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Stupid/Funny death storiesFollow

#52 Nov 18 2004 at 10:38 PM Rating: Decent
148 posts
/waves at phrost. the more the merrier :D lol, i have more fun when i farm in groups. ^^; won't be on for a while tho T.T i'm cleaning my apartment, which could take...years >.> who knows what lurks beneath the unwashed dishes? heehee...if you don't see me for a few days, its because i'm doing battle with the mutant that's gaining self-awareness and intelligence as it grows in the leftover pasta in my fridge ;) Will update you on how that goes...
#53 Nov 18 2004 at 11:12 PM Rating: Decent
144 posts
Okie Dokie :)
Right now i'm currently lvling my sam, and my 25NIN and my 33THF, i'm on usually after 5pm PST. If i'm not lvling my sam at the moment, just give me a tell and i'll come along :) All other jobs are kinda boredom things
#54 Nov 19 2004 at 8:44 AM Rating: Decent
1,701 posts
I love getting the stories from other servers. Thanks for sharing. :)

Kind of reminds me of when I was going through the tunnel to get to Rabao and someone managed to train every leech in the zone, including the nm to the zone line. I stepped into zone not knowing this, just to end up face down in the dirt.
#55 Nov 19 2004 at 10:06 AM Rating: Decent
458 posts
Yay! Buddy farming! Maybe we can do something stupid and have another story to post here. :)
#56 Nov 19 2004 at 10:15 AM Rating: Decent
1,701 posts
Buddy farming is the best.
#57 Nov 24 2004 at 9:37 AM Rating: Good
1,701 posts
Had yet another one last night. And it was a total noob mistake that almost cost me level 56. But it was so funny and my only regret is NOT getting a screenshot. Which I don't know why, since I was laying there dead for a good 10 minutes laughing about it.

A few weeks ago I got rank 6 and activated the first quest for that rank. I figured I couldn't get rank 7 for awhile, because I know of the fight you have to go through for that. But due to lack of research (silly thing about liking to try to figure out some things on my own), I didn't realize that for Windy, you have a fight for this mission as well. I often play in the ruins and beat up on cardians. It's fun. So I knew exactly where to go when I got the mission. Last night, I knew I was only going to be logged on for about 30 minutes, so I figure ok, I'll go to the ruin, get my cutscene and log off.

So I go to the ruins in confidence knowing I'm not going to get aggrod even by the 10 cardians in the final room. I don't even bother clearning them. I just want that cutscene. Do my thing and instead of the cutscene appearing, the battle does. :D :D :D Everything linked, I lasted about oh 2 seconds and was eating ruin floor with cardians dancing on my corpse casting refresh and aquaveil and all sorts of stuff I didn't know they had. Oops.
#58 Nov 24 2004 at 11:17 AM Rating: Decent
144 posts
Still waiting on that /tell to go farming :)
#59 Nov 24 2004 at 4:53 PM Rating: Decent
148 posts
sorry phrost ^^;; for some reason, that once in three month urge to lvl hit me and i spent the last two days in the CN (that place is creepy) doing unspeakable, horrible things to the crawlers there. and the beetles. >D

And i'm going to be gone for turkey break so next time i'll be on is probably sunday. >< boo. hopefuly will see u then!
#60 Nov 24 2004 at 4:55 PM Rating: Decent
458 posts
Sorry Phrosty, it's been coffer key week for my ls. I've been stuck in Garlaige Citadel and Eldieme Necropolis. Hopefully we will finish soon. I work this weekend, so I will only be on in the evenings.
#61 Nov 24 2004 at 6:55 PM Rating: Decent
89 posts
This is a pretty funny death story ... from someone in my linkshell..

A silly mithra dragoon (lvl 65ish I think it was) was running around Konschtat Highlands with names turned off.. Saw a tremor ram mob and ran toward it, thinking to kill it.. Yeah --- it ended up being Steelfleece. (HAHAHAHA)

We made fun of her trying to solo an HNM. ;)
#62 Nov 29 2004 at 9:49 AM Rating: Good
1,701 posts
And yet another genious move from the dumbest Mithra on Raggy. After a level up session in the tree the other night, I was waiting with a friend who was getting us a Warp II. Well the person giving us the ride home was fighting Aquarius and I saw their hp was low and didn't see their whm, so I threw out a cure and immediately got pummelled. Fortuantely, the whm was close by and gave me a raise III. :D But it didn't matter, I was too busy laughing to care.
#63 Nov 29 2004 at 10:40 AM Rating: Decent
458 posts
Had a lovely moment in Crawler's Nest this weekend. Had an awesome party that just kept getting better, and a great camp with plenty of mobs. The only slight problem was the crawler that would pop at camp, but no big deal. Sleep II that **** and keep chaining, right? It was only a Tough anyway. Well, unfortunately our luck was bound to run out.

