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#252 May 13 2010 at 9:09 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Belkira the Tulip wrote:
The only thing I'm a little tired of is the random people that we don't hear anything about in the club. The random black guy and the "other Asian."

I call them the seat-fillers since they seem to exist only to make the club look larger. According to Flea, they're there because they're trained dancers for the performance parts. Supposedly Brittany and Santana were brought on for the same reason but they started getting some speaking roles and filled out from there. Flea reads infinitely more blogs and articles about TV shows than I do so I'll take her word for it.

After the last couple episodes, I skipped this one because I was tired of wasting hour blocks of my life on bad episodes. Sounds as though this one was good so I guess I'll watch it online. Heck, if the show stays inconsistent, I might make that my method of doing things -- wait for the ones with good buzz and catch them after the fact while skipping the duds.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#253 May 13 2010 at 4:23 PM Rating: Decent
Vataro wrote:
And I love Pigtails for making a Birdcage reference. Nathan Lane + Robin Williams = gold.

Heh heh, you're very welcome! It's one of my favorite movies. I know Nathan Lane is gay irl, but seeing him play gay is just so funny. Especially a gay drag queen. I think my favorite part in that movie is when he tries to back up the car and he screams like a girl. I die laughing every time I watch it.

Santana can sing for sure, I just thought the solo was kind of blah other than being funny. I was pretty excited when I figured out what song they were singing though. Yay nostalgia! That song came out when I was in high school.

Hell I'd love it if they'd give more background information on more of the characters. We know pretty much nothing about Artie or Tina and their parents. All we know about Mercedes is that her dad's a dentist. And yeah, give the poor other black kid and other asian kid some freaking lines! I get so tired of them panning to their faces once or twice an episode during rehearsal to get their reaction of what's going on, but they never get any lines. It's lame.

And Britney, yeah she's definitely cute. If she wanted to make out I would totally be up for it. And I'm guessing she would be considering some of the lines between her and Santana lol.
#254 May 13 2010 at 5:42 PM Rating: Good
3,829 posts
Well, next week is the Joss Whedon-directed episode guest starring Neil Patrick Harris. You really just can't go wrong there.
#255 May 13 2010 at 9:34 PM Rating: Good
10,564 posts
I can't wait!
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#256 May 14 2010 at 4:53 AM Rating: Good
Yeah it looks like it'll be pretty awesome. Perhaps even more epic than the Madonna episode. We can only hope. Smiley: grin
#257 May 18 2010 at 11:07 PM Rating: Good
3,829 posts
"Dream On" (the musical number itself, I mean) was nothing but hotness. I love guys rocking out. I mean, really. Sorry, NPH, but Matt Morrison can outsing you. Note to Ryan Murphy: less rap for Morrison, more classic rock. And how!

Artie and Tina have no chemistry. Yeah, I said it. Artie is great. Tina bores me.

Not buying the Rachel/Shelby connection. I think there's an angle, still. It's been telegraphed since before Idina Menzel even signed on to do the guest spot, with EVERYONE talking about her physical resemblance to Lea Michele. Too obvious.

Pretty much no Finn tonight. Definitely a plus. Can we please have another Rachel/Jessie duet or two before the season is over? I mean, honestly, what's the point of bringing on an age-appropriate guy who can do Lea Michele's voice justice and then barely letting him sing?

NPH. Sue. Anger sex. *izdedfromlaffing*

Probably the best part of the whole thing, though, was the homage to the Glee flash mobs that have been occurring around the world. Awesome.
#258 May 19 2010 at 9:55 AM Rating: Good
I haven't seen it yet, but I'm excited to watch it tonight. I loves me some Neil Patrick Harris. He's hot.

I heard that Matt Morrison and Lea Michele are dating. That makes me sad, and a little sick. I know she's not really in high school, and he's not really her teacher, but still. I can't shake that image out of my head.
#259 May 19 2010 at 10:50 AM Rating: Good
12,049 posts
Belkira the Tulip wrote:
I haven't seen it yet, but I'm excited to watch it tonight. I loves me some Neil Patrick Harris. He's hot.

I heard that Matt Morrison and Lea Michele are dating. That makes me sad, and a little sick. I know she's not really in high school, and he's not really her teacher, but still. I can't shake that image out of my head.

Sounds like it's a rumor. Also, she looks TERRIBLE in that picture.
#260 May 19 2010 at 12:14 PM Rating: Good
3,829 posts
BTW, one of the many reasons I adore the little bonus webisode from whence my sig originates is because of the irony of Jane Lynch talking about NPH being gay and playing straight. Last night's "anger sex" scene had me ROFL just for that alone.

