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Ragnarok's FinestFollow

#477 Aug 27 2005 at 4:45 PM Rating: Decent
lol sifus ima /slap you cause you diden't mention me XD

EDIT: gotta mention sifuspike then i guess XD

Edited, Sat Aug 27 17:55:00 2005 by zoti
#478 Aug 28 2005 at 1:41 AM Rating: Good
This thread turns one year old today! It's spent almost all this time on the first page of the forum, too!

Way to go, Minona! Ragnarok loves you! ^_^
#479 Aug 28 2005 at 2:49 AM Rating: Good
356 posts
Holy crap! And it isn't even a sticky(yet? >.>)
When are you coming back Eeki? I missed ya. :(

On to buisness.
Thanks to those great players who I got rank 10 with friday night:
and Hakufu for your noble sacrafice near the end. ._.

You guys rock, and the story was well worth it. :)
#480 Aug 28 2005 at 5:14 PM Rating: Good
I'll be back as soon as SE actually takes care of my restore request.

I'm hoping it'll be part of tonight's maintenance.
#481 Aug 29 2005 at 12:38 PM Rating: Good
227 posts
Shameless plug--

Goodhobbit-- not just for helping me as an RL friend, but for helping a lot of people without asking anything in return. Being the selfish tart that I am, I have to give props. I cant even help myself to the toilet sometimes. ;;

Then again I have a name to live up to :D

Anyways, its nice to be recognized because of the deeds of the "other half" so to speak.

Also I'll put up some woot for Reddpill as well, the leader of a new mana burn LS that is quickly gaining power on Ragnarok. Very helpful and generous guy... good qualities for a leader I say.

#482 Aug 30 2005 at 8:36 AM Rating: Decent
321 posts
Beldin whistles a nameless tune while looking for his name

Just kidding... I'm actually just bumping this thread cause I feel either it should be stickied or kept at the top. ^^
#483 Sep 04 2005 at 9:44 AM Rating: Decent
142 posts
Things that go *bump* in the night >:P >:P

Just bumping to see whether anyone will add me ;_; Whats a guy gotta do ;_;

/poke /poke /poke
#484 Sep 04 2005 at 2:44 PM Rating: Decent
your up there sifus lol i posted your name /bump'er

so don't come here and /bump ... i'll be back in the game tomorrow i think ^^b /bump

*thinks someone other that sifuspike should add him on here* /bump

#485 Sep 06 2005 at 12:02 PM Rating: Decent
People from clanRD and Shatten Drachen~

Raveneo - The most awesomest Taru SMN evar.
Mystoval - The good Mithra RNG.
Xabu - Best Galka AND Monk in existence. True story.
Zenogias - Some RDM. How did he end up on this list?
Gades - Fastest coffer finder in the West. And quite possibly the East.
Milliardo - Kick-*** Dark knight, who kicks lots of ***.
Tayhha - Genuinly nice person who you can really trust.
Gatito - The other Mithra RNG.
Drizz - He makes stuff go boom. And that makes me happy.
Brantaru - THE orginal Radical Dreamer.
Ogham - Hates black people. I think red people, too.
Artea - Elvaan PLD. FTW.
Vodevil - All around awesome person. Also looks great in a Vermy.
Revelation - RDM and SAM Mithra. We miss j00.
Ridill - Some other Elvaan in the LS. I think he's a RDM.
Wylantar - Most awesomest WHM evar. Moved to Midgardoamrionwear. Come back. ;_;
Blueix - Also the most awesomest WHM evar. We miss you. =/
Shinjiro - The best hume THF I know. Also, the only hume THF I know.
Trixi - Also blows things up. That gets an A+ in my book.
Heerohimura - Cool Ninja dude. Uses lol a lot. lol!
Izembo - 1337 N1Nj4 d00d
Judah - Judah. 'nuff said.
Cadsuane - Most cynical person on the server. Also one of the most rad. And tubular to the MAXX.
Carlyle - Nicest and most helpful jackass I've ever known. Where are you!?
Joei - Serrin from the dead! uber mithra THF.
Voojagig - I'm a moron. Hang in there, baby.
Priphea - Very nice RDM. May also be a very nice other job. Who knows?

Some others~
Fockr - Funny as hell DRK. Asks me for PC's in Jeuno a lot. He must be cool, then!
Nicolas - Very cool Taru who wishes he was an Elvaan. Great guy to have a converstaion with.

