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#1 Jan 23 2005 at 12:20 PM Rating: Decent
21 posts
I realize there are a lot of people playing now, some with communtication problems, and some without. Its great if you find a way to communicate with people about certain things. Thats how most of my party's are formed. However I went to level with a really good party in Quicksand Caves just this past weekend. There were two other party's there, not particularly close together so we settled ourselves down in the middle.

Suddenly I'm getting tells from the leader of one of hte parties, Brandan, a lvl 51 brd at the time. "Take your party and move *******!"

Sorry, both my parents were married when I was born thank you, and too each other. I told him I was not the leader and not to tell me what to do about my party when they were considerably happy where they were. Not only I got this end of the attitude, but my good friend who was the blm in our party got this end of the attitude. So did our paladin.

Last comments I got before putting him on /blist which I have never done before were, "HAHA you lvl 49 and your still R5. What a n00b." and "Loser!" I fail to see how some1 who hasnt done G1 and is only getting to the point where you can do R6 is a n00b. I ignore the loser comment.

Comments from the other party were "How cute." put in say, as if we were too low for that area when were quite clearly chaining some of the beetles we got.

We kept our party in a small compact area, not bothering hte other two parties until they decided to close in on our group to shove us out. The worst that happened was when one of the parties stopped taking mobs completely, and allowed the beetles to massacre ours.

If there are few parties where you are and you know people are crowded elsewhere, please, share the space. It won't hurt you. You have to do it in the jungle. You have to do it in Valke. Heck you have to do it in all areas because the spaces keep getting smaller. Don't be a ****, share the space. And please, learn to communicate. Be civil when talking to those you dont know. "Move your party *******," will do more than earn you the enmity of one person. (And dont take things out on the mages! :p)
#2 Jan 23 2005 at 2:45 PM Rating: Default
110 posts
#3 Jan 23 2005 at 3:30 PM Rating: Decent
#4 Jan 24 2005 at 1:51 AM Rating: Decent
381 posts
Pretty decent percent of the people that play FFxi don't like the concept of sharing...atleast from my experiences with other NA players (I'm na also) but a good part of the NA population doesn't like to share camps. Never had a jp or other langauge speaking person come up to me and ask the pt to move.

Only time I ask the pt I'm with to move is if the camp is actually over camped with pts already. I've had numerous pts that ask new pts that come to our camp to move even though there were plenty of mobs in the area. I've personally apologized to the other pt's and tried calming ours down. It's a sad state of fact but there is always going to be an overabundance of people that are **** about things like this or just fly off the handle when they really don't need I will admit there are times it's best to ask a pt to move to another camp if it's obviously empty but sometimes it's just not needed.

That's my idea on that...I assume someone roaming the forums won't like it but...oh well.
#5 Jan 24 2005 at 5:33 PM Rating: Decent
I was the blm in that party, and got a few nasty tells from the bard in question. First one I got, I asked him if we had not partied together the day before...which he acknowledged we had done. Then I told him I was not the leader of our party, but I would ask if we could move somewhere less crowded. In return I got many of the jeuvenile responses from this individual that Kimmykatt got.

It was quite obvious that his party had plenty of room in which to operate even with us next to them, he just wanted to control the entire area, and he was not opposed to verbal abuse in his quest to do so. Despite his attitude, I did try to keep things civil, but finally gave up. He was set upon being crowned Mr. Obnoxious of the day...and he certainly got several votes out of our party. Hope that helps his gargantuan ego.

In my experience, being nice to people will get you a lot further along than being a jerk will, whether in the game or in real life. As more people populate our server, spaces are going to be at a premium. Better learn how to share them, because things do have a way of coming back to haunt you.

Brandan was borderline for a report to the GM, and if he dies out there in one of his parties, he better have a mage with him who can raise and who doesn't know him. I know two who wouldn't lift a finger to help him.

#6 Jan 24 2005 at 6:31 PM Rating: Good
2,071 posts
This is an ever increasing problem I'm finding. Lack of respect for other PT's in areas.

Couple of things:

You did nothing wrong. Technically, you were just following your PT leader's orders. As for your PT leader, he may not have done anything wrong either, but keep in mind it can get frustrating to others if a camp is full and another PT decides to come there anyways. Note: I don't know about that particular camp you're referring to and as to whether it can support more than two parties, I'm just saying in general.

So, while I can perhaps understand Brandan's (or other PT leaders) frustration, I certainly don't condone how he went about demeaning others.

Of course, if that camp you're referring to CAN support 3 PT's, then I'd say he's completely in the wrong in this case.

My point after all is that I'd wish PT's would do a quick /sea of an area before they went there for exp. Not just once, but multiple times, even along the way. If you come to a camp that is crowded and proceed to plop down and overcamp the area, it becomes exceedingly frustrating for everyone.

In any case, I wouldn't pay much heed to Brandan. He's quite well known for his holier-than-thou attitude and there are many who share a dislike of him. As for me, I don't really care either way about him, but I wouldn't take garbage like that from him. I quite like his one comment "HAHA you lvl 49 and your still R5. What a n00b.". I'd like to see him beat Shadowlord at level 49 without leeching off a high level PT.
#7 Jan 24 2005 at 10:03 PM Rating: Decent
110 posts
generaly aslong as they arent stealing mobs and hurting EXP i could'nt care less
#8 Jan 25 2005 at 6:02 AM Rating: Decent
412 posts
Let me just say one thing. I don't know what the name of Kimmy's character is, and we must have been in Quicksands at slightly different times, because I don't recall seeing Brandan there. I want to say it was Saturday night, maybe 7-10PST or so. Anyhow...

