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Ragnarok Player ResumèsFollow

#1 Nov 19 2004 at 1:21 PM Rating: Decent
356 posts
I was just curious as to what games you Ragnarites came from before you logged into the world of Vana d' for the first time.

Think of this as your MMO resume :P
So if you came from another online game before this one, just tell us briefly who or what you were(Level, job, etc.), how long you played, and anything else you find intresting.

As for me, Phantasy Star Online was the name, a dreamcast port for the gamecube. In that game my main character was a female Android Ranger (RAcasseal) named Voltage and my highest level was 141.

I spent about 1 and a half years on that game, and at first found it really enjoyable as an online action rpg, but then the duping of items became so intense, the thrill of finding something new items was gone, because everyone had the itemx100. It became nothing but a meaningless experience points grind. :(

How I got to FFXI and ultimatly this server, was my 2 closest friends and only people I ever enjoyed playing with in pso, left on the first day PC FFXI was released to go to the Bahamut server, and I promised to join them when the ps2 version was released.
Alot of things happened between that time, such as one of them having a child and losing contact, and the other not liking the party atmosphere and quitting, so I ended, up accepting an invite to Ragnarok from someone I met in a forum.

And so, here I am, since March a fellow player of Ragnarok, and again a Ranger. ^_^

How about you all?
#2 Nov 19 2004 at 1:25 PM Rating: Decent
1,701 posts
Me, I'm not usually a fan of these types of games. Mainly because I have a beyond addictive personality and I knew I would get sucked in beyond belief. I honestly had no plans of trying this one out, but got a chance to check it out somewhat early and fell in love. I then dreamed of the day that the ps2 version would release and ended up breaking down and getting the pc version way before that happened. :D
#3 Nov 19 2004 at 1:33 PM Rating: Decent
989 posts
I tried EQOA for awhile (didn't really like it that much, but maybe it was because it was so much different than things I had played before). I think I only got to ~lv10

I played D2 from the day it came out til about january of this year, multiple characters over lvl 90, great gear, dueler by nature :). Ah the days when an SoJ was worth 6(or less) p skulls. Or a 5 socketed bow. :)

I played PSO, but never online, as I heard all the horror stories (as mentioned before) about duping every item. We just played with a group of about 8 people. Swapping in and out :).

I haven't played many MMOs, but RPGs I've got most of the classics, from FF1 to Earthbound and Chrono Trigger, to Dragon Warrior and Star Ocean 3.
#4 Nov 19 2004 at 1:36 PM Rating: Decent
381 posts
I've played the mmorpgs:
Ragnarok Online
Lineage II
Mu Online

and a few other online games but I can't think of them really cuz I played "nonofficial" servers to try them out. FFXI is my first pay to play game though mainly cuz I've wanted to play it since it was launched in japan. Although I dunno how much longer I can play since it's eatting my bank account and I can't really have a job while doing the class load and the out of class projects :/.

*edit* non-online games I played(still play):
FF1, FF3-9 (not a fan of x or x-2)
GTA series (<3 those games)

Those are the games I generally play when I get bored with soemthing I'm doing now. Zelda games, I played from nes - snes and gameboy, not a big fan of games that go from 2-d to 3-d. Same with megaman games.

Edited, Fri Nov 19 16:02:05 2004 by AcidReign
#5 Nov 19 2004 at 1:39 PM Rating: Decent
458 posts
My resume reads:

Super Mario Brothers series
The Legend of Zelda
some other random NES games

The Sims
Roller Coaster Tycoon
Zoo Tycoon

SSX series
Tiger Woods Golf
Grand Theft Auto series
some other random PS2 games

I obviously don't belong in any Final Fantasy game, much less any MMORPG. But here I am. My first and probably my last.
#6 Nov 19 2004 at 1:42 PM Rating: Decent
177 posts
this is my first POL MP game. I use to play all of the zeldas, the "Age of" series, and many of the PS and PS2 fighter games (tekken)
#7 Nov 19 2004 at 1:54 PM Rating: Decent
144 posts
First video game I remember playing was a smurfs game for the old commodore 64, Soon thereafter I bought the Original sega master system.. games games games.. NES, SNES, Sega Genesis, Sega CD, N64, Playstation, PS2.. i've played more RPGS than I care to count, but my last addictions were:

Final Fantasy 7,8,10, and FF11 (of course)
Phantasy Star Online (Dreamcast version only: I own and still play the original, unfortunately I was to well known and got into trouble online by the GM's while massively duping >:)
.Hack series
Xenosaga (What happened to part 2???)
DIABLO 2!!! (lvl 96 sorceror on uswest ladder before I quit for FF, top 50 players) I still play on occasion. My characters name is Halofrost on uswest. If anyone still plays. look me up in FF and lets turn it on. It'd be a nice break from FF for a bit

Edited, Fri Nov 19 13:54:50 2004 by Halofrost
#8 Nov 19 2004 at 2:43 PM Rating: Decent
It's Just a Flesh Wound
22,702 posts
Diablo 1 - i was max lvl and a decent hacker :p

Diablo 2 - on the non-hacked verson (there were still some hacked items) i played a very fair game and didn't get any of the semi-hacked items. I had decent MF (Magic find) and had a lot of 80+ lvl chars, i played this game for a few years.

on the hacked version (open) i was a good hacked char. I made a char, some dude hacked the patch, so that i got a ******** of exp just at the begining... he gaves me some really great eq, and i got to lvl 99 instantly... then we killed a few more cows... and i lvl'd back to 1 :p... i lvl'd myself back up high.. and found myself with infinant HP. i also found that i had an infinant amount of Stats... i gave this char to my friend, and he let a clan member hack it some more so it was super strong >.< But i made better hacked armor afterwards so we were even :p

anyway... i also made an item, that if you saved and exited with it.. and didn;t have that char open in an editor... would be lost forever :p great way to get rid of very very very mean people. (since the game was so broken anyway i wish i sold all my items before i left)

woa... i went of topic.. o well.. i'm a totaly changed person now :p

Dear people I don't like: 凸(●´―`●)凸
#9 Nov 19 2004 at 4:11 PM Rating: Decent
1,058 posts
Rather than list them all I'm going to make a simple statement.

I Still remember the day I bought ADVENTURE for my Atari 2600. Both bought NEW at the time they were released. There isn't much since then that I haven't played through...or at the very least tried out for a few days.

That said......

Currently I hold accounts for all of the following...

Everquest (All expansions)
Everquest Online Adventures
Everquest OA : Frontiers
Star Wars Galaxies (Yes I have jump to light speed)
Final Fantasy XI (Both Expansions for both PC and PS2)
EverQuest II
The Matrix Online (Beta)

#10 Nov 19 2004 at 4:22 PM Rating: Decent
58 posts
Not to take this off topic... But how's the Beta for Matrix Online? ^^;
#11 Nov 20 2004 at 5:52 PM Rating: Good
110 posts


hard to remember all the games really...but hey, i like a challenge i shall try ^^

Started out way back on my atari playing Pong..that was my first game ever as a kid and the joystick seemed as big as my hand at the time.

went the usal way of computer usage, Texas instruments, Spectrum(fantasy world dizzy being my fave game on that system), C64 and amstrad etc.

Then the world changed for me, the world suddenly got more interesting when a little grey box came across the oceans from the east and i got to play somthing called Mario.
Consoles took off and my speccy went to the grave, replaced by an Amiga and nintendo and sega master system...ohh they were groovy.

Arcades became my home away from home as i honed my skills on the latest things on the block..before i knew it i went from Double Dragon to Shadow Warriors and Shadow dancer. Then finding the ultimate game that is Street Fighter 2...for me they were the golden years of gaming.

The way forward came about as i got a PC and we all know about the console wars were raging i was getting into Baldars gate etc.

Then one day i thought i would try somthing new, i had played all the zeldas, Final Fantasys(which are the best RPG's ive ever played). I was debating for a long time about which MMORPG i would start out in, i new it would be a huge step in my gaming life. I gave a few games a look over, EQ was the first one i took a look at...I did not feel at home there nor did i feel like i belongd in the others i tried out.
Then i came across Asherons Call 2, since one month after the EU launch i played that for over a year. It is a shame to see what has happend to that game now, it lays a flawed shell of a game which died a death due to bad management.

I knew that FFXI was comming and to wet my apitite i tried out a few more. Linage 2 beta in korea, SWG to name a couple and i never got that feeling as i did with AC2..and for a while things went bad, my guild had no games to play and we were spread thin :(

When FFXI came out it was like heaven opend up and took me in.
When i first came through the gates of Windurst I knew that this game was going to be the one that gave me everything i needed. with all the frustrations to boot lol.

I think thats a short summing up of my reseme and what brought me to FFXI.

