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Higurashi No Naku Koro NiFollow

#27 Oct 05 2009 at 11:05 PM Rating: Good
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Since I had no nightmares today(though I did dream about mermaids, which is due to another, unrelated anime I watched this morning), I think I'll watch another arc when I get home from work. Smiley: yippee

It's either that or marathon it on Halloween, which I should have off(as will my roommates).
#28 Oct 06 2009 at 3:55 AM Rating: Good
12,049 posts
The One and Only Poldaran wrote:
LockeColeMA wrote:
Sigh, no luck with the rest on onemanga. There are chapters here and there in the second season, but none are completed. So disappointing! I guess I'll have to watch the anime, so I'll ask again; anyone know a good streaming or torrent site? PMs are fine if we shouldn't discuss it on the boards.

I think I mentioned the names of at least one of the sites I use for streaming when I can't get ahold of an anime through more legal means(such as when it hasn't been released in the US yet) in a PM a week or so ago.

Also, the anime is amazing; the cicadas and the music totally make the story come to life.

Also as touched on in that same PM, I'm a big believer that watching the anime(of any series) is often quite superior to reading the manga(if the anime was done well, that is) just because of the music.

Edited, Oct 5th 2009 10:19pm by Poldaran

Sorry Poldaran, I totally forgot about your PM! Thank you for it :D

And I agree with the (subbed!) anime being better... IF it is well done. Unfortunately, most of the anime I have seen is not; either it is given too much filler, or misses way too much from the manga. Both Love Hina and Ichigo 100% are inferior for the manga, IMO. Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni is so far MUCH better as anime (although the stories are pretty much identical from what I've seen).

Edit: BTW, episode 19 is refreshingly different than the others so far. Go Shion! Who, unfortunately, is also probably ******* crazy. Sigh.

Edited, Oct 6th 2009 7:56am by LockeColeMA
#29 Oct 06 2009 at 4:13 AM Rating: Good
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LockeColeMA wrote:

I'll refrain from getting into that argument today since I'm basically a centrist who chooses between subbed/dubbed on a case by case basis.
#30 Oct 06 2009 at 4:46 AM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts
The One and Only Poldaran wrote:
LockeColeMA wrote:

I'll refrain from getting into that argument today since I'm basically a centrist who chooses between subbed/dubbed on a case by case basis.

Eh... I haven't seen any dubbed anime I would consider good. Then again, I've seen far less anime than I've read manga, and far less dubbed anime than subbed. I actually think Trigun was pretty well dubbed.

I'm trying to figure out where episodes 16-20(?) relate to the other stories. I think they're a counterpoint to the second arc. Gives a very interesting view of what was actually going on.

Edit: My analysis really is only interesting for me, so I'm taking it out :-P Anyone know how many arcs there are here? I can't tell if there's three or four (or more yet to be found). So far I think of them as "the pure story" (1-4), Shion (5-8, maybe 16-20), Satoko's uncle (9-13), and the cop's view (14-15). However, the cop's view might just be the same as Satoko's uncle, just during a different time frame. Some things line up (Rika's death is the same, and the entire village is destroyed by poisonous gas), and nothing contradicts (although Keiichi surviving is not mentioned.)

Edited, Oct 6th 2009 8:57am by LockeColeMA

Edit: Yup, looks like the anime goes in order. The manga does for sure, at least. Meakashi, which is the Shion solution arc, is what I'm on right now. I think that'll wind up soon. Next should be Tsumihoroboshi arc, which answers the "pure story." According to wikipedia, it is drastically different than the first story arc, however.

Edited, Oct 6th 2009 9:19am by LockeColeMA
#31 Oct 06 2009 at 6:18 AM Rating: Decent
1,162 posts
You're on the right track Locke. The answers really start coming in the second season (Kai)
#32 Oct 06 2009 at 7:15 AM Rating: Good
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feelz wrote:
You're on the right track Locke. The answers really start coming in the second season (Kai)

That's what I figure. I'm trying to piece together as much as I can before then. Unlike a game, I know I'll be told the answer eventually; but I want to figure it out for myself.

The entire thing makes a lot more sense if you look at it as a scientific experiment or one of those "choose your own adventure" games. Well, the game part makes sense, as it was originally a game. Each arc is just another chance to see what a change will do to the story, so you get the chance to pinpoint where everything goes wrong. For example, if you do nothing, X seems to kill Y and Z. If you add in S, Y is left alive, but Z looks like she kills S, X, and S and T for the hell of it. But if you follow the same story from a different point of view, it turns out Z isn't the murderer, but rather S is.