Actually, this show has several gay actors playing straight characters.
#261 May 19 2010 at 4:43 PM Rating: Good
12,049 posts
Best episode this season so far, hands down.


1. NPH is always a hoot
2. Piano Man is an awesome song, and the lack of autotuning for once was appreciated.
3. High notes in Dream On.
4. Anger Sex.
5. Glee flash mob.
6. Fantastic duet with the girls, and I'm a blind idiot so I must have been the only person in the world to NOT see that twist coming.
7. Finally a step back from Finn. I felt like they HAD to give him a line at the end, just to remind us all he was there.


1. Too much autotuning on NPH in the regular notes in Dream On.
2. Artie's emoplosion.
3. I don't care for tap-dancing.
4. Tina isn't all that much of an actress.
#262 May 20 2010 at 3:27 AM Rating: Good
I do find it a bit odd that the actress who plays Tina has been in several Broadway productions, because as you guys say, she's really not that great of an actress. She's not terrible, but not anything super. Maybe it's just that she hasn't been given enough material to really show off her acting chops, I'm not sure. So far my favorite part that she's done was the scene in the Madonna episode where she explodes on Artie and talks about her emerging feminism. I loved that!

Tuesday's episode was okay. Honestly I was a bit disappointed as I expected the NPH episode to be really great and it just wasn't. I enjoyed it, I guess I was just expecting more. Although the part with the Vocal Adrenaline coach being Rachel's bio mom did catch me off guard. If I had known that was the actress everyone had talked about looking so much like Lea, I wouldn't have, but the only other thing I've seen her in is Enchanted, so that's what I associated with her lol.
#263 May 20 2010 at 4:54 AM Rating: Excellent
18,463 posts
I'd have to watch it again and post my thoughts after. I was getting into it when I had to take a detour to discipline Jr. and after that I was in and out. I did think I saw Quinn in the mall dream sequence, though. They never showed her face close up, but you could tell it was her.

Santana and Brittany were also in it, as was Mike the Asian kid.
#264 May 21 2010 at 5:56 AM Rating: Good
10,564 posts
I agree with Locke; I really enjoyed the episode. Plus, I love me some Aerosmith. And Billy Joel! I just wish NPH had gotten another song :(.
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#265 May 25 2010 at 8:26 PM Rating: Good
10,564 posts
Another very enjoyable episode. I enjoyed the Gaga (I'd never actually listened to her songs before today, and while their rendition of Poker Face was kinda meh, Bad Romance is an enjoyable song), enjoyed the Kiss, and the other songs weren't bad either.

As for next week...

Next week's episode looks... terrible. Maybe in a good way, maybe not. But I'm frightened.

On a side note, does anyone know how many more episodes we have this "season"?
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#266 May 25 2010 at 8:41 PM Rating: Good
12,049 posts
Surprised at how much I liked the episode; I love Gaga's music, but I think the woman herself is a freak and her music videos often border on snuff films. Burt's speech was amazingly good: I kept looking at the FOX symbol in the lower right-hand corner of the screen, and going "What!? FOX is LIBERAL NOW!?" I eventually realized FOX =/= FOX news, and it made more sense.

Music, I liked Bad Romance, and was really surprised at Poker Face; I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would. My parents really loved Beth, although I had never heard the song myself. Funny Girl at the beginning had me excited, because I did the play in high school, but I didn't recognize or care for the song. KISS has always been Meh to me, but it wasn't bad.

Also, hey, Santana sang in this episode. Nifty! And her outfit... /drool

And am I alone in thinking Quinn is amazingly attractive? I certainly hope not!

Next week looks like it could be a mixed bag, but it will have Sue in it, which is the only thing this one really lacked.
#267 May 25 2010 at 9:09 PM Rating: Good
10,564 posts

Next week looks like it could be a mixed bag, but it will have Sue in it, which is the only thing this one really lacked.

Frankly, and I can't believe I'm saying this, I didn't even notice until after the episode. And Sue is one of my favorite characters! =O
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#268 May 26 2010 at 12:03 AM Rating: Good
3,829 posts
Okay. Burt Hummel is the best, most awesome character in the history of EVER. His going off on Finn just had me absolutely RIVETED. Absolutely amazing.