As a side note to the whole MMORPG scene, i really think we are a rare breed of gamers. The people that play the games that we do are a bunch of truely dedicated people in the most cases, these are the games that cant be played on impulse, we create our own worlds and make our niches. We devote times to help and continue to learn about our evolving worlds.
Sure its nice to just stick a cd in a console and have a quik blast solo but we keep comming back to our worlds and playing our roles as we difine them to be.
I think thats what makes these games speical for me, everyone is differnt and unique. people can surprise you and make you smile and some can infuriate you and make you angry and question wether this is a game or another part of the real world slipping into your own home.

Gotta love it.


ps- again, sorry for the long post.
#12 Nov 20 2004 at 6:35 PM Rating: Decent
440 posts
Just dealing with MMO games:

My first into to MMO games was the original Asheron's Call. I remember playing it on a 56k modem and with no GFX card (luckily the game didnt need hardware acceleration.) So it looked/played like crap, but it was fun nonetheless :) I spent about 6 months on there, mostly lvling a Sho bowyer/unarmed/item/creature'er (oh how i miss AC's open-ended character generation. :( ) I left essentially cuz I got bored of the game (this was before the rampant third-party-program invasion that basically wrecked the game, or so I'm told.)

A couple years later I picked up DAoC, and got really into it for maybe 4-5 months. I didn't really find anything that intriguing about it, though, and the rampant nerfs eventually made me leave.

Then there's Diablo II... I had like 3 short stints of addiction to that game. The first was before the expansion, the second just after, and the third after the 1.10 patch. Anyone who's ever played D2 knows about the rampant hacking (as well as the rudeness of the player base), and that's what drove me away each time. I eventually just sold my copy of the game entirely.

Finally I picked up FFXI (mostly, at the time, just to hold me over until WoW,) but I ended up getting addicted to it & making tons of friends. Now I'm definitely not going to leave :)
#13 Nov 20 2004 at 8:04 PM Rating: Decent
It's Just a Flesh Wound
22,702 posts
Finally I picked up FFXI (mostly, at the time, just to hold me over until WoW,) but I ended up getting addicted to it & making tons of friends. Now I'm definitely not going to leave :)

wSmiley: smileSmiley: smilet
Dear people I don't like: 凸(●´―`●)凸
#14 Nov 21 2004 at 4:29 AM Rating: Decent
71 posts
MMO's? hmm...

-Ultima Online
Just plain awesome until the Renaissance expansion came out. Then it turned all Candyland and went downhill after that >< I had a great 2 years with that game.

It was great at first. I actually had friends who played it. (cause, you know, UO's graphics sucked and therefore so did the rest of the game) After 4 months or so... I felt dirty.

-Diablo 2
Does this count? I enjoyed this game, but it got old. SoJ's as a form of currency kinda sucked...

-Star Wars Galaxies
Cool at first. I loved the crafting system. *loved it* The skills system was cool too. The whole game was lacking though, I thought. Too many things needed to be worked on. It was new, and maybe its better now, idk. I don't plan on finding out either, because now I play...

And I love it. The general population, at least on Ragnarok, seems soo much more mature than the players in EQ. I like nearly everything about the game more than the others I've played as well.

Aaaand that's it I think. As far as I can tell, I'll be on FFXI for a long time to come. Oh, everyone do your part to keep Jski from switching to WoW, he talks about it every other day. Such foolishness =P

#15 Nov 21 2004 at 7:12 AM Rating: Decent
Before FFXI the only MMO i played was Priston Tale. My character was a female preistess. I managed to hit lv 50 on that game before bieng introduced to this game by a friend and i've been playing ever since. Have plans on maybe trying World of Warcraft but that won't be for a very long while. Still very much into this game i have lots left to do.
#16 Nov 21 2004 at 7:35 AM Rating: Decent
Previous online games:
- Dragon Raja Online (DRO)
- Command and Conquer Generals

In DRO, I was first a male black mage, until I got tired of casting magic, so I became a male ranger/archer and went up to around level 30. I played for about two months during the summer back in '03.

Leveling took a long time in that game. And getting PK'd was something you couldn't prevent. You'd be leveling with a party, then all of a sudden some high level players from another country run by and kill all of you, then run away. And when you're dead, it really sucked, cuz you'd be a ghost that ran at half the speed you did when alive (as if running alive was any faster anyway). And you'd have to go ALL THE WAY back to the church in town and type in a certain chant verbatim (word-for-word) and case-sensitive.

