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Came across this on KI Ragnarok forumFollow

#27 Apr 04 2005 at 3:13 AM Rating: Good
151 posts
I've been around for about 8-9 months now in the hnm / tiula world. HNM / NM stealing is not old, no. But in general it is not acceptable nor is it allowed in any LS. There are, however, sometimes individuals that make the error of stealing when they first enter. Usually the LS will order for said person to hand the HNM or NM back.

Honor goes a long ways in this game. So treating each other with respect and courtesy will actually help you enjoy this game even more as time goes on. Stealing will harm your reputation a great deal. Would I do it? No. Its just an item in a videogame. They won the pull fair and square so they get the NM / HNM. They get the fun and enjoyment of killing it.
But how does honor benefit you? Well, treat others how you want to be treated. Ever heard of that saying? If you steal hnms then do expect others to steal from you. Additionally, if people actually learn to get along and respect each other more then there is less chaos and drama in the hnm world. Less drama makes for a more enjoyable gaming environment.

Items are not > all. Its just an item in a game. 20 mil? Its all a figment of your imagination. It doesn't exist. Its just in a game. You'll go much further in the game building bonds and relations with the people raound you over stacking up your inventory with rare/ex's and and gil.

Sit back. Relax. Have fun. And let the others around you have a bit of fun as well. It'll make for a better Ragnarok.

The only thing real in this game is: its people.

(This isn't just focused on Cremonte but on others whom have hurt others over items, gil, or personal gain.)

Edited, Mon Apr 4 04:15:42 2005 by Chibihibi
#28 Apr 04 2005 at 3:24 AM Rating: Default
/points at my reply on KI.

In regards to what you added though... handing the NM back or whatever. You know who killed LoO? The people who originally claimed it. I can't say what would have happened if Zen or w/e LS hadn't claimed it after us, considering we lost claim around 5 seconds after... but I can't undo what happened.

It was intentional, that we claimed the mob. It wasn't intentional, at least, to me, that we stole the mob.

I said I'm sorry, I said I regret it, and if it happened again, no, I wouldn't repeat it. I'm tired of defending myself.
#29 Apr 04 2005 at 11:19 AM Rating: Decent
802 posts
Today was a crazy day at Fei Yin.

We got Cassie only to have it stole 4 sec later. LOL I was like WTF. Then we got it back, and lose to another LS.Thats was more WTF. The after they all die, we got it back again. Man talk about a 3 way fight (--;

Us --> LS 1 ---> us ---> Ls 2 ---> Us

It may sound crazy but Cassie is a real turn yellow so others can claim it kinda mob >..<);
#30 Apr 04 2005 at 11:22 AM Rating: Decent
802 posts
ArienLF wrote:
Ya stole it, ya got caught lol. If you wanna do that, gank **** from gilsellers who now camp HNM's.

That sound cool. But first things first, do you know who are they. We got jacked today because the other guy claim our LS pearl is same colour as CURE.
#31 Apr 04 2005 at 11:27 AM Rating: Decent
802 posts
Asherek wrote:
[quote=FaceInTheCrowd]Elfvin is in one of those LS that end up on 2ch all the time.

Could be FATE I think. Note: I'm not directly blaming all of FATE, I'm just supposing that those members are in FATE.

That time during KB was kinda (-_-; RM got the pull, but hate lost in about 8 secs, someone from Fate pulled it, casue a number of RM ppl to die.

From what I understand, they are not belief properly about HNM ethnics. In the end the mob is returned, etc.

My former HNMLS have someone jacked Fafnir form RM too. He kinda not beilef properly too. Kinda sad.

So it all comes down to are the ppl belief properly about HNM ethnic. If so, it come down to, the person him/herslf, if they wanted to stick to it, or give a great speech on "Everyone does it, blah, blah, blah..."
#32 Apr 04 2005 at 11:38 AM Rating: Good
1,701 posts
No, I don't think you guys should have been banned on the spot for exploiting a game mechanic. Yes, I do think it's ******** that people, including you guys do that. It's not right to take something from someone after they were working so hard for it. Maybe if it were a gil seller or something, I'd get a giggle out of it.