The covers of the Lady Gaga music were "meh" but the theme really didn't bother me, which surprises me because I was anticipating it being the other way around. I think it's because of the fact that, while the ep was Lady Gaga-themed, it's wasn't EXCLUSIVELY Lady Gaga, like it was with the Madonna-themed episode. There was enough varied stuff in there (though, the KISS number was really, REALLY lackluster) that it didn't feel like contrived songs were being shoe-horned into the narrative (well, at least no moreso than usual.)

Puck arms. Arms of Puck. It's a good thing I know that Mark Salling is 27, because otherwise I'd feel horribly pervy being as turned on by his physique as I am.

Kurt remains brilliant, and brilliantly acted, but I really need to keep reminding myself that, as Burt pointed out, yes, he's only 16. I keep wanting to shake him and tell him to be rational about his expectations where Finn is concerned, but of course, at that age, there IS no such thing as rational restraint. I want him to feel free to express himself and be who he is, but clearly he needs to learn to respect Finn's boundaries and not try to force Finn to be someone he's not.

More hints of Puck's ooey-gooey soft center under all that bad-boy exterior and attitude. The fact that he has fathered a child--even if that child is going to be given up for adoption--SHOULD affect him emotionally. Glad to see that happening.

I'm deeply disturbed by Idina Menzel's jawline. Which I don't think is probably all that bad, actually, but on this show they appear to be determined to film her from an angle that makes her jaw look absolutely deformed. WTF?

Puck singing. Yes, yes. More of that, yes please.

Finn. I'm conflicted. If you'd asked me before the hiatus, I'd have called him the least interesting character on the show. That has changed, to an extent. When he was being pursued by everyone and just haplessly coasting along allowing life to happen TO HIM, I couldn't have cared less. Around the time that he actually turned around and started pursuing Rachel, though, I perked up. Now he kinda vacillates between being an uninteresting, wishy-washy schmuck and being a fairly decent guy with a respectable amount of backbone. I WANT to condemn Finn 100% for what happened in that scene with Kurt tonight, but I can't. Kurt was pushing too hard, and Finn was already backed into a corner by peer pressure. And the character is still too young to react in a mature and reasoned manner in a situation like that. Of course he came out swinging. I found his reaction quite realistic. Tragic and awful, but realistic.

Holy mother of God ARMS OF PUCK. I'll be in my bunk

In answer to the question earlier, I believe we have two more episodes. This second half of the season was referred to as the "back 9." "Sectionals" was episode 13, tonight was episode 20. So...two more eps.

Edited, May 25th 2010 11:04pm by Ambrya
#269 May 26 2010 at 7:07 PM Rating: Decent
@#%^ing DRK
13,143 posts
Ok, still watching it but I had to pause it a minute to come and say how awful I thought the first Gaga song was. Probably the worst performance I've seen to date on the show.
#270 May 26 2010 at 9:48 PM Rating: Good
5,684 posts
Belkira the Tulip wrote:
I loves me some Neil Patrick Harris. He's hot.

You can't have him, he is one of ours.

#271 May 27 2010 at 4:06 AM Rating: Good
Re: Idina Menzel's jawline... You're not the only one. The only other thing I've seen her in is Enchanted, and that was the first thing I thought when she came on screen. I'm not normally a fan of criticizing people's looks, but her jaw is freakishly defined. Even if she was a man, her jaw would still be way too sharp. On a woman it looks even more ridiculous.

I really enjoyed the episode. Not my favorite, but it was still very enjoyable. I liked the Bad Romance number so much, I'm actually downloading Lady Gaga's dual disc album right now. I haven't been much of a Gaga fan prior to this, but the episode won me over.

Loved the scene between Kurt, Burt and Finn. Great acting, and it had a great message too. My bf's reaction was pretty damn funny too. He turned to me and said, "I don't know what that guy's problem is, that place is a chick magnet!"

I also really enjoyed the story between Shelby and Rachel. Very heartfelt, and it was something I could relate to since I'm adopted myself. I've never met my mother, and I have a Mom, so I couldn't completely relate to it, but still.

And the costumes were freaking awesome. Tina's was awesome with the bubbles, but I particularly loved Santana's, Britney's and Quinn's. Santana's was just freaking OMG sexy, and Britney and Quinn's were awesome.
#272 May 27 2010 at 5:31 AM Rating: Good
10,564 posts

I really enjoyed the episode. Not my favorite, but it was still very enjoyable. I liked the Bad Romance number so much, I'm actually downloading Lady Gaga's dual disc album right now. I haven't been much of a Gaga fan prior to this, but the episode won me over.

