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Too many Spanish people on Ragnarok?Follow

#1 Oct 30 2004 at 3:35 AM Rating: Default
27 posts
Since Final Fantasy XI hit the stores in Europe, I see a lot of European people in Ragnarok. Germans, Zwedish, Italian, Dutch (myself) and... Spanish people. And while everyone adepts to the rules of online play, the Spanish people do not. This is not a threat so everyone can call the Spanish players names, but I just wanted to check if more people see the following problems.

Spanish people are by far the ones who do not use the /tell command. I always use it, and when I use the /say or /shout command it's for a special reason. I once asked two Spanish people to shut up, but the simply replyed the where not in the same party.

Next to that, it seems that every Spanish person just keeps on talking Spanish, while the rest of the party is talking English. This is just plain irritating! Put two Spanish people in the same area and the whole area will have to listen to a half a hour of Spanish chatting.

And the stupid thing is, they are the only ones. Even German people (who, of my experience, keeps on talking German in other games, where the server is in Germany) try to talk English. I myself only use Dutch in my Linkshell or though the /tell command. Valkurm Dunes look like a Spanish collony by now.

Any other people who see this 'problem'?
#2 Oct 30 2004 at 5:28 AM Rating: Decent
87 posts
#3 Oct 30 2004 at 8:54 AM Rating: Decent
892 posts
I have noticed a lot of people speaking in Spanish. But it's usually 3 or 4 of them standing around at the Auction House. In parties, they usually try their best to speak in English. About the only problem I ever had was some guy was spaming a raise shout about every 10 seconds and we couldn't get him to stop... I honestly don't mind people talking in /say... It was put in the game so you could talk to people in a different LS / Party. I'll use /tell if I'm going to have a long conversation or something. But I'll talk in /say quite often. Even if I'm talking to 2 other people in my LS. But I'll never stand around for an extended period of time doing it.

The people that bother me are the ones with annoying macros. Like someones provoke macro apparently was "/say The <t> so crazy (or something like that) /poke voke" And after the 10th time while hanging out in Qufim LFG I was about to spaz... But other than that not much gets to me.
#4 Oct 30 2004 at 9:38 AM Rating: Default
oooooo,dont get my started on spanish parties.

1. They're slow at doing things.
2. They're incompitent(sp) in their jobs (see below)**
3. They're all addicted to doing "XD/xD"

** Well I was lvling my THF sub job,and there was this spanish party(this was about lvl 12ish),and they asked me to pt,so i sed yes because i had been waiting for a pt for over an hour. I get there and theres 3 of them still in their lvl 1 tunics. So i proceeded in lvling with them. But there was this one warrior of whom I will not mention, who was telling me to tank, and provke and do everything a warrior is meant to be doing. So I went off for a pull, came back with a lizard and theres the pt hitting this GOBLIN which this warrior had pulled. They hadnt said they were pulling unless it was in spanish.

PS. I have nothing against Spanish people,just the parties i have been in have all been a really bad experience,and now i wont party with them unless they speak english which i understand.
#5 Oct 30 2004 at 10:18 AM Rating: Decent

buddy, that's what people do in valkurm dunes in general. =/
#6 Oct 30 2004 at 10:39 AM Rating: Decent
177 posts
lol..sounds like valk no matter what you speak..but seriously, this game is very new to alot of ppl since it was released in Europe, and so, we have a whole bunch of newbies running around. We were all new at one point, and we learned from others who were nice enought to help us. Maybe instead of getting upset at them, ppl should be nice and tell them the proper etiquette in the game. They might not know how to send /tells or how to use the translator very well.
I have played with many types of ppl from all over the world, and yes even some spanish speaking ones, and once in a while they might speak alittle spanish, but for the most part they try to speak english.
Try to put yourself in their shoes and you might see what they see. Also, if the spanish is getting on your nerves so much when they do it in /say, just filter it for a bit until they are gone.^^
#7 Oct 30 2004 at 11:27 AM Rating: Decent
is it me or you use "spanish" too much?

rate the individual not where he comes from...

...and as some1 said,,,its valk!

