before any person in your party can attack that NM again. Make the wait something like 4 or 5 spawns. That way a particular farmer can only attempt to claim 1 out of every 5 or so spawns. Then other people could have a chance at getting that NM. This might even go so far as to discourage pure farmers from even camping since they would want to wait that long. And if they try to MPK other groups that try to fight the NM, that's when you notify a GM and get them banned.

I believe that is something that could help cut down some on all this farming and give other people a chance at getting to fight the NM and possibly get a drop.
#34 Jan 22 2005 at 9:53 PM Rating: Decent
574 posts
Really want to know how to get Rid of gil sellers...

1) don't ask others (like SE and the FF community to do it)

2) learn how to program and hack

3) upload an uncrontrolable virus to the gil sellers company network and personal computers

4) make it your month long goal to infiltrate and tear down their company and personal computers with viruses everyday..

5) teach everyone around you who plays final fantasy how to do this and rotate every month...

6) mask your IP
#35 Jan 24 2005 at 1:47 PM Rating: Decent
43 posts
you can count me in ill be sending my email to pol and/or SE about these problems im sick of this crap!


i like the above message lets all hack there computers and tear it down ------> HACK THE PLANET <------- =D i like it i like it <--- hit me up

Edited, Mon Jan 24 13:49:13 2005 by ZidanaoftheRoc
#36 Jan 26 2005 at 8:56 PM Rating: Decent
58 posts
i'm not sure how much this will help... since i am still somewhat low level... but i find that nearly everything i want or need i can craft or quest for. it takes some time, and it does make sense to me, that if you make your own gear...that kinda cuts the neck of those who need to sell items to sell gil...

*shrugs* but i do know that some items must be farmed, or otherwise won. (gah i want an astral ring...but i'd die before i would pay 1/2 a million for one)

Edited, Thu Jan 27 01:28:17 2005 by dragoonqueen
#37 Feb 01 2005 at 4:58 PM Rating: Decent
194 posts
I have to say that I am somewhat surprised that SE hasn't come up with a patch for this problem. With the shear scope and depth of this game,(and the fact that they come out with patches and updates on a seemingly daily basis) you'd figure it would be possible. Here is what i mean:

There are some very obvious gil-sellers in the game. People have written alot of complaints and made complaints to G.M's, etc.

If SE were to conduct a full 'investigation' of these players, and tracking the players gear, and where their gil is going and what these people are doing with all their 'game-time', etc.... AFTER it has been confirmed that the person is more than likely a gil-seller, wouldn't it make sense to:

NOT JUST CANCEL THE PERSONS ACCOUNT (*because they would lose alot of money that way!*), but rather - here are two seemingly viable options (both logically and economically) :

(drum-roll please)

OPTION 1. Put a 'block' on the GS (gil-seller) receiving any drops. Or even, as a lesser of two evils, blocking the GS from receiving drops from NM's. It makes the most sense. YES...for a little while, the unaware GS's would still camp the NM's, but then once they realize it's all for nothing, they would either quit the game or maybe actually go and play it like it's supposed to be played.(<-doubt it) Further to this, the patch could actually make it so that when an NM is claimed by the GS's - there would be an automated message that would say something like "You have been blocked from receiving items and gil from Notorious Monsters. Please contact customer support for more information. Thank you for playing Final Fantasy XI" In contacting customer support, they could tell the GS that their NM drops have been suspended for (First Offence - 2 weeks - Second Offence - 1 month - Third Offence - Indefinite suspend)

OPTION 2. Make the aforementioned NM's 'un-claimable' by the GS's. If they can't fight an NM, they can't sell the items the NM drops. Of course, there would be loopholes in getting around this one, such as having a party with a non-gil-seller involved, thus making claiming with that non-gil seller (or new, untracked gil-seller) a real possibility.


I'm sure that either of these ideas would not completely eliminate the problem of gil-selling, and people always seem to find loopholes around things, but the real point here is that it would be REDUCED...and any reduction in the troubles and frustrations GS's cause is better than the current state of affairs.

Anyones thoughts on this?