Sorry for the letters, but I think you get the idea. There isn't just one variable changing each time, though the ones I mentioned before are the most obvious ones. Personalities change as well. In the first arc, Keiichi loses trust in his friends. In the second, he apologizes and tries to sacrifice himself for them. In the third, he goes overboard trying to help them (and ironically is the only survivor). Other characters change somewhat as well. Rena and Keiichi seem like a couple in the first arc, but in the second it's Keiichi and Mion, and in the third, Keiichi and Satoko (more like brother and sister than a couple).

I almost feel like more arcs need to be added, changing one thing at a time. How do I know if someone goes crazy because a new character was added, or because they were hanging out with someone else? I guess in the game this is easier to do; in anime, it would become tedious to the extreme.

Apparently episodes 16-the end of the first season are the "answer" arcs. If it was a game, these would be the "bad" endings (but not as bad as the first four arc endings), which you get for playing through the game without a bleeding clue of what you're doing. So then you try again, which is the second half of season 1, learning from your mistakes the first time, or coming at it from a different approach. You take your time to figure out more about Shion instead of Keiichi (episodes 16-20). And while the ending is still horrific (I just believe episode 20 will be bloody as heck), you learn a little more. So you take Shion out of the equation again, and see what you get (these should be the final episodes of season 1). I expect the ending is still freaking horrific, but you learn more and more.

The answer arcs give a lot more information, but (so far) still don't have the information to make things "good." Season 2 sounds like you get a lot of the answers, and figure out the good ending. Not sure what the answers will be, or what season 3 would hold, but I'm guessing that's how it's going.

Edit: I just totally remembered what avatar Poldaran was saying Allegory had before; the maniacal laughing Shion/Mion face, right? Yeah, that creeped me out for a while. Now that I know the anime, it makes a lot more sense.

Edited, Oct 6th 2009 11:18am by LockeColeMA

Edit2: So the Shion arc actually goes through episode 21. Which, by the way, was gruesome. The BIG unresolved question is Mion gets killed by Shion. Shion accidentally kills herself. Who the **** kills Keiichi in the hospital!? Actually, the big unresolved question is "Who killed Satoshi, or is he still alive?"

Edited, Oct 6th 2009 1:40pm by LockeColeMA
#33 Oct 06 2009 at 8:30 AM Rating: Good
1,162 posts
At this point, I can't tell you anything more without risking spoiling it. Sounds like you're having a lot of fun, it would be a shame to ruin it for you.
#34 Oct 06 2009 at 5:09 PM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts
Just finished episode 25. Holy crap, this really IS Resident Evil 4. Beware Las Plagas!
#35 Oct 06 2009 at 7:17 PM Rating: Good
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Go go, start of season 2! First episode was just a basic recap, following an arc (either the ending recap of season 1, or the ending of episodes 14-15, or a combination) that explains what has happened. It's pretty freaky still, but the answers are coming faster. Or least AN answer; no idea if it's true or not. But my allusion to RE4 wasn't too far off, haha.
#36 Oct 07 2009 at 12:47 AM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
The One and Only Poldaran wrote:
marathon it on Halloween

It has been decided. That's what we're gonna do. We're gonna have what will likely go down in history as an extremely geeky Halloween party and watch the entire 1st season in a night while enjoying many of our favorite Halloween party treats. With the lights off, because we're crazy like that*.

So, Locke, don't ruin it for me(okay, I'm kidding, I've read a fair bit ahead). Smiley: tongue

*The next night, when I'll be home alone, I will not be surprised if I have to keep all the lights on all night. And keep my knife with me all night. Mostly because I have an overactive imagination and the terror threshold of a 6 year old.
#37 Oct 07 2009 at 4:18 AM Rating: Good
12,049 posts
Sorry Poldaran, trying not to ruin it... using spoilers on anything I think is major! :-P From what I hear, season 2 is a lot more about answers than freaky violence. Season 1, if you think of it as a game, is a lot of the "bad" endings. Season 2 should get to the "good" ending. So far three episodes in, and it's pretty slow, light-hearted, and not that interesting. I accidentally spoiled something for myself just by looking at images online; there's an image on the wikipedia page with the 7 school kid friends (Shion gets included).

... wait...


So I think I know to whom Rika is talking :-P

Edit: Proper English! Not "who Rika is talking to"!

