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Top 5 Favorite Anime Fight Scenes? (Possible Spoilers)Follow

#1 Aug 22 2009 at 12:18 AM Rating: Good
2,499 posts
What's yours?

For me I'm not sure if I can really number these because they all are so well done, but here is what mine would consist of:

Naruto vs Sauske (Naruto): I know I'm probably going to get a lot of Smiley: rolleyes for this one, but this fight really was well done and well animated. In fact, I would go as far to say that it is probably the single most well animated episode of the entire Naruto series. At least up until the next episode where Sauske decides to transform into a drag queen gargoyle.

Spike vs Vincent (Cowboy Bebop Movie): I hardly remember this movie, but this fight scene still sticks out in my mind, which has to mean something. I think this fight really showed that Spike is deadly with or without a gun.

Asuka vs Eva Series (End of Evangelion): This is hands down the best scene in the entire Evangelion series. Asuka not only defeats an entire battalion, but goes on to hand other Eva Units their asses all under to what I believe was 3 minutes. Unfortunately, this fight doesn't necessarily end well for Asuka, but because of it this fight has one of the more powerful scenes in Evangelion.

Takamura Mamoru vs Brian Hawk (Hajime No Ippo: New Challenger): At first instead of putting this I was going to put Ippo vs Sendo (championship fight), but the animation and quality of this fight is just so well done, it just begs to be mentioned. The build up for this match was just so big and when it finally happened it just pulls you in and never lets go. Everything about this fight is on point and there really isn't much I can say about it outside of just recommending watching it. Oh, and it also has one of the most awesome knock downs in the entire series.

Wrath vs Gluttony (Full Metal Alchemist Movie): A kid with a metal arm and leg fights an overweight tentacle monster that wants to eat everything. Also, his tentacles have faces of his face. What more do you need?
#2 Aug 23 2009 at 7:51 PM Rating: Excellent
139 posts
Gene Starwind vs. Twilight Suzuka - The fall of an assassin has never been so sexy.

Spike Spiegal vs. Vicious - As stated above. It was a literal climax in animated form. The entire series culminated in that one assault.

Son Goku, Piccolo vs. Raditz - The Dragonball Z: Abridged series summed it up the best. "Do you really think we can beat him, Piccolo?" "That depends. Can you get him in a full nelson?"

Kenpachi Zaraki vs. Nnoitra Jiruga - The absolute epitome of overzealous, unchecked masculinity pouring out over four episodes. The scene where Nnoitra falls back and accidentally pulls off Kenpachi's eyepatch, and Kenpachi's subsequent blank expression was priceless.

Light Yagami vs. L - Not even the actual physical contact they had during their handcuff phase. The rivalry between L and Light was what drove the first half of the series. They say fencing is more about the art and sport of the fight. That was a duel of wits.
#3 Aug 24 2009 at 2:42 AM Rating: Decent
It's Just a Flesh Wound
22,702 posts
Son Goku, Piccolo vs. Raditz - The Dragonball Z: Abridged series summed it up the best. "Do you really think we can beat him, Piccolo?" "That depends. Can you get him in a full nelson?"

Smiley: lolSmiley: laughSmiley: lol Thanks for that, now I have to watch the entire thing again.
Dear people I don't like: 凸(●´―`●)凸
#4 Aug 24 2009 at 7:06 AM Rating: Decent
At this point, I really can't think of five really memorable fight scenes.

Kuchiki Byakuya vs Kurosaki Ichigo in Bleach chapters 164 to 167. His first time in Bankai state against the one person who couldn't imagine him ever being able to achieve it. After that Aizen goes rogue and the series never really got to the same interesting level again (imo anyway, it's still fun to read though!).

Rurouni Kenshin: Trust and Betrayal - the endfight on the mountain is one truly memorable scene. The OVA as a whole is memorable too though.

Naruto vs Pain should be great too, but it's not in the anime as yet, so it doesn't count I suppose.

Ghost in the Shell II: end of innocence - The 'fight' scene when Batou and Togusa enter a mansion outside the city to find information about the whole ghost affair and are attacked mentally, trying to confuse them about what really is happening.
#5 Aug 27 2009 at 4:53 PM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
Any gunfight in Grenadier (admittedly not for the actual fighting ...) was definitely at the top of my list for favorite anime fight scenes, but honestly I don't remember fight scenes all that well. The fights involving Kenpachi in Bleach were worthwhile, as well. Oh, and Neji versus Hinata in Naruto made me love Hinata a whole lot.