Bear in mind, this is my opinion of an option I feel should be explored, AGAIN, IT'S MY OPINION. So please give me your thoughts on YOUR OPINIONS and don't just attack my THOUGHTS on this. Thanking you in advance.

Ragnarok Server

#38 Feb 01 2005 at 5:25 PM Rating: Good
There are nearly an infinite number of good ideas to stop gilsellers. What broils my scrod is that the "measures" SE has taken to reduce the gilseller activity has both a) Punished legit players as well as sellers/buyers, and b) Not reduced gilseller activity whatsoever.

I don't know how many of you were fans of the television show "Mystery Science Theater 3000", but way back when it was on Comedy Central, if the network did anything to the show that the fans didn't like (i.e. plastering a stupid network logo on the bottom right of the screen where Crow sat, or having an obnoxious Penn Gillette voiceover program announcement during the credits) the fans of the show would spam them with faxes, e-mails, and phone calls. CC was unable to do business, and they were forced to give in to the fans, even though they'd already sold their advertising time and made their money off the show.

So, the OP's idea can just needs to be done on a mammoth scale. SE is a much bigger organization than Comedy Central.
#39 Feb 08 2005 at 3:40 PM Rating: Decent
I was just doing some area search, and I noticed that strangely a large number of gilseller was not playing, what happened??
No Logitech, Hpc, Smalltail, Villok, Nanokeya, Aloker, no Chinesegirl nor Guangtou. No Nonipini and co. mining...
The only two LSxxxx that were online had quite "normal" job and sub and were in low level exping areas. I checked after several hours too, same result.
Some ironically said: "they're moving to WoW"
But gilsellers don't "move" they will surely populate any new MMORPG, but they don't leave a still highly played game like FFXI.
So i was just wondering: is SE doing something against them, or was it only a huge blackout in China?
#40 Feb 09 2005 at 1:59 PM Rating: Decent
1,058 posts

As I recall., MST3K went off the air long ago. Could it be that the constant demands of trying to please everyone finally lead to advertiser disinterest, and thus no revenues, and therefore cancellation of the show?

I admit, sometimes letter writing and pettitions do work, but only for short periods, and frankly any company that constantly bends to the will of the most vocal group (rarely the majority) then you create a situation where you are constantly changing things to please those few who shout the loudest..and usually end up creating a whole new group of people who will shout for a return to previous ways.

One thing that always interests me in all this anti-gilseller debate is the absence of the obvious. MOST prices on the server aren't impacted by the sellers, they are impacted by gil hungry 'regular' players. Who here has NEVER bumped the price of an item for no reason other than they knew they had the only one in the AH? maybe 100 gil here..or 1K tehre. But the guy who comes behind YOU is going to do the same thing, so now the price creeps up needlessly. Look at Windy Crystals in Bastok, over 3k at one point! Why? Surely you aren't going to tell me gilsellers drove that price up. or the price of Moat Carp, or the cost of any number of items completely unrelated to NM drops. its THESE increases that cause the true economic problems on this server.
#41 Feb 09 2005 at 2:08 PM Rating: Decent
2,112 posts
^ here here...good post Rate up...we are all resposible for the ecom..

Edited, Wed Feb 9 14:10:44 2005 by UNCTGTG
Relic Scythe Finished
Aegis Currency Finished
Drk Job Profile

#42 Feb 13 2005 at 10:53 PM Rating: Good
89 posts
After reading a lot of this post, I'll say something.

You know, the gilsellers aren't really the problem. The Hiked prices, the people buying gil, it's the server's fault.

People complain about gilsellers because they hike the price. That's a lie. They set the price higher, it's us, the economy who says "Damn, they want 100k more?! I'll buy it, but I'll be pissed". Instead of blaming gilsellers, blame the people that are willing to pay that extra 200k for an item.

If you really want to do something about it, make sure nobody buys a certain item off the AH, or have an LS event. Someone can buy (Or put up their own) Emperor's Hairpin for a decent amount of money, say 200k-300k (Whatever it was before hand) And everyone can just spam the buy menu with 300k offers, that way the menu is full of 300k, and if people want more, tough.

