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Ragnarok's FinestFollow

#27 Sep 29 2004 at 9:43 AM Rating: Good
788 posts
Anyone from Exodus!
These are a few of my favorite peeps! ^^

Edited, Thu Oct 28 18:46:46 2004 by Grizzleox
#28 Sep 29 2004 at 10:27 AM Rating: Good
356 posts
Wow, I've seen or met most of this people and now that I know they are reliable and great people, I will really look forward to partying with some of them sometime or at least give a /wave. Rate ups for all :P

*Minona's Rate Up skill rises + .3*

And if you rated me down for not mentioning you >>>>>>ZENKENDO<<<<<< there you go! XD
You were the very first person I met when I started the game and although you dont show up online much anymore I still remember all the fun we had learning the game together and the day we put the little cash we had together for the DVAS linkshell.

Why it was just yesterday when I walked outside the city gates for the first time to find you face down in the dirt lol. Now you is growed all up and a big boy now aren't you? Aweren't jooo~? *Pinches Cheek* ^_~

I will add Liadel the White mage Superstar and top Super Model of DVAS(You owe me for saying that >_<)

I cant count how many times we have had such great fun together, and although our levels are sorta far, its was great fun exploring the new areas together. And you are never to far for a teleport or a good laugh. Thanks Liadel. ^^

Edited, Wed Sep 29 11:39:50 2004 by Minona
#29 Sep 29 2004 at 3:08 PM Rating: Decent
1,058 posts
Obviously I'm going to say everyone in the DigitalBackSpin ls, cause well....they are.

But specifically


Those guys are pretty much willing to help (both on the ls and off) at the drop of a hat if they're free.
#30 Sep 29 2004 at 9:51 PM Rating: Good
430 posts
RobTheBard wrote:
My names Robbeh.

Robbeh! It's Darkreverend. didn't realize you posted here

anyways, ebonron is awesome, I met him way back as a lvl 1 warrior in sandy. There's a ton of people I have to list, but for now I'll leave it at Shadowcat(I think that's her name), who helped me with rank 4, and elfirna (again, I think) last known to be a lvl 63 DRK who kept me safe in the make of shakrami once with her husband. The best thing is I was able to see both of them again in game and thank them for their help.
#31 Oct 02 2004 at 1:52 AM Rating: Decent
Why thanks Min, I always try to lend a helping hand when I can, thats what i'm here for :) DVAS 4 LIFE!!!
#32 Oct 04 2004 at 9:45 PM Rating: Good
256 posts
BlackRagnarok Wrote...
The Confederation Linkshell |

What can I say, I have been in here forever and it has changed so much. The one thing that is good about confed is that we have never gotten any bad members.

thats still together? I was a member way back when it 1st started when it was just an importers ls(pre-NA release) XD
but anyways, just want to say that Raion guys is ultra cool =P best tank ever and also the coolest guy on ragnarok >.>
Its not gloatful to post about yourself is it? lol
#33 Oct 05 2004 at 3:10 AM Rating: Default
It's Just a Flesh Wound
22,702 posts
*looks for his name*
Smiley: disappointed
Smiley: cry
Dear people I don't like: 凸(●´―`●)凸
#34 Oct 05 2004 at 2:14 PM Rating: Decent
56 posts
Minona wrote:

And if you rated me down for not mentioning you >>>>>>ZENKENDO<<<<<< there you go! XD
You were the very first person I met when I started the game and although you dont show up online much anymore I still remember all the fun we had learning the game together and the day we put the little cash we had together for the DVAS linkshell.

Why it was just yesterday when I walked outside the city gates for the first time to find you face down in the dirt lol. Now you is growed all up and a big boy now aren't you? Aweren't jooo~? *Pinches Cheek* ^_~
Edited, Wed Sep 29 11:39:50 2004 by Minona

lol! first off... i'd never rate u down min... 2nd, no one told me i couldn't fight a carrion crow (sp?) at lvl 1.... but yes i owe u much, u where always there for me ^^ but we must not for get our friend Sheika.. may he rest in piece.
and as i've always said DRA!!! ur a god to me and my hero!
#35 Oct 05 2004 at 8:48 PM Rating: Good
i have a lots of ppl that i like very much ^^

Minona, is the coolest friend i have around! :D she is kinda my sis and i didnt forget Talena too ^^. i have lots of fun with these 2. i dont forget the moments we had.