Edited, Aug 27th 2009 8:55pm by lolgaxe
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#6 Aug 27 2009 at 5:59 PM Rating: Excellent
5 ones that haven't been mentioned that are badass and deserve watching:

Twelve Kingdoms, where an entire army realizes they were fighting their Empress. (20,000 men ******** their pants and bowing all at once was a beautiful sight.)

Revolutionary Girl Utena, the fight between Utena and Akio, whereupon Anthy stabs her best friend in the back, quite literally.

X/1999 The Movie. *beheading* FUUUUUUUUUMAAAAAAA!

Basara (manga), Tatara vs the Red King, when they discover that they are known to each other as Sarasa and Shuri and they've been lovers for 20 volumes. He tries to commit suicide, she ends up miscarrying his child.

Shaman King, Yoh vs Hao. Wonder Twin powers, activate!
#7 Aug 28 2009 at 4:30 AM Rating: Excellent
12,065 posts
I whole-heartedly agree with End of Evangelion (I love the fan-made video set to Prodigy more than I should, haha). Also, some of the fight scenes in Hellsing kick ***...I'm especially fond of Alucard vs. Anderson scene.

“It has always been the prerogative of children and half-wits to point out that the emperor has no clothes. But a half-wit remains a half-wit, and the emperor remains an emperor.”
― Neil Gaiman, The Sandman, Vol. 9: The Kindly Ones
#8 Aug 28 2009 at 11:16 AM Rating: Decent
23 posts
Top 5 fight scenes...
Man, this is gunna be a toughie.

In no particular order:

Wing Zero vs Epyon - my first Gundam series and to this day one of my favorite mecha battles. While the end of Gundam Wing's battle was quite enjoyable, my favorite fight between Heero and Zex was when Epyon was in Heero's care and Zex was piloting Wing Zero with the Zero System. GREAT stuff.

Kamui vs Fuma - X/1999 a true classic in all its forms (manga, movie, and series). While I prefer the results of the movie, the battle itself was quite enjoyable in the series. Possibly a tie as far as battle scenes go, with the exception of Kamui's "field" in the series.

Goku vs Vegeta - the pure competition between a low level and The Prince has always been enjoyable for me, especially once the truly uncut editions came to dvd. While the flashing lights and explosions of SSJ1+ forms are great, the first encounter between these two during the Saiyan Saga is arguably the best.

Yusuke Urameshi vs Shinobu Sensui - Spirit Detective vs Spirit Detective gone insane. From life as a mortal teen to inheriting his demon side. The first and last fights between these two is just simply amazing.

Lucy vs Nana @ Cemetery (Elfen Lied) - intense. Great series.

#9 Aug 29 2009 at 12:24 PM Rating: Good
1,252 posts
In no particular order: (SPOILER ALERT!)

Tamaki vs whats her face (totally forgot her name lol) (Bamboo Blade)
This fight was relatively short, but it was when Tamaki was locked in the equipment shed by her opponents friends and then hurt her ankle when running to the match. Once she realized that the girl cheated she totally pwned her. Probably one of my favorites since I also do Kendo and had to fight people when injured. Plus watching a little girls kiai shake an entire building is cool too XD

Kenich vs Kannou Shou (History's strongest disciple Kenichi *manga*
This is probably Kenichi's hardest battle in the entire series thus far. Very epic fight is all that I can say about it (that and I wish the anime went this far)

Clare vs Rigaldo (Claymore)
The one who is deemed the weakest becomes the strongest and pwns face, classic reason to love this fight. Plus I love the fact that there really wasn't a plan or a strategy when she won...just go berserk and keep slashing till your enemy is literally in pieces....

Light vs L (Death Note)
As was said before, a battle of wits and intelligence is sometimes better than a physical one.