Since the beetles we were killing would occasionally group together, we wouls sometimes send our smn to go fetch one with carby. On the way back to camp there was a beetle pop. Wouldn't you know, this one was very sleep resistant. A couple of us asked for escape, but the blm was the first one down. I think the white mage was next. It soon became very apparent that we were all going to die. All that was left was me and the nin taru. I see the word "run". So what did I do? Hit "Flee" and proceded to hi-tail it out of there, creating a glorious train of beetles, exorays, crawlers, and a scorpion. I made it (I think) to right about the entrance to the not-so-secret room before "Flee" wore off. I thought it was the funniest thing I had ever done. Stupid, but funny as hell. I was rather proud of the variety of creatures I had following me, all demanding my blood.

Fortunately the husband of one of our members came to Raise II us. He brought along his rdm and sam friends, all 3 were in full AF. Only thing that sucked was that we all got lectured about everything we did wrong. I was told twice not to train beetles out of that tunnel ever again. (W/E dude, I saw "run" and I panicked, give me a break, no need to lecture.) The smn was lectured for not letting carby die. Then when we went back to partying and they proceded to emote to each other. We thought the whole situation was just hilarious (or at least I thought so) and after the lecture and emoting, a couple of us got the feeling we were being made fun of. Oh well, ***** em. I don't care if the samurai thought I was a disgrace. Some people need to lighten the hell up.
#64 Dec 03 2004 at 10:05 AM Rating: Decent
71 posts
Hit my Chi Blast macro a little too fast on the boat last night... yep yep it was the Sea Horror ><

Luckily there were quite a few high-lvl whm's on board. I called for help, hit my 2hour, and with all the healing I was getting we got it down to half health before he uhh... used his own Hundred Fists... and yea it ended there.

Gotta Raise 3 at the end of it all so I ended up having lots of fun =P
#65 Dec 03 2004 at 12:48 PM Rating: Good
1,701 posts
lmao, I swear I want to get an alliance together to go wait for Sea Horror and kill him.

So he really does use 100 fists? Never knew anyone who lasted that long with him. :D
#66 Dec 04 2004 at 1:56 AM Rating: Decent
71 posts
hehe, I would have been gone long before had there not been casters spamming cures one me ; ;

But yea, I agree, he's a NM I'm deffinitely going to have to get a group together to kill one day. =)
#67 Dec 06 2004 at 8:40 AM Rating: Good
1,701 posts
Didn't die on this one, thanks to warp, but it is still pretty amusing. This weekend I decided to go pirate hunting and quus fishing on the ferry. No pirates, but Sea Horror did make an appearance about 3 times. Well on one of the times he was waiting for us as the ferry departed and I decided for some reason to release Carby as I was going to make my way to a safe spot. Well, being the genious that I am, I hit the wrong macro and instead send Carby in to do battle with the Sea Horror. Fortunately, that little squirrel is pretty tough and survived long enough for me to get a Warp off.
#68 Dec 07 2004 at 12:04 PM Rating: Decent
My most stupid and funny death was... with Maat, no... wait... AFTER Maat :)

Some days ago I did my G5 quest, on the sixth fight I annihilated Maat in 2 mins and 09 seconds.
One thing I didn't notice after exiting BC is that I was poioned and bio...
I started jumping in happyness, spamming in my LS that finally I killed Maat... cheers, compliments... then... after a minute... AAARGH my character fallen dead :x

I felt somewhat stupid, but still happy ^.^
#69 Dec 07 2004 at 12:48 PM Rating: Good
1,701 posts
Grats on the win. Sure it's going to be your favorite death for a time to come. :D
#70 Dec 07 2004 at 1:12 PM Rating: Decent
You are right ^.^
It was the sweetest death :D
#71 Dec 12 2004 at 6:39 AM Rating: Decent
148 posts
Sea Horror Story (but no deaths ^^;;):

Yulala and I were fishing on the ferry and Yoshidrgn decided to join us, just for fun. He'd been hinting some ominous things about wanting to try to take the sea horror on and I'm thinking "eh?" not really sure if he was serious or not.

So it so happened on the trip he came with us on, the sea horror DID spawn, smack a low lvl down, and proceeded to flail about placidly for a while. Yoshi, being suicidal, and who actually HAD been serious, gets right under that big ugly monster and proceeds to aggro it on purpose. So Yulala runs towards him and says "Insert! come help! >D" in that sweet and yet strangely evil way only a taru can pull off and I, rather pessimistically, say " -_- ....sure. We've died together so many times, may as well together now."