If I missed anyone, which I probably did, then {Please forgive me.} Just MPK my party somewhere and remind me.
#486 Sep 08 2005 at 12:22 PM Rating: Decent
Brak i feel sorry for you if you know Nicolas >.<
#487 Sep 09 2005 at 11:11 AM Rating: Default
I just want to throw Unctgtg up on the list. He has many haters, and definately has his faults, but Unctgtg is one of the most helpful players in all of Ragnarok. For that, he deserves much respect.
#488 Sep 09 2005 at 11:27 AM Rating: Default
479 posts
Droopyelephant - My MNK mentor, helped with AF, such an awesome guy.
Stellar - For letting me tag along to HNMs even at my low level @_@

Everyone I mentioned in my previous post - if it wasn't for you people I don't think I'd be around anymore, actually I KNOW I wouldn't.
#489 Sep 11 2005 at 8:56 PM Rating: Good
21 posts
Bump >.> <.< -.-;;
#490 Sep 12 2005 at 8:19 PM Rating: Decent
'nother bump
#491 Sep 18 2005 at 6:15 PM Rating: Default
Boyzone- Can look for you when I need a good laugh ^^Thanks for all the good times. When you comin back? :(

Anday- Greatest. Monk. Ever! Tought me everything I need to know about Ballista, and let me borrow SH for my Maat fight d^^b
So much love <333

Nanaki- Whether its Rank missions or ZM's, your always there :) I hope to return the many favors someday.

Jimbo- The ultimate Taru! So many good times.

I know theres more, will add when my memory gets back :x
#492 Sep 19 2005 at 4:03 PM Rating: Decent
12,846 posts
For the newcomers to see, what a good player is really about.

Ranel & Fockr: Welcome back.
TeamDiva, Intrinsic, Innersanctum, DBS, Greencherry: You have done a good job of being unselfishly committed to helping others.
Dub & Arthos/Gavion: see you in Dragonbane
#493 Sep 25 2005 at 12:30 PM Rating: Good
68 posts
*bumpy bump bump*

Also going to add some of my own since its been awhile since I have:

DaDaDumpling - DDD is the awsomest war I know!! He is always doing something to help his friends and deserves all the respect in the world ^-^ Thanks for helping me get hornetneedle love, taru <3's!!

Lyraph - My main hume! One of nicest, most bestest theifs you will ever meet. You're never lonely when lyra is on, unless he falls asleep again XD

Toshon - Now the awsome NINJA taru :P I miss your sexy ranger sweety but what can you do. I never die when Toshy tanks for me ^-^ Major love to the midget!

Tassye/Forbiddenshadow - The only rdm I will admit is more worthy of hugs then me. Keeping the ls sane is hard job man, you do it with style ^-^

Bofett - The oh so sexy pld that has the heart of gold. Never a dull moment when your in his company!

Netheril and Thufir - Two of my HV buddies that I can say I had the pleasure of meeting. Nethy and Thufy, you guys really are members of Ragnoraks Finest ^-^

High Voltage LS: A group of some of the most amazing people you will ever see. Never a dull moment when doing things with them ^-^ Amazing team work and an even better friendship! (o-hat run the other night kicked *** guys <3)

Exhiled LS: Some friends I've known for over a year, some friends I just met, either way this has to be the finest ls I am part of. (aside from HV of course)

All of these people and ls's are amazing friends as well as players. They show their respect to the community and are willing to help out when they can. I love my friends and LS's very much ^-^ QUEENY TARU LOVES YOU! <3

Edited, Sun Sep 25 13:39:11 2005 by Riddel
#494 Sep 28 2005 at 7:36 PM Rating: Decent
Wraithblade, Rmog (aka Millionknives), Leggato, and especially Caitlyn are super-great for helping me kill the Chandelier in Garlaige Citadel, which resulted in me finally getting my last AF piece last night! Thank you! <(^.^)>
#495 Sep 30 2005 at 8:50 AM Rating: Decent
388 posts
Fasine, who just hit 75 SMN. Congrats Fasine!!
#496 Oct 01 2005 at 2:52 AM Rating: Good
Along the same line, Silverblur attained level 75 WHM on Thursday. Congratarulations! <(^.^)>
#497 Oct 02 2005 at 8:16 PM Rating: Decent
53 posts
As I rest in my mog house to heal the wounds yesterday has left and to recollect my thoughts for tomorrow, there are times when memories of the past seep into my mind, and releases the floods of which brings shape to tomorrow's challeneges and highlights. The collision of both is what creates the now, as I rest. Calderon and Pup might be two different personas, but they remember and feel the same.