Black Star vs Mifune round 3 (Soul Eater *Manga*)
This is probably Black star at his best in which he actually kills Mifune. He also gets pretty messed up himself.
#10 Aug 29 2009 at 12:46 PM Rating: Decent
catwho, pet mage of Jabober wrote:

Basara (manga), Tatara vs the Red King, when they discover that they are known to each other as Sarasa and Shuri and they've been lovers for 20 volumes. He tries to commit suicide, she ends up miscarrying his child.

Wait, what? Smiley: eek

That's pretty freaky to be honest.

Great, now I just have to read it!
Smiley: grin
#11 Aug 31 2009 at 9:02 PM Rating: Good
Yep, its almost all released in English too, although you'll have to order it from the bookstore since it wasn't popular enough to be kept in stock (it's like 30 volumes.)

Or just get it off BakaBT.

Edited, Sep 1st 2009 1:22am by catwho
#12 Sep 05 2009 at 8:15 PM Rating: Decent
10,359 posts
The Ed/Greed fight was one of the few episodes of FMA that I kept on my old hard drive when I was deleting things for space.

The Kenshin/Soujirou fight was another. It was highly superior to the finale in my opinion. Another memorable fight would be with that guy who collected swords whose name I don't remember, because Kenshin had to do that entire fight with only a scabbard

Suzaku vs Kallen, at the end of R2

Every single fight in Avatar, but if I had to pick among several, I'd go with Katara vs Zuko at the end of the book of water, or maybe just the entire episode really.

Jack and the Scotsman, from Samurai Jack.

I guess the last two aren't technically anime, but they need to be mentioned anyway.
#13 Sep 05 2009 at 10:04 PM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
catwho, pet mage of Jabober wrote:
Twelve Kingdoms, where an entire army realizes they were fighting their Empress. (20,000 men sh*tting their pants and bowing all at once was a beautiful sight.)

That part was freaking awesome.
#14 Sep 06 2009 at 8:02 AM Rating: Good
Every single fight in Avatar, but if I had to pick among several, I'd go with Katara vs Zuko at the end of the book of water, or maybe just the entire episode really.

Zuko vs Azula in the finale was probably the prettiest fight in the series. Picking the best choreographed fight is much harder.

Honourable mention to the arena bit in Kino's Journey. If you've watched it you'll know what I mean.
#15 Sep 09 2009 at 8:43 AM Rating: Decent
1,150 posts
Lessee. I've barely seen more than maybe a dozen anime, so I may not get five but here goes:

Spike/Vicious - Cowboy Bebop - not much that hasn't already been said. The only thing I didn't like was the fact that Spike dies

Sailor Senshi/Queen Metalla (sp?) - BSSM - First season ending (uncut version) Watching all the Senshi die one by one then seeing their spirits lend power to Usagi was just really touching.

Ending Game - Princess Nine Ok, not exactly a fight, per se., but this had so much emotional tension and drama. I loved it. It was also the first time an ending took me completely by surprise. Very bittersweet ending.

That's all I can think of right now. Yea, I go for the emotional stuffs.
#16 Sep 13 2009 at 9:46 AM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
Every single space battle in Macross. (or row-boat tech for the uninitiated heathans)

Arch Duke Kaolian Drachensborn, lvl 95 Ranger, Unrest Server
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#17 Sep 18 2009 at 12:44 AM Rating: Default
Spoiler warning!

The fight in the Buddha temple (Gantz) - An intense fight where the main character and his friends plus others goes in to fight an alien infestation like they have done before, except a bloodbath later, so many of the important characters whom you've been watching from the start gets killed. Totally unexpected.

The Northern Campaign (Claymore) - Even before the battles, the Claymore team leaders already realised they were sent on an impossible suicide mission. Their first fight with 3 Awakened Being scouts (20 Claymores against the 3 scouts) proved extremely difficult and they barely won. Half of the Claymore fighters proved too weak to be of any use, in fact. Feeling hopeless and depressed, some of the main characters encouraged the more frightened ones, talking about teamwork, doing their best and helping each other to overcome their challenges, cheering them up. Then when the battle against the Awakened Being army started, those very girls who had only just begun to build up their courage get ripped to shreds. The battle was intense, especially when Rigaldo arrived and killed the strongest Claymore captains one by one within seconds.

I guess the stark harshness of these fights really gave me an impression, not like many other anime fights where you'll expect the good guys to always survive the fight.

Edited, Sep 18th 2009 4:46am by McGame
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