So there we were, lvl 63 pld, 47 rdm, and 41 whm taking on this big, fat, ugly tako. And didn't die. Yoshi was really awesome at keeping hate and smacking at it, and two high lvl whms, taking an interest in what we were doing, decided to help out by stopping their fishing trips and tossing out cure III, IV, and once, a Vs for fun. So it was Yoshi vs. the Horror, with 4 acting healers on the side...and he's doing damn well for a pally sub nin; the overgrown octopus is about 1/4 life when Yoshi does his 300% tp spirits within that takes it down to less than 5% life.

and then.. "You are nearing Mhaura"

By this time, people are standing on the sidelines cheering him on like it was some spectator sport ( kinda was) and Yoshi takes it down to 2% life...

then we dock.

T.T one more more minute! Most of the ships inhabitants are bemoaning with us...

and then I say... "Crap. Why didn't any of us HASTE him?!"

-__- moral of the story: when suicidal pallies go off to kill horrors for fun..HASTE him. HASTE him damnit! T.T

PS: when you see yoshidrgn on /cheer him. he certainly deserves it!

Edited, Sun Dec 12 06:39:46 2004 by Insertcliche
#72 Dec 16 2004 at 9:15 PM Rating: Decent
26 posts
i helped an LS member do the pld flag quest, i was with a war44, war30 and i was a thf33. it was a disaster... we used flee and my friends ended up dead and they screamed "RUUUUUNNN!!!" i ended up in a dead end when i looked back there was an army of orcs behind me, i used perfect dodge, and i tried to run. but i ended up dead.
#73 Dec 17 2004 at 11:15 AM Rating: Decent
458 posts
My days on FFXI are winding down. I don't think there's much left in this game for me (except possibly bst). With the departure of one of my best friends, it's sad to play without him. (At least we are neighbors and I can still see him IRL.) So here is quite possibly my last funny death story. I'm going to give you a pretty good setup and make it worth your while. (Note to party involved, if I forgot if you were a he or she, I apologize.)

My last party was in.... crap I forget where we were. I had no idea where we were. But it's one of the few places at my level where you can kill gobs as well as crabs. It looked like Kuftal, but it wasn't. Anyway the party was set up right next to a room with 3 gobs, a leech, and the most evil freaking crab on the face of whatever planet this world is on.

So we killed the stuff in that room next to us. The crab was the hardest of the bunch. Gobs were committing suicide with their bombs pretty early. We must have been very intimidating. Great XP on mobs that kill themselves at half HP within a minute. Nice. But there was that @%#!ing crab. I hate crabs. That guy would take everything out of us. Needless to say, if we were going to chain, pull the crab last because we needed some serious downtime after that little @%#!er.

When our room would empty, I would have to go further out to pull. (Now I'm good at pulling, I just don't like doing it. I hate when there are no mobs and someone in the party is saying "pull! pull!" That's just rude. And I don't like competing with other people to pull because I sub thf and provoke is quicker than my bow.) There were a couple other parties in there, and I'm sure the one closest to us was pretty ticked I would be pulling past them. Especially when their puller would come right behind me and try to take what I was aiming for.

So I run back to my party with a goblin in tow, and run past the other party and their puller is behind me, coming to look for pops. Sure enough, there is a goblin pop in the room next to my party. I tell the other puller "you can take our link if you want it." He/She decided to just let us deal with it ourselves. I got nervous. My party says, "We'll just sleep it." And we did. My blm had a pretty damn good sleep II. When the first gob died, he had us stop attacking the second and sat there casting every enfeeble possible without waking it up. It was a damn fine show. When he was ready, we killed the second gob in seconds.

Well, pulling across a room with pops is a bad idea in the first place, and your luck is bound to run out sometime. I'm running back to my party with another goblin, when they all say "pop!" So having a ton of faith in my blm, I get cocky. "Just sleep it." Wouldn't you know it, the pop was that @%#!ing crab. The crab resisted sleep II like it was a light breeze. And coincidentally, this was not the easiest of goblins either. When the goblin died, everyone started throwing out their 2 hour abilities. The white mage went down first. I think the RDM raised him, or he had reraise on, because suddenly he was alive again.