Quicksands is a tricky zone. First off, Antica are a pain. They aggro sound, they link, almost all of them but the warrior-type (Hastastus or whatever) cast, so when you pull them they will stand there casting at you and inviting others to link with them in the meantime. Now, I'm just curious why Brandan thought you were in his PT's way. Were there not enough monsters? Were you too close to their camp? The worst thing the Antica do is an AoE silence, which makes it neccessary to keep them far away from your mages, and additionally all mages and casters (paladins and ninja included--and ranger) need to carry Echo Drops.

So like I said, there we were alone, doing very well too chaining beetles then ants for big 220-280chains. Then one party shows up, then another, until there were about FOUR parties in the Western Quicksands camp. We were at the bottom of the ramp (in the prime spot since we were the first PT) there was one party behind us and two parties basically out in the open room where the Antica spawn. I first became a little annoyed when the Lv51 Rank2 ranger we decided to pass on picking up randomly slapped me for no apparent reason. What eventually ensued was the following:
1) massive shortage of mobs to xp on. Our warrior and I were both pulling, and we had to run all the way up and around the corner for more mobs, more mobs being casting Antica that take forever to pull back. Our chaining went from 4-5 to around 1-2.
2) trains of multiple antica from the parties who were in the spawn area getting popped on. Multiple deaths, fortunately none of them ours except for a Mijin I was forced to use.
3) one party fighting ants precisely in the middle of our mage-huddle. This was that ranger's party. Fortunately everyone had echo drops. I sent him a tell asking him to please move and he told me to talk to the leader. I didn't know who the leader was since there were 3 other PTs in there, and I didn't have time to ask since I was tanking as ninja, which can be kinda hectic.

After a while we decided the frustration was not worth the measly xp, and we left, which was a shame because we'd picked up an absolutely stellar war and smn. Wow they were great. Too bad it was wasted on a sour night.

My point is, I doubt you were one of these people, Kimmy, and it sounds like Brandan overreacted, and of the little bit I know of him I'm not surprised. And this "haha you Lv49 and your still R5. what a n00b" is really dumb. Most people don't fight Shadowlord till around 55-60 now, so... don't listen to him. But please, to all whom it may concern, be aware of the zone, of the type of monsters you will be fighting, and how many parties can efficiently fit there. I can guarantee you no one else in that zone was getting good xp that night either. What's the point then? Use the /sea feature. If there are ~40 people your level in the zone you want to go xp in, maybe you should chose a different one. When an area is overcamped, everyone's PT suffers. And you especially need to be careful and considerate of other PTs when fighting mobs that will AoE dangerous effects to them, such as Antica or Mandragora (hello Kazham! sleepy yet?)

Oh! I can't believe I forgot! The crowning moment for this ranger was when he Shadowbound a beetle or ant or something in the middle of our mage pile, and it started whacking the resting BLM. THANK YOU! Learn how to use your JA! You're Lv51! You've had 11 levels to figure that out. Technically, that's MPK. I didn't call a GM or anything, but I did give him a stern reprimand over the /tell channel. He responded with something juvenile and offensive, so I blisted him and forgot about it.

Anyhow... sorry for a little rant, and yes, people need to be able to be civil to one another. And Lv49-51 kinda sucks; there aren't a whole lot of great places to XP, but don't INSIST on camping a certain spot at a certain time just because you MUST have that xp now, tonight, in that camp. There *are* a couple other places you can go. Again, not saying this is Kimmy, just for reference to all. And yes, I know I'm preaching to the choir probably. If everyone visited alla and tried to learn stuff and/or communicate with their community we wouldn't have people like that ranger. Anyway, good luck and safe hunting ^^;

Edited, Tue Jan 25 06:10:21 2005 by Mystoval
#9 Jan 25 2005 at 8:34 AM Rating: Decent
2,112 posts
Here is my thing, I am the leader in my set and I am a 61drk. I always and I mean always check the zones before I leave say Jueno where we might be leveling. For example..

/sea all pld 59-63
/sea all nin 59-63
/sea all whm 59-63
/sea all rng 59-63
/sea all rdm 59-63

I use those all the time to see where people are. And if there are a ton of say, tanks in one area I know there are alot of parties there, so we don't go.

Yes I have had many many people over camp the areas. we could be the first party and then next thing I know there are 4-5 parties there. I even have gotten MPKed before. I've even had people try to party on top of us before. Best thing to do is nicely ask for them to move or just keep on fighting and eventually they will get pissed because their xp sucks and leave.
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#10 Jan 25 2005 at 9:55 AM Rating: Good
1,701 posts
Un, I know my party often checks the potential level spots before we head out, but as you know, some nights it's choosing the lesser evil of the overcrowded spots.

I know if my party is somewhere first we are usually quite happy to share the space. Heck, I enjoy having a party close by just in case something goes wrong. We'll always stop to help another party and hope that they will do the same for us if we get in over our head.

In Valley of Sorrows we were often in the same camp as another party and we did our best in that area to share the limited mobs.

I do find it funny how people get possessive over a camp. Unless if a party moves right into the middle of where you are fighting, usually them being close by doesn't do much harm.

Last time I went through the jungle, I had to share a tight camp with another party. So we ended up putting both parties mages in the middle and the melees took the outside. It worked like a dream.

The only time I've had issues with sharing camps when it was with a party who was clearly being reckless and often pulling back links of aggro type mobs and zoning leaving my party to die or deal with their mess.
#11 Jan 25 2005 at 10:09 AM Rating: Decent
2,112 posts
^ lol you and I both think alike..I guess that is why we are usally the leaders. Yes my party helps out every party that gets argod or links. We have even had our blm disengage and sleep their mob. If they do happen to zone and let us know then I have no problem. If they zone and don't bother telling us or apoligizing then I do have a problem...If they zone tell. Most mobs in that xp area can be taken down by two or even three parties.
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