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#27 Nov 21 2004 at 4:57 PM Rating: Decent
You forgot ovther the infamous logger in gheldba oupost...
#28 Nov 21 2004 at 9:16 PM Rating: Decent
133 posts
small update
#29 Nov 21 2004 at 9:51 PM Rating: Decent
93 posts
You missed a group, I believe. But here they are.. with visual stimulation.

The entire group - (last known to be past level 70)
Amemet Room - (on a slow night, as well)
Wtf - A new WTF.
WtfII - WTF Strikes Back.
WtfIII - Return of the WTF.
#30 Nov 21 2004 at 10:17 PM Rating: Decent
412 posts
Since you're updating, Desay is another name I don't see on the list. He used to be captain of the Mee Deggi crew, but recently seems to have been elsewhere. Bavant is also apparently part of the Ls-gang. They were all up in Oztroja last week trying to get AF for the DRKs (of which they have like 3 I think. god knows why). I watched the whole gang die/Escape at least 5 or 6 times. It was very enjoyable. One of them asked me for a coffer (as if I could "hold" a coffer for someone in Oztroja) and offered 40k; I told him I'd do it for 400k and didn't get a single tell after that.

I don't mind them getting AF, but I'm worried that this Ls-gang could be looking to level higher. They are all Lv60 now, and the DRKs and the PLD pretty much have their AF. The PLD even has AF3 which blows my mind. I can't believe someone invited them to their alliance. Oh well. They still suck as a PT; Bavant, Angel and Wisp are the DRKs I think, Jako PLD, and a WHM and BLM for the others. I don't know what a PT of that formation is capable of at high levels and with poor skills and crappy gear, but I'd rather not find out.

Not that we can do a lot to prevent them from leveling, but please just don't invite them to your PT or Alliance or whatever. Of course, the people reading this thread aren't the people inviting them in the first place.

Oh, one more thing. One of the Oztroja campers has a mule named "Presser." He's probably sold 20million worth of Ochiudo's kote. Thanks for putting up with the ramble. I'm done now.

Edited, Sun Nov 21 22:19:41 2004 by Mystoval
#31 Nov 21 2004 at 10:21 PM Rating: Decent
93 posts
They've actually passed G3, so they're 63/64ish. We all know G4 is easy as hell. It's just a matter of time before they're the same level as Skybird's group.

It's really sad. ._.

edit: even Skybird's group was seen farming Elder Goobbue in Boyahda tree(while getting good exp no doubt.) They also like to level up on tigers/cockatrice while waiting between amemet spawns. They could get to 75 in kuftal alone with the time they spend there.

Edited, Sun Nov 21 22:22:48 2004 by HeavenScent
#32 Nov 21 2004 at 10:35 PM Rating: Decent
133 posts
could be a couple more weeks and we will be fighting them for Trigger mobs in Sky ; ;
#33 Nov 24 2004 at 4:54 PM Rating: Decent
133 posts
small update
#34 Nov 29 2004 at 9:38 PM Rating: Decent
42 posts
Grrrr Damn Ovther. I feel your pain. I wish I could ring this guys neck. He is always, I mean always there. He has no respect for other players or this game. Everytime he steals my LP he says elm, its really annoying. When I get him back (stealing his LP) he freaks out on me. I can't beleive he admits to selling his gil, he even told me how much he made monthly. Too bad I dont know how to take a screen shot in
FFXI:( Sometimes I wish I could cast Bind or Gravity on his **** to slow him down. I am no gill seller. I am trying to make gil to buy a pin and the boots, that have been monopolized recently by some wangman %#^@!!!!
#35 Nov 30 2004 at 10:20 AM Rating: Good
1,701 posts
Just a note on those you have listed under group 2, I will often farm side by side in the Sanctuary with them with little to no problems. I farm there a lot since I like to garden as a source of income and don't want to pay for seeds or cuttings. I tend to stay on one side of where the Goobbues spawn and at least when I'm there farming, they stay on the other side. They have been polite to me and I will be polite back as long as this continues.
#36 Nov 30 2004 at 11:38 AM Rating: Decent
458 posts
Logitech and crew (Kuftal Tunnel) are very nice. If anyone wants to level there, you should camp right next to them. That way if anyone dies, Hpc can give you a Raise II. They also were very nice to me while I was looking for my coffer. Let me hang out with them while Guivre had us cornered for half an hour. I have no problems with them, they are possibly the nicest camping crew I have met.
#37 Nov 30 2004 at 12:04 PM Rating: Decent
151 posts
Honestly, if I were doing something that was bad for the game, economy, against the rules and generally frowned upon by anyone playing the game to enjoy themselves, I'd be pretty nice to people too.
#38 Nov 30 2004 at 12:20 PM Rating: Good
1,701 posts
Queenie, I'm with you on them. They saved my party's butts so many times it wasn't even funny. I've yet to see them use unfair tactics when I'm there.