I started my 2 hour. Just my selfish little pet peeve, I hate when people either do a weaponskill, teleport, or escape when I blow my 2 hour because I will grab hate and die for everybody while they have a chance to get away. And the samurai 2 hour is hot. I wish I got it every 2 minutes. Well, I see "gather for escape" and I say "wait". Dumb move on my part. The blm actually listened to me and waited. I got the hate temporarily, but I also screwed everyone's chance of getting out alive. Mages went down next. The crab spotted our newly raised, mostly weakened white mage and attacked him next. Down he goes again. I quickly did a search of the area's white mages. Only one. I sent a tell asking if he/she was available for a raise at <pos>. No response. Before I could even check for another job that could raise, I was dead. That @%#!ing crab killed my entire party. Ok, I killed my party. I pulled the damn crab link and I made them wait for my selfish 2 hour. I did apologize profusely though. I think 4/5 of them accepted it.

And, a couple people had warned before the fight that they had to leave soon. They could eat the XP and home point, but didn't really want to. So I had to call my neighbor, who was at Disneyland, and ask him to come home and Raise 2 my party I killed. (We live down the street, so it wasn't a long trip.) Thank you Niekon for raising my party. Most of the party had a good time while dead. We talked and joked. I think only one person was not amused. He/she didn't talk practically the entire time we were dead. This was only the latest in the comedy of errors that was our party that night. I left out the rng/thf puller with no AF and not even a key for any of it. Or the rdm that took half an hour to get to our party when he left.

Lessons learned:
Don't @%#! with that crab.
Regardless of how good the blm's sleep II is, if that crab pops, the puller dies. (Goblin links are okay!)
Just because you find a place where you don't need to kill crabs to XP at the mid to high 50's level, a crab is still going to be the one to @%#! up your night.
Sometimes mithras have no sense of humor.

I didn't really take the party seriously that night. It was more comedy to me than a serious party, and I think most of the others felt the same. Sometimes, it's just nice to have a party that isn't too serious. I'd take a fun party over a psycho controlling party filled with drama. (If you run a parser, you are psycho. Get a life you killjoy.)
#74 Dec 19 2004 at 6:35 AM Rating: Default
I was in a coffer party in EC. I said to camp at the Hume bones, but the noobs follow me around like lost sheep. I pull, then turn around and there they are standing next to me. We start fighting and we get a pop. We barely kill them and rest right in the middle of the spawn. We rest to full, I say we need to move the camp back. I go pull and they are still standing there. We fight another and get another pop. I get low on mp and try to rest close to the doo and get aggroed by a fallen night. someone vokes it and I run back to the hume bones to rest. They die or lose hate or something and it comes back and kills me. I had rr 3 on, so I waited until it went away. It left, I accepted and contiued to rest. I got enough mp for rr3 so I cast it again. The party wipes and the tomb warrior comes after me, two rooms away and kills me again. Usually when you die, you lose hate, but this guy didn't kill me so he decided to take matters in his own hands. Funny story. No big exp losses with r3.
#75 Dec 19 2004 at 11:49 AM Rating: Default
I once casted Waterga in Kuftal Tunnel where all the lizards are at. Anyways I died my pt just stood there chinese gil selles helped us out they tele'd out and I got a Raise III and only lost 200 exp. I t was Distortion sc so I wanted to use Wate III since my maco ballet doesn't have enough room for all my spells I change them once in a while to fight my pt. So anyways I thought I had put Water III on my macro ballet so I copied and pasted it to my lvling up macro ballet. When it came fo me to MB I casted it and once I noticed it was Waterga II it was too late. I guess it really wasn't bad since I was the only one to die.
#76 Dec 20 2004 at 5:02 PM Rating: Decent
78 posts
yesterday night, sleepy as hell.. went from CN back to Jeuno shootin every EP i can find in rolanberry to skill up my marksmenship (i didnt bring a crossbow with me for like err long time^^) so yea i was gettin skillups and madde it alive bakc to jeuno (thasnks to the bloody bolts).

So here i am in jeuno gettin some more bolts from my mooglie and i went out, to sauromogue champain. First skink, he died, ufll hp no big deal. 2nd died too, beetles died too, goblins also. But then... I hitted my f8 button pressed my ranged attack macro and then i realised i just hitted an evil weapon -.-' ok no porb i blink tank it... or not =| ended up dead...

then when i hped (noone near to raise too lazy to ask ^^y) i headed out once again to sauromogue... and now i was like ok i stick to yagudo, coeurl and skink... but then i saw this other dino andi was like; hmm it just.. has to be... exterminated *.*. And yup yup before i know i was face down in the dirt... -.-'

so yea homepointed again and theni went with my friend from ls (whm38 i believe) to skill club and marksmenship ^^y now we both survived *thanks to her regen and occasionaly cureII* ^^y

lost ard 1,5k xp dying twice ; ; oh well will geti t back lol
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