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Gilselling Teleporters Pasco and NozokimiFollow

#1 Oct 11 2004 at 10:56 PM Rating: Decent
I must say that i've used both Pasco and Nozokimi's teleporting service before. But then i found it quite odd tha they are on 24/7 and do nothing but teleport, then later on i've heard countless rumors that those 2 are gilsellers that are used by several people.I think tha this is very unfair to all the poor WHMs out there that actually play FFX1 for fun. WHMs arent really capable to farm items to sell, and tha maybe a reason why people dont like being WHMs,it's too expensive and not really capable of makin gil on there own. So i have since stopped using their services even if there are no others teleporting at the moment. Im not trying to convince any others to stop using their services but if u agree that they are stopping real WHMs from making gil in order to level (these real WHMs may jus end up in your pt) then try not to support Pasco and Nozokimi. Tell me what you guys (or girls) think.
#2 Oct 12 2004 at 1:27 AM Rating: Decent
48 posts
There are a few more names I'd add to that list but sadly I don't have the list in front of me right now ^_~

But I do agree... it's not that easy for us WHM's to farm... and when we're spending 50k+ for spells to teleport... cure... raise... everyone else.
All we ask in return is a bit of your gil to go towards defraying those costs ^_^

Erase for instance... a lot of people in my parties have been asking if I have it. Sadly... no I don't because I haven't done the BCNM for it. Nor do I have the gil to buy it for 300k in the AH...
So what am I supposed to do? I have to start charging people for teleports... the main 3? 300g... Yhoat & Altep? 500g... Vahzl?800g... but that is only if I happen to be sitting in Jeuno and really needing the money.

But it's tough to compete against 2 characters who are constantly spamming. Only thing people can do is avoid them... /blist them... and try to find another WHM to teleport. They are all over Jeuno... not just in Lower Jueno by the Mog House area ^_^

#3 Oct 12 2004 at 8:08 AM Rating: Decent
48 posts
Yep I don't support them. I will always wait for another WHM to shout that they are doing teleports or just fly/choco.
#4 Oct 12 2004 at 9:15 AM Rating: Decent
356 posts
I simply blacklisted them so I only get the honest Teleportors. Out of sight, out of mind I say. :P
Many white mages though have been giving out a few free teleports lately, so maybe they could possibly win back some of their customers. It sure is a shame though that they are cutting into practically the only money maker for whm...
#5 Oct 12 2004 at 10:08 AM Rating: Decent
142 posts
I've basically given up on teleports in jeuno, it is nearly impossible to compete. Trying to earn money for sniper rings for my monk, which if course keep getting more expensive because the 24/7 campers of stroper. Just can't win anymore.
#6 Oct 12 2004 at 12:38 PM Rating: Decent
458 posts
Edit: I don't care about this topic anymore. Dead horse anyone?

Edited, Wed Nov 3 17:19:43 2004 by queeniexb
#7 Oct 12 2004 at 1:16 PM Rating: Decent
142 posts
Doing it in port makes more sense to me as well, but I hate to spam another channel and annoy people who try and get away from lower jeuno for that reason.
#8 Oct 12 2004 at 2:13 PM Rating: Decent
892 posts
Once again I feel the need to point out the problems. If whms moved to Port the people that are used to going to Lower for ports will only have those two to pick from thereby giving them more $. Also many people don't care at all that they are gil sellers.

Quite honestly I can't see anything happening until square takes proactive measures against them. So yeah, prices on items that are camped 24/7 will keep going up and people who don't want to farm for a few months to try and buy the items will buy gil and it will keep happening. The only want to get it to stop without square doing something is for people to not expect people to have those super expensive items (unlikely) or for almost everyone to stop buying said items till they close shop and go home (unlikely). Personally I can't see any of the above things happening even square doing something... if they were going to they would have by now.
#9 Oct 12 2004 at 3:11 PM Rating: Decent
1,701 posts
I actually use Pasco a lot and it wasn't til the night before that someone elluded to me that he may be a gil seller. Now that I know, I'll find alternate means of transportation though.

As for white mages farming, I often farm with the one whm from my linkshell and we just split the money down the middle. We tend to be able to keep each other a live and have some fun. Sure, you don't make as much as solo farming, but it's an alternative to helping out your friendly whm while helping yourself.
#10 Oct 12 2004 at 3:21 PM Rating: Decent
1,058 posts
Unfortunately I have to agree with WanderingBard.

While we might all mount up our High horses and ride out on the Quest of the Just, we do need to face facts.

As WB pointed out..we're only able to shift the problem around a little bit..or worse inadvertantly ADD to the problem.

so we stop maybe 100 people from giving their gil to the gil selling teleporters...ok...that's 100 out of 5000+ people. so 2%? What's that going to do?

Second, the items are, as I posted elsewhere, aren't going to stop selling. So ok, the same 100 people boycott them. Great you now have 100 people who may or may not get a party invite because we aren't Uber enough. We're really showing the gil sellers!

