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Ragnarok's FinestFollow

#377 Apr 18 2005 at 2:41 PM Rating: Excellent
186 posts
maybe one day ill get enuff respect to get mentioned on this thread =D

unctgtg (also willing to help)
linkshell leaders preciousangel and tkdtiger
jeru - (my dragooon buddy)
Leonidas/Exzade (my crazy *****)
djlotus (needs to stop playing WoW and come back)
anyone that helped with G1 - my linkshell
arcanum (uber badass period.)
vladamere (awesome dude)
#378 Apr 18 2005 at 7:53 PM Rating: Excellent

I actually know about 80 percent of the people you have all mentioned. I had a character that maybe some of the elders will remember and those who were newer and are now old will remember.
Molokaii my 43 whm / 23 blm who was savegly deleted by a friend of mine. To that end I now have a new character named Creasy. You all see him around say hi.

A few members I must mention are:


Some of these members no longer exist on here however if you remember a Molokaii please add the following name to your friends list "Creasy" he is my new character.

#379 Apr 19 2005 at 8:53 AM Rating: Good
2,112 posts
I have a couple more people that I would like to add..

Lonedragon-always there to make me laugh and always willing to help out if he is 15 levels below the required level. For that I give the Dragoon handshake from a Dark Knight.

Zidana-always giving me an update with leveling, AF, and other major accomplishments. It's always nice to see someone progressing in the game. Keep with it...your almost out of the 50's.
Relic Scythe Finished
Aegis Currency Finished
Drk Job Profile

#380 Apr 20 2005 at 9:14 AM Rating: Good
Here's my list:

Always been one of my best friends in the game, always helped me out, and just a great friend in general. What up sucka!?

This guy was like my other half for a couple months, I really miss him. Hey Seig if you ever see this you gotta drop by and say hello!

What can I say? Kayslay has always dropped what he's doing to help me out. He's hilarious and a great person to boot. /salute Kayslay

He was the leader of the first linkshell I ever liked and got involved in. He also always helped me a ton.

A great RL friend who always comes to give me hand. Also has a lightning fast dispel and unheard of skills on the Refresh Cycle. An amazing RDM.

You probably don't remember, but you got my magicked skull for me way back when I was subless. I don't forget when people are kind to me! You rock!

This guy has helped me out quite a few times and even invited me to my current linkshell. Yeah PalantiriX! Anyhow Shady is always helpful and he puts up with my constant crap. He should kill me with how much I bust his balls for deleveling from 75, but he never does. What a guy.

I'm sure I'm missing a bunch of you, there have been sooooo many people who have helped me out. Thanks to you all!

#381 Apr 20 2005 at 5:24 PM Rating: Good
27 posts
Artica! How could I forget you! You've been there always offering to help! (/huggles) Ahhh I love talking to you. You're the more experianced player always willing to share your knowledge with me. =) (/cheer) Artica! A fine player of Ragnarok indeed!!

*P.S.* (/clap) Lucela! Yay PalantiriX!
#382 Apr 22 2005 at 3:52 AM Rating: Good
This is going to be a long list (in no particular order)


The whole GLLS crew

Char : iKz
Server : Ragnarok

PLD75 RNG45 WAR37 NIN33[/b] MNK14
Smitthing 76 Clotchcraft55 Bonecraft13 Woodworking 13 leathercraft 13

Valor set = 1/5 [Valor Koronet]
Koenig set = 2/5 [Koenig Handchung, Koenig Schaller]

Edited, Sat Apr 23 04:49:09 2005 by PLDiKz
#383 Apr 28 2005 at 2:12 PM Rating: Good
21 posts
I'm just bumping this >.> I can't think of anyone atm. I'm kinda upset. (and I'm supposed to be finishing this paper for my group.)
#384 Apr 29 2005 at 5:34 AM Rating: Good
169 posts
Someone posted about Jackie.

Ive seen that character a few times and it just werids me out.

My "better halfs" name is Jackie and she also has red hair.
You want to kick back and take a day to yourself on FFXI, and you see your girl friend running around in-gmae!


Domine rocks EXP like no other.

Keagan rocks my socks like no other.

Ehk is just fun to look at.

Raiyus my twin, but with MP.

Dealen, our fearless leader....well....we synthed him an Arsitocrats so there ya go. Hes our pimp.