Tri, that's just it though, most of the people who are doing that aren't friendly. They are rather rude and do everything they can to interfere with other's enjoyment of the game. I still stand by it's not these guys jacking up the economy nearly as bad as the players are by paying these prices. They can ask whatever they want, but if nobody buys they will be forced to come down. The other things they jack up, they tend to do it with their poor attitudes towards other players.

Anyone who is nice to me and competes fairly with me, I'm not going to get mad at if I continuously lose pulls to them. As long as they are competing fairly. I've ran into normal players who wouldn't let others have a chance at something, which again is fine, if they are at least not using cheap tactics to win everytime.
#39 Nov 30 2004 at 2:32 PM Rating: Decent
Sorry, but Logitech and Hpc and crew are gil sellers, and earn no respect in my eyes. I was skilling up in Boyahda last night and our puller happened to notice their usual crew, apparently xping, all dead. I sent a /tell to Logitech: {Gil} {Sell?} {death}.. he did a "; ;" so we gave them raise 1's. Was still funny though to see their entire PT KO'd.
#40 Nov 30 2004 at 2:45 PM Rating: Good
1,701 posts
Respect has nothing to do it. You don't have to respect someone to treat them well. And call me niave, but I still go by the treat people how I want to be treated rule of thumb. And to me, that means treating someone with respect even if there is no respect there. That's how I am in real life, that's how I am in the game.

It'd be great if gil selling didn't exist, but let's face it, that's not going to happen. I've accepted that. Fine, whatever. If someone must buy or sell gil, just do it in a manner that does NOT mess with other people's gameplay experience in a negative way. If they are being courteous to me, then they are not effecting me in a negative way and while I may not agree with what is being done, I'm not going to be rude in return when someone is being courteous to me.
#41 Nov 30 2004 at 4:10 PM Rating: Good
1,058 posts
I've sat on this opinion for a while (shocking huh?) because I knew the moment I voiced it I'd get slaughtered. But as regards gil selling/buying and who is to blame. EVERYONE has launched their fleet in the wrong directions. it is neither the buyers nor the sellers.

The real culprit here are the elitest players who refuse to party with you if you don't have the "uber" gear. How many times have you been invited to a party only to get kicked when you showed up because you didn't have X item that you were "required" to have at your level? It's happened to me..and I am sure to others.

I'm not talking about a 30 Warrior showing up with a Level 10 Sword and starting boots. I'm talking about a level 10 thief, Ninja, Sam, RNG getting kicked because they didn't have leaping boots. Or at the very least taking abuse for the entire time and getting kicked at the first mistake as "proof" that their 'crap gear' was destroying the party.

THese people, what QueenieXB calls the "Uber-Snobs" are your realy problem. They created the imaginary need for, and equally imaginary value of, certain items. This created a market. Once that happened it was a matter of human nature for profiteers to step in and deliver the needs of that market, at inflated prices. As more people were thrown out of parties due to "bad" equips, the prices sky rocketted. Lets face it, leaping boots have NO reason to be 500K. Hell 75K is a hard argument to make given how often lizzie pops and how often they drop.

Unless of course, to protect their new industry, the profiteers decided to monopolize the camps and drops. Given that they are getting superior PR and Marketting support from the "Uber-Snobs", they are assured that the world will beat a path to their door.

Once they realized they controlled certain resources, human nature simply took over. Why not make a real buck out of all this? So now you have the "Uber-Snobs" working for gil sellers (for free no less!) to help insure that the prices remain high, casual players are forced to buy gil to avoid being spurned and ridiculed, and the companies behind all of this are pocketting real cash.

I would suggest to anyone who has passed on another player because their gear was "not good enough" for your party that you contact IGE and the other companies and ask for your comission checks. After all, YOU are the people making sure they stay in business.

#42 Dec 01 2004 at 1:39 AM Rating: Decent
the hpc gang isnt THAT nice, once i PT'ed in boyada, when we were done, we escaped and they asked us to D2 them, our mage flicked them off and they got all offended and pissed off

then again u cant blame them, everywhere they go someone has to /slap them a bunch of times
#43 Dec 01 2004 at 5:20 AM Rating: Decent
39 posts
Group 2 has become insanely hostile.

