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A strange situation I encountered today...Follow

#1 Mar 13 2005 at 11:54 PM Rating: Default
25 posts
Hello! ^-^ Some of you may know me, I'm Kyuru, 37BLM/18WHM. I was wanting some advice on a... rather odd situation I encountered on the server today, and thought you guys would be my best bet for opinions.

I was invited to a party in Crawler's Nest, and then made leader shortly after. The party setup was WHM (me), WHM, NIN, WAR, RDM, MNK. Upon checking the member list, the party was all 35-37 apart from the other WHM who was 39.

So we get into a couple of fights, and I realize my EXP is coming really slowly and in low amounts. I talk to some of the other party members and they all say it's because of the WHM that my EXP is bad. I decide to tell the WHM...

me>> I'm sorry I have to say this, but I'm getting low EXP and a lot of the party members agree that it's because your level's a tad high.

WHM>> So?

me>> I was wondering if you could sit out for a few battles, since I'm only 400 TNL. You can replace me after that. Would you mind?

No response. 5 seconds later, the WHM disbands and warps back to HP. Puzzled, I /tell her a few times, no response. I get a replacement and start EXPing as usual... 5 minutes later...

random1>> Shows you what kind of WHM you are.

me>> Excuse me?

random1>> You asked her to leave when you were the 2nd WHM invited to the party.

me>> Yeah, but I was only 400 TNL. I told her she could replace me after so the party could balance out the EXP. I asked her if she minded, no response and she warped out.

random1>> That doesn't matter. She shouldn't have had to tell you. You were the 2nd WHM invited to the party. If EXP sucked that much for you, you should have left.

Followed by several verbal harassments from random1 and other people from the WHM's LS. I don't know. It would have helped if WHM had told me she wanted to stay rather than disbanding and warping out on the party without saying anything.

Keep in mind that I was seeking for over 4 hours at that time, so leaving wasn't really an option. but I knew the WHM had been invited first, so I offered to leave once I got the 400 EXP. Was I wrong in this situation?

(PS: Once WHM left and we got a SAM 36, we constantly got Chain 4s and 5s. =/ I don't want to criticize anyone though; I'm sure she's an awesome WHM.)
#2 Mar 14 2005 at 12:03 AM Rating: Default
352 posts
Hey Kyuru!(tis Blag =P)

Aright then:

First off, this WHM was 39 in a 35-37 pt? >.> w.t.f.

Secondly, she really shouldn't have reacted this way - I mean leaving after you asked, as I see it, rather nicely if she would just sit out a few fights.

Then basicly whining at her LS because *she* left of her own accord? That's just dumb.

Overall suggestion; Ignore her. Even if she is kind of touched in the head, if ya know what I mean, she really didn't do that much wrong except whine.

Not worth losing sleep over =P

Cya IG^^
#3 Mar 14 2005 at 12:59 AM Rating: Default
39 posts
If you leave a party without stating why, you can't complain. Let alone making your linkshell complain for you (lame). This whm needs to learn to communicate more...