Yea, I've actually had Bad Romance stuck in my head since the episode. I really enjoyed it.
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#273 May 27 2010 at 9:04 AM Rating: Excellent
PigtailsOfDoom the Eccentric wrote:
Loved the scene between Kurt, Burt and Finn. Great acting, and it had a great message too.

I thought the whole episode had a great message. My husband and I were talking about how they always put the bullying in a silly light (the nerds lining up to be dumped in a trash can and the camera following the slushy around like Jaws) and we really liked how they made it more real in this episode. It showed it as the actual problem that it is instead of a silly high school thing that isn't a big deal.

PigtailsOfDoom the Eccentric wrote:
I also really enjoyed the story between Shelby and Rachel. Very heartfelt, and it was something I could relate to since I'm adopted myself. I've never met my mother, and I have a Mom, so I couldn't completely relate to it, but still.

Call me cynical, but I'm still not sure I believe she's her mom. I'm still not convinced that it's not some ploy. I won't be surprised if next week, something about this comes back up. The previews showed Jessie on stage with Vocal Adrenaline, so Rachel will have to feel some betrayal from him and her mom about that.

And Santana can freaking sing. They need to give her a song, her own song, not just some part of a song or a duet, dammit.


Re: Idina Menzel's jawline... You're not the only one. The only other thing I've seen her in is Enchanted, and that was the first thing I thought when she came on screen.

Not to defend her jawline or anything, but she's pretty big on Broadway. She was one of the main cast members of the original Broadway "Rent," was in the motion picture of "Rent," and she was Elphaba in "Wicked." I'm a big fan of hers, and was excited to see her on Glee. Smiley: smile I was also ticked when I saw her in "Enchanted," but was sad she had such a small part, and was surprised she didn't do any singing.

Edited, May 27th 2010 11:18am by Belkira
#274 May 27 2010 at 10:20 AM Rating: Good
3,829 posts
PigtailsOfDoom the Eccentric wrote:

I really enjoyed the episode. Not my favorite, but it was still very enjoyable. I liked the Bad Romance number so much, I'm actually downloading Lady Gaga's dual disc album right now. I haven't been much of a Gaga fan prior to this, but the episode won me over.

Okay, so over on LJ, prior to last week's ep, I was grousing over the fact that there was going to be ANOTHER themed-ep and how I was sick of gimmicks and didn't get the appeal of Lady Gaga. Which was true, I'd tried listening to her first disc that Mr. Amb got from the library and just. didn't. get. it.

So, a friend says, "I'm a recent Gaga convert, let me provide you with some links and then you will get it." So I agreed, and she spammed me with a bunch of YouTube links to Lady Gaga's live appearances and acoustic performances, the stuff that ISN'T overproduced six ways from Sunday.


It was humbling, to say the least. The woman has amazing piano and vocal skills. Her recorded stuff is ridiculously overproduced, but her acoustic stuff is brilliant.

So, yeah. Now I get it.

#275 May 27 2010 at 12:14 PM Rating: Good
Belkira the Tulip wrote:

Re: Idina Menzel's jawline... You're not the only one. The only other thing I've seen her in is Enchanted, and that was the first thing I thought when she came on screen.

Not to defend her jawline or anything, but she's pretty big on Broadway. She was one of the main cast members of the original Broadway "Rent," was in the motion picture of "Rent," and she was Elphaba in "Wicked." I'm a big fan of hers, and was excited to see her on Glee. Smiley: smile I was also ticked when I saw her in "Enchanted," but was sad she had such a small part, and was surprised she didn't do any singing.

Edited, May 27th 2010 11:18am by Belkira

Oh yeah, I know she's big on Broadway. And the stage is much more forgiving of these sort of things than TV or movies is, because the audience isn't up in your face. In fact, the super defined jawline might even be a benefit for the stage, because it looks a normal amount of defined from the audience. Now that I've seen her on Glee, I'm rather surprised she didn't do any singing on Enchanted too. Amy Adams is a fine singer, but Idina just blows her out of the water. Although Idina's character in Enchanted was really annoying. She just wasn't likable at all.
#276 May 27 2010 at 12:52 PM Rating: Good
PigtailsOfDoom the Eccentric wrote:
Although Idina's character in Enchanted was really annoying. She just wasn't likable at all.

Really...? I found her rather endearing towards the end, at the ball and when she goes back to marry Prince Charming. Smiley: lol
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