Let's face it though, it's part of the game. Some people are going to do it. Most just aren't niave enough to grab screenshots and put them somewhere where others can get them and spread it. You did your thing, and it's going to be awhile before your tells and stuff stop. It's a consequence to the action. If you didn't want the consequence, don't do the action.

Edited, Mon Apr 4 12:42:07 2005 by Tiffie
#33 Apr 04 2005 at 11:06 PM Rating: Decent
107 posts
Elfvin is in one of those LS that end up on 2ch all the time. Also one that is known for stealing.

this is the first time that something like this has happened involving them -_- don't go blowing stuff out of proportion by saying it's a normal thing with them.
and no I am not trying to justify what they did
#34 Apr 05 2005 at 5:02 AM Rating: Good
396 posts

Raveneo wrote:
The fact that you claimed it was a fluke/accident/mistake. Hell you weren't the only one. Everyone needs to just move one. The initial linkshell got it back, so what's the big deal? People need to learn the facts before judging, as if it were any of our places to judge.

How is spamming Flash an accident? Juding from the screenshot this was some time after the initial pull as well so it is all too obvious that this was no accident but a blatant attempt to steal an NM. He wasn't the only one, sure but that doesn't matter. That others also were idiots doesn't make him less of an idiot. The LS that pulled it got it back which is great but the big deal is still that this kind of behaviour is despicable. You should learn when to defend your this case defending them just makes you seem as bad.

Henda, it might be wrong to judge the whole LS from this one persons actions but that's how things work. One persons actions will reflect on the group that they belong to. Furthermore, judging from the screenshot of the log I would be very surprised if this was the first time the people in that party did something like this. All four of them were spamming to claim it while the other group was fighting. If it had been one person doing it then I could have believed that it happened due to frustration of a long camp and other things but in this case I can't think of anything that would justify this behaviour. If Elfvin (and the others?) is/(are) in FATE then they should definately do something about this.

And Percie, you should discuss this with the sack holders in Lemonade, I seriously doubt that they will agree with your views on this.
#35 Apr 05 2005 at 5:22 AM Rating: Default
69 posts
Fate are ***** anyway and everyone know it
#36 Apr 05 2005 at 5:07 PM Rating: Decent
177 posts
Khasim is right, anything someone says or does reflects as a whole on an LS, that is why most (atleast mine) have rules about doing certain things. MPKing, instant boot.Just an example there.
Also, it is wrong to steal claimed mobs from another LS/party. This past weekend a whm in my LS said that Serket was up and that the first group to fight him went down and that another claimed him. I go to atleast get the ToD for my LS. The whm and I gave them their space and did not bother them at all. I did check their and Serkets HPs to see how it was going. I noticed that they were not doing to good and I did tell the LS I might need some ppl to come to GC. I even threw a cure at one of the ppl in the fight seeing as it was only me and the whm. They died. Serket was free claim again and hearing that ppl were on their way from my LS the whm and I claimed him and proceeded to kite him until we had ppl there. We were fighting him, he was basically dead, just need a few more hits and he would have been. All of a sudden I see him turn from red to purple and everyone in the LS was shocked. Someone had been spamming chi-blast and stole him from us. I do not know who, mainly cause I was too mad at the time, and didnt see. (was bound from boundaga) I can say one thing, if I do find out which ls stole it from us, I am going to talk to their leader about it. I will not lie, after it was stolen from us, I did shout at my group to spam voke or something to get it back. What else were we suppose to do? I had to warp out after he died for RL stuff, but I will find out who stole it and will atleast try and talk to the leader of their ls.
Cremonte, it is quite clear you are not sorry for what you did. The only reason you are posting is to make yourself look like the victom here, which you are not. From seeing how you acted the very short time you were in our LS and now seeing this, it pleases me to know that you are no longer in. Actions speak louder than words, and there isnt anything you or anyone else can say that can make you look better in the eyes of the ppl on this server. You might as well give up.
#37 Apr 05 2005 at 5:34 PM Rating: Decent
107 posts
yes it does reflect bad on the whole, however it still was the first time it happened... and it was NOT all four of them trying to do it, only the 2 of them AND cre is actually sorry (been yelled at A LOT)... also it might benefit you people to know what happened outside of that screenshot