Third, there is one thing everyone has over looked here. For these people THIS IS THEIR JOB. This is how they make their money, pay their bills and suplement their pathetic incomes. Ever notice that most tend to be 3rd world or totalitarian countries? Where hard currency isn't something you see much of? $5 to these people is a brick of solid gold. it may in fact be more than they see in any given month.
How exactly are you going to compete with people who are doing this as a matter of IRL survival (it sounds exaggerated but I'm sure in many cases its as true as can be..think of it as a 'gaming sweatshop' if you will) when to us this is just a way to pass time? Sorry but you're never going to overcome 20 people who earn a LIVING off this by having a random group of people with other things to do "boycott" them.

I am NOT saying to give up or stop, just stating the unfortunately realities of what we are all up against. Unless SquareEnix decides to step in and make some radical changes ( make all NM drops RARE/EXCLUSIVE should do it. Or maybe remove the trade option and delivery boxes entirely)this is the state of the 'world' we live in and we will simply have to find ways to cope, deal, exist in it or leave it.

Edited, Tue Oct 12 16:26:35 2004 by airamis
#11 Oct 12 2004 at 3:49 PM Rating: Decent
989 posts
/em points to the post above his own.

#12 Oct 12 2004 at 6:00 PM Rating: Decent
i agree tha it will be hard to get more ppl to join in and stop the gilsellers. and SE really needs to intervene and maybe makin elusive items such at VE hairpin and LL boots rare/ex would help but we need to find a way to get SE to do it.
#13 Oct 12 2004 at 11:33 PM Rating: Decent
892 posts
So you make stuff Rare/EX that will just give more problems. I'm not sure what they may be but one that comes to mind is those people that camp the nm's now could just do so to deny anyone else the drop. And I have the strange feeling that if this would happen for a while at least. Sure I'd finally be able to get my signa for bard or hairpin for ninja. But everyone else would too. I dunno, not the worst idea I've heard. So that fixed some nm drops or maybe all nm drops. So this means that I now couldn't buy an item that drops from a nm that I couldn't kill. We all know that many of the items droped are of much lower level than the creature you just killed for it. So I would then have no way of getting the equipment at the level I needed it unless I could get higher level people to help me out or I myself had a higher level job. People will complain about anything even if it is helping them more than anything else. No simple solution.
#14 Oct 13 2004 at 1:16 AM Rating: Decent
142 posts
The "people" that camp the NM's now wouldn't do so if the drops were rare/ex because they are camping them to make money. As for not being able to get the item without higher level help, that would still be an issue, but most likely you could still do it with a full party, like most other things in this game require.
#15 Oct 13 2004 at 12:29 PM Rating: Decent
1,058 posts
Both Bard and Veekay nailed two out of three sides of the problem...

If Square steps in and takes the radical approach needed to affect REAL change, people will ***** (and my money says a heck of lot more people will fuss over that than over the whole gil selling issue itself).

If the drop becomes R/X then the campers stop camping that mob and item and will move on to something else. Again, this is IRL income for them so they aren't going to just say 'oh, ok.I quit' what's next? Crystals at 50K a stack?

And Bard hit something but I think skimmed over it. If you can't get the drop at the level you 'need' the drop..and no one else can either...then the odds are you really DON'T need the drop after all do you? It reverts back to my "It's gotta be the shoes" post. A lot of the "need" we feel for items is nothing more than the perception that it will make you a better player. And no it wont. a Nin decked out with LL and EH who can't play for crap will simply become a well attired crappy player.

So the logic comes back around full circle...not enough people care...Square isn't doing anything (and most likely won't because of the above reason)and you can't 'compete' against people who have the root motivation most of the sellers do - IRL survival. So now what?

Edited, Wed Oct 13 13:32:13 2004 by airamis
#16 Oct 13 2004 at 2:58 PM Rating: Decent
892 posts
I'd be happy if square would do something about the voke bots. I know I can get a voke off before many others but not the bots. So I think if they took more proactive measures against bots that everyone except the botters would be very happy.

#17 Oct 13 2004 at 3:12 PM Rating: Decent
1,058 posts
I agree. If there were someway to block the bots, so that at the very least the odds were even (or at least more so) then it might not seem like such a futile effort to camp these things. You could actually win one more than on the extremely rare occasion.
#18 Oct 13 2004 at 5:42 PM Rating: Decent
correct me if im wrong but isnt botting a violation of the SE FFXI agreement? i rememba my friend callin a GM on a fishin botter and wen the GM came he questioned the botter, the GM got no response so he punished him. so y cant we jus call a GM on ppl botting these NM? unless there is sum reason tha i dont kno of (if there is then plz tell me) then GMs should get rid of a botter even if only for a little while.
#19 Oct 13 2004 at 11:58 PM Rating: Decent
42 posts
Pasco just plain pisses me off , and its not even the fact that he his a so called "gilseller" but that when i was the only one in his party and i needed port to altep, so he casts tele-mea >_<, and i sit at the crag for f'ing 15 min spamming (Teleport-Altep)!!! ><!!, and hes just sitting there. Then once he comes back he says 400g, im like WTF i ALREADY PAID douchebag , from then on i never once have gotten a tele from him.