#385 Apr 30 2005 at 2:10 AM Rating: Good
352 posts
What Lucela, no love for the catastrophically insane BLM from GC? =P

Ah well /poke Orenshi and Lucela

Edited, Sat May 7 18:28:02 2005 by Windblade
#386 May 02 2005 at 5:36 AM Rating: Good
192 posts
Yay! A mention! Most honoured sir, thank you. /bow

Have to make a special comment for Pastorious who came along to help some of the more recent additions to our linkshell attain rank 4. He had no reason to come along, he just helped out no questions asked, no {reward} expected. He even laid down his life for our team (yes, on rank 4 mission, don't ask), most of whom were total strangers. A hero by any measure.
#387 May 03 2005 at 2:30 PM Rating: Excellent
Forgive me if I butcher the name...

Ephewe, a lvl 75 SMN, killed Dark Spark for me the other day. Thank you thank you thank you!! ^_^
#388 May 03 2005 at 7:36 PM Rating: Excellent
436 posts
okies, my list ^^
*Kaeverak - for helping me by being my neighbor and getting me interested in the game, too bad I haven't seen you on in a while *v.v*

*Hotsuma - for the countless hours that we have chatted and that you helped me with sooooo soooo much ^^. You have been, by far, too good for words!!!

*The people of GoR - (in random order) /em clears throat
Balduvar, Katherine, Iridal, Icestunna, Catacylsm, Setri (retired), Hoth, Darksteel, Sefin, Lightmage, Jounichi (sorry if I butchered your name), Saitohajime (ditto on the name thingy), and Tylerl. Sorry if I missed anyone else, if I did, I'll add you in laterz when i remember.

*Xenp and Lagaia/Blain - My first Linkshell EVER. You guys are great to talk to ^^

*Chimpchimp, Mumford, and Aaliya - Bobcats for life!

*Breckin - for putting up with my constant flirting ^^

*Ixixdorr - gotta love this crazy good Paladin, Along with Balduvar, They're my paladin inspiration for my Taru Taru

*Panzilla - Although he retired, this Taru Taru RDM was a god in my eyes, too bad he/she lived in Florida and suffered from constant power-outages due to the tsunami periods last year, thus forcing him/her to quit since he/she never got to play a lot.

*Yukikuni - Although we will never be able to talk to each other (Thank you language barrier and limited Auto-translator phrases) , this lvl 75 JP Paladin was ENORMOUS help during my Rank 5 run.

*Tatsuko - the RNG that invited me to the Rank 5 run that he/she was doing with Yukikuni ^^

*Zafirah - My first invite to qufim, who also escorted me to Jeuno, free of charge ^^

*Edgecrucher - Altough I doubt he remembers me, i want to thank him for helping me so much with the ninja quest and the Kazham key quest.

*Dezmordius - I remember partying with you in La Thiene Plateau when you were a lvl 8 rdm with no subjob. Now you have greatly surpassed me in almost everyway possible (My taru is STILL cuter). Thank you for making me try harder to catch up to you in lvls.

*Okotnen - c'mon, I have to give you mad props, it took you 6 weeks to get to where i was, when that took me 5 months. Yet, you are another person that has surpassed me in jobs and lvls ^^
#389 May 04 2005 at 10:38 AM Rating: Good
2,112 posts
Here is my most recent list.

Gregorik-not only has he leveled with me from 37-43 with my thf and his Sam. He has taught me that Sam/Rng is totaly nuts..It is like ever single 20 seconds he can spam a WS whether it be from his Great Katana or his bow.

Ninten for forming a what would be a ok party into a uber party...for 3 1/2hrs straight there was not one death or down time at all. We had no rdm.

Relic Scythe Finished
Aegis Currency Finished
Drk Job Profile

#390 May 04 2005 at 12:11 PM Rating: Good
142 posts
/sigh No-ones mentioned me ;_; Guess I'll have to work harder to make an impact on y'all. :P

Moi list:

Endymion: 75PLD.... /poke Te'Endy has to be one of teh most influential people in my game. He always wants to help me out when I'm in 'his house' (Eldieme). Gives me advice on eqp and otherwise, Lets me moan, Lets me come on LS events (wootz0rz). Great guy.. And the first PLD I've seen to use /nin for mercs... great stuff :D

Aliane: 63WHM (Might be higher XD) OMG!!!! She is a crafting monsta.. Thing is between all her crafting, I wonder when she ha stime to level O.O;; Will always help me on ANYTHING, and will wake up for me @ stupid o'clock in the morning to RII me... I :3 her lol. (1of2 Best WHM's in teh game IMO)