AzureDragons made the initial pull, they stole it (what SS shows), but then Zenmetsu stole it from them (when Neph used Charm), then Zenmetsu died, and AzureDragons took the kill (no drop).

after zen died they didn't attempt to resteal it
#38 Apr 05 2005 at 8:41 PM Rating: Decent
802 posts
Henda wrote:
yes it does reflect bad on the whole, however it still was the first time it happened... and it was NOT all four of them trying to do it, only the 2 of them AND cre is actually sorry (been yelled at A LOT)... also it might benefit you people to know what happened outside of that screenshot

AzureDragons made the initial pull, they stole it (what SS shows), but then Zenmetsu stole it from them (when Neph used Charm), then Zenmetsu died, and AzureDragons took the kill (no drop).

after zen died they didn't attempt to resteal it

(>..>??? the above incident or another?
#39 Apr 06 2005 at 2:35 AM Rating: Good
396 posts

Henda wrote:
yes it does reflect bad on the whole, however it still was the first time it happened... and it was NOT all four of them trying to do it, only the 2 of them AND cre is actually sorry (been yelled at A LOT)...

You are right, it was not all four of them. Looking at the screenshot again I see that Sherman was not attempting to steal it. I apologize for accusing him too when (as far as I can see) he did nothing wrong. I'm very sorry about that.

I still do not believe that this was the first time these people (apart from Sherman then) were involved in something like this. They spammed provoke/flash/charm on a mob someone else was fighting, they were happy when they got it, furthermore they (Cremonte) takes a screenshot of it and posts it somewhere. Cremonte is obviously not sorry for stealing LoO but he's tired of getting yelled at. I trust that you can see the difference.

However, I do not want people to harass Cremonte or any of the others involved in this, it's also pretty bad behaviour and it won't do any good. It will only ruin the game for them and make them even more pissed off.

Wiccatu, I heard about the Serket thing. If it's the incident I'm thinking of it was a complete mess, I'm sorry that something like that happened to you.
#40 Apr 06 2005 at 2:44 AM Rating: Decent
69 posts
Quote from KI forum (copy n paste from IRC)

[14:05] <cremonte> lord of onzozo is funny.
[14:13] <cremonte>
[14:14] <jeem`8> owned
[14:15] <Rix> you are a gilseller
[14:15] <jeem`8> l0l
[14:16] <cremonte> the best part is we didnt claim it
[14:22] <jeem`8> cremonte
[14:22] <jeem`8> you're the biggest *******
[14:22] <jeem`8> i have ever seen
[14:22] <jeem`8> stop being such a ****ing douche for no reason
[14:22] <jeem`8> get the **** out
[14:22] <cremonte> no

Cremonte obviously doesnt feel sorry and yet she/he tried to defend him/herself on the forums
#41 Apr 06 2005 at 3:55 AM Rating: Default
Khasim, which hole are you talking out of? Your mouth, or the one where you crap out of?

Are you me? No, so stop thinking you can read my goddamn mind. There (ready for a shocker) REALLY ARE people in this world who can feel remorse; just because I said "LOL" makes me a heartless *******?

I laughed because it was a shock, and at the time, a good one (for me); I realize now it wasn't good.

This is my first ******* HNMLS; that was the first time I had ever camped lord of onzozo. You're 100% sure that was not the first time I had "stolen" a mob because I laughed, because I cast flash on it?

Where the hell are you to speak for me?!