But, skilling up in fishing was easy: all I did was equip my fishing pole, go to a fishing spot, and place a rubber band around my mouse so it held down the clicker, then I'd go to sleep and fish all night. Plus, it was really easy to make money because the bot crafters would make all these items that'd drop on the ground around them. So everyone would pick up as many as they could hold and sell them to the venders for some easy cash, then rinse and repeat.

Now wouldn't that be cool if in FFXI, the crafters would drop their made items around the ground, free for everyone to pick up and sell? Or rubber band fishing.

After I grew out of DRO, I didn't play any online RPGs until the following November when I got FFXI for my birthday. And how I ended up on this server...well, I was forced because my two RL friends that were already playing were on the server, so I spent a good 2 hours trying to get in cuz it's one of the original servers and already over-populated. My friend finally bought me a world pass and I came in. First as an Elvaan WAR, but I didn't like how they looked at first. So I remade my character as a Hume WAR. Then as I leveled up that, I grew to like the look of Elvaans in their armor, so I remade an Elvaan to what is now my main character, Shinodahahn.

And that's about it. Coming up to a year playing this game. I have no life so this is all I do -.- Gotta go find me a job! LOL!


Oh, and about CNC:Generals, I used to play it a lot (as much as I play FFXI), but I guess I grew away from it. I touch back to it from time to time, just to blow some people up, or whenever the FFXI servers are down and got nothing else better to do. My skills are a bit rusty, though...

Edited, Sun Nov 21 07:37:01 2004 by Shinodahahn

Edited, Sun Nov 21 07:41:31 2004 by Shinodahahn
#17 Nov 21 2004 at 8:00 AM Rating: Decent
403 posts

You gonna play WoW? >.<;;;


#18 Nov 21 2004 at 8:54 AM Rating: Decent
115 posts
Well, my first RPG was a Multi User Dungeon, Text based only.
Took hours and hours of exploring, just by reading room descriptions. Got over 4 months of playtime with those games.

Then I moved on to Diablo 1 + the expansion.

Diablo II + expansion.

some EverQuest.

And that's basically it for me.
#19 Nov 21 2004 at 12:18 PM Rating: Decent
I was brough to FFXI because of other Final Fantasy titles, I played all the titles I could find. That's the first reason I wanted to play Final Fantasy XI, the second reason, it was an online game, would could be more fun? So here I am.

After FFXI, I tried out several MMORPGs, none of them stacked up to Final Fantasy XI, but hell, I still pay for City of Heroes. =P
#20 Nov 21 2004 at 2:27 PM Rating: Decent
1,058 posts
Not to take this off topic... But how's the Beta for Matrix Online? ^^;

To be honest its one heck of a lot better than I think anyone expects. And each time they do updates they IMPROVE the game, instead of ******** it up like so many others have done in beta. This could easily be a sleeper hit (as if anything with 'The Matrix' in the title could be a sleeper) if they keep going this way. It certainly has surprised me.
#21 Nov 21 2004 at 10:27 PM Rating: Decent
191 posts
I only came from one online RPG before picking this up: Phantasy Star Online Episodes I and II. I played for a little over a year and built up a cool HUmar by the name of X Launcher to Lv 200. Good times.
#22 Nov 25 2004 at 1:02 AM Rating: Decent
I only played Counter-Strike >_< before switching to FFXI
I have however played every final fantasy game with the exception of X-2
#23 Nov 26 2004 at 8:07 PM Rating: Decent
pc games i thoroughly loved before ffxi:
command & conquer [all] probably my favorite series of all time.... if you have ever played c&c with rumble fx headphones........ you'd agree with me. too bad i dropped them too many times and broke the rumble ; ;
warcraft 1-3, i think 2 was the best.
quake 3 / hl / tfc / unreal 2k4 ah i love shooting [and i'm a ranger go figure huh] team fortress classic is one of my favs... too bad they didn't upgrade the graphics with the source engine. [i have hl2, but that just came out]

console games:
marios, zeldas, ff 7,9,10, gta 1-sa, devil may cry, viewtiful joe. my fav console games are fighting games tho, with marvel vs capcom 2 and guilty gear xx at the top. dbz budokai 3 might join them, it's way better than i had anticipated.

i never thought i'd play an mmorpg, i always made jokes about evercrackheads at work [video game store.] but then several guys from work were gonna get ffxi and talked me in to getting it somehow. of course their college's network sucks hardcore.... so they all end up quitting within a couple weeks.

maybe i should have taken that as a hint of the future to come.... oh well.
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