Anelira: 65RDM /blush Not only is he one of the most competent RDM's i have met, but he's also related to me... Nerver thought the older generation could play a game so well :P He's my personal cook and he inspires me to become better than him... cause I will be :D lol

Snoogums: 60ish BLM (I think lol) Snoog!!!! Hoomfygawd... She just rocks :D One of the most Genuinely nice BLM's I have met she helped me with Rank5 and is jsut a nice person altogether :D

Studmuffin: 60ish RNG (XD) Stud is funny, cool, and hes a nice guy, to top it off hes a RNG. Helped me with Rank5 and deserves a {word}-{up} {home key}

Lexia: If it wasnt for 'Legs, I wouldnt be playing, One of the nicest people I have EVER meet, always ready to listen and help :D She deserves all teh good thingfs in life, (1of2 Best WHM's in teh game IMO)

Xaeith: 60-ish DRK (whoops) My borther fromanother mother who helped me finally get my Vahzl GC, not only did he go for a whiile w/o his AF3 cause he was busy helping other people (Genkais, AF's etc) Funny guy always makes me smile.

Zikaru: 60-ish WHM *(:x) ZIK!!!!!!! Again an excellent friend and funny guy. Aliane's evil-midget twin.... What more can I say? lol

Durin: 60-ish THF (>.<) Got me and endy killed in Davoi but w/e ... lol j/king Durin's the pincushion of the ls, the resident THF and the one who'll always come on things that needs the extra TH2 :P lol j/k. Great ghuy, funny, quick with his comebacks and a fellow elvaan XD

Lafllaga: 60SAM (hopefully) OMg... Laf... What Can i say... She tried sOOOOO hard for her Haub, only to get within 1k to lvl for party to disband ; ; /comfort. A great friend and a really nice person, gave me encouragement when I needed it and was one of my first friends.

Flipisntevil: 60ish RDM (>.>) A great friend, was one of my firsty friends XD. She uised to sneak attack me in ls chat, but no more! Sifu: 1 Flip: xxxxxxx lol . Probably a great RDM and a great player :D

Jamesbobe: Godknowshowhigh PLD A great guy, A great PLD and a great Galka ( he knows what Deodorant is, a worthy Galka IMO) Again one of my first friends

Kimmykatt: 63WHM (?) I met her when I first started the game and spoke to her for the first time in a while last night, Awesome person really kind :D

Hcaz: IDK what job he is atm lol. One of my first friends

(Note just cause the descriptuions are getting shorter doesnt mean I think any lessd of you guys XD)

Hypnotize: 60+ BLM One of my first firends, made me laugh countless times

Chitquen:52BRD First LS leader /salute Great guy, supported me and encouraged me :D

Zoti: ???/??? lol OMG... ONe of the most talented players without a job over 34 lol, lots of jobs leveled but none above 34, vERY VERY VERY funnny, one of the great tarus you HAVE to meet.

Crmzon: 71PLD Great stuff. Helps me loads!! Great guy, great fun! eats tarutarus... I mean... eats soups :P

Goukisama: 54MNK Great friend always willing to talk and brings that special something into the converstaion. Great MNK

Throwdown: 59/60 WAR/NIN My unofficial rival, excellent WAR/NIN (apparently *[j/k lol]*) Almost as amibitious as I am and keeps on top of his eqp. (1of 2 VERY Good War/nin)

More to come wehen I think of them lol

Sifuspike :P
#391 May 05 2005 at 9:34 AM Rating: Decent
452 posts
I'll try to keep this brief; since I'm sure I'm going to miss people!

Tahkuyne - The king of cuddly, the master of Sunkist. He's helped me through more stuff than I could ever list on this thread. I hope I can get to his level one day to repay the favor(s). Probably my best friend in the game!

Aurani - My pal from North of the Border. One of my first real friends on here, and I value that friendship. {Incredibly Tough} {Mithra}

Minona - That cwazy cat! Big boss of DVAS! My only regret is that we don't play much at the same time; we are always catching each other at odd times!

Tiyha - My cuddly pal from across the pond! Tiy, thank goodness you came back to FFXI...I couldn't stand being the elder DVAS! jk, and happy b-day^^

Draugue - Always willing to help out, drau is the true pld. Very cool cat, and introduced me to the interesting word "fook."