Also, I didn't post the goddamn screenshot. All I did was ******* upload it (and the link owen posted, i could SWEAR that's a 404 error!) and so you think I'm much of a **** as to brag about it, where I didn't?

Honestly. You're not in my head, you're far from it. Go get a clue.

I'm pissed off now, not at the harassment so much as the people who think they know verbatim what happened when they don't know jack besides a screenshot without any chat filters on. You know what that means? OTHER THINGS ACTUALLY HAPPENED, z0000mfg!!!`~!!!1`~

/huh!? z0mfg its purple! who is fighting it? omfgx2 the people that claimed it in the first place!

I'm not speaking for my LS, I'm not speaking for anyone but myself. Maybe some other people should learn to do the same.
#42 Apr 06 2005 at 5:15 AM Rating: Decent
69 posts
Good Job Cremonte u rotten f***ing pig
#43 Apr 06 2005 at 6:17 AM Rating: Decent
Henda posted:

this is the first time that something like this has happened involving them -_- don't go blowing stuff out of proportion by saying it's a normal thing with them.
and no I am not trying to justify what they did

Technically you're wrong. This is why you're wrong. FATE LS is known for stealing. It's known amongst all HNM, NA or JP. To name some things stolen by FATE, LoO for one, KB from RealMadrid by Brandan, Pinkitty and Amond stealing Mysticmaker from a 75 BLM in Onzozo (claiming the BLM was going to die when I know damn well who the BLM was and them dying was not possible). FATE steals HNM/NM's it's known fact. They're on 2ch and private forums that only users with access can view (which I have).

Cremonte posted:

This is my first @#%^ing HNMLS; that was the first time I had ever camped lord of onzozo. You're 100% sure that was not the first time I had "stolen" a mob because I laughed, because I cast flash on it?

I laughed because it was a shock, and at the time, a good one (for me); I realize now it wasn't good.

Yes you proved that very well... You proved you don't know sh*t about proper HNM/NM manners. I'd say you represent your LS poorly but the LS does a fine job of that themselves. You only add to the horrid reputation they have.

You spammed flash and then laughed out of shock that you claim stole the mob? Thats utter bullsh*t. Since you so rudely stated to Khasim (which happens to be a friend of mine) which hole were you talking out of? To me it appears to be your ***. Every action has reaction. Thus spamming flash on a mob = claimsteal you're being shocked is just your lies in a feeble attempt to "defend" yourself.

Goodjob at making yourself looking like a complete idiot, goodjob on representing your already sh*tty ls, goodjob on making your rep look bad, goodjob on ruining your name. You're going to get far in this game.
#44 Apr 06 2005 at 6:42 AM Rating: Good
396 posts
Cremonte, you and others spammed your claim macros in an attempt to steal LoO after others had claimed it. If it had been that the mob became unclaimed and you saw your chance and managed to claim it (not by spamming while they had claim but by a single cast) before the original group got claim back it would still have been a ****** thing to do but at least understandable, it can be blamed on a long frustrating camp and other crap. In this case you knew exactly what you were doing and you just waited for this to happen. This, taking the screenshot and laughing about it in /p and /l leads me to believe that it is not the first time that you or the rest in your group (apart from Sherman) has done something like this. What else can one think about it? Furthermore you hardly seem filled with remorse, just annoyed about getting spammed with tells and harassed about it. While I think it sucks that people do that I think you have to live with being hung out like this on a forum. If I misunderstand you and you're really sorry about stealing the NM and not about the attention you've been given then I apologize.

As for your other screenshot, yes I know it was taken back from you. It's not news to be honest. Why that would make your actions any less ****** is beyond me though. You stole it and that's a fact.

I never said I was 100% sure that this wasn't the first time you've done this, I said I wouldn't be surprised if you had done it before. I said that because that's how I feel about it and, for your information, I'm not speaking on behalf of my LS either and I'm not directing this at your LS. I can only voice my personal opinion on this and my opinion is that you and the others in your group (apart from Sherman) did a very ****** thing by stealing the NM. My opinion is also that this kind of behaviour is totally unacceptable.