There are other things that can be done. Turning to SE and saying "You, fix this" isn't going to work. It's going to take the work of the economy as a whole to fix this.

Also, gilselling and buying isn't hiking prices. People get pissed at people that buy gil, when no money is actually made. It's transfered. Nothing is lost except for real Dollars/Pounds/Other currency.

Just my (long)2-cents.
#43 Feb 14 2005 at 12:53 PM Rating: Decent
1,058 posts
Also, gilselling and buying isn't hiking prices. People get pissed at people that buy gil, when no money is actually made. It's transfered. Nothing is lost except for real Dollars/Pounds/Other currency.

Good point. Most governments regulate the creation of currency as a check against inflation and to help the currency retain its value. For example if the US mint was given authority to double the cash supply to the US economy, prices could be expected to double, and the value of the dollar would reduce by roughly 50% in the world market.

The reason is simple, more currency in the channel creates lower values for that currency. So it takes more currency to purchase the same good.

Now in the case of someone like IGE selling currency in an MMO, the money is not 'new'. IGE cannot make money, they can only take existing gil and transfer it from person to person. Square is the only one 'making' money.

I kill a goblin, get 7 gil. That gil is 'new' money. it did not exist in the economy untl I killed that Gobby and it came into my possesion. The gobby also dropped an Earth crystal which I sell inthe AH for 100 gil. That gil is 'old' money. Someone else had it first, another player has transfered it to me in exchange for that crystal.

If that player then loses the crystal in a synth or drops it, then it's lost, nothing can come of it. But if they sell it to an NPC for 15 gil, then there is MORE new money in the game. If they craft an item and it sells to another player, then that gil is 'old' as well. But many crafter will blow out stocks of low level poorly selling items to NPCs, infusing the economy with 'new' money.

The argument threre is that the gil lost when selling to an NPC over the AH evens out. But it's not true. The person who might have bought that Harp for 2000 gil still has his 2000 gil but I now also have 400 gil that never existed becuase I sold it to an npc.
Even when I spend 10,000 at the AH to buy supplies to make an item and I can only earn back 5,000 gil by selling to an NPC, this is not a net loss to the is to me...but there is now still 10,000 gil in the hands of other players from my purchases, and a NEW 5000 gil in my posession from the NPCs.

All IGE does is take existing currencies, and for a real world price, re-distribute it. This has ZERO impact on the value of the currency in a real sense. There is no more and no less gil in the world as the result of an IGE sale.

What you CAN argue is that it may shift the perceieved value of gil in the eyes of the gil purchaser. Now you have a person who can "earn" 1 million gil with a few mouse clicks and a couple of bucks, instead of a month of tedious farming and effort. So this person has less effort and value attached to the gil so there is less hesitation to overspend on a item.

I suppose in a sense it's a bit like a teenager learning the value of money. For so many years needs are filled with 'I want' and the item appears, no conncection to the labor and effort required by the parnets to earn the money to make the purchase, but when the time comes that "I want" is answered with "earn it" suddenly a $400 iPod, which seemed pretty cheap...after all its ONLY $400, becomesan expensive item that takes weekes of sweat at the local grease burger joint to earn.Suddenly $400 has a new sense of value and worth, there is an effort and labor attached to it that was previously absent.

Same with buying gil versus farming it and you have no sense of effort so an item is "only" 100k gil, but if you have to farm it, then that same item is "A F@#*& 100K!!!!"

#44 Feb 14 2005 at 2:00 PM Rating: Good
89 posts
I scoped out our server prices last night, and most of them are rather high.

Now, I know people are thinking this might be a solution that won't happen, but DONT BUY THE ITEM!.

Even the gilsellers would know what to do.

If nobody wants to spend 1.2mil on an Ochiudo's Kote, then don't do it!

The reason there are so many problems with the game is that there are too many people that are willing to pay that extra 200k. To a mage or someone that doesn't really know how to farm, or cannot really farm that well, this is a LOT of money.