Edited, Mon Mar 14 00:59:28 2005 by xahn
#4 Mar 14 2005 at 1:15 AM Rating: Decent
127 posts
Hmmm... this is really interesting. I bet that WHM was a Taru by the name Cassi. How do I know this??? Because I watched that whole party and teh conversations that went on. No, I'm not Cassi. I'm Sturg... Cassi is my wife. No this is not because she is my wife that I am saying anything. It is because you are a complet liar. For one any one who cares to do a /sea all Cassi will see that she is a 36 WHM/BLM. So first off maybe you need to get your eyes checked or learn how to count. She had just got 36. before she left. it goes 35, 36. Not 35, 39. She left because of teh multiple times that you /tell to her and told her she needed to leave, that there was only room for 1 WHM, and so on. I watched you sit there not cureing while your tank droped to red range and still sitting there as they died. I watched the BLM try to keep the other WHM alive as you did nothing when the crawler poped behind her while she was resting. I watched you tell her that you wanted her to leave till you lvled at 2400 tnl not 400. Yes I watched her disband and warp to Jueno, and I watched her send a tell to every party member telling them that she was sorry for doing it like that. And to top it all off I watched the Tank send her a tell about 5 minutes later saying that you let them die again. So, it all. Do I care that it was my wife??? No not really, it's a game. Do I care that ppl like you come and twist the stories as to what really happens to make your self look like the victim in all this?? Yep. It is ppl that do things like you are doing that make this game unfun at times. As for your "Random 1" Prob Whitemist I have no clue what was said their and I really don't care. All I have to say is if you are gonna tell a story tell the whole truth and don't twist it. and remember, a lot of ppl use these forums. being cought in a lie is very easy and you my friend have been cought.
#5 Mar 14 2005 at 1:24 AM Rating: Default
I'm not sure their action was justified but 400xp is not very much. They could have at least let you know that they also realized there was a bad xp situation and waited for a replacement. What I would have done was taken my 400xp and then made a comment. At least then you would have definitely gotten your level. I understand that you still got your level but better safe than sorry.

Edit: BigSturg must have been typing while I was typing. I just read his post. Damn that really funny and sounds typical of a leveling situation at that range.

Edited, Mon Mar 14 01:27:37 2005 by Heziki
#6 Mar 14 2005 at 1:30 AM Rating: Default
25 posts
Oh really? When I looked at the member list it was clearly WHM39. Secondly, I stated multiple times to Whitemist I was only 400 TNL. If you would have seen me, this was proven by the fact that I leveled a few battles later.

She honestly could have told me how she felt. If it was that stressful to her, then she should have told me. I honestly don't read minds- I asked her to alternate healing, and she said OK. If she had felt stressed by this she could have said "I don't feel comfortable with what you're doing. Could we change it a bit?" I would gladly have listened to her suggestions. A party member does need to know how to communicate with its' leader.

If she never told me how she felt and if she never stated her opinion, how was I supposed to know? If she disbands on me and warps out without even telling me why, how am I supposed to know that she was feeling bad about the way I was leading?

My job as a leader is to make sure that the party is as efficient as possible. Sometimes we have bad days, sometimes we have good days. But good days are never going to happen if party members don't voice their opinion on things. Just my two gil, but.. honestly, I shouldn't have to suffer for this.
#7 Mar 14 2005 at 1:31 AM Rating: Default
133 posts
*wave wave* as long as the op is posting their job, Atrius 60whm/58rdm/37blm of TTA -- and, if this was Cassi, she would not've said or done the things that you claim the 39whm did. i'll support Sturg on this~

oh, an sturg dood <.>; shorter paragraphs or some formatting please hehe :)
#8 Mar 14 2005 at 1:45 AM Rating: Decent
Well This is really interesting....I'll state my opinions in bullet points.

1) Thanks for the name random1, It sounds so crap
2) 39 whm whoa make sure you get your facts straight beforehand
3) As I understood I did not use any words like suck etc
4) If you have a problem with my opinions then you should have cleary stated it.
5) why would you post this of Allakhazam?
6) Random1 = Whitemist. Want to know more sure /tell in game and I'll fill you in on the details this guy missed.

Thats all any probems PM here or /tell otherwise continue stating your faults Kyuru. If you wanna have a go at me or anyone of your friends about this I'll see what you have to say, any abuse will be clearly given to a GM if it gets outta hand otherwise cya.

#9 Mar 14 2005 at 1:46 AM Rating: Decent
127 posts
It's times like this that I wish she played on a PC instead of PS2 then I could have easily printed the screen and exposed it all.

Well like I said, anyone who cares to check it's very simple... /sea all Cassi If she pops up as a 39 whm I will erase my character and never play again.