Tahkuyne, is the greatest ^^;. he always help me and such. :D
got lots to say (A LOT ^^ cant say them all lol)

theres also a lot of friends that i like so much, Feyda, Draugue, Kagesaru, Ehk, Peacefulsoul, Aurani, Snyder, Corrin, Zenkendo, Keal, /think.... Souls, Shady, Anica, too many of them :D and all the LS of DVAS ^^

#37 Oct 05 2004 at 9:35 PM Rating: Default
It's Just a Flesh Wound
22,702 posts
Smiley: rolleyes Smiley: yippee
Dear people I don't like: 凸(●´―`●)凸
#38 Oct 05 2004 at 9:36 PM Rating: Decent
It's Just a Flesh Wound
22,702 posts
double post

Edited, Wed Oct 6 02:17:43 2004 by Deadgye
Dear people I don't like: 凸(●´―`●)凸
#39 Oct 06 2004 at 2:41 PM Rating: Good
352 posts
Ahhh I totally forgot so many people!!!

Azrielgrey - founder of my LS(see sig) and founder of The Dojang(Army) writing group over on Good player, but life is catching him >_>

Shadowcat - great person^^ Helped me out quite a few times here and there and is just fun to pal around with!

Liadel - Simply put, awesome WHM. She was in my second LS (TheDojang, founded by Azrielgrey - I got her a pearl at the behest of her brother Alekiel[also great, see below]) and kinda got way way ahead of me^^;;

Deadgye - you're a gye....and you're dead...whats not ta like?! >_> I partied with you a few times, and you = a nice person

Blacke - me mastar blacksmith friend! I gotta bug him for a new set of chainmail for my SAM <_<....

Leeroy - funny, good player, good friend. Dependability at a peak^^...he's also pouncable >_>...

Auriac - Where are yooooooou?!?!?!?!?! ; ;

Lilka - fellow Dojang(GFAQS) member. Great player, loves helping out, hard worker.

Bolverk - A great person, and fellow WAR^^

Alekiel - damned funny guy >_> ...although he never could stop gloating about his Mist Silk Cape ._. ...At any rate, funny, great fun to play around with, introduced me to several people(you know who you are ;) ) that I still hang wiht and play with to this day. He quit a few months back though ; ;

if theres anyone I forgotz then tellz me kk?

Edited, Mon Oct 18 18:59:43 2004 by Windblade

Edited, Tue Jan 4 13:35:17 2005 by Windblade
#40 Oct 06 2004 at 3:06 PM Rating: Decent
44 posts
Oooooooooooo your forgetting some of the greats! In my Vana' life anyway.

Shout outs to Ferenheit. He's perfect LoL

Shout outs to Dej! Is there a better PLD >.> Well it's possible but I haven't seen it.

Maral and Ludin! The Mithra Squad. Sexy and deadly ^^ Thanks for the AF help ^^

Amiel....the WHM of my AF2 life ^^ helped me in Castle Zvahl Keep. Love!!!!!

RYKIN! GO RDM! Heh. Great to PT with and smart as a whip.

Valice, Saryen, Jaxter, Crimson, and Phloria. Your the greats! You'd be lucky to PT with one of em ^^.

That's all my shout outs!
#41 Oct 06 2004 at 3:21 PM Rating: Good
440 posts
Amiel....the WHM of my AF2 life ^^ helped me in Castle Zvahl Keep. Love!!!!!

Hes so cute too... prob. the best Taru RP'er out there :)
#42 Oct 06 2004 at 5:44 PM Rating: Good
1,049 posts
Well, Confed is still together, but not like it used to. After Mornamarth left (coming back in winter ^_^) Confed went into a decline...

Now The Confederation is very small...