Edited, Sat Oct 30 12:27:35 2004 by darkwarr
#8 Oct 30 2004 at 4:09 PM Rating: Good
40 posts
I am Spanish.. and i agree with Popanu.Valkurm Dunes is always that way.. no matter if its spanish,german,english,or w/e.
And yes,most of the spanish community like to talk in /say in spanish or in part,but this is not my case and i always try to do my best speaking english.
And for you,Eikosan,Spanish ARE NOT incompetent.At least dont generalize with all the spanish.And xD/XD is the same as "lol",just so you know.
#9 Oct 30 2004 at 6:49 PM Rating: Default
if you read at the bottom of my post i sed its not spanish people,its the spanish pt's.

but saying that on a nicer not,i pted with a spanish geeer 2day,who was very good.
#10 Oct 31 2004 at 5:35 PM Rating: Decent
73 posts
Since I started to play FF XI for almost a year ago, spanish people
has sent me tells like "TORPEDO SEXUAL XD xD" or alike.
I have always wondered what they mean. So the last time some spanish guy sent me a tell like that, I asked them why the heck spanish people send me the "TORPEDO SEXUAL XD XD XD" tells.

Appearanlty... there is a huge spanish stand-up comedian who got a joke about a sexual torpedo or something like that. It's just very.... weird.

I am from sweden by the way ^^

Edited, Sun Oct 31 17:35:38 2004 by Torpedoo
#11 Nov 01 2004 at 12:45 PM Rating: Good
989 posts
Get. Over. It.

This topic is just plain rediculous.
#12 Nov 01 2004 at 4:35 PM Rating: Default
352 posts
When 14 Spanish people are speaking back and forth in /say and you ASK TEM NICELY to use /t and they laugh...I'd say thats a bit to much. And none of them speak English. Even when asked.
#13 Nov 02 2004 at 6:26 PM Rating: Decent
Yes, too many spanish people in Ragnarok, I agree. Must of them don't use to be polite and a lot of them just don't want to speak in English.

I'm spanish, but I don't really feel spanish, that would be long to explain. I have been playing in this game since the US release.

Thinking of moving to another server if SE offers server emigration again.

PS: Hi Grindy!
#14 Nov 02 2004 at 7:06 PM Rating: Good
45 posts
That is the most racist and rediculous generalizations I have ever had the misfortune of reading...I hope one day you learn that you cant base your opinions of a whole nationality of people on a few people occurances.
#15 Nov 02 2004 at 7:57 PM Rating: Good
135 posts
I have to agree with Zefren and Wiccatu on this one.
Please be a little more patient and tolerant towards others. Every language and culture has their own uniqueness and good qualities. To say one's own culture and language superior to another is pure ignorance.

To play devil's advocate, what is the difference when NA/English users use /say instead of using /tell in front of Japanese or Spanish speakers or any other language speakers?
#16 Nov 02 2004 at 8:02 PM Rating: Good

Well I am Spanish and I play with US version since october 2003. I always talk in english, and I'm agree with the title of the thread, but I can say you something, you the americans talk in english too and a lot of spanish people don't understand english, but that doesn't matter to you, am I wrong? I think no, of course they are novice, yes, but they are novice as excited, and want to enjoy it playing with another spanish people, let them time and they will change, I am sure.

Excuse my english and thanks to read, see you around!

Jous~ Ragnarok server.
#17 Nov 02 2004 at 8:32 PM Rating: Good
Hello, first of all sorry about my english. I am a Spanish guy and want to say that all spanish community are in Ragnarok, and i think we are more than 500 characters. Serious will be very dificult that all the players behaved correctly but... It shames to me to do partys with Spaniards because most of them are minors who do not know to behave.

my english is poor... certainly but a lot of spanish guys... do not know to speak english and speak spanish all the time. yesterday... one of them ask to me what means in spanish... "welcome" ._.!!

sometimes i think as Viena, be a Ronin Player, no speak spanish and go away from them. But is true that lots of spanish people are good players and will be good friends, i only need ignore this "spanish children" and never say "i am Spanish" >_<! I am thinking seriously not speak more spanish in /say chat..

<silence> <please> dont use </shout> speak by </tell> <thank you>
#18 Nov 03 2004 at 1:27 AM Rating: Excellent
Generalizations are bad..., just to let you know

myself i find A LOT of NA players who are like "omgzgz!!11 i r teh 1337, i oWn j00!1!11!!" and i'm not going to forums saying ALL NA players are like this


rate the individual not where he comes from...

I second that
#19 Nov 03 2004 at 2:12 AM Rating: Default
23 posts
I noticed this too... My main server is Cerberus but I have a char on Ragnarok that I started awhile ago... The first party I was in... was all spanish. They really had no idea what they were doing and I said to my ls "Oh no, I'm in an all spanish-speaking noob party." Which was bad... because I only speak a little spanish... though I can understand more...

