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OMG, It Finally Happened?!?Follow

#27 Mar 19 2005 at 12:04 AM Rating: Decent
They created new chars and now leveling them...i saw them in valkurm and in qufim last week...(doctorman,catwoman,and stupid names like these)..i saw them all /following zhuque -_-
guess he plays p lvls them :x

ffxi 60+ is just drama and making u go > :| < :p
#28 Mar 19 2005 at 12:55 AM Rating: Decent
So I join this xp party tonight. Once I get in I see... Losewu. Now this is the second party in as many days where I caught a gilseller. The other day it was that fawker from Ordelle's named Ellynydd. Of course I tell the party that there is a gilseller in it but today I get a strange response when I leave.

Xaine: "Dude if I thought I was supporting this guy I'd leave too but I'm using him for xp."

That is an exact quote from my log. Now we all know who was really using who here. Except poor Xaine of course. My point in all of this is some of us are actually helping the gilsellers do better. It's really pretty disappointing. I figure this was the best thread to post this because the end result leaves gilsellers at high levels with potential to raid Tu'lia.

I guess now we have to get all the "straight" people access to Al'Taieu. Oh... please see my postings on CoP missions and join me on my conquest :P
#29 Mar 19 2005 at 1:29 AM Rating: Decent
OMG! Like 30 minutes later I get another invite in Boyahda Tree. We partied for a bit and then the RDM has to leave. Who comes as a replacement? LOSEWU! So I tell the party and say I can't party with the gilseller. The leader says this:

Bardon, "ffs i dont care is she is a gilseller or not she made a good party members today so i dont care. a rdm is a rdm."

Heziki, "Well you help the gilsellers then. When you try to hunt gods later remember I told you not to.

Bardon, "its up to them whether they sell gil or not its a way of making money." (which is true)

What the crap is the matter with people?

Edit Okay... I helped poor Bardon understand and he just made Losewu stand there... Apparently the last party I mentioned didn't keep her either.

Edited, Sat Mar 19 01:45:05 2005 by Heziki
#30 Mar 19 2005 at 1:55 AM Rating: Decent
67 posts
Just a side note:

Found a gil seller set pt when i was farming, the names are;


Do not help them in any ZM/COP mission please ;;

They are now lvl 60+ was lvl 20+ 2 weeks ago

Edited, Sat Mar 19 02:00:42 2005 by Yuusl
#31 Mar 19 2005 at 4:37 AM Rating: Decent
48 posts
Meh, I've never seen one gilseller with any title relating to Zilart Missions, any cursed gear, haven't seen them fighting any gods, haven't even seen then anywhere past Zi'Tah. Nothing at all related to Tu'Lia.

Although yes, they have been camping Serket, Cassie, Simurgh, Roc, Adamantoise.. etc.

The closest thing they've come to achieving something like Tu'Lia is however they got 1-2 optical hats. Which was basically leeching off "friends."

Zhurque (sp) has had the ZM4 completion title before, Bearer of a Wiseman's Hope. So they have completed partial sky if not all ZM runs at least. However, this was about two months ago I saw he/she/it with that title.
#32 Mar 20 2005 at 5:33 AM Rating: Decent
412 posts
; ;

I am still just.... shocked. Someone mentioned this to me in-game. Haven't been on the server forums here though in a while. Killing gods?! How? All I can picture is the Ls-gang in Kuftal tunnel... Have you ever seen how they fight? A lizard pops and 4 DRKs freak out and shoot off provoke, frantically swinging at it and any other that link until 4 simultaneous Guillotines go off, and they hope it dies while the mage spams cures on them... How could they even kill the trigger mobs? Can you see Lsjacko tanking Faust?!

But.... I suppose anything's possible. I have noticed them all leveling ninja, etc. My ninja set just finished up in Onzozo. I watched One of the Ls-gang tanking Toramas there, and it was one of the saddest sights I've ever seen. Not just to see him as a 62ninja, but also the abhorrent job he was doing. It would not only take an alliance of Ragnarok RMTers, but a lot more skill than they've displayed to take down anything worthwhile in Tu'lia I'd think, but I guess (fear) maybe I'm wrong.