I normally have about 5k on me. I ask my friends, who have leveled melee jobs, and have the ability to farm the higher level mobs, that won't kill them in 1-2 hits. 200k extra for something, isn't really gonna fly with me.

I want to level THF, and NIN, and RNG. I'm looking at many of millions of gil over the play time of those jobs, but is it worth the extra farming time?

Another point was made: Suck it up and buy gil. People are so. . . against gil buying. Technically, it's the persons money, and no harm is made towards the economy itself.

BUT There is an extra piece of this, that I believe would be an exception.

Ok, say you decide to buy gil. You buy 2 mil, and you are happy, that you can finally get that Emperor's Hairpin for your THF. Yay for you. Right? Wrong.

The money that you are spending, will not be going to a normal person. They will go to the Gilseller, depending on if EH is camped (I'm not on par with the Melee stuff, I'm not sure if it's camped by a gilselling LS).

This is basically giving the Gilsellers a lot of money. For free!

It's not a chain, it's a monopoly.

A chain would be something along the lines of:

Person buys gil > Buys Item(s) > Money gets sent to another person > Buys item.

But in this case, it's not.

Person Buys Gil > Buys Item(s) > Money gets sent back to the gilsellers.

There is no 4th piece. The money will get sent to another person, and it won't be because they managed to sell something.

Basically, all that has happened is you(The player) have given someone free money. USD, GBP, Whatever it is. That would not be very fair, to anyone. The gilsellers get back their money that they sent out for 24.99 or more earlier. In a very short amount of time. This monopoly is not right. I agree it should be stopped, but gilsellers aren't a big problem.

Things that are hard to understand, and hard to write down in a text box.

So, what we need to do is basically stop the monopoly on items. If the gilsellers were not camping hideously expensive things (Which they hiked up) The economy wouldn't be screaming out.

It would be more along the lines of if they camped the monster twice or so, and then left, it would be fine. That or have someone make sure that the price remains the same.

See that the price of something you want is too high? Get someone in your LS to sell theirs for a lot lower. Then buy and sell the item over and over. That will make the item be worth less, and be better to buy. Gilsellers cannot make money if the people cannot afford the item. Invisible ceiling effect. There is only so much people will pay before putting their foot down.

Let's see someone do something ;)!
#45 Feb 14 2005 at 2:15 PM Rating: Good
airamis wrote:
As I recall., MST3K went off the air long ago. Could it be that the constant demands of trying to please everyone finally lead to advertiser disinterest, and thus no revenues, and therefore cancellation of the show?

While MST3K did stop being produced in 1999, it continued being broadcast until just last year, despite the Sci-fi channel's attempts to drive its ratings down by putting it in inconvienient time slots.

But I see your point. I think the majority of FFXI players don't care either way about gilselling/buying.

I've changed my opinion of gilselling/gilbuying many times over the past year.

Pasco and Nozokimi I actually like. Sure, they might be selling their gil for RMT, but they're performing a service for the rest of the community. I'm sure several of us have found ourselves in Jeuno looking for a teleport and wishing they were there.

Gilsellers like the amemit and morion campers, that are just plain rude sometimes, I don't like.

And as far as gilbuying goes...earning enough gil to buy what you want takes a lot of time. If you're a college student, who is taking a full-load of classes and working part time, you really aren't going to have time to farm or craft or fish for hours and hours to earn the gil you need.

Also, I see nothing wrong with buying gil and using that gil to skill up a craft. Every business needs a great amount of capital to get started. If you buy a million or two gil and use that to build up a trade skill, then you have a way to earn more gil "legitimately". This also is providing a service to the community. If more people spent the gil they buy on crafting, we'd have more crafters, higher supply, and lower prices (although it'd probably cause the price of crystals to skyrocket).

Unfortunately, this doesn't happen, as it's easier to just buy the gil and the equipment you want, then buy more gil when it's time to upgrade.
#46 Feb 19 2005 at 7:45 PM Rating: Decent
I agree with this that you have to stop buying the gil they are selling and if you really want to go deeper than that do not buy the items you know they are using for gil selling.
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