Constant Members:
Belcrono + Petr (occasionally)

Well, such is life. Confed wont be perma-disbanding until Mornamarth will formally do it. I can guarentee it would be a big event even though some havnt been there for over 8 months. hello, a lot of Melon and some HokutenKnights and SoulPirates would be there. ^_^
#43 Oct 06 2004 at 5:49 PM Rating: Good
458 posts
Oi, this is tough when you aren't in front of the game looking at your friend list. I'm not going to mention my linkshells because if I didn't think they were cool, I wouldn't be on them. They are in my sig, you can guess who is in them. People who aren't on my linkshells (although there are some FANTASTIC people on each), four I can think of offhand:

Miraj, who has helped me with just about everything whenever I have asked and been patient with the headache that usually ensues.

Mibotsu, who has been an all-around great friend. Always pops in with a hi and something to laugh about right when I need it.

Borked, (where is Borked!?!?) who has been patient with his fangirl as I pester him with advice about being a samurai.

Erikka, who only plays the game as a "social fishing simulator". She's good company and I really hope she doesn't quit, even though I think she is going to soon. :( Don't go! we have to talk more about making that "tarutaru sauce"!

Well, ok, one linkshell person - Insertcliche. She is quite possibly the nicest, sweetest, most generous person I have ever had the pleasure of meeting in this game. There are some great friends on my list, but Cliche takes the cake. She may not be a high enough level to do much for anyone quest- or mission-wise, but she makes up for it in other ways. Whether it's donating to your crafting materials, making people deals on her woodcrafts, or just being a sweetheart, she is just a constant ray of sunshine. Thank you for making this game happier Cliche.
#44 Oct 06 2004 at 6:33 PM Rating: Good
48 posts
Well, ok, one linkshell person - Insertcliche. She is quite possibly the nicest, sweetest, most generous person I have ever had the pleasure of meeting in this game. There are some great friends on my list, but Cliche takes the cake. She may not be a high enough level to do much for anyone quest- or mission-wise, but she makes up for it in other ways. Whether it's donating to your crafting materials, making people deals on her woodcrafts, or just being a sweetheart, she is just a constant ray of sunshine. Thank you for making this game happier Cliche.

Agreed... Insertcliche helps out with crafting materials in any way she can... she's helped me out with clothcrafting stuff for the past month or so now ever since prices on that stuff started going through the roof >_<

Who else?
Krazy, Venis, and Ellisd have helped out on various things that I needed assistance with. ^_^
Ryath spent quite a few hours with me working on getting my Genkei 1 items (had to get drops for 2 people)...
Unjiroyo... because she has no problems just sitting with me for hours on end just chatting back and forth as we teleport people all over the place...
#45 Oct 07 2004 at 1:12 AM Rating: Good
37 posts
Chayla - Known her pretty much from the start, and is the greatest of friends, not to mention she is the best RDM I have ever PTed with, and a very nice person. Also always there and willing to help whenever she is able, go Chay!

Jera - Very very nice player and well, she's my sweetheart, love her to death and have a blast every day. She'll brighten up any PT she joins, and is always great to hang around with. \(^*^)/

Amalasan - Now this guy'll crack you up no matter whats got you down, very good friend and a great person, and also funny as hell. Always there if ya need him and he is able to help.

Fawn - Awesome BRD from my former Set PT and a great friend. I always had a good time PTing and jokin around and chattin.

Velarum/Kiln/Linx/Paranoos - I'd like to thank you for all your help with AF and well, whatever when I needed it, it's because of you all and everyone else that has helped me that I put forth my best effort to help those around myself, so as to maybe, just maybe through helping others and encouraging them to help as well, we can all make Vana'diel a fun and helpful environment for everyone. ^_^

Edited, Tue Oct 12 23:14:34 2004 by Ryath
#46 Oct 07 2004 at 1:15 AM Rating: Decent
It's Just a Flesh Wound
22,702 posts
hey, if my char looked like Smiley: waycool would i be the coolest looking thing on the server?

(smiley is the link)

you can also blow up the immage i think

Edited, Thu Oct 7 02:17:04 2004 by Deadgye
Dear people I don't like: 凸(●´―`●)凸
#47 Oct 14 2004 at 6:59 PM Rating: Good
60 posts
Just gonna list ^^, sorry if i forget anyone....