As for ground HNMs, well, hardly surprising. Hope Kitty's right about them getting wiped. Some are easy, sure, but others require a little more strategy. Anyway, it's just one more "HNMLS" camping Serket on any given day :/

Pretty sure I saw a Valkurm Dunes Zhuque power-leveling squad last night while I was goofing off with mnk. Saw Losewu tonight in Boyahda tree leveling RDM >.> Around 2AM EST. Saw someone whom in my opinion would know better than to abett a gilseller leveling with them. Saw Skybird today for the first time in a while.

Which brings up a scary thought on my original concern: maybe this IS the Ragnarok RMT alliance, forming from the ground up, to go monopolize and ruin content for legitimate players. I hope hope hope hope hope it's not. Time will tell (and shortly).

On another note, the only thing I see as more unlikely that SE doing something about this type of RMT activity would be this:

maybe those of you that can farm the HNM should form an LS that way when you are farming them you can all congregate on the same HNM

Edited, Sun Mar 20 05:35:02 2005 by Mystoval
#33 Mar 20 2005 at 11:15 AM Rating: Good
Gilsellers sinder jindi parispring danen fredrick sussan respect the power of GMs and no longer try to steal oldschool hnm from me. ":3 GMs are becoming more useful these days despite the rules being updated one whole year ago. ":3

Or maybe they aren't gilsellers and just like camping amemet 24/7 with the ls folk.
#34 Mar 20 2005 at 12:30 PM Rating: Decent
151 posts
They are still stealing some HNMs. They stole serket from some friends of mine. That's how they've been the ones that killed serket a bunch lately ;o they steal it from those that actually claim it.

HNM hunting is going to hell. X_X
#35 Mar 20 2005 at 3:48 PM Rating: Good
Keep it silenced and don't let non-blink tanks tank X3
#36 Mar 22 2005 at 6:17 AM Rating: Decent
412 posts
Well I guess I'm totally behind the times. This is all old news to everyone else. Checked Parispring today and she was "Sealer of the Portal of the Gods." Doh -_-. Also a horde of gilsellers (Xuanwu... can't remember who else now) is up in Ifrit's camping Tarasque 24/7. Check history on the skins.

Anyway.... spent some time in Tu'lia today getting merit. I've been like, paranoid-/seaing areas constantly. Haven't seen them up there yet, and haven't seen one in abjuration as someone mentioned, but the time is near for sure.

Not sure what we can really do about it, other than laugh the first time someone aggros a groundskeeper, and their mage attempts to raise. If anyone happens to catch that, please post pictures.

In the meantime I'll be leveling ninja for Mijin-MPK duty.
#37 Apr 06 2005 at 9:14 AM Rating: Decent
89 posts
So I see it gets worse. These days MY LS and I have been doing alot of events. Running around back and forth trying to do End Game stuff. And I see now that its not the gilsellers anymore that we're having trouble with, But its with the players who we leveled with, exp'd with, did missions/quests with... How sad how someone you have known for so long can just quickly come up and "steal" a mob which you have spent countless hours trying to get claim for.

Is it really worth it? People who you have known for so long. To pick a 5,000,000G+ drop over people who you have gained the respect from. People who have gave you the kindness of their hearts to be online friends with you in a game where you will never meet or greet each other in real life.

I understand that some people say, "Its only a game, we will never meet in real life so I dont give a damn!" But, what ever happened to morals?

I am only posting this again is because a couple days ago some LS members of mine went to go camp HNM. While they were there they lost pull on the mob. Lets just say, Group A made the pull. MY fellow LS mates was just sitting there, watching the fight and trying to get the TOD so they could go camp it the next day. While Group A kites the mob around, Group B decides to "steal" HNM. HNM turns yellow and Group A loses the mob to Group B.

All of a sudden, our LS is spammed with messages. "OMG, "Group B" just stole HNM from "Group A"!". Everyone was /shocked how they would do this. It turns out that Group B's LS Leader was a long time FFXI friend of mine. So, I decide to give him a /tell and see why he would let his LS members do such a thing.