Edited, Oct 7th 2009 8:19am by LockeColeMA
#38 Oct 07 2009 at 4:31 AM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
LockeColeMA wrote:
Sorry Poldaran, trying not to ruin it... using spoilers on anything I think is major! :-P

I'm just teasing. Smiley: tongue

Edit: BTW, since you're here, I wanted to ask...did you ever get around to watching Strawberry Panic?

Edited, Oct 7th 2009 6:33am by Poldaran
#39 Oct 07 2009 at 5:30 AM Rating: Good
12,049 posts
The One and Only Poldaran wrote:
LockeColeMA wrote:
Sorry Poldaran, trying not to ruin it... using spoilers on anything I think is major! :-P

I'm just teasing. Smiley: tongue

Edit: BTW, since you're here, I wanted to ask...did you ever get around to watching Strawberry Panic?

Edited, Oct 7th 2009 6:33am by Poldaran

No! :-( It was next on my list and then Higurashi no naku koro ni distracted me, haha. After I finish the series, Strawberry Panic is next; it looks really interesting, and I've never actually watched a yuri series before (though I hear it isn't all fan-servicey, which is good. I'd feel kinda dirty watching it then). I'll write about it as soon as I get through it, probably in a week or two. Uggghhh, I can't believe I still have more than 20 episodes of Higurashi No Naku Koro Kai to watch!
#40 Oct 07 2009 at 5:37 AM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
LockeColeMA wrote:
No! :-( It was next on my list and then Higurashi no naku koro ni distracted me, haha. After I finish the series, Strawberry Panic is next; it looks really interesting, and I've never actually watched a yuri series before (though I hear it isn't all fan-servicey, which is good. I'd feel kinda dirty watching it then). I'll write about it as soon as I get through it, probably in a week or two.

There's a bit of fanservice, but not too much. There's also a bit of nudity, but it's mostly covered(I think you see some side-boob and a butt or two).

If you end up liking that one, you should then check out Maria-sama ga Miteru. But that's really a discussion for a different thread at a different time. Smiley: nod
#41 Oct 07 2009 at 3:38 PM Rating: Good
12,049 posts
Season 2, episode 6...

The mysterious seventh main character appears! Well, to Rika. I have to say, Satoko has the WORST luck (the world takes a big stinking dump on this girl in every arc she's the star of), and it totally sucks to be Rika. It's the like worst case of Ground Hog's Day EVER.

Also, did anyone else think to themselves after a dozen episodes "Why does Mion have a shoulder holster with some sort of gun (probably water or a taser) in it?" I just thought that to myself. Took 31 episodes, but... wtf?

Edited, Oct 7th 2009 7:47pm by LockeColeMA

Edit2: Arc selection time! If this was a game, the question would be
"To whom do you give the doll?"

NORMALLY Keiichi chooses Rena, which leads to OMGWTFBBQKITTENSHIONSLAUGHTERSEVERYONE, but now he gave it to Mion! And it was SOOOO kawaii! Ah, my kingdom for those two to kiss once! This is so exciting!

And once again this shows how random these freaking choose-your-own-adventures are: giving a doll is a life-altering decision. Gosh darn, I use hope MY life isn't like that! Not like I get dolls. Well, not too often >_>

Edited, Oct 7th 2009 7:51pm by LockeColeMA

Edit3: Holy crap! It's even more than that; refusing to play the game set out automatically is what changes the arc! It keeps Rena from going ZOMGSTAYAWAYFROMMYDADDY! Although, to be fair, that arc ended nicest out of all of them so far.

Rena: "It's important to talk to others. I've kept this all within myself... but that's all wrong!"
And voila, by episode 6, the lessons from the first season are completed. YATTA!

Edited, Oct 7th 2009 8:08pm by LockeColeMA

Edit4: LMFAO. This (episode 7) is probably going to be my favorite episode, closely followed by the finale of season 1. Ni-pa indeed, Takano-san!

Edited, Oct 7th 2009 8:14pm by LockeColeMA

Edit5: If this was like a game, it would be like Solitaire. Not only would you need to have all the right choices you made, you would need luck to have the situation line up correctly each time. Take the game in the game shop with Ooishi and the kids. The odds of getting three snake eyes in a row is like... what, 1/280ish? Assuming the dice are not loaded. Even barring that, Akasaka listening in the past to Rika's warning, and Tomitake/Takano requesting additional support are each at best 50/50. Granted, Rika has relived this for over 100 cumulative years, but this kind of luck is sooooo fantastically improbable. Like Solitaire, you wouldn't know if you were going to lose when you deal the cards, even if you do everything "right." I HATE games like that. Especially since this is just episode 7 in the season, I feel it will all end up terribly. Inviso-girl has it right: the more you hope, the harder it is after. Fingers crossed!