Has this happened to any of you?
#20 Oct 14 2004 at 12:06 AM Rating: Decent
892 posts
Yes we have called a GM on a voke botter. The GM told us that it was not a bot and he could not explain why the mobs were poping claimed. They gave some excuse and left. So it seems that as long as you are at the computer to answer a GM question you have free reign to use a bot. Two people in my one LS claim it's ok to use a bot as long as your at the computer. Come to find out tonight they both use fishing bots and one bought/buys gil. So yeah, I just lost total respect for two people in my LS. Though I'm going to have to read the TOS to find out just what it says about boting.
#21 Oct 14 2004 at 1:02 AM Rating: Decent
Third, there is one thing everyone has over looked here. For these people THIS IS THEIR JOB. This is how they make their money, pay their bills and suplement their pathetic incomes. Ever notice that most tend to be 3rd world or totalitarian countries? Where hard currency isn't something you see much of? $5 to these people is a brick of solid gold. it may in fact be more than they see in any given month.
How exactly are you going to compete with people who are doing this as a matter of IRL survival (it sounds exaggerated but I'm sure in many cases its as true as can be..think of it as a 'gaming sweatshop' if you will) when to us this is just a way to pass time? Sorry but you're never going to overcome 20 people who earn a LIVING off this by having a random group of people with other things to do "boycott" them.

That's true, and most people -may- not be so upset of that fact if maybe, gilsellers weren't so RUDE to people?
#22 Oct 14 2004 at 7:45 AM Rating: Decent
yea this has happend to ppl b4 and the reason y he asked u for another 400 gil is because pasco is played by more than one person.
#23 Oct 14 2004 at 1:24 PM Rating: Good
1,058 posts
I have no argument with the RUDE comment because in truth they are incredibly rude most of the time. THough again..when you consider their motivation to yours......

Oh and as for Pasco, one of my LS mates had an interesting piece of info to pass last night.

Not only was he partying in the same area she was passing through. He took the time to heal her while she was farming something near them.

Both statements counter to what one would expect from the posts here.
#24 Oct 14 2004 at 2:26 PM Rating: Decent
1,701 posts
As I stated earlier, I used Pasco a lot before someone mentioned to me that he may be a gil seller. I had nothing but good experiences with him myself. I've gotten sneaks at Altepa without asking, when he dc'd after I paid him and came back on an hour later, I sent a tell and he was more then willing to either send the gil back to my mh or give me a free teleport, which I kindly took him up on the second offer since I was running around helping people with quests and thought I'd need one later that night. But it turned out it was 3 days later when I used him again, and I had forgotten about it and when I tried to trade him for payment he wouldn't accept. It was stuff like that that kept me from even suspecting. I didn't realize he was on all of the time since I only play the same time every day and assumed he just had a similar schedule to mine.
#25 Oct 14 2004 at 2:57 PM Rating: Good
1,058 posts
Here is a radical thought....perhaps one that might turn me right into a heretic in many eyes.....but I'll put it out there...

Isn't it possible that Pasco either

A- isnt a gil seller but a character played by a family? Say maybe a husband/wife or sibilings? I know of quite a few people who do that. and some who use to.

B - Is a gill seller as a way to make a buck sure, but is also a player that does play the game and enjoys it? Wouldn't be the first person who turned a buck from their 'hobby'.

C - Is some sort of farming freak and DOES play for massive amounts of time and has created a set schedule for himself so that he is always doing tele's at the same time every day? This would in fact make an insane amount of sense from a repeat customer standpoint. Kinda like the roach coach that comes by work... I always know when it'll be here and I always know it WILL be here.

Any (or all?) of those are quite possible.

Is it at least possible, that some WHMs who have had their personal profits cut because they can't compete with the always there pasco may have labled him "gil seller" in order to boost their own business? Hmmm a little 'reverse profiteering' perhaps? No better way then a smear campaign to kill someone's business now is there?

Yes he may in fact BE a gil you know for a certifiable fact? Can you prove it and if you can then you should share with SE because they need hard PROOF to do anything. So send it off to them and you won't have a problem with pasco anymore.
On the chance that he's not.... and I'm speaking in the hypothetical here.... how are you going to repair his rep after you trash it out?
#26 Oct 14 2004 at 3:52 PM Rating: Decent
1,701 posts
Very excellent points airamis. And something all of us should give a little thought to. I think it's just easy to believe the worse when the rumors are running so rampant.
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