Twice today I was waiting in ZiTah for my PT to join me, and decided to try to get some Goobbue's. Next thing you know Lswillowisp is /telling me saying that *I* am a gilseller, and wants to know how much 100k is. I'm all "???" cause I'm many things, but I'm NOT a seller. He then proceeds to harrass me in tells, to the point I blacklisted and called a GM. I found it highly ironic that the gilsellers are now harrassing us back, calling US "chinese gilsellers". There was an HokutenKnights member nearby the second time, and he was getting the same harrassment. The second time I was there, same thing, and this time I had 3 of the little ***** /telling me. They all ended up on my blacklist, and I hope to the lord they feel S-E's wrath on Dec. 9th.
#44 Dec 01 2004 at 9:08 AM Rating: Good
1,701 posts
I think you hit it. Harrassing us back. Back being the keyword. They are humans and they are going to get sick of being harrassed.

But yeah, if you do something like they do, they had to understand harrassment was going to come with the territory. I just think some people go over board.

And I do think air has made an awesome point. And I think it's something most people wouldn't really give much thought to.

I don't see the difference between gil selling and someone who decides they are going to quit the game and sells their character. I mean it's all just people trying to profit off of a hobby. And to me, it's more annoying to get in a party with someone who doesn't know their job because they just started playing on their newly purchased high level character then say someone who is sitting in Jueno 24/7 giving teleports.
#45 Dec 02 2004 at 7:00 PM Rating: Decent
39 posts

Edited, Thu Dec 2 19:10:14 2004 by Neoad
#46 Dec 02 2004 at 7:22 PM Rating: Decent
1,410 posts
Grrrr Damn Ovther
Ovther, I suspect, is one character whose control is passed, like a baton in a track meet, amongst several RL players in pre-arranged "shifts." I and my LS mates have seen Ovther online 23+ hours per day for multiple consecutive days. Same thing happens with another apparently Chinese (or at least Chinese-typing) character, Mimiors. I call them "The Chinese Vacuum Cleaners Of Ghelspa Grove."
#47 Dec 10 2004 at 10:23 AM Rating: Decent
133 posts
Looks like SE will actually do nothing about these guys, I am done with this game. I left in late October and since SE won't even follow their own ToS or Rules of Conduct for this game, I probably won't ever be back. I will keep checking back to see if anything has been done but I really doubt it. If you guys have any more names to add I will be happy to adjust the names.

Goodbye LS: TTA, LS: TShot, Wisperwind (lol I will never forget our first run to Jeuno), anyone that has helped me along the way, and anyone that I have helped... Take care Ragnarok and try to have fun.
#48 Dec 13 2004 at 4:11 AM Rating: Decent
Was recently in CN looking for my coffer with a couple friends, we are running around in circles a bit and there is a group there killing the beetles, they were like lvl 60's with rank 1 and such if that has any value to the topic. but anyway they began asking my friends and i for {linkshell}. i simply replied with i'm sorry im not a pearl sack holder. He responds with "I LOVE YOU"... found it strange but then it became annoying because you would say this "I LOVE YOU" thing to me quite frequently and then someone in his party started to do the same... just wondering if i am the only one to experience this and was also confused on why they were doing this...
#49 Dec 13 2004 at 4:12 AM Rating: Decent
EDIT- "you would" to "he would"
#50 Dec 14 2004 at 2:35 PM Rating: Good
311 posts
does anyone have a feeling since they are upper 60's now, they could be moving onto hnm's?

I have read some ffxi chinese forums before, there are LV75 experienced chinese players that share information on stuff. These aren't true gilsellers (i have no way of knowing if not), they understand english and japanese, and some are even doing hnm's and gods.

What I'm trying to point here is the fact that the gilsellers are most likely finding information about this stuff off the experienced players discussing on their own forums. Which leads me to believe one day they'd start moving onto gods.
#51 Dec 18 2004 at 11:31 PM Rating: Good
311 posts
This is a small update to let you know that they might be moving on to LV71-75. One of the gilsellers bought an Opo-opo necklace, otherwise the item melees most commonly use during the Genkai 5 fight. Aloker is one of the few I've seen that ran around the Amemit room, some WAR/NIN (as mentioned in the first post).

Here's a screenshot of the AH sales, when I was selling my opo-opo after I had completed G5.

pic no longer available

You knew back when I said they were moving onto gods, that I wasn't joking right?

Edited, Sat Dec 18 23:33:34 2004 by gaidensensei

Edited, Mon Jun 13 22:32:50 2005 by gaidensensei
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