Of the people that I meet, I can see that many have a point of which they should be concidered the "finest" of, but it is those who create the memories and shape the future which I will remember the most, hoping to see another day with them by my side.

Call it what you want, these people are the finest in what they have achieved in themselfs and with me.

Mekare (and her girls Elaiya, Mintjelly, Mariah, Kaikura) - For someone who has seen the worse of fate many times over, she has done wonders for the community in her generosity and yet gets little fame in return. A hidden angel withen en masses you pass by daily, It's hard to even imagine what Calder's bleak future would of been without Mekare.

Xellana - Curious, wise, charming, witty, bubblely, Xelly. Words cannot even being to describe the type of person Xellana is, or even the ammount of work she put into being the best at what she's doing. That's the amazing part as well, Quickly and effortlessly switching jobs, and farming for her own materials to be independent. She makes everything look easy just by getting it right all the time.

Kitkit - Pup's <3, Smart and charming, Nothing is ever "too hard" as she has and done much for her LS and pup. Always pro-active, she tends to be the first in everything possible and has a growing list of achievments since she's never afraid to try.

Calaera - Despite nothaving as much time to play, Calaera (and her BF Orophen) proves what requires to play. Be kind, be conciderate, but most important, be absolute. She shows excellance in leadership by keeping everyone together, not though harsh lectures, but by bringing to light the common goal that everyone needs to attain.

Shemi (and her girls Mab, Moireach, Aramantha, Tidbit, Bitsy, Swampwitch, Leprataru, Doodlebug, and Starlight.) - I don't even think I need to say anything about Shemi. The sweetest and most respected tarutaru on the world of Ragnarok, if not all of FFXI. (Since she has some girls in other worlds as well.) It's hard NOT to find someone that hasn't met Shemi, or that was infuenced by her kindness. I for one know there are many that can vouch my words about Shemi.

Silki - Shemi's Good twin. ^^ A very sweet tarutaru who I had the fortune to met with. A White Mage that's very giving and self-sacrificing as well. I can forsee her rising in the world of Ragnarok in high regards due to her effort to bring a smile and cheering into the hearts of many people.

Lhini - Crafting Extraordinaire, and great friend to many. Lhini I met much time ago as KittyTaru, and since then, has always a pleasure to talk to, not to mention to be with. Though her work of crafting, She has set goals and reached each one in hopes to create better works then most people. I can see her name being big with the likes of Masterasia and Chyste.

Balpheron - Mistriss of Yaoi ><;;, My friend that just returned and has an extensive knowladge of tactics and visions. Not to forget to mention her RP makes things easier to last though.

LuigiBro - Respect is everything, for sure. Sorry about that death Luigi. >< A Really cool taru that I cound imagain being Pup's brother, (other then just the hairstyle), He has massive respect towards people and shows it everytime we cross paths.

Mayuka - Much like Silki, Mayuka is always out there helping friends. Mayu rarely asks for anything, but I'm happy to be part of the Mayukasfriends LS. ^^

Melkuur - Singing Red mage and Shellholder of Synthespains, He's an excellent player and leader, bringing the LS though each stage of it's delvelopment. Many Linkshells barely make it, others break and disband on the smallest detail. But the core of Synthespians has always proven to be much more difficult to crack thanks to what Mel does to keep everyone together.

xxCidxx - Dragoon. That's all that needs to be said and thus an instant win for disciple of Shemi.

Zendak - Zen's like a bro, and when something needs to be done, or someone requires some assistance, he's always the first to join in, not for the reward, but for the experience. He brings to the table what it means to play for the love of it, against playing to only "win".

Casafrass - A cheery and delightful Tarutaru, Casafrass is another one of those hidden angels withen the masses of players. I still remember the NM fight for Calder's Ceti, in which Casa didn't join in the chaos melee at the end, but rather did her best to rest enough MP to save the whole party as the ghost we fought (along with Zendak and Minigoonta) was reluctant in being defeated.