Keal - Another fella who helps you out at the drop of a dime. Any time I join you on a quest or mission, I know we are going to win.

Renegadez - {Master} While I won't be bowing any time soon, I will say you really bust your butt to help others. We've been through a lot of battles, and I'm glad to have met you!

Liadel - Smn extraordinaire! You and Aura's banter back and forth was some really funny stuff, I miss it. You were another one that I've known seemingly forever!

Fishstickz - The tough Mithra with the name you can stick in the auto-translator {fish}! You just plain make me laugh! At least you don't *bite* me anymore when I log on.

Shinnara - My little mithra buddy! Shinnykins saw my bst af and created the entire "Fuzzy" phenominon that is sweeping the world! *mew*

Xplicitone - I think you got me into the DVAS ls! I remember you helped me get rank 3 about a million years I also remember you saying goodbye that night, it was sooo sad ; ; I'm glad you came back to play a little, I hope one day we can go out and kill stuff together^^

Curly - My little Mithra pal^^ I met you on La Theine were getting chased by a ram! I didn't get there in time to save you :( I felt bad, and helped you get to Jeuno for your first time. After a little while, I took you back to kill that evil ram, I was so happy you got your revenge! Since then, you've become a real friend; I promise I'll help you with anything in the game! *huggles* <3

That's it; I know there's a lot more out there. If I missed you, send me a /tell and call me a weenie! {Please forgive me.}

62BST, as well as tons of other jobs!

Edited, Thu May 5 10:39:14 2005 by MetalMirror
#392 May 05 2005 at 10:07 AM Rating: Good
356 posts

*Updated Rate Ups from page 6+*

And I'd like to add
Fockr -Impressive Dark Knight
He tagged along with us for Windy 7-2. How many Everyone's Grudges did you take yesterday. I've never seen someone take 4k+ damage before O_O, or seen a Light skillchain before. Anyways, thanks for all the sacrifices you gave, and Raise 3s you took for the team. Anyone who can make fun of Aurani and his {Too weak} voking skill on the first meet, gets an A in my book :D

Thanks again to Baltrius, Keal, Mikie, Kioki, and Aurani.
#393 May 05 2005 at 1:36 PM Rating: Good
1,701 posts
Mikie is awesome. He's been a good friend and always more then willing to give me a hand when I have trouble finding it.
#394 May 05 2005 at 6:10 PM Rating: Good
Emjay soloed cassie (3ivx codec), putting my duoing record to shame. :E Those dead people are gilsellers, by the way. :3
#395 May 06 2005 at 9:43 PM Rating: Decent
669 posts
<3 Mirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrior

#396 May 07 2005 at 12:11 PM Rating: Decent
574 posts
would like to congratulate the people in my party last night. Everyone was doing excellent! Everyone did thier jobs perfectly and were a lot of fun to be around.


Very good people I will look you guys up again next time I am on.

And sorry That I didn't come back when I DCed, my network had a terrible failure that I couldn't resolve for a few hours.
#397 May 08 2005 at 2:52 AM Rating: Good
75 posts
:( someday ill be mentioned on this forum topic><;
LOl till then have fun and BE EASY!
#398 May 08 2005 at 9:23 AM Rating: Default
452 posts
See? I knew I'd miss people ;_;

*pulls Fishies tail and runs frantically around Lower Jeuno*
#399 May 08 2005 at 10:55 AM Rating: Good
34 posts
I wish I had the time to type the names of all the wonderful people I've met while playing this game.

First shout out goes to my bud Siege, met that guy a few days after we both started playing and have been best buds ever since.

Breaden(now retired)
Callisti(now Retired)
Falcor(my competition since day one :3)

Oh man I cant think of anymore atm...too much thinking...
Hell, I just want to thank almost everyone Ive ever met on this game. Just cuz you dont see your name on this forum or on my list doesnt mean your not a great person/player. If we havnt crossed paths yet im sure someday we will and I hope to see your skillz. My post is already hudge enough so Im done ^^;
#400 May 08 2005 at 1:54 PM Rating: Decent
455 posts
/em violates Kusan.
#401 May 09 2005 at 6:03 AM Rating: Decent
1,510 posts
Lucela wrote:
You probably don't remember, but you got my magicked skull for me way back when I was subless. I don't forget when people are kind to me! You rock!

You're right I don't fully remember. :( But it does ring a bell actually. :) I was happy to help, so you're more than welcome! Thx for mentioning! :]
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