Edited, Oct 7th 2009 8:26pm by LockeColeMA

Edit6: If I made a +1 each time I updated, I'd have enough posts to make Jophiel jealous! One thing that wasn't explained (or I missed it): what change made Shion come to school with the rest of the kids? Or is it just the luck of the draw (in some worlds she does and in some worlds she doesn't?)

Edited, Oct 7th 2009 8:38pm by LockeColeMA

Edit7: I just realized this is called the "Massacre" arc. That sure doesn't sound hopeful.

Edited, Oct 7th 2009 8:55pm by LockeColeMA

Edit8: Oh, crux of the problem.
Rika: It's not easy to save Satoko.

No kidding! Well, honestly, one casualty isn't THAT bad...

Edited, Oct 7th 2009 10:17pm by LockeColeMA

Edit9: Episode 11. That decides it. Tomitake-san really needs a freaking break. I'm cosplaying as him for Halloween.

Edited, Oct 8th 2009 12:09am by LockeColeMA

Edit10 (and final, for tonight):
HOLY ANSWERS, Batman! I hated her freaking stoner eyes from the beginning!

Edited, Oct 8th 2009 12:16am by LockeColeMA
#42 Oct 07 2009 at 9:55 PM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Also, did anyone else think to themselves after a dozen episodes "Why does Mion have a shoulder holster with some sort of gun (probably water or a taser) in it?" I just thought that to myself. Took 31 episodes, but... wtf?

I noticed that in the first arc. It's an airsoft gun, according to TVTropes.

Edit9: Episode 11. That decides it. Tomitake-san really needs a freaking break. I'm cosplaying as him for Halloween.

Now that you've stated it on the boards, you have to post pics. You know the rules. Smiley: grin

Edited, Oct 7th 2009 11:56pm by Poldaran
#43 Oct 08 2009 at 4:32 AM Rating: Good
12,049 posts
The One and Only Poldaran wrote:
Also, did anyone else think to themselves after a dozen episodes "Why does Mion have a shoulder holster with some sort of gun (probably water or a taser) in it?" I just thought that to myself. Took 31 episodes, but... wtf?

I noticed that in the first arc. It's an airsoft gun, according to TVTropes.

Ah... that makes more sense. I guess. I think she uses it... once? Still a little odd. I guess no one calls her on it because of her family.

Edit9: Episode 11. That decides it. Tomitake-san really needs a freaking break. I'm cosplaying as him for Halloween.

Now that you've stated it on the boards, you have to post pics. You know the rules. Smiley: grin

Edited, Oct 7th 2009 11:56pm by Poldaran

Hahaha, I guess so! The outfit shouldn't be hard, actually; it's basically a military outfit. I have a green hat already, and green pants that will suffice. I'd need a tight dark green sleeveless shirt, dog tags, boots, and to figure out how to get and put some little pouches on the side of my belt. I have a camera that I'd use; it isn't like his (since it's 1983, it's an old Kodak; mine is a cheap digital camera from Wal-Mart), but I'd have to get a strap for it and paint it black for it to work. My hair isn't long enough, but his isn't long enough to warrant a wig. I already wear glasses.

I also figure a generous amount of fake blood for my neck and hands will work :-P

Edit: The shirt is actually a dark enough green to let me get away with a black version, I think. I'm using these pictures as a model Looks like I need a watch as well.

Edited, Oct 8th 2009 8:35am by LockeColeMA
#44 Oct 09 2009 at 6:47 AM Rating: Good
12,049 posts
I don't know if I like season 2. I mean, I do... but there's NO mystery compared to season 1. It's weird. I enjoy that the characters now seem to have a fighting chance, but part of me misses the horror when everyone goes insane for seemingly no reason. I'm 15 episodes through season 2 right now, and the most recent episodes talk about Takano's past. I still feel like there's some missing information year, but everything seems to be winding down. There's a lot more talk than action.
#45 Oct 10 2009 at 7:41 AM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts
Episode 22 of season 2. The series is winding down. Akasaka rocks.
#46 Oct 10 2009 at 1:37 PM Rating: Good
12,049 posts
Ok, finished the series (except for the "Rei" season, which I believe is just light-hearted fun asides).