Just so you know, I will not spend any time or effort on disliking you or the others as I don't know you. I hope you tell the truth and this was a one-time thing and that you regret it.
#45 Apr 06 2005 at 11:34 AM Rating: Good
2,071 posts
Sorry Cremonte, you did something wrong, you deal with the consequences. You coming here and spouting garbage like your more recent post only serves to indicate that you somehow want to twist this into a situation where you're the victim.

As someone who has done something wrong, I'd suggest you just stop defending yourself and from now on act in a better manner. You coming here and making feeble attempts at "defending" yourself by insulting others (including Khasim, who is a LS mate of mine) who actually have good points, isn't doing your credability and reputation ANY good.

I don't care if it was your first or 100th time. The very fact that you (or anyone else for that matter) is spamming any Job ability on a claimed mob indicates that you had every intention of stealing it. I don't buy this "Accident" crap.

In the wise words of Yoda, "STFU you will".

#46 Apr 06 2005 at 12:03 PM Rating: Decent
802 posts
FaceInTheCrowd wrote:
Henda posted:

this is the first time that something like this has happened involving them -_- don't go blowing stuff out of proportion by saying it's a normal thing with them.
and no I am not trying to justify what they did

Technically you're wrong. This is why you're wrong. FATE LS is known for stealing. It's known amongst all HNM, NA or JP. To name some things stolen by FATE, LoO for one, KB from RealMadrid by Brandan, Pinkitty and Amond stealing Mysticmaker from a 75 BLM in Onzozo (claiming the BLM was going to die when I know damn well who the BLM was and them dying was not possible). FATE steals HNM/NM's it's known fact. They're on 2ch and private forums that only users with access can view (which I have).

I'm not sure about Loo or mysticmaker, but I was there when the Fate, RM, KB incident. I was the camping for my last black belt item, Behemoth tongue. At that time as like maybe JP0500+, early march. MM, RM, Fate and TE and 2-3 smaller LSes where there. But only RM, TE and Fate have the manpower to fight KB. KB popped, I saw everyone running. To me the name of KB is purple, but I kinda saw it chasing a RM Pld, name I forgotten, Then KB turned and ran to my direction still purple, but someone I know from Fate voke it, and they started kitting,KB is purple all the time to me.

Suprisingly, it was TE that first /shout Fate steal KB. Someone from the RM camp shouted MPK,etc. It was a bloody mess, Owen died, along with a few other RM mages, /shouts from the RM camp and TE said on Brandan stolen KB, blah..blah..blah.

The first thing I did was /tell Warlord asking WTF happened. If I remembered clearly, he told me he asked his guys to keep away. But, why the steal? It turns out that he kinda forgotten to tell his guys the basic rules of HNMLS camping.

The Drama continues and /shouts in EN and JP fly all around, some from RM, asking Fate to return KB. While someone in TE, came up with an idea to /random, see who got the highest number gets to fight KB. But in the end, KB returned to RM, and RM continued kiting. But those who witness this incident, are hard bend on Fate stealing KB. Can't blame them since, that is like what really happened.

Moral of the story: Remember to pass down clear instructions (--;
#47 Apr 06 2005 at 12:36 PM Rating: Decent
107 posts
when brandan stole KB he had just arrived there and saw it unclaimed... what would you do if you get to BD and see KB standing there with full health unclaimed? it was GIVEN BACK TO RM almost immediatly (as soon as the claim was able to be lost again) it had to be kited for a little to lose claim back to RM because if they didn't they all would have just died.

so LoO remains the first nm stolen on purpose

As for Mysticmaker I have never seen or heard anything about that before and have trouble believing it.
#48 Apr 06 2005 at 1:16 PM Rating: Decent
Thats my hnmls that got burned. Its a wonderful cyber world we live in.
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