Conversation went as follows:

Me>> you busy?
friend>> whats up?
me>> it seems like some of your LS members just stole a mob from another LS. why?
friend>> so it seems like our LS is doing a good job
me>> good job? how's that good??? what ever happened to the morals of camping HNMs?
friend>> dude, JPs monopolize all HNMs and get it all the time. why would you want them to always have pull? at least my LS can take the mob from them.
me>> O.O
me>> why would you do such a thing like that? i thought you was cooler then that. if it were gilsellers, i'd probably get a laugh at it. but its other players man!
friend>> you know what, STFU. we'll do whatever we want. its a f*cking game! who cares what we do, as long as we get the claim.
me>> if you say so...
me>> as for me, my LS and I have rules against that. we'll never do such a thing. we have alot more respect for others and have morals we live and stand by.
friend>> stfu b*tch you're black listed.
me>> ...

All I am saying is, I cant believe how people can throw away the bonds and relationships they have made over the year on FFXI just to earn a few Gil. I thought that MMORPG games were meant so players can interact with each other and build special bonds to accomplish certain goals where it takes more then a few good players to beat? Maybe thats just standards I live and stand by.

I'm not here to put anyone down, or point fingers at anyone, or say any names/LS's. I'm just here to give everyone my 2Gils. Thanks for listening! :D
#38 Apr 06 2005 at 10:25 AM Rating: Decent
Xenger wrote:
I cant believe how people can throw away the bonds and relationships they have made over the year on FFXI

Which Xenger is talking here?
#39 Apr 06 2005 at 10:35 AM Rating: Good
1,701 posts
It's funny how some people change when they get to a decent level. I've watched a lot of people go from a lot of fun to being someone who I wouldn't want to talk to. And the excuse is always the same. It's just a game. But the ones who say that seem to be the ones who spend the most time on it and are the ones most concerned with having the best of the best gear and the most status items.

In all the threads about gilsellers, I think I always said that they weren't the only problem. That normal players did this too. It's sad to see more and more of these stories being posted here. Some people justify it with well this group does it so we are doing it so we get a fair chance. Heck, go back a few months to the stroper chyme threads and people being proud that they trained on the gil sellers. And see how those who spoke out against that were basically ignored. But we spoke out against it because we knew that it wouldn't stop with these actions being done to the gil sellers. It would carry over to everyone else. If these tactics score them a so called win against that group, why wouldn't they use it against another knowing they will succeed?
#40 Apr 07 2005 at 12:05 PM Rating: Decent
151 posts
I have little problem with harming gil sellers. The reason is because the gil sellers are the ones that had actually started the issues.

Tif, you know I respect you and such. Always been respectful and courteous. However I have seen how things have grown to being a problem. Yes some people get a little too carried away - with that I agree.

But here, I'll outline how things have gone:

Gilsellers were the first to mpk. They were aiming to gain a monopoly on certain NMs such as amemet. They stole NMs, etc.

Now they've moved onto stealing HNMs and attempting to have claim on them everyday.

Soon they're moving onto tiula and will try to have constant claim on triggers.

The reason people initially did MPKs / NM stealing with gil sellers was to fight back against the monopoly which SE refused to do anything about. They wouldn't even boot the gilsellers that MPKed and stole NMs. People became annoyed and fought back. SE then told us to not be vigilantes... and, guess what else they had said? To not report gil sellers any longer.

Now we're in the present where we're not allowed to fight back and its suggested not to report gil sellers. So I can understand how people get frustrated and lash out.

The gil sellers fight completely unfairly. Though I'll admit that some take things too far as well unfortunately... quite possibly making the problem worse. :x
#41 Apr 07 2005 at 12:40 PM Rating: Good
1,701 posts
Nobody will dispute that they are the root of the problem. But people started doing these tactics to fight back and it spread to other players. That's the other half of the problem. People let the same greed for the items in game drive them into ******** over other legit players. I've camped nms where there were no gil sellers about and watched the same tactics take place. In some cases, these were for rare/ex items. What's the excuse? Who were they trying to defend a monopoly against?

People get so hung up on the gil sellers, they seem to ignore that the problem exists with other players.

That's always been my issue, that they do make the problem worse. It's bad enough when you have to worry about one group doing it. But it's to the point now that if SE were to get rid of the gil sellers, it'd be hard to guarantee anything would chance because there are enough of people who use those same tactics on everyone.

I just think it's time the players actually start holding each other accountable when they use the same tactics. And I will say, I've been quite pleased to see more people not keeping the stories quiet. But at the same time, I'm quite saddened that this problem exists among the normal players.

I guess I agree with the old saying that two wrongs don't make a right in this case. By using their tactics against them to combat them, they just made it much, much worse.
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