Ever since then I am always partied with at LEAST one person who is Spanish. It was weird because I never noticed this on Cerberus. There were NEARLY as many spanish people there. I commented to my ls about all the spanish people...

I was in a party today with one, there were two japanese in the party, both tried to speak english, but the spanish guy just spoke a lot of spanish. All his macros were in spanish too, which was understandable, if he is normally in spanish parties... but some that were used were useless because they would not have been understood by anyone else.

I thought I was crazy, but I guess there really are a lot of spanish people. Of course, I have nothing against any of them XD Haha
#20 Nov 03 2004 at 2:32 AM Rating: Good
455 posts
What do you expect? FFXI released in europe, assumedly the people in spain, italy, ect, will buy the game.. They are n00bs, just like you, and your friends, and even myself were one once upon a time.

Do they know of these little unspoken rules that people just made up to separate themselves from the lower leveled players? No. If it's that big a deal that they talk in say, either filter out say, or blist them. They are not hurting anyone.

Because god forbid someone use /say in their own language. I mean it wasn't meant to be used, was it? *sarcasm*

#21 Nov 03 2004 at 8:19 AM Rating: Good
holas, Snappie ayer estabas en mi party, y te dire solo una cosa, hablabamos en espaƱol en /say presisamente para no molestar a las personas que hablan en ingles en la party, el comando /say es presisamente para eso, si hablo en /tell a alguien los demas no se enteren si estamos dando intrucciones o algo parecido, para que sea mas corto prefiero decirlo a todos lo de mi party en /say.
Encambio cuando queria hablar contigo o los demas, lo decia en ingles, me parece que hablar en un idioma con mas gente publicamnete no rompe ninguna de las leyes de Squeare-Enix.

#22 Nov 03 2004 at 10:10 AM Rating: Decent

For those how dont now Spanish

Transalition from Ashriot

Hi, Snappie yesterday i was in party, and i will tell u 1 thing, we talk in spanish in /say because we dont want to bother the person in the party that talk english the command /say is for that, if i talk whit /tell only 1 entire, i need to talk in say so the other now the introsion or some thing like that, if i want to talk whit the other's i talk in english, It seems that to speak in a language with but people, public does not break none of the laws of Squeare-Enix.

Now my part

First i think you are incorect because we have japanese in Ragnarok too, i dont understand anyting they say in there language. Your main language is english and u talk english. Our first language is Spanish and we talk Spanish some of the spanish people talk english because we practice and we study that language, if you want to now what we are saing you better attend to your spanish class. I'am sure you will talk your first language in the party well is english you think all the people now english well you are rong. And there are Spanish people first then you because some of them have the japanese version ofcourse the spanish people will look where there are more spanish people in the server's so they can express them self in there language and have more fun talking there oun language because you dont have too translate the thinks you want to say. I entertain more talking in my oun language then talking english.

If you dont like it you have to deal whit it.

sorry for my english if you dont understandit

#23 Nov 03 2004 at 12:23 PM Rating: Decent
40 posts
Just use /tell...
#24 Nov 03 2004 at 1:07 PM Rating: Decent
gracias! Reudrevian

thnks! Reudrevian
#25 Nov 03 2004 at 4:40 PM Rating: Default
352 posts
I have no problems with Spanish peopel(really I don't) but when they can't understand what, in their own language, "por favor usar /tell, gracias!" means...then I don't know what it is coming to ; ;
#26 Nov 03 2004 at 5:13 PM Rating: Default
115 posts
The difference to Japanese and spanish in Final Fantasy XI is that japanese uses totally different characters in language, whilst all the western language is written in the same characters.

You are playing a Japanese/NA orientated game, and I think people should act like that and speak english. It's extremely rude to talk in a language that people might not understand, since you can might think it's going about you. And it's not like they can not understand or write english, cause this whole game is english in Europe.

I myself am dutch, and the only time I talk dutch is when I have an all dutch party and in my Linkshell.

Hardly use it outside these channels..

edit: Well, at least have the decency when you are in parties or using shout, to use the language that is spoken by the majority of the population. Your english might be bad, but you can always make an effort.

We're just lucky that in Holland english education is on a quite high level which internation schools and english all through High School. No doubt about that, which is where most of the Northern European contries, like the whole of Scandinavia and Holland/Belgium/Germany have an advantage over the southern Countries.

It's not like I am forbidding them to talk spanish, but it would make communicating a lot easier.

Edited, Fri Nov 5 09:32:30 2004 by Gwedolyne
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