Oh and if you all see her just check. She wa running Teleport-Holla's when I walked out of the room. The only teleport she can do. That would be odd for a 39 WHM to only have teleport-Holla scroll and not the other 4 :O
#10 Mar 14 2005 at 1:54 AM Rating: Default
This disturbs me. So your complaint is that a level 39 white mage wouldn't leave so you can get your 400 exp faster. In reality, this white mage is level 36. Also, you were aparently getting low exp in a party with a max level of 37 killing crawlers. A very strange situation indeed. Perhaps you don't know how to read numbers? Those 1's infront of the exp you were getting -are- significant digits and should be included. And when, according to you, a 60-69 exp kill occured, that was actually 190-199. Since you can't figure out what a 6 is maybe you don't know what a 9 is.. you must have been so confused. I'm sorry that you have such a disability and hope you can overcome it as you grow older.
#11 Mar 14 2005 at 2:14 AM Rating: Excellent
The funny thing is that i had my seek flag up for 15 seconds when i was invited to this pt (at lvl 35). The party stayed as it was for about 15 minutes. From my calculations, that would not be even close enough time to level 4 levels, even for the perfect party with perfect hits, skillchains, and casts. Two people stated that they were leaving and that their replacements were either in CN or on their way to CN. I waited with the rest of the party for them to show. Kyuru was one of the replacements, putting the pt with 2 whms. The leader of the party was leaving and randomly put the lead tag on someone, which happened to be Kyuru. He immediately declared that he did not like the setup of the party. (I made the comment that i was sure I was getting the boot to my Link Shell at that time). Kyuru informed the PLD in the pt (who WAS the 38-not 39 with us) that he needed to leave. The PLD readily agreed and left. Kyuru got the pt together after that, and then started to inform us of the way the party was going to be run, but then stopped and asked me to leave, and I in turn said in party chat that if he really wanted me to leave when he was just invited and I was already there when he got there, that I would. He disconnected at that point, and the lead fell on me. When he reconnected, I (being the nice person I am) re-invited him, although I could have left him to find his own party. I told him that some of the best parties I have been in had 2 whms, and he reluctantly agreed to try it. We decided it best to take turns main healing. I do not like my party members to get down into the yellow (HP wise), and so when it was his turn to heal, i got nervous when a few members would get down into yellow before he would cure any of them, and I would get up and help. Then he would tell me that when he was main healer I was to rest and regain MP. One round when I did, our tank's HP got into the yellow, then light orange, then orange, then dark orange, and by that point, I started to get up to help the main healer for that battle, and our tank was dead before I could get up. Kyuru raised him in the middle of battle (something I-or any other whm I know-would not do). It is safer IMHO to raise between battles. During one of the battles where he was main healer, I was resting and a crawler popped behind me and bopped me in the head. I ran intentionally infront of Kyuru to make sure he saw that i was being hit, and waited and waited and finally got a cure from the blm in the pt, but died anyway, nearly dlvling me from 36 (NOT 39). After the battle, I was raised, and then, asked again insistantly to leave for him to get 2500 more exp (not the 400 he claims he needed), and then rejoin the party. I did get mad and give him the lead and leave, after all that is what he wanted, and he made that very clear. Yes, I did warp out of there, but who as a lvl 36 tarutaru whm would want to be left alone in CN? I sent tells to the remainder of the party explaining that I had had enough of that and that I didnt want them to think I was abandoning the pt out of the blue, that there was a reason I had left. I recieved a tell from the tank who had died while I was there stating that Kyuru had let him die again and that he left as soon as he was raised. Yes, I had been talking to the people in my linkshell during the whole ordeal, except the battles where it was my turn to heal. As anyone else who has ever partied with me knows, I will sacrifice myself to save a pt member. I just wanted to set the record straight as to what actually went on in that party. So to set the record straight, it was just 2 whms who didnt get along. Not a big deal, really. I have had worse parties, but have had better experiences, for sure.

BTW, I am still 36WHM/18BLM for the record on my highest lvl job.
#12 Mar 14 2005 at 2:17 AM Rating: Default
i dunno if it helps much, but i can also vouch for her being 36 at the time... and *checks* yea, she still is.
#13 Mar 14 2005 at 2:44 AM Rating: Default
um...yup, she's still 36.

oh, and in the next story you tell, can I be "random27"? and right now, I'm a 51whm/ you can pump that up to 73 or 75 if you like, i don't mind.