Spoilers ahoy!

Tanako is the "main" bad guy. I use "main" because she is actually funded by a division of "Tokyo," and we never learn which of them are the ones behind it. The entire thing is wrapped up well in the last 8 or so episodes. All the major lose ends are closed. Satoshi was NOT killed, but was affected by the terminal symptoms, which in turn affected his brain. They don't explain why he wasn't dissected, but I'm guessing Irie stopped it. Tomitake FINALLY lives. No one dies in the last episode, not even Tanako, who is taken in to be treated. At the end of the final episode some lady who looks like a grown-up Rika warns the child Tanako about the accident her parents will be in. Tanako chooses to die, but I guess by her being there, both her parents and her survive it or something. That part wasn't really wrapped up well.

Thoughts overall: I enjoyed the first season more. I REALLY liked the ending of season 1, even if it isn't the best ending (Tomitake dies, and it is implied Rika does as well, and thus everyone dies). Season 1 has a lot more action and a bunch more freaky stuff going on. In fact, since in the ending no one dies, I actually felt the ending coasted to a stop, as opposed to having an epic conclusion. I kinda felt like the ending was watching an anime version of Home Alone. Somehow the kids survive against people who should have killed them several times over.

The series is a great murder mystery, and completely f*cked up in some of the first season's episodes. I feel like it would make an awesome game to play. While season 2 wraps it all up, it took away from the mystery and was a bit of a let down.

A couple of things not explained:
1. How/why do Mion and Rena have the level 5 virus to infect Keiichi at the end of episode 4, season 1? And why do they stop going psycho once they inject him? The closest answer I can find is that Keiichi is already showing Level 5 symptoms due to his stress level and imagines everything that happens with Rena and Mion, including them injecting him with the virus.
2. Why does Rika have the virus at the end of the Shion-is-evil arc? She tries to inject Shion, but it never explains, in my mind, where she got the syringe. It's POSSIBLE that it isn't the virus in the syringe, but it seems implied that it is.
3. Was everything just REALLY lucky at the end? I mean, it seems like a lot of the choices made aren't made by the main characters, but happen on a whim of the side characters.
4. Not a big question, but what happens to Keiichi at the end of the Satoko arc? He's the sole survivor. Later both Satoko's end and Rena's future are explained. Actually, in that same idea, why do Rena/Satoko/Keiichi, in separate worlds, survive the effects of Rika's death?

That's really about it. Nothing big is left over.
#47 Oct 13 2009 at 10:31 AM Rating: Good
1,162 posts
(except for the "Rei" season, which I believe is just light-hearted fun asides).

Only the first one. Episode 2-3-4 actually give a lot of answers about Hanyuu and her relation with Rika.

You should watch them.

#48 Oct 13 2009 at 2:31 PM Rating: Good
16,959 posts

Edited, Oct 13th 2009 2:32pm by Kirby
MyAnimeList FFXIV Krystal Spoonless
#49 Oct 13 2009 at 2:38 PM Rating: Good
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feelz wrote:
(except for the "Rei" season, which I believe is just light-hearted fun asides).

Only the first one. Episode 2-3-4 actually give a lot of answers about Hanyuu and her relation with Rika.

You should watch them.


Is the constant Ni-pah-ing just like a cutesy thing to do, like the de'su's (what the heck? Why the hell is de'su censored?)? I figure it is, but didn't know if it translated to something like "I'm gonna kill you all! Ni-pah!"

Edited, Oct 13th 2009 4:38pm by LockeColeMA

Edit: lol
Moar importantly, DESU is also a grammatical meme that gets spammed ALL THE FUCKING TIME on the *chans by newfags, oldfags, and everyfags upon exposure to the /b/tarded brain like some kind of viral Tourette's Syndrome bug. After its introduction into lexicon of the Chanese people in 2006, prominent lulzologists quickly concluded that you can nevar have too much DESU and thus, everything needs moar DESU.

Edited, Oct 13th 2009 4:40pm by LockeColeMA
#50 Oct 13 2009 at 3:14 PM Rating: Good
Repressed Memories
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LockeColeMA wrote:
Is the constant Ni-pah-ing just like a cutesy thing to do, like the de'su's

#51 Oct 14 2009 at 2:59 AM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
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LockeColeMA wrote:
Why the hell is de'su censored?)?

Talk to Usagi. If he wasn't the one whose shenanigans got that word censored, it's likely he knows who did.
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