Ceciltaru - Cecil has the right to be concidered one of the masters of Woodworking and WHM excelance in my opinion. With such high standings in Ragnarok, He's best known for his Elemental Staves that most Synthespians members carry around with them, signed. Orginizer of many events, he brings the A game every time, any place, to get it done right and the first time as well. (Except for promies at first, but that's a different story :P)

HappyDrunkNoob (Also known as HappyDrunkGuy and Seahorrorisevil) - Wonder where you get your Sushi from? Always up for a chat, HDN fishes with such skill, and offers words of wisdom in turn. Thanks to HDN, my fishing skills have improved as well. ^^

Fumitan (also known as Yukiyo) - A cute JP taru that I've been lucky enough to meet a year ago as Yukiyo, since then, we crossed paths again, As Yuki became Fumitan, and much more skillful in the Class of Red mages.

Kind - Another on of Shemi's disciples, I havn't seen him around as much, but Kind was (as the name implys) a gentleman and a scholar of the highest degree on the server. (Anyone knows where he went off to?)

KayLis - PLD, RNG, NIN Excellance. For the troubles he has seen, he's always been self-sacrificing just to save "Everyone". I owe much to him for getting things done when it seemed impossible, like Xellana's AF3, the bomb that would always seem to go off.

Zatoichi - For a Blind Samurai, he has the vision required to be an expert in Ballista and taught pup much in how to improve. What most people don't understand is that everything you learn in ballista makes your normal game better since the CPU cannot outwit a human. After his teachings, I've began to see many of the flaws that appears in some tactics people use in BCNM/Runs since they don't expect computers to act random.

I guess that is my list for now... The memories draw their pictures as Calder and Pup rest for the next day. No matter what tomorrow brings, I rest easy knowing my blessing wasn't in gil or items, but people.
#498 Oct 03 2005 at 10:08 AM Rating: Excellent
No fair, made me cry today! Thank you for your kind words and your kinder heart. You and Lil Devil, and those like you(impossible to be in some ways, I know) make playing the game worthwhile. :)

I have listed people nearer the beginning of this thread..and since that time I have discovered even more good folks running amok on Ragnarok...far, far too many to list. Each of you influences those of us you come into contact with in the game...luckily, MOST of you have influenced me in a positive manner...which is why I cannot possibly list you all, and must say that my earlier list is vastly incomplete.

Some of my friends have moved on and left the game, and I miss them terribly...but I seem to meet more good people daily, often when I least expect it.

So thanks to those who throw a protect as they run by in the forest, or stop to cure as they are traversing Qufim. To those who exhibit underlying kindness in a million different ways each day when we least expect it, and may not even deserve it. Strangers who stop to raise the fallen, stronger players who protect the weak, or guide the new...unsung, unknown and often unthanked...the real heroes of Ragnarok. Your names may not appear in this thread, but your kindnesses are engraved on our hearts.
#499 Oct 10 2005 at 5:46 PM Rating: Good
352 posts
a friendly bump^_^
#500 Oct 13 2005 at 10:56 AM Rating: Good
82 posts
Couple of great PLDs that helped me out:

Altimo- The first person to show me kindness in this game by giving me an escort at lvl 10. He's the reason I decided to keep playing the game and how I realized it was more about meeting new people and building friendships than about killing mobs.

Dae- All around nice guy. Helped my PT out when we got in over our heads in the dunes. Also escorted me on my first trip to Jeuno. Always willing to help out.

Other kind people I've met:

Keith- A low level RDM that helped me out when I was lvling a subjob. Nice guy to talk to with a great sense of humor.

Jain- A SMN from Kuwait that saved me from hours of boredom waiting for a party. Mad props for his/her command of the english language, though it is his/her second language.

Arktemis- Great guy! Always fun to hang out with in game. Met him waiting for a party in the dunes. We both got fed up with the wait and decided to start a LS for helping out up and coming adventurers. Sadly, I don't see him around much.

Stackdump- For always being willing to offer advice, or just chat. Also for PLing me for a lvl back in W. Ronfaur.

There are so many more... I'll have to post again later.
#501 Oct 13 2005 at 11:30 AM Rating: Good
94 posts
So far, my list consists of:

Eekiki, who gave me my PS2 in the first place,

Herumarath, who actually puts up with my no-keyboard having self,

Mukwa, my husband, who's actually going to purchase the game again for PC so he can prove to everyone that he's better than me *all* the time. :P

and everyone who's bailed my n00bish a$$ out whenever I got it in too deep. Thanks. :)

I'm sure I'll need a lot more bailing out as time goes on, so once I get a keyboard and can start really talking to people and getting to know them, my list will get bigger. fingers crossed... usb keyboard coming soon...
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