Edited, Mon Mar 14 02:47:03 2005 by upitupi
#14 Mar 14 2005 at 3:13 AM Rating: Decent
You should really know your facts before you say things like that about someone. And, You dont know me to know if I am touched in the head, yes I know what you mean.

Anyway, it was your friend who pulled all this up on a forum on the internet, not me. Final Fantasy XI is just a game. If 400 exp was such a big deal to him and I really was lvl 39, then he should have just excused himself instead of repeatedly telling the 36whm to leave because she was killing the exp of a 37-38 whm. Your friend had no right to tell me i needed to leave, as I was in the party before he even got the invite, and who spams shouts begging to be invited, anyway? Your friend did. At least for the 15-20 minutes I was in CN before he joined the party I was already in. If you dont like it, dont play the GAME. I talked to my linkshell....who doesnt talk to their linkshell? I did not tell anyone to even talk to kyuru, let alone distract him from "healing". Anyone who sent him a tell did it on their own free will, not by my coersion. Anyway, I have to get back to the real world, where I have children of my own instead of playing with them on video games all day.

Good luck, Kyuru on that reading thing.
#15 Mar 14 2005 at 3:28 AM Rating: Default
104 posts
This is a strange story...

I did a check as many others I'm sure have, and I saw 36WHM Cassi. I double checked to make sure i wasn't seeing fussy numbers (hey, its good enough for government work).

Well I am not too sure what is going on, but I doubt anyone would de-level from 39 to 36 to prove a point. With that in mind, why would anyone ask a lvl 35/36 in a 35-37 party disband?
Even if you wanted to level faster, don't you end up getting more exp with 6 people, rather than 5?

Well I guess I wasn't there, and cannot be the final word, but what is even the reason for the post? I've been in MANY quarels over exp and whatnot, but I don't post them on a MB. Sounds like someone is just trying to cause trouble.

I just hope this gets burried...
#16REDACTED, Posted: Mar 14 2005 at 3:30 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Everyone here that posted is GAY!
#17 Mar 14 2005 at 9:51 AM Rating: Default
25 posts
O.o So you were 36? Holy crap. I must have misunderstood. Sorry about that ^^;

I don't know. We're all human, and we make mistakes. I don't really want to damage your reputation or anything like that, and sometimes I have bad days, sometimes I have good ones. I was sort of perplexed by the fact that you warped out without saying anything. I honestly didn't know what you felt and if you had just voiced your opinion on things, that would have helped a lot. Yup =)

I attend school as well, so it's not like I'm playing FFXI all day. I guess the rational thing to do would be to drop this argument. It all has no use. Well, I hope I see you in-game sometime, and I hope we can have a better experience partying with each other. ^-^
#18 Mar 14 2005 at 10:00 AM Rating: Decent
87 posts
Yeah, this is definately a topic that both people simply need to walk away from. Cassi, you're certainly in the right, here. /wave to Upitupi! Now there's an awesome Whm ;)

Cassi was right in leaving the PT. If there is a person or people in the PT that make the lvling that much unfun, LEAVE! I support Cassi's descision completely cause once the game becomes no longer any fun or downright frustrating, we can't perform our jobs well (Not saying Cassi was incompetent) and she did the right thing on informing the other PT members as to why she left.

And as many people have already posted on here, it is simply a game. Once you take it seriously and start creating a lie within it, that's when it's time to take a vacation or simply go out and watch a movie.
#19 Mar 14 2005 at 3:08 PM Rating: Default
^_^ Go Cassi!
#20 Mar 14 2005 at 8:19 PM Rating: Default
180 posts
I <3 Cassi. *runs from Sturg*
#21 Mar 20 2005 at 12:21 PM Rating: Decent
lol, abandon. <3 you i got up to 37 now, and now am taking time out to finish the promyvian quests, cause i am dying to see the new zones.

If anyone is interested in helping me finish promyvian-dem (the only one i still have to complete), send me a /tell sometime!^^
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