Rhath, Ryath, Chayla, Wiccatu, Jaffar, Tinkledinkle, Sheeba, Balduvar, Skaarj, Lama, Kegome, Icestunna, Corinth, Beldin, Crimsonangel, etc. etc.

Special Comments:
Chayla- I've known you for a long time, you've helped me so many times that I have to pay you back ten fold. Thank you so much <3. Let's talk more!!!
Ryath- You've also helped me so many times and really was the first friend I made on this game. Your friendly personality and sense of humor makes you one of my favorite people on this game.
Wiccatu- You always make me smile ^_^. I love talking to you and you always have a positive attitude no matter what faces you. You can't find anyone much more likeable and loveable than this little taru. Much love.
GuardiansofRagnarok- Especially Sheeba, Icestunna, Kegome, and Balduvar, I love talking to you guys all the make me laugh and feel so welcomed...especially sheeba, stab away my friend...stab away....

That's it for now, i'm sure I will add more ppls seeing as how i'm meeting new people every day. L8r
#48 Oct 15 2004 at 10:47 AM Rating: Good
177 posts
awww, Zerta you are sooo sweet^^. You make me laugh too, and can always make me smile if I am having a bad day for some reason in the game=)

Here are some of the ppl I would like to me mention too^^.
Zerta,of course, my favorite Bard that makes me laugh.Jaffar, my favorite sexy thf/nin that is helpful and funny, and is one of my closest friends in the game. Swindle, the only one who can talk me into going and doing quest or missions at 3:00am and is my favorite good luck kitty^^.Vancroth, my first friend in the game, and my favorite evil black mage, who's humor is unique and funny.
There are many,many, more that I could mention, but it would take all
#49 Oct 15 2004 at 10:56 AM Rating: Good
1,701 posts
There are so many wonderful people on this server. I can count on one hand how many unfriendly people I've met. Usually everyone is pretty helpful and willing to lend a hand.

Of course I'm biased in thinking OOSG is the best group of people ever. People like Lenelle, Percie, and just everyone is always there when I need help or just someone to talk to to pass the time.

Kirazi and Chi have been amazing as well. Always willing to help (thanks again for the lich paper) and give advice, even when busy with their own things.

Again, there are just too many people who have made the experience on the server as much fun it is. So for everyone who is there, I thank you. Even for people who I've never played with, watching some of the antics that go on in the cities are just too much fun and always bring a good laugh.
#50 Oct 15 2004 at 9:03 PM Rating: Good
Veruca, Yael, Delyrium, Ferriol, Oldrottweiler, Bluekyre, Krazy, Evok, Epoc, Lohki, Manster, Mizami, Dragontears, Kardis, Rahvin, and Lusifur, about the coolest ppl ive played with on this server.

Edited, Mon Oct 18 15:57:57 2004 by Foxshadow
#51 Oct 18 2004 at 3:16 PM Rating: Good
Well....there have been some nice people out there for me too...a few already mentioned here....

Wiccatu...who has her own style and fame, and who has been quick to share her knowledge, her support, her friends and even sometimes her belongings to help me out.

Badger/Booger...who served as my unofficial mentor and guided my first faltering steps into FFXI big Galka protector with the equally big heart who has been an inspiration at times when I needed one

Lakay...who has brought his own special touch to add all kinds of dimension and joy to the game for me

Slusher...who has unselfishly given his own kind of unintrusive guidance, warmth and laughter...and access to his linkshell of assorted big-hearted characters that have made me feel like I have found a home at last

Zerta...the fastest dragon stomper I have ever seen, who was quick to help a stranger, and did so in a manner that made it seem like it was not a chore

Braeden...the crazy Irishman who rants in Gaelic and makes me laugh

Angeldust...who, with a random act of kindness, showed me how unselfish total strangers can be and how they can touch you when you least expect it

And Dez...who’s whole name I cannot possible spell without getting into the game to check it...but who has shared his friendship and knowledge on more than one occasion

Plus countless others who have thrown a protect, cure or raise my way when I most needed it...or who just stopped for a friendly chat....
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